EN LI5655 LI5660 RemoteControlwad
EN LI5655 LI5660 RemoteControlwad
EN LI5655 LI5660 RemoteControlwad
LI 5655 / LI 5660
NF Corporation
LI 5655 / LI 5660
National Instruments are registered trademarks of National Instruments Corporation in the
United States.
Other company names and product names used in this instruction manual may be trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective companies.
This instruction manual explains procedures remotely controlling the LI 5655 / LI 5660.
■ The LI 5645 / LI 5650 are provided with the following instruction manuals.
LI 5655 / LI 5660 Instruction Manual (Remote Control) is included on the provided CD-ROM.
A sample program for controlling the LI 5655 / LI 5660 is included on the provided CD-ROM. Also
included are representative programming languages, and examples of combinations of the GPIB, USB,
RS-232, and LAN interfaces. For details, see the instructions provided with the included CD-ROM.
i LI 5655 / LI 5660
ii LI 5655 / LI 5660
Table of Contents
iv LI 5655 / LI 5660
Table of Contents
v LI 5655 / LI 5660
Table of Contents
vi LI 5655 / LI 5660
1. Preparation Before Use
1 LI 5655 / LI 5660
1.Preparation Before Use
The LI 5655 / LI 5660 can be used for remote control by USB, RS-232, GPIB, or LAN.
By sending program messages and receiving response messages pertaining to measurement values and
settings, the controller provides control identical to panel operation.
The interface connectors are located on the back panel of the LI 5655 / LI 5660.
■ {Utility screen}
First press the __UTIL key to display the utility screen.
2 LI 5655 / LI 5660
1.Preparation Before Use
Using the VISA library, operation can be unified with any of USB, RS-232, GPIB, LAN to the extent of
the supports.
This instrument has been confirmed to operate on the NI-VISA supplied by National Instruments.
3 LI 5655 / LI 5660
1.Preparation Before Use
When the LI 5655 / LI 5660 is connected by USB to a computer with a USBTMC-class driver installed,
the LI 5655 / LI 5660 is recognized automatically. The LI 5655 / LI 5660 installed in a system are
identified by the Vendor ID, Product ID, and Serial Number that are displayed in the {USB information
4 LI 5655 / LI 5660
1.Preparation Before Use
screen}. If the device is not recognized automatically, recognition can be achieved by entering these
values directly.
5 LI 5655 / LI 5660
1.Preparation Before Use
Make the same settings for the following parameters on both the LI 5655 / LI 5660 and the controller.
・ Communication speed 4800 to 230400 bps
・ Data length 8 bits (*1)
・ Stop bit length 1 during transmission, 1 during reception (*1)
・ Parity None (*1)
・ Flow control None / Software / Hardware
・ Terminator LF / CR LF
*1: Fixed on the LI 5655 / LI 5660. Cannot be altered.
6 LI 5655 / LI 5660
1.Preparation Before Use
Switches to the {Flow control configuration screen}.
[ TERMINATOR ] Switches to the {Terminator configuration screen}.
[Exec] Saves settings and returns display to the {Interface configuration screen}
RS-232 is selected as the communication interface.
__SCRN__ / EXIT Returns display to the {Interface configuration screen}.
At communication speeds greater than 19200 bps, a short and low-capacitance cable must be used.
7 LI 5655 / LI 5660
1.Preparation Before Use
When flow control is enabled, transmission is suspended when the receive buffer approaches
capacity, then restarts when the receive buffer opens up.
8 LI 5655 / LI 5660
1.Preparation Before Use
1.3.3 Connection
For connection, use an off-the-shelf connection cable, which must be purchased separately. When
making connection to a serial interface on a personal computer, use the following type of cable.
Cable specifications: D-Sub, 9-pin, female-female, interlink cable using inch-standard screw.
In order to avoid misoperation due to radiation and interference resulting from
electromagnetic noise, be sure to use a shielded cable.
Communication can be established if at least the three lines RxD, TxD, and GND are connected.
The RTS and CTS lines are required in order to use hardware flow control.
An interlink cable is required in order to use hardware flow control (Fig. 1-1(b)). Some cables have
cross or reversed lines in which pins 7 and 8 are connected together (Fig. 1-1(c)). Communication is
also possible with this type of cable, but hardware flow control is not possible.
Inch screw
LI 5655 / LI 5660 computer
(PC/AT, etc.)
Signal Pin no. Pin no. Signal
— 1 1 name
— 1 1
RxD 2 2 RxD 2 2
TxD 3 3 TxD 3 3
DTR 4 4 DTR 4 4
GND 5 5 GND 5 5
— 6 6 — 6 6
RTS 7 7 RTS 7 7
CTS 8 8 CTS 8 8
— 9 9 — 9 9
Frame Frame
(b) Interlink connection (c) Other cross connections
9 LI 5655 / LI 5660
1.Preparation Before Use
• Functions such as SRQ and Device Clear that are unique to GPIB cannot be used.
The BREAK signal or Control-C (0x03 in hexadecimal notation) can be used as an alternate to the
Device Clear function. However, Control-C cannot be used during binary transfer.
The :SYSTem{:LOCal|:REMote|:RWLock} command can largely substitute for the remote local
function. The :SYSTem:KLOCk can be used to lock operation from the panel.
10 LI 5655 / LI 5660
1.Preparation Before Use
[Exec] Saves the configuration, sets the communication interface to GPIB, and
returns display to the {Interface configuration screen}.
11 LI 5655 / LI 5660
1.Preparation Before Use
■ Message terminator
A terminator is required at the end of each set of commands or responses to signify termination.
The response message terminator sent by the LI 5655 / LI 5660 is fixed to LF^EOI.
Any of the following can be used as program message terminators that are received by the LI 5655 /
LI 5660.
・ LF Line Feed code
・ LF^EOI EOI (END message) accompanying LF
・ (Last code)^EOI EOI (End message) appended to the last code
12 LI 5655 / LI 5660
1.Preparation Before Use
STBY Indicates any other interface has selected or waiting for LAN interface to
NFLT Indicates the LAN interface is ready and possible to communicate.
FLT Indicates the LAN interface is not possible to communicate.
The following are the reasons :
- Network cable is disconneced.
- Failure to obtain an IP address via DHCP server.
13 LI 5655 / LI 5660
1.Preparation Before Use
14 LI 5655 / LI 5660
1.Preparation Before Use
Set the address (logical address) that identifies the device which under the Internet Protocol (IP).
Addresses in the range to are private IP addresses available for free
assignment in small-scale local networks (Class C).
Set a mask that separates upper IP network addresses from lower IP host addresses
15 LI 5655 / LI 5660
1.Preparation Before Use
Set the IP address of the gateway to be used implicitly when accessing an external network.
Set the IP address of the DNS (Domain Name Server) to be used to resolve a host name to an IP
After completing configuration, save the settings with [Exec] to select LAN as the communication
interface and return display to the {Interface configuration screen}.
16 LI 5655 / LI 5660
1.Preparation Before Use
[ Exec ] Saves the configuration, sets the communication interface to LAN, and
returns display to the {LAN configuration screen}.
_SCRN_ / EXIT Returns display to the {Interface configuration screen}.
When the IP auto configuration is selected and executed, this device request to obtain an IP
adrerss to a DHPC server. If the device objtains a valid IP address from a DHCP server, it is
possible to communicate.
However, If the device does not obtain a valid IP address, the device will assign a link-local
address that is defined in the address block by using APIPA (Automatic
Private IP Addressing).
[ Exec ] Resets LAN settings and returns display to the {LAN configuration
screen}. If the LAN setting reset is completed, the device start
communication with the IP auto configuration.
[ Cancel ] Cancels resetting LAN settings and returns display to the {LAN
configuration screen}.
_SCRN_ / EXIT Returns display to the {LAN configuration screen}.
17 LI 5655 / LI 5660
1.Preparation Before Use
1.5.3 Connection
Use a straight cable when connecting the LI 5655 / LI 5660 to the network.
When connecting directly to a personal computer, use a cross cable.
However, if the device connected automatically discriminates between straight and cross connection,
either type of cable may be used.
• Functions such as SRQ and Device Clear that are unique to GPIB cannot be used.
Control-C (03H in hexadecimal notation) can be used as an alternate to the Device Clear function.
However, Control-C cannot be used during binary transfer.
The :SYSTem{:LOCal|:REMote|:RWLock} command can substitute for the Remote Local
18 LI 5655 / LI 5660
1.Preparation Before Use
■ Input buffer
・ Commands received are placed in a buffer and interpreted and executed in the order received
The size of the input buffer is 100K bytes (1K=1024). Program messages exceeding this size are
interpreted and executed in the order received.
・ If an disallowed command is discovered during interpretation, an error occurs upon execution and
subsequent commands are not executed until the program message terminator is received.
■ Output buffer
・ The capacity of the output buffer is 100K bytes (1K=1024).
・ If the maximum capacity is exceeded, the output buffer is cleared and the Standard Event Status
register's query error bit is set to 1. Interpretation and execution of subsequent commands may
continue as normal, but all response messages generated are discarded until the program message
terminator is reached.
・ A separate 4M bytes of memory is provided for use as measurement data buffer.
■ Error queue
・ The maximum number of error messages that can be queued is 16.
・ If this number is exceeded, the 16th message changes to "Queue overflow" to indicate that the
error queue has overflowed. Subsequent error messages are discarded. The 15 error messages
already in the queue are maintained.
19 LI 5655 / LI 5660
1.Preparation Before Use
20 LI 5655 / LI 5660
2. Switching between remote / local states
21 LI 5655 / LI 5660
2.Switching between remote / local states
In regard to remote control, the LI 5655 / LI 5660 has a remote states and a local state.
In the local state, all panel operations are possible.
In the remote state, all panel operations are disabled except for the TRIG key and the operation that
returns operation to the local state.
In the remote state, the REMOTE lamp lights, and in the Local Lockout state, it flashes (at a slow rate).
