ASTM E384 (2022) - Part35
ASTM E384 (2022) - Part35
ASTM E384 (2022) - Part35
tr E384 -22
400 400
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Depth, mm Depth, mm
-- 100 gf - - ·- 200 gf . - . 300 gf --500 gf -- 100 gf --·- 200 gf - -- 300 gf --500 gf
FIG . X5. 1 2 Evaluation of a nitrided H 1 3 die using 1 00, 200, 300 and 500 gf test forces with both the Knoop and Vickers indenters. Note
that, as before, the range of HK at each location using these four test loads is broader than the HV range. The HV range is tight, ex
cept at the near surface area. All four HK traces show a drop in hardness at the su rface while the 200 gf HV to 500 gf HV indents show
a similar, but lesser, trend. The dark-etching case ended at -0. 1 4 mm.
FIG. X5. 1 3 Plots of the average case hardness (left) and the hardness at the end of the dark-etching case at -0. 1 4 mm (right) for the
nitrided H 1 3 mold. For HV values of 900 and greater, the conversion chart (Table 1 of E 1 40) shows lower HK numbers; while the re
verse is shown for HV values <900.
X5.6 Correlating Knoop Data made at <500 gf to the X5.7 Influence of Etching upon Microindentation Hard
Equivalent HK500 Value ness Results
X5.6. l The above tests results point out some excellent XS.7 . 1 In general, if the structure is deeply etched, the
characteristics of the Knoop test, but also one very significant metallographer will be unable to see the indent tips. For
problem - the increase in HK with decreasing test force. It is example, when the nitrided H l 3 specimen in X5.6 above was
possible to develop correction factors, although these factors etched with nital, the nitrided case was a dark black and the
have some inherent imprecision and will probably vary from indents tips could not be detected optically. In general, if the
operator to operator. An individual's own variation in HK etching results are not excessively dark, there was no signifi
between 500 gf and lower test forces can be easily checked and cant difference observed for the microindentation values in the
compared to the data shown below by performing a number of etched vs. un-etched condition. Two examples are shown in
indents, for example, 5, at various test loads from 500 gf and Fig. X5 . l 9. The first is a thick carburized case on 8620 alloy
below on a certified test block, such as an HRC test block. An steel which was subsequently heat treated with an isothermal
example of such tests made on a number of steel tensile bars hold to form lower bainite in the case while the core was
covering a wide range of HK is given in Fig. X5. l 7. Fig. X5 . 1 8 tempered low-carbon martensite. The first observance of mar
shows the approximate shift i n HK as the applied force tensite was at a depth of -0.5 mm and the structure was fully
decreases and as the HK500 value increases. Table X5 . 1 lists martensitic after a depth of -0.69 mm. Overall, the difference
these approximate correction values as a function of the in hardness between the as-polished specimen and the etched
applied load and the HK5 00 value. specimen was not significant, except for the slightly higher HK
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