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Duration: 8 weeks (1st May 2021 to 30th June 2021)

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Sewage (domestic wastewater) is a type of waste water that is produced from a community
of people. The word “sewage” and “sewer” came from Old French essouier which means “to
drain”. It is characterized by volume or rate of flow, physical condition, chemical and toxic
constituents, and its bacteriologic status. It consists mostly of grey water (from sinks, tubs,
showers, dishwashers, and clothes washers), black water (the water used in flush toilets,
combined with the human waste that it flushes away), soaps and detergents, and toilet
Sewage usually travels from a building’s plumbing either into a sewer, which will carry
it elsewhere, or into a onsite sewage facility. Sewage may include storm water runoff or urban
runoff. Sewerage systems capable of handling storm water are known as combined sewer

Sewage treatment (wastewater treatment) is the process of removing contaminants from
wastewater, primarily from household sewage. The process involves Physical, Chemical and
Biological treatments to remove the contaminants and produce treated wastewater that is
safer for the environment. A by-product of sewage treatment is usually a semi-solid waste or
slurry, called sewage sludge. The sludge has to undergo further treatment before being
suitable for disposal or application to land. For most cities, the sewer system will also carry a
portion of industrial effluents to the sewage treatment plant which has usually received pre-
treatment at the factories themselves to reduce the pollutant load.
Sewage can be treated at the place where it is created, which is called a
“decentralized” system or “on-site’ system. Alternatively sewage can be transported by a
network of sewer pipes and pump stations to a municipal treatment plant, which is called a
“centralized” system.

In arid countries, treated wastewater is often used in agriculture. For example, n Israel, about
50 percent of agriculture water use is provided through reclaimed sewer water. In order to
meet growing water demand, the sustainable option is recycling and reuse of waste water.
The waste water recycling and reuse concept, is currently gaining recognition in India.
Industrial segment is the forerunner in utilizing treated sewage for its water needs.
Industrial end users procure treated sewage from the municipalities, further treat it
and reuse it for non potable applications such as boiler feed water and cooling towers in a
power plant. For instance, Chennai’s Water Board supplies 45 MLD of treated water to
companies such as Madras refineries and Madras Fertilizer.
Waste water is being treated and recycled within residential compounds for
applications such as landscaping/watering plants. Constructed wetlands fed by waste water
provide both treatment and habitats for flora and fauna. An example of reuse combined with
treatment of sewage is the East Kolkata Wetlands in India. These wetlands contain nutrients
which sustain fish farming and agriculture.


The sewage system has a very important role in our lives as it protects both out health and
the environment. Water scarcity is the major problem that is faced all across the world. Above
this major part of the water is being polluted because of human activities. The polluted and
untreated water causes a abundant water borne disease which further results in causing a
huge climatic change. Also because of improper use of water and lack of waste water
treatment, the problem of the sewage water will further increases the pollution and even
causes a huge havoc in the society. It will even damage the environmental ecology and might
also increase the death rate. Thus it very important to establish proper sewer systems and
treatment plants to have a proper control on the maintenance of the sewage water. The main
purpose of sewer system is to maintain such environments as will not affect the public health
in general. Thus the sewer system aims at the creation of such conditions of living which will
not result into serious outbreak of epidemic or in other words, it is a preventive measure for
the preservation of health of community in general and individual in particular.


