Exp 1 1
Exp 1 1
Exp 1 1
Semester V
Third Year
Artificial Intelligence
Lab (CSC)
Semester V
Bachelor of
Technology (B.
Artificial Intelligence & Data
Science Department
Final Year with Effect from AY 2024 -2025
Course Objectives:
Course Outcomes:
CO 2: Apply the most suitable search strategy and represent a natural language
description of statements in logic and apply the inference rules to design
problem solving agents.
CO 3: Apply a probabilistic model for reasoning under uncertainty
CO 4: Describe the various building blocks of an expert system for a given real word
Pre-requisite courses: Pre-requisite courses: C/JAVA
Programming/Data Structure Course Assessment Methods
Course Assessment Methods:
1.Continuous Internal Assessment (Theory component)
discussion/Quiz/seminar/Case studies/Design Thinking/Innovation/Creativity
(Blog writing/Vlogging, etc)
3.Pre/Post - Experiment Test/Viva; Experimental Write-Up for each Experiment, Day to
Day Experiments
discussion/Quiz/seminar/Case studies/Design Thinking/Innovation/Creativity
(Blog writing/Vlogging, etc) (Lab Component)
4.End Semester Examination (Theory component)
UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data
2.Activity based survey (if any)
UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data
Module 1: Intelligent Agents 07 Hours
1.1Artificial Intelligence (AI), AI Perspectives: Acting and Thinking humanly,
Acting and Thinking rationally.
1.2History of AI, Applications of AI, The present state of AI, Ethics in AI.
1.3Introduction of agents, Structure of Intelligent Agent, Characteristics of Intelligent
1.4Types of Agents: Simple Reflex, Model Based, Goal Based, Utility Based
Agents.Environment Types: Deterministic, Stochastic, Static, Dynamic,
Observable, Semi-observable, Single Agent, Multi Agent.
Module 2: Solving Problems by Searching 12 Hours
2.1 Definition, State space representation, Problem as a state space search,
Problem formulation, Well- defined problems.
2.2 Solving Problems by Searching, Performance evaluation of search strategies,
Time Complexity, Space Complexity, Completeness, Optimality.
2.3 Uninformed Search: Depth First Search, Breadth First Search, Depth Limited
Search, Iterative Deepening Search, Uniform Cost Search, Bidirectional Search.
2.4 Informed Search: Heuristic Function, Admissible Heuristic, Informed Search
Technique, Greedy Best First Search, A* Search, Local Search: Hill Climbing Search,
Simulated Annealing Search, Optimization: Genetic Algorithm.
2.5 Game Playing, Adversarial Search Techniques, Mini-max Search, Alpha-Beta
Module 3: Knowledge and Reasoning 10 Hours
3.1 Definition and importance of Knowledge, Issues in Knowledge
Representation, Knowledge Representation Systems, Properties of Knowledge
Representation Systems.
3.2 Propositional Logic (PL): Syntax, Semantics, Formal logic-connectives, truth tables,
tautology, validity, well-formed-formula, Introduction to logic programming
3.3 Predicate Logic: FOPL, Syntax, Semantics, Quantification, Inference rules in FOPL
3.4 Forward Chaining, Backward Chaining and Resolution in FOPL.
Module 4: Reasoning Under Uncertainty, Planning and Learning 10 Hours
UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data
4.1 ScienceKnowledge, Random Variables, Prior and Posterior
Handling Uncertain
Probability, Inference using Full Joint Distribution.
4.2 Bayes' Rule and its use, Bayesian Belief Networks, Reasoning in Belief Networks.
4.3 The planning problem, Partial order planning, total order planning.
4.4 Learning in AI, Learning Agent, Concepts of Supervised, Unsupervised, Semi -
Supervised Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Ensemble Learning.
4.5 Expert Systems, Components of Expert System: Knowledge base, Inference
engine, user interface, working memory, Development of Expert Systems.
UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data
1. Provide the PEAS description and TASK Environment for a given AI problem.
2. Identify suitable Agent Architecture for the problem
3. Write simple programs using PROLOG as an AI programming Language
4. Implement any one of the Uninformed search techniques
5. Implement any one of the Informed search techniques E.g. A-Star algorithm for 8 puzzle
6. Implement adversarial search using min-max algorithm.
7. Implement any one of the Local Search techniques. E.g. Hill
Climbing, Simulated Annealing, Genetic algorithm
8. Prove the goal sentence from the following set of statements in
FOPL by applying forward, backward and resolution inference
9. Create a Bayesian Network for the given Problem Statement and draw
inferences from it. (You can use any Belief and Decision Networks Tool for
modeling Bayesian Networks)
10. Implement a Planning Agent
11. Design a prototype of an expert system
12.Case study of any existing successful AI system
One beyond curriculum experiment may be conducted (To be decided by the Subject
1. Stuart J. Russell and Peter Norvig, "Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach
―Second Edition"Pearson Education.
2. Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight ―Artificial Intelligenceǁ Third
Edition, Tata McGraw- Hill EducationPvt. Ltd., 2008.
3. George F Luger ―Artificial Intelligenceǁ Low Price Edition, Pearson Education., Fourth
Reference Books:
1. Ivan Bratko ―PROLOG Programming for Artificial Intelligenceǁ, Pearson Education, Third
2. D. W. Patterson, Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, Prentice Hall.
3. Saroj Kaushik ―Artificial Intelligenceǁ, Cengage Learning.
4. Davis E. Goldberg, ―Genetic Algorithms: Search,
UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data
Optimization and Machine Learningǁ, AddisonWesley,
N.Y., 1989.