After the power is turned on, remote control cannot be used while the REMOTE lamp is flashing
(at a high rate).
__CLR__ / LOCAL key REMOTE lamp
22 LI 5655 / LI 5660
3. Responses to interface messages
23 LI 5655 / LI 5660
3.Responses to interface messages
The procedure for sending interface messages from the controller varies according to device dri ver. For
details, see the relevant driver manual.
These functions cannot be used with RS-232 and LAN. However, alternate functions are provided for
some of them.
24 LI 5655 / LI 5660
4. Command list and command tree
25 LI 5655 / LI 5660
4.Command list and command tree
The LI 5655 / LI 5660 commands can broadly be grouped into common commands as defined in
IEEE488.2, and subsystem commands corresponding to device-specific functions.
Common commands supported by the LI 5655 / LI 5660 are listed in Table 4-1.
The LI 5655 / LI 5660 subsystem commands are listed in Table 4-2.
Symbols used in Tables 4-1 and 4-2 have the following meanings.
26 LI 5655 / LI 5660
4.Command list and command tree
27 LI 5655 / LI 5660
4.Command list and command tree
28 LI 5655 / LI 5660
4.Command list and command tree
29 LI 5655 / LI 5660
4.Command list and command tree
Note: Query commands end with a query symbol. This table does not include queries for functions
that allow both setting and querying.
30 LI 5655 / LI 5660
4.Command list and command tree
31 LI 5655 / LI 5660
4.Command list and command tree
32 LI 5655 / LI 5660
4.Command list and command tree
33 LI 5655 / LI 5660
4.Command list and command tree
34 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5. Command explanation
35 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
: S Y S T: K L O C 1
↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
① ② ③ ④
Multiple command strings can be included in a single program message by delimiting them with
semicolons (;).
Command1 Command2
The above is the equivalent of the following two program messages.
Current path following execution is : SENS:FILT1:LPAS
Subsystem commands at the same level as the first command can be accessed by omitting the
colon (:) from the beginning of the second and following command strings.
36 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
37 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
[Meaning of symbols]
・ Square brackets ([ ]) indicate optional keywords. (Implied keywords)
・ Braces ({ }) enclose the parameters of the command string.
・ Vertical bars ( | ) are used to indicate a choice from among multiple keywords.
・ Angle brackets (< >) are used to indicate required parameters consisting of numerics or
These symbols are used purely for the sake of explanation, are must not be included in actual
Explanation :DISPlay:WINDow[:STATe] {ON|OFF|1|0}
Actual command :DISPlay:WINDow:STATe ON
[Parameter format]
Symbol Format Example
NR1 Integer (numeric) 123
NR2 Decimal format without an exponent 0.075
NR3 Decimal format with an exponent (numeric) 4.99E+06
CRD Character string ALL
SRD Character string enclosed in double quotation "No error"
bool Logical value ON, OFF, 1, 0
・ Unless otherwise specified, numbers may be specified in any format, and values
specified are rounded to the nearest value if the specified value exceeds the permitted
resolution. Further, when a numerical value is set that is not included in the parameter
options, it is rounded to the closest value.
・Unless otherwise specified, the minimum numeric value is assumed for numbers that are
less than the minimum value, and the maximum numeric value is assumed for numbers
that exceed the maximum.
・With numeric parameters for which specification of MAX / MIN is allowed, the
maximum numeric value is set when MAX (or MAXIMUM) is specified, and the
minimum numeric value is set for MIN (or MINIMUM).
・When the response is a numeric value and the range, resolution, and unit have not been
specified, those parameters are the same as in the configuration. Unless otherwise
specified, the mantissa of the NR3 format responses has 6 digits.
・For commands whose parameter type varies according to specification format, numbers
specified that exceed the ranges indicated are lumped into the same range and resolution
as for operation from the panel. For the actual range of numeric that can be set, refer to
the panel operating instructions.
・Quotation marks used to enclose character strings can be either single quotation marks or
double quotation marks.
38 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
・In this explanation, the work "command" refers to both commands and to queries.
Keywords which conclude with a question mark (?) are queries.
・No headers are attached to messages sent in response to commands.
39 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
Explanation Clears the following statuses.
・ Standard Event Status register
・ Operation Event register
・ Questionable Event register
・ Status byte
・ Error queue
Also clears the panel error display.
Setting example *CLS
Note The *CLS does not clear the Status Byte register directly. However, except for
the MAV bit and RQS bit, the status byte is cleared indirectly. The MAV bit is
cleared indirectly when the input buffer is cleared by Device Clear. The RQS
bit can be cleared by reading the status through serial polling.
*ESE <mask>
Explanation Sets and queries the Standard Event Status Enable register.
Parameter(s) <mask> {numeric, range 0 to 255} An error results if range exceeded.
For details "6.3 Standard event status"
Setting example *ESE 32
Sets 32 to the Standard Event Status Enable register.
Response <mask> {numeric, format NR1, range 0 to 255}
Query example *ESE?
Response example 32
The Standard Event Status Enable register contains 32.
Explanation Queries content of the Standard Event Status register.
Upon querying the Standard Event Status register, all of its bits are cleared to
Response <Register content> {numeric, format NR1, range 0 to 255}
For details "6.3 Standard event status"
Query example *ESR?
Response example 16
The Standard Event Status Enable register contains 16.
40 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
Explanation Queries the model name.
Response {"<manufacturer name>, <model name>, <serial number>, <firmware
Format SRD
Query example *IDN?
Response example "NF Corporation,LI5660,9097772,Ver1.00"
Explanation Verifies that execution of all preceding commands has been completed.
Setting example *OPC
Specifies that the OPC bit of the Standard Event Status register be set to 1
when execution of all preceding commands has been completed. Completion of
command execution can be verified by monitoring the status.
Explanation 1
1 is returned when execution of all preceding commands has been completed.
Query example *OPC?
Explanation 1
Execution of all preceding commands has been completed.
Note *OPC? does not clear the Standard Event Status register's OPC bit. To clear the
bit, use Device Clear or the *CLS or *RST command.
The OPC bit can be used to trigger SRQ when it becomes 1.
Explanation Restores default settings.
For details LI 5655 / LI 5660 Instruction Manual (Operations)
"Table 3-2 Settings and default values"
Setting example *RST
41 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
Explanation Queries content of the Status Byte register.
Response <Register content> {numeric, format NR1, range 0 to 255}
For details "6.2 Status byte"
Query example *STB?
Response example 128
The Status Byte register contains 128.
Explanation When the measurement data buffer is enabled, executes a trigger and records
data in the measurement buffer.
When the internal timer is disabled, measurement data is recorded only once.
When the internal timer is enabled, starts recording measurement data
according to the internal timer.
Enable the measurement data buffer :DATA:FEED:CONTrol command
Set the internal timer :DATA:TIMer command
Before using triggers, the awaiting trigger state must be set with
the :INITiate[:IMMediate] command. An error will result if the awaiting
trigger state has not been set.
Setting example *TRG
Executes a trigger.
42 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
Explanation Queries results of the internal self-diagnostic.
Response {numeric, format NR1, range 0}
Query example TST?
Response example 0
Note With this device, the response is always 0. It is not possible to check the
internal status by external control. Check on the panel operation.
For details LI 5655 / LI 5660 Instruction Manual (Operations)
"8.5 Self-diagnostic"
Explanation Postpones execution of ensuing commands until execution of all commands
has been completed.
Example of use Command 1; command 2; *WAI; following commands <program message
Following commands are executed after completion of execution of both
command 1 and command 2.
Note The wait state applied by the *WAI command is cleared by Device Clear.
With this equipment, there are no applicable overlapping commands.
43 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
Explanation Aborts recording to the measurement data buffer and puts the trigger system in
the idle state.
Setting example :ABOR
Explanation Sets/queries the measurement parameters to be displayed and output as
Parameter(s) REAL X (= R cos θ, primary PSD)
Xp (= Rp cos θp, primary PSD)
MLINear R (= X 2 Y 2 , primary PSD)
Rp (= Xp 2 Yp 2 , primary PSD)
IMAGinary Y (= R sin θ, primary PSD)
Yp (= Rp sin θp, primary PSD)
PHASe θ, θp (primary PSD)
NOISe Input referred noise density (V / Hz or A / Hz )
AUX1 AUX IN 1 voltage
REAL2 Xs (= Rs cos θs, secondary PSD)
MLINear2 Rs (= Xs 2 Ys 2 , secondary PSD)
44 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
45 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
:CALCulate1:MULTiplier <multiplier>
Explanation Sets/queries the primary PSD R, X output common EXPAND multiplier.
Display and output of EXPAND results also requires
enabling EXPAND calculation with the :CALCulate5:MATH EXP command.
Parameter(s) <multiplier>:{1|10|100}
Setting example :CALC1:MULT 10
Sets primary PSD R, X output common EXPAND multiplier to 10.
The effective sensitivity (full scale) is 1/10 of the setting.
Response <multiplier> {numeric, format NR1}
Query example :CALC1:MULT?
Setting example 10
primary PSD R, X output common EXPAND multiplier is 10.
Note The EXPAND multiplier only affects X, Y, R. It does not affect other
46 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
:CALCulate1:OFFSet <offset>
Explanation Sets/queries the offset for the primary PSD's X output.
For offset adjustment, also enable offset with the
:CALCulate1:OFFSet:STATe ON command.
Parameters <offset> {numeric, range -105 to +105, resolution 0.001, unit %}
% is with respect to sensitivity full scale.
Setting example :CALC1:OFFS 43
The offset for X is 43% of sensitivity full scale.
The equivalent of 43% of full scale is subtracted from the original X value.
Response <offset> {numeric, format NR3}
Query example :CALC1:OFFS?
Response example 4.300000E+01
The X offset is 43%.
Note The EXPAND multiplier is applied after offset adjustment.
Unless otherwise specified, the mantissa of the NR3 format responses has 6
Explanation Automatically sets the X offset and Y offset so that primary PSD's X output
and Y output at that point become zero, and enables offset adjustment.
