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Research papers
Keywords: Several previously developed prototypes have proven the high energy density of sorption heat storage systems.
Adsorption However, the very poor thermal conductivity of the material bed, especially in closed sorption storage systems,
Y-shape fins has remained one of the main challenges for introducing this technology to the market. In this paper, the use of
Sorption heat storage
straight and Y-shaped fins is investigated to break through the limitation of heat transfer. An axisymmetric
Numerical simulation
transient analysis is established for the adsorption and desorption processes of zeolite/water pair in an
Response surface method adsorption bed containing Y-shaped fins. The results of numerical simulations reveal higher adsorption rates, and
improved heat transfer throughout the bed and also between zeolite and heat transfer fluid using Y-shaped fins
during the adsorption process, leading to increasing outlet temperature of the heat transfer fluid. The effect of Y-
shaped fin length and the angle between the branches has been investigated through a parametric study, aiming
to find the optimized fin geometry. The response surface method (RSM) has been applied to relate the achieved
outlet temperature to the fin geometry. The investigations were carried out independent of the amount of metal
used, to study the improvement only as a result of changing the geometry and arrangement of fins. Based on the
investigations, the optimized geometry of the Y-shaped fins has been defined. The average temperature lift for a
time period of 800 min has increased by 4.6 K compared to the case with straight fins and 8.7 K compared to the
case without fins, and for the average output power, 103 % and 238.8 % improvement is observed compared
with the case with straight fins and without fins, respectively. The result of the study for the desorption process
shows an increase of 42 K in the temperature of the adsorbent bed for the optimum case compared with the case
without fins.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: elham.abohamzeh@aut.uni-saarland.de (E. Abohamzeh).
Received 17 April 2023; Received in revised form 30 January 2024; Accepted 31 January 2024
Available online 15 February 2024
2352-152X/© 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
E. Abohamzeh et al. Journal of Energy Storage 84 (2024) 110803
improvement of thermal conductivity of sorption materials. A 2D model completion of the adsorption process, this trend was reversed, with the
of an adsorption cooling system has been developed by Çağlar [8] to center exhibiting the highest and the outer surface showing the lowest
compare the performance with the finned and finless tube-type adsor rate. Crespo et al. [15] conducted a study aimed to optimize the dis
bent bed using a water/silica gel pair. A considerable improvement in charging process of a thermal energy storage system for residential use.
the adsorbent bed temperature has been observed using the finned tube- The researchers discovered that employing conservative and consistent
type adsorbent bed. Mitra et al. [9] studied the effect of the aspect ratio discharging temperature set points resulted in a 9 % increase in the
of the heat exchanger as well as the size of adsorbent particles size on the energy density, as it experienced fewer interruptions during discharge.
characteristics of the adsorption process. They have considered two Additionally, the study explored the influence of weather conditions and
different particle sizes and evaluated three domains of heat exchanges. various low-temperature heat sources. Overall, the study concluded that
The domains had various aspect ratios but the same area. Based on the an energy density of 139 kWh/m3 can be achieved with a storage system
results from their CFD study, the dynamic uptake is strongly dependent comprising 20 modules of LiCl-silica gel when a constant low-
on the porous media flow resistance for smaller particle sizes, while a temperature heat source, such as waste energy or geothermal, was
weak dependence was observed on thermal and intraparticle diffusion available.
for particles with larger sizes. Some other studies have focused on Mohammad et al. [16] performed a numerical and experimental
optimizing the adsorbent bed for sorption systems. Kant et al. [10] study on an adsorption cooling systems performance and proposed a
developed a numerical model to investigate the silica gel/water modular packed bed. Their design showed 2.3 times greater specific
adsorption process in the adsorbent bed containing cylindrical as well as cooling power compared to typical adsorption chillers. Considering the
rectangular fins for sorption heat storage purposes. They also conducted advantages of this technology, research in the field of sorption storage
a parametric study on fin parameters. The results of their work showed has experienced rapid development, in recent years [17]. There is an
better performance of the rectangular fin compared with the cylindrical increasing number of research teams in engineering, chemical, and
one. Golparvar et al. [11] studied the influence of spacing of the fins in a materials sciences who concentrate on developing this technology [18].