5. Patrick Henry Winston, ―Artificial Intelligenceǁ, Addison-Wesley, Third Edition.
6. N. P. Padhy, ―Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systemsǁ, Oxford University Press.
UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data
CIAP will be assessed for 50 marks on the following rubrics and scaled down to 10
5 marks – Evaluation of write-up on day-to-day experiment in the laboratory
1 (in terms of aim,
discussion/Quiz/seminar/Case studies/Design
Thinking/Innovation/Creativity/Project/App development
1 The End Semester Examination Practical shall be conducted for 100 marks for a
Apply the most suitable search strategy and represent a natural language
2 3
description of statements in logic and apply the inference rules to design
problem solving agents.
3 Apply a probabilistic model for reasoning under uncertainty. 3
4 Describe the various building blocks of an expert system for a given real 4
word problem.
List of Experiments
Provide the PEAS description and 1 1,2,3,5,12 1,2
1 TASK Environment for a given AI
Write simple programs using 2 1,2,3,5,12 1,2
2 PROLOG as an AI programming
Develop a program in python for Depth First 2 1,2,3,5,12 1,2
3 Search Iterative Deepening.
Implement the A* searching technique for 2
4 finding the optimal path to the goal node if 1,2,3,5,12 1,2
it exists.
Design and implement a chatbot that can 3
5 engage in simple conversations using NLP 1,2,3,5,12 1,2,3
Implement adversarial search using 2
6 min-max algorithm.
1,2,3,5,12 1,2
Name and
UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data
Signature: Date:
UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data
6 Implement adversarial
search using min-max 26/08/24 27/09/24 32
Implement Genetic
7 algorithm using python 02/09/24 03/09/24 36
for finding the optimal
Prove the goal
8 sentence from the
following set of 16/09/24 17/09/24 40
Statements in FOPL by
applying forward,
backward and resolution
inference algorithms.
9 Case study of any existing 07/10/24 08/10/24 45
successful AI system.
Evaluation of write-up on day-to-day experiment in the laboratory (in terms of
aim, components/procedure, expected outcome) /05
Assessment Method 1 /20
Assessment Method 2 /20
UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data
Attendance Science /05
This is to certify that Shri.Kinjay
Batch......B.................Roll No....58.........................................................Semester……5………… has
completed the
UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data
specified CIAP in the subject of …Artificial intelligence and data
science……………………………………..…………………………….in a satisfactory manner in the college
during the academic year of …2024….. to …2025……
Subject In-charge
UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data
3. Students should not hesitate to ask about any difficulties which they face
1. There will be two sheets of blank pages after every practical for the student
to report other matters (if any), which is not mentioned in the printed
should achieve.
3. Teachers should give opportunities to students for hands-on work after the
4. During the practical, ensure that each student gets a chance and takes
formation/correction/ Answer to
Experiment No. 1
1.1 Aim:
Figure 1.1
• Performance Measure: Defines the criteria for the agent’s success. In the
vacuum-cleaner problem, the performance measure could be the
cleanliness of the grid or the number of cleaned tiles.
• Environment: The external world in which the agent operates. In this case,
the environment is a 2D grid containing dirt in some tiles. The environment
can be fully observable or partially observable, static or dynamic.
• Actuators: The mechanisms by which the agent interacts with its
environment. For the vacuum cleaner, actuators could include the ability to
move in four directions (up, down, left, right) and the ability to suck dirt.
• Sensors: These allow the agent to perceive the environment. The vacuum
cleaner agent might have sensors that detect whether the current tile is
dirty or clean and whether there are obstacles or walls.
Additionally, the task environment for an agent defines the broader context in
which the agent operates, characterized by its:
• Observability: Whether the agent can fully or partially observe the environment.
• Determinism: Whether the results of actions are predictable.
• Dynamics: Whether the environment changes while the agent is making decisions.
• Discrete vs. Continuous: Whether the environment is composed of distinct states or
continuous spaces.
• Single vs. Multi-agent: Whether the agent interacts with other agents in the
UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data
Artificial Intelligence Lab (ADLR0503) A.Y. 2024-25 1-2
UG Program in Artificial Intelligence & Data
1.6 Procedure
Performance Measure:
Battery Life: The duration for which the agent can operate before needing
a recharge.
Coverage: Ensuring that all areas of the grid are cleaned effectively.
A 2D grid (e.g., 4x4 blocks) where each block can contain dirt at random
The grid is partially observable, meaning the agent cannot see all
locations at once and must rely on sensors to detect dirt.
Location Sensors: To determine the current position within the grid (if
Task Environment:
Discrete States: The grid consists of distinct locations that can be either
clean or dirty.
5. Discuss Variations:
o Consider what changes might occur in the agent’s design or operation
if the environment were fully observable or dynamic. Discuss how
these changes would affect the PEAS framework.
1.7 Conclusion:
The design and operation of a vacuum-cleaner agent are significantly influenced by the
characteristics of its environment. In a fully observable environment, the agent benefits
from complete visibility, allowing for more efficient and straightforward cleaning
strategies, with simpler sensors and actuators. Conversely, in a dynamic environment, the
agent must adapt to real-time changes, necessitating advanced sensors and enhanced
maneuverability to effectively respond to new challenges.
1.7 Questions: