Physics2 Book
Physics2 Book
Physics2 Book
What is light? Light has both magnetic and electric properties. Light
consists of tiny particles called photons, and yet light also behaves like a wave.
This is called the Dual Nature of Light. We will study the wave-properties of light
in this class and save the particle properties of light for later.
Initial attempts to measure the speed of light did not go well. This is because
light travels extremely fast and scientists at first did not use distances that
were long enough to account for the high velocity of light.
In 1675 the Danish astronomer Olaus Roemer studied Io, the innermost moon
of Jupiter. Io revolves around Jupiter in 42.5 hours, but every so often it
disappears into Jupiter’s shadow. There was a regular pattern to the time it
took for Io to disappear into Jupiter’s shadow called a period. Roemer noticed
that if Earth was moving away from Jupiter, the measured periods were longer
than average. On the other hand, when the Earth was moving toward Jupiter,
the measured periods were shorter than average.
Light coming from Jupiter’s
moon, Io, takes less time to
reach Earth at position 1 than
it does to reach Earth at
position 2. The speed of light
Earth 1 can be calculated by dividing
the extra distance the light
travels by the extra time it
takes for light to reach the
Earth 2
Michaelson was able to determine the time it took for the light to travel by
spinning the mirror at just the correct rate. He set up an eyepiece on the other
side of the mirror from the light source. If the mirror made exactly one eighth
of a rotation while the light traveled to the mountain and back, then the
mirror would be in a position to reflect the light into the eyepiece. If the
mirror rotated too fast or too slow, then the light would miss the eyepiece.
When the light ended up in the eyepiece, the time the light traveled to the
mountain and back was the same as the time it took the mirror to make one
eighth of a rotation. Michaelson obtained the number 299,920 km/s for the
speed of light and received the Nobel Prize in 1907 for his accomplishment.
Typically, the speed of light is rounded to 300,000 km/s.
Rotating stationary
eight-sided mirror
direction of wave
magnetic field
electric field
The wave consists of an electrical portion (in red here) and a magnetic portion (in
blue here).
The electrical field is perpendicular to the magnetic field, and they are both
perpendicular to the direction in which the wave is moving (represented by the
black arrow).
We saw already that Faraday discovered that a moving electrical field generated a
magnetic field, and a moving magnetic field generated an electrical field.
Thus, the electromagnetic wave which contains both, moves through space
regenerating itself as it goes.
The maximum velocity that the electromagnetic wave can travel is 300,000 km/s
and this maximum speed is achieved only in a vacuum such as space.
This maximum value of 300,000 km/s is known as the speed of light and is equal
to the product of the wavelength and the frequency.
There are many different types of electromagnetic waves besides visible light.
These waves are characterized by the size of their wavelength. The entire range
of wavelengths is known as the electromagnetic spectrum.
Radio waves are the largest wavelengths and the lowest energy while gamma rays
have the shortest wavelengths and are the highest in energy. (The longer the
wavelength, the lower in energy is the wave).
When light falls on matter, the vibrating electric charges in the electromagnetic
wave cause the electrons in the matter to start vibrating. Certain materials such
as glass and water are transparent to light which means that they allow light to
pass through them.
To see why glass is transparent to light, let’s imagine that the electrons in an atom
are connected to the nucleus by imaginary springs. When light hits the material,
the electrons start to vibrate back and forth on these springs. Electrons have a
natural vibration frequency that depends on how tightly the electron is attached
to the nucleus.
For the electrons in glass, the natural vibration frequency is in the ultraviolet
range. This means that when ultraviolet light shines on glass, resonance occurs,
and the atom holds onto the energy in the vibration for a long time. The energy is
converted to heat as the atom collides with other atoms in this energetic state.
Since the light is converted to heat, glass is not transparent to ultraviolet light.
With visible light, however, the electrons vibrate with lower amplitudes and thus
the atom holds the energy for less time. Thus, there is a lower chance of
collisions with other atoms which would result in an energy loss in the form of
heat. Instead, the energy of the vibrating atoms is re-emitted as light. The
frequency of the emitted light is the same as the frequency of the light that
caused the initial vibration.
There is a time delay between the absorption of the light and its re-emission, and
this delay results in a lower speed of light through glass and other transparent
materials. In water light travels around 0.75c and in glass light travels around
0.67c, depending on the type of glass. When light exits a transparent material
and enters the atmosphere again, it travels at c.
IV. Opaque Materials
Materials that do not allow light to pass through them are opaque. In opaque
materials, the light cast upon the object causes the atoms to vibrate, but these
vibrations become random kinetic energy and simply cause the object to become
Metal objects are opaque but are shiny as well. This is because in metallic bonds,
the electrons farthest from the nucleus are not attached to any particular atom.
They are free to go between all the atoms, forming a sea of electrons. When light
hits a metal and starts these electrons vibrating, the energy is re-emitted as
visible light which is seen as a reflection.
V. Shadows
When light shines on an object in such a way that the object blocks some of the
light from passing through, a shadow forms. A shadow can have sharp edges or
blurry edges. A total shadow is called an umbra but a partial shadow with lighter
edges is called a penumbra. Sharp shadows are produced by a small light source
close to the object or by a larger source that is farther from the object. In both
cases, the sharp shadow occurs because light from slightly different directions
does not land behind the object. If light from a different source lands behind the
object or if light from a large source is only partially blocked by the object, a
penumbra forms and the shadow is no longer sharp.
A large light source produces a softer shadow, and a smaller light source produces a
harder shadow.
Vi. Polarization
Transverse waves can be created by shaking a rope. There are two different ways
to shake the rope: up and down so that a wave is created in the vertical plane and
left and right so that a wave is created in the horizontal plane. Both of these
waves are said to be polarized because they occur in only one plane.
When an electron vibrates, it behaves like the rope and gives off an
electromagnetic wave that is polarized. Electrons that vibrate in the vertical
plane give off vertical waves and electrons that vibrate in the horizontal plane
give off horizontal waves. Why then is light typically not polarized? This is
because the many different electrons in the light source are vibrating in many
directions relative to each other and when they emit light waves, these waves are
also in many different directions.
Light from a source can be polarized through the use of a polarizing filter. This
filter will only allow the light that is in the direction of the slits in the filter to pass
through. When an additional filter is added that has slits perpendicular to those
of the first filter, all light is eliminated. Polarizing sunglasses work in this manner.
The light that reflects from the shiny surface of water or roads is mostly
horizontally polarized. Thus, sunglasses with a vertical polarizing filter will
eliminate the glare.
light vibrates in
all directions.
Only the vertical
component is able to
pass through the
vertical filter The vertical component is
unable to pass through
the horizontal filter
Polarizing filters are also used in movie theaters that show 3D movies. We see
objects in the world in three dimensions because each eye sees a slightly different
image. The brain combines these images together to provide depth. To simulate
this effect in the 3D movies, images are projected onto the screen through a pair
of polarizing filters. One filter polarizes light in the vertical direction and the
other filter polarizes light in the horizontal direction. This creates two separate
images that overlap and look blurry to the naked eye. When polarizing glasses
are put on, however, the images look three-dimensional to the viewer. This is
because the glasses polarize the light for each eye separately. For example, the
right eye might get vertically polarized light while the left eye gets horizontally
polarized light. Each eye will then see a slightly different image and the brain will
combine these images to create depth, just as happens in real life.
White is not actually a color as it is simply a combination of all the colors of light.
Black is also not an actual color; it is the absence of light produced when all the
colors are absorbed by an object. Black objects typically do not absorb 100% of
the light that falls on them which is why you can see them.
I. Color by Scattering
Many materials absorb some frequencies of visible light and scatter the rest. If
an object is blue, this means that it scatters blue light and absorbs the other
colors of visible light. Since white light consists of all of the colors of the
rainbow, white objects scatter all visible light while black objects absorb all
colors of visible light.
White scatters all the colors that shine Black absorbs all the colors that
on it. shine on it.
The color that an object appears depends on the light that shines on it. The
color of sunlight changes slightly throughout the day and throughout the year.
Incandescent light bulbs are redder in color while fluorescent bulbs are bluer
in color. Thus, objects tend to have their reds enhances when incandescent
light shines on them, but have their blues enhanced when fluorescent light
shines upon them. Candlelight tends to be more yellow in color and thus
objects will look more yellow in candlelight than in daylight.
When only two of the primary colors are mixed together, the following color
combinations occur:
red + green = yellow
The color combinations above are called complimentary colors and they give us
an idea of what color an object will appear given the color of light that a particular
pigment absorbs. For example, if a pigment absorbs blue light, the object will
appear yellow and vice versa.
Now let us turn our attention to mixing pigments as you would do when painting.
You may already know that if you mix red, blue, and green paint, you do not get
white as you would with light; instead, you get a muddy brown color or grey color
depending on the quantities that are mixed. This occurs because pigments don’t
absorb precisely only one color of light. For example, blue paint absorbs red,
orange, and yellow light and scatters not only blue light, but also some violet and
green. Yellow paint absorbs blue and violet light and scatters mostly yellow light,
but also some red, orange, and green.
Absorbs Scatters
Blue: red, orange, yellow blue, violet, green
Yellow: blue, violet yellow, red, orange, green
When blue and yellow are mixed together, green is the only color that is not
absorbed by either pigment and so the color looks green. Mixing pigments is
called color mixing by subtraction since one color is subtracted from those that
are absorbed. Color mixing with light is called color mixing by addition.
Blue absorbs red, orange, and yellow, while yellow absorbs blue and violet, leaving only green.
In printing, the three primary colors are magenta, cyan, and yellow. Printers use
black ink as a fourth color and all other colors are made from these four inks by
overlapping tiny dots of each of the four colors. When viewed from a distance
the tiny dots look like many different colors to the human eye.
Dust particles are larger than the oxygen and nitrogen molecules that typically
scatter visible light in the atmosphere. If there are a lot of dust particles in the
atmosphere, they will scatter the lower frequencies of red, orange, and yellow
due to their size. This makes the sky look white in color.
Sunlight travels a longer path at sunrise or sunset than at noon. The longer the path, the more
blue that is scattered.