The following are the points to be considered at the time of its final selection
1. The available foundation soil should be good for various sewage treatment units to rest
firmly on the ground and thus, to grant the structural stability to them.
2. The general slope of the site should neither be too steep nor too flat. It will assist in placing
various treatment units at such levels that the sewage may flow from one unit to the other
by gravity only.
3. The general slope of the site should be the lowest level area of the town or city so that the
sewage from the entire town or city can be collected and conveyed by gravity only.
4. The location of site should be appropriate with respect to the method of sewage treatment
to be adopted for the project.
5. The location of the site should be such that enough area is available nearby when it
becomes necessary in future to expand the existing project.
6. The proximity of water course near the site or enough waste land for irrigation will be
considered as an advantage.
7. The site should be safe from floods for all the time.
8. The site should be situated on the leeward side of wind so that the undesirable odours will
be prevented from entering the town or city.
9. The site should not be, as far as possible, far away from the city or town
Sewage treatment generally includes three stages, called primary, secondary
and tertiary treatment.
• In primary treatment, the larger solids from sewage are removed during
the treatment process. The more complex compounds are broken up and
converted into simpler compounds by decomposition. The primary
treatment includes screens, grit chambers, detritus tanks, skimming tanks
and sedimentation tanks with or without the use of chemicals. Some
treatment plants have a bypass arrangement after the primary treatment
• Secondary treatment removes dissolved and suspended biological
matter. Secondary treatment is typically performed by indigenous, water-
borne micro-organisms in a managed habitat. Secondary treatment may
require a separation process to remove the micro-organisms from the
treated water prior to discharge or tertiary treatment.
• Tertiary treatment is sometimes defined as anything more than primary
and secondary treatment in order to allow ejection into a highly sensitive
or fragile ecosystem (estuaries, low-flow rivers, coral reefs…). Treated
water is sometimes disinfected chemically or physical prior to discharge
into streams, river, bay, lagoon or wetland, or it can be used for the
irrigation of a golf course, green way or park.
The selection of a particular type of treatment depends upon the technoeconomic feasibility
of the process selected for the treatment. The techno-economic feasibility can be attributed
to the following parameters.
1. Degree of treatment required
2. Capital and Operation & Maintenance cost
3. Mechanical equipment requirement
4. Power requirement
5. Land requirement

There are various treatment options available for the treatment of the sewage water. Various
treatment options that are considered for techno-economic evaluation are as under

• Primary treatment Followed by Facultative Aerated Lagoon.

• Activated Sludge Process.
• UASB followed by Short detention Aerated Lagoon.
• Facultative Aerated Lagoon.

A. Primary treatment followed by facultative aerated lagoon

The scheme included following units
1. Screening
2. Degritting
3. Sedimentation
4. Sludge digestion
5. Biological Oxidation using aerated lagoons
6. Sludge drying

B. Activated Sludge Process

The activated sludge is mixed with raw or partially treated sewage. The sewage is given
the usual primary treatments in the activated sludge process. When activated sludge
is mixed properly with sewage containing ample or sufficient quantity of oxygen, the
micro-organisms present in the activated sludge multiply rapidly. As a result of the
phenomena, the following effects take place
1. Organic solids present in sewage are rapidly oxidized, and
2. Suspended and colloidal matters coagulants and they form a readily settle able
After such precipitate settles down, the effluent which is obtained is clear and sparkling. The
effluents contains very low amount of organic matter and it is generally not given any further
treatment except chlorination in some cases. A portion of settled sludge is sent for
recirculation and the remaining part is sent to the sludge digestion tanks. The digestion sludge
is harmless and it does not produce any nuisance.
An Activated Sludge Process (ASP) is a type of Aerobic Suspended Growth system. The ASP
plant essentially consist of the following
1. Aeration Tank containing micro organisms in suspension in which the reaction takes
2. Activated sludge recirculation system to maintain the sufficient micro organisms in
Aeration Tank
3. Excess Sludge wasting and disposal facilities
4. Aeration system to transfer oxygen, and
5. Secondary Settling tank to separate and thicken activated sludge
6. Gas Digester for gas production and Gas holder for gas storage

This option consist of the following treatment units

1 Inlet Chamber
2 Fine screens
3 Detritor tank
4 Primary clarifier
5 Aeration tanks
6 Secondary clarifiers
7 Sludge Pumping Stations
8 Filtration Pumping Stations
9 Digester, and
10 Sludge Drying Beds
c. UASB Followed by Facultative type of Aerated Lagoon
The development of the Up flow Anaerobic Sludge Blankets (UASB) reactor dates back from
early 1970’s. Pre-sedimentation, anaerobic waste water treatment and final sedimentation
including sludge stabilization are essentially combined in one reactor making it most
attractive high-rate waste water treatment option. It produces high value by products viz.