Setting example :CALC1:OFFS:AUTO:ONCE
Automatically adjusts offset so that X output and Y output become zero.
Note If the range of possible adjustment is exceeded, adjustment is made within the
possible range.
:CALCulate1:OFFSet:STATe {ON|OFF|1|0}
Explanation Sets whether offset is adjusted for the primary PSD's X output.
Parameter(s) {ON|1} Enables offset adjustment.
{OFF|0} Disables offset adjustment.
Setting example :CALC1:OFFS:STAT ON
Enables X offset adjustment.
Response {1|0}
Query example :CALC1:OFFS:STAT?
Response example 1
X offset adjustment is enabled.
47 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
:CALCulate2:FORMat {IMAGinary|PHASe|AUX1|AUX2|REAL2|MLINear2|
Explanation Sets/queries the measurement parameters to be displayed and output as
Parameter(s) IMAGinary Y (= R sin θ, primary PSD)
Yp (= Rp sin θp, primary PSD)
PHASe θ, θp (primary PSD)
AUX1 AUX IN 1 voltage
AUX2 AUX IN 2 voltage
REAL2 Xs (= Rs cos θs, secondary PSD)
MLINear2 Rs (= Xs 2 Ys 2 , secondary PSD)
IMAGinary2 Ys (= Rs sin θs, secondary PSD)
PHASe2 θ, θs (secondary PSD)
48 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
:CALCulate2:OFFSet <offset>
Explanation Sets/queries the offset for the primary PSD's Y output.
For offset adjustment, also enable offset with the
:CALCulate2:OFFSet:STATe ON command.
Parameters <offset> {numeric, range -105 to +105, resolution 0.001, unit %}
% is with respect to sensitivity (full scale).
Setting example :CALC2:OFFS 43
The offset for Y is 43% of sensitivity full scale.
The equivalent of 43% is subtracted from the original Y value.
Response <offset> {numeric, format NR3}
Query example :CALC2:OFFS?
Response example 4.300000E+01
The Y offset is 43%.
Note The EXPAND multiplier is applied after offset adjustment.
Explanation Automatically sets the X offset and Y offset so that primary PSD's X output
and Y output at that point become zero.
Setting example :CALC2:OFFS:AUTO:ONCE
Automatically adjusts offset so that X output and Y output become zero.
Note This function is the same as that of the :CALCulate1:OFFSet:AUTO:ONCE
command. Both of these commands work on both X and Y. Automatic setting
of just X or just Y is not possible.
49 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
:CALCulate2:OFFSet:STATe {ON|OFF|1|0}
Explanation Sets whether offset is adjusted for primary PSD's Y output.
Parameter(s) {ON|1} Enables offset adjustment.
{OFF|0} Disables offset adjustment.
Setting example :CALC2:OFFS:STAT ON
Enables Y offset adjustment.
Response {1|0}
Query example :CALC2:OFFS:STAT?
Response example 1
Y offset adjustment is enabled.
:CALCulate3:FORMat {REAL|MLINear|IMAGinary|PHASe|REAL2|MLINear2}
Explanation Sets/queries the measurement parameters to be displayed and output as
Parameter(s) REAL X , Xp (primary PSD)
MLINear R , Rp (primary PSD)
IMAGinary Y , Yp (primary PSD)
PHASe θ , θp (primary PSD)
REAL2 Xs (secondary PSD)
MLINear2 Rs (secondary PSD)
50 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
:CALCulate3:OFFSet <offset>
Explanation Sets/queries the offset with respect to the secondary PSD's X output.
For offset adjustment, also enable offset with the
:CALCulate3:OFFSet:STATe ON command.
Parameters <offset> {numeric, range -105 to +105, resolution 0.001, unit %}
% is with respect to sensitivity full scale.
Setting example :CALC3:OFFS 43
Sets the offset with respect to secondary PSD X output to 43% of sensitivity
full scale.
The equivalent of 43% is subtracted from the original X value.
Response <offset> {numeric, format NR3}
Query example :CALC3:OFFS?
Response example 4.300000E+01
The offset with respect to secondary PSD X output is 43% of sensitivity full
Explanation Automatically sets offset so that secondary PSD's X and Y output become zero.
Setting example :CALC3:OFFS:AUTO:ONCE
Automatically adjusts offset so that secondary PSD's X and Y outputs become
Note If the range of possible adjustment is exceeded, adjustment is made within the
possible range.
51 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
:CALCulate3:OFFSet:STATe {ON|OFF|1|0}
Explanation Sets whether offset is adjusted with respect to the secondary PSD's X output.
Parameter(s) {ON|1} Enables offset adjustment.
{OFF|0} Disables offset adjustment.
Setting example :CALC3:OFFS:STAT ON
Enables offset adjustment for the secondary PSD's X output.
Response {1|0}
Query example :CALC3:OFFS:STAT?
Response example 1
Secondary PSD’s X offset adjustment is enabled.
:CALCulate4:FORMat {IMAGinary|PHASe|REAL2|MLINear2|IMAGinary2|PHASe2}
Explanation Sets/queries the measurement parameters to be displayed and output as
Parameter(s) IMAGinary Y, Yp (primary PSD)
PHASe θ, θp (primary PSD)
REAL2 Xs (secondary PSD)
MLINear2 Rs (secondary PSD)
IMAGinary2 Ys (secondary PSD)
PHASe2 θs (secondary PSD)
52 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
:CALCulate4:MULTiplier <multiplier>
Explanation Sets/queries the secondary PSD's Y output EXPAND multiplier.
Display and output of EXPAND results also requires
enabling EXPAND calculation with the :CALCulate5:MATH EXP command.
Parameter(s) <multiplier>:{1|10|100}
Setting example :CALC4:MULT 10
Sets secondary PSD output EXPAND multiplier to 10.
The effective sensitivity (full scale) is 1/10 of the setting.
Response <multiplier> {numeric, format NR1}
Query example :CALC4:MULT?
Response example 10
Secondary PSD's Y output common EXPAND multiplier is 10.
:CALCulate4:OFFSet <offset>
Explanation Sets/queries the offset for the secondary PSD's Y output.
For offset adjustment, also enable offset with the
:CALCulate4:OFFSet:STATe ON command.
Parameters <offset> {numeric, range -105 to +105, resolution 0.001, unit %}
% is with respect to sensitivity full scale.
Setting example :CALC4:OFFS 43
Sets the offset with respect to secondary PSD Y output to 43% of sensitivity
full scale.
The equivalent of 43% is subtracted from the original Y value.
Response <offset> {numeric, format NR3}
Query example :CALC4:OFFS?
Response example 4.300000E+01
The offset with respect to secondary PSD Y output is 43% of sensitivity full
Explanation Automatically sets offset so that secondary PSD's X and Y output become zero.
Setting example :CALC4:OFFS:AUTO:ONCE
Automatically adjusts offset so that secondary PSD's X and Y outputs become
Note This function is the same as that of the :CALCulate3:OFFSet:AUTO:ONCE
command. Both of these commands work on both X and Y. Automatic setting
of just X or just Y is not possible.
53 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
:CALCulate4:OFFSet:STATe {ON|OFF|1|0}
Explanation Sets whether offset is adjusted for secondary PSD's Y output.
Parameter(s) {ON|1} Enables offset adjustment.
{OFF|0} Disables offset adjustment.
Setting example :CALC4:OFFS:STAT ON
Enables offset adjustment for the secondary PSD's Y output.
Response {1|0}
Query example :CALC4:OFFS:STAT?
Response example 1
Secondary PSD’s Y offset adjustment is enabled.
:CALCulate5:MATH {OFF|EXPand|NORMalize|RATio}
Explanation Sets/queries the calculation method for measurement value to be displayed and
One method can be selected from among EXPAND, normalize calculation, and
ratio calculation.
Parameter(s) OFF No calculation is performed on the measurement value.
EXPand Enables EXPAND (enlarge).
NORMalize Enables normalize calculation
RATio Enables ratio calculation.
Setting example :CALC5:MATH EXP
Enables EXPAND.
Query example :CALC5:MATH?
Response example OFF
Calculation is not performed on measurement values.
54 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
:CALCulate5:MATH:EXPRession:NAME {RATio|RATio2}
Explanation Sets/queries the ratio calculation format.
Display and output of results also requires enabling ratio calculation with
the :CALCulate5:MATH RATio command.
Parameter(s) RATio: Normal ratio calculation (denominator: AUX IN 1)
This can be used with every detection mode.
Result (In SINGLE, DUAL1, or DUAL2 mode) =
Ratio multiplier
× primary PSD output (X, Y, R [% of FS])
/ AUX IN 1 [% of FS]
Result (In CASCADE mode) =
Ratio multiplier
× secondary PSD output (X, Y, R [% of FS])
/ AUX IN 1 [% of FS]
RATio2: Expanded ratio calculation (denominator: secondary PSD output)
Can only be used with DUAL1 and DUAL2 detection modes.
Result =
Ratio multiplier
× primary PSD output (X, Y, R [% of FS])
/ secondary PSD output [X % of FS]
Setting example :CALC5:MATH:EXPR:NAME RAT
Sets RATio as the calculation format.
Response {RAT|RAT2}
Query example :CALC5:MATH:EXPR:NAME?
Response example RAT
The ratio calculation format is RATio.
Note When the ratio calculation is invalid, the ratio calculation is not carried, it does
not result in an error.
55 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
Explanation Queries the number of data sampling points recorded in the measurement data
Parameter(s) BUF1 Indicates that measurement data buffer 1 is to be queried.
BUF2 Indicates that measurement data buffer 2 is to be queried.
BUF3 Indicates that measurement data buffer 3 is to be queried.
Response <number of sample points>
BUF1, BUF2 {numeric, format NR1, range 0 to 8192 }
BUF3 {numeric, format NR1, range 0 to 65536 }
Query example :DATA:COUN? BUF1
Response example 256
The number of measurement data samples recorded in measurement data
buffer 1 is 256.
Note When the measurement data buffer is empty, the response is 0.
