Road Management Plan Draft 2021

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Road Management

Plan 2021
<Insert Policy date here>

Responsible Directorate: Places and Spaces

Authorised By: Council
Date of Adoption: <Date>
Review Date: 30 June 2025
Policy Type: Council
Table of contents

1 Introduction ........................................................................... 2

2 Context .................................................................................. 2

3 Policy .................................................................................... 4

4 Implementation and monitoring ............................................. 4

5 References............................................................................ 5

Appendix A: City of Boroondara’s road infrastructure.................. 8

Appendix B: Management System ............................................ 14

Appendix C: Inspections............................................................ 19

Appendix D: Service Standards ................................................. 21

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1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to meet the requirements of a Road Management
Plan as defined by the Road Management Act 2004. This plan documents the
standards, policies and management system used by the City of Boroondara to
discharge its duty to manage, inspect, repair and maintain the roads for which it is

1.2 Scope
The objective of this document is to clearly define:
 The road assets that Council maintains
 The standards, policies and procedures used to maintain those assets
 The processes used to establish the appropriate standards.

The scope of this plan is restricted to the specific requirements identified in the Code
of Practice for Road Management Plans.

This plan covers only the roads and road sections on Council’s Register of Public
Roads that are identified as being the responsibility of the City of Boroondara.

1.3 Corporate framework

This policy supports Council’s Mission and Vision by addressing the following
objective in the Council Plan 2017-2021:
“to ensure Council’s assets are suitable for community use through proactive
asset inspections, maintenance of asset data in the corporate asset system and
development of Asset Management Plans.”

2 Context
2.1 Road Management Act 2004
The purpose of the Road Management Act 2004 (The Act) is to enable the
coordinated management of public roads that will promote safe and efficient State
and local public road networks, and the responsible use of road reserves for other
legitimate purposes.

The City of Boroondra is the ‘coordinating road authority’ as defined by The Act for
all roads within its boundaries, with the exception of roads identified on the
VicRoads’ Road Register. The Act requires Council to identify, on its Register of
Public Roads, all roads for which it is the coordinating road authority that Council
considers are reasonably required for general public use. A copy of the Register of
Public Roads is available on Council's website. The City of Boroondara is the
responsible road authority for all roads on the register, and also the specific road
infrastructure within the VicRoads road reserve for which the Council is identified as

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having care and management responsibility (such as paths, access roads and some
assets at intersections).

The Act sets out the powers and duties of the road authority to install, manage and
maintain infrastructure for which it is the responsible authority. The Act also provides
a policy defence for road authorities where they can demonstrate responsible
management through an adopted Road Management Plan.

2.2 Council Responsibility

The Council has the power to determine the standard to which it will construct,
inspect, maintain and repair roadways as set out in The Act. The Council is
responsible for implementing processes and systems to ensure compliance with
those standards.

2.3 Road User Responsibilities

Road user obligations are set out in Section 17A of the Road Safety Act 1986 and
summarised below.

A person who drives on or otherwise uses a road must do so in a safe manner,

taking reasonable care to avoid conduct that may:
 endanger the safety and welfare of other road users
 damage any infrastructure on the road reserve
 harm the environment of the road reserve.

Factors that must be taken into account when driving on or using the road include
(but are not limited to) the:
 physical characteristics of the road
 prevailing weather conditions
 level of visibility
 condition of the motor vehicle
 prevailing traffic conditions
 relevant road laws and advisory signs
 physical and mental condition of the driver.

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3 Policy

The Code of Practice for Road Management Plans1 outlines the contents for a Road
Management plan. Those contents are included in this document as follows:

Location in
this Contents of a RMP as defined by
Heading Document Code of Practice
City of Boroondara’s Appendix A A description of the types of road
road infrastructure infrastructure for each of the classes of
public roads for which the road authority
is the responsible road authority.
Appendix B Details of the management system,
Management which is established or is to be
System established and implemented by the
road authority to discharge its duty to
inspect, maintain and repair.
Inspections Appendix C A description of the inspections
required for different types of road
Service Standards Appendix D The standard or target condition to be
achieved in the maintenance and repair
of different types of road infrastructure.

In setting these inspections, standards and systems the authority is required to take
account of: community expectations; utilisation of assets; risk; environmental and
cultural factors; and available resources. These factors are accounted for through
Council’s Asset Management Plans that take a long-term holistic view to managing
Council’s assets, and are considered in detail in the four-yearly review of this Road
Management Plan.

