STSO 15-16 Stage-1
STSO 15-16 Stage-1
STSO 15-16 Stage-1
= Fill the OMR sheet completely and carefully.
= Each question carries one mark and has only one correct answer. No negative marks
= The question paper contains 50 questions to be answered in 60 minutes.
1. Which of the following is the smallest, standard unit of length ? [ ]
1) Centimetre 2) Metre 3) Kilometre 4) Millimetre
2. 1 acre = __________ m2 [ ]
1) 4046 2) 4460 3) 4600 4) 5026
3. The force applied on moon by the earth is called ________ force [ ]
1) Contact 2) Non contact 3) Frictional 4) Mechanical
4. The area of leaf is measured by using [ ]
1) Scale 2) Thread 3) Graph paper 4) Burette
5. The unseen force which opposes the motion of object when it moves on the other body is called
________ force [ ]
1) Magnetic 2) Friction 3) Mechanical 4) Gravitational
6. Volume of a cube is calculated by multiplying its side [ ]
1) Two times 2) Four times 3) Three times 4) One time
7. A stored energy is called ________ energy [ ]
1) Potential 2) Kinetic 3) Both 1 and 2 4) None of these
8. Force can be measured in [ ]
1) kg 2) newton 3) meter 4) joule
9. Example for bodies possessing Potential energy ________ [ ]
1) Water stored in a dam 2) Flowing water
3) A rolling rock 4) A moving train
10. A kite flying in air has [ ]
1) Only potential energy 2) Only kinetic energy
3) Both kinetic and potential energy 4) Neither potential nor kinetic energy
11. One cubic metre is equal to : [ ]
1) 106 cc 2) 104 cc 3) 109 cc 4) 103 cc
12. When we rub our palms vigorously ________ energy is produced [ ]
1) Magnetic 2) Heat 3) Gravitational 4) Any of these
13. The energy transformation in lighting a match stick is from [ ]
1) Mechanical to Heat energy 2) Potential to Kinetic energy
3) Heat to Mechanical energy 4) Light to Heat energy 1
14. Simple pendulum is used to measure [ ]
1) Time 2) Length 3) Temperature 4) Force
15. A moving train is an example of possessing [ ]
1) Potential energy 2) Kinetic energy 3) Chemical energy 4) Nuclear energy
16. The gap between two events is called : [ ]
1) Length 2) Time 3) Area 4) Volume
17. Hydrogen is the lightest , most abundant element in the universe but in the earth's crust it is the
ninth most abundant element, the percentage of hydrogen of earth's weight is [ ]
1) 0.01% 2) 0.9% 3) 0.09% 4) 0.03%
18. The isotope of hydrogen which is used in nuclear reactors in the form of heavy water is
1) Protium 2) Deuterium 3) Tritium 4) all [ ]
19. Hydrogen gas can be prepared by electrolysis of acidified water. The Hydrogen gas is collected at
1) Cathode 2) Anode [ ]
