Machine Tools
Machine Tools
Machine Tools
Machine tools are also classified through the work they perform.
IV. Cost
Both Initial Cost and Operation Cost should be taken into considerations. It should be
competitive in both the cost.
V. Accuracy:
The machine tool should be able to produce accuracy in regard to dimensions and geometrical.
The surface finish should be accurate without much expertise. The machine should not be
subjected to any wobbling during the operation process.
VIII. Repeatability:
Machine tool should be designed to produce same dimensions with one setting, repeatedly.
IX. Compactness:
The overall size of machine tool should be least possible depending on the sophistication of
design and production capacity.
X. Standardisation:
The machine tool should be standard such that in case of any parts replacement, they can be
replaced easily and assembled. The design should be simple.
Chip removal process is effected by the relative motion between tool and work piece. The
motions of machine tool may be transmitted either to the cutting tool, or to the work or
simultaneously to both.
The already discussed machine tool motions are primary and secondary motions.
I. Primary Cutting Motion:
It provides for cutting the chip from the blank.
The most commonly used types of primary cutting motions are either Rotary primary cutting
motion or Reciprocating primary cutting motion.
a. Rotary Primary Cutting Motion
Rotary motion may be transmitted either to the work as in lathe machine tools or to the tool as in
grinding machine, drilling machine or milling machine.