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UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data



Roll No: 46

Semester V
Third Year

Artificial Intelligence &

Data Science
Artificial Intelligence
UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data
Vision: To become a globally Mission: To impart high-quality
recognized technical
institutionoffering quality education education to the students by
and enhancing professional providing an excellent academic
standards environment, well- equipped
laboratories and training through the
motivated teachers.
Vision: Mission:
•To provide problem solving and
To be globally recognized for analytical skill-based education to
contributing students that will enhance their
professional and ethical engineer in expertise in the field of AI & DS
the field of through industry collaboration &
Artificial intelligence & Data Science research.
wit •To develop skilled & ethical
h professional who are capable of
commitment to industry readiness providing AI & DS based solutions
and potential to societal challenges.
•To equip students for gaining
for research.
mastery in the art of
mathematical, computational and
modelling methodologies &
contribute towards innovation in
the field of AI & DS.
Program Educational Objectives Program Specific Outcomes
(PEO) (PSOs)
UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data
1. To Science
train the students in By the end of the educational
formulating, analyzing, designing experience our students will be able
and deploying real world problems to:
with a strong foundation in
Mathematics, scientific and 1. To analyse and apply
engineering fundamentals to meet mathematical, computational
the ever-increasing demand from and modelling methodologies
the AI and DS sector. related to Al and DS.

2. To build technical skills, soft skills 2. Implement Al and DS techniques

and competencies to such as data analytics, machine
collaboratively work in multi- learning, search algorithms,
disciplinary projects and diverse neural networks and design
professional activities. novel algorithms to solve
practical problems.
3. To equip graduates to contribute
3. Apply the acquired technical
ethically to the needs of society.
skills in the multi-disciplinary
areas of Al and DS such as health
4. To inculcate students with the
care, education, agriculture,
ability to engage in independent
intelligent transport,
and life-long learning in the context
environment, smart systems,
of technological changes.
UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data
Program Outcomes
(POs) Engineering Graduates will be able
1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of
complex engineering problems.
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze
complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first
principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering
problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs
with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural,
societal, and environmental considerations.
4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge
and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of
data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources,
and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex
engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge
to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent
responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional
engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the
knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities
and norms of the engineering practice.
9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member
or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities
with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to
comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective
presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and
understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to
one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in
multidisciplinary environments.
12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and
ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of
technological change.

Mapping of PSOs to POs:

PSO Number PO Number

PSO1 PO1, PO2, PO3
PSO2 PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO8, PO9, PO4, PO11, PO12
POS3 PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO8, PO9, PO4, PO11, PO12
UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data
Artificial Intelligence &Data Science
UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data

A Laboratory Journal for

Artificial Intelligence
Lab (CSC)
Semester V

Bachelor of
Technology (B.
Artificial Intelligence & Data
Science Department
Final Year with Effect from AY 2024 -2025

Prepared By: Audited By: Approved By:

Mr. Milind Khairnar Dr. Bhavesh Patel

(Assistant Professor) (Principal)
(Language Expert)
UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data
Mr. Milind Khairnar Dr. Pravin Shinde
(Assistant Professor) (Head of Department)
(Subject Expert)
UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data
Program: Second Year B.Tech. Semester: V L P C
Artificial Intelligence Course Code: ADCR0503 3 0 3
Artificial Intelligence Lab Lab Code: ADLR0503 0 2 1
3 2 4

Course Objectives:

To gain perspective of AI foundations &study different agent architectures

and properties of the environment.

2 To understand the basic principles of AI towards problem solving, inference,

knowledge representation, and learning.
3 To investigate probabilistic reasoning under uncertain and incomplete
4 To explore the current scope, potential, limitations, and implications of intelligent

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of this course, the students should be able to

CO 1: Identify the characteristics of the environment and differentiate between various

agent architectures.