3) top of electrolytic cell 4) all
20. Observe the experimental diagram carefully.
Delivery tube
gas X
Conical Gas Jar
flask 2
Process X
CuO+ H2 Cu+H2O
Process Y
In the above reaction, the property exhibited by Hydrogen is [ ]
1) Reduction 2) Oxidising property 3) Oxidation 4) Reducing property
25 Which of the following sets are correct in respective to discovery of oxygen [ ]
i) Priestly – Active air ii) Lavoisier – oxygen
iii) Oxygen means water former iv) Oxygen means acid former
1) i, ii, iii 2) i, ii, iii 3) i, ii, iv 4) all
26. The Latin name of the element Antimony is [ ]
1) Stannum 2) Stibium 3) Hydrargyrum 4) Wolfram
27. Al2(CO3)3 + x HNO3 → y Al(NO3)3 + z CO2 + 3H2O
Identify the value of x,y,z in balanced equation [ ]
1) x = 1, y = 6, z = 3 2) x = 3, y = 2, z = 3 3) x = 6, y = 2 ,z = 3 4) x = 6 , y = 3, z = 3
28. Choose the correct chemical formula formed by the higher valency of stannum and chloride
radicals [ ]
1) SnCl2 2) SnCl3 3) SnCl4 4) SnCl5
29. The symbols of three elements are written as Es, Rf, Bh. These elements are named in the honour
of scientists respectively [ ]
1) Albert Einstein, Rutherford , Neils Bohr 2) Albert Einstein, Neils Bohr , Rutherford
3) Neils Bohr, Ruther ford, Albert Einstein 4) Ruther ford, Neils Bohr, Albert Einstein
30. The correct symbols of the elements Gold , Mercury and Cobalt are respectively [ ]
1) Go, Me , Co 2) Au, Me, Co 3) Au, Hg, CO 4) Au, Hg, Co
31. A metal M forms a compound of its sulphide with a chemical formula M2S3 , then its oxide
formula is [ ]
1) M3O2 2) MO 3) M3O 4) M2O3
32. CaCO3(x) + 2HCl(y) → CaCl2(z)+H2O(l)+CO2(W)
Identify x,y,z, w respectively in the above equation with respective to their physical states
1) x – gas , y - liquid, z–aqueous , w–gas [ ]
2) x– solid, y– aqueous , z– aqueous, w – gas
3) x – aqueous , y – liquid , z – solid , w – gas
4) x - liquid , y - liquid ,z - aqueous , w - gas
33. The symbol of calcium is [ ]
1) CA 2) cA 3) ca 4) Ca
34. The symbols of few elements are given based on the places (or) countries where they were
discovered. Name the symbol of the element based on the country's name [ ]
1) Es 2) Am 3) Po 4) Cf 3
35. Picture of flower [ ]
Pistil is represented by
1) P, Q, R 3) S, T, U
2) R, S, T 4) P, R, S
36. Pollengrains are produced on [ ]
1) Stigma 2) Style 3) Anther 4) Sepal
37. Plants pollinated by wind produces [ ]
1) Large flowers 2) Small flowers
3) Do not produce pollen grains 4) Heavy flowers
38. Which of the following represents the life cycle of a plant [ ]
1) Fertilisation → Embryo → Zygote → Seed → Plant
2) Fertilisation → Zygote → Embryo → Seed → New plant
3) Zygote → Feritilisation → Embryo → Seed → New plant
4) Fertilisation → Seed → Zygote → Embryo → New plant
39. Name of the plant Part producing new plant [ ]
1) Potato P
2) Carrot Root
3) Bryophyllum R
P & R are from the above table are respectively
1) Root & Stem 2) Stem & Leaf 3) Root & Leaf 4) Root & Flower
40. Which of the following method you will select to produce more rose plants in your garden
1) Layering 2) Grafting [ ]
3) Cutting 4) Tissue culture
41. The following table shows the adaptions of an animal [ ]
MStrong legs MGood sense of smell
MSharp eye slight MBody colour matching surroundings
Identify the animal which shows above adaptions
1) Camel 2) Bear 3) Deer 4) Yak
42. Hump of the camel stores [ ]
1) Proteins 2) Carbohydrates 3) Fats 4) All the above
43. Which of the following animals have more RBC to obtain more oxygen from the air [ ]
1) Polar bear 2) Penguin 3) Yak 4) Camel
44. Which of the following is not an adaptation of fish [ ]
1) Streamlined body 2) Presence of Fins 3) Presence of trachea 4) Presence of scales
45. Seeds with hooks or spines will disperse by [ ]
1) Birds & animals 2) Wind 3) Explosion 4) Water
46. Seeds of dandelion & milkweed disperse by [ ]
1) Birds & animals 2) Wind 3) Water 4) Explosion
47. This mechanism of dispersal is [ ]
1) Blowing
2) Bursting
3) Blooming
4) Explosion 4
48. List of seeds are given in this table [ ]
MCashew MWheat
MGround nut MMango
MRice MBean
Identify the seeds with single cotyledon
1) Groundnut & Mango 2) Rice & Cashew
3) Maize & Wheat 4) Bean & Mango
49. Which part of a germinating seed gives leaves [ ]
1) Radicle 2) Cotyledon 3) Seed coat 4) Plumula
50. Pollengrains produce, pollentube when they fall on [ ]
1) Style 2) Anther 3) Ovary 4) Stigma 5