• Treated waste water usable for gardening purpose or for pisci-culture after a sample
post treatment.
• Methane enriched biogas having high calorific value is converted into a usable energy
resource like heat energy, electricity etc…, and
• Mineralized excess sludge produced in UASB reactor for its usage as manure for
agriculture purpose.
UASB initially was developed for the anaerobic treatment of Industrial waste water with
a moderate to high COD and BOD concentrations. The basic idea is flocculent or granular
sludge developed in the reactor depending on the waste water characteristics and
operational parameters will tend to settle under gravity when applying moderate upward
velocities in the reactor. In this way no separate sedimentation basin is necessary.
Anaerobic bacteria are developed in the reactor and are kept in the biological reaction
compartments for sufficient time. Organic compounds present in the waste water are
absorbed on the sludge particles in the reaction zone during its passage through the
sludge bed. Organic compounds there after get an aerobically biodegraded converting it
into methane-enriched biogas and a small part into the new bacterial mass. Biomass
consists of Methane CH4 , Carbon Dioxide CO2 , Hydrogen H2, Hydrogen Sulfide H2S and
traces of Ammonia NH4 and Nitrogen N2. The biogas can be used as energy source and
for this reason is collected in gas collectors.
A gas, liquid and solids separator (GLSS) is provided below the gas collectors in order to
provide an opportunity to the sludge particles to which biogas bubbles are attached to
lose biogas and settle back into the reaction compartments. In between two gas collector
a settling zone is provided where virtually no gas bubbles are present in the liquid. The
sludge particles carried along with the waste water flow are settled in the settling zone
and slide down into the biological reaction zone. Waste water enters the UASB reactor
from the bottom and travels through the reactor in the upward direction. In order to
ensure sufficient contact between the incoming waste water and the anaerobic bacterial
mass present in the reactor, the waste water is fed uniformly all over the bottom of the
reactor. Further mixing in the reaction zone is achieved by the production of the biogas
travelling in the upward direction, settling velocity of the sludge particles and the density
currents in the sludge mass.
With proper seed material available at the time of Start-up of the UASB reactor, the
microbial population is developed within three months period. Proper care is taken while
designing the UASB reactor to absorb estimated shock loads in terms of hydraulic and
organic contents in the waste water. The reactor is having the following zones
• Gas collection zone
• Clarification zone
• Sludge blanket zone
UASB alone cannot achieve desired results in terms of effluent discharge standards pre
described for BOD and TSS hence a simple post treatment in the form of Facultative type of
Aerated Lagoon is considered after UASB reactors.

d. Facultative Type of Aerated Lagoon

This is the simplest of all four alternatives chosen for comparison. In this process
primary treatment consists of only screening and degritting. All BOD and Suspended removal
is carried out in facultative aerated lagoon. A Land requirement is higher in this method when
compared to other options. The process consists of following steps

• Screening
• Degritting
• Biological Oxidation in multi celled aerated lagoon


The waste water enters the STP through the inlet pipe having a dimension of 1800mm. The influent
waste water enters into the STP through the inlet. As the capacity of the STP is limited to 30MLD the
excess water which enters the inlet is diverted through the by-pass sewer.

The main purpose of the screens is to remove the floating matter of comparatively large size.
If such materials are not removed, they choke up the small pipes or affect seriously the
working of sewage pumps. Thus the main idea of providing screens is to prevent the pumps
and other equipments from the possible damage due to floating matter of sewage. Coarse
screen of 20mm clear opening are provided ahead of the main pumping station to protect the
pumps from mal functioning. These screens are arranged below the ground level and are
mechanically cleaned. Standby facility for the 50% of the flow is provided for the screening

The coarse screens are also known as the racks, it also reduces the organic load to some
extent. This is of rectangular cross sectional area having 6m height and 1m width. The
thickness of the rods are 10mm with a clear opening of 20mm c/c. the coarse screen also
ncludes a conveyor belt which cleans the floating particles from the screen mechanically. The
conveyor belt has dimensions of 6m length and 1m wide with a thickness of 8mm, which
rotates at a speed of 20rps.


