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Far Chloe and Robbie

Published by Summertown Publishing

32-38 Saffron Hill
London EClN 8FH Chaprer 1 Ladies and genrlemen 1
Chapter 2 Pay to play 3
Sumrnerrown Publishing is an imprint of Marshall Cavendish Chapter 3 Making a demo 5
Marshall Cavendish is a rradernark of Times Publishing Lirnired
www. Chapter 4 In the recording studio 7
ernail: uk Chapter 5 The judges 9
Chaprer 6 You're rubbish! 11
ISBN 978 0462 098760
Chaprer 7 Back to che srudio 13
Chapter 8 Waiting for a decision 15
© Marshall Cavendish 2009
Chapter 9 Watching Talent Tonight 17
First published 2009
Chapter 10 Music business 19

Ali righrs reserved, No pan of chis publication may be reproduced, Chapter 11 I want to be famous 21
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any Chapter 12 Read ali about ir 23
means, electronic, rnechanical, photocopying, or orherwise, withour
the prior permission of the publishers or excepr as perrnitted by law. Chaprer 13 The worst gig ever 25
Chapter 14 Talent Tonight 27
Chaprer 15 Back in the office 29
Chapter 16 Renta crowd 31
Cover design by white space
Typeset by FiSH Books, Enfield, Middx. Chapter 17 On rhe way to rhe radio sration 33
Printed and bound by Times Offset (M)
Chaprer 18 Hamlet and us 35
Sdn. Bhd. Malaysia

Chaprer 19 The point of no rerurn 37 CHAPTER 1

Chaprer 20 A business meeting 39
Chapter 21 The nexr round 41 Ladies and gentlemen
Chapter 22 Are we a band? 43
Skim read the chapteronce.
Chaprer 23 Publiciry ar lasr? 45
e Why does the concert stop?
Chapter 24 Tiffany is back! 47 0 What is John's job?
Chapter 25 A new role 49 e Where does Simon want to go tonight?

Chapter 26 The cornpetirion 51

Chapter 27 The final show 53 I have always loved rhose few minutes befare the beginning of a concerr.
The audience is waiting for rhe star to come on stage. It's quier, but
Chaprer 28 And the winner is ... 55 everyone is looking forward to the show. And ronight I'rn about to step
Chaprer 29 A chance meeting 57 on to that stage. The crowd is chanring: "[ohnny, Johnny, Johnny,
Quesrions 59 Suddenly I can hear a voice announce: "Ladies and genrlemen,
\Vord lisr 63 would you please welcome rhe grearest rock 'n' roll band in the world.
Ir's Johnny and rhe Diamonds!" The audience is going crazy. The
spodighrs are so brighr I can't see rhe crowd, but I can hear thern
shouting, "[ohnny, Johnny". They're getring louder and louder,
chanring "[ohnny, Johnny, Johnny, johnnyl"
Actually, now I can hear only one man. He is saying, "[ohnny,
Johnny, wake up! If you don'r get up we'll be late for work."
Oh, no. Nor again! My flatmare Simon was right - I had slept too
long and had just had another of my dreams about being a rock srar.
But ir was only a dream. This was a really bad start ro my day.
I've always wanted to be a rock srar. I play the guitar and sing, and
I've even written a few songs. I think rhey are good, but I don'r know
far cerrain. Maybe my dad was right when he said that ir was
important to have 'a real job'. My 'real job' is working as an
accountant. My friend Simon works in rhe same office and so we share
a flat. It's nine to five and ir pays the bilis, but I want more than thar.
When I was at college I had a band. Ir was ali I was interested in.
When I went to a lecrure, I spent most of my rime writing a list of the
songs that I wanted to play at our next gig, instead of taking lecrure
no res.

At our concerts we played rhe current hirs and we were grear. CHAPTER 2
Everyone said thar we should rry to ger a record <leal and thar we could
be famous. Perhaps we would seil millions of CDs and play concerrs
all over the world. Around the college campus people recognised us
Pay to play
and said, "There goes Johnny and his band."
After we all left college we still kept che band going, bue then sorne Skim read the chapteronce.
people got jobs and they didn't have time to practise. We didn'r quit, 0 What is the name af the band?
but we never really had time to play. \Ve said we would ger togerher 0 Why daes the singer start to cry?
soon, bur that was a long time ago.
0 What does Jahn tell the band?
Now, six years afrer leaving college, I somerimes ralk to Simon
abour my band. He is nice about it, but then he usually gets bored. But
he's a good friend, so one night, a few rnonrhs ago, he said ro me, When we arrived ar the club, rhe support band was on srage. The main
"Come on Johnny, let's go to Rory's Club. There are rwo bands playing group everyone had come ta see would be on stage later. People
rhere ronighr. The headliners are brilliam. They can really rock!" ignored rhe support act, bur they were actually pretty good. They were
called The Bus Drivers, which I rhoughr was a pretty stupid name, but
the band was right and they hada famastic girl singer.
She really had samething. She laoked and sounded like Mariah
Carey. She was beautiful and sang the sang like she rneanr every word.
Here was someone with real ralent. The club was getting fuller, bur no
one had come to see this support acr. No one was paying attention,
Only the drunks in front of rhe stage watched the band, bur they were
horrible to the lead singer. "Hey, gorgeous! \Vedidnt come here to see
your srupid band, so get off!"
They couldn't stop laughing. "Hey, sweetheartl Come here and give
me a kiss," one of thern shouted at the singer. The bloke threw sorne
of his beer at her. She stopped singing and starred crying.
Suddenly, a huge cornplerely bald man carne on stage. Ir was the
manager of the club, Rory, and he wasn't laughing; he was angry. He
reached for the microphone. "Whoever threw thar beer is going to be
thrown out of this club now. I don'r care if you've gor a ticket. This is
my club, and I won't have rude behaviour. Naw show sorne manners
and let this girl sing."
The men clown at the front of the srage behaved themselves alter
rhat, and the girl and her band finished off rhe set. I had really enjoyed
their music and I wanred to meer thern, I wenr forward to the stage
and inrroduced myself to the bass player as they were clearing away
their equipment.

2 3

"Hey, that was a grear set," I said. He smiled. "Thanks, man, bur we CHAPTER 3
won't be playing here again."
"Oh, don't worry about rhose idiots," I said, looking back ar rhe
group of noisy men.
Making a cierno
"No, rhat's not the problem," the bass player continued. "The
manager of the club wanrs us to pay. He wants us ro 'pay to play'!" Skim read the chapteronce.
"Whar do you mean?" I asked. 0 Who does John phone?
"He doesn't think we can attract an audience, and so he wants us to º Who are brothers?
sell a mínimum of fl 00 worth of tickets to our mates. He wants us to 0 Who chooses the demo song?
pay to play! There's no way I'rn going ro do thar," explained the bass
The rest of rhe band carne over and joined in. The lead singer - I "Talent Tonight!" said a very friendly voice on rhe telephone. Her voice
still didn't know her name - said, "I'rn sure we can get sorne of our became less friendly, when I starred talking.
friends to come along. \Ve need to play more gigs and get rhe "Oh, helio," I said. "I'rn the ... er ... manager of a great new band
experience." and we would like to be on your show. We have a fantastic singer
Everyone nodded except the bass player. and ... "
The lead singer continued, "Have you heard about rhar TV show "Send in a cierno," she said, in an even more unfriendly voice.
Talent Tonight?" "Oh, yes, of course. We can send you one in rhe next couple of
And then I did sornerhing rhar was crazy - really crazy. Wirhout weeks. Should I send ir to the producer?"
rhinking I said, "Oh, I know one of the producers of that show." "Yes, if you want to. Our address is on the website. Thank you."
They ali swung around to look ar me. "You do?" they said together, "Thank you very much. Goodbye."
Ir was a lie and I still don't know why I had said ir. I rold thern that I I already knew that there was inforrnation on rhe website, How did
would speak ro the producer about getting the band on the show. she think I had found their relephone number? Phoning rhe Talent
Suddenly, before I realised whar I was doing, I was giving thern al! my Tonight production company was easy, but there was still a lor of work
mobile phone number and saying that they should ring me on Mondav, to do. We had to malee a cierno, a dernonstration of our music.
Why did I lie to them? Ir was crazy, but I suddenly rhoughr rhis was Unfortunately, hundreds of other bands and singers would also send in
a big opportuniry for me. There are lots of different jobs in rhe music a demo. Everyone wanted to be on rhe programme. Our cierno had to
business, and here was a good band thar could be a really great band be better rhan ali the others,
with the righr manager. I could be that manager. Why not? Sornetimes, As soon as I hung up, the bass player called me. His name was Steve
you jusr have to take chances in life. and he was the oldest member of the band. When rhe others had ralked
I had no experience as a manager of a pop group, bur I decided that after the cancere ar the club about wanting to be pop stars, he had
I would malee sorne phone calls and do everything I could ro gec thern looked bored. "I've seen it ali befare," he had said. "It's not easy."
on che show. The next few days were going to be very busy for me. Everyone calls me John or johnny, but Sreve liked to cal! me Johnny
Boy. When I told him that I had contacted the production company,
he didn't care - not like che orhers, They were all so excited. I brought
my briefcase to rheir next band practice. I wanted to look like a
manager. This was the music business.