4 Implementation and monitoring

4.1 Evaluation
The monitoring and auditing of the activities covered by this plan are carried out in
accordance with Appendix B: Delivering and Auditing Maintenance Programs.

Road Management Plans are reviewed every four years in accordance with the
Road Management Act, following each Local Authority election. Details of this review
are available on Council’s website along with the current Road Management Plan.

1 Code of Practice for Road Management Plans: Victoria Government Gazette No. S 201 16 Sept

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4.2 Accountabilities

The current version of Council’s Road Management Plan is made available to the
public on Council’s Website, under Policies Plans and Strategies.

For all queries or feedback regarding this policy, please use the contact details for
the responsible department below.

Position Title Contact Contact department email

Coordinator (03) 9278
Strategic Asset 4356

5 References
5.1 Related Documents
Council adopted policies and strategies that support this Plan include (but are not
limited to):
 Traffic Management Policy 2018
 Traffic Management Procedures 2018
 Boroondara Bicycle Strategy 2008
 Public Lighting Policy 2005
 Discontinuance of Roads and Reserves Policy
 Parking Management Policy
 Unmade Lanes Policy
 Vehicular Crossings Policy 2013

This Plan is also supported by the following internal working documents:

 Roads and Paths Asset Management Plan; this document sets out the levels
of service for the road and path networks and develops strategies to sustain
these over the next ten to twenty years.
 Proactive Asset Inspection guidelines; these guidelines provide further details
for asset inspectors to provide consistent assessments for the inspections and
intervention levels specified in this plan

Previous Versions of the Boroondara Road Management Plan and the date each
becomes effective are listed below:
Version Date adopted by
1 2/7/2007
2 7/12/2009
3.0 13/5/2013
3.1 22/7/2013
4 21/7/2017

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5.2 Definitions
Arterial Roads - Freeways, Highways and Declared Main Roads which are
managed by the State Government through VicRoads.

Coordinating Road Authority - the road authority that has the overall control and
management functions for the whole road reserve

Council - Boroondara City Council

Defect - a localised failure of an asset that may create a hazard for users, e.g. a

Intervention level - the size at which a defect will be repaired or remediated.

Lane - a narrow road typically less than 6 metres in width, usually providing rear or
side access to properties

Level of Service - the standard at which an asset will be maintained in equal or

better condition

Path - includes any footpath, shared path and bicycle path for which Council is the
responsible road authority. Gravel paths are included in this definition, but trails of
natural material without defined edges are not maintained by Council and are

Pavement - the materials the comprise the roadway: generally a surface material
such as asphalt, spray seal, concrete, pavers or gravel, and underlying supporting
materials such as gravel or crushed rock.

Register of Public Roads - a list of roads within the municipality for which Council
accepts management responsibility. The Register includes for each road: the
location; the hierarchy classification as defined in Appendix A; and the date it
became a road.

Reactive inspections - unscheduled inspections performed in response to a

customer request or complaint, and ad-hoc inspections undertaken by Council staff

Response time - the time taken to repair or remediate a defect following its
identification by Council officers or after the notification of the defect to Council by
members of the public

Responsible Road Authority - a road authority that has the management and
maintenance responsibility for all or part of the road or of the assets that are in the
road reserve

Roadside - any part of the road reservation that is not the road surface or footpath

Shared path - a path that is intended for use by both pedestrians and cyclists

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Appendix A: Road Infrastructure

Appendix A: City of Boroondara’s road infrastructure


Boroondara is the coordinating road authority and the responsible road authority for
approximately 567 kilometres of roads on its Road Register. VicRoads is the
coordinating road authority for the main road network and is responsible for 94
kilometres of roads within Boroondara.

All of Boroondara’s roads are in urban areas and usually include footpaths, road
related infrastructure and kerb and channel that discharge into a drainage network.

Road Hierarchy

Roads within the City of Boroondara are given a road hierarchy classification based
on factors including traffic volume, traffic type and accessibility, as shown in the table
below. These classifications are recognised and adopted throughout Boroondara for
classifying roads.