The waste water entering which enters through the inlet under the gravity flow is pumped
into the inlet chamber using Main Pumping Station. The MPS generally consist of 11
submersible pumps which raises the waste water along with the sewage to the inlet chamber.
A single raising pump having a pipe of 800 mm with a non return valve is also provided to feed
the sewage to the inlet of the STP.

An inlet chamber is provided ahead of the fine screens to receive the sewage from the main
pumping station via raising main. The inlet chamber is of 3.4m in length and 2.15m in width
with a depth of 7.5m.
Screening is an essential step in sewage treatment to remove large size floating particles like
wooden pieces, rags, plastics, tobacco pouches, etc, which otherwise damages pumps and
interface with the satisfactory operation of various treatment units. Screen channel consists
of interface with the satisfactory operation of various treatment units. Screen channel
consists of bars placed across the channel to trap the floating particles. The spacing of the
bars is kept depending upon the type of the degree of treatment required. The plant consists
of three fine screens (2 working and 1 stand by) which are run through hydraulic system.
These fine screens are generally made of stainless steel and have a perforated opening of
6mm with thickness of the plates being 1mm. the fine screens also consists of a conveyor
similar to coarse screen which conveys the collected particles to other place.

The purpose of the detritor tank is the same as that of a grit chamber. In fact, a detritor tank
may be considered as a grit chamber having such velocities of flow that an appreciable
amount of organic matter also settles down at its bottom along with the grit particles. The
detritor tank is generally of rectangular shape. The sides of the detritor tanks are vertical and
they are tapered at the bottom to collect the detritus. The screened sewage flows through
detritor tank consisting of mechanical grit removal system. Grit in sewage consists of coarse
particles of sand, ash and clinkers, egg shells and many inert materials in organic in nature.
Grit is a non putrescible substance and has a higher hydraulic subsidence valve than organic
The development of the Up flow anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor (UASB) dates back from
early 1970’s. Pre sedimentation, anaerobic waste water and final sedimentation including
sludge stabilization are essentially combined in one reactor making it most attractive high-
rate wastewater treatment opinion. It produces high value by-products viz.

• Treated waste water useable for agriculture and gardening purpose or for pisciculture
after a simple post treatment.
• Methane enriched with high calorific valve is converted into a usable energy resource
like heat energy or electricity etc… and
• Mineralized excess sludge produced in UASB for its usage as manure for agriculture
The UASB process was initially developed for the anaerobic treatment of industrial waste
water with a moderate COD and BOD concentrations. The basic idea is that flocculent or
granular sludge developed in the reactor depending on the waste water characteristics and
operational parameters will tend to settle under gravity when applying moderate upward
velocities in the reactor. In this way no sedimentation basis is necessary. Anaerobic bacteria
are developed in the reactor and are kept in the biological reaction compartment for sufficient
time. Organic compounds present in the waste water are absorbed on the sludge particles in
the reaction zone during its passage through the sludge bed. Organic compounds there after
get an aerobically biodegraded converting it into methane-enriched biogas and a small part
into the new bacterial mass. Biomass consists of Methane CH4 , Carbon Dioxide CO2 ,
Hydrogen H2, Hydrogen Sulfide H2S and traces of Ammonia NH4 and Nitrogen N2. A gas,
liquid and solids separator (GLSS) is provided below the gas collectors in order to provide an
opportunity to the sludge particles to which biogas bubbles are attached to lose biogas and
settle back into the reaction compartments. In between two gas collector a settling zone is
provided where virtually no gas bubbles are present in the liquid. The sludge particles carried
along with the waste water flow are settled in the settling zone and slide down into the
biological reaction zone. Waste water enters the UASB reactor from the bottom and travels
through the reactor in the upward direction. In order to ensure sufficient contact between
the incoming waste water and the anaerobic bacterial mass present in the reactor, the waste
water is fed uniformly all over the bottom of the reactor. Further mixing in the reaction zone
is achieved by the production of the biogas travelling in the upward direction, settling velocity
of the sludge particles and the density currents in the sludge mass.
The plant consists of 4 UASB reactor units which are further provided with 12 feed inlet boxes
in each reactor. This feed inlet boxes are further connected to 12outlet boxes of 90mm
diameter. The gas produced in the UASB is collected in Gas Holders through pipes.