CO 2: Apply the most suitable search strategy and represent a natural language
description of statements in logic and apply the inference rules to design
problem solving agents.
CO 3: Apply a probabilistic model for reasoning under uncertainty

CO 4: Describe the various building blocks of an expert system for a given real word
Pre-requisite courses: Pre-requisite courses: C/JAVA
Programming/Data Structure Course Assessment Methods
Course Assessment Methods:
1.Continuous Internal Assessment (Theory component)
discussion/Quiz/seminar/Case studies/Design Thinking/Innovation/Creativity
(Blog writing/Vlogging, etc)
3.Pre/Post - Experiment Test/Viva; Experimental Write-Up for each Experiment, Day to
Day Experiments
discussion/Quiz/seminar/Case studies/Design Thinking/Innovation/Creativity
(Blog writing/Vlogging, etc) (Lab Component)
4.End Semester Examination (Theory component)
UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data
2.Activity based survey (if any)
UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data

Module 1: Intelligent Agents 07 Hours
1.1Artificial Intelligence (AI), AI Perspectives: Acting and Thinking humanly,
Acting and Thinking rationally.
1.2History of AI, Applications of AI, The present state of AI, Ethics in AI.
1.3Introduction of agents, Structure of Intelligent Agent, Characteristics of Intelligent
1.4Types of Agents: Simple Reflex, Model Based, Goal Based, Utility Based
Agents.Environment Types: Deterministic, Stochastic, Static, Dynamic,
Observable, Semi-observable, Single Agent, Multi Agent.
Module 2: Solving Problems by Searching 12 Hours
2.1 Definition, State space representation, Problem as a state space search,
Problem formulation, Well- defined problems.
2.2 Solving Problems by Searching, Performance evaluation of search strategies,
Time Complexity, Space Complexity, Completeness, Optimality.
2.3 Uninformed Search: Depth First Search, Breadth First Search, Depth Limited
Search, Iterative Deepening Search, Uniform Cost Search, Bidirectional Search.
2.4 Informed Search: Heuristic Function, Admissible Heuristic, Informed Search
Technique, Greedy Best First Search, A* Search, Local Search: Hill Climbing Search,
Simulated Annealing Search, Optimization: Genetic Algorithm.
2.5 Game Playing, Adversarial Search Techniques, Mini-max Search, Alpha-Beta
Module 3: Knowledge and Reasoning 10 Hours
3.1 Definition and importance of Knowledge, Issues in Knowledge
Representation, Knowledge Representation Systems, Properties of Knowledge
Representation Systems.
3.2 Propositional Logic (PL): Syntax, Semantics, Formal logic-connectives, truth tables,
tautology, validity, well-formed-formula, Introduction to logic programming
3.3 Predicate Logic: FOPL, Syntax, Semantics, Quantification, Inference rules in FOPL
3.4 Forward Chaining, Backward Chaining and Resolution in FOPL.
Module 4: Reasoning Under Uncertainty, Planning and Learning 10 Hours
UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data
4.1 ScienceKnowledge, Random Variables, Prior and Posterior
Handling Uncertain
Probability, Inference using Full Joint Distribution.
4.2 Bayes' Rule and its use, Bayesian Belief Networks, Reasoning in Belief Networks.
4.3 The planning problem, Partial order planning, total order planning.
4.4 Learning in AI, Learning Agent, Concepts of Supervised, Unsupervised, Semi -
Supervised Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Ensemble Learning.
4.5 Expert Systems, Components of Expert System: Knowledge base, Inference
engine, user interface, working memory, Development of Expert Systems.
UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data

A.Suggested Topic/List of Experiments (Minimum 8 Experiments)

1. Provide the PEAS description and TASK Environment for a given AI problem.
2. Identify suitable Agent Architecture for the problem
3. Write simple programs using PROLOG as an AI programming Language
4. Implement any one of the Uninformed search techniques
5. Implement any one of the Informed search techniques E.g. A-Star algorithm for 8 puzzle
6. Implement adversarial search using min-max algorithm.
7. Implement any one of the Local Search techniques. E.g. Hill
Climbing, Simulated Annealing, Genetic algorithm
8. Prove the goal sentence from the following set of statements in
FOPL by applying forward, backward and resolution inference
9. Create a Bayesian Network for the given Problem Statement and draw
inferences from it. (You can use any Belief and Decision Networks Tool for
modeling Bayesian Networks)
10. Implement a Planning Agent
11. Design a prototype of an expert system
12.Case study of any existing successful AI system

One beyond curriculum experiment may be conducted (To be decided by the Subject

Practical: 2 hrs/week Total Hours :26 Hrs

1. Stuart J. Russell and Peter Norvig, "Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach
―Second Edition"Pearson Education.
2. Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight ―Artificial Intelligenceǁ Third
Edition, Tata McGraw- Hill EducationPvt. Ltd., 2008.
3. George F Luger ―Artificial Intelligenceǁ Low Price Edition, Pearson Education., Fourth

