Food Storage and Preservation
Food Storage and Preservation
Food Storage and Preservation
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2 authors:
Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Agriculture University
All content following this page was uploaded by Veena Kambalimatha on 26 December 2022.
Lack of proper grain storage methods in developing nations causes losses of up to 20–
30%, mainly as a result of postharvest pests. Smallholder farmers become trapped in poverty
as a result of having to sell their grain shortly after harvest just to buy it back at a steep price
a few months later. Farmers will not be able to reduce poverty and increase the security of
their livelihoods if they are unable to store grains and sell excess output at profitable rates. In
addition to contributing to environmental degradation and climate change, postharvest losses
also require non-renewable resources like energy and fertiliser to produce, prepare, handle,
and transport food that no one will ever eat. Pests in grain storage are associated to aflatoxin
contamination and toxicity in addition to generating quantitative losses (Tefera and Abass,
Food items will encourage the growth of bacteria since they are chemically composed
of carbohydrates, protein, fat, water and minor amounts of organic and mineral substances,
all of which serve as the microbes' main sources of energy for growth. To avoid this, several
preservation techniques are suggested by Rahman, (2007). A preservative is a natural or
synthetic substance that is added to a variety of goods, including food, medicine, paint, and
wood, to stop microbial growth or unfavourable chemical changes from causing the goods to
decompose. These preservatives are frequently included in a variety of foods and medicinal
goods to lengthen their shelf lives (Shaikh et al. 2016).
To ensure the intake of food with a high nutritional content, which is essential for
human health, food quality must be maintained. Therefore, the best way to preserve food
quality and prevent it from deteriorating is to use preservation procedures. There are currently
many different preservation procedures available to maintain the quality of food products for
an extended period of time. Both conventional and cutting-edge preservation technologies
can be used in conjunction with these procedures. Some of these preservation procedures also
employ additional food preservatives, which may be further separated into artificial and
natural preservatives. It is advisable to use artificial food and cosmetic additives sparingly
since although while many of them are regarded to be safe, some of them have been related to
cancer and are exceedingly hazardous. All synthetic chemical additives and preservatives
should be avoided in general as many of them have not passed appropriate testing (Shaikh et
al. 2016).
Foods may be widely categorised based on their shelf lives, uses, nutrient content, and
processing methods (Table 1). The following sections provide a quick summary of several
food groups.
1. Food categories based on shelf life: Food items can be divided into perishable, semi-
perishable, and non-perishable categories based on their shelf life (Doyle, 2009).
• Perishable Foods that spoil quickly, with a shelf life of a few days to around three
weeks. Perishable food items include meats, eggs, milk and dairy products, poultry,
and shellfish. If unique preservation methods are not established, food products may
deteriorate immediately (Doyle, 2009).
• Semi-perishable food items may be kept for a considerable length of time six months
under ideal storage circumstances. Potatoes, vegetables, fruits, and cheeses are some
examples of semi-perishable foods (Doyle, 2009).
• Non-perishable foods with an indefinite shelf life include both natural and processed
foods. These foods have an extended shelf life of many years or more. Non-perishable
foods include things like dry beans, almonds, sugar, canned fruit, mayonnaise, and
peanut butter, to name a few (Doyle, 2009).
2. Food categories based on extent and purpose of processing: The food industries utilise
a variety of food processing methods to transform fresh ingredients into food items.
According to the extent and purpose of food processing, foods may be divided into three
primary categories (Monteiro et al. 2010): (a) unprocessed or minimally processed foods,
(b) processed culinary or food industry ingredients, and (c) ultra-processed food products.
Table 2 categorises foods according to the extent and purpose for processing.