4 5

There were four people in rhe band. Tiffany was the name of the CHAPTER 4
singer. There was Steve and rhen there was Tyler, the drummer. On
guitar was Tyler's brorher, Zak.
Zak obviously loved talking. When they were playing songs, he
In the recording studio
would suddenly stop and ask me a question. "\Xfhy do we have to make
a demo? That's expensive." I explained that the producers needed to Skim read the chapteronce.
hear a demo befare we could have an audition.
º Who pays for the recording?
I'd spent time looking at the producrion company's websire, and ir
o Who arrives at the studio with Tiffany?
said thar the demo for Talent Tonight should nor be an original song of
º Where does the band go while Steve and
our own. We needed to choose a song that everyone knew. So the band
Bill are setting up the drums?
tried to decide which song to record, but they jusr couldn't agree.
Zak wanted a song with lots of rock guitar, bur his brother Tvler
wanred a song wirh Iors of loud drums. Steve suggesred that rhey play
a song by the Bearles. Nowadays people can record hit songs in their bedrooms on their
"Everyone knows the Beades," he said. computer, bur the band wanted a more professional sound ...
But Zak was nota Bearles fan. "That music is so old. My dad likes especially Steve.
the Beatles." Tiffany wanred to sing a love song and suggested a few. "I wanr to record in a proper studio, This isn't for fun. We are a
During this conversation Tyler said norhing. He just continued to hit professional band."
his drums. He was driving me crazy! Zak agreed but said again, "That's expensive."
While they were arguing about the song, I began to worry thar I 1 was the manager of rhe band and so it was rime for me to speak.
might have made a mistake. Were these people really going to be pop "Errn, I know ir's expensive, Zak, but I'll ralee care of thar. You
srars? They couldn't even decide on which song they wanted to play. worry about rhe music and I'll worry about the money."
And how was I helping rhem? I was just sitting there with my briefcase In fact, I did have sorne savings. I had been saving money because I
and trying to look like an irnporrant pan of the band. Bur reallv I was wanted to move out of my rented apartment and buy a small place of
doing norhing. , my own. But thar could wair. This was a really good opportuniry for
Then suddenly the band decided on a song Tiffany had heard on me. If the band becarne pop stars, I would make lots of money. Ir was
the ~adio. I didn't know ir, She starred singing it and everyone started time to invest in my future - and my future was in the music business.
playmg. No one said anything - rhey jusr played. Ir sounded great! \Ve Steve knew a srudio rhat he had used befare. I booked ir and we ali
all looked ar each other and smiled. Everyone felr confidenr again. arrived a few days larer on a Saturday rnorning at 1 O a.m. Zak drove
there with rhe others anda van ful! of equipment. Tiffany arrived late
(as usual) with her boyfriend.
The owner of the studio was friendly and welcomed us with coffee
and pastries. We sat and chatted in the control room abour what we
wanted to do. We decided to record che insrrurnenrs first and then add
Tiffany's vocals.
Sreve was the most experienced member of the band, and he decided
that he would be the producer because he had done this befare and he

6 7

knew rhe engineer, Bill. The rest of us didn'r really know whar a CHAPTER 5
producer's job was, so we agreed. Stevc sar with rhe engineer in che
control room while rhe band played in rhe next room behind a glass
"OK, firsr we need to set up rhe drums," said Bill. I rold him Tyler
Skim read the chapteronce.
had already done that. Bill smiled and looked ar Sreve. They obviously
thought that I didn'r know anyrhing abour recording. They were righr. º Which judge is always nice?
Sreve explained that he and Bill needed to put rnicrophones around º Which judge is honest but polite?
rhe drums and rhar chis mighr ralee a while. He suggested rhar we went º Who is the nasty judge?
to a café while they were doing chis. He would send me a rexr message
when rhey were finished.
We drank coffee in the café clown the street far almost an hour, but Afrer spending the day ar the recording studio, I decided l should
I didn'r receive any text messages. I waired and waired, and finally I lefr warch che TV show we were trying to get on, Talent Tanight. These
the others and wenr back to che scudio. I was paying rhe scudio by the realiry shows have always been very popular, bur I've never watched any
hour and ir was almosr midday. This was gerring expensive! of rhern. They are usually on a Sarurday nighr, when rhere are the rnosr
Inside che studio rhe engineer was still purting microphones around viewers. It's what rhey call 'prime time TV'. Now ir was rime far me ro
Tyler's drums. "Whar's the problem?" I asked. see whar happened on che show - rhis was irnportant research!
"Oh, no problern, John, but we wanr ro ger the drum sound righr. The perforrners on the show I warched were what I expected. There
It's irnporranr," said Bill. "We won't be long now." were a couple of boy bands wirh good-looking singers who could
"But it's only a demo," I said. "Ir doesn't have ro be perfecr." dance quite well. There were also sorne people singing on their own -
Suddenly Sreve jumped into the conversation. "Johnny Boy, you are sorne good, sorne not so good, sorne really awful!
the manager, I'm the producer. Please don'c ger in the way. We won't Like ali ralent shows, viewers choose their favourire perfarmers and
be long. Now go back to the café with che others. I'll text you soon." of course there are the judges who discuss each acr.
I decíded to go back befare we had an argumenr. I waired ar rhe café Talent Tonigbt has three judges. There's Sandy, the grey-haired pop
with the orhers unril I finally received a text relling me rhat rhey were star from the l 970s. He is always kind ro rhe perfarmers, even when
ready and we could al[ go back to the studio. they're absolurely dreadful. .
Ir didn't take roo long to ser up the rest of the instrurnents and once And rhen there is Sarah. She runs her own record company and is
we gor started, the band recorded rhe song quite quickly. We had very successful. Sarah is businesslike. She is honest bur always
finished by mid-afternoon. Bur I needed to book sorne more scudio poli te ... unlike Louise.
time because we still had ro do the final mix. Everyone was happy ar Louise is one of the nastiest people on TY. If contestants aren't very
rhe end of the afternoon, bur I was worried. This band was cosring me good, she doesn'r hesitare to tell rhern. She will say on nacional tele-
a farrune. vision, "You are rubbish!" The conresrants bate this. The viewers love ir.
The programme I warched began with a boy band called The Tea
Cups. This seemed a ridiculous name for a boy band! Like rhe other
bands, rhey hoped rhat they would ger rhrough ro the next round. If
an acr were successful, they had a chance to return ro the show rwo
weeks larer.

The Tea Cups sang and danced and smiled. They were norhing like CHAPTER 6
our band, and I was sure rhat they hadn't played many gigs. Perhaps
they only knew one song.
In the audience there were members of the band's families, and of
You're rubbish !
course they ali loved the performance. They clapped and cheered and
held up signs rhat said, 'We !ove rhe Tea Cups!' Skim read the chapteronce.
~fter .r~eir song, the Tea Cups waited on stage for the judges ro give º What does Sandy say the band needs to
their ~pm10ns, and the show cut to a commercial break, During an
advemse~enr, I senr a text to the orhers in our band. They had to 0 Which judges like the band called
watch this show ... ir was irnportanr 'research'. We had ro know what
The Tea Cups?
the cornpetirion was like.
o What is Louise's opinion?

If the other bands were like the Tea Cups, I didn't think that we had
anydüng to worry about. When me show rerurned, the band was
looking nervous. I shouted at rheir picture on my relevision, "You're
rubbishl" Bur what did me judges rhink?
Sandy smiled and said that he thought rhe band had tried hard and .
he liked that. He told a quick story abour when he played in his first
band when he was very young. He was always nervous, so he always
looked at rhe floor instead of at the audience. Sandy laughed when he
told this srory, Louise, me nasry judge, said, "Hurry up Sandy! \Ve are
waiting." Louise was very rude but the audience laughed anyway.
Sandy rold the band that they needed to practise their dancing a bit
more, but he smiled and said that he'd enjoyed rheir song. The band
smiled. The audience cheered.
Next was Sarah, who agreed rhat the band had tried hard. She also
rhought that the Tea Cups looked good and that was important in the
music business. Ali the bands thar were with her record company
looked great. "Your image is as important as your music in this
business," she said.
Finally, ir was Louise's rurn. The band looked nervous while they
waited for Louise to give her opinion. "You boys have absolurely no
future in rhe music business. You have no ralent and no porential ar ali.
You should give up now."
The audience became angry. "No, no!" they shouted.

10 11

"I' m sorry, " 1 augh e d L.ouise,

. "b ut you are broken tea cups. " SI'ie CHAPTER 7
looked ar the disappoimed boys on stage. "Quite frankly, you are rhe
worst band on rhis show."
I rurned off rhe TV and srarted to worrv about our chances on
Back to the studio
Talent Tonight. What would the judges say ro' us?
Bur we weren't even on the show yer. We srill had to finish rhe Skim read the chapteronce.
º Which rnernber of the band enjoys rnaking
the cierno rnost?
º What is John's opinion about the cierno when
it is finisheci?
º Why does Tiffany's boyfrienci not like the

The band was casting me a fortune. I thoughr we could record a song

in a day, but ir still wasn't finished.
It was our second day in the recording srudio and Steve was
obviously really enjoying his time there. He wanted to get a perfect
sound and so we recorded the song again and again and again. The
guitar pan was very cornplicared and Zalc kept making misrakes. He
had to redo his guitar part over rhirty times! But Steve recorded his bass
part in one ralee. He was very proud of that.
In the past bands used to record all at rhe same time, but rhat was
fifry years ago. Back then rhe whole band and the singers would
perform the song as though they were on stage. But today everyone is
recorded separately, including the vocals.
· Tiffany had waited patiendy in the comer of the srudio, waiting for
the others to finish their parts. Her boyfriend sometimes talked to her,
but I could never hear what he said. The rwo of thern were inseparable.
Tiffany carne to every band meeting or pracrice with him. He never
smiled and in fact he never ralked much at all. And when he did talk,
he always spoke quiedy and Tiffany listened carefully. He worried me
for sorne reason.
When ir was time for Tiffany to sing, she was fantastic. What a
talent! The song was about love and she sang with such feeling. Her
singing was beautiful. Tiffany did a few ralees but the firsr one was the
besr. This demo was going ro be brilliant,

12 13

\Vhen we started doing the mix, however, rhere were problems. Mix CHAPTER 8
is a good name for whar happens after everyone has recorded ali rheir
parts, because ali the sounds are mixed together, like making a soup.
First you have che drums. Then you add rhe bass guitar. Afrer that Waiting for a decision
the lead guitar is added and then finally the vocals. Bill, the engineer,
worked hard to get the final mix right, and then we all lisrened to our Skim read the chapteronce.
º Why does Steve ring John after midnight?
I thoughr ir sounded fanrastic ... so professional. Ir was grear!
What is the staff meeting about?
Everyone was happy ... everyone except for Tiffany's boyfriend.
Why does John leave the meeting?
"Is that the final mix?" he asked. Everyone was surprised ro hear
from him. He was always so quier. "I rhink Tiffany's vocals need to be
louder in the mix," he said. "The guitar is too loud." My mobile phone woke me up after midnight. Ir was Steve. "Johnny
Steve looked angry. He was the producer of this demo, not Tiffany's Boy, how are you? I hope I didn'r get you out of bed, but I wondered
boyfriend. He wanted to tell him that it was none of his business, but if you had heard from the production company yet about our derno."
insread he said, "Oh, do you rhink so?" Sreve didn'r work during the day, and so he didn't understand people
Afrer sorne discussion Bill mixed the recording yet again with like me who had to get up early to go into the office. "No, Sreve, I
Tiffany's vocals a lirtle bit louder. I don'r think rhat the new mix haven'r. I promise I will phone you as soon as I hear from thern."
parricularly improved the demo, but Tiffany's boyfriend seemed I understood why Steve was so impatient, We had worked hard on
happier. I was worried thar Tiffany's boyfriend had suddenly become rhe demo, and ir was now three weeks since I'd sent in a copy of rhe .
pare of the band and was telling everyone what to do. recording. I hadn't heard anything, but then there were probably lors
of bands like us who had sent in a demo ro the producción company.
Often when people send in a recording, nobody ever listens because
there are jusr too many demos to get through. Or perhaps they just
thoughc thar we weren't good enough.
That day 1 was ar the very boring weeldy staff meeting ar work. These
meetings were extremely dull. Once, l'd asked my boss, Carherine, why
she held rhe meeting every week. She had said that the meetings were a
good opportunity for staff to get their cornplaints heard and for us to
clear up small problems befare they became big ones.
The complaints in this meeting were about stationery. Someone was
using far too many pens. James, who was one of the other accountants,
was telling everyone that yesrerday he couldn't find a pen anywhere in
the office and that he was quite angry about this. Everyone stared ar
him, looking really bored and fed up. He continued on with his
cornplainr, saying rhat he'd had to go our of che office in the middle of
the afternoon to buy a pen. Suddenly my mobile phone rang and
interrupted him. A few people laughed slighdy.
L 15

