Lattice Models: Rigidity, Randomness, Dynamics, and Optimality
Lattice Models: Rigidity, Randomness, Dynamics, and Optimality
Lattice Models: Rigidity, Randomness, Dynamics, and Optimality
Lattice Models: Rigidity, Randomness,
Dynamics, and Optimality
This chapter takes lattice models to more general settings. There are four
themes: rigidity, randomness, dynamics, and optimality. The first two of these
involve the introduction of spatial randomness into a lattice as a departure
from an originally periodic geometry of, say, the central-force triangular net-
work of Chapter 3. One path is through a random depletion of bonds, which
leads to a total loss of stiffness, or rigidity, of the lattice. Another way of creat-
ing a random lattice is through a random (instead of a regular) network of, say,
a Poisson–Delaunay variety. The third theme considered here is a generaliza-
tion from statics to dynamics, with nodes acting as quasi-particles—here we
have a coarse scale cousin to molecular dynamics, and, at the same time, an
alternative to finite element methods. Finally, the fourth topic is that of opti-
mal use of material for given loading and support conditions, where a special
case of central-force lattices arises, Michell trusses being the basic paradigm.
A Comparison of Various Terminologies from Structural Mechanics,
Structural Topology, and Physics
Field Terminology Terminology
The statical approach involves, in the first place, the concept of an equilib-
rium load. A system of forces assigned to the nodes of a network is said to be
an equilibrium load if and only if (iff ) the sum of the assigned vectors is a zero
vector, and the total moment of those vectors about any one point is zero. A
network resolves an equilibrium load iff there is an assignment of tensions
and compressions to all the bars of E, such that the sum at each node is equal
and opposite to its assigned load. A structure is said to be statically rigid iff
it resolves all equilibrium loads.
The kinematic approach involves the concept of an infinitesimal motion,
which is an assignment of velocities to all the nodes of V, such that the dif-
ference of velocities assigned to the ends of any bar is perpendicular to the
bar itself. This means that the motion does not result in any extension or
compression of the bar. Every connected plane structure has at least three
degrees of freedom (two translations and one rotation), and this is called a
rigid motion. A structure is said to be infinitesimally rigid if and only if all its in-
finitesimal motions are rigid motions. These statical and kinematical pictures
are connected by a theorem due to Crapo and Whiteley (1989): “A structure
is statically rigid iff it is infinitesimally rigid.”
Next, a structure is said to be isostatic iff it is minimally rigid, that is,
when it is infinitesimally rigid but the removal of any bar introduces some in-
finitesimal motion. Clearly, in an isostatic structure all the bars are necessary
to maintain the overall rigidity. In statics this is called a statically determi-
nate structure, as opposed to the indeterminate ones that have more than a
minimally sufficient number of bars for the global rigidity. It is a well-known
result that, in 2D, a determinate structure of |V| nodes has edges numbering
A triangular lattice with 71 edges and 37 vertices; it is generically rigid.
one to check whether the edges of the graph are not distributed spatially in
a uniform manner. If they are crowded locally, than the odds are that the
structure is not isostatic.
The isostatic concept so far discussed falls in the category of generic rigid-
ity, where only the topological information on a graph’s connectivity comes
into the picture. However, one may also deal with unexpected infinitesimal
motions when, say, two edges incident onto the same vertex lie on a straight
line. The applicable techniques for analyzing such geometric problems are re-
viewed in Guyon et al. (1990). For a review of problems in 3D see Guest (2000).
When dealing with very large systems—such as encountered in condensed
matter physics—we need to ask the question: what critical fraction, pr , of
edges of E needs to be kept so as to render the structure isostatic? We note
that we would have |E | = pr |E| new edges of thus modified, or depleted,
set |E |. It follows immediately from |E | = 2|V| − 3 that we would have
pr = 2/3. This value is a simple estimate of the so-called rigidity percolation, a
concept also useful in biophysics (Shechao Feng et al., 1985; Boal, 1993; Hansen
et al., 1996). As shown in these references, the actual critical point occurs at
a somewhat different value than 2/3; theoretical methods involved include
effective medium theories and spring network computations. The latter of
these will be demonstrated later on the example of Delaunay networks.
