Experimental Verification of Nondiffracting X Waves
Experimental Verification of Nondiffracting X Waves
Experimental Verification of Nondiffracting X Waves
AbstrncbThe authors have embedded descriptions for local- We have recently discovered families of generalzed non-
ized noudiffracting waves such as Duruiu's wave in a generalized diffracting solutions of the free-space scalar wave equation
family of exact solutions to the isntmpicihomogeneous wave [27]. One subset of these solutions represents waves that have
equation. The first experimental pmdnctiou of acoustic forms
of a subset of these solutions that the authors term, "X waves" X-llke shapes in a plane along the axls of the waves and
are reported. Our generalized expression includes a term for the we term them "X waves" [27]. The nondiffracting X waves
frequency response of the system and parameters for varying propagate without changing their waveforms in both space and
depth of field versus beam width of the resulting family of time provided they are produced by an infinite aperture. Even
beams. Excellent agreement between theoretical predictions and m t h finite aperture, nearly exact X waves can be reallzed m t h
experiment was obtained. An X wave of finite apertnre driven
either broadband or band-hmlted radiators over deep depth of
with realizable (causal, fiuite energy) pulses travels with a large
depth of field (nondiffracting length). field (nondiffracting distance). In comparison with Durnin's
beam [ I l l , X waves contain multlple frequencies and are
localized in both space and time. X waves are nondiffractmg in
I. INTRODUCTION nature and have a constant peak amplitude as they propagate.
HE PROPAGATION of acoustic waves in rsotropicihomo- This 1s different from Brittmgham's [I] and Ziolkowsk~'~ [2],
T geneous media and electromagnetic waves in free space is [3] localized
governed by the isotropic/homogeneous (or free space) scalar or aperiodically.
waves that recover their amplitude perlod~cally
wave equation. The first localized solution of the free-space In this paper, we report the experimental production of
scalar wave eqnation was d~scoveredby J. N. Brittingham an axially symmetric acoustlc X wave and compare it with
in 1983 and was called a focus wave mode [I]. In 1985, computer simulations.
R. W Z~olkowsla d~scovered a new localized solution of
the free-space scalar wave equation and found a wav to
construct new solutions from thi? localized solulion by Laplace ~h~ isotroplcihomogeneons scalar wave equation in cylin-
transform [2]. In 1989, a localized solution uslng the so- firic,ll mnrrlinn+pq
called modified power spectrum was constructed and the
oivpn hv a-
Durnin in 1987 [Ill. A finite aperture approximation of this the plane defined by r and 4, t is the time, c. 1s the speed of
beam was expressed in continuous wave form and was realized sound, and @ represents acoustic pressure that 1s a function of
by optical experiments (treating the scalar amplitude of one r, 4, z, and t One of the families of generalized solutions of
transverse component o l eilher thc electrical or magnetic field (1) discovered recently by us [27] is of the form
as the solution of the scalar wave equation) [12]. Durnm's
beams were further studied in optics in a number of papers
[13]-[19]. Hsu et ul. [20] realized a Jo Bessel beam wlth a
narrow-band PZT ceramic ultrasonic transducer of nonuniform
poling. We made the first Jo Bessel annular array transducer where
1211 using a PZT ceramlc/polymer composite and applied
~t to medical acoustlc lmaglng and tissue characterzation
[22]-[25]. Campbell et al. had a similar idea to use an annular and where
array Lo realize a Jo Bessel beam and compared the Jo Bessel
beam to the Axicon [26]
where T ( k ) can be any complex function (well behaved) of
Manuscnpt recelved Augusl 21, 1991, rcv~redand accepted January 3,
1992 Thls work was supported m part by @ant CA 43920 fmm the National k ( k = w l c is a wave number and w is angular frequency)
Instlhltes of Neallh and could Include the frequency response of an acoustic
The authors are wlth the Blodynlimlcs Research Unll, Deparment of transducer. A(8) 1s any complex function (well behaved) of
Physiology and B~ophyslcs,Mayo Cltnrc and Foundation. Rochester, MN
- .,"< 8 and represents a weighting funct~onof the integration with
IEEE Log Number 9107528 respect to 8, which is the angle around the aperture of the
0883-3010192$03 00 Q 19'32 IEEE
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transducer, f(s) 1s any complex funct~on(well behaved) of 111. SDLLILATIONS AND EXPERIMENTS
3, ruo(k,C) is any complex function of k and C,b ( k , f ) is any w e demonstrate the feasibility of producing a zeroth-order
and C, and and C (O < C < x / 2 ) (axially symmemc), band-limited X wave with a finite aperture
are parameters that are independent of the spatial and time and causal pulses by comparjng beam simulatiuns
variables ( T , 4, z, and t ) of Qc(s). of a physical ultrasonic transducer to measurements of its
I£ c l ( k ,C ) in (3) is real and independent of the wave number, beam.
