Time Table Fall 2024

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Monday 8:30-09:50 10:0011:20 11:30-12:50 01:00-02:20

BBA-I (A) MGT-321 Room-2 MGT-411 Room-3 QR-401 Room-2
Fundamentals of Accounting Principles of Management Quantitative Reasoning-I
Mr.Aleem Akhtar Dr. Sidra Akhter Dr.Haroon Rasheed
BBA-I (B) QR-401 Room-3 MGT-321 Room-2
MGT-411 Room-3
Quantitative Reasoning-I Fundamentals of Accounting
Principles of Management
Dr.Haroon Rasheed Mr.Aleem Akhtar
Dr. Sidra Akhter
BBA-I (C) QR-401 Room-4 MGT-321 Room-1
Quantitative Reasoning-I Fundamentals of Accounting
Dr.Haroon Rasheed Dr. Bushra Zulfqar
BBA-III (A) SSH-301 Room-5
MGT-452 Room-5
Civics and Community
Dr. M. Maroof Ajmal
Zakia Aslam(08:00-09:50)
BBA-III (B) MGT-452 Room-6
Dr. M. Maroof Ajmal

BBA-III (C) SSH-301 Room-7

Civic and Community
Zakia Aslam(10:00-11:50)

BBA-V (A) MGT-515 Room-7

MGT-525 Room-1 MGT-616 Room-3
Human Resource Management
Financial Management Dr.Zoya Khan
Mr. Waqas Aslam Total Quality Management
Dr. Bushra Zulfqar
BBA-V (B) MGT-525 Room-1 MGT-616 Lab-2 MGT-526 Room-2
Financial Management Total Quality Management Money and banking
Dr. Bushra Zulfqar Dr. Zoya Khan Dr.Kaleem Ullah

BBA-V (C) MGT-515 Room-8 MGT-616 Room-8

Human Resource Management Total Quality Management
Mr. Waqas Aslam Dr. Zoya Khan
BBA-VII (A) MGT-493 Room-9 MGT-644 Room-9
Business Research Method E-Commerce
Dr.Zia Rehman Dr.Shahzeb Khurshid
BBA-VII (B) MGT-644 Room-10 MGT-493 Room-10 TOQ-601 Room-12
E-Commerce Business Research Method Translation of Quran
Dr.Shahzeb Khurshid Dr.Zia Rehman Dr. Zakaria Makki

BBA-VII (C) MGT-493 Room-9 TOQ-601 Room-12 MGT-644 Room-4

Business Research Method Translation of Quran E-Commerce
Dr.Zia Rehman Dr. Zakaria Makki Dr.Shoaib Ashraf

BS(Commerce)V MGT-525 Room-7 MGT-535 Room-11 MGT-502 Lab-1

Financial Management Leadership and Community Principles of Auditing
Ms. Aarooj Kiran Development Dr. Sidra Shahzadi
Dr. Shuja Ilyas


BS(A&F)I TOQ-301 Room-4 SSH-302 (01:00-03:00)

Translation of Quran Ideology and Constitution of
Dr. Hifiz Rehman Pakistan
11:30:12:30 Dr. Zain Malik Room-12
BS(A&F)IIIA MGT-411 Room-4 MGT-599 Room-12
Principles of Management Financial Reporting
Dr. Sidra Akhter Ms.Saiqa Nazar