Finally, it is important to keep in mind that the rigidity percolation typi-
cally occurs above the connectivity percolation, that is, pr > pc . For example,
pc = 1/3 in a triangular central-force network, while pr = 2/3. This is demon-
strated in Figure 4.2(a) in terms of the planar bulk and shear moduli in function
of the volume fraction C2 of phase 2, which is 10−5 times softer than phase
1 of the undepleted network, thus simulating zero stiffness bonds. Note that
C2 = 1−C1 , and C1 ≡ p. That figure also shows the bulk and shear moduli of a
Truss shear modulus µ1/E1
0.9 Beam shear modulus µ2/E1
Truss bulk modulus κ1/E1
0.8 Beam bulk modulus κ2/E1
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Truss shear modulus µ1/E1
0.9 Beam shear modulus µ2/E1
Truss bulk modulus κ1/E1
0.8 Beam bulk modulus κ2/E1
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Dependence of bulk and shear moduli of triangular truss (central-force) and beam
networks, obtained by computational mechanics on 50 × 50 lattices at contrasts (a) 10−5
and (b) 10−2 .
triangular beam network (recall Section 3.4 of Chapter 3) at the same contrast
of phases. Clearly, rigid bonding and beam bending are essential in providing
the rigidity of the network right down to the point of connectivity percola-
tion at C2 = 2/3. The effect of loss of rigidity becomes less dramatic with a
decreasing contrast, see Figure 4.2(b). A much more extensive treatment of
rigidity percolation is in Sahimi (2003).
Clearly, the last of these assumptions is not acceptable, but one way to
perhaps save the Cox model is first to note that under affine motions (ui =
εij0 x j , εij0 = const), straight lines transform into straight lines, and their original
(Lagrangian) points of intersection in plane are preserved. We now identify
the line segments (between any two consecutive intersections) to be edges of
E, and pivots to be vertices of V. Let us recall that the triple-fiber intersections
occur with probability zero for isotropic and anisotropic distributions of lines.
Thus, we typically have vertices of connectivity 4, that is, V4 .
Now, with reference to Figure 4.3(a), which shows a typical realization of
the Poisson line field, we see that there are two types of edges: those in direct
contact with the square-shaped window, and those entirely in the interior.
Clearly, the square window is needed to prevent these boundary layer bonds
from dangling, and this immediately renders the entire network a mechanism.
However, one may argue that the boundary layer of dangling bonds is very
thin relative to the whole field, and ask the question concerning the isostatic
condition for the graph G(V, E) representing the interior network of edges
not directly in contact with the square window boundary; these are shown in
bold in Figure 4.3(a). Here we observe that, while the V4 vertices occur in the
interior of this graph, its boundary involves V2 and V3 vertices. Now, since
there two vertices to every edge, we can calculate the total number of edges
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Samples of (a) a planar Poisson line field and (b) a finite fiber field (recall Section 1.4 of Chapter
1), with a 1 = 1 and all other a i = 0. Test windows of size L × L are considered. (c) Deformation
of a network of (b), with 195 fibers with originally straight fibers, with fiber bending present,
subjected to axial strain ε11 = 1%. (d) The same network, with fiber bending almost absent,
subjected to axial strain ε11 = 1%. All displacements in (c) and (d) are magnified by a factor 8 for
clarity. Figure (d) shows large, mechanism-type motions of the network including those of some
fibers which spring outside the original domain of the network.
so that |E| < 2|V| − 3 and the system is not isostatic, it is underconstrained
(i.e., a mechanism). Given this observation, the Poisson line field of axial force
fiber segments (the so-called Cox model, 1952) is not a valid model of paper,
or any other solid material for that matter. The fact that the Cox model does
give finite values for elastic moduli including the shear modulus is easily
explained by the presence of fully stretched fibers, spanning the entire test
window. The situation is analogous to a graph of a square lattice topology,
which, even though it is an obvious mechanism, will give finite axial mod-
uli in two directions, if fully stretched and subjected to kinematic boundary
In real networks fibers have finite length, so their ends are loose. When
fiber ends are removed to eliminate their obvious mechanism motions, the
number of vertices in sets V2 and V3 , increases. Consequently, (4.1) is even
further from being satisfied. In order to deal with finite fiber effects, Cox and
others modified the basic model by a so-called shear-lag theory. However,
the latter assumes single-fiber segments to carry axial and shear forces only,
which (see Section 4.2), is not a valid model of a solid element: fiber bending
should also be included.