I answered my mobile quickly. CHAPTER 9

"Hello, rhis is Ricky Anderson from Talent Tonight," said the caller.
I imrnediarely got up from my chair in the middle of the crowded
room and apologised to everyone, "I'rn sorry, but I have to take this
Watching Talent Tonight
cal!." Carherine didn'c look very happy. Why did I have to leave the
meeting? What was so imporrant? \Vhat was more importanr than the Skim read the chapteronce.
office stationery problem? 0 Which member of the band likes watching
Without waiting for permission, I got up and left: the room.
Talent Tonight?
Ricky Anderson had rhe news we were waiting for. He said that he'd 0 What does Steve want to know about
liked our demo and he wanted us to be on the show next rnonrh.
Could I please come to their office as soon as possible to sign a 0 When is John meeting with the producers
contraer? I can't remember what I said to him because I was so excited.
of the show?
When I finished the phone call, I rerurned to the meeting where
they were still discussing srationeryl I had to quir this job soon - the
sooner rhe better. My furure was in the music business.
At lunch I phoned the others, Steve was serious as usual - too I'd never thought that my apartment was small unril I invited the band
serious really. "\'7e're not pop stars yet. We have a lot of work to do," to come there far rhe evening. I didn't have enough chairs far ali of
he said. Zak was as excited as I was. "Yeahhhhhh! ROCK 'n' ROLL!" thern, and so Zalc and his brorher sat on the íloor in front of the
he shouted. He said that he would phone his brother, relevision to warch Talent Tonight. Steve sat uncomfartably with.
Tiffany was really delighted. She wanred to phone her mum Tiffany and her boyfriend on the small sofa.
immediately and also her boyfriend. She said that he would probably Ir was the final of this round of the cornpetirion. We would be in
ring me later. I didn't really care if he rang me or not, but I didn't want the next round of shows, srarring the fallowing monrh.
to be impolire so Ijusr said, "Oh, OK." "\'7hathappens in this show?" asked Steve.
I invited Tiffany and the others to come over to my apartmenr on "Steve, haven't you ever seen Talent Tonight? I watch it every week. I
Sarurday night to celebrare. We could also watch Talent Tonight !ove this show," said Zalc, surprised. He explained to Steve about the
rogether on the TY. judges and how nasty Louise was.
There were rwo finalisrs in the show that we watched. Far the
winner there was a recording contraer and they would be famous. Far
the losers ... well, no one ever remembers the losers.
In the run up to the final it was always a bit sad to see the losing
singers and bands leaving the show. Now there were only rwo acts
remaining: a teenage duo called Tim and Tammy (they were twins) and
another boy band, who perforrned first.
The song that the boy band chose was a mistake. It was too fast and
their dancing looked slightly ridiculous. The teenage duo were much
more professional, and ir seemed obvious to me that they would be the
winners. But the judges had a different opinion from me about this,

16 17
i Superstar

Sarah, who was rhe owner of a successful record company, said that CHAPTER 1 O
rhe boy band would be successful because of their image. She thoughr
they had chosen a bad song, but thar wasn't important - they looked
like pop stars.
Music business
Old Sandy liked the boy band, but he liked the brother and sister duo
as well. "In my day there wasn't as much talenr around as there is now. I Skim read the chapteronce.
wish you could ali be winners," he said, with an encouraging smile. The 0 Who arrives late far the meeting?
performers smiled back and the audience laughed and cheered, but
º What does John think about the contract?
nasty Louise shouted, ''Are you joking? There is only one winner here." 0
How much money will the band get paid?
Louise said that the boy band were the obvious winners. "It's nor my
kind of music, bur teenage girls will love these guys." Then she turned
to Tim and Tammy and said, "Sray ar home and sing to your family I arrived at the offices of the Talent Tonight producrion company on
and friends. They love you, but no one else ever will." The audience Monday evening, for a meeting wirh Ricky Anderson. Unforrunately
were very angry and some people srarted shouring at her. Ricky was really late. When he finally did arrive, he didn'r apologise.
The judges voted and the boy band were the unanimous winners. He invited me into bis office while he spoke on his mobile phone. He
Tim and Tammy waved one final time to the audience with tears pointed to a chair for me to sir on and continued his conversation.
running clown their cheeks, and then they left the srage as the boy "Louise, Louise darling, I know you are angry. I don'r know why the
band performed a final closing song. recording of the show took so long yesrerday. Sometimes that happens.
In my flat Zak was laughing. "Oh, that Louise is so scary. She's so No, no, we can't increase your fee, darling. I'm sorry. Really, I'rn sorry ..
awful! I hope she's not like thar wirh us." The room was silenr. Tiffany Sweetheart, I'm in the middle of a meeting. Would you mind ifl rang
and her boyfriend looked worried. Sreve was quier and rhen said, 11 you back? OK, thank you. And again, I'rn really sorry." Ricky hung up
"[ohnny Boy, how much are we getring paid for this show?" and muttered, "Silly cow."
"Good question, Steve," I said as I turned off the TV "I will find He finally reached out to shake my hand. "[ohn, thanks for coming
out tomorrow when I meet the producers of Talent Trmight." in. I'm sorry but rhis will have to be a short meeting. I'rn so busy
"I'm sure they only pay your expenses, Steve. Nothing else," said today."
Zak, trying to be helpful. "Everybody knows rhar." He handed me a contraer and I starred to look through it,
Perhaps I was one of the people who didn'r know rhat. Surely you Since I had become manager ofThe Bus Drivers, I had read a few
got paid when you appeared on TV? books about the music business. I knew tbat a lot of singers and bands
"Ah, well, maybe rhis is differenr," I said. Everyone looked at me. had signed bad contracts. Sornerimes these artists had been successful,
Ir was rime to change rhe subject. but they'd made hardly any money. Their record company or manager
had taken ir all because rhat was written in the contract.
When Ricky gave me the contraer, I decided not to show it to the
others. Ir was their job to rnake the music. Ir was my job to take care
of the business side. That's what Steve would say. I was derermined to
negotiate a good deal for the band, but, to be honest, when I started
to read the contraer, I thought ir was a bit difficult to understand. I
didn't want to tell the band that,

18 19

I should have rold Ricky that I wanted to show rhe contraer to a CHAPTER 11
lawyer, but 1 knew 1 couldn't afford a lawyer so I just went back to che
beginning and read the contraer again, more slowly. It was very
complicated and 1 still didn'r really understand ir.
1 want to be famous
1 decided 1 was ready to negotiate and get the most money for my
band, but when 1 asked Ricky about the fee, he looked surprised. Skim read the chapteronce.
"There is no fee, John. You are lucky to be invited on che show!" Befare
o Who is in the studio?
I could say anything, his mobile rang again. 0 What is the new colour of Zak's hair?
"Yes, it's Ricky here ... no ... no ... How did you get my phone 0 Why does Zak want to be in a band?
number? Look, 1 can't take this call." He hung up, looking angry. Ir
was probably sorne poor band manager.
Ricky looked ar me, bur he wasn't smiling. "Listen, John, I'm busy The next day 1 met up with Zak and Sreve ar the studio ar lunchrime.
here. Do you want to be on the show or not? There are lots of bands Almost everyone was happy that 1 had signed the contraer, apart from
who can ralee your place." Steve.
\Vhen he said thar, 1 was shocked. I felt that he was putting pressure "The producers of Talent Tonight are a bunch of crooks," he said.
on me, but we'd worked so hard to get this offer and I didn't want us "This is a prime rime TV show. They ger lots of money from
to lose the chance. "No, everyrhing's fine. Thank you far inviring us on advertising. Why aren't they paying us? They're a bunch of crooks! It's
the show. We'll be there!" 1 said, quickly. Then 1 signed the contraer a rip-off."
and gave ir back to him. "Steve, I told you we wouldn't get paid," said Zak. "These
On the way out of the office, my mobile phone rang. programmes don't need to pay anyone. People are desperate to be on
"Helio, Johnny Boy. How was the meeting?" shows like chis and they will do ir for nothing."
1 didn't want to talle, so I made an excuse. "Listen, Sreve, I'm busy 1 didn't say anything.
righr now. Would you mind if I rang you backr" 1 was srarring to Bill, the engineer at the studio, was lisrening to us talking. Bill and
sound like Ricky Anderson. Steve had become friends since our recording and we often met there,
It was great just being around the studio. The people there were always
talking abour music ... and rhe music business.
And today everyone at the studio was talking about Zak's new
hairsryle. His hair was now very short and blond (his natural hair
colour was brown).
"I copied Tiffany," he said. "She has blond hair. I think ali of us
should have blond hair. We'd look great!"
Steve laughed, "Don't be ridiculous, Zak. I'm not going to change
my hair colour. I'm not going to change anything. What you see is
what you get."
This conversation was srarting to get more serious. I stayed quier.
Zalc was doing ali rhe talking.
"Bur, Steve ... we aren't going to be famous if we don't look good,"