BS(A&F)VA MGT-502 Lab-1 MGT-426 Room-11

Principles of Auditing Business Law
Dr. Sidra Shahzadi Ms.Aarooj Kiran

BS(A&F)VB MGT-426 Room-6 MGT-535 Room-5

Business Law Leadership and Community
Ms.Aarooj Kiran Development
Dr. Shuja Ilyas
Tuesday 8:30-09:50 10:0011:20 11:30-12:50 01:00-02:20
BBA-I (A) MGT-321 Room-1 QR-401 Room-5
Fundamentals of Accounting Quantitative Reasoning-I
Mr.Aleem Akhtar Dr.Haroon Rasheed
BBA-I (B) MGT-321 Room-1 QR-401 Room-5
Fundamentals of Accounting Quantitative Reasoning-I
Mr.Aleem Akhtar Dr.Haroon Rasheed
BBA-I (C) QR-401 Room-5 IS-302 Room-3 TOQ-301 Room-12
Quantitative Reasoning-I Islamic Studies/Ethics Translation of Quran
Dr. Haroon Rasheed Mr. Muhammad Rizwan Muhammad Sufyan
10:00-11:50 (02:00-03:00)
BBA-III (A) CSC-100 Room-4 ECON-302 Lab-2
Application of Information and
Communication Technologies(ICT)
ntroduction to Microeconomics
Ms.Abira Batool Dr.Farida Faisal
BBA-III (B) SSH-301 Room-6
ECON-302 Lab-2 MGT-452 Room-6
Civic and Community
ntroduction to Microeconomics MARKETING MANAGEMENT
Dr.Farida Faisal Dr. M. Maroof Ajmal
Zakia Aslam(08:00-09:50)
BBA-III (C) MGT-452 Room-6 CSC-100 Room-4
Application of Information and
MARKETING MANAGEMENT Communication Technologies(ICT)
Dr. M. Maroof Ajmal Ms.Abira Batool
BBA-V (A) MGT-595 Room-7 MGT-526 Room-2 MGT-513 Room-7
Statistical Inference Money and banking Business Law
Mr.Yasir Mehmood Dr.Kaleem Ullah Ms. Anum Shafique
BBA-V (B) MGT-616 Room-2 MGT-513 Room-7 MGT-526 Room-2
Total Quality Management Business Law Money and banking
Dr. Zoya Khan Ms. Anum Shafique Dr.Kaleem Ullah
BBA-V (C) MGT-513 Room-10 MGT-595 Room-8 MGT-515 Room-8
Business Law Statistical Inference Human Resource Management
Ms. Anum Shafique Mr.Yasir Mehmood Mr. Waqas Aslam
BBA-VII (A) MGT-644 Room-3 MGT-638 Room-2 MGT-665 Room-1 MGT-665 Room-1
E-Commerce International Finance Service Marketing Service Marketing
Dr.Shahzeb Khurshid Dr. Kaleem Ullah Dr. Temoor Anjum Dr. Temoor Anjum
MGT-632 Room-10
MGT-696 Room-9 Investment & Security Analysis MGT-687 Room-3
Production Operations Dr.Shahzeb Khurshid Strategic Human Resource
Management Management
Mr. Osman Alvi MGT-683 Lab-2 Dr. Asif Zaheer
Human Resource Development
Dr. Shuja Ilys

BBA-VII (B) MGT-638 Room-2 MGT-665 Room-1 MGT-665 Room-1

International Finance Service Marketing Service Marketing
Dr. Kaleem Ullah Dr. Temoor Anjum Dr. Temoor Anjum
MGT-632 Room-10 MGT-687 Room-3
Investment & Security Analysis Strategic Human Resource
Dr.Shahzeb Khurshid Management
Dr. Asif Zaheer
MGT-683 Lab-2
Human Resource Development
Dr. Shuja Ilys

BBA-VII (C) MGT-665 Room-1 MGT-665 Room-1

Service Marketing Service Marketing
Dr. Temoor Anjum Dr. Temoor Anjum

MGT-683 Lab-2 MGT-632 Room-10

Human Resource Development Investment & Security Analysis
Dr. Shuja Ilys Dr.Shahzeb Khurshid

MGT-687 Room-3
Strategic Human Resource
Dr. Asif Zaheer
BS(Commerce)V MGT-535 Lab-1 MGT-426 Room-12 TOQ-501
Leadership and Community Business Law Translation of Quran
Development Ms.Aarooj Kiran Dr. Hifiz Rehman
Dr. Shuja Ilyas 02:00:03:00
BS(Commerce)VII MGT-696 Room-9 TOQ-601
Production Operations Translation of Quran
Management Muhammad Sufyan
Mr. Osman Alvi 03:00-04:00
BS(A&F)I MGT-321 Lab-1 QR-401 Room-11 NS-402 Room-5
Fundamentals of Accounting Quantitative Reasoning-I The Science of Global
Dr. Sidra Shahzadi Mr. Saleem Ahmad Challenges Ms. Alishba

