Chap 10 - Auditing
Chap 10 - Auditing
Chap 10 - Auditing
Judgmental Matters
❖ Accounting principles for
accounting estimates or Audit Risk
revenue recognition subject Probable causes of Audit Risk:
to differing interpretation • A material misstatement in an
❖ Required judgment may be Assertion about the account has
subjective, or complex occurred due to:
Inherent risk
Auditors in designing audits, Control risk
considers the risk of material
misstatements through: • The auditor did not detect the
❖ Financial statement level misstatement: detection risk
- Test the validity of
assertions that relate to
classes of transactions,
account balances and
❖ Assertion level
- The risk that a financial
statement assertion is
materially misstated
Allowed Audit Risk: 5%
Inherent Risk: 80%
Control Risk: 40%
Action Plan
➢ Gather more evidence
➢ Design audit at substantive
to increase detection
Allowed Audit Risk: 5%
Inherent Risk: 20%
Control Risk: 30%
Action Plan
➢ Gather less evidence