Experiment 6 Lipids
Experiment 6 Lipids
Experiment 6 Lipids
Experiment No. 06
Learning Objectives
Lipids are poorly soluble in water but they dissolve in organic solvents such as benzene and
chloroform. Their functions are to act as metabolic fuel, as stored forms of energy, and as components
of cellular membranes. Lipids are classified into fatty acids, glycerides, spingolipids, and steroids.
Fatty acids are the smallest unit of lipids. They are further divided into saturated and
unsaturated. Saturated or single bonded fatty acids are usually solid at room temperature. Unsaturated
fatty acids contain double bonds and are liquid at room temperature. Fatty acids are long chained
carboxylic acids which, when ionized, cause the formation of H + and RCOO- anion. Fatty acids react with
NaOH producing soaps.
1. The Solubility of Fats.
a. The following procedure is to be repeated for each of the samples of lipids at your table.
b. Place 5 drops of and oil or a small sample of your lipid into each of three separate test
c. To the first tube add 5 ml. of water, to the second 5 ml. of acetone and to the third add
5 ml. of water to which a pinch of soap has been added.
d. Shake each tube well and allow to stand for a few minutes.
e. Observe whether solution or emulsification has occurred. Instead of using soap add a
small quantity of protein to the lipid and water mixture
2. A Test for the Degree of Saturation of Fatty Acids.
a. Add 5 ml. of your liquid lipids into separate test tubes and a control tube with 5 ml. of
b. To each tube slowly and carefully add the halogen water dropwise, shaking the tube
after each addition. The halogen solution should be added just until it fails to be
c. Record the number of drops needed to bring about full decolorization.
d. Compare your results with those of your neighbors at other tables and order your lipids
in terms of increasing degrees of unsaturation.
Report Sheet
Experiment # 6
Name:_________________________________Date Submitted:_______________
Yr and Sec: ____________________________ Date Performed:_______________
Group No. ____________________________ Score:________________________
Solubility of Lipids
Sample Lipid Water Acetone Soap
Guide Questions
1. Determine the number of Calories (kcal) of energy derived from fat in 100g your food sample by
multiplying 9 Cal/g fat times the answer for % lipid obtained. How does your result compared to
your data.
2. Note the difference fats tested for unsaturation. List them from the most unsaturated to the
least unsaturated.
3. From your observations, which is the better emulsifying agent, soap or detergent?