Paper exhibits finite stiffnesses in 2D as well as in 3D. In the latter case,
condition (4.1) is replaced by an even more stringent one as more constraints
are needed when dealing with the additional degrees of freedom (Asimov
and Roth, 1978).
E Iy E Iz E Iy E Iz
g = 12 h = 12 a= b= .
GA GA l(12g + l 2 ) l(12h + l 2 )
Here F and T are the axial force and the twisting moment, while Mya ,
Mza , Myb , and Mzb are the bending moments around the y and z axes
at the a and b ends, respectively. Also, L, θx , θ ya , θza , θ yb , and θzb
denote axial elongation, angle of twist, and four angles of rotation.
Finally, l, A, J , Ix , and I y are, respectively, the length, cross-sectional
area, cross-sectional polar moment of inertia, and the moments of
inertia with respect to the x- and y-axes. E and G are the Young
modulus and shear modulus of a fiber-beam.
4. After identifying all the fiber–fiber intersection/contact points a
connectivity matrix is set up.
5. Equilibrium is found under the boundary condition ui = εij0 x j .
6. All six effective, in-plane stiffness coefficients are determined from
the postulate of equivalence of strain energy stored in a square-
shaped window of finite thickness with the strain energy of an
equivalent continuum.
The undeformed network, shown in Figure 4.3(b) in its top view, has
the following parameters: window size: 4 × 4 × 0.1 mm, a 1 = 1, and other
coefficients in equation (4.4) are zero; fiber length: 2 mm; fiber width: 0.04 mm;
fiber height: 0.015 mm. As a result of a Boolean process of fiber placement
(Chapter 1), we obtain: 195 fibers with an average of 4.8 bonds per fiber, the
whole system having 859 nodes with six degrees of freedom per node.
The state of deformation corresponding to axial strain ε11 = 8% is shown
in Figure 4.3(c). The analyzed strain is actually 1%, but displacements are
magnified for clarity. Compare this deformed network to that in Figure 4.3(d),
which shows the same network of fibers subjected to the same strain but with
the ratio of fiber flexural stiffness to fiber axial stiffness reduced by a factor of
10−4 . Note the following:
1. The sharp kinks we see in both figures are only the artifact of
simple computer graphics—the micromechanical model assumes
fibers deform into differentiable curves. Magnification creates the
appearance of large displacements—actually, an infinitesimal dis-
placement assumption is used in the computational mechanics pro-
2. The kinks are far more pronounced when fibers have low flexural
stiffness. Portions of the network where connected fibers do not
form triangular pores can generate significant forces in response
to deformation when fibers have high flexural stiffness, but they
cannot do so when fibers rely almost entirely on axial stiffness. These
portions of the network are not stable in the sense of loss of generic
rigidity discussed earlier.
3. We do not study this rigid-floppy transition by turning, in an ad
hoc fashion, all the connections into pivots. Rather, with the model
taking into account all the displacements and rotations of nodes, we
can study it as a continuous function of fiber slenderness; see also
Kuznetsov (1991). Note that this aspect is impossible to
investigate with models based on central-force potentials for single
fiber segments (e.g., Kellomaki et al., 1996). Our model also fills
a gap pointed out in Raisanen et al. (1997) consisting of a need
to set up finite element models of 3D disordered fiber networks,
yet avoids their simplistic mapping into electrical resistor networks
(i.e., second-rank tensor problems) of the same topology.
2 V2
1 V1
3 V3
(a) (b)
V2 V2
ka ka
V1 V1
V3 V3
(d) (c)
(a) A cluster of three grains (1, 2, 3) showing the three lines of interactions; (b) a discrete element
model showing the normal force, the shear force and the moment exerted by grains 2 and 3
onto grain 1; (c) a most general model showing the same grain-grain interactions as before but
augmented by an internal, angular spring constant k a ; a simplified model showing only normal
(k n ) and angular (k a ) effects.
Granular Structure and Graph Terminology
Assembly of grains Graph Index No. of elements
0 Dve
D = v ve e . (4.11)
r D n × Dve
Here ne is the unit vector of edge e in the nonoriented graph. The operator
Dve (and its dual Dev mapping from vertices into edges) also plays a key role
in the kinematics of all the edges:
ue uv
= −D ev
= 0, (4.12)
we wv
Dev −ne × Devr v
ev =
D . (4.13)
0 Dev
The kinematics is subject to 3|L| compatibility constraints written for all the
loops, where we make a reference to Satake’s work.