20 21

he said. "Do you remember what Sarah said to that boy band on the CHAPTER 12
show? Ir's all about image."
Sreve interrupted him. "I don'r care what she said. Zak, you don'r
care about our music. You jusr want to be famous."
Read all about it
Everyone was silent for a moment. Sreve shouldn't have said that, It
was said asan insult, Bur Zak didn't disagree wirh him. Skim read the chapteronce.
"Yes, Ido want to be famous. Of course Ido." º Who wrítes the band's press release?
Suddenly Bill, the engineer, srarted to play Zak's guitar. He was º Where is the band playíng their next gig?
brillianr. We ali stopped talking and lisrened as Bill played sorne of the o Whose photo is in the newspaper?
rnost beautiful and complicared guitar pans we had ever heard. When
he finished playing, we ali cheered and clapped.
"\Xlow, Bill, you're fanrasric," shoured Zak. "You're brilliam!" There were no books abour the music business in my local library.
Bill explained that he srill played guitar ar home, but ir was just for \Xlhynor? Because I had borrowed ali of rhem! We srill had a few weeks
fun. He used to play in a couple of bands, bur he wasn'r interesred in befare our appearance on Talent Tonightand I wanted to get maximum
that any more. "I gave ir up a long time ago," he said. publiciry. This was sornething I'd learned from rhe books.
Zalc didn't understand, "\Xlhy did you give ir up? You're fantasric! Anorher thing I'd learned was rhat publiciry isn't always expensive.
You're brilliant! You could be a supersrar," In fact, if you are clever ir doesn't cost you anything.
Bill laughed when he said that. "Zak, listen mate," he smiled. Ar one of our group meerings, Tiffany's boyfriend said thar we
"There are thousands of brilliant guitar players our there. Ir dcesn'r should put an advertisernent in the local paper. Bur that would cost
matrer if I'm not famous. There will be lots of great bands withour money, and I'd already spenr mosr of my savings on our demo.
me." 1 wanted ro show him that my ideas were better than his, so I said I
Zak srill didn't understand, bur ir was time for him and Sreve to would send the newspaper a press release. The band looked impressed.
leave the srudio. Bill had ro get back ro work. I sounded like a proper manager.
I'd read rhat newspapers are always looking for a good story, so I
spoke ro a young reponer on che paper and emailed her our firsr press
release: ·

Local band on Tetent Tonight

Is this an overnight success story? In a few weeks' time a local unknown

band called The Bus Drivers could be the winners of Talent Tonight. The
contest has a first prize of a contract with a majar record company. All the
past winners of Talent Tonight are now majar pop stars with hit records.
The band has only been together far a few months. Their brilliant lead
singer is called Tiffany.
"We are a band that plays many difieren! styles of music," says Steve,
their bass player. "We have got something far everyone."

22 23

The band also includes Zak on guitar and his brother Tyler on drums. CHAPTER 13
This Friday, The Bus Drivers will be playing at Rory's Club, our town's
top venue for new bands and singers. Tickets go on sale today so don'!
miss your chance to see them befare they hit the big time!
The worst gig ever
I sent in a photo of the band with the press release because I know rhat Skim read the chapteronce.
newspaper editors like to have good photos with their stories. Thev will º Who is invited to the gig?
tell you rhat a picture is worrh a thousand words. , 0 What does Tiffany's boyfriend think the band
I was on my way to work a few days later, on rhe morning rhe srory should be called?
was published, when I had a text message frorn Zak saying: uiere in the º What is the one bit of good news?
Later we ali met at the studio. Steve wasn'r happy about his quote in
the arricle. "I never said that," he complained. I apologised far making We were lucky to get another gig ar Rory's Club after what had
ir up, but I thoughr ir sounded good. happened befare. I raid Rory about the press release and promised him
The newspaper liad prinred a fanrasric photo of Tiffany with the that rhere would be a lot more people coming to the club this time and
article, bur ir wasn't che picture of the band I had sent rhern, How did they would ali have to buy tickets, He decided to give us one more
they get that phoro of Tiffany? chance.
This gig was important. I asked anorher reponer from the same
local newspaper to write a review ofthe concert and she agreed. More.
publiciryl This reponer loved music and often wrote good reviews of
Ar the beginning of rhe gig I looked around the club. We were srill
the support act like last time, but rhere were more people than befare.
Rory carne on to rhe stage and said, "Ladies and genrlemen, please
welcome The Bus Drivers!" People cheered.
While 1 watched the band, I thought rhat we should change our
name soon. The Bus Drivers was not a name far a world-famous pop
group. Tiffany's boyfriend was standing i;iext to me while we watched
rhe band. 1 asked him if he liked the name and he said no. I wished I
hadrit mentioned ir. He said rhar 'Tiffany and rhe Bus Drivers' would
be a better name. Of course rhe orhers in the band would never agree
to that. Tiffany was not the most important person in rhe band, but
her boyfriend rhought she was.
We stopped talking about the name when there were problems on
srage, Every time the band was too loud, the electriciry suddenly
stopped. Now we couldn't hear rhern ar ali. 1 ran over to Rory, who
looked a bit angry. "Tellyour band to turn it clown."

24 25

He explained that bands ar his club were nor allowed ro be roo CHAPTER 14
loud because of complainrs from neighbours. There was new equip-
menr that would switch off rhe elecrriciry on rhe srage if rhe music
was roo loud.
Talent Tonight
This was ridiculous. The elecrriciry carne on again and rhe band
srarted anorher song. But rhen when Zak played a loud guitar solo, ali Skim read the chapteronce.
the elecrriciry on stage stopped again. Zak was furious. So was Rory.
º Why is John so nervous?
This was rhe worst gig ever! 0 What did Louise not like about the band?
The band only played one more song. Ir was a sofr !ove song and
º Why was the band so happy?
because ir wasn'r loud, rhe audience heard rhe whole song for a change.
They clapped because Tiffany sang rhe song beaurifully. Her boyfriend
said to me, "They love Tiffany. Tiffany and rhe Bus Drivers." I hoped I didn't rhink we were ready for our appearance on Talent Tonight. I
he wouldn't say that to the band. rhoughr we needed more pracrice. I was so nervous and I wasn't even
I looked around the club for rhe reporrer, but I didn'r know whar performing.
she looked like. Perhaps she had a norebook with her. I was worried In rhe dressing room ar the TV srudio Steve was like the captain of
that she would give us a bad review. She couldn't really say rhar rhe a foorball ream befare a match. He raid the orhers they were ali great
band were good and rhe audience had loved rhem when rhe electriciry and that they really could win chis cornperition.
had stopped thern playing so many times, could she? Bur rhey didn'r look confident, Tyler sar quierly and so did Zalc,
The next band had no problems. I don't lmow why, bur for sorne which was very unusual. Tiffany held her boyfriend's hand so tighrly .
reason rhey didn'c have to use the new equipment ar rhe club and so rhat I joked that he would have to go on stage as well, but no one
their music didn'r stop when rhey were too loud. laughed.
For us, ir was a bad gig, bur rhere was one bit of good news. The Finally ir was our rurn. I went to sir in the audience with rhe family
reporter from the local newspaper hadn't come to rhe gig because she and friends of the band. When rhe Bus Drivers carne on stage, we ali
was too busy. She apologised when I phoned her the nexr day. She said stood up and shouted and cheered. The band played well and Tiffany
rhat she would wrire abour us when we appeared on Talent Tonight in looked fanrastic on the television screens in rhe studio. They only
two weeks' rime. played one song. Ir was all over so quickly.
Then carne the hard parr. Ir was rime for rhe rhree judges ro give
rheir opinions of rhe performance. If they liked rhe band, we could
come back for rhe next round. If rhey didn't like the band, we were out.
Ir was as simple as rhar.
As usual, Sandy was the easy judge. He said that he liked che name
'The Bus Drivers' because ir reminded him of a band from the l 970s.
They were called The Taxi Drivers. The audience laughed ar rhis, but
I didn'r undersrand why.
Sarah had a number of poinrs rhat she wanted ro malee and she was
quite positive. She said thar rhe band had a good sound and that
Tiffany was an excellenr singer. Her criticisrns were abour rhe band's

26 27

image. She thoughr that Tiffany was gorgeous, but thar the rest of rhe CHAPTER 15
band looked 'scruffy'.
Louise was much harder than thar. She thought that the band's
image was 'a joke'. She rurned to the audience and said, "Look ar thern
Back in the office
ladies and gendemen. This band has a princess for a singer, but the rest
of them look like animals in the zoo." Skim read the chapteronce.
The audience laughed. 0 Why is John late for work?
"Come on boys, you have to do something about your irnage. You're
º Who is he meeting?
a mess." She poinred to Steve. "Get a haircut and smile a bit more!" 0 When is the band's next gig?
The audience roared wirh laughter. Steve looked really ernbarrassed.
This show was on national television, Ir was awful for hirn.
Sarah then asked Tiffany her name. "Why don'r you call yourselves On Monday morning I was late for work again and my boss,
'Tiffany and the Bus Drivers'?" Sarah asked. Catherine, was not pleased. She called me inro her office fur a char,
Louise and Sandy liked this idea and so did rhe audience, who "[ohn, you never used to be late for work. You always used to come in
clapped with approval. And rhen I realised that we had got through. early. Is somerhing wrong?"
"See you in the next round," said Louise. I didn't want to tell her that I wanted to quit, Ir was a good job and
I mer the band backsrage, and everyone was delighted and relieved. she was a good boss, bur I had orher plans.
"I knew ir would be tough," said Steve. "That's pan of the show." "You always used to have ideas ar our meerings. Now you hardly say
But we needed to change sorne things if we were going to get any anything. You don't seem to be interested any more."
further in the comperition. Tiffany's boyfriend had made sorne notes, I was surprised thar she had noriced, but ir was true. I wasn't
but we could talle about rhern larer, It was time to celebrare. interested, although I wasn't going to say that.
"Oh no, Catherine, of course I'm inrerested. I'm sorry ... I had a
busy weekend."
I rold her all abour the band and that we had been on Talent
Catherine wasn't angry. She was a fair boss. Of course she wasn't
happy about me being late, but she said thar ir was healthy to have
interests outside of work. This was more than just 'interests', though;
this was my future. But I didn't say that to her.
Simon, my flatmare, rold the others at work abour the show. They
laughed that I was now 'a big manager', bur I didn'r mind. I liked their
jokes. After ali, they were just teasing and they were probably jealous.
They had boring nine to five jobs, but I now had an opportuniry to
work in the glamorous world of the music business.
While I sat ar rny desk, I rhoughr of nothing else but our chances on
Talent Tonight. \Xfe had agreed at the celebrarions ar Rory's Club that we
needed to get back there for another gig. Zak was becorning more and