BS(A&F)IIIA MGT-351 Room-11

Principles of Marketing
Dr. Zoya Khan

BS(A&F)VA MGT-426 Room-8 MGT-525 Room-10

Business Law Financial Management
Ms.Aarooj Kiran Ms. Saiqa Nazar

BS(A&F)VB MGT-596 Lab-2 MGT-515 Room-12 TOQ-501 Room-3

Forensic Accounting Human Resource Management Translation of Quran
Rai Basharat Ali Mr. Waqas Aslam Dr. Hifiz Rehman
Wednesday 8:30-09:50 10:0011:20 11:30-12:50 01:00-02:20
BBA-I (A) MGT-411 Room-3 IS-302 (10:00-11:50) Room-3
Principles of Management Islamic Studies/Ethics
Dr. Sidra Akhter Mr. Muhammad Rizwan
BBA-I (B) MGT-411 Room-4 ENG-301 Room-5 TOQ-301 Room-12
Principles of Management Functional English Translation of Quran
Dr. Sidra Akhter Dr.Shaheen Zaman Muhammad Sufyan
BBA-I (C) MGT-321 Room-1 MGT-411 Room-3 ENG-301 Room-1
Fundamentals of Accounting Principles of Management Functional English
Dr. Bushra Zulfqar Dr. Sidra Akhter Dr.Shaheen Zaman
BBA-III (A) MGT-452 Room-6 ECON-302 Lab-2
MARKETING ntroduction to Microeconomics MGT-617 Room-4
MANAGEMENT Dr.Farida Faisal Entrepreneurship
Dr. M. Maroof Ajmal Dr. Temoor Anjum

BBA-III (B) ECON-302 Lab-2 MGT-617 Room-4 TOQ-401 Room-12

ntroduction to Microeconomics Entrepreneurship Translation of Quran
Dr.Farida Faisal Dr. Temoor Anjum Muhammad Sufyan

BBA-III (C) MGT-617 Room-2 MGT-452 Room-6 ECON-302 Room-10

Entrepreneurship MARKETING MANAGEMENT Introduction to Microeconomics
Dr. Temoor Anjum Dr. M. Maroof Ajmal Ms. Fazeela Baloch
BBA-V (A) MGT-525 Room-1 MGT-526 Room-2 MGT-616 Room-7
Financial Management Money and banking Total Quality Management
Dr. Bushra Zulfqar Dr.Kaleem Ullah Dr.Zoya Khan
BBA-V (B) MGT-515 Room-5 MGT-595 Room-7 MGT-525 Room-1
Human Resource Management Statistical Inference Financial Management
Mr. Waqas Aslam Mr.Yasir Mehmood Dr. Bushra Zulfqar
BBA-V (C) MGT-595 Room-6 MGT-525 Room-8 MGT-526 Room-2
Statistical Inference Financial Management Money and banking
Mr.Yasir Mehmood Ms.Aarooj Kiran Dr.Kaleem Ullah
BS(Commerce)V MGT-428 Room-4 MGT-515 Room-10 MGT-426 Room-8
Advance Acounting Human Resource Management Business Law
Mr.Aleem Akhtar Mr. Waqas Aslam Ms.Aarooj Kiran
BS(Commerce)VII MGT-493 Room-11 MGT-644 Room-4
Business Research Method E-Commerce
Dr.Zia Rehman Dr.Shahzeb Khurshid

BS(A&F)I QR-401 Room-7 MGT-310 Room-9

Quantitative Reasoning-I Introduction to Business
Mr. Saleem Ahmad Dr.Asif Zaheer
BS(A&F)IIIA MGT-423 Lab-1 ECON-302 Room-10
Cost Accounting Ms. Fazeela Baloch
Mr.Aleem Akhtar Introduction to Microeconomics
BS(A&F)VA MGT-596 Lab-2 MGT-525 Room-5 MGT-535 Lab-1
Forensic Accounting Financial Management Leadership and Community
Rai Basharat Ali Ms. Saiqa Nazar Development
Dr. Shuja Ilyas
BS(A&F)VB MGT-426 Room-6 MGT-535 Room-12
Business Law Leadership and Community
Ms.Aarooj Kiran Development
Dr. Shuja Ilyas