Road Categories Primary Function

These roads cater for significant traffic movements
across suburbs and distribute traffic between the arterial
roads and local street network. These roads are wider
and longer than collector roads and tend to be signalised
at intersections with arterial roads. The speed limit on
Link (Secondary) Road these roads is typically 50-60km/h, and can be subject to
time-based school and/or strip shopping centre speed
zones. Footpaths are provided and bicycle movements
can be accommodated on these roads. Access to
abutting properties and lower order roads is typically
These roads distribute traffic between the arterial/major
roads and the local street network and provide access to
abutting property. Collector roads are generally wider and
longer than local access roads. They can provide access
to local shops, local parks, schools and community
Collector Road
facilities. A reasonable level of local amenity is
maintained by restricting traffic volumes and vehicle
speeds. The collector street may be used as a bus route,
footpaths are provided and bicycle movements can be
Roads or streets not having a significant through traffic
function. These roads provide access to abutting
Local Access Road property. The local environment is dominant, traffic is
subservient, speed and volume are low and pedestrian
and cycling movements are facilitated.

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Appendix A: Road Infrastructure

Road Categories Primary Function

Provides side or rear access to properties, at least one of
which has no alternative access to a higher order road,
with shared vehicular traffic and pedestrian use. They are
Lane Primary Access
narrow with no on-street parking and no formal bicycle
infrastructure. Laneways carry very low volumes of traffic
at low speeds
Provides side or rear access to properties that have
alternative access to a higher order road, with shared
Lane Secondary
vehicular traffic and pedestrian use. They are narrow with
no on-street parking and no formal bicycle infrastructure.
Laneways carry very low volumes of traffic at low speeds.
A narrow road reserve containing only a path for
pedestrian traffic or pedestrian and bicycle traffic

Roads in Boroondara and their classifications are shown in the map in Figure 2.

Path Hierarchy

Paths within the City of Boroondara are classified as High Activity and Low Activity.
Paths around shopping/business districts, schools and other high visitation
community facilities where displacements between path slabs could present a higher
risk may be designated as High Activity and the remainder as Low Activity.
Designated shared paths are maintained to the same standards as footpaths.

Register of Public Roads

The City of Boroondara’s Council’s Register of Public Roads (Register) defines the
public roads and their classifications for all roads for which Council is the
coordinating road authority. The Register is maintained by Council as a controlled
document and is available for public inspection on Council’s website. Descriptions on
the Register are supported by map information on Council’s geographic information

Maps for specific roads showing the extent of the area maintained, can be provided
on request from Council’s Camberwell office.

For each road, the main details the Register records are:
• Name of each public road
• Date on the which the road became a public road
• Identification of start and end points
• Locality
• Classification
• Details of changes to the status of the road as required by the Road
Management Act.

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Appendix A: Road Infrastructure

Assets Covered by this Plan

The assets covered by this plan are confined to those for which Council has statutory
responsibility under the Road Management Act 2004.

These assets are defined in the Road Management Act as:

• Roadway
• Pathway
• Shoulder
• Road-related infrastructure.

In keeping with these definitions, the following assets on roads identified in Council’s
Asset Register are covered by this plan:
• Road surface and supporting pavement
• Constructed pathways (pedestrian, shared and bike paths)
• Car parks within road reserves
• Traffic control devices (traffic signals, line marking, speed control devices)
• Bridges and large culverts as part of roads infrastructure
• Kerb and channel
• Roadside pits and connections to the urban stormwater system
• Signs (regulatory, warning and advisory).

Although Council also carries out inspection and maintenance of; roadsides, fire
hydrants, street trees, and information signs; the maintenance and inspection of
these assets is outside the scope of this plan. The operation and maintenance of
these assets are covered by separate operational procedures.

Council has responsibility for specific assets in the road reserves on VicRoads road
register, as set out in the Code of Practice for Operational responsibility for public
roads2. In general, Council is responsible for access roads and paths, while
VicRoads is responsible for the Carriageway, including the kerbs and street lighting.

Council’s responsibilities regarding bridges and culverts owned by other authorities

(e.g. railways, Melbourne Water), are limited to carrying out inspections and ensuring
the appropriate authorities carry out maintenance.

Council is not responsible for utility assets (e.g. water and sewerage networks,
telecommunications, electricity and gas) within the road reserve. These assets are
the responsibility of their respective utility provider. Managers of these assets are
required under the Road Management Act: to maintain them to a satisfactory state of
repair; to avoid damaging the roadway or road infrastructure; and to ensure assets
such as pit lids and access hole covers are flush with the surrounding surface and do
not cause a hazard or adversely affect the smooth passage of traffic.

Code of Practice for Operational responsibility for public roads:

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Appendix A: Road Infrastructure

Streetlights in road reserves provide a service to the community and are funded by
Council but are owned and maintained by the respective network provider. They are
therefore not covered by this plan. The levels of service relating to these assets are
considered through the Asset Management Plan and arrangements made directly
with the appropriate utility.

