Flashcards - How To Study Hidayah - 5pgs
Flashcards - How To Study Hidayah - 5pgs
Flashcards - How To Study Hidayah - 5pgs
Define the term 'Ilmul Kalaam' in relation to Ilmul Kalaam refers to the separate discipline
Aqaaid. that emerged later, focusing on Aqaaid.
How are Aadaab and Akhlaaq categorized in Aadaab and Akhlaaq were termed as 'Ilm-ut-
later times? Tasawwuf' in later classifications.
How is the term 'Fiqh-ul-Usrah' used in Arab In Arab countries, 'Fiqh-ul-Usrah' refers to the
countries? legal framework governing family matters.
Describe the difference between اثبااتتand اثبااتتis used to establish something, while
اسقاطات. اسقاطاتis utilized to drop or omit something.
How are the terms اطالقاتand تقييداتused in اطالقاتrefers to unrestricted laws, while
legal contexts? تقييداتindicates restricted laws.
How many Qawaaid are considered Out of the total 163 Qawaaid, 42 are
mushtarak and ghair mushtarak? mushtarak and 79 are ghair mushtarak.