Tutorial 3
Tutorial 3
Tutorial 3
Department of Physics, IIT (BHU), Varanasi
Tutorial 3
Symbols have their usual meaning.
1. Two long parallel wires are 10cm apart in air and carry
current of 6Amp each. Calculate the force on each meter
length of wire if the currents are
(i) in the same direction
(ii) in opposite directions
~ = (y cos ax)x̂ + (y + ex )ẑ exists due to a current
2. If H
source, find out the current density in the yz-plane (i.e.
x = 0).
~ = E0 cos kx cos ωt ẑ.
3. Find the magnetic field associated with E
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8. In a material for which σ = 5Ω−1 m−1 and r = 1, the
~ = 250 sin 1010 t (V /m). Find
electric field intensity is E
the conduction and displacement current densities, and
the frequency at which they have equal magnitudes.
13. Find the frequency for which the skin depth in aluminium
is 0.01mm. Given σ = 3.54 × 107 S/m and µ = µ0 .
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15. Calculate the current density corresponding to the given
~ = y 2 x̂ + x2 ŷ.
magnetic vector potential A
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