Clearing the measurement data buffer :DATA:DELete command
56 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
<block length>
{numeric, format NR1, range 1 .. buffer size }
Sets the block length of measurement data to be acquired from the buffer (the
number of sample points).
Measurement data is separated into blocks for transmission.
If the block length is omitted, all of the measurement data is returned as a
single block.
Setting the measurement data buffer size :DATA:POINts command
<start position>
{numeric, format NR1, range 0 .. buffer size-1}
Specifies the start position of measurement data to be acquired.
If omitted, data is acquired from the recording start position.
This specification is invalid if used with BUF3.
57 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
The measurement data block and measurement data set above show the
format in ASCII. The sequence of values are the same for both real
numbers and integers, but commas are not used to delimit values, no
message terminator is appended, and a single measurement data block is
transferred as a single fixed length data block.
Note If the number of measurement data sets from the specified start position do not
fill the specified block length, remaining places in the measurement data set
are filled with zeros.
When the content of BUF3 is queried, measurement data blocks are sent
starting with the oldest data. The data read is deleted from the measurement
data buffer, releasing a proportionate amount of space in the buffer (First In,
First Out).
Query example :DATA:DATA? BUF1
Response example 2.732512E-01, 1.215909E+02, 2.733309E-01, 1.215591E+02, ...
Deriving the actual value :FORMat[:DATA] command
(When :DATA:FEED BUF1,6;:FORM ASC is set taking DATA1 as R, DATA2
as )
58 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
Explanation Clears the specified measurement data buffer.
Parameter(s) BUF1 Clears measurement data buffer 1.
BUF2 Clears measurement data buffer 2.
BUF3 Clears measurement data buffer 3.
Setting example :DATA:DEL BUF1
Clears measurement data buffer 1.
Explanation Clears all measurement data buffers.
Setting example :DATA:DEL:ALL
Clears measurement data buffers 1, 2, and 3.
Note Clearing a specified measurement data buffer :DATA:DELete command
59 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
words can be selected. It is not possible to select the same parameter more than
once. Data is recorded starting with the smallest value. It is not possible to
change the recording sequence. Nothing is recorded if 0 is set.
Setting example :DATA:FEED BUF1, 2
Set recording so that only the value of DATA1 is recorded in measurement data
buffer 1.
Response {numeric, format NR1, range 0 to 63}
Query example :DATA:FEED? BUF1
Response example 3
Measurement data recorded in measurement data buffer 1 is STATUS and
Note Measurement data recording format and resolution
BUF1, BUF2, BUF3: 16-bit signed integer (-32,768 to +32,767)
Frequency recording format and resolution
32-bit unsigned integer (0 to 4,294,967,295)
Actual values can be calculated with reference to full scale.
Derivation :FORMat[:DATA] command
When the measurement data set stored in a measurement data buffer is changed,
that measurement data buffer is cleared. The maximum recording rate depends
on the recording parameters and is limited.
60 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
61 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
Explanation Sets/queries the internal timer.
When recording to the measurement data buffer is enabled, measurement data
is recorded at the set time interval when the internal timer is enabled.
Enableing measurement data buffer :DATA:FEED:CONTrol command
Setting time interval :DATA:TIMer command
Parameter(s) {ON|1} Enables the internal timer.
{OFF|0} Disables the internal timer.
Setting example :DATA:TIM:STAT 1
Enables the internal timer.
Response {1|0}
Query example :DATA:TIM:STAT?
Response example 1
Internal timer is disabled.
Explanation Sets/queries the measurement screen.
Parameter(s) NORMal Standard measurement screen
LARGe Enlarged measurement screen (displays measurement values in
large size)
FINE Detailed measurement screen (displays as many settings as
Setting example :DISP LARG
Displays measurement values in large size.
Query example :DISP?
Response example LARG
Measurement values are displayed in large size mode.
:DISPlay:WINDow[:STATe] {ON|OFF|1|0}
Example Sets/queries lamp/display on/off state.
Parameter(s) {ON|1} On
{OFF|0} Off
Setting example :DISP:WIND OFF
Turns off the lamp and display.
Response {1|0}
Query example :DISP:WIND?
Response example 0
Lamp and display are off.
62 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
Explanation Queries the most recent measurement data.
Response <measurement data set>
[STATUS], [DATA1], [DATA2], [DATA3], [DATA4], [FREQ]
Content specification [:SENSe]:DATA command
{numeric, range 0 to 31}
0 No abnormality
Voltage a signal input connector A or B exceeds rated limit.
Over level somewhere from the signal input connector to the PSD
Over level at a time constant filter, amplification, or calculation
downstream from the PSD.
Maximum input voltage exceeded at AUX IN 1 or 2.
The reference signal source is REF IN or SIGNAL and is not
63 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
Explanation Sets/queries the data transfer format.
The set data transfer format applies to response messages returned to
the :DATA:DATA? and FETCh? queries.
Parameter(s) ASCii ASCII format (NR1, NR2, NR3, character string)
REAL Real number format (double-precision floating point, 64-bit binary)
INTeger Integer format (signed, 2's complement format, 16-bit binary)
Setting example :FORM ASC
Sets ASCII as the data transfer format.
Response {ASC|REAL|INT}
Query example :FORM?
Response example ASC
The data transfer format is ASCII.
■ ASCII format
Data is represented by characters, and characters are transferred as ASCII codes.
Depending on the parameter, numerics are transferred in one of the following formats.
NR1 Integer (example: 123)
NR2 Decimal format without an exponent (example: 0.123456)
NR3 Decimal format with an exponent (example: 1.234567E-07)
When multiple numeric values are transferred, they are delimited with commas (,).
A message terminator (such as LF^EOI) is appended to the end.
■ Real number format
Data is transfered in 64-bit double-precision floating point format conforming to IEEE 754.
If there are multiple numeric data, they are all transferred in double-precision floating point format.
64 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
■ Integer format
Data is transferred in 16-bit signed integer format (-32,768 to +32,767).
If there are multiple numeric data, they are all transferred in 16-bit signed integer format.
Measured value = output data × 2 ×1.2×meter full scale (see below)
The 32-bit data (frequency) is split into two unsigned 16-bit integers (0 to 65,535) for transfer in the
sequence: upper part, lower part. The actual value can be obtained by the following expression.
16 -32
Frequency = ( A × 2 + B ) × 2 × 12.5 MHz
65 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
Explanation When recording to the measurement data buffer is enabled and the trigger
system is in the idle state, the system transitions to the awaiting trigger state.
Enabling measurement data buffer :DATA:FEED:CONTrol command
Setting example :INIT
Sets the awaiting trigger state.
Note If the measurement data buffer becomes full during recording, the trigger
system enters the idle state. Transition to the awaiting trigger state is not
possible as long as the measurement data buffer remains full. As necessary, the
buffer must be cleared.
Clearing the measurement data buffer :DATA:DELete fcommand
:INPut[1]:COUPling {AC|DC}
Explanation Sets/queries the signal input result method.
Parameter(s) AC AC coupling (cutoff frequency approx. 0.1 Hz)
DC DC coupling
Setting example :INP:COUP AC
Sets AC coupling.
Response {AC|DC}
Query example :INP:COUP?
Response example AC
Input is AC coupled.
Note With current input, coupling takes place after current-voltage conversion.
66 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
:INPut[1]:FILTer:NOTCh1:FREQuency {50|60}
Explanation Sets/queries the notch filter (fundamental wave) center frequency.
The notch filter removes power supply frequency noise.
Parameter(s) {numeric, range {50|60} } Specifiable in Hz.
50 50 Hz
60 60 Hz
Setting example :INP:FILT:NOTC:FREQ 60
Sets the center frequency to 60 Hz.
Response {numeric, format NR1, range {50|60} }
Query example :INP:FILT:NOTC:FREQ?
Response example 60
The center frequency is 60 Hz.
:INPut[1]:FILTer:NOTCh1[:STATe] {ON|OFF|1|0}
Explanation Sets/queries the notch filter (fundamental wave).
The power supply fundamental wave (50 or 60 Hz) can be removed.
Parameter(s) {ON|1} Enables the notch filter.
{ON|0} Disables the notch filter (thru setting).
Setting example :INP:FILT:NOTC ON
Enables the notch filter.
Response {1|0}
Query example :INP:FILT:NOTC?
Response example 1
The notch filter is enabled.
:INPut[1]:FILTer:NOTCh2[:STATe] {ON|OFF|1|0}
Explanation Sets/queries the notch filter (second harmonic).
The power supply second harmonic (100 or 120 Hz) can be removed.
Parameter(s) {ON|1} Enables the notch filter (second harmonic).
{OFF|0} Disables the notch filter (second harmonic) (thru setting).
Setting example :INP:FILT:NOTC2 ON
Enables the notch filter (second harmonic).
Response {1|0}
Query example :INP:FILT:NOTC2?
Response example 1
The notch filter (second harmonic) is enabled.
67 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
:INPut[1]:GAIN {IE6|IE8}
Explanation Sets/queries the current-voltage conversion gain for current input.
For current input measurement, the I terminal is enabled with
the :ROUTe[1][:TERMinals] I command.
Parameter(s) IE6 Conversion gain 1 MV/A, 1 µAmax
IE8 Conversion gain 100 MV/A, 10 nAmax
Setting example :INP:GAIN IE6
Sets the current-voltage conversion gain to 1MV/A
Response {IE6|IE8}
Query example :INP:GAIN?
Response example IE6
The current-voltage conversion gain is 1MV/A.
:INPut[1]:IMPedance <impedance>
Explanation Sets/queries HF terminal input impedance.
Parameter(s) <impedance> : {numeric, range {50|1E6}, unit }
Rounding is applied to arbitrary values specified.
Setting example :INP:IMP 50
Sets the HF terminal impedance to 50
Response <impedance> : {numeric, format NR3, unit }
Query example :INP:IMP?
Response example 5.000000E+01
The HF terminal impedance is 50
Note This command cannot be used with the LI 5655. An error will result.