Roadside Vegetation

A road authority does not have a statutory duty or a common law duty to maintain,
inspect or repair land of any public highway that is not a constructed path or roadway
(RM Act s.107). Council relies on the goodwill of property owners to maintain the
nature-strip outside their property in an appropriate condition.

To ensure the safety of road and path users, Council will remove or trim vegetation
within the following spaces where it interferes with the safe passage of path or road
users, whether or not the vegetation is planted on private property.
- Encroaching 4.5 meters over road surfaces, and 2.5 meters over footpath surfaces
- Blocking line of sight to signage and at intersections.

Access to Private Property

Access to private property is provided by a ‘vehicle crossover’, which is defined as

infrastructure to allow the passage of vehicles between the road formation (or kerb
and channel, where it exists) and the property boundary. Vehicle crossovers may
serve several properties.

Section 107 of the Roads Management Act 2004 provides that Council is under no
statutory duty to inspect, maintain or repair vehicle crossovers on road reserves that
provide access to land adjoining a road. This responsibility rests with the adjoining
landowner. The construction of a vehicle crossover requires a permit and must be
carried out to Council standards. Where modifications to Council assets (e.g. paths
and kerb and channel) are required, these shall be at the landowner’s expense. The
landowner is responsible for ensuring the vehicle crossover and the immediate
surrounds that the crossover impacts on, are maintained in a safe condition.
Council’s responsibility is limited to requiring the landowner to rectify any hazards of
which it becomes aware.

Council has ownership for any footpaths and kerbs and channels on Council’s public
roads. The landowner has ownership and responsibility for the remainder of the
vehicle crossover on Council property.

Roadside maintenance responsibilities in urban areas are shown diagrammatically in

Figure 1.

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Appendix A: Road Infrastructure

Nature Strip
Property owner’s

Figure 1: Maintenance Responsibilities for Urban Roadside

Utility Assets

Should Council be made aware via a customer complaint or proactive inspection of a

damaged utility asset, Council will advise the relevant asset owner within seven
days. If the defect creates a vertical displacement in a footpath in excess of 30mm,
Council will carry out a temporary repair within seven days to rectify the trip hazard.

Consent to Perform Works on Road Reserves

Any person who wishes to undertake works in a road reserve must obtain consent
from the relevant road authority, unless they are exempted under Roads
Management Regulations 2005. To carry out any works on Council roads, a permit
must be obtained from Council. Residents may obtain advice on road works by
contacting council customer service during normal working hours by phone (03 9278
4444) or in person at Council Offices (8 Inglesby Road, Camberwell).

Transfer of Responsibility between Neighbouring Authorities

The City of Boroondara has agreements in place with neighbouring Councils where
roads run along the boundary or where bridges cross a boundary. These
agreements assign maintenance responsibilities for the whole road or bridge to one
or other of the authorities and the responsible authority is recorded in Council’s asset
register. The agreement also identifies how capital works responsibilities are shared.

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Appendix A: Road Infrastructure

Figure 2: Map of Boroondara showing Road Hierarchy Classifications

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Appendix B: Management System

Appendix B: Management System

Managing Asset Information

Council’s overall system for managing assets comprises an Asset Register to store
asset information and a Works Management System to manage and record the tasks
inherent in managing assets asset and is integrated with other key Council systems.
These systems are continually being developed and enhanced. The systems and
processes and the relationships between them that comprise the management
system for Public Roads is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Relationship between Council systems and processes

Identifying Hazards

Hazards or defects in road infrastructure are identified through inspections and

recorded in the Council’s database. Inspections can be initiated either as part of a
scheduled program as set out in Appendix C or by a request for service. Requests
for service can either be generated internally or in response to a customer request.
Inspections are generally conducted on foot rather than from within a vehicle. It is
standard practice is to assess road defects from behind the kerb unless other staff
are available to ensure traffic safety.

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Appendix B: Management System

Frequencies for routine inspections are developed for each asset group based on
risk and rates of deterioration, leading to different frequencies depending on the road
or path hierarchy. For example, if not dealt with promptly, conditions on collector
roads can rapidly change resulting in increased maintenance cost and safety
hazards, justifying more frequent inspections. Footpaths adjacent to business
districts, schools and facilities are designated as “High Activity” and are identified for
6 monthly inspections and faster maintenance response than other footpaths that
have less use.