The natural process of food spoiling causes food to progressively lose its colour,
texture, flavour, nutritional value, and edibility. Consuming spoiled food can result in disease
and, in the worst case scenario, death (Steele, 2004). Food deterioration can result from a
variety of physical, microbiological, or chemical processes. Since the deterioration brought
on by one process might promote another, these mechanisms are not always mutually
incompatible. The main causes of food deterioration include pH, temperature, air, nutrition
and various chemicals present in the food (Steele, 2004). The following sections cover a
variety of food spoilage-related topics:
1. Physical spoilage: Physical alterations or instability are the causes of physical food
deterioration. Examples of physical deterioration include moisture gain or loss, moisture
migration between distinct components, and physical separation of ingredients or
components (Steele, 2004; Rahman, 2009). Moisture content, temperature, glass transient
temperature, crystal development, and crystallisation are the main elements influencing
physical deterioration.
• Moisture content: The alteration in the water content of food items is a common
reason for their deterioration. It might take the shape of water gain, water loss, or
water migration (Fabunmi, et al. 2015). According to Steele, (2004) and
Balasubramanian et al. (2010), the water activity (aw) of a food item directly affects
moisture transfer in food. According to Balasubramanian et al. (2010) and Barnwal et
al. (2010), water activity (aw) is a thermodynamic characteristic that is defined as the
difference between the vapour pressure of water in a system and the vapour pressure
of pure water at the same temperature. It is also possible to substitute equilibrium
relative humidity at the same temperature for pure water vapour pressure. With
increasing temperature, water activity in food items decreases. Generally speaking,
foods have a water activity of 1 at room temperature, compared to 0.82 and 0.68 at 20
and 40 °C, respectively (Barbosa-Cánovas et al. 2005; Kader et al. 1989; Fennema,
• Temperature: The most contributing element to the rotting of fruits and vegetables is
temperature. The right temperature range can promote post-harvest vitality and delay
ripening. Additionally, ideal relative humidity and ideal air flow around fruit and
vegetables are needed for slow ripening. These ideal circumstances are sometimes
referred to as modified atmospheres (MA). The metabolism of the commodities is
often hampered by temperature, which also affects how quickly the target MA is
attained (Kader et al. 1989). Foods that are prone to freeze damage may suffer
unfavourable effects as a result of low temperatures. Food items become damaged
when their cells break when partly frozen at lower temperatures. The majority of
tropical vegetables and fruits are vulnerable to damage from chilling. This often
happens between 5 and 15 °C prior to the food product starting to freeze (Steele,
• Glass transition temperature: The glass transition temperature (Tg) affects how
long food goods may be stored. Food products' solid constituents might be either
crystalline or amorphous in nature. According to White and Cakebread, (1966), this
phenomenon is influenced by the solids' composition, relative humidity and
temperature. The amorphous matrix might exist as a rubber that is more liquid-like or
as a highly viscous glass (Karmas et al. 1992). The shift from a glassy to a rubbery
state takes place at the glass transition temperature. This process of second-order
phase change occurs at a temperature that varies depending on the food. The glass
transition temperature and food physical stability are connected. The concentration of
water and other plasticizers has a significant impact on the glass transition
temperature (Tg) (Levine et al. 1986). Due to the glass transition phenomenon, dry
food products that are stored in extremely humid environments change in state
(Steele, 2004).
2. Microbial spoilage: Food spoilage that results from the action of microorganisms is
known as microbial spoilage. Additionally, it is the main source of foodborne illnesses.
Different microbes frequently damage perishable foods. By modifying storage
temperature, lowering pH, lowering water activity, employing preservatives, and utilising
suitable packing, the development of the majority of bacteria may be delayed or stopped
(Tianli et al. 2014). Molds, yeasts, and bacteria are the three main kinds of
microorganisms that cause food to deteriorate.
3. Chemical spoilage: Foods inherently undergo chemical and biological processes, which
provide unappealing sensory outcomes in food items. Fresh foods may experience minor
changes in quality due to (a) microbial growth and metabolism, which results in pH
changes, (b) toxic substances, and/or (c) the oxidation of lipids and pigments in fat, which
produces unfavourable flavours and colours (in't Veld, 1996; Van Boekel, 2008).