k, G c ( s ) in (2) represents a family of complex waves that are
nondispersive, the peak of which will travel with speed cl in A. Simulatrons
isotrapic/homogeneous media without changing wave shape in
either transverse or axial directions. This means that the waves Panels (1) and (2) in Fig. 1 present computer simulations
represented by (2) are nondiffractmg, i e ,both the phase and of the zeroth-order, band-llmited, and finite-aperture X wave
amplitude of the complex wave are kept unchanged in space pressure distributions (n = 0 in ( 6 ) ) at distances z =I70
and time as the wave propagates. mm and 340 mm, respecfively, away from the surface of a
Although the peak of the wave travels with speed cl,which 50-mm diameter transducer. The simulations were performed
is greater than the speed of sound c,the individual components using the RayleighSommerfeld formulation of diffraction
d o not travel faster than c nor do the wave fronts in the [28] and an exact X wave shading. The transmitting transfer
realizable finite aperture case. More detailed discussion of the function of the transducer B ( k ) in (6) was approximated with
wave peak speed, c ~is, reported in [271. a Blackman widow function [29] peaked at 2.5 MHz wlth
rf in (2), we let f(s) = e5, A(8) = zneZn8,ao(k,C) = -6-dB bandwidth around 2.1 MHz with the following form:
z k s i n b , b(k,C) = zkcosC, T ( k ) = aoeCa0< and use the
"-" term in (3), we obtain the nth order forward going (along 7rk
positive z direct~on)broadband n o n e a c t i n g X wave [27]: - 0.5 cos - + 0.08cos , 0 5 k 5 2ko
a0(rsin C)nezn@ otherwise
Q X B B ,= , ( n = 0, 1, 2 ,...) (5)
a)" (8)
where subscript BB means broadband, M = ( T sln C ) T
+ where ko = 2rfolc and fo =2.5 MHz. For the simulations
and where r = [ao - z(z cos C - c t ) ] , and ao > 0 is a we used a broadband X wave pressure pulse drive over the
constant. Bocause T ( k ) is free to choose, it can be used 50-mm aperture of the transducer.
to represent band-limited waves. For instance, if T ( k ) =
B(k)eca", where B ( k ) is any band-limited complex function
B. Experiments
(well-behaved) that represents a system transfer function of a
practical transducer, we obtain the nth order band-limited X Correspunding to the simulations, Panels (3) and (4) in
waves [27]: Fig. 1 show the experimentally measured pressure waves
at distances z = 170 mm and 340 mm, respectively. The
experimental transducer used to produce the X waves was
an annular array transducer made of PZT ceramic/polymer
where the subscript BL represents "band-limited," the symbol composite and had annular rings cut on the lobes of a Jo
* denotes the time convolution and 3 - I represents the inverse Bessel function [21], [22]. The transducer has 10 elements with
Fourier transform. a maximum diameter of 50 mm and had a central frequency
The X waves ((5) and (6)) travel to infinite distance at speed of 2.5 MHz. Its -6-dB pulse-echo bandwidth is about 50%
of c/cos[ in isotropic/homogeneous media (or free space) of the cenfral frequency. The panel size of Fig. 1 is 25 mm
without changing shape in any direction, provided that they x 1 0 mm, and the parameters ao and C are 0.05 mm and 4',
are produced by an infinite aperture. For n = 0 (zeroth order), respectively. The linear analytic envelope of the real part of
one obtains axially symmetric X waves, GXBB" and Q x a ~. , the X waves is displayed.