Load Versus Kinematic Quantities
Load quantity Notation Number of elements Notation Kinematic quantity
equations. Taking note of the Euler formula |V| − |E| + |L| = 1 in 2D (as
opposed to that in 3D in Section 1.4 of Chapter 1), we see that this budget of
equations agrees with the total of 6|E| unknowns: Fe , Me , ue , and we , all
defined on edges of the set E.
Finally, we note a formal analogy of (4.10) and (4.12) to the equilibrium
and strain-displacement equations of Cosserat continua (Chapter 6)
σ b γ u
div + =0 = grad . (4.15)
µ m κ w
(a) (b)
Substitutional (a) versus topological disorder (b) of a hard-core Delaunay network.
(a) (c)
Möbius band
Klein bottle
(b) (d)
Mapping of edges of a a square-shaped domain resulting in (a) a cylinder, (b) a Möbius band,
(c) a torus and (d) a Klein bottle. The torus corresponds to periodic boundary conditions.
A periodic Poisson–Delaunay network with 200 vertices.
A periodic Poisson–Delaunay network with 200 vertices, showing a “spider” of edges incident
onto a vertex in the figure on the right.
A finite window (b) cut out of a Delaunay network (a), and subjected to uniform displacement
boundary conditions in (c).
[K ]{u} = {F }, (4.20)
where [K ], {u}, and {F } are the stiffness matrix of the system and the dis-
placement and force vectors at the nodes, respectively. Noting that the set of
global equilibrium equations governing all the elements may be partitioned
into those corresponding to the degrees of freedom at the window boundaries
(b) and the ones in the interior (i), we have
K (ii) K (ib) u(i) F (i)
[K ] = , {u} = , {F } = . (4.21)
K (bi) K (bb) u(b) F (b)
The net force on any interior node (and, thus, any interior degree of freedom)
must be zero, F (b) = 0, so that the static condensation gives
Here MD (x1 ) and CD (x2 ) are the so-called machine- and cross-directions,
respectively. To ensure that the stiffness matrix is orthotropic, we require
Note here that “approximately” reflects the fact that the compliance S is an
apparent (i.e., mesoscale) property, typically measured on scales of centi-
meters, and being actually random since we are below the RVE.
Note: Given the multiscale structure of paper shown in Figure 4.10, there
is no clear length scale at which homogenization to a perfect RVE can be
P S1 S2 S3
35A (d)
(e) H
(f )
A hierarchy of scales in paper: (a) roll of paper on a paper machine (up to 10 m wide, thousands
of kilometers long) with a possible presence of streaks; (b) paper sheet (scale of centimeters);
(c) random fiber network (scale of millimeters); (d) cellulose fiber with its layers P, S1, S2, S3
(all made of fibrils) and the lumen (microns); (e) fibrils; (f) molecular chains.
carried out; see the discussion of RVE in Chapters 7 to 10. Although the con-
stitutive law above applies to length scales of centimeters, specimens display
some scatter there. Going to scales of tens of centimeters, one begins to see
streaks, while on the scales of meters there is a strong dependence on the
cross-direction of the paper machine. There are also complex fluctuations in
the machine direction, which do not qualify as a WSS random field.
Staying on the scale of centimeters, the question becomes: Why does the
relationship (4.34), in fact hardly found in other materials, occur in paper?
Utot = εij Cijkm (ω)εkm = [Ueaxial + Ueshear + Uemoment + Uetorsion ]. (4.35)
2 e∈E
This is so because fibers belonging to a given floc move together, and this
motion, being different from the affine one, resembles a swirl.
Now, it turns out that the special orthotropy relation (4.34) is satisfied
for a network with b between the values employed here. Various parameters
of the network may be altered, but some degree of flocculation—neither too
much nor too little—is always necessary. [In our original paper the factor “4”
in equation (4.34) was inadvertently missed, but this had no effect on the
results since we worked with G in computational mechanics.] To sum up,
this analysis shows that random network geometry involving two scales—
(1) random fiber placement within a floc with random angular orientation
and (2) flocculation modeled by the germ-grain process—together with a
network model possessing generic rigidity (thanks to beam-type fibers) offers
an explanation of the peculiar property of many papers.