When the atoms of an element are in the gas phase and energy is applied,
they glow. Each element has a different and characteristic color that is glows.
Neon gas glows a bright red while mercury vapor glows a bluish violet color.
Why does each element glow a distinctive color of light?
Each element has its own distinct pattern of frequencies because each
element has a distinct configuration of electrons. These electrons give off
distinct frequencies of light when they change energy states that result in the
line spectrum. Since the line spectrum is unique for each element, it can be
used to identify the element and thus can also be called an atomic fingerprint.
I. Reflection
reflected wave
What happens if you drop a ball onto the floor from an angle? Typically,
the ball bounces back up in a new direction but at an angle equal to the
one from which it was dropped. The same is true for a ray of light. The
angle at which the light ray hits the surface is called the angle of
incidence and the angle at which the light ray leaves the surface is called
the angle of reflection.
Reflected Ray Incident Ray
q q
v v
Surface of mirror
If an object is placed in front of a flat mirror, the light rays that bounce
off the mirror do so in an equal but opposite direction as the waves that
originally struck the mirror. The waves then appear to originate from
the mirror and will form an image of the object when focused through a
lens such as that of the human eye.
When light rays fall on a surface that is rough instead of flat and shiny
like a mirror, the light rays are reflected in many different directions
with each individual light ray still obeying the law of reflection. This is
called diffuse reflection.
Sound waves can also reflect, and the reflection of a sound wave is
called an echo. Like light, sound waves reflect more from a smooth
surface than they do from a rough surface. If sound waves are not
reflected, then they are absorbed or transmitted.
You may have noticed that the walls of some concert halls have grooves
in them. This has the same effect as creating a rough surface to diffuse
the waves. In this way the sound comes at the listener from many
different parts of the wall instead of only one part of the wall. You may
have also noticed that behind and above the stage there are highly
reflective surfaces. This is to direct the sound (and sometimes light)
toward the audience.
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
II. Refraction
You may have seen that a straw or a pencil in a glass of water appears
bent or a tree sticking out of a lake appears offset. These are examples
of refraction. When waves enter a different type of material or through
varying temperatures and densities of the same type of material, the
speed of the waves changes which changes the direction of the light
When drawing the refraction of waves, lines called wave fronts are
often drawn to indicate the position of the crests of the wave. The
direction of the wave is perpendicular to the wave fronts and can be
represented by a ray.
Refracted Ray
When light passes from one medium to another and the speed
decreases, the rays bend toward the normal. When light passes from
one medium to another and the speed increases, the rays bend away
from the normal.
Because the different colors of visible light will travel at different speeds
in a transparent material, they each refract at a slightly different angle.
The separation of visible light according to the frequency of the wave is
called dispersion and is responsible for the creation of a rainbow.
Because of the way that the light refracts out of the droplet, only one
color from each drop is able to enter your eye. The other colors land
either above or below your eye. To see all of the colors, you need to
look at a number of droplets that are at different heights in the sky. A
particular color will be seen at a particular angle between the sun and
the dispersed light; you can see this color anywhere on a circular arc at
this angle. This is why rainbows have their distinctive shape.
Refraction Air
Critical Angle Total Internal Reflection
i Water
A diamond has a critical angle of 24.6 degrees. This means that any light
ray that is more than 24.6 degrees from the normal to the surface will
reflect back into the diamond. The diamond is cut such that when light
enters it, it will undergo total internal reflection several times before
exiting the crystal, producing a wide range of colors.
When light enters glass from the atmosphere, it refracts and when light leaves
glass and re-enters the atmosphere, it refracts again. If glass forms a particular
shape, an image can form that appears larger, smaller, closer, or farther away
than the actual object.
A lens is a piece of glass that is shaped so that it refracts the parallel rays
of light that enter it so that they cross each other and an image forms.
Lenses can either converge the light rays to a single point (a converging
lens) or diverge the light rays (a diverging lens). A converging lens is
thicker in the middle while a diverging lens is thinner in the middle. For
the converging lens, the wave fronts are slowed to a greater extent
through the middle than on the sides and thus converge. For the
diverging lens, the wave fronts are slowed more on the edges and thus
the wave fronts diverge.
Converging Lens
Diverging Lens
The principal axis of a lens is the line through the maximum curvature
on each side of the lens. For a converging lens, the focal point is the
point at which the beams of light that are parallel to the principal axis
converge. Any beams of light that are not parallel to the principal axis
will focus at points that are either above or below the focal point. The
focal point plus all of the points above and below it make up the focal
plane. A lens has two focal points and two focal planes since light rays
can enter from either side of the lens.
For a diverging lens, the beams of light parallel to the principal axis
diverge in a way that makes the light appear to come from a single
point. The focal length of both a converging lens and a diverging lens is
the distance from the center of the lens to one of the focal points. If the
lens is thin, both focal lengths are equal even if the amount of curvature
on each side is slightly different.
You probably have already observed that you can see more detail in an
object that is nearer to you than in one that is farther from you. This is
because standing closer to an object, you have a larger angle of view.
A magnifying glass works by increasing the angle of view. Converging
lenses such as a magnifying glass will only enlarge an object when it is
between the focal point and the lens. The image produced by the
magnifying glass is farther from your eye than the actual image and is
called a virtual image. The light rays that enter your eye behave as if
they originated from this virtual image, but there is no actual image
there. If you placed a screen at this position, no actual image would
appear on it.
virtual image
focal point
actual image
If the image is beyond the focal point of a converging lens, the light from
the object converges there and the image is a real image. This image
can be focused on a screen, although it will appear upside down if it is
produced by a single lens. Converging lenses are used in this way to
project movies and slides onto a screen or to produce an image on film
in a camera.
If a single diverging lens is used, the image is always virtual, smaller than
the object, and right side up, regardless of how far the actual object is
from the lens. The viewfinder of a camera uses a diverging lens to
estimate the proportions of the photograph to be taken.
Object and
Within one
Converging image are on
focal length of virtual Right-side up magnified
lens the same side
the lens
of the lens
If object is close
to focal point,
the image is far Object and
Beyond one
Converging away; if the image are on
focal length of real inverted
lens object is far opposite sides
the lens
from the focal of the lens
point, the
image is near.
Object and
Diverging image are on
virtual Right-side up Reduced
lens the same side
of the lens
Lens do not give images that are exactly like the object. Distortions in an image
are called aberrations and often need to be minimized by combining lenses.
Spherical aberrations result when the sides of the lens focus light slightly
differently than the center of the lens does. This can be corrected either by
covering the sides of the lens or by combining lenses.
Chromatic aberrations result from the fact that different colors of light refract
slightly differently. For example, red light (on one end of the spectrum) and blue
light (on the other end of the spectrum) will focus in a slightly different place.
Achromatic lenses combine simple lenses of different types of glass to correct for
this problem.
A ray diagram can be used to determine the size and the location of the
image that a lens will produce. In order to construct the ray diagram,
the following must be known:
The paths of the rays for a converging lens can be determined as follows:
1) A ray of light will pass through the very center of the lens with essentially
no refraction.
2) A ray of light that is parallel to the principal axis will be refracted through
the lens so that it passes through the focal point in back of the lens.
3) A ray of light that passes through the focal point in front of the lens will be
refracted by the lens so that it is parallel to the principal axis.
Object 3
The place where any two of these rays intersect is the location of the image. The
distance of the point of intersection from the principal axis will give the size of the
1) A ray of light that emerges from the top of the object will refract through
the lens in the same direction as a line directly from the focal point
2) A ray of light that passes through the center does so without changing
3) A ray of light that is proceeding toward the focal point on the opposite side
of the lens will refract when it hits the lens so that it is parallel to the
principal axis.
Object Image
Observed from the side of the lens opposite the object, the three rays of light
appear to have originated from a single point on the opposite side of the lens.
This point is the position and height of the virtual image. It is closer to the lens
than the actual object, making it smaller than the actual object. It is right-side up.
A simple telescope that uses lenses is called a refracting telescope. It forms a real
image of a distant object which is then magnified by the eyepiece which is
another lens. The eyepiece is within one focal length of the image produced by
the first lens, and it produces a larger, inverted virtual image of the initial image.
A compound microscope uses two converging lenses with a short focal length that
are placed on the same side of the object to be magnified. The lens closest to the
object is called the objective lens and produces an enlarged real image that is
between the two lenses. The second lens is called the eyepiece and forms a
virtual image of the first image that is enlarged even more.
The Camera:
A camera contains a lens that forms a real, inverted image on light-sensitive film.
Both are placed in a light-tight box so that the only light that falls on the film,
enters through the lens. The amount of light hitting the film is further regulated
by the shutter which controls how long the film is exposed to the light and the
diaphragm which controls the size of the opening through which light passes. The
hole in the diaphragm is called the aperture and can often be varied to vary the
amount of light hitting the film. Most cameras use compound lenses (one lens
after another) to avoid distortions in the image.
V. Vision in Humans
The human eye can be compared to a camera. The amount of light that enters
the eye is regulated by the iris which surrounds the pupil, the actual hole through
which the light passes. The cornea is a transparent material that covers both the
iris and the pupil. Once light enters the eye through the pupil, it passes through
the lens and is focused on the retina at the back of the eye. The image formed is
upside down, however, your brain turns the images it receives from the retina
right-side up.
Pupil Retina
In a camera, the image is focused by varying the distance between the lens and
the film. In the eye, however, the cornea changes the thickness and shape of the
lens to vary the focal length as necessary.
Sometimes the human eye does not form images as it should. A person who is
far-sighted will form images behind the retina. People who are far-sighted have
to hold objects more than 25 cm away in order to focus on them properly. In
order to correct this, people who are far-sighted often wear glasses or contact
lenses that contain converging lenses. The light rays entering the eye are then
focused on the retina instead of behind it.
On the other hand, a person who is near-sighted cannot see objects in the
distance in focus because those objects are focused in front of the retina. People
who are near-sighted will wear glasses or contact lenses that contain diverging
lenses that focus the light rays on the retina instead of in front of it.
Astigmatism occurs when the cornea is curved more on one side than the other
which results in the eye forming images that are not sharp. People with
astigmatism wear glasses that have lenses that are curved in one direction more
than the other to compensate.