In practical applications, causal, finite bandwidth signals, The experiment was done as follows. A block diagram
and k i t e apertures must be used to approximate the theo- of the experimental system for producing acoustic zeroth
retical results of (5) and (6). In this case, the X waves are order (axially symmetric) X waves 1s shown in Fig. 2. A
nondiffracting over a finite distance (-6-dB depth of field) polynomial waveform synthesizer (Model 2045) was used to
that is given by [27]: generate 10 broadband X wave drive functions for the 10
transducer elements. The broadband X wave drive functions
were calculated from the real part of (5) with both n and
z set to zero. The radius r used for the calculation of the
where D is the diameter of the aperture. For the zeroth- pulse for each ring was the average radius of each transducer
order broadband X wave, the -6-dB lateral (BWL)and axial element [21], and the drive function was truncated at +5 ps
( B W A )beam widths of IQxo* I are; B W L = 2fiao/lsinC1 (see Fig 3). The X wave drive pulses were amplified by an
and BWA = 2fiao/JcosCl, [27. The subscripts L and A RF power amplifier with its output coupled through a 16:l
mean "lateral" and "axial," respectively. impedance reduction transformer to improve the fidelity of
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Analytic Envelope of Nandiffracting X W nulatian and Experiment
(B(k): 25MHz P-"+ral Frequency, 6 = 4: 15 mm, " 50 mm)
O m m - -4
Fig. 1. Pancis (I) and (2):C6mpuiet M a t i o m of Lhe rtmYhordcr (n = 0) band-Umitsd X w e at dk~ncear =170mm and 340
mm, nspeuhvely, awayf~omthe&@I .? of aSOmm-dEameterWnsdueer An exact X whvu apedimshag andabMdbandXwave
pdsc drive of the transducer were asmmcd. The transmining transfm limotion of the transducer was assumed to be Lhe Blackman
. MBz and with --&dB bandwidth mud 21MHx (see (a)), Paneis (33 and (4): Experimental naulls
wisdow function pealted at 25
that consspond to the ~~ b (1) and (2). rwpeetiveb. A IB~IEIu~%50-mm&ctcr, 25-MHz em@ h ~ w y P, h
ccraraidpolymer Coat& Jo Bwel lronSd0c.aPIT, (221 with a - 6 - d B p u h h o bandwidth abguf 56% efthe e d b q o m c y
was Wd Tke ppanel she is 25 mu x la mm, and the fmameeters ao and are 0.05 mm and 4O, respectiWly. b e a r analytic
envelop8 of tk real pan of Lhc X wdve is displayed in all paneb.
Fig. 3. Ten electrical waveforms (obtained from (5)when hoth n and z were set to zero) for driving the Len elements of the acoustic
annular array transducer to produce the piecewise approximated X wave. The waveforms are calculated with radii r equal to thc
average radius of each element. The waveforms aie truncated at 5 5 p s . (OH9) are drive functions far transducer elements from
inncmast lo outmosl, respcaivbly, and are normalized to the amplitude of the drive function in (0).
wave (2 5-MHz central frequency) are about 4.7 mm and 0.65 and the depth of field of beams is given in [30].
mm, respectively, throughout the depth of field. The Rayleigh The high peak pressure of theX wave near the surface of the
distance of an unfocused Gaussian beam with the same -6-dB transducer resulted from the piecewise approximation of the
lateral beam w~dthis only about 28.9 mm at a frequency of transducer aperture (10 annular elements in our experiment)
2.5 MHz in water even if it is produced by an infimte aperture! and was predicted by the simulation (see dashed llne in Fig.
A general description of nondiffracting and diffracting beams 4@)). Although the X wave has a narrow lateral beamw~dth
and the relationship among aperture size, lateral beam width through its peak (wave center), it has X branches (see Fig. 1)
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-4 -2 0 2 4 4
- ( z - c,t) (mm)
We have discovered a novel family of nondiffracting waves.
We call one subset of this family "X waves" because they
have X-l~keshapes in a plane along their wave axis. A zeroth
order acoustic X wave (axially symmetric) was expenmen-
tally produced with an acoustic annular array transducer. The
experimental results matched theoretical predictions.
Like Durnin's beams [ll], X waves could find applications
in acoustic imaging for increasrng depth of field [21], [22],
-- Experiment [24], [25]. Tissue character~zationcould be simplified without
...... Simulation (Exact) the need for diffraction compensation due to beam spreading
[23]. X waves could also have applrcat~onsin electromagnetic
- - Simulation (P~ecewise) energy transmission [7].