Microbial activities and chemical deterioration are interlinked. However, chemical
processes such as oxidation are solely dependent on changes in temperature (in’t Veld,
• Oxidation: Ammonia and organic acid are produced when amino acids interact with
oxygen. This is the basic spoiling response for fresh meat and fish kept in the
refrigerator (Jay, 2000). According to Enfors, (2008), the process of unsaturated fats
• Proteolysis: The restricted and highly selective hydrolysis of peptide and iso-peptide
bonds inside a protein constitutes proteolysis, a common and irreversible
posttranslational alteration. Multiple protease enzymes are required for the overall
phenomenon (Rogers, 2013). Numerous regulatory mechanisms use a variety of
specialised proteases. Furthermore, both normal and pathological circumstances are
linked to very specialised proteolytic events (Igarashi, 2007). Nitrogen-containing
foods usually cause this response. Small-sized amino acids are ultimately formed
from proteins after they have undergone proteolysis.
• Putrefaction: When amino acids divert to a combination of organic acids, amines and
pungent-smelling sulphur compounds like hydrogen sulphide and mercaptans, it is
referred to as putrefaction. The necessity of bacteria throughout the process makes
this a biological phenomenon. Protein putrefaction also produces indole, phenols, and
ammonia in addition to amino acids (Panda, 2003). The majority of these compounds
have unpleasant smells. At temperatures higher than 15 °C, putrefaction is fairly
prevalent in meats and other protein-rich meals. The increased warmth makes
microbial activity easier (Enfors, 2008; Panda, 2003).
triglyceride molecules. These free fatty acids smell or taste rotten (Steele, 2004).
Because the liberated volatile fatty acids have a strong malodour and flavour,
hydrolytic rancidity in fats like butter is quite obvious (Rodriguez and Mesler, 1985).
1. Cereals, Rice, Breads and Flour: Bread should be consumed within 5 to 7 days and kept
in its original packaging at room temperature. However, because mould development is
prevented when bread is stored in the refrigerator, it will last longer and could even be
firmer. To keep out moisture and insects, cereals can be kept at room temperature in
firmly closed containers. To prevent the natural oils in whole wheat flour from going
rancid, it may be kept in the freezer or refrigerator. Use within a year after storing
uncooked white rice in airtight containers kept at room temperature. Due to the oil being
rancid when stored at room temperature, brown and wild rice will have a reduced shelf
life (6 months). Refrigeration can prolong the shelf life of raw white and brown rice.
2. Fresh vegetables: Fresh vegetables may have a longer shelf life if the air (oxygen) in the
package is removed, they are kept chilled at 40°F, and the humidity is kept between 95
and 100%. Most fresh vegetables may be kept in the refrigerator for up to five days. To
maintain product moisture and avoid wilting, fresh green vegetables should always be
wrapped or covered in moisture-proof bags. Root vegetables (onions, sweet potatoes,
potatoes etc.), eggplant, rutabagas and squashes and should be kept between 50 °F and 60
°F in a cool, well-ventilated area. After being harvested, tomatoes continue to ripen,
therefore they should be kept at room temperature. Before storing carrots, radishes, and
beets in the refrigerator, remove the tops to prevent moisture loss and increase shelf life.
Corn loses some of its flavour when being stored in the cold because of its high starch
content. It is best to keep corn and peas in a vented container. Green leafy vegetables
need to be well cleaned with cold running water, drained, sealed in plastic bags, and
stored in the fridge. Fresh vegetables' freshness and nutritional worth will be maintained
with proper storage.
3. Processed vegetables: Canned vegetables can be kept for up to a year in a cold, dry place
that is below 85°F (ideal, 50°F to 70°F). Canned vegetables can still be eaten a year later
if they are in fine condition. Cans with severe dents, swelling, or rust should be thrown
away. Vegetables may be kept frozen for eight months at 0°F in the freezer. Since
dehydrated vegetables have a propensity to lose their flavour and colour, they should be
kept in a cold, dry environment and utilised within six months. Before freezing home-
prepared vegetables, they should be blanched.
