: English : XI SMA / (Intermediate) : II : 5th : 2 X 45 Minutes : Review the last lesson (5 minutes) : Reading in turns (10 minutes) : Teacher explain the text and the activities (15 minutes) : Answer all the types of the questions (25 minutes) : Discussion (15 minutes) : Write and read story (20 minutes) Type of activity : 1. In reading section, it will learn about tranport system. Read the passage in turns with the classmates. 2. Work individually to answer the questions bellow. 3. Discuss the answer that has been done. 4. Tell about the transportation in your city. Write in the paper, then will be read by others. Work by yourself. Preparation : Hand out (text, task, and picture). Method / procedure : 1. Teacher roles : - Organizer. Tell student exactly what their reading purpose is and give them clear interactions how to achieve it and how long they have to do this. - Observer. While students are reading, we can observe their progress since this will give us valuable information about how well the are doing individually and collectively. - Feedback organizer. When our students have completed the successfully. We need may start by having them compare their answer. We will always ask them to say where in the text they found the information for their answer. 2. Student roles : - Good participant. While Reading the paragraph, the others answer the question. - Active participant. They always ask if dont know about what teacher says and answer when teacher ask. Standard Competency : Understanding about scanning and scamming, and memorizing the meaning of words. Basic Competency : Response the meaning of the short functional text (e.g. transport system, kinds of transportation, etc.) that use written language style accurately and fluently. Indicator : 1. Be able to re-explain the text. 2. Be able to Gather the vocabularies. 3. Be able to Give information about the text. 4. Be able to Understand the tense that has been used in the text.
Topic for discussion before reading the text Work and discuss with your partner of the group.. 1. Where is it? 2. How many kinds of cars are there? 3. When its happened? Explain by seeing the picture. Direction : before you begin to read, look at these main ideas. Write the number of paragraph next to the main ideea of the paragraph. Work very quickly. Do not read every word of this point. 1. _________ the first toll road 2. _________ driving license 3. _________ the condition of Indonesia road 4. _________ the direction about Indonesian habbits 5. _________ walking is a good thing All transport modes play a role in Indonesia's transport system and are generally complementary rather than competitive. Road transport is the predominant mode, accounting for about 70 percent of freight ton-km and 82 percent of passenger - km. The good thing about Indonesia is that many times you can walk to get to places. Unlike many cities in North America (like Los Angeles) which force you to drive, you can actually walk or take public transportation in Indonesia. If you don't have to drive in Indonesia, don't. Indonesians drive on the leftside of the street, as oppose to the right (correct)-side. (Pun intended). Many streets are narrow. They are good for two cars, one in each direction, with only a few feet or inches between the two cars. Some people also park their cars on the street (no room for garage), making it more difficult to drive. On top of that, you have to be careful with motorcyclists, people walking (also jaywalking) on the streets, and public transportation cars or buses which stop and cut you in an unpredictable manner. To drive a car or a motorcycle you need a driving license. Many countries issue International Driving Licenses which are valid in Indonesia. I used to live in Canada for a long time (10 years) and I had a Canadian driving license. When I visited Indonesia I had to take an International Driving License. Unfortunately, at that time Indonesia is not listed in the list of countries in which that license can be used.