28 29

more confident, perhaps roo confident. He said rhat we were going ro CHAPTER 16
be 'the grearesr band in the world' ... bur we needed more gigs.
Sreve rhoughr we mighr be able ro be rhe main band rhis rime. We
had played ar Rory's Club so many times as a support acr. Tiffany said
Renta crowd
norhing, but her boyfriend said rhat we had ro be rhe main band: "We
are nor beginners. We have jusr been on TV." Skim read the chapteronce.
I didn't like rhe way he said 'we' and nor 'you'. Whar did he have ro º Who is at the band's next gig?
do with ir? 0 How do they get to the gig?
I didn't want ro disappoint thern, so I rold rhem I would phone º What happens after the band has finished
Rory and insist that we were rhe headliners. The sign outside the club playing?
would say 'Tiffany and the Bus Drivers + supporr'.
I rang Rory from my office during my lunch break. Ir was noisy, bur
it sounded as though I was in a big enrertainrnent management The band needed fans. Even with an anide in the local paper, there
company. Perhaps Rory would be impressed. He did offer us a gig on weren'r many people at the last gig ar Rory's Club and most of thern
\V'ednesday night, but he laughed when I said that we wanted ro be the were our friends. But that was all right. Perhaps we just needed more
main acr. "You're joking, mate! Listen, if you don'r sell sorne more friends. A lot of my colleagues knew about the band now, so rnaybe rhe
tickers, this will be your last gig." answer was right here at the office!
Simon senr me an email from his desk next ro mine. H91, hou/s yo11r Ar lunch I asked Simon and sorne of my workmates if rhey were
band? ir said. That gave me an idea. inrerested in seeing the band after work on \Vednesday.
"That's a good idea," said Simon.
"Great!" said Fiona, anorher accountant. "Ir could be like a staff
But there was a problem. Rory's Club was a long way from where I
worked. How would everyone get rhere? They could rake a bus, bur
then 1 had a betrer idea - I would hire a coach.
Catherine agreed that I could put up a poster advertising the gig in
our office. She couldn't come, but she thoughr it was a good idea. She
even memioned ir ar our staff meeting. Suddenly everyone at work was
talking about ir.
On the poster ir said that rhe evening induded a chance to see rhe
stars of Talent Tonight, Tiffany and the Bus Drivers. The ticket
included a pizza at a restaurant near Rory's Club before the show. The
coach would pide everyone up on Wednesday ar 6 p.m. from the front
entrance of our office. We would arrive at the restaurant just before 7
p.m. After the mea! we would walk to rhe club (map included), watch
the gig and then the coach would ralee everyone back to the office.
The tickers were a bit expensive, but 1 sold ali fifty of thern very

30 31

quid<ly. And on the night everything went just as I'd planned. The CHAPTER ·¡7
owner of the pizza restaurant was delighted to have so many cusrorners,
and Rory was amazed thar so many people were coming ro see a
suppon acr. I didn'r tell him about the coach or rhar these people were On the way to the radio station
my work mares. I wanred him to rhink rhar we were jusr a popular
band with lors of fans. I was feeling very pleased thar my idea had Skim read the chapteronce.
worked so well.
Why is the band invited to be on a radio
The band played so much berrer wirh a crowd watching rhem. Sreve
carne to the front of rhe srage and moved like a rock star wirh his head
What is the name of the presenter?
clown and his long hair moving to rhe music. Bur Tiffany was the
o Why is the presenter angry with John?
centre of atrenrion, Wirh every gig she had become more confidenr
and was developing inro a Ianrastic performer.
Ar rhe end of rhe ser rhe band lefr the srage, bur rhe audience Ali week I had sent our press releases ro any kind of media I could think
wanted an encare. of I had conracted every newspaper, television and radio srarion and
· "More, more!" they shoured. The band rerurned and played rwo website that I rhoughr might be interested in an inrerview with the
more songs. This was great. Ir was rhe first time the band had played band, I rhought that maybe I was wasting my time, but on Thursday
an encare and the atmosphere was brillianr. morning I heard from a producer of a weekend pop programme on a
Then suddenly ir was time for ali my work mares ro leave the club local radio station, She was very enthusiastic. They were doing a show
and get back on the coach. I waved thern off. "Thanks for coming. See abour new bands.
you rornorrow," The presenrer of rhe programme was called Hamlet. I'rn sure that
I felt sorry for rhe main band because suddenly there was hardly any wasn't bis real narne, bur he began each show wirh Shakespeare's
audience lefr in Rory's Club. Bur for once Rory was irnpressed with us famous words, "To be or not ro be!"
and also remarked that our fans were very well dressed. "Sorne of thern I had never heard Harnlet's show before. Ir was on in the middle of
were wearing ries." rhe afrernoon when rhere weren't many listeners. He had been a very
I didn't say anyrhing. popular DJ many years ago, and he probably still thought he was a star.
Apparently, he was very difficult to work with.
The radio station wanted us ro come in and do rhe interview on
Sarurday, so I drove Steve, Zalc and Tiffany (with her boyfriend of
course) to rhe radio station. I had a very small car so ir was a bit of
a squeeze. On rhe radio Hamler had just started recording his show.
"To be or not to beeeee! Helio everybody, and welcome. I'm
Harnlet of course and I know you are going to !ove my show today,
Joining me in rhe studio later will be a new band called Tiffany and
the Bus Drivers. They're great and I'm sure they are going to be the
next big rhing. Sray tuned for that, Yeah, ro be or nor ro beeeee!"
\Vhile Hamler played a record on his show, Zak was imitaring him
in the car on rhe way to rhe starion. "Yeah! 'To be or nor to beeeee!"'


We were all in a good mood. CHAPTER 18

In one of my library books about the media there was a secrion
about inrerviews. Apparenrly, it's a good idea ro give the interviewer a
list of questions ro ask you. The inrerviewer doesn't have to use these
Hamlet and us
questions, bur they are helpful if he or she hasn't had che time to do
any research abour you. If you give the interviewer a list of questions Skim read the chapteronce.
anda list of answers, then rhe interview is very easy indeed.
º Who is nervous in the interview?
When we arrived ar rhe srarion, the producer of the show welcomed 0
What advice does the presenter give the
us. She got everyone a cup of tea and then rushed me inro the studio
to meet Hamlet while there was a song playing. \Y/e shook hands and
How does the band feel after the interview?
he smiled and asked me for a bit of background about the group. I
could see that he knew norhing about us, and so I showed him my list
of inrerview questions and answers. Sreve, Zak and Tiffany had been looking forward to the radio
Suddenly, his mood changed. He ripped up my page of questions inrerview. On rhe way to rhe station Tiffany had said that her whole
and shouted, "I don'e need rhis, I'm a professional! I know how to family were going to listen. But now she was nervous. \'V'hen che
inrerview people. Now get your band in here!" inrerview began, Harnler's mood changed again. He was all smiles with
Tiffany, but he looked bored when he spoke to Zak or Steve. I was glad
that no one could see thar, This was radio, nor TV.
The inrerview srarred rather badly. "So, Tiffany, how clid you decide.
on the name of your band?" Tiffany started to explain that ir wasn't her
idea, bur Hamler interrupted. "So, are you a bus driver, ha ha?"
Now Tiffany was ernbarrassed and cerrainly didn't think the
quesrion was funny. She answered with one word, "No."
A Íot more one-word answers followed.
Hamlet asked, "Is anyone in the band a bus driver?"
"No," said Tiffany.
"Well, Tiffany, would you like to be a bus driver?"
"No," said Tiffany, and the others laughed nervously.
Harnlet was having problems with this interview, My book from rhe
library said thar you should never ask a question that can have a 'yes'
or 'no' answer. If you want to get longer answers, ir is betrer to ask
'how' or 'why' questions. Hamler obviously hadn't read that book.
Then he turned to Zak and Steve. "Well, boys, why are you called
The Bus Drivers?" A 'why' quesrion ar Iast, but these questions were
getting boring.
Zak wanred to ralk. "Well, we rhought the name was cool. Bus
drivers are cool." This interview was getting worse and worse.

34 35

Steve finally spoke. "The name isn'r irnporrant really. We're a new CHAPTER 19
band and it's the music rhat's irnportant to us."
Zak agreed. "Yeah, yeah, the musid Rock on!"
Ir wasn't a great answer, but ir was getting better , .. and rhen
The point of no return
disaster. Harnlet wanted to show that he knew a lot about pop music.
"Hey, I have an idea for your band. There's a TV show on every Skim read the chapteronce.
Sarurday nighr. Ir's a conrest, It's called Talent Timight. You should try o Why does John have a meeting with
to get on rhat show." Catherine?
There was silence. Sreve, Zak and Tiffany looked shocked. "Bur we o What is her opinion of John's plans?
are aiready on Talent Tonight," said Tiffany. "We were on the show last º Why is there an office party?
Samrday nighr. Didn't you see ir?"
Harnler obviously hadn'r seen the show and didn't know anything
about the band, bur he tried to hide ir. "Of course I knew you were on On Monday morning I jumped out of bed. I was really looking
Talent Tonight. Of course, of course, of course. Fantasticl What a great forward to going to work. "I cant wait to get into the office!" I told
band everyone, thanks for coming in to be with me today, And Simon. Was I crazy?
rernernber ... to be or not to beeeee! Ha ha." I had a meeting with Catherine. I had sent her an email asking for
And thar was the end of rhe interview. The producer was less the meeting, but didn't say why I wanted to see her. She probably
friendly when we Ieft. Perhaps that's normal after an interview because thoughr that I wanred to complain about something. Perhaps I had too
they have got what they want and don't need you any more. much work. Perhaps the work was too difficult. Perhaps I wasn't
Ir was abad interview, bur ir wasn't our fault- it was Hamlet's fault. making enough money. Catherine always joked when people at the
He was a terrible interviewer! Ir didn't really matter. We were pleased office complained about work. She told thern, "\Vell, ir's berrer than
that we had done our first radio interview and gor some publicity, and working in a superrnarketl"
we were ali keen to do some more interviews as soon as possible. \Ve I sat clown with Catherine and gave her an envelope. "What's this?"
drove back in a good mood and feeling positive. she said. I felt a bit self-conscious suddenly.
"Well, Catherine, I've got sorne news. I want to hand in my notice.
This is my lerter of resignation."
She looked surprised. "I didn't know that you were unhappy ar
work, John. It's not a bad job. And ir's better than working ar a ... "
I jumped in quickly and stopped her from saying her usual jalee.
"No, Catherine, it's not a bad job. Ir's nor bad ar ali. It's just that my
furure is in the music business. I want to be the manager of a rock
band. That's my dream."
"That's fine," she said, "but you srill need a proper job, John." She
was starting to sound like my dad. "This rock band rhing is more of
an avocation, surely?"
I didn't really understand that word, but I guessed that she was
talking about an extra job ora hobby rather than a main one.

