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Module 5-Prototyping

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Module 5

The English word manufacture is several centuries old. The term manufacture
comes from two
Latin words, manus (hand) and factus (make).

Definition of manufacturing in terms of technology

Rapid Prototyping (RP)
A family of fabrication processes developed to make
engineering prototypes in minimum lead time based on a CAD
model of the item .

Traditional method is machining Can require significant lead-

times – several weeks, depending on part complexity and
difficulty in ordering materials.

RP allows a part to be made in hours or days, given that a

computer model of the part has been generated on a CAD

Classification of Rapid Prototyping Process
Starting Materials in Material Addition RP
1. Liquid monomers that are cured layer by layer into solid
2. Powders that are aggregated and bonded layer by layer
3. Solid sheets that are laminated to create the solid part
Additional Methods
• In addition to starting material, the various material
addition RP technologies use different methods of building
and adding layers to create the solid part
• There is a correlation between starting material and part
building techniques
Steps to Prepare Control Instructions
1. Geometric modeling - model the component on a CAD system
to define its enclosed volume
2. Tessellation of the geometric model - the CAD model is
converted into a computerized format that approximates its
surfaces by facets (triangles or polygons)
3. Slicing of the model into layers - computerized model is sliced
into closely-spaced parallel horizontal layers

• Processes involving a liquid- Stereo Lithography
• Processes involving a solid- solid laminated solid sheets
• Processes involving discrete particles.-SLS (Selective Laser Sintering).
Stereolithography (STL)

RP process for fabricating a solid plastic part out of a

photosensitive liquid polymer using a directed laser beam to
solidify the polymer

• Part fabrication is accomplished as a series of layers - each

layer is added onto the previous layer to gradually build the 3-
D geometry

• The first addition RP technology - introduced 1988 by 3D

Systems Inc. based on the work of Charles Hull More
installations than any other RP method


Stereolithography: (1) at the start of the process, in which the initial layer is added to the
platform; and (2) after several layers have been added so that the part geometry gradually
takes form.
Liquid Thermal Polymerization.

• This procedure is very much similar to Stereo Lithography aside from that the sap that is the resin
is the thermo setting and an infra
• This distinction implies that the span of the voxels might be influenced through warmth scattering
because of the laser, which can likewise cause undesirable contortions furthermore shrinkage in
the part, red laser is utilized to make the voxels
• These complexities involved here and in any case; however, these issues are not much awful, but
much controllable in comparison to those there in Stereo Lithography.
Liquid Thermal Polymerization
Beam Interference Solidifications
• This procedure utilizes 2 laser shafts Mounted at right edges to each other which emanate light at
various frequencies to Polymerize gum in a straight forward to vat.
• The principal laser energizes the fluid to a reversible metastable state and afterward the
occurrence of the second pillar polymerizes energized resin here.
The drawbacks of this process
• shadows are thrown from already solidified
• there is an issue with the light absorption because the intensity of the laser drops with depth.
• It is also difficult to converge the laser pillars because of diffraction varieties in the gum caused by
temperature inclinations or strong areas.
Beam Interference Solidifications
Solid Ground Curing (SGC)

Like stereolithography, SGC works by curing a photosensitive

polymer layer by layer to create a solid model based on CAD
geometric data

• Instead of using a scanning laser beam to cure a given layer,

the entire layer is exposed to a UV source through a mask
above the liquid polymer
• Hardening takes 2 to 3 s for each layer

Solid Ground Curing

SGC steps for each layer: (1) mask preparation, (2) applying liquid photopolymer layer,(3) mask positioning and exposure of layer, (4) uncured
polymer removed from surface,
(5) wax filling, (6) milling for flatness and thickness.
Solid-Based Rapid Prototyping Systems

• Starting material is a solid

• Solid-based RP systems include the following processes:
– Laminated object manufacturing
– Fused deposition modeling

Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM)

Solid physical model made by stacking layers of sheet stock,

each an outline of the cross-sectional shape of a CAD model
that is sliced into layers
• Starting sheet stock includes paper, plastic, cellulose, metals,
or fiber-reinforced materials
• The sheet is usually supplied with adhesive backing as rolls
that are spooled between two reels
• After cutting, excess material in the layer remains in place to
support the part during building

Laminated Object Manufacturing

Figure 34.5 Laminated object manufacturing.