BBA-VII (B) MGT-493 Room-11 MGT-644 Room-12 MGT-696 Room-9

Business Research Method E-Commerce Production Operations Management
Dr.Zia Rehman Dr.Shahzeb Khurshid Mr. Osman Alvi

BBA-VII (C) MGT-493 Room-9 MGT-696 Room-9 MGT-638 Room-2

Business Research Method Production Operations International Finance
Dr.Zia Rehman Management Dr. Kaleem Ullah
Mr. Osman Alvi (01:00-04:00)
Thursday 8:30-09:50 10:0011:20 11:30-12:50 01:00-02:20
BBA-I (A) ENG-301 Room-7 SOS-301 Room-11
Functional English Moral Foundation of Education
Mr. Ghulam Qammar Ms. Yusra (11:30-01:20)
BBA-I (B) SOS-301 (08:00-10:00) IS-302 Room-12 ENG-301 Room-12
Moral Foundation of Education Islamic Studies/Ethics Functional English
Ms. Yusra Mr. Muhammad Rizwan Dr.Shaheen Zaman
Room-12 10:00-11:50
BBA-I (C) SOS-301 (08:00-10:00) MGT-411 Room-11 ENG-301
Moral Foundation of Education Principles of Management Functional English
Ms. Humna Dr. Sidra Akhter Dr.Shaheen Zaman
Room-11 Room-4
BBA-III (A) MGT-617 CSC-100 Ms. Abira Batool TOQ-401 Room-5
Entrepreneurship Application of Information and Translation of Quran
Dr. Temoor Anjum Communication Dr. Ahmed Hamad
Room-3 Technologies(ICT) Room-3
BBA-III (B) MGT-617 Room-4 CSC-100 Ms.Abira Batool
Entrepreneurship Application of Information and
Dr. Temoor Anjum Communication Technologies(ICT)
BBA-III (C) TOQ-401 Room-5 MGT-617 Room-4
Translation of Quran Entrepreneurship
Dr. Ahmed Hamad Dr. Temoor Anjum
BBA-V (A) TOQ-501 Room-5 MGT-595 Room- MGT-515 Room-6
Translation of Quran Statistical Inference Human Resource Management
Dr. Ahmed Hamad Mr.Yasir Mehmood Mr. Waqas Aslam
BBA-V (B) MGT-595 Room-6 MGT-515 Room-6
Statistical Inference Human Resource Management
Mr.Yasir Mehmood Mr. Waqas Aslam
BBA-V (C) MGT-525 Room-2 MGT-526 Room-2 MGT-616 Room-2
Financial Management Money and banking Total Quality Management
Ms. Aarooj Kiran Dr.Kaleem Ullah Dr.Zoya Khan
BBA-VII (A) MGT-561 Room-10 MGT-561 Room-10 MGT-696 Room-9 MGT-687 Room-3
Advertising & Promotion Advertising & Promotion Production Operations Management Strategic Human Resource
Dr. M. Maroof Ajmal Dr. M. Maroof Ajmal Mr. Osman Alvi Management
Dr. Asif Zaheer
MGT-683 Lab-2 (02:30-03:50)
Human Resource Development
Dr. Shuja Ilys

MGT-632 Room-8
Investment & Security Analysis
Dr.Shahzeb Khurshid

BBA-VII (B) MGT-561 Room-10 MGT-561

Advertising & Promotion Advertising & Promotion MGT-696 Room-9
Dr. M. Maroof Ajmal Dr. M. Maroof Ajmal Production Operations Management
Room-10 Mr. Osman Alvi

MGT-683 Lab-2 MGT-687 Room-3

Human Resource Development Strategic Human Resource
Dr. Shuja Ilys Management
Dr. Asif Zaheer
MGT-632 Room-8 (02:30-03:50)
Investment & Security Analysis
Dr.Shahzeb Khurshid

BBA-VII (C) MGT-561 Room-10 MGT-561 MGT-687 Room-3

Advertising & Promotion Advertising & Promotion MGT-644 Room-2 Strategic Human Resource
Dr. M. Maroof Ajmal Dr. M. Maroof Ajmal E-Commerce Management
Room-10 Room-10 Dr. Asif Zaheer
Dr.Shoaib Ashraf (02:30-03:50)
MGT-683 Lab-2
Human Resource Development MGT-632 Room-10
Dr. Shuja Ilys Investment & Security Analysis
Dr.Shahzeb Khurshid
BS(Commerce)V MGT-502 Lab-1 MGT-428 Room-1 MGT-525 Room-7
Principles of Auditing Advance Acounting Financial Management
Dr. Sidra Shahzadi Mr.Aleem Akhtar Ms. Aarooj Kiran

