3 - Job Analysis
3 - Job Analysis
3 - Job Analysis
1. What is job analysis? Write down the steps involved in the process
of job analysis.
Job analysis is a sequential process of gathering, assessing, and
scrutinizing the data and information about a job in an orderly
manner. The following figure depicts the components that
determine the nature of job analysis:
Sources of data
Job analyst
Conducted by
The preceding figure depicts the nature of job analysis by illustrating its
each aspect. It shows the techniques to conduct job analysis, the sources
of data, and the persons responsible to carry out this process. It also
illustrates the by-products of the job analysis process, which are job
description and specification. It shows the fields where job analysis can be
applied, such as recruitment, selection, HRP, compensation, training,
performance management, employee welfare management, industrial
relations, and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)/Americans with
Disability Act (ADA). Few definitions of job analysis are provided as
Job analysis refers to the process of studying the operations, duties, and
organizational aspects of jobs in order to derive specifications or as they
are called by some, job descriptions.
Job analysis finishes the facts which indicate what is being done and what
kind of employees are required.
A process of getting information about jobs specially what the worker
does; how he gets it done; why he does it; skill, education and training
required and job relationships to other jobs; physical demands;
environmental conditions;
4. What is Job Description? Discuss its purpose for employees and a supervisor or
The job description functionally describes what a job entails. It discloses what and
how a job is to be done. It classifies the job into various sub-jobs and analyzes the
nature of each sub-job. The chief objective of the job description process is that it
distinguishes a particular job from other similar jobs to set out its outer limits. Job
description is a very important document as it helps in indentifying the job by giving a
clear idea about it.
The first and immediate product of job analysis is job description. As its title
indicates, this document is basically descriptive in nature and constitutes a
record of existing and patient job facts.
Job Description is a pertinent picture (in writing) of the organizational
relationships, responsibilities and specific duties that constitute a given job or
position. It defines a scope of responsibility and continuing work assignment that
are sufficiently different from that of other jobs to warrant a specific title.
It is essential to prepare a job description before the job vacancy is publicized, since it
predicts the nature, kind and requirement of the job and provides a basis for the
advertisement and promotion of the job. Therefore, let’s identify the purpose of job
Job description includes the duties and responsibilities of a specific job. In practice, a
job description is prepared before advertising the job. Job description includes the
detailed information on various aspects, such as job title, job summary, job duties,
roles and responsibilities, professional skills, wage and salary, and fringe benefits.
The general objectives of job description are as follows:
Enhances the cooperation among all employees as everyone clearly knows
their roles and responsibilities
Clarifies the possible career progress of the employees within an organization
Establishes the pay scales as per the nature of job
Documents the job details that can be referred in future
Assesses the competencies of employees to provide a measure for their
promotion or demotion
Maintains the hierarchy of jobs for the entire organization
6. Identify who conducts job analysis and describe the components of a job description.
The people who participate in job analysis should include, at a minimum, the
employee and the employee’s immediate supervisor. Large organizations may have
one or more job analysts, but in small organizations, line supervisors may be
responsible for job analysis. Organizations that lack the technical expertise may use
outside consultants to perform job analysis.
Components of job description include the job title, department, reporting relationship
and a job number or code, the job analysis date, the job summary and the body of the
job description that delineates the major duties to be performed.