σ C i/C m
Stiff Stiff
C weak strong
εicr /εm
(a) (b)
(a) Elastic-brittle stress-strain curves for matrix and inclusion phases; (b) sketch of the damage
C i/ C m
Crack patterns in the damage plane on a scale 4.5 times larger than that of the inclusion diameter.
The center figure of a homogeneous body is not shown as it corresponds to all the bonds failing
C i /C m , (4.36)
where εcri
is the strain-to-failure of either phase, and C its stiffness. This leads
to the concept of a damage plane (Figure 4.11b), where we see various combi-
nations of strengths and stiffnesses. While the response in the first and third
quarters of damage plane is quite intuitive, this is not so for the second and
fourth quarters. In those two quarters there is a competition of either high
stiffness with low strength of the inclusions with the reverse properties of the
matrix, or the opposite of that. The damage plane is useful for displaying ef-
fective damage patterns of any particular geometric realization of the random
cr ε/εm
cr ε/εm
C /C
m m
ε/εcr ε/εcr
0.1 cr
m m m
ε/εcr ε/εcr ε/εcr
Damage maps of statistics of constitutive responses for twenty realizations of the random com-
posite, such as that in Figure 4.12.
composite while varying its physical properties (Figure 4.12) as well as other
characteristics, say, statistics of response in the ensemble sense (Figure 4.13).
A number of other issues are studied in the referenced papers:
Also, see Ostoja-Starzewski and Lee (1996) for a similar study under in-plane
loading; computer movies of evolving damage are at http://www.mechse.
Z (cm)
0 –2
X (c
–6 –4 –2 0 2 4 4
Y (cm)
Particle models and intermediate stages of fracture in (a) 2D and (b) 3D. (After Wang et al. [2006]).
Here r is measured in Å. It follows that the interaction force between two
copper atoms is
dφ(r ) 8.388408 −2 18.61248
F (r ) = − =− 10 + dyn. (4.38)
dr r7 r 13
In (4.38) F (r ) = 0 occurs at r0 = 2.46Å, and φ then attains the minimum:
φ(r0 ) = 3.15045 · 10−13 erg.
Let us next recall Ashby and Jones’s (1980) simple method to evaluate
Young’s modulus E of the material from φ(r ): compute
S0 d 2 φ(r )
E= where S0 = |r . (4.39)
r0 dr 2 0
With this method, we obtain Young’s modulus of copper as 152.942 GPa,
a number that closely matches the physical property of copper and copper
alloys valued at 120∼150 GPa. Ashby and Jones also defined the continuum-
type tensile stress
σ (r ) = NF (r ), (4.40)
This value is quite consistent with data for the actual copper and copper-based
alloys reported at 250∼1000 MPa.
In the PM, the interaction force is also considered only between nearest-
neighbor (quasi-)particles and assumed to be of the same form as in MD
φ(r ) = − p
+ q. (4.42)
r r
Here G, H, p, and q , all positive constants, are yet to be determined, and this
will be done below. Inequality q > p must hold so as to obtain the repulsive
effect that is necessarily (much) stronger than the attractive one. Three
examples of interaction force for three pairs of p and q are displayed in
Figure 4.15(a). The dependence of Young’s modulus for a wide range of p
and q is shown in Figure 4.15(b).
The conventional approach in PM, just as in MD, is to take the equation
of motion for each particle Pi of the system as
d 2 ri Gi Hi rji
mi 2 = α − p + q i=
j, (4.43)
dt j
rij rij rij
E = E( p, q , r0 , V). (4.45)
Interaction force (KN)
(p, q) = 3, 5
(p, q) = 5, 10
–20 (p, q) = 7, 14
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Equilibrium position r0 (cm)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
14 37 59 82 104 127 149 172 195 217 240 262 285 307 330
(a) The interaction force for pairs of ( p, q ) exponents, at r0 = 0.2 cm. (b) The variability of Young’s
modulus in the ( p, q )-plane.
t t 2 t 3
ri,k = ri,k+1/2 − vi,k+1/2 + ai,k+1/2 − ȧi,k+1/2 + O(t 4 )
2 8 48
t t 2 t 3
ri,k+1 = ri,k+1/2 + vi,k+1/2 + ai,k+1/2 + ȧi,k+1/2 + O(t 4 ). (4.46)
2 8 48
Here vi and ai denote velocity and acceleration. Upon addition and subtrac-
tion of these we get the new position and velocity
t 2
ri,k+1 = 2ri,k+1/2 − ri,k + ai,k + O(t 4 )
vi,k+1/2 = (ri,k+1 − ri,k )/t + O(t 2 ), (4.47)
which shows that the position calculation is two orders of magnitude more
accurate than the velocity calculation. However, the error in computation
of velocity accumulates only as fast as that in position because it is really
being calculated from positions. It is easy to see that the leapfrog method
is more accurate than the conventional Euler integration based on vi,k+1 =
vi,k + (t)ai,k and ri,k+1 = ri,k + (t)vi,k .