Reference Books:
1. Ivan Bratko ―PROLOG Programming for Artificial Intelligenceǁ, Pearson Education, Third
2. D. W. Patterson, Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, Prentice Hall.
3. Saroj Kaushik ―Artificial Intelligenceǁ, Cengage Learning.
4. Davis E. Goldberg, ―Genetic Algorithms: Search,
UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data
Optimization and Machine Learningǁ, AddisonWesley,
N.Y., 1989.
5. Patrick Henry Winston, ―Artificial Intelligenceǁ, Addison-Wesley, Third Edition.
6. N. P. Padhy, ―Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systemsǁ, Oxford University Press.
UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data

Course Code Lab Name Credit

ADLR0503 Artificial Intelligence Lab 1

Continuous Internal Assessment Practical (CIAP):

CIAP will be assessed for 50 marks on the following rubrics and scaled down to 10
5 marks – Evaluation of write-up on day-to-day experiment in the laboratory
1 (in terms of aim,

components/procedure, expected outcome)

The Course In charge will choose any two of the below mentioned components,

with each component having weightage of 20 marks each

Assignments/Tutorials/Power point Presentation /Group

discussion/Quiz/seminar/Case studies/Design

Thinking/Innovation/Creativity/Project/App development

3 Attendance will be having weightage of 5 marks

End Semester Examination (ESEP)

Based on the above contents and entire syllabus of ADLR0503

1 The End Semester Examination Practical shall be conducted for 100 marks for a

duration of three hours and scaled down to 15 marks

Evaluation Method Passing Requirement

Continuous Internal Assessment Obtained Marks 40 % of maximum

(CIAP)+End marks

Semester Examination (ESEP)

UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data

Course Outcomes (CO)

CO No. CO Statement (At the end of the course, students will be able to BL
Identify the characteristics of the environment and differentiate between
1 2
various agent architectures

Apply the most suitable search strategy and represent a natural language
2 3
description of statements in logic and apply the inference rules to design
problem solving agents.
3 Apply a probabilistic model for reasoning under uncertainty. 3

4 Describe the various building blocks of an expert system for a given real 4
word problem.

List of Experiments
Provide the PEAS description and 1 1,2,3,5,12 1,2
1 TASK Environment for a given AI
Write simple programs using 2 1,2,3,5,12 1,2
2 PROLOG as an AI programming
Develop a program in python for Depth First 2 1,2,3,5,12 1,2
3 Search Iterative Deepening.
Implement the A* searching technique for 2
4 finding the optimal path to the goal node if 1,2,3,5,12 1,2
it exists.
Design and implement a chatbot that can 3
5 engage in simple conversations using NLP 1,2,3,5,12 1,2,3
Implement adversarial search using 2
6 min-max algorithm.
1,2,3,5,12 1,2

Implement Genetic algorithm using 3

7 python for finding the optimal solution. 1,2,3,5,12 1,2

Prove the goal sentence from the following 4

8 set of 1,2,3,5,6,12 1,2
statements in FOPL by applying forward,
backward and resolution inference
9 Case study of any existing successful AI 4 1,2,3

Name and
UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data
Signature: Date:
UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data


Title of Date of Date of Pag
Sr. No. Marks of
Experiment/Assignment/Tut Performan Submission e
orial ce No.
with Remarks
Provide the PEAS
description and TASK 15/07/24 16/07/24 12
1 Environment for a
given AI problem.
Write simple programs
2 using PROLOG as an AI 22/07/24 23/08/24 17
programming Language.
Develop a program in
3 python for Depth First 29/08/24 30/08/24 20
Search Iterative
Implement the A*
4 searching technique for
finding the optimal path to 05/08/24 06/08/24 24
the goal node if it exists.

Design and implement a

chatbot that can engage in
5 simple conversations using 12/08/24 13/08/24 27
NLP techniques.

6 Implement adversarial
search using min-max 26/08/24 27/09/24 32
Implement Genetic
7 algorithm using python 02/09/24 03/09/24 36
for finding the optimal
Prove the goal
8 sentence from the
following set of 16/09/24 17/09/24 40
Statements in FOPL by
applying forward,
backward and resolution
inference algorithms.
9 Case study of any existing 07/10/24 08/10/24 45
successful AI system.

