Fphar 15 1440875
Fphar 15 1440875
Fphar 15 1440875
(7.6%). For the occurrence of kidney transplant failure, a NMA revealed that among
PKT patients receiving DTRs, the SUCRA rankings from highest to lowest for
reducing the incidence of kidney transplant failure were PCSK9 inhibitors
(69.0%), calcineurin phosphatase inhibitors (63.0%), statins (61.5%), placebo
(55.1%), steroids (51.8%), immunosuppressants (27.1%), and fibrates (22.5%).
Regarding all-cause mortality, a NMA showed that among PKT patients
receiving DTRs, the SUCRA rankings from highest to lowest for reducing all-
cause mortality were PCSK9 inhibitors (90.5%), statins (55.8%), and placebo (3.7%).
Flowchart of literature selection.
Note: A, HDL-C; B, LDL-C; C, TC; D, TG; E, cardiovascular adverse events; F, renal transplant dysfunction; G, acute rejection reaction; H, All-Cause Mortality Rate. (PCSK9 stands for
Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin Type 9 Inhibitors; Statins refer to Statin Medications; IS, denotes Immunosuppressants; CNI, stands for Calcineurin Inhibitors; BC, refers to Bile Acid
Sequestrants; F represents Fibrates; Statins + CAI, means Statins Combined with Ezetimibe; Steroids refer to Corticosteroids; and P stands for Placebo.).
NMA results of the effect of DTRs on change in HDL-C levels in PKT patients. (Statins denote Statin Medications; BC stands for Bile Acid Sequestrants;
F refers to Fibrates; Statins + CAI means Statins Combined with Ezetimibe; and P represents Placebo).
SUCRA plot depicting change in HDL-C levels among PKT patients treated with different therapeutic regimens [(A) Statins, (B) BC, (C) Fibrates (F), (D)
Statins + CAI, (E) Placebo (P)].
conducted employing Stata 20.0. Binary variables were expressed analysis to examine differences between direct and indirect
as odds ratios (OR), while continuous variables as mean comparison results. If no inconsistency was observed, a
differences (MD), with effect sizes evaluated along with their consistency model was employed for fitting analysis. In case of
95% confidence intervals (CI). Network evidence plots were inconsistency, an inconsistency model was utilized for fitting
generated, with the size of the nodes representing the sample analysis, followed by sensitivity analysis to assess result stability.
size of each intervention, and the thickness of the lines indicating The surface under the cumulative ranking area (SUCRA) curve was
the amount of direct evidence between interventions. In the utilized to rank the outcome indicators of each intervention, and a
presence of closed loops in the network plot, a loop consistency “comparison-corrected” funnel plot was generated to evaluate
test or node-splitting methodology was adopted for inconsistency small sample effects and publication bias in included studies.
2002; Hausberg et al., 2001; Holdaas et al., 2001; Holdaas et al., 2011;
Jardine et al., 2004; Kasiske et al., 2001; Lebranchu et al., 2009;
Montagnino et al., 2008; Serón et al., 2008; Sharif et al., 2009; van
Hooff et al., 2003; Kohnle et al., 2006) were included. The literature
search process is illustrated in Figure 1.
NMA results of the impact of DTRs on the change in LDL-C levels in PKT patients. (Statins denote Statin Medications; BC stands for Bile Acid
Sequestrants; F refers to Fibrates; Statins + CAI means Statins Combined with Ezetimibe; and P represents Placebo).
SUCRA plot of the change in LDL-C levels in PKT patients treated with DTRs [(A): Statins, (B) BC, (C) F, (D) Statins + CAI, (E) P; Statins denote Statin
Medications; BC stands for Bile Acid Sequestrants; F refers to Fibrates; Statins + CAI means Statins Combined with Ezetimibe; and P represents Placebo].
NMA results of the effect of DTRs on the change in TC levels in PKT patients. (PCSK9 stands for Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin Type
9 Inhibitors; Statins refer to Statin Medications; IS denotes Immunosuppressants; CNI stands for Calcineurin Inhibitors; BC refers to Bile Acid
Sequestrants; F represents Fibrates; Statins + CAI means Statins Combined with Ezetimibe; and P stands for Placebo.)
immunosuppressants, calcium channel blockers, fibrates, fish oil, placebo (55.1%), corticosteroids (51.8%), immunosuppressants
statins plus ezetimibe, and placebo (Supplementary Figure S6; (27.1%), and fibrates (22.5%).