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Dcc. 15, 1990 Jim-yu Lu (M'88). was born in Fuzhau, Fujian
J. D m i n , "Exact solutions for nondiffracting beams-I: The scalar Province, People's Republic of China, an August
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G. Indebetow, "Nondiffracting optical fields: some remarks on their from Southeast University, Nanjing, China
analysis and synthesis," J. Opt. Soc.Amer.A, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 15&152, He is currently an Associate Consultant at the
Jan., 1989 Biodynamics Research Unit, Department OF Physi-
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conelaled Schell-madel sources," Optics Commun., vol. 64, no. 4 pp. Rochesler, MN, and he is an Assistant Professor
311-316, Nav. 15, 1987 of BIOP~YSICS at the Ma yo Medical School. Previously, he was a Research
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beams", Appl. Plzys. B, vol. 48, pp. 125-129, 1989 po~tdocturalResearch Fellow. Prior to that, he was a Faculty Member of the
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70, no. 4, pp. 263-266, Mar. 15, 1989 with Prof Yu Wei. His research interests are in acoustical imaging and
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Bessel-Gauss beams," Oplics Commun, vol. 70, no. 5, pp. 361-364, wave transmission.
Apr 1, 1989 D r Lu is a member of the IEEE UFFC Society, the American Institute of
S Y C a , A Bhattachajee, and T C Marshall, " 'D~rect~an-free' Ultrasound in Medicine, and Sigma Xi
opucal beams m tnverse free eleman laser nccelerat~on," Nwlear
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James F. Greenleaf (M'73SM'6W88) was born
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transducer: fabrication method and ex~erimentalresults," Appl in Salt Lake City, UT, on Fehrnary 10, 1942. He
.. Phys.
received the B.S. deaee in engineering science
Lett., vol. 55, no. 20, pp. 2066-2068, NO". 13, 1989
1.-Y. Lu and 1. l? Greenleaf, "Ultrasonic nondiffracting transducer far in 1968 from Purdue University, West Lccfayette,
medical imaging," IEEE Tram. Ultroson., Femelec, Freq. Contr., vol. IN, and the Ph.D. degree in engineering science in
37. pp. 438-447, Sept., 1990 1970 from the Mayo Graduate School of Medicine,
-, "Pulse-echo imaging using a nondiffracbg beam transducer," Rochester, MN, and Purdue University.
USMed. Biol., vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 265-281, May, 1991 He is a Professor of Biophysics and Medicine
-, "Evaluation of a nondiffiacting transducer for tissoe character- at the Mayo Medical Schwl, and a Consohant at
ization," 1990 IEEE Ultrason. Symp. Proc.. Honolulu, HI, vol. 2, pp. Biodynamics Research Unit, Department of Physi-
i. .
q. ,x n*.~
~ 7. .q. -. .. 6. ,7, iwn.
~ ....
~ ..
oloev, Bioehvsics, and Cardiovascular Disease and
[24] -, "A computational and experimental study of nondiffracting Medicine, Maya Foundation.
transducer for medical ultrasound," Ultrason Imag., uol. 12, no. 2, pp. Dr. Greenleaf has sewed on the IEEE Technical Committee of the Ultra-
146-147, Apr. 1990 (ahat) sonics Symposium since 1985. He served on the IEEE-UFFC Subcommittee
[25] -, "Simulation of imaging contrast of nandiffracling beam trans- for the Ultrasonics in MedicineAEEE Measurement Guide Editors, and on the
ducers," J . UllmswnrlMed., "01. 10, no. 3 (suppl), p- S4, Mar. 1991 IEEE Medical Ultrasound Committee. He is the President of the IEEE UFFC
(abst). Society. He holds five patents and is the recipient of the 1986 1. Holmes
[Z6] 1. A. Campbell and S. Soloway, "Generation of a nondiffracting h e m Pioneer Award from the American lnstituteof Ultrasound in Medicine, and he
with frequency independent beam width," J. Acorn. Soc. Amer., vol. is a Fellow of the IEEE and of the AUIM. He is he Distinguished Lecturer
88, no. 5, pp. 2467-2477, Nov. 1990. for the IEEE UETC Society for 1990-1991. His special fidd of interest is ..
[27] J-Y.Lu, and 1. F. Grcenlcaf, "NondiffractingX w a v e s e x a c t solutions in ultrasonic biomedical imaging science and has published mare than 150
la free-space scalar wave equation and their Bnite aperture realizations," articles and edited four books.
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