:INPut[1]:LOW {FLOat|GROund}
Explanation Sets/queries grounding of the signal input connector's outer conductor.
Parameter(s) FLOat Sets the input connector's outer conductor to float.
GROund Grounds the input connector's outer conductor to the chassis.
Setting example :INP:LOW FLO
Sets the input connector's outer conductor to float.
Response {FLO|GRO}
Query example :INP:LOW?
Response example FLO
The input connector's outer conductor is floating.
68 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
:INPut[1]:OFFSet:AUTO {ON|OFF|1|0}
Explanation Sets/queries the PSD input offset continuous auto adjustment function.
Parameter(s) {ON|1} Enables continuous automatic adjustment of PSD input offset.
{OFF|0} Disables continuous automatic adjustment of PSD input offset.
The automatic adjustment setting is retained.
To disable adjustment (the factory default setting),
execute the :INPut[1]:OFFSet:RST command.
Setting example :INP:OFFS:AUTO ON
The PSD input offset is continuously automatically adjusted.
Response {1|0}
Query example :INP:OFFS:AUTO?
Response example 0
Continuous automatic adjustment of PSD input offset disabled.
Explanation PSD input offset is automatically adjusted just once.
Setting example :INP:OFFS:AUTO:ONCE
Explanation Disables PSD input offset adjustment and restores the factory default setting.
This sets :INPut[1]:OFFSet:AUTO OFF.
Setting example :INP:OFFS:RST
Disables PSD input offset adjustment.
69 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
Explanation Sets/queries the reference signal waveform.
Parameter(s) SINusoid Sine wave (reference phase: point at which the rising slope
intersects the average value.)
Operation is the same with square or pulse waveforms, but phase
may differ somewhat from that with the sine wave.
TPOS TTL level rising edge
TNEG TTL level falling edge
Setting example :INP2:TYPE SIN
Sets sine wave as the reference signal waveform.
Response {SIN|TPOS|TNEG}
Query example :INP:TYPE?
Response example SIN
The reference signal waveform is sine wave.
Note SINusoid cannot be set with the LI 5660 when signal input connector HF is
70 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
:OUTPut[1][:STATe] {ON|OFF|1|0}
Explanation Sets/queries the output state of the DATA1 terminal.
Parameter(s) {ON|1} Enables output of the DATA1 terminal.
{OFF|0} Disables output of the DATA1 terminal.
Setting example :OUTP ON
DATA1 terminal output is enabled.
Response {1|0}
Query example :OUTP?
Response example 1
DATA1 terminal output is enabled.
Note Display will continue showing output as enabled even when it is disabled.
:OUTPut2[:STATe] {ON|OFF|1|0}
Explanation Sets/queries the output state of the DATA2 terminal.
Parameter(s) {ON|1} Enables output of the DATA2 terminal.
{OFF|0} Disables output of the DATA2 terminal.
Setting example :OUTP2 ON
DATA2 terminal output is enabled.
Response {1|0}
Query example :OUTP2?
Response example 1
DATA2 terminal output is enabled.
Note Display will continue showing output as enabled even when it is disabled.
:OUTPut3[:STATe] {ON|OFF|1|0}
Explanation Sets/queries the output state of the DATA3 terminal.
Parameter(s) {ON|1} Enables output of the DATA3 terminal.
{OFF|0} Disables output of the DATA3 terminal.
Setting example :OUTP3 ON
DATA3 terminal output is enabled.
Response {1|0}
Query example :OUTP3?
Response example 1
DATA3 terminal output is enabled.
Note Display will continue showing output as enabled even when it is disabled.
71 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
:OUTPut4[:STATe] {ON|OFF|1|0}
Explanation Sets/queries the output state of the DATA4 terminal.
Parameter(s) {ON|1} Enables output of the DATA4 terminal.
{OFF|0} Disables output of the DATA4 terminal.
Setting example :OUTP4 ON
DATA4 terminal output is enabled.
Response {1|0}
Query example :OUTP4?
Response example 1
DATA4 terminal output is enabled.
Note Display will continue showing output as enabled even when it is disabled.
:ROUTe[1][:TERMinals] {A|AB|C|I|HF}
Explanation Sets/queries the signal input connector.
Parameter(s) A single end voltage (terminal A, 1 V max)
AB Differential voltage (terminal A-B, 1 V max)
C Large amplitude voltage (terminal C, 10 V max)
I Current (terminal I, 1 μAmax when conversion gain is 1MV/A
10 nAmax when conversion gain is 100MV/A)
HF High frequency voltage (terminal HF, 1 V max)
Setting example :ROUT AB
Sets the terminal A-B differential voltage as the input signal.
Response {A|AB|C|I|HF}
Query example :ROUT?
Response example AB
The input signal is the terminal A-B differential voltage.
Note Signal input connectors C and HF cannot be selected with the LI 5655.
:ROUTe2[:TERMinals] {RINPut|IOSC|SINPut}
Explanation Sets/queries the reference signal source.
Parameter(s) RINPut REFERENCE INPUT Connector
IOSC Internal oscillator
SINPut SIGNAL input connector
Setting example :ROUT2 RINP
Sets the reference signal source to the REFERENCE INPUT connector.
Query example :ROUT2?
Response example RINP
The reference signal source is the REFERENCE INPUT connector.
Note With the LI 5660, SINPut cannot be set when signal input connector HF is
72 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
Explanation Automatically sets the sensitivity and time constant once to match the
reference signal for the signal being measured at the time.
This corresponds to the panel operation __AUTO_ [ MEASURE ].
Setting example :AUTO:ONCE
Performs auto setting one time.
[:SENSe]:CURRent[1]:AC:RANGe:AUTO {ON|OFF|1|0}
Explanation Sets/queries the current sensitivity continuous automatic selection function.
When current sensitivity is set automatically, dynamic reserve is also set
Parameter(s) {ON|1} Enables continuous automatic selection of current sensitivity.
{OFF|0} Disables continuous automatic selection of current sensitivity.
Setting example :CURR:AC:RANG:AUTO ON
Continuous automatic selection of current sensitivity is enabled.
Response {1|0}
Query example :CURR:AC:RANG:AUTO?
Response example 0
Continuous automatic selection of current sensitivity is disabled.
Note With voltage input, the voltage sensitivity is set automatically.
Explanation Automatically set current sensitivity one time.
When current sensitivity is set automatically, dynamic reserve is also set
Setting example :CURR:AC:RANG:AUTO:ONCE
Automatically sets current sensitivity one time.
Note With voltage input, the voltage sensitivity is set automatically.
73 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
74 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
75 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
[:SENSe]:DETector[:FUNCtion] {SINGle|DUAL1|DUAL2|CASCade}
Explanation Sets/queries the detection mode.
Parameter(s) SINGle 1 frequency × 2 phases (single mode)
Only the primary PSD is used. Measure at fundamental
wave F or harmonic (n/m) F of fundamental wave.
DUAL1 2 frequencies × 2 phases (2-frequency harmonic mode)
primary PSD: Fundamental wave F or fundamental wave
harmonic (n/m) F
Secondary PSD: Fundamental wave F or fundamental wave
harmonic nF
DUAL2 2 frequencies × 2 phases (2-frequency independent mode) Dual
primary PSD: primary frequency Fp mode
Secondary PSD: secondary frequency Fs
CASCade 2-frequency cascade connection (2-frequency cascade mode)
primary PSD: primary frequency Fp
Secondary PSD: secondary frequency Fs
Further detection on the detection result Xp of Fp is
performed using secondary frequency Fs.
Explanation Sets/queries dynamic reserve.
Parameter(s) HIGH High dynamic reserve (when noise level is high)
MEDium Medium dynamic reserve
LOW Low dynamic reserve (when noise level is low)
Setting example :DRES LOW
Sets low dynamic reserve.
Response {HIGH|MED|LOW}
Query example :DRES?
Response example LOW
The dynamic reserve level is LOW.
76 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
Explanation Automatically sets the filter time constant according to frequency.
When the synchronous filter is selected, switching to the time constant filter
takes place automatically.
The attenuation slope will be 24 dB/oct.
Setting example :FILT:AUTO:ONCE
Automatically sets the filter time constant.
[:SENSe]:FILTer[1][:LPASs]:SLOPe {6|12|18|24}
Explanation Sets/queries the filter attenuation slope (primary PSD).
Parameter(s) {numeric, range {6|12|18|24}, unit dB/oct}
Setting example :FILT:SLOP 24
Sets the filter attenuation slope to 24 dB/oct.
Response {numeric, format NR1}
Query example :FILT:SLOP?
Response example 24
The filter attenuation slope is 24 dB/oct.
[:SENSe]:FILTer[1][:LPASs]:TYPE {EXPonential|MOVing}
Explanation Sets/queries the filter type.
Parameter(s) EXPonential Time constant filter
MOVing Synchronous filter (moving average type)
Setting example :FILT:TYPE MOV
Sets the synchronous filter.
Response {EXP|MOV}
Query example :FILT:TYPE?
Response example MOV
Synchronous filter is set.
77 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
[:SENSe]:FILTer2[:LPASs]:SLOPe {6|12|18|24}
Explanation Sets/queries the filter attenuation slope (secondary PSD).
Parameter(s) {numeric, range {6|12|18|24}, unit dB/oct}
Setting example :FILT2:SLOP 24
Sets the filter attenuation slope to 24 dB/oct.
Response {numeric, format NR1}
Query example :FILT2:SLOP?
Response example 24
The filter attenuation slope is 24 dB/oct.
[:SENSe]:FILTer2[:LPASs]:TYPE {EXPonential|MOVing}
Explanation Sets/queries the filter type (secondary PSD).
Parameter(s) EXPonential Time constant filter
MOVing Synchronous filter (moving average type)
Setting example :FILT2:TYPE MOV
Sets the synchronous filter.
Response {EXP|MOV}
Query example :FILT2:TYPE?
Response example MOV
Synchronous filter is set.
78 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
Explanation Queries the frequency (Fp fundamental wave, primary frequency).