gas-driven adsorption cooling system. Based on their results, higher Regarding the materials used for the sorption process, several studies
temperature gradients have been observed for a bed with larger fin have been conducted in recent years [19,20]. The two most commonly
spacings, leading to non-uniform desorption and adsorption processes, used traditional physical sorbents are silica gel and zeolite. Silica gel is a
so decreasing the performance of the adsorption cooling system. Kant widely and commercially used, cheap and non-toxic. However, the
and Pitchumani [12] conducted a numerical investigation to investigate storage capacity in practice is significantly lower than was theoretically
the influence of fin tree structure on improving heat transfer in a ther predicted and the sorption heat is also too low, as shown by Jaehnig
mochemical heat storage bed. They optimized the geometry of the fin for et al. [21]. Zeolites consist of aluminum silicate minerals, which have
maximizing energy storage density and minimize the levelized cost. very small porous structures. The pores allow them to absorb water and
Reichl et al. [13] investigated two approaches for numerically charac store it temporarily. In contrast to silica gel, they have a high desorption
terizing adsorption reactors in open sorption systems. The mixing temperature between 150 ◦ C and 300 ◦ C. Furthermore, zeolite has a
behavior of a rotating drum configuration is assessed using discrete higher energy density of 3300–4200 kJ/kg [22]. There are a large
particle models and particle simulations. The CFD simulations revealed number of different types of zeolites. Four species are particularly
enhanced reactor performance by improving particle mixing and prevalent in sorption storage. These are Zeolites 4A, 5A, 10X and 13X
reducing temperature differentials. Kurniawan and Rachmat [14] [23]. Herzog et al. [24] studied binderless molecular sieves and iden
developed a new design for an adsorption chiller with silica gel/water tified A, X, and Y molecular sieves as potential low-temperature storage
pair, incorporating two sorption chambers with compact fin tube heat materials (up to 200 ◦ C). Zeolite A is particularly suitable for higher
exchangers, and conducted a CFD simulation. Based on the results, the temperatures because it has high thermal stability. For applications
outer surface of the adsorbent bed exhibited the highest absolute under high pressure in a reactor, for example, when working with
adsorption rate, while the center displayed the lowest rate. Upon condensing water, the Y variants are more suitable than the A and X
E. Abohamzeh et al. Journal of Energy Storage 84 (2024) 110803
Fig. 1. The schematic showing (a) the adsorbent bed and (b) the geometry of the Y-shaped fin.
variants. Type X, on the other hand, has better kinetic properties. Type A techniques are collected in RSM for optimization purposes. RSM was
produces the most usable temperatures. initially developed for modeling experimental results and after that used
In this work, the response surface methodology (RSM) is used for to model numerical experiments. Inaccuracy in physical experiments
optimizing the fin geometry. A series of statistical and mathematical can occur from errors in measurements, but numerical inaccuracy can be
E. Abohamzeh et al. Journal of Energy Storage 84 (2024) 110803
E. Abohamzeh et al. Journal of Energy Storage 84 (2024) 110803
∂X This theory says that the adsorbed amount is governed by the micropore
= K LDF (XEQ − X) (1)
∂t volume rather than the surface area of the micropores. The equilibrium
water uptake is the theoretical maximum value of the adsorbate which
where XEQ is the adsorption capacity in the equilibrium condition and X could be adsorbed by an adsorbent bed under specific conditions and can
is the amount of adsorbate that is adsorbed. be expressed based on this model as [36,37]:
KLDF is a lumped mass transfer coefficient, as a measure for defining ( ( )n )
how easily vapor moves from the adsorbent surface to the particle at the XEQ = X0 exp − B
− 1 (3)
inner points and is defined as [34]: Tsat
( )
KLDF = 2 Do exp −
(2) where n and B are Dubinin-Astakhov (D-A) fitting coefficients and X0 is
rp RT the maximum adsorption capacity for a zeolite 13X-water pair [38].
