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Journal of Social Science Utilizing Technology | Research Papers

P - ISSN: 3026-5959
E - ISSN: 3026-605X Utilization of Canva Application as a Learning
Media Video Creation

Rifki Zaitul Ikhlas1 , Rusdee Japakiya2 , Tika

Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar,
Muassasah Darul Amala, Thailand
Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang,
Background. Thematic learning at Al-Bina 01 Koto Baru IT
Elementary School during the co-19 pandemic has decreased in terms
of quality and in the learning process. After research, this happened
because of the lack of effectiveness of the learning process and the
teacher's lack of optimization in conveying information related to
learning material.
Purpose. The purpose of this research is to create lesson media for
students so that lessons become more interesting and students are more
enthusiastic in learning.
Method. This article The method used in this research is a qualitative
method, because qualitative methods are very flexible and accurate.
Citation: Ikhlas, Z. R., Japakiya, R., & The model used in this test is the Design and Development (DnD)
Muzayanah, T. (2023). Utilization of Canva
Application as a Learning Media Video
Creation. Journal of Social Science Utilizing Results. The result of this study is that the canva application is very
Technology, 1(3), 158–169. feasible and good to use as a learning media because, it can make
https://doi.org/10.70177/jssut.v1i3.558 lessons more interesting and fun.
Conclusion. The conclusion of this study is that Canva application-
Correspondence: based learning media is fully feasible to use in learning. Its utilisation
Rifki Zaitul Ikhlas, is very interesting, in a learning situation in the midst of the current
rifkyzaituliqhlas@gmail.com corona virus pandemic, the media created is very appropriate and
makes it easier for teachers and students to complete the learning
Received: September 17, 2023 system.
Accepted: September 30, 2023
Published: November 10, 2023 KEYWORDS
Canva App, Learning Media, Video

The best effort that is important for the progress of
the country is Human Resource Development starting from
basic education, training center schools, to schools
(Asongu & Odhiambo, 2019). Schools can achieve student
change in the climate of family and society. Schools can be
the answer to life concerns that students will see later in
life. Thus, the task of training is a means to make an age
that has a mentality, behavioral design, and examples of
activities that match the personality Thus, a smart life, and
harmony can be realized through school (Abbas dkk.,
2019). Proper and enjoyable learning is an absolute
necessity as one of the components to sort out quality

Rifki Zaitul Ikhlas, Rusdee Japakiya, Tika Muzayanah

Utilization of Canva Application as a Learning Media Video Creation | Research Papers

learning in schools Quality teaching is a way of recognizing the quality of human resources. One of
the benchmarks is a means of training that is carried out far-reaching sustainably in all points of
view of life (Ji dkk., 2022). Training as a vehicle to foster the quality of human resources, and ready
to face all changes In recognition of moral and dignified human resources, education plays an
important role.Training as a vehicle to foster the quality of human resources, and ready to face all
changes In recognition of moral and dignified human resources, education plays an important role
(Jain dkk., 2021).
Globalization continues to bring changes in all areas of life that expect people to have the
choice to go with the flow, for example in the fields of schooling, social, financial, legal, legislative,
science and innovation and others. The impact of globalization that brings positive changes to one
of the experts giving birth to science and innovation is to expand the progress of science and
innovation (Imran dkk., 2021). The current progress of science and innovation has an impact on the
field of schooling, one of which is in the field of utilization of apparatus, and typical learning
facilities between yards and educational institutions that are utilized by teachers in supporting the
learning system.
The significance of learning media is also undoubtedly stated in the Regulation of the
Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 22 of 2016, concerning the
Educational Process. It states that, "Learning media is through the learning process to help convey
learning material". Proper and enjoyable learning is synergistic and focused on students. Therefore,
the media used is in accordance with the learning objectives and causes students to feel happy and
straightforward about the substance of the material. Learning media needs to focus on outlines that
can be utilized to convey messages to students (Hudon dkk., 2022).
The learning climate of common media, supports inquiry, and disclosure, and encourages
students to foster conversation and offer points of view. Quiet general media and movement general
media are two types of general media (Holmes & Tuomi, 2022). The benefits of general media are
that oral and composed messages can be conveyed in a straightforward manner, overcoming the
limitations of space, time and energy, can be utilized for learning instructional exercises. In the
event that learning finance requires high action by both students and speakers, the task of inventive
instructors is needed as a facilitator to assist students by fostering the possibility of acquiring new
information and encounters during the education and learning process.
This can be achieved if learning is planned in an engaging and interesting way. One of the
properties of learning is controlled by the attractiveness of a methodically organized lesson plan.
The media to be used is a major part in the learning configuration process (Hays & Handler, 2020).
Through this media, the planned learning media is a common media planned by utilizing Canva
application. The rapid progress of science and innovation is something that requires educational
foundations and organizations to follow the transformation, one of which is in utilizing and using
learning media (Salam & Adam Mudinillah, 2021).
Learning media is a very instrumental part in supporting the achievement of learning.
Learning media scrambles as a method to transfer the guidelines used by the teacher and acts as a
facilitator in the learning system to convey topics to students. As per Iskandarwassid in language is
one of the important variables in human existence because language is an instrument of human
correspondence in organized daily life. This is supported by the assessment. which reveals that
reading is one part of the language skills that must be created early (Hassan dkk., 2020).
This assessment is embraced by Ak Prize who mentions that learning to read in elementary
school is taught in grades I and II, as basic comprehension material. So beginning reading is very
important for children to claim because children who like to read will have a high sense of
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Utilization of Canva Application as a Learning Media Video Creation | Research Papers