36 37

"How will you malee money?" Catherine asked. CHAPTER 20

I had thoughr about rhis already. I was sure I could work as a remp
wirh an accountancy agency. I could be a freelance accountanr. I was
sure I would find enough work if I needed ir.
A business meeting
I had ro give a month's notice, but Carherine said that I could leave -
on Friday because I had so much holiday to use up. Perhaps she Skim read the chapteronce.
thoughr that rhere was no poinr in malcing me sray. I had made up my º Why does the band have a meeting?
mind. 0 How much money does the band make?
On my last day ar rhe office I felt excired and nervous ali ar the same º Who says that Tiffany should make the
time. I had a spring in my srep. I didn'r do any work. What was the most money?
poinr anyway? l couldn't concentrare. I filled a box with the rhings
from my desk. Por a leaving presenr my colleagues had boughr me a
book abour rhe history of popular music, and they had all signed ir - Ar rhe next band pracrice I rold the others rhar we needed to talk about
'Good lude, john!', '\Ve'Il miss you', 'Keep on rocking, Johnny!' conrracrs and record deals, and about how we were going to make
There was a leaving do ar the office, and Catherine made a lovely money.
speech. She ralked about how I had worked hard and been an During the pracrice rhe band spenr a lor of rime working on rheir
importanr parr of the company. "john, we wish you ali rhe best wirh song for Talent Tonight. Tiffany's boyfriend sat in the comer as usual,
your new career and hope that you'Il come back and visir us." while the others played the song again and again ... and again.
I made a speech wirh sorne silly jokes rhar no one laughed ar, but ir Then ir was time far my meeting. We got sorne chairs and sat clown.
didn't marrer. This was my last day ar work and rhe beginning of my Tyler still sat at his drums and sometimes played thern for a fe.w
furure in rhe music business! momenrs while we were ralking. This was very annoying because I was
I sar chatting with rhe orhers about norhing unril 5 p.m. Ir was time rrying ro have a proper business meeting, bur ali drummers are like
to stop work and leave rhe office. I wenr rhrough the door carrying rhe rhis. People say that you need to be crazy to play the drums. Orhers say
box of stuff from my desk. On the way home I rhrew ir ali in a rubbish rhar playing the drums malees you crazy.
bin. I was never going back. They ali congratulared me far quirring my job. Steve laughed,
saying rhat he would quir his job too, excepr he didn't have one! And
so the meeting began with the first point on the agenda: money.
How much money had we rnade from rhe gigs we'd done? Nothing.
How much money had we made from · Talent Tonight? Nothing - zero.
We needed to find a way to malee money quickly, and I welcomed any
Zak said that ali we needed was a record deal. He thought we would
have no problem getting one if we did well on Talent Tonight. Then we
would be rich. Ir was as simple as that. Tyler hit his drums loudly.
"Tyler, stop it!" shoured Steve. He wanted to say something.
Steve said that first we needed a band contraer. We needed to decide
what percentage of our income each member would receive. "The

38 39

songwrirer gecs a royalty, bue how much will che musicians gec? I think CHAPTER 21
ir's important chac che royalties are shared equally. When someone
brings in a song, we ali add someching to ir."
I cried to use che phrase thar I lmew a lawyer would say, "I hear whar
The next round
you're saying." It's a useful phrase when you don't want to say
someching or don't know what to say. Skim read the chapteronce.
Steve hada point. A loe of successful bands share cheir songwriting
º Why is Ricky Anderson worried?
royalcies. They ali gec sorne money, which means chere is less jealousy.
º Who does not have blond hair?
No one is getting more than anyone else. These bands stay togecher.
º Who does not go through to the next round?
Suddenly Tiffany's boyfriend spoke. "Tiffany is che singer. I think
she should gec a bigger percencage." Who asked for his opinion? I
rhoughc. The ratings for Talent Tonight were not as good as they used to be.
Bue this time I had che perfect response. "Thank you for that. I hear Fewer people were watching ir, and che press didn'r seem very
what you're saying bue we all need to chink abouc that." interested ac ali. They wanced someching new and excicing. They
Ir was lace and we had to finish che meeting. Ir ended wich sorne wanted a big story.
acrion points. I had to find out more abouc contracrs and royalties. The show's producer, Ricky Anderson, was looking worried che
Everyone else had to chink abouc ways to make money. night we recurned to che show. "Can you guys be more excicing?" he
said. Whac did he mean? What did he want? "Jusc be more exciting,"
he said. .
When che band finally carne on stage, they looked great in their new
outfos. Zak and Tyler both now had blond hair like Tiffany. Steve was
... Sceve. He still had his scruffy brown hair. He didn't want to change
his appearance jusc for a TV show, bue he puc everyching into his
Tiffany was dancing and singing beaucifully, and she looked
amazing. The audience loved her. Sorne people scudy music ali their
lives and they are very good. Ochers have a natural talent that you can't
learn. Tiffany had that talent. She was going to be a scar.
While che band was playing, Sandy was smiling and moving to che
music and Sarah was making notes. Everyone was wacching Tiffany,
bue Louise was looking at Steve, She wasn't smiling.
Ar che end of che song che audience cheered and clapped loudly ...
as usual. And perhaps chac was che reason that che ratings for che show
were low. The programme was a bit prediccable.
Of course 1 didn'c think that ir was boring because chac was n~y band
on scage. I was really proud of chem.
As usual, Sandy only said nice rhings abouc che band. He said that

40 41

they were an excellenr band because they worked so hard ro improve, CHAPTER 22
and they should definirely go through to the next round.
Sarah agreed that they should go rhrough to the nexr round, bur she
wanted to see sorne improvernents, especiallywith Steve. Why didn't he
Are we a band?
have the same colour hair as rhe orhers? "Your image is as important as
your music, Steve." Skim read the chapter once.
The rules for Talent Tonight are different from those of other talent
o Who wants to change the band?
contests because all three judges must agree that a band or singer goes
º What does Tiffany say?
rhrough to the next round. If one judge doesnr agree, then the band is
o What does Steve do?
out. They must leave the cornpetition. It's as simple as that.
But no one expecred what carne nexr. Louise asked the band for
their names. The band seemed to be frozen on stage. Louise looked surprised that
"Tiffany, Zal(, Tyler, Steve." the audience was so angry. They shoured and booed. "No, no!"
Why did she do that? Louise paused for a moment, and then she But Louise didn't care. She turned to the audience and said,
said that she had made a decision. "Tiffany, Zak and Tyler, you are "Wirhout Steve, this is an excellent band, bur they need to find
through to the next round." someone else."
The audience cheered, but suddenly there was sorne confusion. Steve stood on the stage and said norhing. He didnr look angry. He
Sreve looked surprised. "You didn't say my narne." looked calm. The others in the band looked upset. Usually ir was
The audience was quier. Tiffany who srarted crying. But this time ir was the brorhers Zak and
Louise looked ar Steve and then said, "I'rn sorry, Sreve, but you're Tyler who were close to tears,
out. " Louise became harder than ever. She spoke to the band, but also
turned to the audience. "Listen, these are rhe rules: ali the judges must
azree that rhe band goes rhrough ro the next round. I want your band
t~ go rhrough, but if you want to be successful, then Steve can't be part
of your band."
Steve remained silenr, but Zak shouted, "Yes, he can! Wirhout
Sreve, there is no band. He started rhe band - he's the leader of the
band!" .
Louise started ro lose her parience. "Actually, I don't think thar there
is a band here. Ir's really just Tiffany and sorne rnusicians."
Sandy tried to inrerrupt. "That's a bit hard, Louise. These guys are
a rerrific band."
The audience cheered and clapped.
Now Louise looked really fed up. "Oh come on, Sandy, this is nota
band. This is not "The Bus Drivers'. This is not even 'Tiffany and rhe
Bus Drivers' - this is just 'Tiffany'. She is the reason that this band will
go rhrough to the next round. Bur not witli Steve. OK, let's ask Tiffany.

42 43

Do you want to stay in the contesr? Do you wanr to come back next CHAPTER 23
Ali the cameras poinred at Tiffany. There was total silence.
That nighr Tiffany had sung beaurifully wirh a powerful voice, but
Publicity at last?
suddenly she had no voice at ali. She almost whispered inro rhe
microphone, "Yes, I want to come back next rime." Skim read the chapter once.
Louise looked ar her and said, "Well, you can come back, and so can
Zak and Tyler, but not Steve." º Why is there more publicity?
0 Who wants Steve to leave the band?
This had never happened befare on Talent Tonight. In fact, I don't
º What does Steve do?
know if ir had ever happened in any talent show. Louise wanred rhe
band ro break up ... on television!
Sreve finally spoke. He rurned to Tiftany and said, "It's ali right, The newspapers loved chis story, We had never had so much publiciry.
sweetheart, donr worry. You and the guys go rhrough to rhe nexr Media interese in Talent Tonight went up overnight. Everyone was
round. You can get another bass player. It's easy. There are lors of guys talking about the show. The headline in the newspaper said: 'Tears for
out rhere." Tiffany'. She looked very sad in che phoros. The caption ran: 'Tiffany
Tiffany looked ar him for a mornenr and then did somerhing thar cries after lasr night's show.' Bur I couldn'r see any tears on her face. Ir
made me very proud of her. She rurned to Louise and spoke was jusc che newspapers making che story even more 'exciting'.
confidendy into rhe microphone again. "We are a band. We are called Two days afcer che show che story was even bigger. There were more
The Bus Drivers. We are sraying togerher." sad photos of Tiffany, who was now giving interviews, She rold rhe
The crowd cheered and clapped. newspapers that she wanted to win the contest, but ir wasn't fair rhat
Louise looked surprised, bue she said, "OK, Tiffany, bur you srill Sreve had to leave che band. "I don'r know what to do," she said. This
have time ro change your mind. I hope I'Il see you in the next round." was different from what she had said on Talent Tonight. Perhaps she
was changing her mind.
Tiffany's boyfriend appeared at every interview she did, and he was
more than happy to give his opinion. "I know ir's hard, bue I think that
Sreve should leave che band," he said. And the ncwspapers agreed with
him. They now had photos of a very scruffy Sreve with the headline
'Quir rhe band!'
Of course ir wasn't jusr Steve's decision. Zalc and Tyler had a lor to
lose too. We were really lucky to ger on Talent Tonight. Thousands of
bands had applied to be on the show. Were we really going to throw ali
that away?
Zak rang me late that night.
"[ohn, I ralked to Tyler and we agree. We should tell Sreve that he has
to go. I know ir's hard, bur we'll never have anocher chance like chis again."
Zak was righc, but I didn'c want to kick Steve out of rhe band. I
didn't want to tell him that he liad to go.