Assessing Condition

The purpose of condition inspections is: to assess the remaining life of an asset; for
financial purposes (calculation of depreciation); and for planning and prioritising
prioritisation of the capital works program. Roads paths and bridges are inspected
and rated for condition at least every five years, however roads that have shown
signs of deterioration are inspected more frequently so that intervention takes place
at the most appropriate time. Roads and paths are audited by an external
contractors who usually utilise high-resolution digital imagery with off-site

Prioritising Work

Requests for service and works orders are initially screened and ‘high’ risk situations
are dealt with immediately to manage the risk. If immediate repairs are not
practicable, steps are taken to reduce the risk and the appropriate intervention is
then scheduled. Activities are programmed to meet the response times identified in
Appendix D.

Delivering and Auditing Maintenance Programs

Maintenance tasks are generated from routine inspections or reactively from

reported incidents that are generated either internally or through customer requests.
Maintenance activities identified in Appendix D are carried out by a combination of
in-house resources and external staff.

The City of Boroondara has the following processes in place to ensure that planned
processes and activities are actioned:
• The Contract Supervisor/Team Leader is responsible for monitoring works
activities and recording results on a daily basis.
• Customer Service statistics (response times etc.) are measured and reported
• Appropriate Team Leader/Manager carries out monthly spot checks to verify
operation of data collection process.
• KPIs for the percentage of tasks carried out to required timeframes risk
inspections and repairs are reported

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Appendix B: Management System

The monitoring of work activities is carried out through the Work Management
System through on-line queries and standard and customised reports. Non-
compliance with standards will be reported to the Manager Asset and Capital

Compliance Auditing

Council will complete an internal audit of the activities defined in this plan by 30
September each year. The review will include the following:
 Recording of requests relating to activities in this plan in the Customer
Request System and transfer into the Asset Management System
 That requests have been investigated and assessed against the RMP
intervention levels
 That programmed inspections are carried out as scheduled
 Relevant inspection reporting & recording mechanisms are in place
 Record of identified defects and maintenance activities is made in the
database against the asset, including actual date of completion
 Procedures for collecting and storing information regarding road asset
condition are in place and being followed
 Review of supporting documentation (internal and external) for changes and
The internal review will be completed by Council’s Asset and Capital Planning
Department and reported to the Executive Leadership Team. Any non-compliance
found during the audit or incidentally since the previous audit and steps to rectify the
non-compliance will be included in the report.

Replacement Programs

Pavement resurfacing, rehabilitation and footpath renewals are the main

replacement activities undertaken on City of Boroondara road assets.

The type and nature of replacement activity undertaken for road pavements depends
• Condition of the asset
• Road classification
• Traffic volumes
• Proportion of commercial vehicles
• Subgrade conditions
• Whether reshaping is required
• Existing pavement type and kerb and channel type
• Economic factors.

In conjunction with inspection data and priority lists, the City of Boroondara utilises a
pavement management system to model the timing and type of renewal and
replacement activities that are undertaken to remove defects and manage the overall
condition of roads within the municipality.

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Appendix B: Management System

Tactics for New and Upgraded Assets

The Boroondara Community Plan 2017-27 is Council’s key strategic document that
outlines the community’s vision and priorities, and incorporates the Municipal Public
Health and Wellbeing Plan 2017-21.

As Council’s key strategic document, it guides future planning, and directly informs
the Council Plan, budget processes, Council strategies and plans, policies and
operational actions. These strategies, plans, policies and actions provide guidance in
regards to the upgrading of the existing roads network and associated assets. These
adopted strategies include: Traffic Management Policy and Procedures; Parking
Management Policy and Procedures; Integrated Transport Strategy; and the Bicycle
Strategy. Other plans, policies and strategies may also result in improvements to the
road reserve, such as strip shopping centre improvement plans.

The City of Boroondara’s road network is effectively fully developed, however

investment is required at times to effect safety improvements and address increase
in traffic flows in some areas. New residential streets are occasionally created as a
condition of subdivision or development and the roads vested in the Council.

Some Secondary Access Lanes (approximately 16 km total length) and a few local
access roads (less than one kilometre total) have a gravel or natural surface. It is
not Council’s practice to construct and seal the roads unless Council determines it is
of broader community benefit. Residents may apply to have unconstructed
laneways constructed and sealed on the basis that such upgrades would be subject
to full cost recovery from owners of land fronting the road through a special charge
scheme established for that purpose.

The cost-effectiveness of maintaining assets in a safe and functional condition is a

key driver in decisions to upgrade Council’s road infrastructure. An example is
gravel paths that are subject to frequent scouring which may result in a decision to
construct the path with asphalt or concrete.