Figures 11–13). NMA of TG change magnitude revealed that the
SUCRA rankings, from highest to lowest, for PKT patients receiving 3.4.7 NMA results regarding the impact of DTRs on
DTRs were as follows: fibrates (99.9%), statins (68.9%), acute rejection reactions in PKT patients
PCSK9 inhibitors (66.6%), statins plus ezetimibe (55.1%), placebo Two studies examined the impact of DTRs on acute rejection
(49.2%), fish oil (45.0%), immunosuppressants (7.8%), and calcium reactions in PKT patients. These studies comprised a total of
channel blockers (7.6%). 2,176 patients and investigated two intervention measures,
including statins and a placebo (Figure 18).
3.4.5 Meta-analysis results of the influence of DTRs
on cardiovascular adverse events in PKT patients 3.4.8 NMA results on the impact of DTRs on all-
Two studies assessed the impact of DTRs on cardiovascular cause mortality in PKT patients
adverse events in PKT patients, comprising a total of 561 patients Four studies analyzed the impact of DTRs on all-cause mortality
and involving three intervention strategies: PCSK9 inhibitors, in PKT patients, comprising a total of 2,699 patients and involving
statins, and placebo (Figure 14). three intervention measures, including PCSK9 inhibitors, statins,
and placebo (Supplementary Figure S8; Figures 19–21). A NMA on
3.4.6 NMA results of the impact of treatment all-cause mortality revealed that the SUCRA values, indicating the
regimens on PKT patients’ graft failure effectiveness in reducing all-cause mortality, ranked from highest to
Incorporating 8 studies, the analysis examined the impact of lowest as follows: PCSK9 inhibitors (90.5%), statins (55.8%), and
treatment regimens on PKT patients’ graft failure, encompassing a placebo (3.7%).
total of 3,114 patients and 7 intervention approaches, including
PCSK9 inhibitors, statins, immunosuppressants, calcium channel
blockers, fibrates, corticosteroids, and placebos (Supplementary 3.5 Bias analysis
Figure S7; Figures 15–17). Conducting a NMA on graft failure, it
was observed that the SUCRA values, indicating the likelihood of By plotting a standard funnel plot for the analysis of publication
reducing graft failure occurrence, ranked in descending order as bias in the included literature, it was observed that the funnel plot
follows for the various treatment approaches: PCSK9 inhibitors exhibited good symmetry, and the included studies were evenly
(69.0%), calcium channel blockers (63.0%), statins (61.5%), distributed, indicating a minimal publication bias in the study
SUCRA diagram depicting the magnitude of TC changes in PKT patients treated with different therapeutic regimens [(A) for PCSK9 inhibitors, (B) for
Statins, (C) for IS, (D) for CNI, (E) for BC, (F) for F, (G) for Statins + CAI, (H) for P; PCSK9 stands for Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin Type 9 Inhibitors;
Statins refer to Statin Medications; IS denotes Immunosuppressants; CNI stands for Calcineurin Inhibitors; BC refers to Bile Acid Sequestrants; F
represents Fibrates; Statins + CAI means Statins Combined with Ezetimibe; and P stands for Placebo].
designs of the included literature. The standard funnel plot is Corticosteroids may also contribute to dyslipidemia, particularly
presented in Figure 22. with long-term use (Lepre et al., 1999; Pipeleers et al., 2021).