Response <frequency>
LI 5655
{numeric, format NR3, range 3.0E-1 to 3.2E+6, resolution 7 digits, unit Hz}
LI 5660
{numeric, format NR3, range 3.0E-1 to 1.15E+7, resolution 7 digits, unit Hz}
Query example :FREQ?
Response example 1.234567E+05
The frequency is 123.4567 kHz.
Note When harmonics measurement is enabled, harmonic order = n,
and subharmonic order = m, then
actual measurement frequency = response value × n / m (primary PSD)
= response value × n (secondary PSD)
[:SENSe]:FREQuency[1]:HARMonics {ON|OFF|1|0}
Explanation Sets/queries harmonics measurement (enabled or disabled) (primary PSD).
Parameter(s) {ON|1} Enables harmonics measurement.
{OFF|0} Disables harmonics measurement.
Setting example :FREQ:HARM ON
Enables harmonics measurement.
Response {1|0}
Query example :FREQ:HARM?
Response example 1
harmonics measurement is enabled.
[:SENSe]:FREQuency[1]:MULTiplier <harmonic order>
Explanation Sets/queries the harmonic order n for measurement (primary PSD).
The signal that has n times frequency of the reference signal can be measured.
Harmonics measurement must be enabled with the
[:SENSe]:FREQuency[1]:HARMonics ON command.
Parameter(s) <harmonic order> {numeric, range 1 to 63}
Setting example :FREQ:MULT 2
Sets the harmonic order to 2.
Response {numeric, format NR1}
Query example :FREQ:MULT?
Response example 2
The harmonic order is 2.
Note When harmonic order n and subharmonic order m are set, fractional harmonic
n / m is measured. When measuring the n-th harmonic, set sub-harmonic order
m = 1 (the default value). When measuring the 1/m-th subharmonic, set
harmonic order n = 1 (the default value).
79 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
80 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
Explanation Queries the secondary frequency used with detection modes DUAL2 and
Response <Frequency>
LI 5655 {numeric, range 3.0E-1 to 3.2E+6, resolution 7 digits, unit Hz}
LI 5660 {numeric, range 3.0E-1 to 1.15E+7, resolution 7 digits, unit Hz}
Query example :FREQ2?
Response example 1.000000E+06
The secondary frequency is 1 MHz.
[:SENSe]:FREQuency2:HARMonics {ON|OFF|1|0}
Explanation Sets/queries harmonic measurement (enabled or disabled) (secondary PSD).
Parameter(s) {ON|1} Enables harmonics measurement.
{OFF|0} Disables harmonics measurement.
Setting example :FREQ2:HARM ON
Enables secondary PSD harmonic measurement.
Response {1|0}
Query example :FREQ2:HARM?
Response example 1
Secondary PSD harmonic measurement is enabled.
Note Secondary PSD harmonic measurement is forcibly disabled in detection modes
other than DUAL1.
81 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
[:SENSe]:NOISe[:SMOothing][:APERture] {1|4|16|64}
Explanation Sets/queries the output smoothing coefficient for noise density measurement.
Setting the coefficient to 4 roughly halves variations in output, but roughly
quadruples response time.
Parameter(s) {numeric, range {1|4|16|64}}
Setting example :NOIS 16
Sets the output smoothing coefficient to 16.
Response {numeric, format NR1}
Query example :NOIS?
Response example 16
The output smoothing coefficient is 16.
Explanation Automatically adjusts the phase shift amount so that phase θ (primary PSD)
becomes zero.
Setting example :PHAS:AUTO:ONCE
Performs automatic phase adjustment.
Note Upon making θ = 0, the signal amplitude can be determined from X. Since Y
becomes 0, the phase change can be determined from Y.
82 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
Explanation Automatically adjusts the phase shift amount so that phase θ (secondary PSD)
becomes zero.
Setting example :PHAS2:AUTO:ONCE
Performs automatic phase adjustment.
[:SENSe]:ROSCillator:SOURce {INTernal|EXTernal}
Explanation Sets/queries the reference frequency source for frequency synthesis.
Parameter(s) INTernal internal
EXTernal external (10 MHz IN terminal)
Setting example :ROSC:SOUR EXT
The reference frequency source is set to external.
Response {INT|EXT}
Query example :ROSC:SOUR?
Response example INT
The reference frequency source is internal.
Note Even when the reference frequency source is set to external, operation
continues with the internal reference frequency source until a 10 MHz signal is
applied to the 10 MHz IN terminal.
83 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
[:SENSe]:VOLTage[1]:AC:RANGe:AUTO {ON|OFF|1|0}
Explanation Sets/queries the voltage sensitivity continuous automatic selection function.
When voltage sensitivity is set automatically, dynamic reserve is also set
Parameter(s) {ON|1} Enables continuous automatic selection of voltage sensitivity.
{OFF|0} Disables continuous automatic selection of voltage sensitivity.
Setting example :VOLT:AC:RANG:AUTO ON
Continuous automatic selection of voltage sensitivity is enabled.
Response {1|0}
Query example :VOLT:AC:RANG:AUTO?
Response example 0
Continous automatic selection of voltage sensitivity is disabled.
Note With current input, the current sensitivity is set automatically.
Explanation Automatically set voltage sensitivity one time.
When voltage sensitivity is set automatically, dynamic reserve is also set
Setting example :VOLT:AC:RANG:AUTO:ONCE
Automatically sets voltage sensitivity one time.
Note With current input, the current sensitivity is set automatically.
84 LI 5655 / LI 5660
[:SENSe]:VOLTage[1]:AC:RANGe[:UPPer] <sensitivity>
Explanation Sets/queries the voltage sensitivity (primary PSD).
Parameter(s) <sensitivity> : {numeric, range see below, unit Vrms}
Rounding is applied to arbitrary values specified.
The unit V can be used.
The range depends on the input connector as follows.
Input connector Range
A, A-B {10E-9|20E-9|50E-9|..|1}
C {1E-3|2E-3|5E-3|..|10}
HF {1E-3|2E-3|5E-3|..|1}
Setting example :VOLT:AC:RANG 1E-3
Sets voltage sensitivity to 1 mV.
Response {numeric, format NR3, range {same as setting range}, unit Vrms}
Query example :VOLT:AC:RANG?
Response example 1.000000E-03
Voltage sensitivity is 1 mV.
Note Disabled when using current input.
When in dual detector mode, the voltage sensitivity of the secondary PSD is
changed to match that of the primary PSD if the sensitivity set for the primary
PSD is lower than that of the secondary PSD.
When NOISE is selected with DATA1, the sensitivity setting range for input
connectors A and A-B is as follows.
[:SENSe]:VOLTage2:AC:RANGe[:UPPer] <sensitivity>
Explanation Sets/queries the voltage sensitivity (secondary PSD).
Parameter(s) <sensitivity> {numeric, range : same as primary PSD, unit Vrms}
Range is the same as with [:SENSe]:VOLTage[1]:AC:RANGe[:UPPer].
The unit V can be used.
Setting example :VOLT2:AC:RANG 1E-3
Sets voltage sensitivity to 1 mV.
Response {numeric, format NR3, range {same as setting range}, unit Vrms}
Query example :VOLT2:AC:RANG?
Response example 1.000000E-03
Voltage sensitivity is 1 mV.
Note Disabled when using current input.
When in dual detector mode, the voltage sensitivity of the secondary PSD
cannot be set to a higher level than that of the primary PSD.
85 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
[:SENSe]:VOLTage5[:DC]:STATe {ON|OFF|1|0}
Explanation Sets/queries the AUX IN 1 terminal state (enabled or disabled).
Parameter(s) {ON|1} Enables voltage measurement for the AUX IN 1 terminal.
{OFF|0} Disables voltage measurement for the AUX IN 1 terminal.
Setting example :VOLT5:STAT ON
Enables voltage measurement for the AUX IN 1 terminal.
Response {1|0}
Query example :VOLT5:STAT?
Response example 1
Enables voltage measurement for the AUX IN 1 terminal.
Note When voltage measurement is disabled, the display shows 0.000V.
[:SENSe]:VOLTage6[:DC]:STATe {ON|OFF|1|0}
Explanation Sets/queries the AUX IN 2 terminal state (enabled or disabled).
Parameter(s) {ON|1} Enables voltage measurement for the AUX IN 2 terminal.
{OFF|0} Disables voltage measurement for the AUX IN 2 terminal.
Setting example :VOLT6:STAT ON
Enables voltage measurement for the AUX IN 2 terminal.
Response {1|0}
Query example :VOLT6:STAT?
Response example 1
Enables voltage measurement for the AUX IN 2 terminal.
Note When voltage measurement is disabled, the display shows 0.000V.
86 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
87 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
:SOURce:FREQuency[1][:CW] <frequency>
Explanation Sets/queries the internal oscillator (primary PSD) frequency.
Parameter(s) <frequency>
LI 5655
{numeric, range 300E-3 to 3.2E+6, resolution 6 digits (0.1 mHz under 100 Hz), unit
LI 5660
{numeric, range 300E-3 to 1.15E+7, resolution 6 digits (0.1 mHz under 100 Hz), unit
Suffixes M (10 -3), K(103) and MA (106), unit HZ can be used.
Example: 1KHZ (=1E3).
Setting example :SOUR:FREQ 1000
Sets the internal oscillator frequency to 1 kHz.
Response {numeric, format NR3}
Query example :SOUR:FREQ?
Response example 1.000000E+03
The internal oscillator frequency is 1.000000E+03 Hz (1 kHz).
Note With the LI 5660, the settable frequency range varies depending on the
selected signal input connector.
HF selected 8 kHz to 11.5 MHz
Other than HF selected 0.3 Hz to 3.2 MHz
Depending on the selected reference signal source and detection mode, the
actual frequency (fundamental wave, primary frequency) may differ from that
Querying the frequency (fundamental wave, primary frequency)
[:SENSe]:FREQuency[1]? command
88 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
:SOURce:FREQuency2[:CW] <frequency>
Explanation Sets/queries the internal oscillator (secondary PSD) frequency used with
detection modes DUAL2 and CASCADE.