E. Abohamzeh et al. Journal of Energy Storage 84 (2024) 110803
Fig. 5. Validation of the model with the experiments conducted by Wu et al. [48].
E. Abohamzeh et al. Journal of Energy Storage 84 (2024) 110803
Çağlar. [31]
Present Study
Fig. 6. Validation of the model for adsorbent bed temperature with the work of Çağlar [31].
water vapor concentration, ρs is the adsorbent density, Mw the water Under the very low-pressure conditions in this system, the water
vapor molar mass, and εeff is the effective porosity and is defined as: vapor can be considered as an ideal gas, and the density can be defined
based on ideal gas relations, so the pressure, P, of the gas can be given as:
εeff = εbed + εp (1 − εbed ) (5)
P = cRT (7)
where εp and εbed are the particle and bed porosity of zeolite.
In Eq. (4), Rs is the reaction term and can be defined as: where T is the temperature and c the water vapor concentration.
( ) The transport of water vapor in the porous media is governed by both
1 − εeff ρs ∂X diffusion and advection. The pressure difference causes the bulk trans
Rs = − (6)
Mw ∂t port of water vapor. The vapor velocity in axial and radial directions is
E. Abohamzeh et al. Journal of Energy Storage 84 (2024) 110803
Table 4 ( ) ( ) ( )
Design and result of CCD analysis ρC p eff
= εeff ρf Cpf + 1 − εeff ρs Cps + 1 − εeff ρs Cl X (11)
where kco , Cp,co , and ρco are thermal conductivity, specific heat capacity,
and density of the copper fins, respectively.
The governing equation for heat transfer fluid domain includes only
convection and conduction and can be written as:
∂Thtf 2 ( )
ρhtf Cp,htf + ρf Cp,f ∇Thtf − khtf ∇2 Thtf + hti Thtf |r=rt − Tco = 0 (14)
∂t rt
Fig. 7. The change of average temperature of HTF with the length of fin and α. Xi = Xeq (Pi , Ti )
modeled with the Darcy equation which is valid for the low gas veloc ci =
ities in porous media like the adsorbent bed [10,39]:
u= − ⋅(∇P − ρW g) (8) • A zero temperature gradient is considered at the inlet and outlet of
μ ⃒
the tube ( f = 0 ∂Tco ⃒z=0,L = 0)
∂z ∂z
where μ is the gas viscosity, and ρW is the gas density. The porous media • Considering the insulation, it can be assumed that the temperature of
permeability κ is defined with the semi-empirical Blake-Kozeny equa HTF at the outlet along the axial direction remains constant ( ∂zhtf =
tion [40,41]:
dp2 ε3bed • For the bed, a zero temperature gradient is considered at z = 0 and z
κ= (9) ∂T ⃒
150 (1 − εbed )2 = L, due to the insulation ( f = 0, ∂Ts ⃒z=0,L = 0).
∂z ∂z
• The outside boundary of the adsorbent bed is considered adiabatic
because of the low vapor pressure and the negligible heat transfer
3.3. Heat transfer (∂∂Tr ⃒r=rb = 0).
• The pressure gradient in the direction normal to the plane is set to
Three different domains of adsorbent bed, heat transfer fluid (HTF), zero where the adsorbent boundaries are enclosed by the tube and
fins and heat transfer tube (HTT) are taken into consideration. The heat fins (∂∂Pn = 0).
transfer equations are written for these domains as follows. The gov • The vapor in the boundaries of the adsorbent bed which are open to
erning equation for the porous zeolite is written as [42,43]: the evaporator is at the evaporator pressure (P|r=rt = Pevap ).
