Task Sheet 2
Task Sheet 2
Task Sheet 2
Research Design:
The case study approach is particularly useful to employ when there is a need to obtain an in-depth
appreciation of an issue, event or phenomenon of interest, in its natural real-life context, making it an
appropriate choice for our research on the practical value and architectural importance of vintage
establishments in Intramuros. The vintage establishments in Intramuros are unique and have a rich history
that requires a detailed investigation. Therefore, a case study design allows the researchers to explore the
issue in its real-life context, examine the interplay of different factors, and identify the contextual factors
that contribute to their practical and architectural significance. By conducting a case study, the researchers
can examine the historical, cultural, social, and economic contexts that influence the conservation of these
establishments. A case study design enables the researchers to gather data from multiple sources such as
historical records, interviews with stakeholders, and observation of the establishments themselves.
Purposive Sampling is the sampling method that will be employed in this study. Purposive Sampling is a
non-probability technique wherein the sample chosen are based on a set of characteristics that is relevant
to the study (Andrade, 2021) The researchers have selected the Intramuros Administration (IA) due to their
expertise and knowledge surrounding the importance and practical value of Intramuros. In consideration of
the availability of both the researchers and interviewees, the interview will be conducted when everyone is
physically present to maximize the time and the quality of the interview. Selecting the Intramuros Admin
as Informants through purposive sampling ensures that we obtain valuable and relevant data that is essential
for achieving the research objectives.
Research Instrument:
In this study, the researchers will use semi-structured interviews as the research instrument. Semi-structured
interview is the recommended interview type for this study since it will focus on a carefully laid out
interview while still also being a flexible interview wherein the researchers may add additional follow-up
questions based on the flow of the interview. Before this interview is conducted, the researcher instrument
as well as the interview type and questions to be used should be first checked and approved by the content
adviser. Second, as per the Data Privacy Act of 2012, the researchers must first ask for the permission of
the informants to conduct and record the interview before proceeding.
The researchers will use semi-structured interviews. The interviews will be conducted face-to-face with the
selected informants from the Intramuros Administration using a predetermined interview guide. Before
conducting the interviews, the researchers will seek permission from the Intramuros Administration and
obtain their informed consent. The researchers will explain the purpose and scope of the study and ensure
that the informants understand their rights and responsibilities. The interview guide will consist of open-
ended questions that will allow the informants to share their experiences, perspectives, and opinions on the
practical and architectural importance of vintage establishments in Intramuros. The interviews will be
audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim to ensure that the data is accurately captured. The researchers will
also take notes during the interview to capture any non-verbal cues or observations. The researchers will
also conduct a document analysis of relevant literature and historical documents related to Intramuros and
vintage establishments. This will provide additional context and support for the findings obtained from the
Thematic analysis is a commonly used approach in qualitative research that is suitable for exploring
complex social phenomena (Braun & Clarke, 2021). This approach involves the identification of themes
and patterns in the data, which are then used to draw conclusions about the research questions and
objectives. The data will be transcribed and coded using a systematic process, and the researchers will
conduct a triangulation process to ensure the validity and reliability of the findings. Triangulation, as a
qualitative research strategy, is the use of multiple methods or data sources to develop a comprehensive
understanding of a research problem or to test validity through the convergence of information from
different sources (Carter et al., 2014, as cited in, Dawadi, 2021). The researchers will use triangulation to
compare the findings from the interviews with the document analysis and other available sources to identify
any inconsistencies.
Ethical Considerations:
Obtaining informed consent and ensuring voluntary participation from all research informants. Informed
consent involves providing clear and concise information to potential informants about the nature of the
research, its purpose, the procedures involved, any potential risks or benefits, and the rights of informants.
Informants should be given the opportunity to ask questions and clarify any concerns they may have before
deciding whether to participate in the study or not. In the context of researching vintage establishments in
Intramuros, obtaining informed consent and ensuring voluntary participation may involve seeking
permission from the owners or managers of the establishments, informing the employees and visitors about
the nature of the research and their role in it, and respecting their privacy and confidentiality. Voluntary
participation means that the informants have the right to decline or withdraw from the study at any point
without fear of negative consequences or retaliation.
References (APA 7th Edition)
Andrade, C. (2021, January). The inconvenient truth about convenience samples. Learning Curve.
Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2019, June 13). Reflecting on reflexive thematic analysis. Qualitative Research in
Sport, Exercise and Health.
Dawadi, S. (2021). Mixed-methods research: A Discussion on its Types, Challenges, and Criticism. Journal
of Practical Studies in Education