language. As per Suyanto revealed that Grade I elementary school children are at the pre-functional
stage. It is labeled with a perspective that begins to understand language and images. Furthermore,
in the implementation of early comprehension learning, it is necessary to introduce media to find
out how to help the child's reasoning cycle (Haryana dkk., 2022).
This is supported by a perspective that characterizes learning media as devices, strategies, and
methods used to facilitate correspondence and communication between teachers and students during
school learning. So that learning media which is a device is expected to work together with students
in beginning reading. One of them is by introducing language components in the form of words and
images in one card that can be formed into learning media. The learning media introduced can be
made interesting which is shown by the innovation of educators by utilizing the Canva application
(Farhan dkk., 2019).
This is in accordance with the assessment which characterizes Canva as a web-based visual
computerized application that provides an outline or layout to be filled in as an innovative visual
substance that can be obtained for free (Wang, 2022). Starting reading learning for grade I students
is highly expected to prepare students for the next stage. Starting learning to read carefully must be
complemented by presenting good learning media for students, so that students do not feel difficult
and are encouraged to find ways to read carefully (Nicolaou, 2021).
This is supported by Aulia's view that part of early reading skills should be created through
learning-by-play exercises and vice versa. However, given the impact of the meetings held in one of
the elementary schools in Bandung, the reading ability of grade I students is still low, as seen from
the learning and reading tests directed by the grade I teacher at the school. During the meetings, 15
out of 32 students experienced problems in reading. This is caused by educators who have not
utilized media properly in the implementation of the early reading learning process (Nakajima &
Goode, 2020).
Learning is still fixated on the educator so that student learning exercises are low and do not
produce, the demonstration techniques used by the teacher are not different so that it is less
interesting for students, and students look less excited and less excited about learning. The problem
of low reading skills in grade I students (Hajek & König, 2021). This problem must be addressed
immediately because it can have a very big impact. The effects will be much more pronounced once
they involve higher grades. Thus, students with low reading ability will face tremendous obstacles
and difficulties, considering that elegant students must receive more complicated topics because
almost all subjects require better comprehension skills (Guo dkk., 2019).
Given the hole between the ideal conditions and the current reality on the ground, it is
important to complete an exploration to address the issues with respect to early comprehension
ability. Where reading ability becomes sensitive to the suspension of different abilities (Fischer,
2020). So that if this. If left unchecked, students do not care about learning in daily practice life and
the purpose of learning to plan students to prepare for life will be hindered due to low
comprehension ability. From the various issues and the existence of these holes, there are. There are
several options that can be used to deal with this problem. Low reading ability in grade I students is
another option (Tang dkk., 2021).
The arrangement is summarized in several learning delivery media options. Among them are
wool board learning media, picture stories, and Flashcards (Mudinillah & Rizaldi, 2021). Given the
critical thinking options that have been introduced, the specialist chose to select Flashcard media to
solve the problem of further developing the comprehension abilities of early grade students in
Primary School. The cheat sheet media will be a media in the form of cards containing words and