Disposal Tactics

As part of the delivery of cost-effective services, Council may consider the disposal
of assets and, in doing so, will take into account risk, costs and benefits, and
adverse effects. Council will dispose of assets only after appropriate notification and
full consultation with affected parties.

Events Beyond the Control of Council

Council will make every effort to meet its commitments under its RMP. However,
there may be situations or circumstances that affect Council's business activities to
the extent that it cannot deliver on the service levels of the RMP. These include but
are not limited to:
 natural disasters, such as fires, floods or storms

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Appendix B: Management System

 pandemics
 government intervention, or
 a prolonged labour or resource shortage due to a need to commit or redeploy
Council staff and/or equipment elsewhere.

In the event that the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Council has considered the
impact of such an event on the limited financial resources of Council and its other
conflicting priorities, and determined that the RMP cannot be met, then pursuant to
Section 83 of the Wrongs Act, the CEO will write to Council’s Officer in charge of its
Plan and inform them that some, or all, of the timeframes and responses in Council’s
RMP are to be suspended.

Once the scope of the event/s have been determined, and the resources committed
to the event response have been identified, then there will be an ongoing
consultation between Council’s CEO and Council’s Officer responsible for the RMP,
to determine which parts of Council’s Plan are to be reactivated and when.

Council statements to residents about the suspension or reduction of the services

under the RMP will include reference to how the work that will be done has been
prioritised, and the period for which it is likely to be affected.

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Appendix C: Inspections

Appendix C: Inspections

Reactive Inspections

The table below describes reactive inspections carried out on road assets within the
City of Boroondara in response to a request for service, whether generated
externally through a customer request or internally form incidental observations by
Council Staff.

Type Inspection details Person Method

Emergency A defect that presents a Council representative Identify specific defect,
/safety significant and imminent threat with knowledge of time first reported, time
of personal injury or property road maintenance inspected, by whom,
damage. techniques. subsequent action and
Risk reduced by repair, Additional expertise time of completion.
barricades or warnings as brought in as required. Recorded in database.
appropriate, within 6 hours from
the time it’s initiated through the
24 hours, 7 days a week Council
call out service.
Reactive Non-urgent (potential risk but no Technical officer or As above.
maintenance immediate danger; e.g. street asset inspector with
name plate missing) inspections knowledge and
carried out within 10 working experience of road
days. Any work requirements maintenance
are recorded and prioritised in techniques.
conjunction with results of
programmed inspections.

Routine Inspection Description

The following table describes how routine inspections are carried out.

Type Inspection details Person Method

Condition Routine inspections Carried out under Details including digital
that determine overall direction of qualified imagery recorded
asset condition and is engineer or experienced electronically against asset or
used to populate technical officer with component level (as
capital works program extensive knowledge appropriate) and loaded into
through Asset and experience in road asset management system
Management construction and
prioritisation processes maintenance practices
Risk Routine inspections Technical officer or Details recorded electronically
/maintenance according to Council asset inspector with including photos of each street
Asset Inspection knowledge and /road detailing person
Guidelines, specifically experience of road completing, date time and
to determine priorities maintenance description of defects.
for maintenance works techniques. Training Inspections of paths and kerb
program provided in application defects are carried out from
of Council Asset the roadside and not the
Inspection Guidelines carriageway

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Appendix C: Inspections

Routine Inspections – Condition

The table below sets out the routine condition inspection regime used to estimate
remaining life for establishing capital works programs and calculating depreciation.

Asset Classification Inspection Frequency

Pavement Flexible and Surface inspection for 5 years maximum (depending on condition
rigid sealed defects, cracking, of last inspection)
pavement roughness, rutting
Path All Visual condition 5 years - in conjunction with pavement
survey condition inspection
Kerb and All Visual condition 5 years - in conjunction with pavement
channel survey condition inspection
Bridges All Condition survey 5 years maximum (depending on condition
(Level 2) of last inspection)
Bridges All Structural safety and As determined from Level 1 and 2
load capacity (Level 3 inspections
and 4)

5.3 Routine Inspections – Risk / Maintenance

The following tables identify the inspections and frequencies for each asset type.