Three Dimensional Printing (3DP)

Part is built layer-by-layer using an ink-jet printer to eject

adhesive bonding material onto successive layers of powders
• Binder is deposited in areas corresponding to the cross
sections of part, as determined by slicing the CAD geometric
model into layers
• The binder holds the powders together to form the solid part,
while the unbonded powders remain loose to be removed
• To further strengthen the part, a sintering step can be applied
to bond the individual powders
Three Dimensional Printing

Figure. Three dimensional printing: (1) powder layer is

deposited, (2) ink-jet printing of areas that will become
the part, and (3) piston is lowered for next layer (key: v =

Process involved discrete particles
These processes build the part by joining powder grains together using either a laser or a separate
binding material.
Fusing of particles by laser
selective laser sintering
• A selective laser sintering uses a fine powder which is heated with a carbon dioxide laser. So, that
the surface tension of the particle is over them and they fuse together.
• Before the powder is sintered the entire bed is heated just below to the melting point of material
before putting the powder
• The laser is modulated such that only those grains which are in direct contact with the beam are
affected other powder materials other powder grains are not affected at all.
• A layer is drawn to the powder bed using the laser to center the material.
• The bed is then lowered and the powder feed chamber is raised so, that covering of powder can
be spread evenly over the build area.
• The sintered material forms the part whilst the un-sintered powder remains in the place to
support the structure
Laser Engineering Net Shaping (Lens)
• Laser engineering net shaping that the lens process involves feeding powder through a nozzle into
the part bed while simultaneously fuse fusing it the laser.
• The powder material is supplied and when the point specific point where the powder materials is
supplied, the laser is simultaneously sintering the material.
• The material deposition had that is having the laser and powder material supply, then X, Y table is
just moving it into 2 directions X and Y.
Rapid Prototyping Systems

• Such models have numerous uses:

– Excellent visual aids for communicating

– Prototypes can be used for design testing.

– Used to make tooling

– Used to make production-quality parts

All RP techniques employ the same basic five-step process.

1. Create a CAD model of the design

2. Convert the CAD model to STL format (stereo lithography)
3. Slice the STL file into thin cross-sectional layers
4. Construct the model one layer atop another
5. Clean and finish the model

• CAD Model Creation:
– First, the object to be built is modeled using a Computer-Aided
Design (CAD) software package.

– Solid modelers, such as Pro/ENGINEER, tend to represent 3-D

objects more accurately than wire-frame modelers such as
AutoCAD, and will therefore yield better results.

– This process is identical for all of the RP build techniques.

• Conversion to STL Format:
– To establish consistency, the STL (stereo lithography, the first
RP technique) format has been adopted as the standard of
the rapid prototyping industry.

– The second step, therefore, is to convert the CAD file into STL
format. This format represents a three-dimensional surface as
an assembly of planar triangles

– STL files use planar elements, they cannot represent curved

surfaces exactly. Increasing the number of triangles improves
the approximation

• Slice the STL File:
– In the third step, a pre-processing program prepares the STL
file to be built.

– The pre-processing software slices the STL model into a

number of layers from 0.01 mm to 0.7 mm thick, depending
on the build technique.

– The program may also generate an auxiliary structure to

support the model during the build. Supports are useful for
delicate features such as overhangs, internal cavities, and
thin-walled sections.

• Layer by Layer Construction:
– The fourth step is the actual construction of the part.

– RP machines build one layer at a time from polymers, paper,

or powdered metal.

– Most machines are fairly autonomous, needing little human


• Clean and Finish:
– The final step is post-processing. This involves removing the
prototype from the machine and detaching any supports.

– Some photosensitive materials need to be fully cured before


– Prototypes may also require minor cleaning and surface


– Sanding, sealing, and/or painting the model will improve its

appearance and durability.

Fused Deposition Modeling

• (FDM) is a solid-based rapid prototyping method that extrudes

material, layer-by-layer, to build a model.

• A thread of plastic is fed into an extrusion head, where it is

heated into a semi-liquid state and extruded through a very small
hole onto the previous layer of material.

• Support material is also laid down in a similar manner.

FDM 2000 Specifications Prodigy Specifications
Build Volume: 8" x 8" x 10"
•Build Volume: 10" x 10" x 10" Materials: ABS, Casting Wax
•Materials:ABS, Casting Wax Build Step Size: 0.007", 0.010", 0.013"
•Build Step Size: 0.005" to 0.030"
Up to 4x faster than the FDM 2000

Fused Deposition Modeling 37

Examples of
Fused Deposition Modeling
Need for Rapid Prototyping
• To increase effective communication.
• To decrease development time.
• To decrease costly mistakes.
• To minimize sustaining engineering changes.
• To extend product life time by adding necessary features &
eliminating redundant features early in the design.
• Increasing the no of variants of products.
• Increase in product complexity.
• Decrease in product lifetime before obsolescence.
• Decrease in delivery time.
• Product development by Rapid prototyping by enabling better
Conventional Machining

• Its not suitable for complex shapes because they are difficult
to machine.
• Time consuming
• Very costly
• Tedious or very laborious.
• Skilled operator is required.
• Accuracy will be less.
• Increased product development time.
• Pre-processing:- CAD model slicing & setting algorithms applied
for various RP systems

• Post-processing:-Cleaning operations required to finish a part

after removing it from RP machine.

• Materials for Rapid Prototyping: Paper, Wax, Plastics, Resins,

Metallic powders.
Methodology of Rapid Prototyping

• Construct a CAD model.