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Utilization of Canva Application as a Learning Media Video Creation | Research Papers

pictures, the benefits of this Flashcard media are functional, easy to convey, vital and fun (Kim
dkk., 2019).
There are pictures in Flashcards that can be relied upon to attract students' attention and make
students more, enthusiastic in learning. This will make it easier for students to read and understand
the content of the reading. Given the picture of the consequences of the research, scientists are
encouraged to conduct research on the development of Flashcard learning media on learning
materials for grade I beginning reading of elementary school students (Ulucak dkk., 2020).

The chosen testing strategy is of great interest to the media discovery being made. The
improvement technique utilized in this review is a subjective examination strategy. Subjective
exploration is a different examination and will generally use inquiry. Related to the research
exercise, this testing is directed to analyze the achievement of a learning media for Indonesian
language subjects on beginning reading material. The model used in this testing is the Design and
Development (DnD) model (Rijal dkk., 2021). Characterized by Richey and Klein. Richey and
Klein clarified that this model is an orderly investigation of the plan, progress, and assessment
determined to establish observational reasons for the creation of educational and non-informative
items and instruments and new or existing models that are refined.
Meanwhile, according to Hasan DnD is an exam. completed methodically with respect to the
development of items or programs that intend to work on something that is being created by the
analyst (Suartama dkk., 2019). This exam model is normally utilized to concentrate on the interplay
of plan, advancement and assessment completely aimed at making items and devices that help
learning exercises. DnD exam centers incorporate arrangement, making and assessment. With the
goal that these exploration stages are Planning, Production, and Evaluation (PPE). There are two
classes in this technique. D&D, specifically (1) item and instrument exploration, and (2) model
testing (Nurmaliza, Susanto, and Selviani 2021). This exploration has a place with classroom
research items and instruments, where the focal point of the test lies in the plan cycle.


Boholano (2017) states that effective and enjoyable learning is community and student-
focused learning. Furthermore, the learning media plan should be interesting and inventive. As Aji
conveys three coordinated capacities in learning media, namely: incentives to develop income in
concentrating on examples, contact interventions between instructors and understudies, and data
that show clarification from educators. Keep in mind that the learning media created should be in
accordance with the intellectual abilities of the students to help the education and learning process
ideally (Stojan dkk., 2022).
In addition, Hamalik (2003: 202 - 203) that media in the learning system is a substitute
learning media that can: (a) present certain parts that are considered important from a unit or article;
(b) provide a substitute for coordinating insight; (c) move towards troublesome or dangerous items;
(d) provide consistency as far as student perception; (e) introduce differentiation (e.g. shading)
outwardly; and (f) introduce data as a development of a cycle or movement. Inventive retrieval
media are conveyed from imaginative educators, to specialized instructors who can ideally
communicate every one of their capacities to perform well in homeroom learning systems.
The most common way of planning learning media essentially rests on the instructor's
capacity to create successful and effective learning media to achieve learning objectives (Anderson
dkk., 2021). As such, there are a variety of interesting ways to create or configure great learning
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Utilization of Canva Application as a Learning Media Video Creation | Research Papers