4. Fresh fruit (split the content into paragraph): Generally speaking, to increase shelf
life, keep fresh fruit in the refrigerator or another cool environment. Using covered
containers will help fresh fruit retain more moisture. Fresh fruit should always be kept in
a separate compartment of the refrigerator since they can contaminate other items and
absorb their flavours. Fresh produce should be rinsed under cold running water before
eating to eliminate any potential pesticide residues, dirt, or germs. Fresh fruits and
vegetables can be peeled and then thoroughly washed to remove contaminants.
Apples that are ready to eat should be kept in the refrigerator apart from other
meals and consumed within a month. Apples kept at room temperature will quickly soften
after a few days. Prior to placing apples in the refrigerator, remove those that have been
damaged or have gone bad.
Pears and apricots that are still green should be allowed to mature at room
temperature before being refrigerated to improve shelf life by up to 5 days. Unripe
peaches can be allowed to mature at room temperature for two days before eating them.
Ripe peaches should be kept in the refrigerator but eaten at room temperature.
Within five days following purchase, consume fresh grapes and plums that have
been refrigerated. Grapes should be rinsed before eating and should be kept in the
refrigerator away from other meals. Strawberries that are ripe can be kept in the
refrigerator for about three days without contact with other meals. Before eating,
strawberries should be cleaned and de-stemmed.
Lemons, limes, and ripe oranges, among other citrus fruits, may be kept in the
refrigerator for two weeks. Honeydew melon, cantaloupe, and watermelon are just a few
examples of melons that may mature at room temperature for 2, 3, and 7 days,
Bananas and avocados should ripen for 3 to 5 days at room temperature. Unripe
bananas should never be kept in the refrigerator since the cold will cause the bananas to
quickly become black.
5. Processed fruit: Fruit and fruit juices in cans can be kept for a year in a cool, dry
environment below 85°F (best between 50°F and 70°F). Similar to canned vegetables,
cans that are severely damaged, bulging, rusted, or leaking should be thrown away.
Because the product has lost its moisture, dried fruits have a lengthy shelf life. Dried
fruits that have not been opened can be kept at room temperature for six months.
6. Dairy products: Fluid milk has a shelf life of 8 to 20 days when kept in a refrigerator (40
°F), depending on the date of manufacturing and the storage conditions on the grocery
store shelf. Milk is a very perishable food that is also incredibly nutrient-dense. Never
leave milk out at room temperature, and always keep it covered or closed in the
refrigerator. It is not advisable to freeze milk since thawed milk readily separates and can
take on unpleasant odours. Dry milk may be kept for a year in sealed containers at cold
temperatures (50°F to 60°F). Dry milk that has been opened, especially whole milk
products, should be kept cool to minimise off tastes. Sweetened condensed milk and
evaporated milk in cans can be kept at room temperature for 12 to 23 months.
Cheese, both natural and processed, should be refrigerated below 40°F and kept
securely wrapped in moisture-resistant wrappers. On hard natural cheese, surface mould
growth may be scraped off with a clean knife and thrown away. To avoid moisture loss,
rewrap cheese. Mold development is a sign of food deterioration and should be removed
from processed cheese, semi-soft cheese, and cottage cheese.
Preserve commercial ice cream cold, below zero degrees Fahrenheit. Commercial
ice cream has a two-month shelf life before the quality starts to deteriorate. Return
opened ice cream right away to the freezer to avoid moisture loss and the formation of ice
crystals. To prevent ice crystal development, keep ice cream in a freezer at a consistent
7. Meats, poultry, fish, and eggs: Due to their high levels of moisture and protein, animal
products like poultry, egg, meat and fish are all very perishable and might be dangerous.
Fresh slices of meat typically include spoilage bacteria on their surface that, after three
days of refrigeration storage in oxygen-permeable packing film, will multiply, form
slime, and cause deterioration.