Often the leapfrog formulas relating position ri , velocity vi , and accelera-
tion ai for all the particles Pi (i = 1, 2, . . . , N) are written as
vi,1/2 = vi,0 + ai,0 (starter formula)
vi,k+1/2 = vi,k−1/2 + (t)ai,k k = 0, 1, 2, . . . (4.48)
ri,k+1 = ri,k + (t)vi,k+1/2 k = 0, 1, 2, . . . .
Clearly, the name of the method comes from taking velocities at intermediate
time steps relative to positions and accelerations; it is also known as a Verlet
It can be shown that the global (cumulative) error in position going from
ri,k to ri,k+n (i.e., over T = nt) of Pi is
By the argument following (4.46) above, the global error in velocity is also
O(t 2 ).
Stability is concerned with the propagation of errors. Even if the trunca-
tion and round-off errors are very small, a scheme would be of little value if
the effects of small errors were to grow rapidly with time. Thus, instability
arises from the nonphysical solution of the discretized equations. If the dis-
crete equations have solutions that grow much more rapidly than the correct
solution of the differential equations, then even a very small round-off error
is certain to eventually seed that solution and render the numerical results
meaningless. By the root locus method for an atomistic unit of time, the safe
time-step used in the leapfrog method meeting this requirement is
1 dF
t 2 = . (4.50)
m dr max
We see that, as r → 0, d F /dr → ∞, which results in t → 0. Because this
may well cause problems in computation, we introduce the smallest distance
between two particles according to these conditions:
4.3.2 Examples
The maximum entropy formalism of Section 2.6 in Chapter 2 is much more
suited to deal with quasi-static rather than dynamic fracture. The dynamic
character of fracture in these experiments, combined with the presence of
multiple incipient spots, was also a big challenge in several computational me-
chanics models reviewed in Al-Ostaz and Jasiuk (1997) employing
commercial finite element programs, as well as in an independent study using
a meshless element program (Belytschko et al., 1995). Upon trying various fail-
ure criteria, several numerical methods, and even being forced to initialize the
cracking process by a subjective choice in the meshless model, the modelers
(including this author) have run into uncertainty as to which modeling as-
pect is more critical, and whether there is a way to clarify it. The recent study
by Ostoja-Starzewski and Wang (2006) was motivated by this outstanding
challenge, and offered a way to test the PM vis-à-vis experiments.
In Section 2.6 of Chapter 2 we considered crack patterns in epoxy plates
perforated by holes. Two analyses—one based on the minimum potential en-
ergy formulation and one based on the maximum entropy method—relied on
the assumption of quasi-static response. Strictly speaking, although the load-
ing was static, the fragmentation event was dynamic. Clearly, the preparation
of mineral specimens—involving measurement of highly heterogeneous and
multiphase microstructures—for a direct comparison with the model predic-
tion is very hard. Thus, we can apply the model to the experimentally tested
plate with 31 holes and follow this strategy:
1. Decrease the lattice spacing until we attain mesh-independent crack
2. Find out whether the lattice of (1) will also result in the most domi-
nant crack pattern of Figure 4.16. Indeed, the crack patterns “stabi-
lize” as we refine the mesh.
3. Assuming the answer to (2) is positive, introduce weak perturba-
tions in the material properties—either stiffness or strength—to de-
termine which one of these has a stronger effect on the deviation
away from the dominant crack pattern, that is, on the scatter in
Figure 4.16.
Final crack patterns for four mesh configurations at ever finer lattice spacings: (a) r0 = 0.1 cm;
(b) r0 = 0.05 cm; (c) r0 = 0.02 cm; (d) r0 = 0.01 cm. (From Ostoja-Starzewski and Wang, 2006.
With permission.)