BS(Commerce)VII MGT-644 Room-8 MGT-696 Room-9

E-Commerce Production Operations
Dr.Shahzeb Khurshid Management
Mr. Osman Alvi
BS(A&F) ENG-301 Room-7 MGT-321 Lab-1
Functional English Fundamentals of Accounting
Mr. Ghulam Qammar Dr. Sidra Shahzadi
BS(A&F)IIIA MGT-423 MGT-351 Room-8 MGT-599 Room-1
Cost Accounting Principles of Marketing Ms.Saiqa Nazar
Mr.Aleem Akhtar Dr. Zoya Khan Financial Reporting
BS(A&F)VA TOQ-501 Room-5 MGT-535 Lab-2 MGT-515 Room-6
Translation of Quran Leadership and Community Human Resource Management
Dr. Ahmed Hamad Development Dr. Asif Zaheer
09:00-10:00 Dr. Shuja Ilyas

BS(A&F)VB MGT-596 Lab-2 MGT-502 Lab-1 MGT-525 Room-1

Forensic Accounting Principles of Auditing Financial Management
Rai Basharat Ali Dr. Sidra Shahzadi Ms. Saiqa Nazar
Friday 8:30-09:50 10:0011:20
11:30-12:50 01:00-02:20
BBA-I (A) ENG-301 Room-2 TOQ-301 Room-1
Functional English Translation of Quran
Mr. Ghulam Qammar Dr. Haris Saleem
BBA-III(B) CSC-100 Lab-2
Application of Information and
Communication Technologies(ICT)
Ms.Abira Batool

BBA-III (C) CSC-100 Lab-2

ECON-302 Room-6
Application of Information and
Introduction to Microeconomics Communication Technologies(ICT)
Ms. Fazeela Baloch
Ms.Abira Batool

BBA-V (A) MGT-513 Room-3

Business Law
Ms. Anum Shafique

BBA-V (B) MGT-513 Room-4 TOQ-501 Room-1

Business Law Translation of Quran
Ms. Anum Shafique Dr. Haris Saleem

BBA-V (C) TOQ-501 Room-1 MGT-513 Room-4

Translation of Quran Business Law
Dr. Haris Saleem Ms. Anum Shafique
BBA-VII (A) MGT-493 Lab-2 TOQ-601 Room-9
Business Research Method Translation of Quran
Dr.Zia Rehman Dr. Zakaria Makki

BBA-VII (C) MGT-696 Room-9

Production Operations Management
Mr. Osman Alvi

BS(A&F)I ENG-301 Room-3 MGT-310 Room-5 NS-402 Room-5

Functional English Introduction to Business Ms. Alishba
Mr. Ghulam Qammar Dr.Asif Zaheer The Science of Global Challenges
BS(A&F)IIIA MGT-411 Room-6 TOQ-401 Room-1 ECON-302 Room-6
Principles of Management Translation of Quran Introduction to Microeconomics
Dr. Sidra Akhter Dr. Haris Saleem Ms. Fazeela Baloch

BS(A&F)VA MGT-596 Room-2 MGT-502 Lab-1 MGT-515 Room-7

Forensic Accounting Principles of Auditing Human Resource Management
Rai Basharat Ali Dr. Sidra Shahzadi Dr. Asif Zaheer

BS(A&F)VB MGT-502 Lab-1 MGT-515 Room-8 MGT-525 Room-4

Principles of Auditing Human Resource Management Financial Management
Dr. Sidra Shahzadi Mr. Waqas Aslam Ms. Saiqa Nazar

BS(Commerce)V MGT-515 Room-2

Human Resource Management
Mr. Waqas Aslam
BS(Commerce)VII MGT-493 Lab-2
Business Research Method
Dr.Zia Rehman