Public transportation includes: Trains buses Taxis "angkutan kota" (mini busses) "ojek" (motorcycle) traditional vehicles: "becak" (a three-wheel cycle thing, the driver paddle on the back), "delman" or "andong". Roads and Highways The total length of roads in 2004 reached about 340,000 km; out of which, 34,628 km were under the state responsibility; 649 km toll roads, 37,164 km under provincial responsibility; and the rest, 266,564 km under district responsibility. Of the total road length, 58 percent is paved. The national road network is in good condition with 95 percent paved and 81 percent in good and fair condition. The provincial road network is also predominantly in good or fair condition. The district rural and urban roads are only 50 percent in reasonable condition. Densely populated Java, with 7 percent of Indonesias land area and 62 percent of its population, accounts for 27 percent of the classified road network. At the other end of the spectrum, Maluku and Papua, with 23 percent of the land area and only 2 percent of population, account for 7 percent of the network. Indonesias first toll road was opened in 1978 and placed under the management of the state-owned toll road company, Jasa Marga which now has overall responsibility for some 515 km of toll roads. Around 460 km of which are on the island of Java. Since 1987, all proposed toll road projects have been required to be offered to private investors, and so far some 30 percent of the network in operation has been developed by private consortia. The number of motor vehicles registered by the State Police was 19 million in 1999 (excluded Timor Timur) and 27 million in 2003. The motor vehicles in 2003 consisted of 71 percent motorcycles, 13 percent passenger cars, 8 percent trucks, and 3 percent buses. Of the total 3.1 million motor vehicles assembled domestically about 90 percent were motorcycles. APREGTOPTRANSPORT/0,,contentMDK:20458729~menuPK:2066318~pagePK:34004 173~piPK:34003707~theSitePK:574066,00.html.
A. Scanning Direction : write the number of paragraph and the line where you find the following information a. provincial road network b. Canadian driving lecense c. State responsibility d. Many streets are narrow e. Thirteen percent passenger cars f. Reasonable condition g. Toll road project h. Cars on the street i. Pablic transportation cars and buses j. Maluku and Papua B. Vocabulary Direction: look at he following pairs of words. Find the word on the left in the reading, compare its meaning to the word(s) on the right. Are the words similar or different. Write similar or different on the line. Generally usually _____________
Walk perambulate _____________ A few many _____________ Difficult not easy _____________ Unfortunately luckily _____________ Rural town _____________ Urban city _____________ Private secret _____________ Account report _____________ Need want _____________ Offered ordered _____________ Developed grew _____________ Reached decreased _____________ Assemble come together _____________ Passanger boarder _____________ C. Matching Direction: Find the word which match to the pictures
Rural Transport
Air Transportation
D. True False Direction : read each of the following statements carefully to determine wheter each is true or false. Check [ ] the appropriate blank. 1. Many Indonesians are right handed, so they drive on the left-side.
______ 2. When we want to get places, we can walk and its the good one In Indonesia than in LA. ______ ______ TRUE FALSE ______
______ ______
9. In nineteen seventy eight the state owned toll road company has responsibility around five hundred and fifteen kilo meters of toll road. ______ ______ ______
E. Reading Comprehension Direction: circle the letter of the choice that best completes each sentence 1. The biggest population in Indonesia is a. Maluku Sumatera 2. The .. is a transportation by air a. ship a. two a. Train a. 2003 a. trucks a. Issue b. buses b. one b. motorcycle b. 1987 b. motorcycles b. license c. test c. trains c. four c. buses c. 1978 c. buses d. plane d. three d. taxis d. 1999 d. cars d. care 3. On the narrow streets, they are good for . cars 4. Indonesia has many public transportation, except for 5. The first toll was opened in . 6. The motor vehicles in 2003 consist of eight percent .. 7. The main idea of the fourth paragraph is driving b. Papua c. Java d.
8. Indonesian drivers are very ... in driving a. Careful careful 9. Many Indonesians park their cars on the .. a. Garage License can be used. a. Regions b. countries c. lands d. places F. Make the following words into a good sentence in present perfect tense. Example : Margaret - cook rice kitchen Margaret has cooked rice in the kitchen _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ .________________________________________________________ 1. She make cake one pack 2. My mother working are and together i 3. Car they my uncles rent 4. Alexa bananas Dani freezer my and - eat 5. Drivers careless driving indonesias are 6. The close five gate security minutes schools - ago 7. Students noisy class make 8. Dog run into Shaallys - house 9. Hadad Alwi sing songs Palembang new 10.Ismail white board - clean G. Write the paragraph about the transportation in your city, minimal consisted of 100 words. work individually. ___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ b. street c. house d. room 10.At the past time Indonesia was not list of in which International Driving b. calm c. careless d. be
Inland waterways