Light behaves both as particles and as a wave. Some properties of light are better
explained by using the particle properties of light and some properties are better
explained using the wave-like properties of light. Diffraction and interference are
two properties of light that are better explained by looking at light as a wave.
The Huygens-Fresnel Principle states that every point on any wavefront serves
as a source of new waves that travel outward in every direction. Initially the
wavefront appears curved, but as it spreads out, it appears more like a plane.
When straight waves pass through an opening, the smaller the size of the opening, the
greater the bending of the waves at the edges.
II. Diffraction
Diffraction occurs when waves spread out around an obstacle and typically
involves interference. Diffraction can occur with all types of waves including
water waves, sound waves, and electromagnetic waves which include visible
light waves.
When light passes through an opening that is much larger than the wavelength
of the light, a sharp shadow is produced. If the light passes through a narrow
slit, however, a fuzzy shadow is produced because the light is diffracted by the
slit and spreads out in all directions after it clears the obstacle. The amount of
diffraction is dependent on the size of the obstacle versus the size of the
wavelength. Wavelengths that are large compared to the length of the
obstruction, create greater amounts of diffraction.
When the opening is large compared to the wavelength of the light, the shadow is sharp.
When the opening is narrow compared to the wavelength of the light, the shadow is fuzzy.
The wavelengths of AM radio waves are very long compared to the size of
most objects that obstruct their path, including buildings. Because of this, AM
radio waves diffract easily around buildings and other seemingly large objects.
By contrast, the wavelengths of FM radio waves are shorter and thus these
waves do not diffract around buildings and other large objects as well as AM
radio waves do. Thus, for many areas reception for AM radio stations is much
better than it is for FM radio stations. Since FM radio waves are not able to
diffract as much, they must be in the line of sight of the receiver while AM
radio waves easily diffract around buildings and hills.
If the amplitudes are the same in destructive interference, the wave completely
In 1801 Thomas Young performed an experiment with monochromatic light,
light consisting of a single color. Young placed a screen behind two pinholes
that were close together and when he allowed the monochromatic light to
pass through the pinholes, areas of brightness and darkness appeared on the
screen. The bright areas were due to light waves passing through both holes
in phase to give constructive interference. The dark areas were due to the
light waves passing through both holes out of phase to give destructive
interference. In this way, Young demonstrated that light had wave-like
Later Young’s original experiment was modified so that two slits are used
instead of two pinholes. Monochromatic light passing through the slits
diffracts and some waves constructively interfere while others destructively
interfere. This produces lines of brightness where the waves are in phase and
undergo constructive interference and lines of darkness where the waves are
out of phase and undergo destructive interference.
Examples of objects that use diffraction gratings include costume jewelry and
bumper stickers that diffract light into a rainbow of colors. A compact disc has
grooves on its surface that are able to diffract colors. In nature, birds such as a
peacock produce brilliant colors by having tiny diffraction gratings in their
IV. Iridescence
A thin film capable of iridescence consists of two surfaces that are close
together, both capable of reflection. When light reflects off of one of the
surfaces, it may undergo destructive interference with light that reflects off of
the other surface. When white light hits the surface, certain colors are
eliminated by destructive interference. Which color is eliminated depends on
the thickness of the film. When a color is eliminated, we see its
complimentary color. For example, if blue is eliminated, we see yellow and
vice versa.
Typical lamps emit light that is incoherent, meaning that the light waves have
many different frequencies and wavelengths that are out of phase with each
other. Even monochromatic light of a single frequency is incoherent because
the waves are still out of phase with each other. A beam of incoherent light
does not travel far before it begins to spread out and therefore becomes less
If the waves in a beam of light all have the same frequency and direction and
are in phase, the light is said to be coherent. There is no interference between
these waves. Coherent light will not spread out as it travels. A laser produces
coherent light. One atom emits a light wave, and this wave stimulates the
emission of light from a nearby atom which in turn stimulates the emission of
light in another atom and so on and so forth. All of the light waves are
generated in such a way that their crests line up.
Laser Lens
Holographic Plate
When light falls on the holographic film, it is diffracted by the fringed pattern
on the film that has resulted from the reflected light. The diffraction produces
wave fronts that are identical to the original wave fronts coming off the object
from the reflected light. This creates a realistic three-dimensional image for
the eye.
If you cut the holographic film into any number of pieces, each piece still has
the entire image because every part of the hologram has received and
recorded light from the entire object. Holograms can also be magnified. If a
hologram is recorded with light of a short wavelength and then is viewed with
light of a longer wavelength, the image is magnified in the same proportion as
the wavelengths are to each other.
I. Electric Charges
If you rub a balloon on your head and then place it on the wall, it will stick to
the wall. Why? Because of an electrical force between the balloon and the
wall. The electrical force is between negatively charged particles and
positively charged particles and since the balloon does stick to the wall instead
of falling down, we know that the electrical force is stronger than the force of
gravity. In fact, the electrical force is billions of times stronger than the force
of gravity.
The electrical force arises from the charges in atoms and unlike gravity, it can
be repulsive as well as attractive. The electrons in atoms are negatively
charged and repel each other. All electrons have the same mass and the same
amount of charge. The protons in the nuclei of atoms are positively charged
and also repel each other. Like charges repel each other but unlike charges
attract each other and so an electron and a proton experience an attractive
+ + _
The protons are much more massive than the electrons, but the magnitude of
their charges is the same. Thus, atoms that are neutral in charge have the
same number of protons as electrons. If an electron is removed from an atom,
the atom gains a positive charge as there are now more positively charged
protons than there are electrons. Such a positively charged atom is called a
cation. Conversely, if an electron is added to an atom, the atom has a negative
charge as there are now more electrons than protons. Such a negatively
charged atom is called an anion. Any charged atom, whether positive or
negative, is called an ion.
Atoms become charged by the removal or addition of electrons, but not just
any electrons. It is the outermost electrons that are most easily removed and
when electrons are gained, it is the outermost electrons that they join. How
easy or difficult it is to remove electrons from a substance depends on how
tightly the substance holds its electrons.
Outermost electron
of a lithium atom
The atoms in rubber hold their electrons very tightly, making them very
difficult to remove. The atoms in fur, on the other hand, do not hold their
electrons as tightly. Thus, if you rub a rod made of rubber with fur, electrons
from the fur will transfer to the rubber, making the rubber rod negatively
charged and the fur positively charged. On the other hand, if you rub a glass
rod with silk, you’ll see the opposite effect: the rod become positively charged
and the silk become negatively charged. Electrons are held more tightly by silk
than by glass and so the electrons transfer from the glass to the silk.
The equation for the force between two charges was discovered by Charles
Coulomb in the eighteenth century. Coulomb discovered that the force varied
directly with the size of the charges and inversely with the square of the
distance. Coulomb’s Law can be written as:
where q1 represents the size of the charge on the first particle, q2 represents
the size of the charge on the second particle, d represents the distance, and k
is Coulomb’s constant which has a value of 9.0 x 109 Nxm2/C2. The unit of
charge is the Coulomb (C) which is the charge on 6.24 x 1018 electrons.
You may have already realized that Coulomb’s Law looks very similar to
Newton’s Law of Gravitation:
The difference is that the force of gravity is only attractive whereas the
electrical force can be either attractive or repulsive. The proportionality
constant for gravity, 6.67 x 10-11 N is very small compared to the
proportionality constant for Coulomb’s Law which tells us that the force of
gravity is extremely small compared to the electrical force.
Since most large objects have essentially the same number of protons as
electrons, the electrical forces tend to balance out and thus the only
measurable force between two objects is gravity. At the atomic level,
however, the electrical force becomes important and plays a significant role in
holding molecules, compounds, and thus matter together.
III. Conductors and Insulators
Some materials, such as metals, conduct electricity very well, while other
materials, such as rubber, do not conduct electricity well at all. Materials that
conduct electricity well are called conductors while materials that are poor
conductors of electricity are called insulators.
Materials that are good conductors have electrons that are not tightly bound
to their atoms. Metals have outer shell electrons that are free to wander
throughout the metal structure. Materials that have tightly bound electrons
are poor conductors. Some materials behave as insulators at first but can be
changed so that they will behave as both insulators and conductors. These
materials are semiconductors. To turn these materials into semiconductors, a
few atoms in the crystal structure are replaced with another type of atom that
either adds or removes an electron. Materials such as germanium or silicon
are good semiconductors.
If a charged object comes into contact with a neutral object, some charge will
transfer to the neutral object, and this is called charging by contact. If the
object is good at conducting electricity, then the charge easily spreads
throughout it. If the object is a poor conductor, then it may be necessary for
the charged object to touch it in several places to obtain a charge throughout
If a charged object is held near a neutral object that is a good conductor, a
charge can be induced in the neutral object even without the two objects
touching. Consider two metal spheres that are side by side. They are attached
to insulating material so that any charge transferred to the sphere will remain
on the sphere. A negatively charged rod is brought near one of the spheres
which causes the sphere to become positively charged as the electrons in the
sphere are repelled by the rod and then move onto the second sphere. The
sphere closest to the rod becomes positively charged while the sphere farthest
from the rod becomes negatively charged.
- --
- ++
- + -
- + -
- ++ - -
The two spheres must be attached to a material that does not allow charge to
move off the sphere so that grounding does not occur. Grounding happens
when charges have a path from the object to the ground.
Charging by induction can also occur with an insulator. Even though free
electrons aren’t available to travel through the insulator, the electrons within
the atoms or molecules of the material can arrange themselves so that one
side is more negative, and the other side is more positive. When the electrons
do this, the atom or molecule is polarized. If a negatively charged rod is
brought toward the material, the atoms or molecules arrange themselves so
that they are facing the negative charge.
+ -
+ -
-- +
If you rub a balloon on your hair, it becomes charged. When you touch the
balloon to the wall, it sticks because the balloon induces a charge on the
surface of the wall. The molecules in the wall are positively charged on the
side closest to the balloon and negatively charged on the side farthest from
the balloon.