M.Phil MGT-515 Room-7

Human Resource Management
Ms. Syeda Mariam Fatima (09:00-12:00)
Monday 02:30-03:50 04:00-05:20 05:30-06:50
BBA-I (A) SOS-301 02:00-03:50 QR-401 Room-7 ENG-301 Room-1
Moral Foundation of Education Quantitative Reasoning-I Functional English
Ms. Yusra Room-3 Mr. M Asim Hafeez Mr. Faisal Hameed
BBA-I (B) IS-302 (02:30-04:30) QR-401 Room-5
Islamic Studies/Ethics Quantitative Reasoning-I
Dr. Noor Hashmi Room-5 Mr. M Asim Hafeez

BBA-I (C) SOS-301 (02:00-04:00) MGT-321 Room-1

Moral Foundation of Education Fundamentals of Accounting
Ms. Humna Room-4 Dr. Bushar Zulfqar
BBA-IIIA ECON-302 Room-3 TOQ-401 Room-6(06:00-07:00)
Introduction to Microeconomics Translation of Quran
Rana Touseef Dr. Abdul Ghaffar
BBA-IIIB SSH-301 (02:30-04:30) ECON-302 Room-3
Civics and Community Engagement Introduction to Microeconomics
Ms Tayyaba Aziz Room-6 Rana Touseef
BBA-VA MGT-525 Room-4 MGT-526 Room-2
Financial Management Money and banking
Dr. Akmal Shahzad Dr .Kaleem Ullah
BBA-VB MGT-616 Room-9 MGT-526 Room-2 MGT-525 Room-4
Total Quality Management Money and banking Financial Management
Mr. Osman Alvi Dr .Kaleem Ullah Ms. Saiqa Nazar
BBA-VII TOQ-601 Room-8(02:00-03:00) MGT-644 Room-7
Translation of Quran E-Commerce
Dr. Mozam Shah Dr.Shahzeb Khurshid
BS(A&F) MGT-321 Room-2 SSH-302 (04:00-06:00)
Fundamentals of Accounting Ideology and Constitution of Pakistan
Dr. Sidra Shahzadi
Dr. Zain Malik Room-5
BS(A&F)III MGT-423 Room-1 TOQ-401 Room-6(05:00-06:00)
Cost Accounting Translation of Quran
Mr. Aleem Akhtar Dr. Abdul Ghaffar
BS(Commerce)VII(A) TOQ-601 Room-8(03:00-04:00) MGT-696 Room-9 MGT-644 Room-8
Translation of Quran Production Operations Management E-Commerce
Dr. Mozam Shah Mr. Osman Alvi Dr.Shahzeb Khurshid

Tuesday 02:30-03:50 04:00-05:20 05:30-06:50

BBA-I (A) QR-401 Room-5 MGT-321 Room-1
Quantitative Reasoning-I Fundamentals of Accounting
Mr. M Asim Hafeez Dr. Bushra Zulfqar
BBA-I (B) SOS-301 Room-7 (02:00-03:50) MGT-321 Room-1 QR-401 Room-5
Moral Foundation of Education Fundamentals of Accounting Quantitative Reasoning-I
Dr. Sadia Aslam Dr. Bushra Zulfqar Mr. M Asim Hafeez
BBA-I (C) QR-401 Room-5 ENG-301 Room-3
Quantitative Reasoning-I Functional English
Ms. Sadaf Zahra Mr. Faisal Hameed Butt

BBA-IIIA MGT-617 Lab-1 MGT-452 Room-4

Dr. Temoor Anjum Dr. M. Maroof Ajmal
BBA-IIIB MGT-452 Room-3 MGT-617 Lab-1
Dr. M. Maroof Ajmal Dr. Temoor Anjum
BBA-VA MGT-616 Room-9 MGT-526 Room-2 MGT-515 Room-2
Total Quality Management Money and banking Human Resource Management
Dr.Zoya Khan(01:00-02:20) Dr .Kaleem Ullah Dr. Asif Zaheer
BBA-VB MGT-515 Room-6 TOQ-501 ( 05:30-06:30 ) Room-6
MGT-616 Room-9
Human Resource Management Translation of Quran
Total Quality Management
Dr. Asif Zaheer Muhammad Sufyan
Mr. Osman Alvi
BBA-VII MGT-683 MGT-493 Room-9
Human Resource Development Business Research Method
Dr. Shuja Ilys (11:30-12:50) MGT-696 Room-9 Dr. Hafiz Ishaq
Production Operations Management
MGT-632 Room-10 (01:00-02:30) Mr. Osman Alvi
Investment & Security Analysis
Dr.Shahzeb Khurshid
BS(A&F) NS-402
MGT-321 Room-3
The Science of Global Challenges
Fundamentals of Accounting
Ms. Alishba
Dr. Sidra Shahzadi
BS(A&F)IIIA MGT-423 Room-1 MGT-599 Room-7
Cost Accounting Financial Reporting
Mr. Aleem Akhtar Ms.Saiqa Nazar