Risk Inspection
Asset Category Hierarchy Frequency
Roads and car parks Link (Secondary) 6 months
(including road related infrastructure: Collector 6 months
Kerbs, signs, traffic control devices Local Access 12 months
line-marking and roadside pits.)
Lanes Primary Access 12 months
Secondary Access 12 months
Paths and Walkways in road reserves High Activity 6 months
Low Activity 12 months
Bridges - Level 1 inspection All 6 months

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Appendix D: Service Standards

Appendix D: Service Standards

The Development of Standards

Through the Council’s Asset Management Plan, the expectations of the key
stakeholders are identified in terms of accessibility, safety, responsiveness, quality,
cost effectiveness and environmental considerations. Customer expectations have
initially been inferred by Council staff involved in service delivery for road activities
and are modified as information from ongoing research (customer requests and
feedback analysis, focus groups and surveys) becomes available. Where
appropriate, these expectations are translated into standards which are modified
through the Council’s asset management planning process to:
• Achieve Council’s goals and objectives
• Meet minimum legislative requirements
• Reduce overall costs through timely response.
Inspection standards (nature and frequency) identified in this appendix are
determined to meet the above requirements and are confirmed through a risk
assessment in accordance with Council’s risk management framework.

The technical standards are assessed prior to each review of this plan and the
standards modified to minimise risk and take account of any legislative changes.

Key Stakeholders

The key stakeholder groups of the community who are both users of the road
network and/or are affected by it include:
 Pedestrians, including the very young, those with disabilities, and the elderly
with restricted mobility;
 Users of a range of miscellaneous smaller, lightweight vehicles such as
cyclists, motorised buggies, wheel chairs, prams, etc;
 Vehicle users using motorised vehicles such as trucks, buses, commercial
vehicles, cars and motor cycles;
 Emergency agencies (Police, Fire, Ambulance, VICSES);
 Business and commercial operators;
 Traffic & Transportation managers;
 Construction & maintenance personnel who build and maintain asset
 Construction & maintenance personnel who build and maintain asset
 Utility agencies that utilise the road reserve for their infrastructure (water,
sewerage, gas, electricity, telecommunications);
 Council as the responsible Road Authority;
 State & Federal Government departments that periodically provide support
funding to assist with management of the road network.

01/01/2021 | Draft Road Management Plan 2021 21

Appendix D: Service Standards

Road Safety

A total of 279 reported crashes resulting in injury on Council’s Council roads were
reported in the 5 years to December 2018 with a decrease of around 5% each year
during that period. Road safety is an important focus for Council’s Traffic and
Transport Department.

Specific sites identified with a recurring accident trend are assessed for suitability for
remedial treatment under a range of Federal, State and Local Government safety
programs. Traffic management devices to improve road safety throughout the
municipality are considered using reported crash data to prioritise treatments for
locations with higher risk.

Construction Standards

The standards for the construction of road infrastructure are set out in the VicRoads
standard specifications for roadworks and bridgeworks .While new infrastructure is
designed and constructed in accordance with these standards, there is no obligation
on Council to upgrade any existing infrastructure which may not be built according to
this standard.

Reactive Maintenance and Intervention Levels

Intervention levels define the circumstances under which a defect is no longer

tolerable for a stated level of service. The timeframe in which to address these
defects once they are found is determined from an analysis of risk, benefits and
costs. Intervention levels and the associated maintenance activities used by the City
of Boroondara are described in the tables below. The nominated response times are
inclusive of non-working days.


Key Task Intervention levels Response times
Response to • Spill that could potentially Site inspected and 6 hours
emergency call create a slippery or other risk reduced
outs hazardous situation appropriately as
• Roadwork controls and required
signage does not meet
• Obstacles on roadway, Assess situation and 48 hours
shoulder or path. determine remedial
• Severe pavement treatment
subsidence or surface
damage (on road or path)
• Flooding in road reserve
• Unserviceable guard rail
• Structural bridge damage
reducing capacity or
significant bridge surface

01/01/2021 | Draft Road Management Plan 2021 22

Appendix D: Service Standards


Secondary Local
Key Task Intervention levels Performance standard & Collector Access
Sealed roads - Potholes greater than Initial repair with cold 7 days 14 days
pot-hole 300mm diameter and mix to remove hazard
patching 50mm depth Hole is to be repaired 42 days 42 days
(by contractor) to
provide a smooth, safe
surface consistent to
line and level of
surrounding pavement
Sealed roads –Pavement shows distress Smooth, safe pavement 42 days 42 days
isolated in the form of shoving, surface consistent with
pavement rutting or depressions of line and level of
failures (up to
the surface exceeding surrounding pavement
5sq.m of 50mm at any location
pavement under a 1.2m straight
surface area) edge
Sealed roads -When a depression holds Return to line, level, 42 days 42 days
regulation of water, or exceeds 50mm safe and trafficable
wheel ruts andin depth under a 1.2m surface, with no ponding
depressions straight edge transversely of water evident.
or under a 3m straight
edge longitudinally
Crack sealing Cracking on over 10% to No visible cracks 12 months 12
20% of road length remaining. months
provided otherwise sound
KERB AND CHANNEL Response times
Intervention levels Performance standard Secondary Local
Key Task & Collector Access
Kerb and Vertical or horizontal Return to line and level 42 days 42 days
channel displacement > 75mm
maintenance Missing kerb sections Replace section 42 days 42 days