Pharmacological treatment remains a crucial strategy for
managing dyslipidemia, and selecting medications with high
3.6 GRADE evidence quality assessment efficacy and safety profiles is essential for promoting patient health.
To further evaluate the efficacy of lipid-lowering therapies in
This study included a total of eight outcome measures, with managing elevated lipid levels in PKT patients, this study conducted
HDL-C, LDL-C, TC, TG, and renal transplant failure as a systematic review and network meta-analysis of lipid management
intermediate quality evidence, and cardiovascular and medications for these patients. The selection of medications for
cerebrovascular adverse reactions, acute rejection, and all-cause network meta-analysis was based on their ability to adjust lipid levels
mortality as low-quality evidence (Table 2). in PKT patients, as well as their safety and tolerability. For instance,
statins are widely used due to their potent LDL-C lowering effects;
ezetimibe, a cholesterol absorption inhibitor, can enhance the
4 Discussion efficacy of statins; fibrates are primarily used to reduce
triglyceride levels; and PCSK9 inhibitors have garnered attention
PKT patients often face the necessity of using for their significant LDL-C lowering effects and favorable safety
immunosuppressants, which can affect metabolism and lead to profile. Our study results indicated that, in the NMA of HDL-C
dyslipidemia (Fuentes-Orozco et al., 2018; Jafari et al., 2017). change magnitude, the SUCRA values for PKT patients treated with
Long-term administration of these immunosuppressants is different therapeutic regimens ranked from highest to lowest as
typically required to prevent organ rejection. Different classes of follows: statins + ezetimibe (70%), placebo (61.5%), fibrates (57.2%),
immunosuppressants may have varying impacts on lipid statins (44.1%), and fish oil (17.3%). In the NMA of LDL-C change
metabolism, resulting in dyslipidemia. For instance, CNIs such as magnitude, the SUCRA values for PKT patients treated with
cyclosporine and tacrolimus have been shown to influence lipid different therapeutic regimens ranked from highest to lowest as
metabolism. Cyclosporine can elevate levels of LDL-C and TC, while follows: statins (68.2%), statins + ezetimibe (67.5%), fish oil (53.4%),
tacrolimus may increase TG levels. Additionally, mycophenolate fibrates (34.5%), and placebo (26.5%). In the NMA of TC change
mofetil (MMF) generally does not significantly affect lipid levels, but magnitude, the SUCRA values for PKT patients treated with
its combination with CNIs may exacerbate lipid abnormalities. different therapeutic regimens ranked from highest to lowest as
NMA results of the effect of DTRs on the magnitude of TG changes in PKT patients. (PCSK9 stands for Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin Type
9 Inhibitors; Statins refer to Statin Medications; IS denotes Immunosuppressants; CNI stands for Calcineurin Inhibitors; BC refers to Bile Acid
Sequestrants; F represents Fibrates; Statins + CAI means Statins Combined with Ezetimibe; and P stands for Placebo).
SUCRA plot of the changes in TG levels in PKT patients treated with DTRs [(A) for PCSK9 inhibitors, (B) for Statins, (C) for IS, (D) for CNI, (E) for BC, (F)
for F, (G) for Statins + CAI, (H) for P; PCSK9 stands for Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin Type 9 Inhibitors; Statins refer to Statin Medications; IS
denotes Immunosuppressants; CNI stands for Calcineurin Inhibitors; BC refers to Bile Acid Sequestrants; (F) represents Fibrates; Statins + CAI means
Statins Combined with Ezetimibe; and P stands for Placebo].
NMA results of the effects of DTRs on graft failure in PKT patients. (PCSK9 stands for Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin Type 9 Inhibitors; Statins
refer to Statin Medications; IS denotes Immunosuppressants; CNI stands for Calcineurin Inhibitors; BC refers to Bile Acid Sequestrants; Steroids
represents Steroids; and P stands for Placebo).
SUCRA plot of the impact of DTRs on PKT patients’ graft failure. [(A) for PCSK9 inhibitors, (B) for Statins, (C) for IS, (D) for CNI, (E) for BC, (F) for
Steroids, (G) for P; PCSK9 stands for Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin Type 9 Inhibitors; Statins refer to Statin Medications; IS denotes
Immunosuppressants; CNI stands for Calcineurin Inhibitors; BC refers to Bile Acid Sequestrants; Steroids represents Steroids; and P stands for Placebo].
Network evidence diagram of the impact of DTRs on acute Network evidence diagram of the impact of DTRs on all-cause
rejection reactions in PKT patients. (Statins and P stand for Statin mortality in PKT patients. (PCSK9 stands for Proprotein Convertase
Medications and Placebo, respectively). Subtilisin/Kexin Type 9 Inhibitors; Statins denote Statin Medications;
and P refers to Placebo).
consequently reducing LDL-C levels in the bloodstream (Artz et al., cardiovascular events. PKT patients often face increased
2003; Santos et al., 2001). In PKT patients, PCSK9 inhibitors can cardiovascular risks, so lowering LDL-C levels can effectively
significantly lower LDL-C, thereby reducing the risk of prevent asthma attacks (Norby et al., 2009). PCSK9 inhibitors
NMA results of the impact of DTRs on all-cause mortality in PKT patients. (PCSK9 stands for Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin Type 9 Inhibitors;
Statins denote Statin Medications; and P refers to Placebo).