BS(Commerce)VII(A) MGT-493 Room-12 MGT-635 Room-8 MGT-635 Room-8

Islamic Banking Islamic Banking
Business Research Method Hafiz Rauf Iqbal
Dr. Hafiz Ishaq Hafiz Rauf Iqbal
Wednesday 02:30-03:50 04:00-05:20 05:30-06:50
BBA-I (A) TOQ-301 Room-11(03:00-04:00) MGT-411 Room-7 ENG-301 Room-7
Translation of Quran Principles of Management Functional English
Dr. Mozam Shah Mr. Waqas Aslam Mr. Faisal Hameed
BBA-I (B) TOQ-301 Room-11(04:00-05:00) MGT-411 Room-2
Translation of Quran Principles of Management
Dr. Mozam Shah Mr. Waqas Aslam
BBA-I (C) MGT-411 Room-3 MGT-321 Room-1 TOQ-301 Room-11(05:00-06:00)
Principles of Management Fundamentals of Accounting Translation of Quran
Ms.Sidra Akhter (01:00-02:20) Dr. Bushra Zulfqar Dr. Mozam Shah
BBA-IIIA SSH-301 (02:00-04:00) MGT-452 Room-3 MGT-617 Room-3
Civics and Community Engagement MARKETING MANAGEMENT Entrepreneurship
Dr. Asif Zaheer Room-4 Dr. M. Maroof Ajmal Dr. Temoor Anjum
BBA-IIIB TOQ-401 Room-1(03:00-04:00) MGT-617 Room-4 MGT-452 Room-4
Translation of Quran Entrepreneurship MARKETING MANAGEMENT
Dr. Abdul Ghaffar Room-12 Dr. Temoor Anjum Dr. M. Maroof Ajmal
BBA-VA MGT-616 Room-9 MGT-513 Room-5 MGT-595 Room-5
Total Quality Management Business Law Statistical Inference
Dr.Zoya Khan(01:00-02:20)
Ms. Anum Shafique Dr. Nasir Ali
BBA-VB MGT-513 Room-6 MGT-526 Room-2 MGT-525 Room-6
Business Law Money and banking Financial Management
Ms. Anum Shafique Dr .Kaleem Ullah Ms. Saiqa Nazar
BBA-VII MGT-638 Room-2 MGT-696 Room-9 MGT-644 Room-9
International Finance Production Operations Management E-Commerce
Dr. Kaleem Ullah(01:00-04:00) Mr. Osman Alvi Dr.Shahzeb Khurshid
BS(A&F) ENG-301 Room-10 MGT-310 Room-10 QR-401 Room-10
Functional English Introduction to Business Quantitative Reasoning-I
Dr.Shaheen Zaman Dr.Shuja Ilyas Mr. Saleem Ahmad
BS(A&F)III ECON-302 Room-11 MGT-351 Room-8 MGT-411 Room-8
Introduction to Microeconomics Principles of Marketing Principles of Management
Ms. Fazeela Baloch Mr .Muhammad Imran Qureish Dr.Shuja Ilyas
BS(Commerce)VII-A MGT-644 Room-12
Dr.Shahzeb Khurshid
Thursday 02:30-03:50 04:00-05:20 05:30-06:50
BBA-I (A) IS-302 (02:00-04:00) MGT-321 Room-1 MGT-411 Room-2
Islamic Studies/Ethics Fundamentals of Accounting Principles of Management
Dr. Noor Hashmi Room-2 Dr. Bushra Zulfqar Mr. Waqas Aslam
BBA-I (B) ENG-301 Room-1 MGT-411 Room-2 MGT-321 Room-1
Functional English Principles of Management Fundamentals of Accounting
Mr. Ghulam Qammar Mr. Waqas Aslam Dr. Bushra Zulfqar
BBA-I (C) QR-401 Room-7 MGT-411 Room-3 ENG-301 Room-3
Quantitative Reasoning-I Principles of Management Functional English
Ms.Sadaf Zahra Ms.Sidra Akhter (01:00-02:20) Mr. Faisal Hameed Butt
BBA-IIIA CSC-100 Mr. Asif Raza Room-4 ECON-302 Room-4
Application of Information and Introduction to Microeconomics
Communication Technologies(ICT) Rana Touseef
BBA-IIIB CSC-100 Mr. Asif Raza Room-5 ECON-302 Room-5
Application of Information and Introduction to Microeconomics
Communication Technologies(ICT) Rana Touseef
BBA-VA TOQ-501 Room-4 02:30:03:30 MGT-513 Room-6 MGT-515 Room-6
Translation of Quran Business Law Human Resource Management
Dr. Ahmed Hamad Ms. Anum Shafique Dr. Asif Zaheer
BBA-VB MGT-513 Room-7 MGT-515 Room-7 MGT-595 Room-7
Business Law Human Resource Management Statistical Inference
Ms. Anum Shafique Dr. Asif Zaheer Dr. Nasir Ali
BBA-VII MGT-687 Room-3 MGT-561 MGT-683
Strategic Human Resource Management Advertising & Promotion Human Resource Development
Dr. Asif Zaheer Dr. Maroof Ajmal Dr. Shuja Ilys
(08:30-11:20) (10:00-11:20
MGT-632 Room-10 (01:00-02:30)
Investment & Security Analysis MGT-493 Room-10
Dr.Shahzeb Khurshid Business Research Method
Dr. Hafiz Ishaq
BS(A&F) ENG-301 Room-8 MGT-310 Room-8 TOQ-301 Room-5(05:30-06:30)
Functional English Introduction to Business Translation of Quran
Dr.Shaheen Zaman Dr.Shuja Ilyas Dr. Abdul Ghaffar
BS(A&F)IIIA MGT-599 Room-9 MGT-411 Room-9
Financial Reporting Principles of Management
Ms.Saiqa Nazar Dr.Shuja Ilyas
BS(Commerce)VII-A MGT-623 (01:15-04:00) MGT-696 Room-9 MGT-493 Room-10
Performance Audit & Evaluation Production Operations Management Business Research Method
Muhammad Imran Room-11 Mr. Osman Alvi Dr. Hafiz Ishaq

