L4M8 July 2024 External Marker Report
L4M8 July 2024 External Marker Report
L4M8 July 2024 External Marker Report
Module L4M8
These reports are designed to help tutors and learners understand the common trends presented by
both strong and weaker answers in relation to the module for the given exam series.
Learning outcome 1:
The question addressed learning outcome 1: Demonstrate the application of the procurement
The command word used was: Explain - Give reasons for/account for something so that it is clear
and easy to understand in relation to a given situation.
This question was based on some of the stages of the procurement cycle and required the
explanation of the aspects of the cycle in relation to objectives in the case provided. Good
answers explained the importance of each stage and included some specific details for the case to
support their answer. However, answers that did not score well were either too brief or
demonstrated a lack of knowledge of some of the stages of the cycle.
Learning outcome 2:
The question addressed learning outcome 2: Demonstrate the application of the stages of the
procurement process.
The command word used was: Propose - Suggest the most appropriate answer (theory or model)
for consideration or action in relation to a situation.
The answer required candidates to consider the information covered in the case scenario and
then identify issues and recommend suitable actions. Good answers demonstrated both good
Learning outcome 3:
The question addressed learning outcome 3: Demonstrate the application of whole-life asset
The command word used was: Analyse - Scrutinise a topic together with thoughts and judgements
about it.
Answers that attracted higher marks recognised the issues in the context of the case and applied
the elements fully analysing each. Answers that did not attract high marks either provided a very
brief response with a limited explanation and limited use of examples, or in some cases, they
applied the wrong concept to the case (for example, the procurement cycle).
Learning outcome 4:
The question addressed learning outcome 4: Demonstrate the application of environmental, social
and governance principles in a range of sectors and industries.
The command word used was: Examine - Investigate closely the cause and effects of something.
This question was based on the examination of ESG issues in relation to the case study provided.
Good answers identified a range of areas that could be considered and related these well to the
case situation. However, several answers identified issues but did not relate them to the case or
only included very brief answers that did not fully examine the issues.