I. Electric Fields
If you drop something, it falls to the ground. This is because two masses do
not need to touch to experience the force of gravity. There is a gravitational
field around the Earth and objects that are within that field will be attracted to
the Earth. If you push like poles of two magnets together, you can feel them
repel before they touch. This is because there is a magnetic field around each
of the magnets. Similarly, there is an electric field around an electric charge.
The force that two electric charges experience from being near each other can
be described as the interaction between their electric fields. An electric field
has a magnitude and a direction. By convention, the direction of the electric
field is the direction of the field toward a small positive test charge. Thus, if
the electric field is positive, it will point away from the test charge since like
charges repel. If the electric field is negative, it will point toward the test
charge since like charges attract.
The direction of the electric field can be represented by vectors that either
point toward a negatively charged particle or away from a positively charged
particle. The magnitude of the field is indicated by the length of the vectors;
the greater the strength of the electric field, the longer the vectors and vice
Since the electric field is actually three-dimensional, it is often useful to
describe it by using electric field lines which can also be termed lines of force.
If the lines are farther apart, the field is weaker. For a single charge, the lines
go to infinity, but for two opposite charges, the lines go from the positive
charge toward the negative charge.
Although there is no way to create a shield for the force of gravity, you can
shield the electric force so that it is not felt. Electric shielding occurs when an
object is surrounded by a conducting surface. When an electric field is
present, the free charges in the conducting surface will naturally orient
themselves so that all of their electric fields cancel each other out.
A simple example of this would be a metal sphere with a charge applied to it.
Every electron repels every other electron and thus all the electrons spread as
far from each other as they possibly can. This results in a uniform distribution
of electrons throughout the sphere which in turn results in an electric field of
zero. This is easiest to see with a positive charge in the center: any pull of the
charge in one direction is balanced by a pull of the charge in the opposite
direction. In fact, anywhere the positive charge is placed in the sphere, it will
experience a net electric field of zero.
Any conducting surface will act to create a net zero electric field, whether it is
symmetrical (as a sphere is) or not. The free electrons in the conducting
surface move until they collectively obtain positions that give a zero electric
- - - -
- --
- --
- --
- - --
A charged object can have potential energy when it comes in the vicinity of
another like charge. The two charges naturally repel and thus for one charge
to become closer to the other, work must be done on the charge to move it.
The work done is equal to the potential energy gained by the charged object.
If the charge is released, it will accelerate away from the other charge and its
electrical potential energy will be converted into kinetic energy. Conversely, if
two objects are opposite in charge, work must be done to pull them apart.
In working with charges, we tend to use the electrical potential per charge
instead of the total electrical potential energy possessed by a group of
charges. This value is the total electrical potential energy divided by the
amount of charge and is called the electrical potential.
volt = joule
This means that one volt equals one joule of energy per one coulomb of
Electrical energy can be stored in a capacitor. Nearly all electric circuits use
capacitors. Computer memory uses capacitors to store the strings of 1’s and
0’s that make up binary code. Photoflash units use capacitors to build up large
amount of energy over time which is then released almost instantly when the
flash is fired.
- -- -- +
+ ++
- -v -v +++
-v -v v- + ++
-v v ++
v vv v
-v +
simple capacitor
The plates have equal but opposite charges. Charging stops when the
potential difference between the plates equals the potential difference
between the positive and negative terminals of the battery which is also equal
to the voltage of the battery. The greater the voltage of the battery and the
larger and closer the plates are to each other, the greater the charge that will
be stored. The energy stored in the capacitor comes from the electric field
between the plates and the work required to charge the plates.
Often the plates are constructed of thin metallic foil and are separated by a
thin sheet of paper which is then rolled up and inserted into a cylinder. A
capacitor will discharge its saved electricity when a path between the two
plates is created for the electrons. For this reason, the cylinder often has two
metal rods sticking from it to provide this path. If the voltage is high enough,
discharge can be fatal if you complete the circuit for the conducting path.
A Van de Graaff generator is often used to build up high voltages. You may
have seen one at a science museum or in an old movie where these machines
are often used to create lightning effects.
Insulating cylinder
The rubber belt carries the charge up to the hollow metal sphere and deposits
it inside the sphere. Since electrons repel each other, they move to the
outside of the sphere where there is more space for them. This leaves the
inside surface available to receive more electrons which in turn move to the
outer sphere. The process repeats until the sphere has a very high voltage,
which can be up to a million volts.
When the voltage becomes too much, discharge occurs through the air. The
voltage can be increased to up to 20 million volts by increasing the radius of
the sphere or by placing the generator in an enclosed system that is filled with
gas at a high pressure. Van de Graaf generators are used to accelerate
charged particles that are then shot at the nuclei of atoms.
I. Electric Current
The flow of electric charge is called the electric current. The electric current
may consist of positively charged ions, negatively charged ions, or electrons.
Electric current is measured in amperes (A). An ampere is equal to 1 coulomb
per second.
When current flows through a wire, the wire does not have a net electric
charge. This is because the atoms of the wire are positively charged because
they have released an electron or two to roam freely throughout the atomic
network. The negatively charged electrons flow through the wire with the
number of electrons equaling the number of positive protons in the atomic
nuclei. The number of electrons entering one end of the wire equals the
number of electrons leaving the other end of the wire and so the net charge is
typically zero.
A voltage source provides a potential difference. Dry cells, wet cells, and
generators are able to effectively provide a potential difference for a long
period of time. Dry cells and wet cells function by converting chemical energy
into electrical energy while generators convert mechanical energy into
electrical energy. The potential energy per coulomb of charge is called the
electromotive force or emf for short.
II. Resistance
The current that flows through a circuit depends on both the voltage and the
resistance of the conducting material. The resistance of the wire depends on
how willing the material is to electrons passing through it, as well as the
thickness and the length of the wire, and the temperature.
Thick wires have less resistance than thin wires and longer wires have more
resistance than shorter wires. Increased temperature typically means
increased resistance because with increased temperature the electrons have a
greater amount of movement. This greater amount of movement creates
greater resistance as the flow of the electrons is less streamlined.
Electrical resistance is measured in ohms, named after Georg Ohm, who tested
different types of wires and formulated what has become known as Ohm’s
Law. Ohm’s Law can be expressed as:
Current passing through the human body causes electric shock and the effects
can be deadly if the amount of current that passes through is too great. Ohm’s
law tells us that the amount of current is related to both the voltage and the
resistance. The amount of resistance your body offers depends on the state of
your body. If your skin is completely dry, the resistance is very high whereas if
your skin is wet, the resistance can be quite low.
Every year many people are killed by the current from 120-volt electric circuits
which are quite common in light fixtures and appliances. If you are standing
on the ground with shoes on and with dry skin, touching a faulty 120-volt
circuit will probably do you very little harm, particularly since your shoes will
provide a significant amount of resistance between you and the ground.
If on the other hand, you are standing barefoot in the bathtub, the current
produced by such a voltage can do quite a bit of harm as it passes through you
on its way to the ground. This is the reason why it is harmful to handle
electronic devices in the bathtub or other places where water collects.
You may have seen birds perched high upon an electric wire. They do not feel
any ill effects from the wire. This is because every part of their bodies is at the
same high potential as the wire. It is only a difference in potential within the
bird that will be harmful. In this case the current will pass through the path of
least resistance which will be through the bird.
You can receive an electric shock when the metal surface of an electric
appliance is at a different electric potential from those of nearby devices. If
you touch the surfaces of two of these devices, you become a pathway for the
current to transfer from the higher electrical potential to the lower one. In
some cases, the amount of current flowing through you can be dangerous or
even deadly so to prevent this, the outsides of electrical appliances are
connected to a wire which directly the current to the ground. This is done via
the round prong of a three-pronged plug. The two flat prongs are to carry the
current, but if the wire accidentally comes in contact with the surface of the
appliance, the current is directed to the ground via the third wire instead of
through a person.
IV. Direct and Alternating Current
With alternating current, the electrons move in one direction first and then
change and move in the opposite direction, alternating back and forth
between the two. Alternating current is generated when the polarity of the
voltage is alternated. Even though the current is moving back and forth in
opposite directions, it still essentially flows from the power plant to the
electrical devices. An advantage to alternating current is that it can be
transmitted great distances without great heat loss from the wires. This is
because the voltage can be modified very easily allowing it to be transmitted
at high voltages before being reduced to lower voltages for use in appliances.
Time Time
The capacitor acts to store charge and since it takes time to add or subtract
electrons from the capacitor’s plates, it acts to slow down the changes in the
current flow, thereby producing a consistent effect.
V. Electric Power
Since the electrons in a current are within the conductor, when you receive an
electron shock, it is the electrons within your body that are part of the current.
No electrons move from an electrical wire into your body; only the energy that
they generate does. The energy causes the electrons in your body to move
back and forth, and this increased motion is increased energy.
The units of power are watts, named for James Watts, inventor of the steam
engine. Watts are equal to ampere x volt or also joules/second.
An electric circuit requires a closed path through which the electrons can flow.
It also requires a source of the electrons such as a battery. A circuit may
contain a switch which breaks the path and stops electron flow when open
and completes the circuit and allows electron flow when closed. Circuits
typically have devices that uses the electrical energy such as a light bulb. Such
a device is called a load. How the loads are connected determines if the circuit
is in series or in parallel. In series there is a single pathway for the electrons
to flow whereas in parallel, the loads form branches, each of which is a
separate path through which the electrons can flow.
I. Series Circuits
In a series circuit, the loads are connected one after the other. When the
switch is closed, the current immediately flows through each load as the
electrons flow all the way around the path of the circuit. Any break in the
pathway opens the circuit and stops electron flow; this includes a burnt-out
Because the current has only one path to follow, the current passing through
each load is the same. The total resistance to this current is equal to the sum
of the individual resistances of each of the loads on the circuit. The current in
the circuit follows Ohm’s Law with the resistance being the total resistance.
Ohm’s Law also applies to each load individually. The potential difference for
each load depends directly on its resistance since more energy is used to move
a coulomb of charge through a load with a high resistance than through a load
with a low resistance. The total voltage on a series circuit divides by the total
number of loads so that the sum of the potential differences for each load is
equal to the total voltage of the circuit.