( ) ∂Ts hs,co As,co
ρCp + ρf Cpf u.∇Ts − keff ∇2 Ts + (Ts − Tco ) = Qs (10)
eff ∂t Vs 3.5. Response surface methodology
where Cpf and ρf are specific heat capacity and density of water vapor, The design optimization applying response surface methodology
( )
and ρCp eff is the effective volumetric heat capacity and is given by: (RSM) has been used widely in both industry and research, with the aim
E. Abohamzeh et al. Journal of Energy Storage 84 (2024) 110803
Fig. 8. Variation of temperature and water uptake at 50, 100, and 250 min for cases (a) without fin (b) with straight fin, and (c) with optimized Y-shape fin
E. Abohamzeh et al. Journal of Energy Storage 84 (2024) 110803
of reducing the number of experiments and at the same time, realizing of all equations was done using the quadratic second-order method.
enough data for understanding the influence of under-study parameters Although the maximum time step is considered equal to 1 s, the solver
on the desired output [46,47]. To better study the effect of branch angle set a very small value for the time step at the initial step of convergence.
and length of the fins on the adsorption process, the simulation exper
iment has been conducted according to RSM based on central composite 4.1. Meshing and grid independence test
design (CCD) in this study, applying the following steps:
To decrease the error of the calculations, a very decreased grid size is
(1) Selection of the response: The purpose of the present study is to considered close to the interfaces of the porous medium and solid. The
reach the highest possible average outlet temperature at the grid-independent study is conducted on the case with the fin length of
outlet of HTF (Tave,out ) considering different fin designs. 0.015 m and the angle between branches of 105◦ to confirm that the
(2) Choosing variables and assigning codes to them: The parameters obtained solutions are independent of the grid resolution. Three
which influence the response, are defined. In this study, the fin different grid sizes of 22,950, 54,879, and 87,606 triangular elements
geometrical parameters, length (L), ranging from 10 to 20 mm, are considered for simulations, and obtained water loading amounts
and angle between branches (α), ranging from 0◦ to 175◦ are were compared. The results obtained for a very fine mesh with 87,606
considered for the study. elements did not exceed 0.02 % of the results of the case with 54,879
(3) Experimental design development elements. The independent verification of the grid is shown in Fig. 3.
(4) Regression analysis Finally, the mesh with 54,879 elements was used for calculation. The
(5) A quadratic polynomial Formation i.e. response development mesh quality is depicted in Fig. 4. The minimum and maximum element
size of the used grid is 0.0000232 m and 0.00162 m, respectively, so the
4. Numerical method grid is sufficiently dense to get solutions that are accurate and inde
pendent from the mesh size.
The available finite element method (FEM) based CFD solver,
COMSOL Multiphysics 6.1 is utilized to solve the coupled mass and heat 4.2. Validation
transfer equations. User-defined functions are written for programming
the reaction kinetics and thermophysical properties expressions. The To confirm the accuracy of the current simulation, the model was
available interfaces of ‘heat-transfer-in-porous-media’ and ‘transport-of- validated through the comparison with the results of previous experi
diluted-species-in-porous-media’ are used for programming the equa mental works and also numerical simulations in the literature. The
tions in COMSOL. The computational grid is generated by discretizing developed model has been validated for the desorption process in a
three separated domains of heat transfer fluid (HTF), heat transfer tube closed system with experiments of Wu et al. [48], on a system including
(HTT), and adsorbent bed (porous domain) in extremely small elements, a cylindrical silica gel bed and a water jacket around the bed, acting as a
aiming to get high precision of the numerical results. The discretization heat source. The cylindrical bed had inner and outer radii of 0.01 and
Fig. 9. The effect of the fin type on the outlet temperature of HTF
E. Abohamzeh et al. Journal of Energy Storage 84 (2024) 110803
0.11 m, respectively. The heat exchange with the bed is through the hot cases is depicted in Fig. 8. As can be observed, the temperature is lower
water flows by a water jacket. A condenser with a pressure of 2337 Pa is around the fins, and the amount of water uptake increases in these areas.