Sludge dewatering system consists of the following

• Sludge pumping station

• Sludge drying beds

A sludge station is provided for the transfer of sludge. Sludge sump is a concrete tank
adequate to hold sludge wasted from two reactors in a day. Sludge pumps are provided
to pump the sludge form the reactors to the sludge drying beds. The sludge pumping
station is provided with 100% stand-by pumping capacity in case of failure or maintenance
of operating pumps. A 250mm size LDPE sheet is spread over the floor of the drying beds
to prevent the seepage of the filtrate into the ground as ground water table is found at
higher level in this area. A 150mm thick layer of gravel having a size of 30-50mm is spread
over the brick lining which is followed by a 150mm thick layer of gravel having a size of
12-30mm on the top of this layer of gravel a 225mm thick layer of sand having 0.30-
0.75mm size is laid. When wet sludge is spread on the top of the bed major portion of
water drains off in few hours after which drying of sludge commences by evaporation.
The dried sludge is then carried away in trucks for disposal to sanitary landfills for use as
manure on agriculture lands. This filtrate is collected in an open jointed GSW pipe having
200mm diameter. The filtrate that is drained off is disposed off to the sump well of Main
Pumping Station via 200mm diameter GSW gravity pipeline. There are 12 drying beds
installed in the plant for drying of sludge.

Three floating type gas holders will be provided floating in a concrete tank with a holding
capacity of six hours of biogas production. It will be provided with inlet, gas outlet, water
drain, pressure and vacuum relief values arrangements.
A gas flaring system will be provided consisting of the following,

• Pressure Regulator and water seal,

• Flame Check,
• Pilot gas flame ad value along with the electronic lighter,
• Gas flare at 6.0m height from ground level and
• Moisture trap
Biogas generated in the UASB reactor is stored I the gas holder. This bio gas is utilized
for the generation of electricity using a dual fuel genset. Biogas blowers are also provided to
boost the pressure of biogas to 0.4 to 0.6 kg/cm2 before it is feed into the engines. Provisions
for pressure measurement, gas flow measurements, hydrogen sulphide scrubbers and biogas
blowers are provided o the biogas utilization system before it is feed to biogas engineers.

Design of a proper –treatment system is important for the success of any project involving an
anaerobic step. Post-treatment required is given to various forms to meet effluent discharge
standards. In order to meet the inland water discharge standards of BOD and suspended
solids, polishing of the UASB effluents to further remove the residual BOD & TSS will be
required. The post treatment units will consist of the following units.


The flow from the UASB reactors will be treated in a facultative type of aerated lagoon of 1.5
days hydraulic retention time to provide aeration and settlement of suspended solids for
further treatment of the effluent from UASB reactors. In facultative aerated lagoon water
treatment, some solids leave along with the effluent stream and some settle down in the
lagoon since aeration power is sufficient for oxygenation and not for keeping solids in
suspension. The lower part of the lagoon is anaerobic while the upper layer is aerobic. The
oxygen demand of the bacteria is met by surface aeration and algae photosynthesis, but it is
not met when the latter is active. The water environment is aerobic during day but turns out
to be anaerobic during night. Biodegradation of the bacteria is due to facultative bacteria,
which can operate under both aerobic and anaerobic condition.
Polishing is the tertiary effluent waste water treatment stage before the waste water can
eventually be discharged into natural water bodies. Polishing process involves removal of
remaining suspended solids and biological oxygen demand (BOD) that may be left after
secondary effluent treatment. This helps in making the water more hygienic and
environmentally safe before release. During this time, sedimentation of non – degradable and
degraded suspended particles at the bottom of the pond is facilitated in a natural way. Further
aquatic plants, invertebrates and weed eating fish are introduced in the polishing pond to
absorb and consume any remaining particulate matter.

