●● When you have a variety of data sources use Azure Synapse Analytics for code-free ETL and data flow activities. ●● When you have a need to implement Machine Learning solutions using Apache Spark, use Azure Synapse Analytics for built-in support for AzureML. ●● When you have existing data stored on a data lake and need integration with the Data Lake and additional input sources, Azure Synapse Analytics provides seamless integration between the two. When management needs real-time analytics, you can use features like Azure Synapse Link to analyze in real-time and offer insights.
What kind of analytics can you do with Azure Synapse
Analytics? Following table shows the range of analytical types that Azure Synapse Analytics supports:
Analytics type Description
Descriptive analytics - "What is happening?" Azure Synapse Analytics leverages the dedicated SQL pool capability that enables you to create a persisted data warehouse to perform this type of analysis. You can also make use of the serverless SQL pool to prepare data from files stored in a data lake to create a data warehouse interactively. Diagnostic analytics - "Why is it happening?" You can use the serverless SQL pool capability within Azure Synapse Analytics that enables you to interactively explore data within a data lake. Serverless SQL pools can quickly enable a user to search for additional data that may help them to understand why questions. Predictive analytics - "What is likely to happen?" Azure Synapse Analytics uses its integrated Apache Spark engine and Azure Synapse Spark pools for predictive analytics with other services such as Azure Machine Learning Services, or Azure Databricks. Prescriptive analytics - "What needs to be done?" This type of analytics looks at executing actions based on real-time or near real-time analysis of data, using predictive analytics. Azure Synapse Analytics provides this capability through both Apache Spark, Azure Synapse Link, and by inte- grating streaming technologies such as Azure Stream Analytics.
When to choose Azure Data Factory over Azure Synapse
Analytics Let us look at some criteria that will help you decide when to pick Azure Data Factory solution over Azure Synapse Analytics. In the following table, the two solutions are compared against a set of criteria.
Ultimate Azure Synapse Analytics: Unlock the Full Potential of Azure Synapse Analytics to Seamlessly Integrate, Analyze, and Optimize Complex Data for Enhanced Business Insights and Decision-Making (English Edition)