A big disadvantage of a series circuit is that if one load is not working properly,
then the entire circuit will not work, and it can be difficult to determine which
load is the problem. Some strings of lights are connected in series and then if
one light bulb burns out, each connection must be tested with a new bulb until
the burn out bulb is found.
Loads that are connected in parallel in a circuit are all connected to the same
two points on the closed path. Each load has its own path from one point to
the other and thus the current that passes through one load does not pass
through any of the other loads. If there is a problem with any one of the loads,
it does not interrupt the flow of charge to any of the other loads since each of
the loads operates independently of the others.
In the parallel circuit, each load connects to the same two points, so the
voltage is the same across each load. The total current in the circuit divides
among the parallel branches. Current passes more easily into the loads with
low resistance, so the amount of current in each branch is inversely
proportional to the resistance of the load in that branch. Ohm’s Law applies
separately to each branch.
The total current in the circuit equals the sum of the currents in its parallel
branches. As the number of parallel branches increases, the overall resistance
in the circuit decreases. This means that the overall resistance of the circuit is
less than the resistance of any particular branch.
open switch
closed switch
IV. Equivalent Resistance
1 = 1 + 1 + 1 + … + 1
Rtotal R1 R2 R3 Rn
Where R1, R2, etc. are the resistance values of the individual resistors that are
connected in parallel.
If just two resistors are in parallel, the equivalent resistance can be found by
taking the product of the two resistances and dividing by the sum of the two
Requivalent = R1 x R2
R1 + R2
For example, if two resistors in parallel each have a resistance of 4 ohms, the
total resistance will be 2 ohms. This is because only one half of the charge
flowing through the circuit can meet the 4 ohms of resistance in one branch.
There are more pathways available to the current and so there is less
To find the equivalent resistance for resistors in series, you simply need to add
together their respective resistances:
Rtotal = R1 + R2 + R3 + … Rn
The voltage that comes out of the wall outlets in a room is applied to devices
that are connected to these outlets by parallel circuits. As more devices are
connected, the current has more pathways to take which in turn lowers the
combined resistance of the circuit. A greater amount of current is then able to
flow in the lines which could reach a level that is unsafe or is overloaded. An
overloaded circuit is dangerous because it could become hot enough to start a
To prevent overloading and the resulting damages that might occur from it,
safety fuses are placed in series so that the current must pass through it
before it passes through the wall outlet. The fuse is constructed so that it will
heat up and melt if the current is too high. For example, if the fuse is rated at
20 amperes, a current that is above 20 amperes will melt the fuse. The part of
the fuse that melts is a wire ribbon that completes a circuit. Once it melts, the
circuit is broken and the current stops. The fuse is then said to be “blown.”
current in
current out
Magnets have been known since ancient times and the name comes from the fact
that magnetic rocks were discovered in Magnesia, Greece. It wasn’t until the
1800’s, however, that a link between magnetism and electricity was discovered.
This led to the invention of electric meters to detect current and motors.
I. Magnetic Fields
The two ends of a magnet are called the magnetic poles. Like poles repel and
unlike poles attract. If you suspend a magnet from its center, one end will
point toward the north and one end will point toward the south. This is how
the poles obtained their names.
The magnetic poles cannot be isolated. If you have a north pole, you also have
a south pole. The two can only exist together. If you cut a magnet in half, you
cannot obtain separate poles; you simply have two new magnets. Even if you
cut a magnet so many times that you reach a piece that is only one atom thick,
you still have two poles!
Two magnets do not have to touch for the force of attraction or the force of
repulsion between them to be felt. This is because there is a magnetic field all
around the magnet through which the magnetic force is exerted. The shape of
the magnetic field is represented by magnetic field lines which emanate from
the north pole and curve around the magnet until they arrive at the south
If the lines are closer together, as they are at the poles, this means that the
magnetic field is stronger. The magnetic field lines are imaginary, but if you
wish to see an example of them, you can sprinkle iron filings around a magnet.
The filings will automatically organize themselves into the magnetic field lines.
Why do some pieces of iron have no magnetic properties? This is because the
iron must be magnetized in order to behave like a magnet. The magnetic field
of an iron atom is so strong that it can cause neighboring iron atoms to line up
into what are called magnetic domains. Each domain consists of billions of
iron atoms that are aligned with each other and functions as a magnet.
These domains can in turn be aligned with each other or they can be randomly
aligned. In an unmagnetized piece of iron, the domains are randomly aligned.
If a strong magnet is brought near a non-magnetized piece of iron, the
domains start to align with the direction of the magnetic field. When the
magnet is removed, the domains return to their random alignment due the
thermal motion that occurs naturally.
If one moving charge creates a magnetic field, then many moving charges do
as well. An electric current produces a magnetic field that forms concentric
circles about the wire that carries the current. The direction of the magnetic
field is relative to the direction of the current. If the direction of the current
reverses, the direction of the magnetic field reverses.
direction of current
II. Electromagnets
The magnetic field lines are concentrated inside the hole of the coil.
A static charge will not interact with a static magnetic field, however a moving
charge will experience a deflecting force. The force is greatest when the
charged particle moves perpendicular to the magnetic field lines and the force
becomes zero when the charged particle moves parallel to the magnetic field
lines. This means that a moving charge will be deflected when it crosses the
magnetic field lines, but not if it travels parallel to them. This fact is used to
spread electrons onto the inner surface of a television to create a picture and
Earth’s magnetic field is able to deflect charged particles coming from outer
space from cosmic rays.
conducting loop
Simple DC motor
Larger motors are made by replacing the permanent magnet with an
electromagnet attached to a power source. Many loops of wire are wound
around an armature, an iron cylinder that rotates when the current passes
through it.
The Earth itself is a huge magnet with a north pole and a south pole. The
magnetic poles do not actually align with north and south according to the
earth’s axis which is what we call the north pole and the south pole. This
means that compasses do not actually point to true north and this discrepancy
is known as magnetic declination.
Most scientists believe that the source of Earth’s magnetic field is moving
charges underneath its surface. Due to the size of the Earth, the speed of such
moving charges would not have to be that great in order to create the
observed magnetic field. Another possible source of the magnetic field,
however, is the convection currents that come from the core due to
radioactive decay in combination with the rotation of the Earth.
Geological evidence suggests that Earth’s magnetic field is not stable. Iron
atoms in the molten state will align themselves with Earth’s magnetic field.
When the iron hardens, the direction of the magnetic field at the time is
recorded in the orientation of the magnetic domains and this slight magnetism
can be measured. By looking at the rocks from different geological time
periods, scientists have determined that throughout the history of the Earth
there have been times when the magnetic field has essentially disappeared
and then reversed itself. Over twenty reversals have occurred over the past 5
million years, however the timing of the reversals is not uniform and thus it is
not easy to predict when the next reversal will occur.
Once it was known that an electric current in a wire produced a magnetic field, it
was natural to ask if the reverse were true as well. Could a magnetic field create
a current in a wire? The answer was yes and in 1831 Michael Faraday and Joseph
Henry independently showed that this was true. The discovery made possible the
electricity that we use today.
I. Electromagnetic Induction
Both Faraday and Henry discovered that an electric current could be produced
in a coiled wire by moving a magnet in and out of the coil. No voltage source
was needed; the movement of the magnet alone was sufficient. This
phenomenon is called electromagnetic induction. The amount of voltage that
is induced in the wire depends on how quickly the magnet moves through the
wire; the greater the speed, the greater the voltage that is produced.
The amount of voltage induced, and the amount of current produced in the
wire also directly depends on the number of loops in the wire that move in a
magnetic field. Pushing the magnet into four times as many loops will give
four times as much voltage, however you will also need a greater force to push
the magnet into a greater number of loops. This is because the coil acts as an
electromagnet which resists the motion of the magnet going in and out of the
loops. As the number of loops increases, the amount of current flowing also
increases, and this increases the power of the electromagnet and thus its
These observations can be summarized by Faraday’s Law which states that the
amount of induced voltage in a coil is proportional to the product of the
number of loops in the wire and the rate at which the magnetic field changes
within these loops. In equation form, Faraday’s Law can be written as
Emf = -N x DF
Where N = the number of loops, F = the magnetic flux (related to the strength
of the magnetic field and the area) and t = time.
The amount of current induced depends on the induced voltage and the
resistance of the coil and the circuit to which it is connected. For a high
resistance wire and a low resistance wire with the same number of loops and
the same rate at which the magnetic field changes within the loops, the
voltage induced in each wire will be the same. The current flowing through
each wire will be quite different, however, with the low resistance wire having
much more current.
II. Generators
When plunging a magnet in and out of loops of wire, the induced voltage is
observed to alternate in direction. As the magnet moves into the loops, the
magnetic field inside the coil increases and the induced voltage is in a
particular direction. As the magnet leaves the loops, the magnetic field inside
the coil decreases and the voltage is induced in the opposite direction. The
frequency of the changing magnetic field within the loops is equal to the
frequency of the induced alternating voltage.
Often times, it is not the magnet that actually moves; instead, it is the loop.
When a loop is rotated inside a stationary magnet, it is called a generator. A
generator is the opposite of a motor. A motor converts electrical energy into
mechanical energy while a generator converts mechanical energy (necessary
to turn the coil) into electrical energy.
When the loop rotates, there is a change in the number of magnetic field lines
within it. When it is parallel to the north and south ends of the magnet, it
encloses the maximum number of magnetic field lines and when it is
perpendicular to the poles, it encloses no magnetic field lines at all. As the
loop rotates, the magnetic field inside the loop changes with the maximum
occurring every half rotation. The voltage induced by the generator alternates
as the loop rotates and thus the current that is produced is alternating current
conducting loop
The coils are placed side by side and as soon as the switch is closed and
current runs in the primary coil, it also runs in the secondary coil by induction;
the two coils do not need to be connected or even to touch. The current in
the secondary coil is only a brief surge, however. When the switch in the
primary coil is opened, another brief surge of current occurs in the secondary
coil, this time in the opposite direction.
The reason that current runs in the secondary coil is because it is close enough
to the primary coil that it is within the magnetic field of the primary coil.