In che end I didn'r have ro. CHAPTER 24

Jusc afcer my conversarion with Zak, Sceve rang me. "[ohnny Boy,
I've goc sorne news for you. I'rn leaving the band."
I tried to act disappoinred. I asked him riot to do ir, bur inside I was
Tiffany is back!
relieved that I didn't have to malee the decision to throw hirn out of rhe
band. Skim read the chapteronce.
A scrong manager should have no problem making difficu!t º Why is Tiffany on the show without the
decisions. If you need to tell someone rhat they have to leave, it's band?
difficult, but that's business. That nighr I knew that I wasn't a scrong º How are they going to choose the new bass
manager. I would never be a scrong manager. I felt very guilry thar player?
Sreve had to leave the band. º How many people want to be in the band?
The following day I picked Steve up from the studio. He had been
helping Bill, che engineer, record sorne backing tracks. I was sure rhat
he was upsec about leaving che band, bur he kept smiling. Perhaps he
didn't want to malee me feel bad, but ir made me feel worse. The band was now chrough to the next round of Talent Tonight
I drove him home and when he got out of my car, he mrned to me because Steve had left, but they still needed a new bass player.
to say goodbye and said, "[ohnny Boy, see you at che top!" I was Of course, chey wouldn't be ready to play in the next programme,
pleased that he was still so optimisric, Did he still rhink that he could but Tiffany made a special appearance on the show to say that she
be a successful pop star ... or was he joking? Perhaps he knew that this would be back soon. The judges and che audience were ali very kind to
band had been his last chance, but as he walked away he said ir again, Tiffany. I didn't understand why they felc sorry for her. She didn't leave
"See you ac elte top.I" the band, ir was Steve.
Ricky Anderson, che producer, was delighted rhat Tiffany was back
on che programme for chis special appearance. Ratings had soared
since che argument about Steve leaving che band. This was more
publiciry and now che newspapers had another story, The headlines
said: 'Tiffany is back!' There were no more srories about Sreve. The
newspapers had already forgotten about him.
On che programme Tiffany announced that they were looking for a
new bass player and that people should send a photo and demo to
Talent Tí:might.
I remembered when I had my first band at college. We sornetimes
had audicions for new members. We used to put a small advere in a
local music magazine with che warning 'No time wasters'.
Lots of musicians used to come to those auditions back in college.
Each one had ten minutes to play sorne rnusic, and we called thern
back later if they passed the first audition. Ar che second audition chey
played more music, rhis time with che band, but we also tried to get to


know each person to see if we had the same ideas about music. CHAPTER 25
But an audition is always about more than just the music. Auditions
are a kind of interview, You have to see if the person who is applying
far the 'job' is like you. Do they have the same sense of humour? Will
A new role
you all be able to get along together? All of this is important because
you are going to spend a lot of time togerher. Your band is like a family. Skim read the chapter once.
Back in college we played a lot of gigs and ir was a big commitrnenr,
º Who pays the band now?
with ali the practices and the travelling. And of course nobody made º What is Tiffany's boyfriend's new job in the
any money. Bur ir was worth ir. It was great to be in a band.
Ir was depressing far the people who didn'r pass the audition. One º What is the band's new name?
guitarist even wrore a sad letter to me to ask far another chance. I
didn't undersrand why he cared so much. That first band of mine
didn't make any money, and we were never on TV.
When Tiffany made the announcement about finding a new bass I hardly saw the band rhe week befare the final show of Talent Tonight.
player, I don't think Talent Tonightwas ready far the number of people The producers rock thern away to a very expensive rehearsal srudio,
who conracred rhern, Thousands of people sent in a photo and ademo. The band was being paid far the first rime ... not by me, but by Rielo/
They ali wanted to be on the show. Each one of thern believed that Anderson's production company.
they had a chance. I felr quite sorry far thern ali. The new bass player looked fantastic, and he had the same blond
There was no need far the new member of the band to be a really hair as the rest of the band. I didn't know if he was a good bass player
good bass player. A professional studio musician could help play the or not. I didn't hear him play befare the final show, and there was no
music. But the new member had to look good on stage. It was ali abour time far a gig ar Rory's Club.
image - just as Sarah always said on Talent Tonight. My role was changing. There were now other people organising rhe
I rang Ricky Anderson about the auditions far the new bass player. band, people wirh a lot more experience. There was nothing really far
"You don't need to worry about thar, John. We'll find the righr person me to do any more.
far rhis. Tiffany will be helping as well." I wasnt surprised when he said Ricky Anderson had asked me to think abour a strategy far the band
rhat, but I wasn't very happy about it. and presenr sorne of my ideas ar the meeting with the production
company, but 1 think he just wanred me to stay out of the way. I did
write sorne rhings clown, but we neyer had that meeting. Everything
was changing so quicldy.
Tiffany hada publicist now and the newspapers and magazines were
full of features and gossip about her: 'Tiffany and her secrets', 'Tiffany
goes shopping with her mum - what did rhey huy?', 'Tiffany and !ove
- Tiffany's boyfriend gives an exclusive interview'.
Tiffany's boyfriend also had a new role in rhe band. Tiffany said that he
was now their 'Execurive Manager'. I'rn not sure what he did, but the
name made him sound very important. I think they gave him the new role
to keep him happy and because they wanted him to stay out of the way.

48 49

The bands for the final prograrnme arrived at the relevision srudio CHAPTER 26
in limousines, but I travelled separarely, There were securiry guards at
the srage door and lots of fans behind barriers.
Every rime someone carne near the stage door, rhe fans screarned
The competition
and shoured at rhern. I had a pass for the stage door and when I was
going inside, fans asked me for my aurograph. They didn't know who Skim read the chapteronce.
I _was, but perhaps I was famous. However, the fans did recognise º How do people vote for the winner?
T1ffany. They were shouring her narne when she arrived and so were º How does the television station make money?
the photographers. They all wamed the best photo for tomorrow º Why does the audience have to clap quickly?
morning's newspapers.
The band arrived with Tiffany but stayed behind her. There was no
interest in thern or rhe new guy who was playing bass. And they were Umil this final programme only the judges decided which bands went
no longer called 'The Bus Drivers' or 'Tiffany and rhe Bus Drivers' - through to the next round, but for the final show it was different. TV
just 'Tiffany'. . viewers voted for which band they wanted to win.
Tonight there were two other acts performing as well. Tiffany still The previous shows had ali been recorded earlier in the day, bur the
had a long way to go befare she could be the winner of Talent Tonight. final show was live. The judges gave their opinions as usual after each
performance, but viewers voted by relephone for their favourire near
the end of rhe programme. The band with the most votes from viewers
was the winner.
These telephone calls were more expensive than normal. Part of rhe
price of the call went directly to the television srarion to pay for the
show, so ir was important rhat lors of people phoned in. But rhere was
no need for the producers of the show to worry about ratings this time.
The inrerest in the programme was fantastic because of the publiciry
about Tiffany.
There were two other acrs on the show. These were a band called the
Guitar Boys anda young singer called Ginger. They had lots of support
from their families and friends in the audience like we did. As usual,
there were people in the audience holding up signs. One of thern said:
'We love you Tiffany.'
The armosphere in the TV studio was famasric. One reason for this
was the warm-up act. He was a comedian who made the audience laugh
to creare an exciting atmosphere at rhe very beginning of the show.
He even taught us how to clap properly. He told us that if we
clapped very fast, we would sound like a much bigger audience. And
so we practised clapping very quickly and he was right. We sounded
like a huge audience.

50 51


In fronr of the stage, there were people wirh signs thar said 'CLAP' CHAPTER 27
and 'LAUGH'. l'm sure that no one needed these instructions, bur the
producers of the show were nor taking any chances. We practised sorne
more. They held up the LAUGH sign and everybody laughed. They
The final show
held up the CLAP sign and everybody clapped. We were ready.
The cameramen were in the right place, and the relevision monitors Skim read the chapteronce.
showed the make-up people doing lasr-rninute work on Sandy's face.
0 Who is first on stage?
He loved the artention,
º How does Tiffany's performance go?
At last the show was about to begin. The floor manager did a
0 Do the judges like Titfany?
countdown with the fingers of one of his hands: "Five, four, three" (for
the last two numbers he only used his hand to show rwo and one).
Then we heard an announcer say, "Good evening everyone and \Vhile I was sirring in the studio, I thought about Steve, I wondered if
welcome to Talent Toníght!" We all clapped ... very quickly. he was warching the programme at home. 1 hoped that he wasn't. 1
wamed him to be down at Rory's Club watching an unknown band.
The rhree judges didn't say much in this final show. They made
comments, bue the viewers had probably already made up rheir minds
before they watched the programme.
The show was in rwo parts rhat evening. In the first part rhe acts
would perform their song, and then there would be an hour-long break
with plenty of advertisernents and a quiz show. During this time
people would phone in with their votes. Finally, ali the acts would
come back on stage to hear who had won.
The first act was The Guitar Boys. Srrangely, none of rhem played
the guitar, but they were fantastic dancers. Each of thern took turns to
come to the front of the stage to sing their part. Girls in the audience
screamed with appreciation. When they had finished their song, The
Guitar Boys ali bowed together and waved to the audience.
The Guitar Boys didn'r have a chance because their performance
was next to Tiffany's. You could hardly see rhe orhers in the band. Tyler
and Zak and rhe new bass player were ar the back of rhe srage. Ar the
end of their song a single spotlight was on Tiffany. 1 had always
thought she was a fanrastic singer, but that night she was absolutely
brillianr. The judges looked ar each other and smiled - they had
nothing to say. What could you say after a performance like that?
The last act on srage was Ginger. He was called chis because he had
red hair and he was so cure. Ginger only looked abour ten years old,
although he was probably older than he looked. He was very ralented

52 53

and had obviously been to a stage school. He probably had to CHAPTER 28

practise and practise when all he really wanted to do was play
football with his friends.
And that night Ginger was very nervous. He looked cure on stage And the winner is
with his adorable smile, but in the middle of his song he forgot the
words. Suddenly he looked like he was going to cry. Skim read the chapteronce.
Sandy stood up from his chair and said, "Stop the musid" The TV
Who wins the contest?
band stopped playing. He went over to Ginger in rhe middle of the
Where does John go after the show?
stage and gave him a hug. "Don't worry, Ginger. You're doing fine. Do
you want to finish the song?"
What does Tiffany's boyfriend say?