Evaluation of write-up on day-to-day experiment in the laboratory (in terms of
aim, components/procedure, expected outcome) /05
Assessment Method 1 /20
Assessment Method 2 /20
UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data
Attendance Science /05
This is to certify that Shri.Kinjay
Batch......B.................Roll No....58.........................................................Semester……5………… has
completed the
UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data
specified CIAP in the subject of …Artificial intelligence and data
science……………………………………..…………………………….in a satisfactory manner in the college
during the academic year of …2024….. to …2025……

Subject In-charge
UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data

Instructions for Students

1. For effective implementation and attainment of practical outcomes, in the

beginning of each exercise, students need to read through the complete


2. Students ought to refer to reference books, lab manuals, etc.

3. Students should not hesitate to ask about any difficulties which they face

while performing practical.

4. Algorithms & Flow graphs to be handwritten for programming subjects.

Guidelines for Faculties

1. There will be two sheets of blank pages after every practical for the student

to report other matters (if any), which is not mentioned in the printed


2. For difficult practical if required, teachers could provide the

demonstration of the practical emphasizing of the skills which the students

should achieve.

3. Teachers should give opportunities to students for hands-on work after the

4. During the practical, ensure that each student gets a chance and takes

active part in taking observation/readings and performing practical.

UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data

Artificial Intelligence Lab (ADLR0503) A.Y. 2024-25 1-0

UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data
Experiment No. - 1

Date of Performance: 15/07/24

Date of Submission: 16/07/24

Program Execution/ Viva

formation/correction/ Answer to

ethical practices Documentati Timely sample Experime Sign

on nt with
(07) Submission question Date
(02) s Total
(03) (03)

Experiment No. 1

1.1 Aim:

To provide the PEAS (Performance measure, Environment, Actuators,

Sensors) description and TASK environment for a given AI problem.

1.2 Course Outcome (CO):

CO 1: Identify the characteristics of the environment and differentiate between

various agent architectures.

1.3 Problem Statement:

Consider a vacuum-cleaner agent operating in a 2D grid environment. The

task is to provide a detailed PEAS description for the agent in this
environment and define its task environment, assuming that the grid is
partially observable and contains dirt at random locations. It is shown in the
diagram 1.1.

Artificial Intelligence Lab (ADLR0503) A.Y. 2024-25 1-1

UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data

Figure 1.1

1.4 Related Theory:

In Artificial Intelligence (AI), agents are systems that perceive their

environment and take actions to maximize their chances of success. The
PEAS framework is a commonly used method to describe the components of
an agent. PEAS stands for:

• Performance Measure: Defines the criteria for the agent’s success. In the
vacuum-cleaner problem, the performance measure could be the
cleanliness of the grid or the number of cleaned tiles.
• Environment: The external world in which the agent operates. In this case,
the environment is a 2D grid containing dirt in some tiles. The environment
can be fully observable or partially observable, static or dynamic.
• Actuators: The mechanisms by which the agent interacts with its
environment. For the vacuum cleaner, actuators could include the ability to
move in four directions (up, down, left, right) and the ability to suck dirt.
• Sensors: These allow the agent to perceive the environment. The vacuum
cleaner agent might have sensors that detect whether the current tile is
dirty or clean and whether there are obstacles or walls.

Additionally, the task environment for an agent defines the broader context in
which the agent operates, characterized by its:

• Observability: Whether the agent can fully or partially observe the environment.
• Determinism: Whether the results of actions are predictable.
• Dynamics: Whether the environment changes while the agent is making decisions.
• Discrete vs. Continuous: Whether the environment is composed of distinct states or
continuous spaces.
• Single vs. Multi-agent: Whether the agent interacts with other agents in the
UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data
Artificial Intelligence Lab (ADLR0503) A.Y. 2024-25 1-2
UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data

1.5 Program Listing (if applicable) and Output:

1.6 Procedure

1. Define the AI Problem:

o Choose an AI problem that involves an agent interacting with an
environment. For example, the vacuum cleaner agent tasked
with cleaning a 2D grid environment.
2. Identify the Components for PEAS Framework:
o Performance Measure: Identify the success criteria for the agent
(e.g., the percentage of clean tiles).
o Environment: Define the environment in which the agent
operates (e.g., a partially observable 2D grid with dirt on random
o Actuators: List the actions the agent can perform (e.g., move up,
down, left, right, and clean a tile).
o Sensors: Specify the data the agent receives from the environment
(e.g., detecting dirt on a tile, sensing obstacles or walls).
UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data
3. Define the Task Environment:
UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data
Sciencethe task environment in terms of its properties:
 Fully/Partially Observable: Does the agent have full
information about the environment, or can it only sense a
part of it?
 Deterministic/Stochastic: Are the outcomes of the
agent's actions always predictable, or is there some
 Static/Dynamic: Does the environment change while the
agent is deciding on actions?
 Discrete/Continuous: Is the environment composed of a
finite set of states, or can the agent be in any position within
a range?
 Single-Agent/Multi-Agent: Does the agent operate alone, or
does it interact with other agents?
4. Document the PEAS and Task Environment:
o Write a detailed description of the PEAS components and the
task environment characteristics.