Whenever the magnetic field in the primary coil is changed, it induces a
voltage in the secondary coil. If an iron core is placed within both coils, the
magnetic field is intensified, and thus greater surges of current will be
observed in the secondary coil.
Iron core
primary coil
secondary coil
In a transformer, the primary coil is powered by alternating current instead of
using a switch. The rate at which the magnetic field changes in the primary
and secondary coils is equal to the frequency of the alternating current. The
transformer can be used to either step up or step down the voltage.
Let’s say the primary coil has one loop with a voltage of 1V provided by the
alternating source. If the secondary coil had only one loop, then a voltage of
1V will also be induced in it. If, however, there were two loops in the
secondary coil, then each loop would have 1V induced in it, for a total of 2V.
This allows the voltage to be stepped up and for every increase in the number
of loops, the voltage increases by the same power. For example, if the number
of loops in the secondary coil is four times as great as the number of loops in
the primary coil, the voltage in the secondary coil will be four times as great.
8 loops 4V
2 loops 1V
By the same process, the voltage can be stepped down by decreasing the
number of loops in the secondary coil compared to the number of loops in the
primary coil. The relationship between the primary and secondary voltages
and the number of loops (turns) is given by:
Since electric power is equal to the voltage times the current, we can also say
From the above equation we can see that if the voltage is greater in the
secondary (than the primary), the current will be smaller and if the voltage is
smaller in the secondary, the current will be greater.
Most electric energy used today is AC because it can travel over great
distances at a high voltage (and low current) and then be stepped down using
transformers. It is important that low current be used so that the wires don’t
heat significantly, leading to large energy losses from heat escaping into the
environment. Even with low resistance wire, losses can be great over great
distances with higher currents.
V. Electromagnetic Waves
The complimentary law to Faraday’s Law was put forth by James Clerk
Maxwell: A changing electric field creates a magnetic field and the magnitude
of the magnetic field is proportional to the rate at which the electric field
changes. The direction of the magnetic field is perpendicular to the direction
of the changing electric field.
In the 1860’s Maxwell put forth four equations that describe electromagnetic
waves that have come to be known as Maxwell’s Equations. Maxwell’s
equations showed that in order for the magnetic and electric portions of the
wave to continuously regenerate each other, it was necessary for the wave to
travel at the speed of light in a vacuum. Maxwell was able to calculate the
value of the speed of light using his equations. He determined the value of the
constants in his equations by performing simple laboratory experiments with
electric and magnetic fields. Maxwell found the speed of light to be
approximately 300,000 km/s. Maxwell’s equations did not place any
restriction on the wavelength of electromagnetic waves. The entire range of
wavelengths which includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation,
visible light, ultraviolet light, x-rays, and gamma rays is called the
electromagnetic spectrum. The different wavelengths have different energies
and different frequencies, but they all travel at the same speed in a vacuum,
the speed of light.
I. Bonding in Molecules
When two atoms join together, a chemical bond has been formed. There are
two main types of chemical bonds: covalent and ionic. Many bonds are
actually in between these two types of bonds in terms of their bond
To see how a covalent bond is formed, let us take the example of two
hydrogen atoms forming a covalent bond. As the two atoms come close
together, their electron clouds overlap, and the electrons can move around
either nucleus. This is sometimes called a sharing of electrons.
The negatively charged electrons spend much of their time between the two
positively charged nuclei, each of which is attracted to the other. This
attraction between positive and negative charges, holds the atom together.
The H2 molecule overall is more stable than the two individual hydrogen atoms
because it is lower in energy. This is because when the molecule forms, the
electrons have more space to occupy which lowers the overall energy.
In order to separate the two hydrogen atoms, the bond of the H2 molecule
must be broken. The energy necessary to break a bond is called the bond
energy or the bond dissociation energy.
In an ionic bond, the electron(s) of one type of atom spend their time with the
other type of atom. This leads to one type of atom having a negative charge
and the other type of atom having a positive charge. The electrostatic
attraction (positive and negative) creates a bond and holds the two ions
Na Cl
Na+ Cl-
A covalent bond in which the electrons are truly shared equally occurs
between diatomic molecules such as H2, O2, and Cl2. For bonds where the
atoms are different, the electrons typically spend more time with one atom
than the other. These molecules are polar meaning that one part of the
molecule has a partial positive charge while the other part of the molecule has
a partial negative charge due to the unequal sharing of the electrons. An
example of a polar molecule is water. The electrons spend more time with
oxygen than with hydrogen, giving the oxygen a partial negative charge and
the hydrogen a partial positive charge.
d = partial
II. Potential Energy Diagrams for Molecules
A potential energy diagram for two atoms in a molecule plots the potential
energy versus the distance between the two atoms. Let us look at the
potential energy diagram for the H2 molecule where r is the distance between
the two atoms. When r is large, the potential energy decreases as the atoms
come toward each other because the electrons between the two nuclei are
attracted to the positively charged nuclei and vice versa. When r becomes too
small, however, the potential energy increases because the positively charged
nuclei are too close and begin to experience a repulsive force. There is no
room for the electrons between the two nuclei and thus without the
negatively charged particles, only repulsion remains.
Optimal r
Attractive Force
Binding Energy
Repulsive Force
Increasing r
There is an optimal distance between the two atoms where attractive effects
are more than the repulsive effects. The distance gives the greatest stability
for the atom and is the lowest energy on the potential energy diagram,
represented by a well. The lowest point on the well is the binding energy, the
amount of energy necessary to separate the two atoms to infinity where the
potential energy equals zero.
Often the potential energy diagram will include a hump in between the
distance of infinity and the binding energy. The peak of this hump is called the
activation energy and represents the energy needed to get over the hump in
order to reach the binding energy as the atoms come toward each other. The
activation energy is often due to the fact that bonds must be broken before
new ones can be formed. For example, in the creation of water from H2 and
O2, the bonds in the H2 and O2 molecules must first be broken to give H atoms
and O atoms respectively, before they can come together to make H2O. The
activation energy represents the amount of energy necessary to break these
Energy Binding
Increasing r
Bonds exist both within a molecule and between molecules. The bonds within
a molecule are much stronger than the bonds between molecules. Bonds
between molecules are the result of electrostatic attraction (the attraction of
positive and negative charges). A dipole is a molecule that has a positive end
and negative end. Dipoles can either be permanent or temporary.
Molecules that are permanent dipoles can interact with each other through
dipole-dipole interactions where the partially positive end of one molecule is
attracted to the partially negative end of another molecule and so forth.
H Cl ----- H Cl
d+ d- d+ d-
The HCl molecules arrange themselves so that the partial positive portions are next to the
partial negative portions.
e e e e
e e e e
e e e e e e
e e e e
Temporary dipoles are formed when electrons randomly end up on one side of the molecule.
Non-polar molecules can experience a temporary dipole even when they are
not next to a permanent dipole because the electrons can randomly end up on
one side of the molecule, creating a partially negative side of the molecule,
leaving a partially positive charge on the other side of the molecule. The
partially positive end induces a dipole in a neighboring molecule and a chain
reaction occurs where more temporary dipoles are induced. Such dipoles do
not last long but they tend to form over and over. These very weak bonds
between molecules are called van der Waals bonds and the forces involved in
creating them are called van der Waals forces.
When one of the atoms in a dipole-dipole is hydrogen and the other atom is
nitrogen, oxygen, or fluorine, a hydrogen bond is formed. A hydrogen bond is
typically stronger than an ordinary dipole-dipole interaction which in turn is
stronger than a van der Waals bond. Although hydrogen bonds are relatively
weak compared to covalent bonds, they play an important role in holding DNA
and proteins together.
Hydrogen Bond
Why are some materials good conductors while others are good insulators? It
has to do with whether or not the material has room for more electrons.
When a large number of atoms come together to create a solid, they share
their spaces for electrons, creating a band that is essentially continuous,
meaning that any electron from any atom can move anywhere within the band
that it wishes.
For a conductor, the band where new electrons would go has room for more
electrons and thus a current will flow readily through such a material. For an
insulator, however, this same band is already full of electrons and electrons
cannot pass through; there is no room for them to maneuver. (This full band is
called the valence band). Technically another band exists (the conduction
band) which would allow the electrons to pass through, but for the electrons
to reach it requires too much energy. Thus, no current will flow through an
Germanium and silicon are the most commonly used elements for
semiconductors, however they are only able to be used once an impurity is
introduced into their crystal structure. There are two types of impurities that
can be introduced and the process of introducing them is known as doping.
Atoms of silicon and germanium both have four electrons on their last shell of
electrons. (Electrons fill in the shells starting with the one closest to the
nucleus and when that one is full, they move to the shell next farthest from
the nucleus and so on. The shells can be likened to the stories of a building
except that they are three-dimension and thin rather like the shell of an egg).
Both silicon and germanium share their four electrons within the crystal
structure which is built to accommodate atoms with four outer shell electrons.
Arsenic is an element that contains five electrons on its last shell. This means
that when arsenic is introduced as an impurity into a crystal structure of silicon
or germanium and it tries to fit in, there is an extra electron. The extra
electron wanders around the crystal structure. With a number of arsenic
atoms added, there are a number of extra electrons which can carry an electric
current. This type of doping produces an n-type semiconductor because the
extra electrons carry the current through negative charges (n).
Arsenic atom with an extra Gallium atom with one less
electron that is free to electron that creates a
move about the structure. “hole” in the structure.
Gallium is an element that contains only three electrons on its last shell. This
means that when gallium is introduced as an impurity into a crystal structure
of silicon or germanium, there is an electron missing, leaving a “hole” in the
lattice structure. Electrons from one of the nearby atoms (silicon or
germanium since they are so plentiful compared to the gallium), can “jump”
into the hole, but this leaves a new hole in the atom from which they came. In
this way electrons can also travel through the crystal structure and a current
can flow. This type of semiconductor is called a p-type semiconductor
because the holes are positive (p) after an electron leaves but before a new
one jumps into it.