Parameter(s) <frequency>
LI 5655
{numeric, range 300E-3 to 3.2E+6, resolution 6 digits (0.1 mHz under 100 Hz), unit
LI 5660
{numeric, range 300E-3 to 1.15E+7, resolution 6 digits (0.1 mHz under 100 Hz), unit
Suffixes M (10 -3), K(103) and MA (106), unit HZ can be used.
Example: 1KHZ (=1E3).
Setting example :SOUR:FREQ2 1E+6
Sets the internal oscillator frequency to 1 MHz.
Response {numeric, format NR3}
Query example :SOUR:FREQ2?
Response example 1.000000E+06
The internal oscillator frequency is 1.000000E+06 Hz (1 MHz).
Note With the LI 5660, the settable frequency range varies depending on the
selected signal input connector and detection mode.
Detection mode Frequency range
0.3 Hz ~ 3.2 MHz
Other than HF
Other than
HF 8 kHz ~ 11.5 MHz
Depending on the selected reference signal source and detection mode, the
actual frequency (secondary frequency) may differ from that set.
Querying the secondary frequency
[:SENSe]:FREQuency2? command
89 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
:SOURce:IOSCillator {PRImary|SECondary}
Explanation Sets/queries the oscillator output from the OSC OUT terminal.
Parameter(s) PRImary Sets the primary PSD oscillator.
SECondary Sets the secondary PSD oscillator. Setting takes effect when
detection mode is DUAL2, CASCADE.
Setting example :SOUR:IOSC PRI
Sets output to the primary PSD oscillator.
Response {PRI|SEC}
Query example :SOUR:IOSC?
Response example SEC
Secondary PSD oscillator.
Note Querying the primary PSD oscillator frequency
[:SENSe]:FREQuency[1]? command
Querying the secondary PSD oscillator frequency
[:SENSe]:FREQuency2? command
:SOURce:VOLTage[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] <amplitude>
Explanation Sets/queries the internal oscillator output voltage AC amplitude.
Parameter(s) <amplitude> {numeric, range 0.00000 to 1.000, setting resolution 4 digits (at
output voltage range full scale), unit Vrms}
Suffix M (10 -3), unit V, MAX, and MIN can be used.
Example: 100M (= 0.1)
Setting example :SOUR:VOLT 0.5
Sets output voltage amplitude to 0.5 V.
Response {numeric, format NR3}
Query example :SOUR:VOLT?
Response example 5.000000E-01
Output voltage amplitude is 0.5 V.
Note Values exceeding the output voltage range cannot be set.
:SOURce:VOLTage:RANGe command
90 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
91 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
92 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
Explanation Queries the Operation Condition register (OPCR).
Response {numeric, format NR1, range 0 to 65535}
Query example :STAT:OPER:COND?
Response example 0
The Operation Condition register contains 0.
:STATus:OPERation:ENABle <mask>
Explanation Sets/queries the Operation Event Enable register (OPEE).
Parameter(s) <mask> {numeric, range 0 to 65535} An error results if range exceeded.
Regardless of the value specified, the uppermost bit of the 16-bit binary value
is 0.
Setting example: :STAT:OPER:ENAB 0
Disables occurrence of operation events.
Response {numeric, format NR1, range 0 to 65535}
Query example :STAT:OPER:ENAB?
Response example 0
The Operation Condition register contains 0 (all disabled).
Explanation Queries the Operation Event register (OPER).
Response {numeric, format NR1, range 0 to 65535}
Query example :STAT:OPER?
Response example 0
The Operationable Event register contains 0 (no event).
93 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
:STATus:OPERation:NTR <filter>
Explanation Sets/queries the Operation Status Negative Transition Filter.
Parameter(s) <filter> {numeric, range 0 to 65535}
Setting example :STAT:OPER:NTR 256
Sets bit 8 of the Operation Status Negative Transition Filter to 1.
Response {numeric, format NR1, range 0 to 65535}
Query example :STAT:OPER:NTR?
Response example 256
Bit 8 of the Operation Status Negative Transition Filter is set to 1.
:STATus:OPERation:PTR <filter>
Explanation Sets/queries the Operation Status Positive Transition Filter.
Parameter(s) <filter> {numeric, range 0 to 65535}
Setting example :STAT:OPER:PTR 256
Sets bit 8 of the Operation Status Positive Transition Filter to 1.
Response {numeric, format NR1, range 0 to 65535}
Query example :STAT:OPER:PTR?
Response example 256
Bit 8 of the Operation Status Positive Transition Filter is set to 1.
94 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
Explanation Queries the Questionable Condition register (QUCR).
Response {numeric, format NR1, range 0 to 65535}
Query example :STAT:QUES:COND?
Response example 0
The Questionable Condition register contains 0.
:STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle <mask>
Explanation Sets/queries the Questionable Event Enable register (QUEE).
Parameter(s) <mask> {numeric, range 0 to 65535} An error results if range exceeded.
Regardless of the value specified, the uppermost bit of the 16-bit binary value
is 0.
Setting example :STAT:QUES:ENAB 0
Inhibits occurrence of all questionable events.
Response {numeric, format NR1, range 0 to 65535}
Query example :STAT:QUES:ENAB?
Response example 0
The Questionable Event Enable register contains 0 (all disabled).
Explanation Queries the Questionable Event register (QUER).
Response {numeric, format NR1, range 0 to 65535}
Query example :STAT:QUES?
Response example 0
The Questionable Event register contains 0 (no event).
95 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
:STATus:QUEStionable:NTR <filter>
Explanation Sets/queries the Questionable Status Negative Transition Filter.
Parameter(s) <filter> {numeric, range 0 to 65535}
Setting example :STAT:OPER:NTR 64
Sets bit 6 of the Questionable Status Negative Transition Filter to 1.
Response {numeric, format NR1, range 0 to 65535}
Query example :STAT:QUES:NTR?
Response example 64
Bit 6 of the Questionable Status Negative Transition Filter is set to 1.
:STATus:QUEStionable:PTR <filter>
Explanation Sets/queries the Questionable Status Positive Transition Filter.
Parameter(s) <filter> {numeric, range 0 to 65535}
Setting example :STAT:OPER:PTR 64
Sets bit 6 of the Questionable Status Positive Transition Filter to 1.
Response {numeric, format NR1, range 0 to 65535}
Query example :STAT:QUES:PTR?
Response example 64
Bit 6 of the Questionable Status Positive Transition Filter is set to 1.
96 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
Explanation Queries the error content.
Response <error number>, <error message>
<error number> {numeric, format NR1, range -32768 to +32767}
<error message> format SRD
For details "9. Error Messages"
Query example :SYST:ERR?
Response example 0,"No error"
There is no error.
Note The error read is the oldest one in the error queue.
Once the content of an error has been read, that error is removed from the error
The error queue can hold up to 16 errors. If this number is exceeded, the 16 th
error message changes to "Queue overflow" and subsequent errors are
:SYSTem:KLOCk {ON|OFF|1|0}
Explanation Sets/queries the front panel key lock function.
Parameter(s) {ON|1} Enables key lock (disables key operation).
{OFF|0} Disables key lock (enables key operation).
Setting example :SYST:KLOC 1
Enables key lock (disables key operation).
Response {1|0}
Query example :SYST:KLOC?
Response example 1
Key lock is enabled (key operation is disabled).
Explanation Initializes settings.
Unlike the *RST command, this command also clears the contents of
configuration memories 1 to 9.
For details LI 5655 / LI 5660 Instruction Manual (Operations)
"Table 3-1 Settings and default values"
Parameter(s) None
Setting example :SYST:RST
Initializes settings.
97 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
98 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
The three commands shown on this page will provide control functions that can be realized in GPIB and
USBTMC. An error results if these commands are used with GPIB or USBTMC.
Explanation Switches to the local state.
While in local state, operation can be controlled from the panel.
Local Lockout is cancelled.
Parameter(s) None
Setting example :SYST:LOC
Switches to the local state.
Note Sending any command or query other than this one using RS-232 or LAN
RS-232 causes the LI 5655 / LI 5660 to enter the remote state.
When key lock mode is enabled, operation can be controlled from the panel.
Explanation Switches operation to remote state.
While in remote state, operation cannot be controlled from the panel.
However, as long as Local Lockout is disabled, only the __CLR_ / LOCAL key
can be used.
Parameter(s) None
Setting example :SYST:REM
Switches to the remote state.
Note This command does not affect the enabled/disabled status of Local Lockout.
Explanation Switches to remote state with Local Lockout.
During Local Lockout, operation cannot be returned to the local state by
pressing the _CLR_ / LOCAL key.
Parameter(s) None
Setting example :SYST:RWL
Switches to remote state with Local Lockout.
Note When cancelling Local Lockout, use the :SYSTem:LOCal command to enter
local state.
99 LI 5655 / LI 5660
5.Command explanation
Operation Questionable
status status
Operation Questionable
Condition register Condition register
Positive/Negative Positive/Negative
transition filter
Event transition filter
Output queue
Always 0
0 0 0
Logical OR
Service Request
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Enable register
■ Related commands/queries
Queries content of the Status Byte register.
Bit 6 is MSS (Master Summary Status).
Sets and queries the Service Request Enable register.
The register is cleared to 0 immediately after turning on the power. Set 0 to clear to 0. The
Status Byte Register is enabled when 1 is set to the Service Request Enable register, and a
Service Request is issued when one of the effective bits is set to 1.
The setting and response message parameter for the respective registers is the value that is the sum of
weights of bits that are 1.
& & : Logical AND
Power on PON 7 7
Always 0 (not used) URQ 6 6
Command error CME
Logical OR
5 5
Execution error EXE 4 4
Device-specific error DDE 3 3
Query error QYE 2 2
Always 0 (not used) RQC 1 1
Operation complete (OPC) 0 0
■ Related commands/queries
Queries content of the Standard Event Status register.