media, including those that come with it; (1) The media should be planned as simply as possible
with the aim that it is clear and easy for students to understand, (2) the media must be planned by
the subject to be educated, (3) the media should be planned to be less chaotic and less confusing for
young people, (4) the media should be planned with basic and readily available materials, yet not
diminish the significance and capacity of the actual media, (5) Media can be planned such as
models, pictures, organized diagrams, and so on, but with simple and accessible materials so that it
is not difficult for educators to plan the media in question.
The utilization of learning media in the learning system at school greatly affects students both
in terms of learning systems, student inspiration, and after all, learning media also has an impact on
students in terms of student brain science (Wikandari dkk., 2021). Recommends several advantages
of using informative media in the student learning system, including: (a) it can foster students'
learning inspiration because the show will be more prominent for them; (b) the importance of
displaying the material will become clearer with the aim that students can understand and empower
the authority and achievement of the target of the show; (c) the technique of the show will be more
volatile, not solely based on verbal correspondence through words; and (d) students do more
exercises during learning exercises, listening as well as paying attention, describing, doing directly,
and acting.
As far as the attributes of students at the primary school level are concerned, the utilization of
media will help students in concretizing dynamic ideas, to reduce verbal, particularly in unique
subjects. This is because the intellectual abilities of students are functionally concrete, who do not
yet have the ability to deal with unique data (Stojan dkk., 2022). The utilization of instructional
media helps broaden students' inspiration to learn more intuitively and more dynamically in the
classroom, leading to criticism of teachers and students. In addition, the utilization of information
media can help students in practicing their understanding of the topic, help students in paying
attention to the material, strengthen their vision so that the ideas formed from their own reflections
and learning exercises become more successful (Kim dkk., 2019).
In this exploration, what was to be made was a general media-based learning plan, then at that
point what was chosen was the show layout. There are numerous accessible show layouts arranged
in the canvas but for the sake of research, then, at that point, some unacceptable decisions one of the
foundations in layout innovation (Jerry dkk., 2012). Choosing the foundation is the primary cycle in
this segment. There can't be two specific ones to choose from "Photo" also, "foundation". At the
initial stage of this review, the scientist investigates the unregulated objects in the stone to be made.
At this stage the scientist conducts a meeting to investigate the problems that occur in the
elementary school (Hermansson dkk., 2022).
The study investigated the problems that occurred in the field by utilizing work notes and
meetings with educators in primary schools. This stage consists of three parts: specific, problem
investigation, material examination, and gadget examination. The analyst found that students'
learning income in Indonesian subjects is low due to the boredom of learning Indonesian and tiring.
As a result, students' income in learning is reduced so that there are still many students who have
not mastered basic comprehension skills (Exenberger dkk., 2021).
The next lesson continued with reading carefully. The low income in learning Indonesian
subjects, for example, is also caused by teachers who have not utilized the media appropriately in
the implementation of the learning system, learning is still focused on educators so that students'
learning exercises are low and do not create, the demonstration techniques used by instructors do
not change and students seem to lack energy to learn. Based on the results of the meeting with the