01/01/2021 | Draft Road Management Plan 2021 23

Appendix D: Service Standards

PATHS Response times

High Low
Key Task Intervention levels Performance standard Activity Activity
Footpath Displacements ≥30mm Temporary repair to
/shared path - remove hazard using 7 days 14 days
concrete asphalt
Replace slab(s) 28 days 42 days
Displacement <30mm or Grinding or replacing
≥20mm slab(s) 28 days 42 days

Crack >20mm wide over 0.5m Fill crack or replace bay

length or multiple cracking ensuring surface is even 28 days 42 days
over most of slab and doesn’t bold water
Edge drop-off >75 mm Reshape adjacent surface
28 days 42 days
to remove drop-off
Footpath/ Potholes greater than 200mm Fill depressions and level.
//shared Path - diameter and 25mm in depth.
Asphalt Cracking exceeds 2m in length Fill crack and level, or
28 days 42 days
and 10mm in width replace section
significant concentrated levels Repair damage and fill to
of distress match surrounds
Tactile repairs Missing tactile or damage so Replace tactile and/or
that it causes a trip hazard or repair surrounding
42 days 42 days
doesn’t fulfil function. material to be flush and
Gravel path When pavement shows Prepare surface and
maintenance significant concentrated levels reinstate with compacted
of distress. gravel to match
N/A 42 days
When scours of depth greater
than 50mm occur at any
Clearance Whenever vertical clearance Branches pruned,
envelope to (e.g. tree branches, etc.) is less obstruction cleared and
shared paths than 2.5m above the ground or Cyclist envelope N/A 70 days
horizontal clearance from the maintained (where
edge of the path is less than practicable) and hazard
1.0m to a potential hazard. mitigated.
Key Task Intervention levels Performance standard Response times
Concrete or Potholes greater than 300mm Fill depressions and level.
42 days
asphalt diameter and 50mm depth
Vertical Displacement ≥ 75mm
Bluestone Horizontal Displacement ≥ Fill depressions and level.
75mm 42 days
Deformation ≥ 75mm over 1 m
Gravel ≥ 750mm diameter & ≥ 200mm Fill depressions and level.
42 days
≥ 300mm over 1m
Loss of gravel material and Gravel re-sheet to
extensive depressions provided smooth surface
42 days
exceeding 75mm or drop-offs
exceeding 50mm
Natural Potholes > 750mm diameter Fill depressions and level.
surface and 200mm deep, or vertical
42 days
deformation of > 300mm over
1 metre

01/01/2021 | Draft Road Management Plan 2021 24

Appendix D: Service Standards

Response times
Key Task Intervention levels Performance standard
Pedestrian Timber posts to be replaced All crossings and related 7 days
and school when damaged or greater furniture to be in good
crossing than 50% wood rot is evident conditions and highly
maintenance visible at all times
Road 50% sign legend illegible at Clean or replace 7 days
regulatory 150 m under low beam or in damaged signs
and advisory daylight
Guard rail Guard rails in damaged Guard rails restored to 28 days
maintenance condition (other than provide safety to road
immediate safety hazards) users and protection of
pedestrians and assets.
Sealed When line marking is faded, Works programmed for Program
Roads line eroded, worn or non- repainting in the next
marking reflective. financial year
Drainage Broken or missing Pit lid or Replace Pit Lid 14 days
maintenance lintel that renders the item
structurally unsound or
presents a safety issue to
road users.
Ponding greater than 200mm Remove debris and/or 14 days
deep and 3 metres across in blockage
any direction) caused by
blocked pits or drains or
Bridge Visible damage on Temporary repair and/or 28 days
maintenance components likely to affect permanent repair/
users or public safety replacement of the
unsafe/ damaged
If repair is not applicable,
hazard is mitigated and
repair is programmed for
the next financial year.

01/01/2021 | Draft Road Management Plan 2021 25

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