I. Radioactive Particles
In the late 1800’s, a scientist named Henri Becquerel was trying to determine the
origin of x-rays. X-rays very high energy electromagnetic waves, but this was not
known at the time. Becquerel speculated that x-rays might originate from
phosphorescence and set up an experiment to test this.
You may be familiar with the phenomenon of phosphorescence from glow in the
dark toys. When objects phosphorescence, they glow after having been exposed
to energy (light) after the energy source has been removed.
When Becquerel performed the experiment, he indeed saw a spot was produced
on the film exactly where the uranium had been on the envelope. The problem
occurred when Becquerel placed the uranium on top of the envelope without it
being exposed to sunlight. According to Becquerel’s theory, if there was no
sunlight, there would be no phosphorescence and thus no x-rays produced and
therefore no spot would be on the film when he developed it.
The problem was that Becquerel still saw a spot anyway even though the uranium
had not phosphoresced! Something in the uranium had penetrated the paper
and left a spot on the film. Becquerel turned the investigation over to his
assistant, Marie Curie.
Using instruments designed by her husband, she was able to isolate two
radioactive elements: radium and polonium. The first element that she
discovered, polonium, she named for her native Poland. This marked the
discovery of radioactivity and for their efforts, Becquerel, Marie Curie, and her
husband Pierre were awarded the Nobel Prize.
When speaking of radioactive particles or rays, there are two terms to consider:
2) Ionizing power – how much ionization or damage the particle or ray can
We may also wish to understand how the nucleus changes in both atomic number
and atomic mass upon the release of a particular radioactive particle. The
following chart compares the penetrating power and ionizing power of a few
common types of radioactive particles, however there are other types of
radioactive particles that can also be released. When a radioactive element
releases particles, it is said to decay.
A few types of radioactivity:
The beta particle can be thought of as a high energy electron released from the
nucleus. If we consider a neutron = proton + electron removing the electron has
the effect of converting a neutron to a proton -> the mass stays the same, but the
atomic number increases by 1.
II. Half-life
The half-life (t1/2) is the time that it takes for exactly half of any quantity of that
isotope to decay.
Example: Kr-93. Half-life of 1.3 seconds The atomic mass number of an
element is written after the dash
100g initial amount as in Kr-93 or as a superscript as
50g 1.3 seconds in 93Kr. The atomic number of an
element (the number of protons)
25g 2.6 seconds
can be found on the periodic
12.5g 3.9 seconds table.
6.25g 5.2 seconds
Isotope Half-life
Pu-239 2.4 x 104 years
U-238 4.5x109 years
C-14 5730 years
In the upper atmosphere N-14 combines with neutrons from cosmic rays to form
C-14 (and a hydrogen atom)
CO2 C6H12O6 – the plant
photosynthesis contains glucose
with some C-14
This C-14 gets incorporated into CO2 which plants then use for photosynthesis and
thus C-14 is incorporated into living plants and animals at a consistent rate – until
the organism dies.
The C-14 decays back to N-14 with a half-life of 5730 years.
Compare artifacts to new plant material (100% C-14)
50% C-14 of new plant material: one half-life has gone by (5730 years)
25% C-14 of new plant material: two half-lives have gone by (5730 x 2 = 11, 460
The Laws of Conservation of Mass and Conservation of Energy do not hold true
when the nucleus does not remain intact as in the case of radioactivity or in
the case of fission (the splitting of the nucleus).
A helium atom consists of two protons, two neutrons, and two electrons. It
makes sense that the mass of the particles separately should weigh the same
as the mass of the atom. This is not true, however. The mass of the separate
particles actually weighs more than the atom does.
He e- e- N
This discrepancy is known as the mass defect.
Where did the extra mass go when the helium atom was formed? It was
converted to energy to hold the nucleus together and is called the binding
energy. It is this energy that is released when fission occurs in a nuclear
I. Transmutation of Elements
Many radioactive elements made in the laboratory are made through nuclear
reactions. Nuclear reactions also occur routinely in nature such as the reaction
between N-14 and a neutron to produce C-14 and a proton. Nuclear reactions
can be written as follows:
atomic number
In any nuclear reaction, the electric charge and the nucleon number must be
conserved. The nucleon number is the number of protons plus the number of
neutrons. Energy is also conserved in a nuclear reaction.
For example, if a reaction has more mass in the reactants than in the produces,
the missing mass would be converted to energy under E = mc2 and would be
observed in the kinetic energy of the product particles. If the total mass of the
products is greater than the total mass of the reactants, there must be
sufficient kinetic energy from a bombarding particle to make up this
The best particle to bombard the nucleus is the neutron. This is because the
neutron is neutral and thus it does not repel the nucleus the way that charged
particles such as the proton and the alpha particle do. By bombarding
uranium with neutrons, scientists were able to produce new elements with
atomic numbers higher than uranium: neptunium and plutonium were the first
to be produced.
In 1938 Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann were bombarding uranium with
neutrons. Thus far nuclear reactions had only been observed to knock out
small particles from the nucleus such as a proton or a neutron or an alpha
particle. At first this is what Hahn and Strassmann observed as well, but one
day they obtained an isotope of barium which is about one third the size of a
uranium atom and thus quite large compared to any previous observations.
The isotope of barium was determined to have been observed due to fission,
the splitting of the uranium nucleus. Fission occurs much more readily with
the rare uranium isotope U-235 than it does with the much more common
uranium isotope U-238. Fission releases an enormous amount of energy
although the amount of energy released from one atom is still quite small on a
practical scale.
Each fission reaction releases neutrons as well. Physicists realized that these
neutrons could be used to start fission reactions of other uranium atoms in a
chain reaction. If this chain reaction could be self-sustaining, then much more
energy could be released at once. In order for this to occur at least one
neutron produced by fission must split at least one other atom. This does
occur and allowed for scientists to produce nuclear power. The energy from
fission is used to heat water to steam which turns the turbine to make
Chain Reaction
Kr-92 Kr-92
There are two main uses of radiation in medicine. One is as therapy for
diseases such as cancer and the other is as a diagnostic tool for the detection
of certain diseases.
Cancer is caused by unregulated cell growth and this mass of growing cells is
called a tumor. These growing cells are particularly susceptible to radiation, so
it is possible to kill them by exposing them to radiation. Some normal cells will
also be killed, however and this is one reason why people who undergo
radiation therapy are often feeling unwell in the days after treatment.
To minimize the effects of the radiation on normal cells, the beam of radiation
is often rotated around the patient while focused on the tumor. In this way
the normal cells take turns receiving radiation while the tumor is always
receiving radiation.
Sometimes a tiny source of radiation is inserted directly into the tumor. The
radiation will eventually kill the majority of the cancerous cells around the
Radiation is not as effective a treatment when the cancerous cells are not
localized. In this case it is difficult to kill a significant number of cancerous cells
without the radiation also doing significant damage to the body.
IV. Uses of Radiation in Medicine
1) They should have a short half-life, so they won’t be in the body for a long
2) They should not emit alpha particles since alpha particles have high ionizing
power and thus can do a lot of damage.
3) They should concentrate in one area of the body so any unwanted damage
that is done to the body is localized.
One of the uses of tracers is in a PET scan. PET stands for positron emission
tomography. PET scans are able to provide images of certain regions of the
body. For example, a PET scan of the brain is able to determine if certain areas
of the brain are impaired.
In preparation for a PET scan, the patient is fed glucose that has been
prepared with a radioactive isotope that emits positrons. Positrons are the
equivalent to electrons in mass but have opposite charge. The glucose
localizes in the brain and when the positrons are emitted, they combine with
electrons in the brain to produce gamma rays. The gamma rays then travel
outside of the body and are therefore able to be detected. This allows an
image to be made of the brain telling where the radioisotope is present and
where it isn’t. If the labeled glucose isn’t getting to an area, then that area is
Another example of a tracer is Xe-133 which is used to diagnose respiratory
problems. The patient inhales air containing Xe-133 which goes to the lungs
along with oxygen. The air goes only to healthy lung tissue and not impaired
lung tissue. The chest is scanned for radiation. Any area of the lungs that is
impaired will be indicated by less radiation because not as much Xe-133 (and
oxygen) will be present.
Fe-59 is a tracer that is used to diagnose anemia (a low red blood cell count).
Hemoglobin is the molecule in red blood cells that carries oxygen to all the
cells. The oxygen is bound by an iron atom. When the patient is given Fe-59,
it will be incorporated into hemoglobin and then can be scanned to provide an
indirect count of the red blood cells.
The study of the particles that make up atoms and their properties is called high-
energy physics or elementary-particle physics. Scientists needed a source of
these particles in order to study them. Originally in the 1930’s, physics used
cosmic rays which are even higher in energy than gamma rays and come from
space toward the Earth. When cosmic rays hit the upper atmosphere, the collide
with molecules of oxygen or nitrogen and destroy them creating elementary
particles. Physicists would often set up their experiments on mountain tops so
they could be even closer to the source of cosmic rays.
Scientists had to detect the elementary particles by seeing how they affected the
matter and looking at the changes in the matter – they couldn’t see the
elementary particles! After Ernest O. Lawrence invented the cyclotron, it was no
longer necessary for scientists to use cosmic rays to study elementary particles.
A cyclotron is a machine that can accelerate particles and scientists were then
able to accelerate particles to very high speeds and then allow then to collide with
other particles to create elementary particles.
Smaller particle accelerators are used in medicine. The gamma rays used in the
radiation treatment of cancer are produced by accelerating a beam of electrons
to a very high speed and then directing them at a block of copper. When the
electrons stop abruptly, gamma rays are emitted.
We have already looked at two of the four fundamental forces in the universe:
gravity and the electromagnetic force. The remaining two fundamental forces are
the strong force and the weak force. The strong force is the force that holds the
nucleus together and the weak force is the force that tears the nucleus apart (in
radioactive elements for example when particles escape the nucleus)
Scientists believe that the force between two particles is created by a third
particle called the gauge particle, which is an exchange particle. For example, the
gauge particle for the electromagnetic force is the photon and the force that
holds a refrigerator magnet onto a refrigerator is created by photons being
exchanged back and forth between the magnet and the metal of the refrigerator.