Friday 02:30-03:50
04:00-05:20 05:30-06:50

BBA-I (B) ENG-301 Room-1

Functional English
Mr. Ghulam Qammar
BBA-I (C) IS-302 (02:30-04:30)
Islamic Studies/Ethics
Dr. Noor Hashmi Room-3
BBA-IIIA CSC-100 Mr. Asif Raza Room-5
Application of Information and
Communication Technologies(ICT)
BBA-IIIB CSC-100 Mr. Asif Raza Room-6
Application of Information and
Communication Technologies(ICT)
BBA-VA MGT-525 Room-7 MGT-595 Room-2
Financial Management Statistical Inference
Dr. Akmal Shahzad Dr. Nasir Ali
BBA-VB MGT-595 Room-6
Statistical Inferenc8
Dr. Nasir Ali
BS(A&F) QR-401 Room-2 NS-402 Room-9
Quantitative Reasoning-I The Science of Global Challenges Ms.
Mr. Saleem Ahmad Alishba
BS(A&F)IIIA ECON-302 Room-7 MGT-351 Room-1
Introduction to Microeconomics Principles of Marketing
Ms. Fazeela Baloch Mr .Muhammad Imran Qureish
BS(Commerce)VII(A) MGT-612 Room-4 MGT-612 Room-4
Commercial & Investment Banking Commercial & Investment Banking
Syeda Marriam Fatima Syeda Marriam Fatima

MGT-624 Room-12 MGT-624 Room-12

Corporate Taxation Corporate Taxation
Muhammad Haider Ali Muhammad Haider Ali

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