• Convert it to STL format.
• RP machine processes .STL file by creating sliced layers of model.
• First layer of model is created.
• Model is then lowered by thickness of next layer.
• Process is repeated until completion of model
• The model & any supports are removed.
• Surface of the model is then finished and cleaned.
RP Applications
• Applications of rapid prototyping can be classified into three
1. Design
2. Engineering analysis and planning
3. Tooling and manufacturing


Typography is an arrangement of the features arrangement of the features of an area; though the
arrangement of the features then bringing all these raised features together to have the final product.

A layer technique was proposed by Blanther in 1890.

Both positive and negative 3D surfaces were to be gathered form a progression of wax plates and they
were cut along the geographical form lines. The wax plates they were cut through to form the
geographical form lines here.
• This is a strategy that was proposed in again ninetieth century for making reproduction of 3D objects.
• The system includes shooting the question /product at the same time with 24 cameras which are
similarly divided around a room.
• utilize the outline of each photo to cut 1 by 24th of a tube-shaped part of the protest.
• In 1950’s that is in the half of our twentieth century, Munz developed a layer producing framework for creating
the cross segments of an examine question by specifically uncovering a straightforward photograph emulsion.
The framework creates here the layers by bringing down cylinder into a chamber and including a prope measures
for photograph emulsion and settling operator.
• The demonstrating capacities of the original CAD frameworks were extremely constrained
• Just essential plan applications were accessible
• Need of CAD frameworks which had 3D demonstration capacities
• Increments in the item multifaceted nature and the need to coordinate as well robotize different
components of outline and assembling, drove the improvement of these CAD frameworks
• such models enables similar information to be utilized as a part of various building undertakings
from documentations that is drafting to designing investigation and fast prototyping and then
Geometric modelling techniques
3 kinds major kinds of models

• wireframe model,
• surface model and
• solid models.
wireframe models
• Closely resembling to the 2D modeling 2D geometrical models, the wireframe models comprise of
graphical natives characterized in 3D dimensional space.
• these models speak to 3D outlined questions with just edges and vertices.
• The development of substantial 3D model utilizing wireframe procedure is thought to be as a
protracted, furthermore, troublesome processes as a result of the measure of information and
summon arrangements expected to make them.
• the fundamental motivation behind the wire outline model is to help the making of building
documentation and furthermore in a few cases to fill in as information for limited component
• utilizing these models different projections of 3D protest can be made by applying geometrical
changes to the graphical natives,
• To conquer the conceivable perplexity, edges can be covered up, dashed, or blanked.
• By and by, a challenges with the elucidation of the models prompted the position where most 3D
wireframe frameworks introduced in the organization are utilized as a part of 2 dimensional
modes, as it were
• The wireframe models do not contain surface and volume information

• wire outline displaying systems are viewed as characteristics

• expansion of conventional drafting strategies only, that is from 2D to wireframe.

Surface Modelling
• wireframe models frame the reason for the production of surface models
• generally existing surface modulus required wireframe natives to create surfaces
• The client enters the vertices and edges in wire outline models to characterize the limits of each
• utilizing the entered information, surfaces are fitted to these edges. Unique scientific strategies
can be utilized to speak to surfaces,
• The surface which are just freestyle here the non-geometrical curves can be used for example,
non geometrical curves are coons, Bezier curves, then B-splines curves, then quadratic, round,
hollow, circular
• Surface models are more entire and less equivocal portrays than their wires outline partners.
Their geometrical databases are wealthier and give data on surface associating model edges.
• This information is adequate for producing cutter ways for NC machining and hence most of the
computer aided manufacturing frameworks are in view of this portrayal system.
Surface Modelling
• Lamentably, surface models characterize just the geometry articles, not much details.
• Subsequently, in the event of that one edges basic to 2 surfaces this data is
• not put away in the model, if one edges just an intersection of surfaces here.
• This prompts that the presence of the holes between the surfaces which implies that the
surface models can not define shut volumes (drawback) here.
• To utilize surface models for Rapid Prototyping purposes, these holes must be evacuated,
which can be exceptionally troublesome or even incomprehensible.
Solid Modelling
• The meaning of models in solid modeling is less demanding than with other to demonstrating
• Insignificant information is required and summon arrangements are significantly more
straightforward. Most solid modeling bundles bolster a CSG client input, CSG is Constructive Solid
• The user interface here usual is written in user interface enables the complex articles to be
manufactured from an arrangement of predefined 3D natives.
• These natives can be either straightforward essential shapes, or more perplexing strong articles
made by clearing 2D areas 2D areas of wire outlying elements.
• To characterize a strong model, such natives are joined utilizing the Boolean operations of union,
convergence and distinction.
• solid model gives an entire and unambiguous portrayal of articles, the fulfillment
• unambiguity of these models are because of the data put away in their databases.
• After a section is built, the strong modular changes over the contribution to an information
structure which keeps up the geometry and topology of the equation.
• As opposed to both wire edge and surface models that store just geometrical information, strong
demonstrating databases are finished and the models are anything but difficult to check.
• Solid modeling has been acknowledged as a key element in the integration of design and
manufacturing. It is widespread use was made possible by the large increase in computing power
to cost ratio over last 10 years.
• solid modeling is now considered the most reliable way of creating 3D models for Rapid

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