Querying the register clears it to 0. The register can also be cleared with the *CLS
The register is cleared to 0 immediately after turning on the power. However, the PON bit
is set to 1.
Sets/queries the Standard Event Status Enable register.
Set 0 to to this register to clear it to 0.
There are no other commands to clear it.
The register is cleared to 0 immediately after turning on the power.
The setting and response message parameter for the respective registers is the value that is the sum of
weights of bits that are 1.
Logical OR
9 9 9 9 9
BUF1 full BUF1 8 8 8 8 8
Adjusting DC CORR 7 7 7 7 7
Always 0 (not used) 6 6 6 6 6
Awaiting trigger WTRG 5 5 5 5 5
Measuring by timer MEAS 4 4 4 4 4
Always 0 (not used) 3 3 3 3 3
Auto range in progress RANG 2 2 2 2 2
Always 0 (not used) 1 1 1 1 1
Always 0 (not used) 0 0 0 0 0
■ Related commands/queries
Queries the Operation Condition register.
Querying this register does not clear its contents to 0.
It constantly indicates the device status.
Queries the Operation Event register.
Querying the event register clears it to 0.
The event register can also be cleared with the *CLS command.
The register is cleared to 0 immediately after turning on the power.
:STATus:OPERation:ENABle, STATus:OPERation:ENABle?
Set/queries the Operation Event Enable register.
Set 0 to to this register to clear it to 0. There are no other commands to clear it.
The register is cleared to 0 immediately after turning on the power.
:STATus:OPERation:NTR, STATus:OPERation:NTR?
:STATus:OPERation:PTR, STATus:OPERation:PTR?
Sets/queries the Operation Status Transition Filter.
The relationship between transition filter settings and transition of the event register is
shown in Table 6-4.
Condition register
Positive transition Negative transition transition to set
filter bit settings filter bit settings Event register
to 1
1 0 0→1
0 1 1→0
1 1 0 → 1 or 1 → 0
Event register
0 0
not set to 1.
The setting and response message parameter for the respective registers is the value that is the sum of
weights of bits that are 1.
■ Related commands/queries
Queries the Questionable Condition register.
Querying this register does not clear its contents to 0.
It constantly indicates the device status.
Queries the Questionable Event register.
Querying the event register clears it to 0.
The event register can also be cleared with the *CLS command.
The register is cleared to 0 immediately after turning on the power.
:STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle, STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle?
Set/queries the Questionable Event Enable register.
Set 0 to to this register to clear it to 0. There are no other commands to clear it.
The register is cleared to 0 immediately after turning on the power.
:STATus:QUEStionable:NTR, STATus:QUEStionable:NTR?
:STATus:QUEStionable:PTR, STATus:QUEStionable:PTR?
Sets/queries the Questionable Event Status Transition Filter.
The relationship between transition filter settings and transition of the event register is
shown in Table 6-6.
Condition register
Positive transition Negative transition transition to set
filter bit settings filter bit settings Event register
to 1
1 0 0→1
0 1 1→0
1 1 0 → 1 or 1 → 0
Event register
0 0
not set to 1.
The setting and response message parameter for the respective registers is the value that is the sum of
weights of bits that are 1.
Power on
initialize operation
:INIT command
Awaiting trigger
(triggers enabled)
○ The following operations cannot be performed during measurement data recording (while awaiting
・Setting the output signal :CALCulate1:FORMat
・Changing the recording buffer :DATA:FEED:CONTrol
・Change the data to be recorded :DATA:FEED
・Changing the number of recording points :DATA:POINts
・Clearing the measurement data buffer :DATA:DELete
・Changing the timer :DATA:TIMer
・Changing the trigger source :TRIGger:SOURce
・Changing the trigger delay time :TRIGger:DELay
・Changing the detection mode [:SENSe]:DETector[:FUNCtion]
○ The following events/operations change the mode from the awaiting trigger state to the idle state.
・Power on
・Executing the :ABORt command
・Filling up the buffer
・Switching to local state
・Reset operation *RST
・Operating on configuration memory *RCL
With BUF3 only, data is deleted from the measurement data buffer when it is read.
Multiple sample points can be stored in the measurement data buffers as a measurement data set, and
then the buffer contents can be read later.
The following schematically illustrates use of the measurement data buffer for measurement.
Example 1 Reading all measurement data out of BUF1 at once after recording it into the
buffer at arbitrary timing.
Send (":ABOR")
' Any recording currently in progress is aborted.
Send (":DATA:FEED BUF1, 7")
' Set the measurement data set for recording.
Send (":DATA:POIN BUF1, 100")
' Set capacity of the measurement data buffer.
' At this time, the contents of the specified buffer are cleared.
' Enable recording into the specified measurement data buffer.
' Disable the internal timer.
' Set the trigger source to remote control.
' Other trigger sources can also be used.
' If necessary, specify a trigger delay time. :TRIG:DEL command
Send (":INIT")
' Transition to the awaiting trigger state.
Send (":TRIG")
' Apply the trigger to repeatedly record measurement data.
' If the measurement data buffer becomes full during recording, the trigger system enters
the idle state and further triggers are not accepted.
Receive (OPCR)
' When the trigger source is other than BUS, completion of measurement can
' be determined from the operation status full flag.
' SRQ can also be used to generate an interrupt when the buffer becomes full.
Send (":ABOR")
' Any recording currently in progress is aborted.
Send (":DATA:FEED BUF3, 3")
' Set the measurement data set for recording.
Send (":DATA:POIN BUF3, 100")
' Set capacity of the measurement data buffer.
' At this time, the contents of the specified buffer are cleared.
' Enable recording into the specified measurement data buffer.
Send (":DATA:TIM 1E-3")
' Set the interval of the internal timer.
' Enable the internal timer.
' Set the trigger source to the external input signal.
' Other trigger sources can also be used.
' If necessary, specify a trigger delay time. :TRIG:DEL command
Send (":INIT")
' Transition to the awaiting trigger state.
' Upon trigger application, measurement data recording starts at equal time intervals.
Send (":FORM ASC")
' Set the data transfer format.
Send (":DATA:DATA? BUF3, 2")
' Request transfer of data from the measurement data buffer.
Example 3 Record and read out data in parallel using BUF1 and BUF2 in alternation.
Send (":ABOR")
' Any recording currently in progress is aborted.
Send (":DATA:FEED BUF1, 6")
Send (":DATA:FEED BUF2, 6")
' Set the measurement data set to be recorded to the respective buffers.
Send (":TRIG:SOUR EXT") ' Set the trigger source.
Send (":FORM ASC")
' Set the data transfer format to be used for reading out data.
Send (":DATA:POIN BUF1, 256") ' Clear BUF1.
Send (":DATA:FEED:CONT BUF1, ALW") ' Direct recording to BUF1.
Send (":INIT") ' Transition to the awaiting trigger state.
' Thereafter, apply as many triggers as needed to obtains samples corresponding to the
buffer capacity.
Receive (OPCR)
' Monitor the BUF1 full flag for completion of recording.
Receive (OPCR)
' Monitor the BUF2 full flag for completion of recording.
This section shows the content of the main errors that can occur during remote control.
Remote control errors are recorded in the error queue and can be read out in sequence
by :SYSTem:ERRor? starting with the oldest. Once all errors have been read out, 0,"No error" is
returned if the query is sent again. The error queue can be cleared with the *CLS command.
Data remaining in the input buffer or output buffer at the time a problem occurs can be cleared using a
device clear interface message (DCL, SDC). If the interface being used does not support the device
clear function, use the corresponding substitute function instead.
Under some circumstances, errors other than the above may occur. In such cases, check the error
message for a summary.
For operations that can be controlled from the panel, error messages are the same as with panel
operation. Refer to the explanations of panel operations related to the various commands and queries.
Errors that occur during ordinary measurement are displayed in the same manner during remote control.
This section shows the content of the embedded web site. The embedded web site can be used with
firmware version 1.50 or later.
10.1 Preparation
It is necessary to enable the LAN interface of the LI 5655 / LI 5660 to access embedded web pages.
When it is enabled, the built-in web server is launched. After launching web server, it is possible to
access web pages. Please refer to the section “1.5 LAN outline” for the way to enable the LAN
10.2 Requirements
OS Windows 7
Web Browser Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 11 or later)
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
■ Note
When the page loading is completed, the screen captureing is automatically started.
If the processing load of the LI 5655 / LI 5660 is increased, the frequency of refreshing is decreased
or stop refreshing.
A remote command is executed when accessing this page, refreshing of the display will be stopped.
10.4.5 Logging
This page provides to obtain measurement data form the LI 5655 / LI 5660.
■ Note
The refreshing cycle is 1 second. If the processing load of the LI 5655 / LI 5660 is increased, the
cycle is not guaranteed.
The measured values are stored in the temporary storage of the web browser. Then the maximum
number of the measured values that can be stored is 1024. If the window is closed, screen transition or
reloading occurs, the stored data will be deleted.
The accessing this or other page at the same time or the executing a remote command causes to stop
The way to revert the settings to the factory default, see the section “1.5.2 LI 5655 / LI 5660
preparation” and reset by the {LAN Reset screen}.
The following table are the values that are shown in this page.
This parameter is the default gatway.
10.4.7 Security
You can enable/disable web page protection and change password. The pages to be protected are
“Remote Control”, “LAN Configuration”, “Update” and this page.
If you want to enable protection, enter the letters on the “New Password” and “Confirm Password”
form and press “Submit” button. And if you want to enable disable protection, press "Submit" button
with leaving the form "New Password" and "Confirm Password" blank.
The factory default password is blank. In other words, web page protection is disabled.
The following dialogue image is shown when you access web page that is protected. In the dialogue
you should input "user" to "User Name:" field.
Note : If you reset password with the above procesure, also reset other settings, e.g, IP address.
10.4.8 Update
You can update the device.
Please refer to the manual that comes with the firmware updater of the device.
10.4.9 Glossary
This page contains the glossary about LXI.