Due to the production process and increased surface area of the product, ground
beef products are more prone to spoiling. The bacteria in ground meats are widely
dispersed and can multiply quickly in the presence of air. The lowest shelf of the
refrigerator should be utilised to keep ground meats and they should be consumed within
24 hours after purchase. Although bacterial development is slowed by refrigerator
storage, the product will nevertheless ultimately go bad. Ground beef should be stored in
the refrigerator at a temperature between 33°F and 36°F.
After purchasing, poultry should be cooked right away or put in the freezer. For a
year, poultry can be kept in the freezer (ideally, 0°F). You may defrost poultry in the
microwave, refrigerator, or under cold running water. Cook poultry whole or in pieces
until the internal temperature reaches 170°F or 180°F, accordingly. Reheating leftovers to
165°F before serving them should be done within 3 days of storing them in the
refrigerator. The refrigerator should only be used to retain poultry broth and gravy for no
more than two days. Before serving, reheat the food to a full boil (212°F).
Within one to two days, crab, shrimp and fresh fish kept in the refrigerator (just
above 32°F) should be consumed. Fresh fish should never be kept in water to prevent the
loss of nutrients, flavours, and colours. For three to six months at 0°F, frozen fresh, lean
fish and seafood (but not shrimp) may be kept. At 0°F, shrimp may be kept for a year.
Eggs should be bought chilled and kept in their original carton in a refrigerator
between 33°F and 37°F. Eggs kept in their original cartons are less likely to absorb
flavours and odours from other items kept in the refrigerator. The "pack date" printed on
the carton of eggs should be used within 3 to 5 weeks (1 to 365 representing pack date
day within the year). Egg yolks and whites that are leftover can be kept in the refrigerator
under cover for 2 and 4 days, respectively. Egg yolks are covered with water. While
pasteurised liquid eggs can be kept in the fridge for 10 days, hard-boiled eggs can only be
kept there for a week. Pasteurized eggs and egg whites may both be kept for a year in the
freezer. The freezer is not a place where shell eggs should be kept. For a year, dried eggs
can be kept in the refrigerator in firmly covered containers.
The fundamental goal of storage is to keep food fresh for a long time. Consequently,
preservatives are crucial while keeping food. The following information is provided on
various preservation methods and preservatives.
Class I: The food preservatives derived from nature, such as salt, sugar, vinegar, spices,
honey, edible oils, etc., were included in this class.
Class II: Preservatives that are chemical, semi-synthetic, or synthetic in nature, such as
benzoates, sorbates, potassium nitrites and nitrates, sulfites, glutamates, and glycerides, are
included in this class (Anand and Sati, 2013).
Function of preservatives:
• Antimicrobials: Nitrites and nitrates, for example, prevent botulism (food poisoning
caused by bacteria) in meat products. They can also kill or stop the growth of bacteria,
yeast, and mould. Fruits, wine, and beer are protected from further deterioration by
sulphur dioxide. In jams, salad dressings, cheese, and pickles, sorbates and benzoates
are anti-fungal ingredients that stop the formation of mould.
➢ Since they prevent chain reactions by interacting with free radicals, true
antioxidants like butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) and butylated hydroxyanisole
(BHA) are frequently utilised in many food formulations as food preservatives.
➢ Ascorbic acid is one example of a reducing agent with a lower redox potential
than the medicine or excipients it is protecting.
➢ The effects of other antioxidants are enhanced by antioxidant synergy, such as
sodium edetate (Hugo and Russel, 2004).
• Natural preservatives: These are derived from organic materials such as plants,
minerals, animals, etc. Neem oil, sodium chloride, honey, sugar, spices, edible oils,
etc. are a few examples.
1. Drying: Drying is one of the oldest ways of food preservation because it significantly
lowers water activity, which delays or prevents bacterial development. Drying also helps
to reduce weight.