Chlorination system has been given in the design to meet the fecal coli form standards
incase the treated water from the FAL, does not meet the fecal discharge standards.
Chlorination system includes mainly of three units namely chlorine house, mixing tank and
chlorine contact tank. It is done in order to control the odour by the prevention of formation
of hydrogen sulphide that is being produced. It controls the possible fly nuisance due to
sewage, prevents the spread of epidemic.

Chlorine house is provided in the plant in order to supply the chlorine to the treated water. It
incorporates vacuum type gaseous chlorinator along with all accessories and required
number of chlorine tonner.
Chlorine mix tank is provided with slow speed mechanical mixer to mix, the chlorine solution
with treated effluent of FAL. From chlorine mix tank water will flow to chorine contact tank.
The quantity of chlorine mixed is 2mg/lit. For 30 MLD of waste water 60 kg of chlorine is
mixed. Chlorine mixing tank has an area of 20.82m2 with a depth of 2.0m.


In chlorine contact tank actual disinfection of treated waste water will take place by
keeping water in contact with chlorine. The main purpose of chlorine contact tank is to keep
the chlorine in contact with the water so that that the disinfectant may complete its work the
area of the chlorine mixing tank is 249.84m2 with a depth of 2.5m.
Techno-economic evaluation of various options of utilization of sludge and bio-gas has been
done to select the best suitable alternative.
The various alternatives available for the disposal of sludge are
Sludge can be finally disposed of for the purpose of landfill, which is the most
common method of solid waste disposal in India. Sludge disposal in the
manner requires additional yearly operation and maintenance cost in terms of
staff and vehicle for loading, unloading and transportation
Sludge produced from the UASB reactor will be digested sludge and rich in
nutrients 9(N, P, K) which are beneficial for plant growth. Digested sludge of
sewage treatment plants is now acceptable to local farmers to be used as
manure in the field. By selling the sludge at a nominal rate, department can
generate yearly revenue which will help in the operation and maintenance of
the plant. Keeping in view the above two options use of sludge as manure is
found most techno-economical alternative.
The various alternatives available for the disposal of biogas generated in the plant are
Bio-gas generated from the UASB reactor can be directly flared to the sky in a
controlled manner
Bio-gas can be utilized as a cooking gas in the individual households. Due to
psychological reasons, biogas generated from the sewage is not acceptable to
consumer in India and also to consume huge quantity of biogas a complete
infrastructure is required for distribution and supply
Bio-gas can be used as a fuel for electricity generation which can be utilized in
the plant itself. Use of biogas for power generation fulfils the power
requirements of plant partially depending upon the quantity of biogas
generated which reduces the external power requirement and makes the
system self sustainable. Keeping in view the various options available,
utilization of bio gas for power generation seems most suitable alternative and
hence adopted in the present scheme.
With the available four different types of process for the treatment of the sewage water
it was found that the UASB followed by Facultative Aerated lagoon has advantages compared
to other techniques in all aspects. It was found that UASB+ FAL is the techno economical and
best suited for the treatment of the sewage water that enters the plant. Further using this
method about 75% of BOD is removed resulting in the production of methane gas which is
further useful for the production of electricity and also for cooking gas. The main advantage
of this process is it almost runs through mechanical systems, less man power is required.
Looking at the cost comparison and other factors influencing of treatment process it has
been decided to adopt the sewage treatment scheme consisting of UASB and Facultative
Aerated lagoons. The facultative aerated lagoon system is suited for municipal and industrial
wastewater of low to medium strength, but in FAL water treatment, some solids leave along
with the effluent stream and 50-60% of BOD is removed in this treatment.
The construction vision is not only limited to beauty of the residential/industrial plans but
is also environmental friendly. This visit gave us the knowledge about the purification of
sewage water on a large scale. We came to know about the importance of the purification of
water which was carried out at the plant under various process. Proper design, engineering,
operation and maintenance are absolutely imperative for successful and satisfactory
performance of the treatment plant. Each and every unit in the plant performed at its optimal
and most efficient design for overall satisfactory of the treatment plant. Each and every unit
in the plant is directly or indirectly related to other units.

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