J K Mishra-Rtpcr
J K Mishra-Rtpcr
J K Mishra-Rtpcr
Positive RNA specific to SARS-CoV-2 Detected
Negative RNA specific to SARS-CoV-2 Not detected
Inconclusive Inconclusive. This could be due to low viral load in the sample. A repeat sample is recommended for
*ICMR Registration number for Covid-19 is SPPLPB.
Interpretation guidance:-
*Testing of referred clinical specimens was considered on the basis of request / referral received from / through
State Surveillance Officer (SSO) of concerned State Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP)/ any other
health care facility affirming requirements of the case definition/s.
*A single negative test result, particularly if this is from an upper respiratory tract specimen, does not exclude
*A positive test result is only tentative, and will be reconfirmed by retesting.
*Repeat sampling and testing of lower respiratory specimen is strongly recommended in severe or
progressive disease. The repeat specimens may be considered after a gap of 2-4 days after the collection of
the first specimen for additional testing if required.*
*A positive alternate pathogen does not necessarily rule out either, as little is yet known about the role of coinfections.
*Please note that these results are not to be used for any thesis or presentations or for Publication in any Journal
without the prior permission of the Director General, ICMR.