4. Freezing: The two methods of food preservation that are most often used nowadays are
refrigeration and freezing. When food is refrigerated, the purpose is to restrict bacterial
growth to a crawl such that food spoilage takes significantly longer (perhaps a week or
two instead of half a day) (Leistner, 2000; Wiley, 1994).
5. Chilling: Foods are chilled at a constant temperature of between 1 and 8 °C. The cooling
process lowers the products' starting temperatures and sustains their ending temperatures
for an extended length of time (Saravacos and Kostaropoulos, 2002). It is used to slow
down biochemical and microbial changes as well as to increase the shelf life of both fresh
and processed foods (Sudheer and Indira, 2007).
6. Jellying: Cooking in a substance that solidifies to produce a gel can preserve food.
Gelatine, agar, maize flour, and arrowroot flour are a few examples of these materials.
7. Vacuum packing: Food is often vacuum-packed in an airtight bag or bottle. The lack of
oxygen in the vacuum atmosphere causes microorganisms to slowly deteriorate. Food can
be harmed by air, which leads to rusting, the spread of bacteria, or lost property. This
approach may preserve food for weeks or even months if it is refrigerated, making it ideal
for goods that travel great distances (Leistner, 1992).
8. Water bath: In this method, food is kept in a glass container filled with water that is
firmly closed. The bottle is then put in a pot with just enough water to cover it, and the
water is then turned off after 50 minutes. Before causing a rapid temperature rise that
might cause the bottle to burst, leave the flask within the container until the water has
totally cooled. The food may be preserved using this method for several months or even
over a year (Lado and Yousef, 2002).
1. Irradiation: When a substance is exposed to a certain dose of ionising radiation (IR), the
process is called irradiation (Arvanitoyannis, 2010). Natural and artificial IR are both
possible. High-energy ultraviolet (UV) and X-rays are common components of natural
infrared (IR), while induced secondary radiation and accelerated electrons are the
products of artificial infrared production (Sommers, 2010; Islam and Uddin, 2016). In
more than 60 distinct foods across 40 different nations, IR is employed (Arvanitoyannis,
The effects of IR include: (a) disinfestation of grains, fruits, and vegetables; (b)
improvement of fruit and vegetable shelf life through inhibition of sprouting or by
altering their rate of maturation and senescence; and (c) enhancement of food safety and
shelf life through inactivation of foodborne pathogens (Heldman and Moraru, 2010;
Kanatt et al. 2006).
Kilo greys represent the IR dosage provided to foods (kGy). A grey is equal to the
amount of ionising radiation that 1 kilogramme of radioactive material has been exposed
to. Legislative authorities determine the boundaries of IR regulation. These restrictions
may be stated as a minimum dosage, maximum dose, or acceptable dose range depending
on the regulatory body (Sommers, 2010). Even at large dosages, IR has no effect on the
nutritional factors, such as lipids, carbs, proteins, minerals, and the majority of vitamins
(Smith and Pillai, 2004). When IR is administered in large doses, several micronutrients,
especially the vitamins A, B1, C and E, may be lost. FDA claims that the effects of IR on
food's nutritional value are comparable to those of traditional food processing methods
(Smith and Pillai, 2004).
3. Pulsed electric field: Food is subjected to a pulsed high voltage field (20–40 kV/cm)
while being sandwiched between two electrodes during pulsed electric field (PEF) food
preparation. The PEF treatment time is often less than one second (Amit et al. 2017). This
process's quick residence time and low processing temperature enable extremely
successful microbial inactivation. Gram-negative bacteria are considerably easier to kill
with PEF processing than gram-positive bacteria. Compared to spores, vegetative cells
are far more vulnerable to this process. Electroporation and disruption of cell membrane
function are the causes of all cell death (Jay, 2000). PEF technology preserves the meals'
flavour, colour, and taste.