E f f = V/V ∗ . (4.52)
(c) Eff = 0.981 (d) Eff = 0.991
Successive approximations to the Michell truss, all governed by (3.6) for a homogeneous material,
according to meshes based on, respectively, 2n + 1(n = 2, 3, 4 and 5) boundary points on the rigid
foundation F.
∂u ∂v ∂v ∂u ∂v ∂u
εx = εy = γ = + /2 W= − /2 (4.53)
∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y
are the strain components and the rotation. If by θ we denote the angle be-
tween the negative y-direction and arbitrarily assigned positive direction
along the line with the unit extension k, then
where w = W/k.
Eliminating u and v from (4.55) by cross-differentiation, we obtain
∂w ∂θ ∂θ
k + k cos 2θ + k sin 2θ = 0,
∂x ∂x ∂y
∂w ∂θ ∂θ
k + k sin 2θ − k cos 2θ = 0.
∂y ∂x ∂y
d d
(w − θ ) = 0 (w + θ ) = 0, (4.57)
ds1 ds2
which hold along two characteristics s1 and s2 , at angles specified, respectively,
α is defined as the angle formed by the positive direction along the foundation
F with the positive x-direction. On this boundary, w = −1.
w = −1. (4.59)
w = ∓1 (4.60)
along F ; in Figures 4.1 and 4.3 the upper sign in the above is appropriate.
Thus, we have an inverse Cauchy problem: “find the net of characteristics
supporting the given load P at point A, that emanates from the foundation F
with conditions (4.58) and (4.59) specified on it.” Figures 4.17(a)–(d) display
four deterministic solutions, all governed by (4.57) according to meshes based
on, respectively, 2n +1 (n = 2, 3, 4 and 5) boundary points. In the limit n → ∞,
we arrive at a truss-like continuum with Eff = 1.
In case one wants to make (i.e., manufacture) the Michell truss from a metal
plate—such as a polycrystal—one encounters the effect of random material
microstructure. In effect, the denser the truss—or the finer the mesh spacing—
the more significant is the effect of microstructural fluctuations on the plastic
limit. This leads to a question we address in Chapter 8: Can one truly reach
the limit of truss-like continuum as the mesh is refined ad infinitum?
min L(u)
Cijkl ∈ Uad
is the load linear form. That is, we seek the optimal choice of stiffness tensor
C in some given set of admissible tensors Uad . C are generally fields over R2 ,
so that Uad ∈ (L ∞ (V)) 6 , corresponding to the six independent elements of in-
plane stiffness tensor. By the “design constraints” we understand constraints
on stresses, strains, displacements, etc., while sizing constraints, volume con-
straints, etc., are accounted for in the choice of Uad . Finally, U is the space of
kinematically admissible displacement fields.
In the case of optimal shape design, elements C(≡ Cijkl ) of Uad take on the
where C ijkl is the constant stiffness tensor for the material employed for the
construction of the mechanical element, and χ (x) is the indicator function.
The discretized formulation of the topology optimization problem can then
be stated as follows:
min f (ρ)
s.t. V = ρ j νi ≤ V ∗ (4.65)
η ≤ ρi ≤ 1, i = 1, . . . , N,
where f represents the objective function, ρi and νi are element densities
and volumes, respectively, V ∗ is the target volume, N is the total number
of elements and η is the small number that prevents stiffness matrix from
being ill-conditioned. The common objective function is the weighted sum of
compliances under all load cases. Note that the problem in (4.65) is a relaxation
formulation of the topology problem, where the density should only take
value 0 or 1. To force the design to be close to a 0/1 solution, a penalty is
introduced to reduce the efficiency of intermediate density elements, namely,
by a following power law formulation
Ki∗ (ρ) = ρi Ki
where Ki∗ and Ki represent the penalized and the real stiffness matrix of the ith
element, respectively, and p is the penalization factor that is bigger than 1. For
a survey of historical development and a summary of theory and techniques
of topology optimization, see Rozvany et al. (1995), while for the penalty
formulation see Allaire and Kohn (1993).
In Chapter 8 we return to Michell trusses in the setting of materials pos-
sessing microstructural randomness.
1. The extension of the condition (4.1) in 3D is the so-called Maxwell’s
|E| = 6|V| − 6.
d 2 ri ∂φ ri − r j
mi =− , i, j = 1, 2
dt 2 ∂ri j ri j