connected to the inner surface of the silica gel. The initial temperature It can be explained by better heat exchange between the cold HTF and
and pressure were 20 ◦ C and 1000 Pa, respectively. The temperature of bed, so the bed temperature decreases significantly in these areas, and
the cooling and heating water was 20 ◦ C and 80 ◦ C, respectively. Silica based on Dubinin-Astakhov-formula, Eq. (3), decreasing the adsorption
gel is dehydrated through the transportation of heat in the bed and bed temperature leads to augmenting the adsorption capacity of zeolite,
thermal energy is stored. The results of the simulation have been so a higher amount of water can be adsorbed. On the other hand,
compared with the data from experiments considering the temperature enhanced heat generation and better heat transfer resulting from opti
at the radius of 100 mm, as shown in Fig. 5. mum fin design lead to reaching higher outlet temperatures for HTF,
Further, the numerical model has been also validated with the study which is the most important objective in heat storage systems. The
by Çağlar [31] on a closed sorption system. The results are presented in outputs of the numerical investigation for the outlet temperature of HTF
Fig. 6. for Cw , Csf and Copt are given in Fig. 9, which shows that the outlet
As can be observed in Figs. 5 and 6, there is a good agreement be temperature of HTF increases significantly using optimized Y-shaped
tween the results from the present developed model and that from fins. Average temperature lift of HTF for Cw , Csf and Copt is 5.95, 9.92,
literature, showing the accuracy of the developed model for further and 14.5 K, respectively, showing a 46 % improvement for the optimized
numerical calculations. case compared with the case with straight fins, and 143.5 % compared
with the case without fins. An enhanced heat transfer in the optimized
5. Results and discussion case leads to not only higher energy transfer to HTF from the zeolite area
but also decreases the bed temperature and augments the adsorption
To study the effect of using Y-shaped fins on the performance of the rate, which in turn augments the heat generation in the adsorption
system, numerical investigations have been performed. Several simu
lations have been conducted to evaluate the effect of fin length and the
angle between branches on the system performance. Based on the ob
tained results, the optimal geometry has been proposed for the consid
ered parameters range. Moreover, the influence of fin length and
numbers, fin type, and angle between branches and evaporator pressure
on the adsorption process has been investigated and evaluated consid
ering the water uptake of zeolite, bed temperature, outlet temperature of
HTF, and power output. The power output has been defined as the en
ergy transferred to the HTF per unit of surface area and unit of time.
Further, the performance of the optimized case has been compared with
the case with a straight fin and without fin for both the adsorption and
desorption processes.
The influence of fin length and the angle between branches on the
performance of the system has been studied utilizing RSM. With
considering these two parameters as independent variables and the
average outlet temperature of HTF as evaluation index, simulations have
been conducted. The results of conducted simulations are shown in
Table 4. It should be mentioned that the pressure of 3 Pa and the initial
temperature of 30 ◦ C are taken for all cases. The evaporator temperature
is considered to be 15 ◦ C, which corresponds to a pressure of 2334 Pa.
According to the data in Table 4, the obtained equation for the
average outlet temperature of HTF from CCD analysis is:
Tout ave = 309.191 ( ) + 0.02186(α) − 0.445231(Lα)
( ) + 348.6953(L) (15)
+2199.6403 L2 − 9.4394 α2
where 0◦ < α < 175◦ , 10 (mm) < L < 20 (mm). The influence of these
parameters on the HTF outlet temperature, based on RSM is presented in
Fig. 7. As can be observed, there is a direct relationship between the
length of the fin and the outlet temperature. That also shows the
importance of the length compared to the width of the used fin, since the
longer length corresponds to a smaller width. On the other hand, with
increasing α, first, the outlet temperature increases but then decreases.
Based on RSM analysis, When the angle is 58◦ and the length is 0.02 m,
the outlet temperature reaches its maximum, 317.5 K.
E. Abohamzeh et al. Journal of Energy Storage 84 (2024) 110803
Fig. 11. The effect of fin numbers on average outlet temperature of HTF.
process, reaching higher outlet temperature in HTF area. provide more heat transfer areas between the adsorption bed and HTF
The amount of adsorbed water and output power at the tube surface area, leading to more efficient heat transfer. So the heat generated from
in contact with HTF for the cases of Cw , Csf , and Copt is presented in the adsorption process can be better absorbed by HTF and the bed
Fig. 10. The equilibrium uptake is much higher than the actual amount temperature decreases, causing higher adsorption capacity and heat
of adsorbate in the bed at the beginning of the process, so based on the generation in the zeolite bed, leading to higher output power.