Processes for non-thermal food preservation including PEF and HPP are thought
to be more efficient than thermal processing (Ahmed and Rahman, 2012). The amount of
pulses produced during processing and the electric field intensity (20–40 kV/cm) that are
used to inactivate bacteria are the major factors in PEF. Most spoilage and harmful
bacteria have been discovered to be susceptible to PEF. However, it should be
emphasised that treating plant or animal cells requires a strong field and more energy,
which raises the cost of processing. Additionally, the structure of solid food may be
destroyed by this sort of field strength. PEF is therefore more suited to preserve liquid
foods. Fruit or vegetable juices, milk, liquid eggs, and nutritional broth have all been
successfully microbially inactivated with PEF (Sun, 2014).
Types of
Matrix Application
Asparagus, Orange juice, Retards the growth of aerobic
Poultry meat, Fresh-cut psychrotrophics, yeasts and molds;
melon, Beef meat exudates antimicrobial effect against Escherichia
coli and Staphylococcus aureus
Liquid egg albumen, Orange Effectively reduces Lactobacillus
Zinc oxide juice plantarum, Salmonella, yeast and mold counts
without changes in quality parameters
Strawberry Reduces browning, slow-down ripening,
Titanium oxide
senescence and decay
Silver oxide Apple slice Retards microbial spoilage
5. Fortification of edible films with bioactive agents for the application in food
preservation: For food coating and packaging applications, biodegradable films made
from food components are being researched as environmentally benign and more
sustainable substitutes for plastics and other synthetic film-forming materials. A
particular emphasis is placed on the development of active packaging materials using
natural components, particularly those derived from plants. Proteins, polysaccharides and
lipids are common dietary ingredients that are used to make film matrixes. To improve
these matrices' functional qualities, active substances like antioxidants and antimicrobials
can be added. To have the necessary optical, mechanical, barrier, and preservation
qualities needed for commercial applications, edible active films must be properly
constructed (Chen et al. 2022).
preserve food nowadays is using MAP. To preserve the original flavour, texture, and
appearance of the food being packaged, MAP employs liquid nitrogen or a gas
combination in modified atmospheric packaging. Nitrogen (N2), carbon dioxide (CO2),
and other gases like nitrous oxide, argon, or hydrogen may also be present in MAP gas
combinations. Each gas interacts with meals or liquids in a specific way that helps it
maintain its original qualities. The gases can be mixed specifically for each type of
product or used individually (
1. Nitrates and nitrites: When sodium nitrite cooks at high temperatures or reacts with
proteins to generate N-nitrosamines, it can cause cancer. The nitrate attaches to
haemoglobin, which is the substance that delivers oxygen in blood to body tissues, and
produces chemically changed haemoglobin (methaemoglobin), which reduces oxygen
delivery to tissues and gives skin its blue colour.
2. Benzoates are known to cause brain damage and to cause allergies including skin rashes
and asthma (Sharma, 2015).
3. Caffeine is a flavouring and colouring agent with stimulant and diuretic characteristics.
Nervousness, palpitations, and possibly heart abnormalities are possible effects.
4. The skin, digestive system, and heart are all negatively impacted by the toxic and allergic
responses caused by saccharin. Tumors and bladder cancer may also be brought on by it.
5. As an antibacterial preservative, sorbates and sorbic acid are added to foods. Although
sorbate reactions are uncommon, urticaria and contact dermatitis have been reported.
6. Consuming foods containing monosodium glutamate might cause headaches, sweating,
skin redness, nausea, and weakness (MSG).
7. The use of these dangerous preservatives during pregnancy may have a negative impact
on the brain development of the foetus. Hydantoin, diazolidinyl urea, imidazolidinyl urea,
and formaldehyde are all strong irritants that can irritate the skin, eyes, and lungs. Sperm
DNA damage can result from exposure to these poisons at high doses (Vega-Mercado et
al. 1997).
8. Because they typically manifest late or without any clear pattern, preservative-induced
adverse effects are frequently exceedingly challenging to diagnose. Preservatives should
thus not be used for an extended period of time (Baudouin et al. 2010).
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