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homeroom teacher, the material planning expert is determined to create a fun learning media so that
students become more excited in learning (Kurniasari dkk., 2022).
Canva is an application that can be utilized in making learning media. The accessible
elements can be made inventive as expected and make the learning system more open and
outwardly simpler and more enjoyable. Canva gives many layouts that can be utilized, specifically
infographics, illustrations, banners, introductions, flyers, logos, resumes, pamphlets, A4 archives,
Instagram posts, cards, papers, funny cartoons, magazine covers, invitations, photo compositions,
business cards, work area backgrounds, reports, declarations, book covers, online media activeness,
declarations, menus, recordings, realistic coordinators, vehicle first introductions, organizers, digital
book covers, story loading, and more.
In addition to the various types of layouts that can be used effectively, the Canva app also
includes the following elements: (1) many images, either as photos, vectors, sketches, and even
clients can transfer photos from their own devices. (2) photo channels, change photos using
channels that are not difficult to use; (3) symbols and shapes, there are a wide variety of symbols,
shapes, and components that can be used effectively and there are a large number of decisions and
can transfer their own components (Garris Pelangi, 2020); (4) textual styles, access many ready-
made text styles for different types of plans; (5) foundations, there are a wide variety of foundations
that can be utilized to enhance plans. (6) sound, can be seen and used without any problems.
Because of the plan, Canva application gives six download choices for the plan you have created.
The six configurations consist of PNG, JPG, standard PDF, PDF Print, Video (MP4), and activity
(MP4/GIF) (Elmira Siska, 2021). Many choices are given in Canva, giving clients the adaptability
of creating different types of plans.
Besides being able to be used as a method of making learning media, with the Canva
application we can also make various kinds of plans. As revealed by Nayoan (2019), there are
several plans that can be made using the Canva application, which are as follows:
Marking is one of the key things in establishing a web-based presence, be it a blog,
online store, or business arrival point. Logos are one of the sources for marking. In Canva,
there are different types of layouts that make it easy for clients to create amazing logos.
Banners can be used to publicize an item, administration, or event. By utilizing Canva,
we can effortlessly make a compelling banner plan.
Including Blog Images
The presence of images included in an article can beautify the blog plan and make
visitors feel comfortable in understanding the article. To make it directly, you can utilize the
Canva application.
To make blog content more distinct, it tends to be mixed with articles with infographics.
This kind of content is confusing and not everyone can bear the cost. However, using Canva
can make the most common way to create infographics very simple. Buletin If email
marketing is on your list of promoting methods, it is called a newsletter. By utilizing the
Canva application, you can save time in making email substance.
Online Media Content
Facebook or Instagram content combined with images is twice as successful in
attracting the attention of netizens. Canva makes it easy to plan various visual media suitable
for web-based media.
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Youtube Thumbnails
Thumbnails or images that discuss youtube recordings don't need to be snippets of the
recordings. Using the Canva application, clients can plan amazing Youtube thumbnails.
Item Packaging Design
Canva can help you create bundling packages for different types of items, from bottle
signs to container boxes.
Just like offline stores, online stores also need to provide invitations or installment
subtleties to buyers. To recognize our requests from different stores, you can take advantage
of the convenience provided by the Canva app.
Promoting Banners
Attractive publication banners can also be planned using the Canva app Next is how to
use the Canva application either using a mobile phone or using a PC that is effectively opened
by the client, namely; (1) Download the Canva app through the playstore for portable clients
or open Canva through Canva's authority site, specifically https://www.canva.com/id_id/
untuk PC clients, (2) Create a canva account, account creation should be possible using
facebook, google or gmail account, (3) Create a plan through Canva, create a customized plan
according to your needs, with the help of layouts, educators can use Canva effectively and can
change components, text styles, or images according to their needs. Moreover, there are
different provisions that are not difficult to implement with a straightforward look that does
not make it difficult for clients, (4) Save the plan from Canva, once the plan is complete, the
last step is to save the plan. The instructions for saving the plan are simply to tap the bottom
bolt in the upper right corner and the plan will be saved in the exhibition or record hoarding.
A side effect of Canva's plan is as a visual medium, which when associated with learning will
make it easier for teachers to convey learning material. As the capacity of media as a vehicle for
channeling messages or learning data to condition individuals to learn (Chatzara dkk., 2019).
Especially during the pandemic, the learning system is basically driven, which expects educators to
be more innovative in introducing student learning methods so that learning targets can be achieved.
Sandall revealed that the motivation behind learning in elementary schools is to gather students'
interest, understanding of nature and themselves, and to give them the freedom to practice logical
techniques and convey them. Therefore, the utilization of learning media in accordance with the
quality of students and the purpose of adaptation must be ready (Capkun dkk., 2022).
In the next stage, the expert plans the learning media as a culmination of information. Then,
the analysts consolidated the findings in the field with hypotheses related to learning media,
Flashcards media, Canva application, and beginner understanding (Dos Santos dkk., 2019). Then, at
that point, an item plan is drawn as an answer to the current problem. At this stage, it was
partitioned into media structuring and refinement as follows:
Media Planning
The exercises performed by specialists at this stage are; (1) Pay attention to the
offending learning material. The 2013 curriculum, Core Competencies, Basic Competencies,
and source books are identified with the topic of Myself, sub topic of My Body, (2)
Concentrate on Flashcard learning media as the center in choosing the structure. Next, the
Flashcard learning media plan.
Media Development
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Utilization of Canva Application as a Learning Media Video Creation | Research Papers

