Caesar Cornell Note Packet 1
Caesar Cornell Note Packet 1
Caesar Cornell Note Packet 1
Act Isl
Act 1.3 {q
LinesH562: What qualities does Cassius says he is ambitious, he is not afraid when he takes action. I
Cassius reveal about himself and his think this behavior is foolish, since fear is the factor that people need in
behavior during the storm? Do you find order to survive. Although it might seem honorable, his actions could lead
his behavior admirable or foolish?
to his demise.
Lines 89-99: Paraphrase how Cassius Cassius states that he would rather have himself killed than act as a
responds to the news that Caesar will be slave to Caesar.
crowned king the next day.
William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar
Lines ID - I q. What is Brutus saying Brutus is saying that Julius Caesar has to die.
Lines 29—8 What is Brutus saying Brutus is saying that Caesar might become corrupted with his
here? Prevent...
power and cold those who helped him achieve his greatness.
Lines 46-58. Why does Brutus interpret Brutus sees this letter as a call to action and believes he must help
the letter in this way? Rome.
Lines 86-94 Why does Cassius speak to Cassius tries to let Brutus realize how important he is to the people of
Brutus in this flattering way? What does Rome. He tries to sway Brutus to take the throne.
Cassius hope to achieve?
William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar
Line 114-115. Why does Brutus not Brutus does not want to swear an oath because he trusts the
want to swear an oath?
conspirators, he doesn't need a promise to trust them.
Lines 126-128* What is Brutus stating Oaths are for people with weak motives, and their cause is strong.
Cassius, in line 161,says, "Let Antony Brutus refuses, he says that it will make their cause too bloody.
and Caesar fall together." What is
Brutus' response to this comment?
Lines 172-183. Why is it important to They want the people to view Brutus fit as the new ruler, if
Brutus that Caesar be killed "boldly, but
they kill Caesar wrathfully they will view them as ambitious,
not wrathfully"?
Which makes them seem as hypocrites.
Lines 202-208 What is Decius' role in Decius will make sure the Caesar makes it into the capitol the next day.
the conspiracy?
William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar
Lines 209-21 L What is Decius saying Decius is saying that he can flatter Caesar humorously.
here? Why "let him work"?
Lines 245 251. Translate these lines You don't suffer from the fantasies that draws the attention
into modern English. of all men. That is why you sleep so well.
Lines 257-293. Does Portia believe Portia does not believe Brutus' explanation, she thinks that he as a
Brutus' explanation? What does she bad offense in mind.
think is wrong with him?
Lines 303-304. What do Brutus' words Although Brutus has malicious intent for Caesar, he still cares and
reveal about his character? loves for his wife.
Act 2.2
Lines 17-26: What is the significance of These events are bat omens that point towards Caesar's
these events based on their connection to demise.
the events that frightened Casca in Act
Line 32-33: What does Caesar mean Cowards lost their honor by acting cowardly, which Caesar
when he says that "cowards die many is saying is death.
times before their death"?
Before Decius enters the room, what has Before Decius enters the room Calpurnia has already
Calpurnia convinced Caesar to do? convinced Caesar not to go to the Senate.
Why does Caesar change his mind and Caesar changes his mind because Decius convinces him the
not let Decius give illness as a reason for
bad omen Calpurnia stated was actually a positive thing.
him to not go to the Senate House'?
Caesar does not let Decius give illness as an excuse because
he does not want to seem like a liar.
What is Decius motive for interpreting Decius tries to interpret the dream in a positive way because
Caesar's dream in a positive way? On he wants to help assassinate Caesar. He needs Caesar to go
what need of Caesarts is he playing O
to the Senate to be killed.
William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar
Lines 92-96: What is Decius saying Decius is saying that if Caesar decides not to go, they
here? What two things is he playing on?
might change their minds and not give him the crown.
He is playing on Caesar's pride.
Lines 124-125: What does Trebonius Trebonius means that he himself will help kill Caesar, and
mean when he says "your best friends
Caesar's loved ones will wish he didn't stay so close.
shall wish I had been further"?
Act 2.3
What does Artemidorus have in his Artemidorus has a letter in his hands that warn Caesar about
hands? What does it say'? to Conspirators.
Lines I — 1K'. Who is he talking to here? Artemidorus is talking to himself and says he hopes
What does he say? Caesar gets the letter. He hopes he makes it through the
day safely.
Act 3.1
Lines 15 - 22: What are Brutus and They are nervous that Popillus will reveal their plans to
Cassius nervous about? Caesar.
What is the conversation that takes place Cassius tells Brutus that if Caesar finds out about their
between the conspirators in lines 25-30?
plans, he will try and kill Cassius. If this happens Cassius
Put into your own words.
says he will kill himself.
Lines 35-48: Paraphrase what Caesar Caesar is telling Cimber that he does not need to bow,
states here.
and Caesar is not easily flattered.
trying to do? What is Caesars response The conspirators are all bowing to Caesar and praising him
to this?
before they stab him. Caesar is confused and thinks they
are begging and influencing him.
Lines 66-93 What does this speech Caesar sees himself as having a very stable and unmovable
reveal about Caesar? personality. He says they cannot influence him whatsoever.
William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar
Lines 125-129: Who are they comparing They are comparing him to Pompey, saying that he is as
and what are they' stating?
worthless as dust.
Lines 175-178: What does Brutus want Brutus wants to embrace Antony with brotherly love, and
here? What is Cassius' response to it? Cassius responds by saying his influence is strong.
What do Brutus and Cassius still Cassius disagrees with Brutus about Antony making a
disagree on in lines 231-23%? speech, Cassius believes it is dangerous.u
(Lines 12-34)
William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar
Act 4.1 ( •8
Act 4.3
Act 5.1
Act 5.3
Act 5.4