Artificial Intelligence Lab (ADLR0503) A.Y. 2024-25 1-3

UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data

Performance Measure:

The performance of the vacuum-cleaner agent can be evaluated based on

several criteria: Cleanliness: The amount of dirt removed from the


Efficiency: Measured by the distance traveled while cleaning and

the time taken to complete the task.

Battery Life: The duration for which the agent can operate before needing
a recharge.

Safety: Avoiding obstacles and ensuring no damage occurs to the

environment or the agent itself.

Coverage: Ensuring that all areas of the grid are cleaned effectively.


The environment consists of:

A 2D grid (e.g., 4x4 blocks) where each block can contain dirt at random

Various surfaces such as carpets, tiles, or hardwood floors, which may

affect cleaning efficiency.

Obstacles such as furniture, walls, or other objects that can hinder


The grid is partially observable, meaning the agent cannot see all
locations at once and must rely on sensors to detect dirt.


The actuators that allow the vacuum-cleaner agent to interact with

its environment include:

Wheels: For movement across the grid.

Vacuum Extractor: To suck up dirt from

surfaces. Brushes: To agitate dirt and debris

for easier removal.

UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data
Motors: To control movement and operation of brushes and suction

Artificial Intelligence Lab (ADLR0503) A.Y. 2024-25 1-4

UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data


The sensors used by the vacuum-cleaner agent to perceive its

environment include: Dirt Detection Sensors: To identify whether a

block is dirty or clean.

Infrared Sensors: To detect obstacles and avoid collisions.

Location Sensors: To determine the current position within the grid (if

Battery Level Sensors: To monitor energy levels and determine

when to return for recharging.

Task Environment:

The task environment for this vacuum-cleaner agent is

characterized by: Partial Observability: The agent cannot see

all parts of the grid simultaneously,

necessitating a strategy for exploration and cleaning based on limited

Dynamic Elements: The state of cleanliness may change if dirt is

introduced after cleaning has begun, requiring adaptability in its
cleaning strategy.

Discrete States: The grid consists of distinct locations that can be either
clean or dirty.

Single-Agent Scenario: Typically operates alone without other

competing agents in this context.

5. Discuss Variations:
o Consider what changes might occur in the agent’s design or operation
if the environment were fully observable or dynamic. Discuss how
these changes would affect the PEAS framework.

Fully Observable Environment:

Performance Measure: Focus on efficiency and speed; metrics on time and energy
consumption. Environment: All dirt locations known; allows for systematic cleaning
Actuators: Simpler design; less complex navigation
required. Sensors: Fewer sensors needed; simpler
detection mechanisms. Dynamic Environment:
UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data
Performance Science
Measure: Emphasis on adaptability and responsiveness to new dirt or
Environment: Includes moving objects and changing dirt locations, requiring real-
time adjustments. Actuators: Enhanced maneuverability and faster response
mechanisms needed.
Sensors: Advanced sensors for real-time updates and detection of changes.

Artificial Intelligence Lab (ADLR0503) A.Y. 2024-25 1-5

UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data

1.7 Conclusion:

The design and operation of a vacuum-cleaner agent are significantly influenced by the
characteristics of its environment. In a fully observable environment, the agent benefits
from complete visibility, allowing for more efficient and straightforward cleaning
strategies, with simpler sensors and actuators. Conversely, in a dynamic environment, the
agent must adapt to real-time changes, necessitating advanced sensors and enhanced
maneuverability to effectively respond to new challenges.

1.7 Questions:

1. Define the PEAS framework and explain each of its components.

2. What are the differences between a fully observable and a partially observable
3. How does a deterministic environment differ from a stochastic environment in AI?
4. Provide an example of an agent with a dynamic environment. What challenges
does it face compared to a static environment?
5. In the context of the vacuum cleaner agent, what would happen if the environment
were continuous rather than discrete?

Artificial Intelligence Lab (ADLR0503) A.Y. 2024-25 1-6

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