Creating the underlying plan for the Flashcard learning media. At this stage, analysts
form the plan into substantial items that are worth evaluating. The initial step taken in making
Cheat sheet learning media is compiling a format, planning Flashcard learning media with
attractive representations, and making materials that are in accordance with the purpose of
finding out how it should be achieved. This improvement means making things that can be
applied to obtain validator evaluations such as; (1) Create an evaluation instrument to survey
the nature of cheat sheet learning media, (2) Approve the instrument to the director.
In addition to the viability and youth in utilizing the Canva application, there are still many
studies that examine the adequacy of Canva utilization in making learning media. As a follow-up to
the examination led by, the utilization of general media-based learning media through the Canva
application is very possible to be used in learning. Its utilization can not only be done
disconnectedly but also on the internet, the plan is favored by students both in terms of content
fulfillment and appearance (Asongu & Odhiambo, 2019). Then, at that time, directing a review
using Canva learning video media on the subject of financial aspects, in this review students seemed
very interested and dynamic in commenting after watching the learning video sent by the analyst.
Although there were various levels of training, the utilization of Canva application in the creation of
learning media showed positive reactions from students.
Based on the directed needs assessment, it was seen that 9 out of 10 educators stated that
Canva app-based vivified video media is very interesting and educators need and agree to use
Canva app-based learning media in clarifying the materials. Similar research results were shown by
students, specifically, 91.4% of students stated that Canva app-based energized video media is an
interesting learning media and 83.4% of students stated that it is important to use Canva app-based
animated video media in the learning system (Li dkk., 2023). Also directed research on improving
Canva-based vivified video media in expanding students' inspiration and learning achievement.
Based on this research, it is very visible that the utilization of Canva application-based motion video
media can build students' inspiration and learning achievement.
Canva media can be utilized to assist the learning system, with the aim of encouraging the
nature of training, instructor innovation and can save educators time in planning learning media. In
learning, the reason for learning media is to assist students in communicating wonders in an
organized manner and instilling ideas with treatment (Chan dkk., 2019). Media is made to explain
the learning material delivered by the educator, highlight important parts, provide diversity in the
learning system and increase students' learning inspiration. By applying learning media in the
learning process, students are helped during the time spent to refresh their musings, sentiments,
considerations, willingness, and expand students' inspiration in following the learning system. So
that it affects the improvement of student learning outcomes carried out by conducting learning
Correspondingly, teachers should have information and knowledge of advanced upgrades so
that the learning system is not dreary. Educators should have the choice to utilize the accessibility
of different offices, for this situation as applications that can be utilized to help the learning system.
The learning media, for this situation in the subject, should have the choice to display the
concentrated articles directly to the students. In the learning system, students are in direct contact
with the material being tested. Proper learning encouragement will provide a strong learning
experience by considering the benefits and inconveniences of the media used as a facilitator in the
learning system, it is a commitment for an educator to be dynamic in creating himself as innovative
as possible with the aim of being able to introduce meaningful learning, which can highlight

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Utilization of Canva Application as a Learning Media Video Creation | Research Papers

students, animate their reasoning and increase student inspiration in learning systems both on the
web and disconnected.
Assessment (Evaluation). The assessment stage is used to provide criticism to the client.
Cheat sheet learning media. The consequences of the appraisal can be utilized as material to change
the Flashcard learning media. At this stage, scientists finish a top-down writing survey to help the
nature of the learning media on specialist assessments. Then, the scientists finish approving and
altering and developing the Flashcard learning media items according to the main advice. The last
level headed at this stage of assessment is to produce a Flashcard learning media plan that is
appropriate to utilize to work on beginning reading ability in the subject of Indonesian Language in
elementary school. In addition, the item is portrayed to get development based on the exploration
outcomes to measure the achievement of Flashcard learning media improvement objectives.

The consequences of the review revealed that the utilization of general media-based learning
media is very important in supporting the implementation of learning systems both disconnected
and on the web. In addition, the preliminary consequence also states that the created media is fully
feasible to be utilized in the learning system. The proportion of accomplishment and adequacy can
be seen from the poll as well as different perspectives, for example, the attractive plan and the
clarity of the substance of the material that appears in the media. The planning of teaching materials
used by teachers in the learning system is a factor that affects the achievement of learning by
utilizing the right media so that students feel comfortable with the material presented.
Judging from the consequences of the review, it tends to be concluded that the Canva
application-based learning media is fully feasible to use in learning. Its utilization is very
interesting, in a learning situation in the midst of the current corona virus pandemic, the media
made is very appropriate and makes it easier for teachers and students to complete the learning
system. Learning-based media utilization. Visual sound that utilizes the Canva application, with this
media also provides a new nuance in the continuous learning process in the course.

Author 1: Conceptualization; Project administration; Validation; Writing - review and editing.
Author 2: Conceptualization; Data curation; In-vestigation.
Author 3: Data curation; Investigation.

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