In a quier voice Ginger bravely said, "Yes." The audience cheered

and cheered. Afier the break, ali the acts carne on to the srage with the winner oflast
Ginger finished his song and looked a bit sad, bue finally he smiled year's Talent Tonightcompetition. She was now a big star and was there
at everyone. Of course he was smiling. He knew he had just won the to announce the new winner.
con test. "Ladies and gemlemen, I am so pleased to be here tonight. Haven't
these acts been fantascic?" \X!e all clapped. "Unfortunately, there can
only be one winner and I don't want to keep you waiting. I have che
results of che viewers' relephone votes. They are in this envelope."
She laughed nervously because she had difficulty opening the
envelope. She finally took out a piece of paper. "And che winner is ...
Ginger screamed and the other bands on the stage smiled and
clapped. They ali carne over to congratulare him and give him a hug,
including Tiffany. Larer she told che audience thar she was
disappointed that she had lost rhe cornperition, but thar Ginger
deserved to win. \Vasshe serious?
At rhe end of the show, ali the contestants and judges stood on the
stage and smiled as Ginger sang his song one more time. Then we ali
clapped. The show was over, and the audience starred to leave che
studio, I went backscage to see rhe band.
Tiffany sat quietly in a comer with her head in her hands. She was
exhausted. The new bass player had gone home, but Tyler and Zalc
were arguing about the show. Tyler said that Zak had made sorne
mistakes during their song and that's why they had lost.
Zak was very angry. "That's a lie." Zak rurned to me. "[ohnny, why
do you think we losr?" Before I could answer, he gave his opinion. "I
think that rhe voting was fixed. There is no way that we got fewer votes

than chat kid, Ginger. The producers of rhis show are a bunch of CHAPTER 29
I wanred to keep things calm. "I'Il tell you why we lost, Zak. Ir
wasn't about music, bue that kid Ginger was very cure. I know he made
A chance meeting
a mistake with his song, but che viewers loved that. People voted for
him because rhey thoughr that he was adorable. That's why he won. Skim read the chapteronce.
Bue hey, it's not all over yet." 0
Where does Johnny see Steve?
I began to tell che band about my plans for getting a recording 0
What does Steve look like?
contraer, bue Tiffany's boyfriend interrupred me. "I would like to say 0
What is John's job now?
something here. I have sorne news. I am not happy about rhe direction
chis band is going in and rhink ir would be best if Tiffany lea ves rhe
band." A few rnonths after che band split up, I was in a queue at che
Tiffany looked guilty. superrnarket when I had a big surprise. The person standing next to me
"I have decided to become Tiffany's personal manager." They borh looked familiar. He turned around and called out my name. "Hey,
got up and lefr. Johnny Boy!"
I never saw them again, and I sornetimes wonder what happened to It was Steve. I hadn'r seen him for overa year, but he looked just the
Tiffany. She was one of those people in my life who just seemed to same - che same scruffy haircut, che same scruffy clorhes. But he was
disappear. And so thar was che end of it, After the show I drove Zalc different in other ways. I didn't remember him smiling so much. In
and Tyler home. The next day 1 phoned Catherine ar my old office. I fact, Steve had hardly ever smiled when I knew him. He was always
wanred to come in to see her. complaining.
With our groceries we went to a local café to talle abour the band
and what we were both doing. He knew thar che band had splir up, but
he didn'r say anything about thar, Perhaps he wasn't surprised. Perhaps
he was srill angry inside about che way thar he had been kicked out.
Thac was terrible and 1 felc guilty about ir.
We were sure we were going to be big. We were so confidem that
we didn't need someone like Steve. He was always loolcing ar what was
wrong with rhe band instead of what was right. Bue I still felc guilty
when I was talking about him.
Steve wanred to change the subject. Since I last saw him, he had
joined another band. They were a professional band that perforrned
cover versions and played ac parties with a DJ. "I'll tell you one rhing,
Johnny Boy, I've made more money from rhar band in one week rhan
I ever made wirh our band." He laughed and laughed, bue ir was a
kind laugh.
I rold Steve rhar I had kind of given up the music business. 1 was
lucky that my boss had given me my job back, When 1 returned to the

56 57

office, norhing had changed and, ar firsr, rhat was a problem. I was
embarrassed that I had not been successful, but ir didn't rake long to
settle back in again with everyone.
I still went to gigs, bur I wasn't inrerested in managing another
band. Perhaps I would do it again one day. You never know,
Steve and I agreed to rneet up sorne time, but I had the feeling thar
we probably wouldn't see each other again. \Y/e said our goodbyes, and
Chapter 1 Ladies and gentlemen
I started walking back rowards my apartment. Bur then I heard Steve Have you ever had a dream about being on stage?
shouring ar me from far away down the street. Do you think John wishes he had tried to become a rock star?
"[ohnny Boy! Johnny Boy!"
What did he want?
Chapter 2 Pay to play
"Johnny Boy! I forgot to say this ... See you ar the top!" He was \Y/hat do you think of the name 'The Bus Drivers'? Are names of bands
laughing as he walked away. So was l.
Why do you think that John lied to the band?

Chapter 3 Making a demo

Everyone in the band wanrs to be a pop star, excepr Sreve. How does
he feel?
Whar song would you choose for the demo?

Chapter 4 In the recording studio

How will John pay far the cosrs of rhe demo?
In what ways is John being a good and bad manager of the band?

Chapter 5 The judges

How would you describe rhe characters of each of the judges?
Why is ir important 'research' to watch the show?

Chapter 6 You're rubbish!

Why did Sarah like rhe band The Tea Cups?
Louise is very rude to the band. Whar would you say to che band to be
more polire?

Chapter 7 Back to the studio

How is recording a song different today frorn fifry years ago?
Why do you think John is worried about Tiffany's boyfriend?

58 59
Superstar Questions

Chapter 8 Waiting far a decision Chapter 16 Rent a crowd

Why are staff meetings useful? Whar is john's idea for gerring a big audience for his band?
Why does John wanr to quit his job? Can you think of any other ideas to malee his band more popular?

Chapter 9 Watching Talent Tonight Chapter 17 On the way to the radio station
Whar does Zak say abour gening paid to be on Talent Tonight? Why does rhe DJ say "To be or nor to beeeeeee"?
Do you think bands should be paid more to be on shows like this? Why does rhe DJ ger angry wirh John? Whar should John have done?
Whar would you have done?
Chapter 1 O Music business
Ricky Anderson is late for rhe meeting. Why didn't he apologise? Chapter 18 Hamlet and us
Do you think rhat John was righr to sign rhe contraer? Would you have What is rhe problern with Harnler's questions?
signed ir? If you were rhe DJ, what quesrions would you have asked rhe band?

Chapter 11 1 want to be famous Chapter 19 The point of no return

Why do you rhink Sreve and Zak want to be in a band? Do rhey have How will Johnny make money after he quits his job?
different reasons? What advice would you give to a friend who wanrs to quit his or her
Bill is a brilliant guirarisr. Why isn't he in a band any more? job?

Chapter 12 Read all about it Chapter 20 A business meeting

Why is an arride in a newspaper berrer rhan an advertisernent? The band mighr share rheir money from royalries equally. \Vhy isn't
Who do you rhink sent the photo of Tiffany to the newspaper? Tiffany's boyfriend happy about this?
If rhis were your band, how would you share the money?
Chapter 13 The worst gig ever
Whar happened when rhe band were too loud? Chapter 21 The next round
The reponer wasn'r ar the gig. Do you agree with John that rhis was Are the band rhrough to the nexr round?
good news for rhe band? What does Louise want thern to do? Do you agree with her?

Chapter 14 Talent Tonight Chapter 22 Are we a band?

Everyone was nervous before the show. \Vhar advice would you have \Vhy is John proud of Tiffany?
given rhem? Do you think the rarings will go up or down after this show? \Vhy?
What should the band do before the nexr show?
Chapter 23 Publicity at last?
Chapter 15 Back in the office \Vhy were the newspapers inrerested in rhis srory?
How has John changed? What does his boss say? Do you agree with \Vhy does Steve finally decide to leave the band? Would you have done
her? rhe same?
Why doesn't Rory allow the band to be rhe main act?

60 61

Chapter 24 Tiffany is back !

Why does the writing say that being in a band is like being in a family?
Do you agree?
What do you rhink they should be looking for in the new bass player?
Chapter 25 A new role Chapter 1 Chapter 4
accountant book (v)
How have things changed far Tiffany since appearing on Talent
Tonight? audience engineer
brilliant equipment
How has john's role in the band changed? \Vhat would you do if you
caneen furure
were John?
crazy honest
g1g m1x
Chapter 26 The competition professional
play (v)
Who are the two other acts in the final programme? savings
What qualities do they have that could malee rhern the winners? studio
record deal
spotlight text (v)
Chapter 27 The final show van
\Vhy did Ginger stop singing bis song?
Why does John rhink that Ginger knows that he is the winner? Do
Chapter 2 Chapter 5
you agree? advertisernent
cheer (v)
Chapter 28 And the winner is ... cornpetition
Why do you think the winner got so many votes? contesrant
What do you think has happened to Tiffany and her boyfriend? discuss
good looking
Chapter 29 A chance meeting judges
talent nasty
Does Steve seem happy? Why?
tight opinion
Do you think thar John will ever go back to the music business? What
throw out performance
should he do nexr time?
Chapter 3 research
audition rubbish
bass viewer
record (v)
62 63
Superstar Word list

Chapter 6 Chapter 9 Chapter 12 Chapter 15

chance aparrment appearance chat
disappointed duo con test confident
g1ve up famous email (v) glamorous
1mage final hit impressed
nervous losers local mrerest
obvious press release jealous
Chapter 7 recording contraer publicity main act
complica red ridiculous quote quit (v)
discussion teenage record tease (v)
forrune reponer
mistake Chapter 1 O unknown Chapter 16
parr complicared arride
proud fee Chapter 13 coach
redo lawyer electriciry delighted
ralee mobile phone loud encare
vocals mutrer lucky hire (v)
shocked neighbour mate
Chapter 8 sound (v) review poster
apologise turn clown set
celebrare Chapter 11 world-famous ne
complaint clap (v) wave off
contra et crooks Chapter 14 well dressed
copy famous confident
fed up hairstyle crrncisrn Chapter 17
imparient insult dressing room background
producrion company rip-off embarrassed DJ
recording positive enrhusiastic
sign (v) round interview
staff screen media
stationery scruffy mood
turn np up
waste (v)

64 65
- -
Superstar Word llst
Chapter 18 Chapter 21 1 Chapter 24 Chapter 27
bored amazmg announcement appreciation
certainly confusion apply for bow (v)
cool decision back break
disaster 1mprove sorry comments
Iault notes musieran cure
get better Out pass (v) hug
shocked ourfit soared
silence predictable studio
smile ratings Chapter 28
story Chapter 25 adorable
Chapter 19 act backstage
en velo pe Chapter 22 barriers deserve
freelance boo (v) exclusive disappear
handin come back organise exhausted
hobby confidemly publicist fixed
leaving do frozen rehearsal guilry
notice interrupt role results
present rules securiry guard serious
res1gnanon surprised stage <loor
superrnarker tears strategy Chapter 29
temp(orary) turned cover versions
voice Chapter 26 familiar
Chapter 20 announcer queue
agenda Chapter 23 countdown split up
annoymg business floor manager
congratulare fair instructions
mcome leave (v) rnake-up
jealousy optimistic monitor
percentage upset sign
royal ti es support
vote (v)

66 67

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