LDF model, Eq. (14), the water uptake is high, leading to very high The effect of fin numbers on changes in temperature as well as
output power. The sharp increase in output power can be also explained adsorbed water with time is illustrated in Fig. 13. The better heat ex
by this model. Over time and with adsorbing water, the difference be change and higher water uptake with increasing fin numbers lead to a
tween the equilibrium loading and actual uptake reduces, leading to considerable increase in output power, as illustrated in Fig. 12.
decreasing the adsorption rate of water. The higher amount of power
output in Copt , Fig. 10b, is due to the higher amount of adsorbed water by
the adsorbent bed. The average amount of output power in the time 5.4. The influence of the length and branch angles of fins
period of 800 min for cases of Cw , Csf , and Copt is 668.6 W/m2 , 1115.7
W/m2 , and 2265.4 W/m2 , respectively. The numerical investigations have been performed for different fin
lengths between 0.01 and 0.02 m. It should be noted, that since the
volume of the fins is kept constant for all cases, the fins with a longer
5.3. The effect of fin numbers length have shorter widths. According to the outputs of simulations as
well as the RSM analysis, the length of the fin has the most considerable
To evaluate the influence of fin numbers on the performance of the effect on the system performance. With increasing the fin length, the
system, different fin numbers of 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 have been considered. heat exchange between the bed improves, leading to a higher outlet
The length, width and angle, and boundary conditions for all cases are temperature of HTF. At the same time, better heat exchange causes
the same as in the optimal case defined based on RSM analysis. The decreasing the bed temperature through the adsorption process, leading
results of an investigation on the temperature, water uptake, and output to augmenting the adsorption capacity of zeolite. As a result, the amount
power at different time intervals are presented in Figs. 11 and 12. It can of adsorbed water and the adsorption rate of the process increases,
be clearly observed in Fig. 10, that with increasing fin numbers, the which also increases the heat generation in the process.
water uptake and average outlet temperature of HTF increase. More fins The angle between two branches of the fin is referred to as the branch
E. Abohamzeh et al. Journal of Energy Storage 84 (2024) 110803
5.6. The influence of the optimum design on the desorption process and
the efficiency of the reactor
In order to study the effect of adding fins to the bed on the desorption
process, simulations were performed for two cases without fins and with
Y-shaped fins (optimum case). The parameters used for developing the
numerical model of the desorption process are given in Table 5.
Considering the boundary conditions, the vapor in the boundaries of
the bed which are open to the condenser is considered at the condenser
pressure (P|r=rt = PCon ) and X(t = 0, r, z) = X0 = 0.26. The rest of the
initial and operating conditions and characteristics are considered the
same as for the adsorption process.
The results of the simulation in terms of the average temperature of
the adsorbent bed over time are reported in Fig. 18. As can be observed,
the average temperature of the zeolite bed has been significantly
increased using the optimum shape of Y-shaped fins, resulting in
improved performance of the desorption process. The average temper
ature for the time period of 800 min is 396 K and 354 K for the optimum
case and the case without fins, respectively.
5.7. The influence of the optimum design on the efficiency of the reactor
fact that the water vapor cannot easily penetrate into the areas under the
where ṁ is the mass flow rate of the HTF, Cp,htf is the specific heat ca
secondary branch, which can negatively affect the adsorption process.
pacity of the HTF, TDes, in and TDes, out are the inlet and outlet temper
However, the influence of the branch angle on the adsorption process
atures of the HTF.
here is not too strong. The temperature and water uptake contours and
During adsorption, water molecules in the gas phase adhere to the
also output power for three different cases with the same fin length of 15
surface of the zeolite material. As a result, the enthalpy of adsorption is
mm but different branch angles of 10, 58, and 175◦ are presented in
released and extracted by the same HTF cycle as in the desorption phase
Figs. 14 and 15.
