NBC Chapter 3 Summarised
NBC Chapter 3 Summarised
NBC Chapter 3 Summarised
Landuse Legend
Residential Recreational
Commercial Tranportation and Communication
Industry Primary Activities
PSP Protective zones (water bodies,eco sensitive)
Mix Use Special (Old built,govt restricted)
The approach to building and open spaces on all its sides shall
be not less than 6 m in width, and a turning radius of minimum 9
m shall be provided for fire tender movement- hard surface
capable of taking the mass of fire tender.
The layout for fire tender open space around shall be free of
obstructions and motorable,it shall not be used for parking.
The main entrance to the plot shall not measure less than 6 m.
When used for parking, one WC, two urinals and two washbasins for
every 500 cars with One accessible toilet near the accessible
parking and a driver’s restroom in case of non residential
Podium provided with car lift shall not exceed 9.0 m above ground
Podium Ramp
LMV :One way ramp-clear width- minimum 3.0 m and two way ramp-
clear width -minimum 6.0m
LCV :One way ramp-clear width- minimum 4.5 m and two way ramp-
clear width -minimum 9.0m
HMV :One way ramp-clear width- minimum 6 m and two way ramp-
clear width -minimum 12m
Turning Radius 4.5m
Slope max-1:8
50 percent of the open spaces required around buildings can be
utilized for parking or loading or unloading spaces, provided a
minimum distance of 3.6 m around the building is kept free from
any parking etc.
The height of all rooms for human habitation shall not be less
than 2.75 m measured from the surface of the floor to the lowest
point of the ceiling (bottom of slab)
The basements can be permitted below the ground and beyond the
building lines at ground level subject to a clear minimum front
margin of 4.5 m and side and rear margins of 3 m