The gauge particle for each of the forces is listed below although it should be
noted that the graviton has never been detected or observed and currently exists
only in theory.
Scientists believe that all four of these fundamental forces may be different
aspects of single underlying force. This is called the grand unified theory or the
unified field theory.
Such high temperatures necessary for the unification of all four fundamental
forces are predicted to only have existed in the very early days of the universe.
Through particle accelerators, scientists are able to come close to these high
temperatures and currently have observed the unification of the electromagnetic
and the weak forces.
III. Classification of Elementary Particles
1) Leptons
Leptons do not participate in the strong force that holds the nucleus
together. They do, however, interact via the weak force as well as the
gravitational force and if they carry a charge, through the electromagnetic
force. The leptons include the electron, the muon, the tau, and three types
of neutrinos, a light particle that hardly interacts with matter at all.
2) Hadrons
Hadrons interact primarily through the strong force. The hadrons are
divided into the mesons and the baryons. The proton and the neutron are
examples of baryons.
3) Gauge Bosons
The photon and the W and Z particle comprise this category.
For almost every particle in the universe, there is an antiparticle that has
the same mass but opposite charge and magnetic characteristics. For the
electron its antimatter twin is the positron. A positron has the same mass
as the electron but is positively charged. The photon and a few other
particles do not have distinct antiparticles. In other words, we view them
as being their own antiparticles.
When a particle and an antiparticle meet, they both cease to exist. They
extinguish each other and their masses are converted to energy. This
process is called annihilation.
V. Quarks
Quarks have never been observed in the laboratory, but the concept has
brought order and predictability to the collection of elementary particles.
One reason scientists think that free quarks have never been observed is
because of quark confinement. Free quarks only existed in the very early
days of the universe and after that once a quark is assigned to a particular
hadron, it is forever.
Quarks have fractional charges: +/- 1/3 or +/- 2/3 and form the hadrons in
triplets or pairs. There are 6 quarks and 6 antiquarks. The quarks are
labeled as:
The type of each quark (up, down, strange, charm, top, or bottom) is
referred to as the quark’s flavor. According to quark theory, each quark
can have one of three colors: red, blue, or green. The antiquarks have
colors of antired, antigreen, and antiblue.
Baryons consist of three quarks, one of each color, while mesons consist of
a quark and anti-quark pair of the same color/anticolor. Since the primary
colors of light are red, green, and blue and combine to make white light,
the baryons are said to be white, and the mesons are said to be colorless.
-1/3 -1/3
proton neutron
The Pauli exclusion principle says that no two electrons (or particles) are
alike, however not all particles obey this principle. Those that do are called
fermions. The proton, the electron, and the neutron are examples of
fermions. Those particles that don’t follow the exclusion principle are
called bosons. Bosons have spin numbers that are integers (0,1,2, etc.)
while fermions have half integer spins (1/2, 3/2, etc.).
Matter is made up mainly of fermions, but the forces arise from the
interaction of bosons. Quarks are fermions and should therefore obey the
exclusion principle. Because some of the quarks seemed to be exactly the
same, in violation of the exclusion principle, the color was added to the
quarks to give them a distinction, thus making each slightly different and in
line with the exclusion principle.
The strong force between quarks is often called the color force. The
particles that transmit the color force are the gluons. There are eight total
gluons, all massless and six of them have a color charge, the quality of
having a color similar to having a positive or negative charge.
Unlike the electromagnetic force, the strength of the color force increases
with increasing distance. If two quarks are very close, the force between
them is very small and this is referred to as asymptotic freedom.
Astrophysics is the application of the techniques and ideas of physics to the study
of space while cosmology is the study of the universe as a whole.
Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is comprised of around 1011 stars that have a
combined mass of around 3 x 1041 kg. It has a diameter of around 100,000
light years and its depth is around 2000 light years. Its center bulges and from
it extend spiral arms. The Sun is 28,000 light years from the center of the
galaxy which places it much closer to the edge than to the center.
When we look into the sky, we can see faint cloudy patches both within the
galaxy and outside of it. Some of the patches are actually star clusters in
which the numbers of stars are so great that they appear to us in the sky as
clouds. Others are glowing clouds of gas or dust which are called a nebula.
Outside of our galaxy are other galaxies that are similar to ours with spiral
arms. These extragalactic galaxies are quite far away. For example, the
Andromeda galaxy is over 2 million light years away. The farthest galaxies that
we can detect are over 1010 light years away. Galaxies tend to be grouped into
galaxy clusters with anywhere between just a few galaxies to up to many
thousands of galaxies in a single cluster. Galaxy clusters are in turn organized
into superclusters.
Scientists believe that stars are born when gaseous clouds of mostly hydrogen
fragment and contract due to gravity. Each fragment contracts toward its
center of mass and is called a protostar. As the particles of the protostar
accelerate toward the center, their kinetic energy increases and eventually the
kinetic energy becomes high enough to overcome the repulsion forces that
typically keep hydrogen nuclei from coming too close to each other. Once this
occurs, the hydrogen nuclei can begin to fuse together. The fusion takes place
at the center of the star where the temperature is high enough and the net
effect is to combine for hydrogen nuclei to form helium, although the process
is slightly different in stars more massive than our Sun. The fusion produces
enough pressure to balance the gravitational contraction and the new star is
now stabilized.
non-burning envelope
hydrogen fusion
The hydrogen fuses to form helium which is denser than hydrogen and so
tends to collect in the core. As the core of helium grows, the hydrogen
continues to fuse in a shell around it. Eventually enough of the hydrogen
within the core has been consumed for the production of energy to decrease.
When this occurs, there is no longer enough of an outward force to prevent
the large gravitational forces from causing the core to contract and heat up.
The hydrogen in the shell around the core then fuses even more intensely,
causing the outer envelope of the start to expand and cool. The star becomes
redder and larger in size, becoming what is known as a red giant.
As a star’s outer envelope expands, the core is shrinking and heating up until it
reaches a temperature hot enough for the helium nuclei to fuse together to
ultimately form carbon. If the mass of the star is great enough, elements of a
higher atomic number can be created from the fusion reaction. With a
massive star, it can contract further and heat up even further eventually
becoming like a large nucleus composed of neutrons. The star contracts to
form a neutron star which then is predicted to explode in a supernova or
collapse into a black hole. If the star is less massive, the star collapses and
cools, forming first a white dwarf and then continuing to lose energy until
finally its light goes out and it becomes a black dwarf.
Einstein’s special theory of relativity states that the laws of physics must be
the same for all frames of reference, but it only applies to uniformly moving
reference frames. The general theory of relativity deals with reference frames
that are accelerating.
For example, if you were in a free-falling elevator near the surface of the Earth
and you dropped a book, the book would hover right next to your hand. This is
because gravity would be pulling the book down at the same rate that the
elevator was falling. On the other hand, if you could somehow be in an
elevator in the middle of space that was accelerating upward at 9.8 m/s2, the
book would appear to fall to the ground just as if you were on Earth.
There are two types of mass that must be considered with the principle of
equivalence: inertial mass and gravitational mass. Inertial mass is governed by
Newton’s Second Law, F = ma, which states that the greater the mass, the
greater the force needed to produce a particular acceleration on the mass.
Gravitational mass is governed by Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation
which states that the force of gravity between two masses is proportional to
the product of the two masses. Again, there is no experiment that can detect
a difference between inertial mass and gravitational mass and thus another
way to state the equivalence principle is to say that inertial mass and
gravitational mass are equivalent.
Let us now think about the gravitational effects of a large mass on light.
Consider again the elevator in space. If the elevator is not moving, a beam of
light should be able to pass directly through a hole in the elevator from one
side to another. If the elevator is accelerating straight upward, the light beam
travels through the hole and appears to curve downward, missing the hole on
the other side. This is because the elevator moves upward during the time
that it takes for the light beam to travel across the elevator.
When scientists tested this theory, they found that light indeed was bent by a
gravitational field. Light must travel the shortest distance between two points
in order for the speed of light to be the maximum speed. If light can follow a
curved path, then this curved path must be the shortest distance between two
points. This suggests that space must be curved due to gravity, and this is a
basic tenet of the theory of general relativity.
The theory that the universe is expanding with distant galaxies speeding away
from us, was first proposed by Hubble in 1929 and was based on the Doppler
shift of light emitted by stars. Recall that the Doppler effect is created when a
source of light (or sound) is either approaching or moving away from an
observed. If the source of light is approaching, the frequency is higher, and
the wavelength is therefore shorter. If the source of light is moving away, the
frequency is lower, and the wavelength is longer. Longer wavelengths are
shifted toward the red end of the visible light spectrum, and this is known as
redshifted. Shorter wavelengths are shifted toward the blue end of the visible
light spectrum, and this is known as blue shifted.
Hubble determined that light from distant galaxies was generally redshifted,
meaning that the source of light was moving away from Earth. Furthermore,
the amount of the shift seemed to be proportional to the distance of the
galaxy from Earth. Thus, the velocity of the galaxy moving away from Earth
was proportional to the distance of the galaxy from Earth. Mathematically this
can be expressed as:
v = Hd
The expansion of the universe would suggest that at some point in time, the
parts of the universe were much closer together than they are now. This is the
basis for the Big Bang Theory that says that the universe began as a single
point and then as a result of a giant explosion around 10 to 15 billion years ago
the size of the universe has expanded greatly.
All evidence that scientists have collected point to the universe beginning
around 10 to 15 billion years ago. In the 1960’s scientists discovered cosmic
microwave background radiation which was an important piece of evidence
that points to the validity of the Big Bang Theory. To see why this is so, we will
have to imagine the very early days of the universe after the Big Bang. The Big
Bang released tremendous amount of energy which would be accompanied by
an incredibly high temperature. This temperature would be so high that no
atoms could form. The universe only existed as photons and elementary
In this stage of the universe, matter and radiation co-existed together, not as
separate entities. As the universe expanded, it cooled as the energy spread
out over a large area. When the temperature had cooled enough, atoms were
able to form, and the radiation was then separated from the matter and able
to spread throughout the universe. This radiation is represented by the cosmic
microwave background radiation which comes toward Earth from all directions
in the universe and with an equal intensity.