via the reactor heat exchanger. The efficiency of the adsorption process
can be quantified by the ratio of the useful energy absorbed by HTF to
5.5. The influence of pressure in the evaporator the heat released during the reaction [49]:
∫t ( )
One important factor influencing the efficiency of the adsorption ṁCp,htf TAd,out − TAd,in dt
ηAd = 0 ( ∫∫ ) (17)
process, and so the reachable outlet temperature is the concentration of Qs dvdt Ad
incoming water vapor flowing from the evaporator into the reactor. The
concentration depends on the saturation pressure of the water vapor TAd, out and TAd, in are the outlet and inlet temperatures of the HTF.
flow, which itself depends on the temperature of the evaporator. To The efficiency of the reactor during the desorption process has been
E. Abohamzeh et al. Journal of Energy Storage 84 (2024) 110803
Fig. 13. The effect of fin numbers on the temperature as well as water uptake variations with time for cases (a) with 2 fins, (a) with 4 fins, and (a) with 10 fins
E. Abohamzeh et al. Journal of Energy Storage 84 (2024) 110803
Fig. 14. The effect of the branch angles on the variation of water uptake and temperature with time for cases with Y-shaped fins with (a) L = 15 mm, α = 10◦ , (b) L
= 15 mm, α = 58◦ , and (c) L = 15 mm, α = 175◦
E. Abohamzeh et al. Journal of Energy Storage 84 (2024) 110803
calculated based on Eq. (16) and defined to be 69.2 %, 65.5 %, and 37.7
% for the optimum Y-shaped fin, straight fin, and no fin cases, respec
tively. The efficiency of the adsorption cycle, based on Eq. (17), has been
also calculated to be 75.3 %, 57.2 %, and 42.7 % for the optimum Y-
shaped fin, straight fin, and no fin cases, respectively.
6. Conclusions
In the current study, the transient coupled heat and mass transfer in a
zeolite bed containing straight and Y-shaped fins have been modeled,
aiming to overcome the limitation of heat transfer in the bed. A para
metric study is performed to study the influence of fin geometrical pa
rameters, length, and branch angles, on the adsorption process
performance. The average outlet temperature of HTF has been consid
ered as the criterion, and the optimized geometry of the fin has been
defined by applying RSM analysis. Based on this analysis, the effect of fin
length is much higher than the angle between the branches. For the
optimal design, an increase of 4.6 K and 8.7 K in the average outlet
temperature is observed compared to the case with a straight fin and the
case without fin, respectively. The average output power of 2265.4 W/
m2 is calculated for the optimum design, which shows 103 % and 238.8
% improvement compared to the case with straight fins and without fin,
respectively. The optimized case with 6 fins has been taken into
consideration and the influence of different parameters such as evapo
rator pressure and fin numbers has been investigated in the optimized
case considering the output power, water uptake, and HTF outlet tem
perature. Based on the results, the power output and HTF outlet tem
perature enhance significantly with the increase of evaporator pressure,
as a result of augmenting water uptake. The effect of fin numbers has
been also studied and the best performance has been observed for the
case with 8 fins. Investigating the performance of the system in two
different designs without fins and including Y-shaped fins during the
desorption process reveals a significant increase in bed temperature by
adding optimized Y-shaped fins. The average temperature in the zeolite
bed is reported to be 345 K in the case without fins and 396 K in the
optimum case. The efficiency of the reactor for the optimum design has
been defined as 69.2 and 75.3 % for the desorption and adsorption
Fig. 16. Variation of (a) temperature and (b) output power for different processes, respectively.
evaporator pressures.
E. Abohamzeh et al. Journal of Energy Storage 84 (2024) 110803
Fig. 17. Variation of temperature and water uptake at 50, 100, and 250 min for the optimized case at Pevap = (a) 873.35 Pa, (b) 1230 Pa, and (c) 3170 Pa.
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E. Abohamzeh et al. Journal of Energy Storage 84 (2024) 110803
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