SUCRA plot of all-cause mortality in PKT patients treated with various treatment strategies [(A) for PCSK9 inhibitors, (B) for statins, (C) for P;
PCSK9 stands for Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin Type 9 Inhibitors; Statins denote Statin Medications; and P refers to Placebo].
may reduce the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, potentially have employed different doses of the same drug. These discrepancies
contributing to a reduction in immune system activation and could lead to inconsistencies in results, thereby affecting our
inflammatory responses, thereby lowering the risk of acute understanding of the relative efficacy of various treatment
rejection (Melchor and Gracida, 1998). PCSK9 inhibitors help regimens. Additionally, inconsistencies in drug dosages and
improve endothelial function, reduce vascular damage and treatment durations across studies may also impact the
thrombus formation, thereby protecting the vascular health of the consistency of efficacy assessments. Lastly, this study did not
transplanted kidney, reducing damage to transplant kidney sufficiently account for the effects of factors such as race and
function, and possessing positive clinical implications (Kliem gender on drug efficacy, which represents a limitation. Future
et al., 1996). research should further investigate the underlying mechanisms of
This study primarily relied on existing literature, which may be lipid abnormalities, particularly those associated with
subject to publication bias, with positive results being more likely to immunosuppressants. For example, immunosuppressants such as
be published. Furthermore, the included studies may vary in design, cyclosporine and tacrolimus have been shown to affect lipid
sample size, and patient characteristics, potentially introducing metabolism. Moreover, additional randomized controlled trials are
heterogeneity. Notably, differences between control and needed to assess the long-term effects of different drug combinations,
intervention groups across studies may affect the evaluation of the while considering a broader range of demographic variables,
efficacy of different lipid-lowering drugs. For instance, some studies including age, sex, race, and comorbidities, to better understand
may have used varying control drugs or placebos, while others might how these factors influence treatment outcomes. Additionally,
Comparison of publication bias in the effects of various treatment strategies on lipid reduction and safety in PKT patients-corrected funnel plot. [(A)
for HDL-C, (B) for LDL-C, (C) for TC, (D) for TG, (E) for cardiovascular adverse events, (F) for transplant failure, (G) for acute rejection, (H) for all-
cause mortality].
Final result Number of Sample Risk Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision Publication Evidence
documents size of bias quality
HDL-C 9 4,865 1a 0 0 0 0 Medium level
LDL-C 9 4,865 0 0 0 1 0 Medium level
TC 12 5,521 1 0 0 0 0 Medium level
exploring new biomarkers and personalized treatment approaches control group settings, consistent treatment doses and durations, and
could enhance the precision of lipid management strategies. comprehensive documentation of patient demographic characteristics
To enhance the comparability of future meta-analyses, more and other relevant variables. Such standardization will enable future
standardized clinical trials are needed in this field. These trials research to provide more reliable data, thereby better guiding clinical
should adhere to uniform design principles, including well-defined practice and policy development.
Author contributions
Publisher’s note
BL: Writing–review and editing, Writing–original draft,
Visualization, Validation, Supervision, Software, Resources, All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and
Project administration, Methodology, Investigation, Funding do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or
acquisition, Formal Analysis, Data curation, Conceptualization. those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that
SZ: Visualization, Validation, Supervision, Software, Resources, may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its
Project administration, Methodology, Investigation, Funding manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.
acquisition, Data curation, Conceptualization, Writing–review
and editing, Writing–original draft, Formal Analysis. XW:
Writing–review and editing, Validation, Formal Analysis, Data Supplementary material
curation. PG: Writing–review and editing, Validation, Formal
Analysis, Data curation. YH: Writing–review and editing, The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online
Validation, Formal Analysis, Data curation. WD: Writing–review at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphar.2024.1440875/
and editing, Validation, Supervision, Resources, Project full#supplementary-material.
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