Ophthalmology 2024.01.18
Ophthalmology 2024.01.18
Ophthalmology 2024.01.18
1. Which of the following is the most important risk factor in the development and
progression of primary open-angle glaucoma?
a. Young age
b. Thick cornea
c. Decreased ocular perfusion pressure
d. Increased intracranial pressure
e. Decreased heart rate
3. What is the method that allows non-invasive imaging of retinal layers, retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL),
and optic nerve head structures at micron-level resolution?
a- FFA (fundus fluorescein angiography)
6 OCT (optical coherence tomography)
c- B-USG (B scan ultrasound)
d- Orbital MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)
e- ICG (indocyanine green angiography)
4. Which one of the following tear film layer mainly protect tear film stability and decrease surface
A. Aqueous
B Mucin
C. Plasma
D. Serum
E. Lipid
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18 / 01 / 2024 Ophthalmology exam
6.12-month-old female referred to the ophthalmologist due to congenital right eye mucopurulent
discharge and epiphora. Which is the most commonly used diagnostic
A Dacryoscintigraphy
B. Fluorescien dye disappearance
C. Lacrimal irrigation
7. A 18-year-old patient, who started using contact lenses a few months ago, is being treated with the
diagnosis of keratitis in an external center. The patient, who did not improve despite the use of antibiotics
and antivirals, was referred to our clinic with the diagnosis of treatment-resistant keratitis. In history, the
patient stated that he slept most nights without removing the lenses, and recently washed it with tap water
because the solution was exhausted. In addition, the patient states that he has had severe eye pain since
the beginning of the infection. Which of the following is the keratitis factor that should come to mind for
further research in this table?
A) S. aureus and S. epidermidis B)Acanthamoeba C) Herpes Simplex
D) Tuberculosis E) Fusarium
8. Which of the followings is not one of the clinical findings of total 3rd nerve palsy?
A) Since adduction, elevation and depression cannot be performed, the eye is in divergence
B) Since the levator palpebrae superior muscle cannot be innervated, a drooping of the eye lid is observed
C) Miosis is observed as paralysis of the iris sphincter muscle accompanies
D) Lack of accomodation occurs due to ciliary muscle paralysis and the patient has difficulty in near
E) In total paralysis there is a complete ptosis that prevents diplopia and abnormal head position
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18 / 01 / 2024 Ophthalmology exam
11. A 60 years old patient presents with an acutely severe painful red eye that developed during resting in
a dark room after an anxiety attack. He has blurred vision and sees halos around lights. On exam, he has
fixed middilated pupil and conjunctival injection. The cornea is cloudy. What can be your diagnosis?
A) Uveitis B) Acut conjunctivitis C) Scleritis
D) Dacryosystitis E) Acute glaucoma
12. A ten-year-old boy with past history of squint surgery is found to have poor vision in his left eye that
cannot be improved with glasses which one is the diagnosis?
A) Ambliopia
B) Myopia
C) Congenital cataract
D) Congenital glaucoma
13. Which one of the following statement is FALSE for Retinal Detachments? A Rhegmatogenous,
traction and exudative are the main forms
B Traction form is usually associated with a retinal tear
C. Proliferative retinopathies cause tractional retinal detachment
D. Proliferative retinopathies cause combined traction and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment
E. Exudative forms are not treated by surgical operation generally
14. For a patient diagnosed to have posterior vitreous detachments (PVD), which one of
the following symptom may indicate a possible retinal detachment started?
A. Painful red eye
B. Sudden loss of light perception
CVisual field loss:
D. Nystagmus
E. Bitemporal hemianopsia
15. Which one of the following statement is false for medical indications of contact lens wear?
A. Unilateral aphakia
B. Dry eye
C. Irregular astigmatism
D. High myopia
E. Keratoconus
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18 / 01 / 2024 Ophthalmology exam
18. Which of the following in age-related macular degeneration indicates that it is an exudative type?
A) Soft drusen
B) Choroidal neovascularization
C) Retinal pigment epithelium hypertrophy
D) Epiretinal membrane
E) Geographic atrophy
19. A patient who gets bleach in her eye while cleaning panics and goes to the emergency room.
This patient states that the amount splashed in the eye was too much and that she could not open her eye
at all. What would your choice of initial approach?
A)I would rinse the eye liberally with isotonic NaCl
B) The pH as the sodium hypochlorite in bleach is highly acidic, therefore I rinse the eye profusely using
an alkaline liquid to balance the pH
C) Since the patient cannot open his/her eye, I would not perform any procedure and refer him/her to an
D) I would prescribe antibiotic drops and artificial tears and send the patient home.
E) I would put a therapeutic contact lens in your eye right away.
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