Liu 2013
Liu 2013
Liu 2013
Keywords: Solid state transformer, Smart grid, PWM, control strategy, Matlab
Abstract. Solid State Transformer (SST) has many attractive characteristics, including power
quality improvement and reactive power compensation. The paper investigates the topology and
control schemes of SST, and discusses its flexibility and reliability for both grid and customers. A
model of SST applied for distribution network is constructed, and simulation shows the SST with
appropriate control scheme can provide excellent power supply during both steady-state and
dynamic-state with varying load.
Solid State Transformer is a brand new type transformer used to meet the needs of smart grid
developing rapidly recently, which integrates the power electronic technology and sophisticated
PWM control scheme. Since the new energy strategy in China is undertaken, more and more
renewable energy source such as wind power and photovoltaic power account for the new energy
structure. FREEDM typically is a micro-grid [1-3], and the capacity of micro-grid is lower than that
of large power grid, which brings about reliability problem. SST is introduced to provide
intelligence interface and improve the efficiency of running power system.
This paper presents a ternary structure of SST. The topology with multi-feeders is proved to
maintain input unit power factor and output three phase balanced sinusoidal when switching loads.
u Lf
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Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 441 175
to load) has been considered; therefore, there is no need to implement an overall control strategy to
coordinate the three controllers. The controller for each stage is decoupled because large
intermediate capacitors are considered.
Input Stage AC/DC Rectifier. The input stage is three-phase boost-type pulse width modulation
rectifier [4], and it’s directly connected with the primary system. To prevent harmonics from being
injected to the grid, the input current should be sinusoidal and in phase with the input voltage to
achieve unity power factor. The input stage is controlled as a controllable current source to match
the demand. To get better performance, the mathematical model of the input stage is presented in
synchronous rotating d-q reference frame here. The mathematical model of the input stage in
synchronous rotating d-q reference frame is presented as Eq. 1.
L d + Rid = ud − urd + ω Liq
L + Riq = uq − urq − ω Lid
Where L is the input inductance; R is the input equivalent line resistance; ud, uq are direct-axis
component and quadrature-axis component of the grid voltage; urd, urq are the components of input
voltage for the rectifier in the d-q rotating reference frame; i is the current of input inductance; and
ω is the synchronous angular velocity of the grid voltage. Eq. 1 shows that there is a cross coupling
between the d axis and the q axis and that will influence the system dynamic performance. In order
to solve the problem, the d-q voltage decouplers are designed and suitable feed-forward control
components of the input source voltage are added in the control. To realize constant dc voltage and
keep input current sinusoidal, the double control loops, a dc outer loop and an ac current inner loop,
are adopted [6,8]. The complete control scheme of the input stage is presented in Fig. 2.
ωL αβ
transformation. To simplify the control system design, an open loop PWM control is applied for the
front-end H-bridge VSC. In the back-end H-bridge VSC, the diode rectifiers are adopted if only
considering single-directional power flow [7]. So, the isolation stage can be seen as a proportional
Output Stage DC/AC Inverter. The output stage is basically an inverter whose main task is to
provide a clean and constant output voltage, no matter the load and the input voltage change. The
input of the inverter is coming from the DC/DC converter in the isolation stage. Since the output
stage can be implemented with three single-phase inverters, to simplify the control system design,
the inverter is controlled as a single-phase sinusoidal voltage resource [4,8]. Simple passive filter is
used at the output of the inverter to filter out the high frequency contents of the output stage.
The steady-state and dynamic-state characteristics of the SST are shown in Fig. 3 to Fig. 6. It can
be seen that before 0.3s, SST is in the steady-state. While switch to the lagging load at 0.3s, the
input voltage and current are in phase as well and the output three phase voltages almost have no
change. So the SST can realize unity power factor input, regardless of output power factor.
Fig. 3 Input voltage and current of A phase Fig. 5 DC-link voltage of primary side
The proposed configuration exhibits the SST functionality in a FREEDM micro-grid, adding
flexibility and allowing power factor corrections. Owing to the simple and available control
scheme, the SST can realize input with unity power factor, what proves that it has the capability of
reactive power compensation; and fast output voltage regulation is another advanced capability of
SST proposed in this paper. Based on appropriate control strategies, the SST can also realize power
quality control and prevent from dynamic power quality problems infecting output stage and avoid
load shock impacting the primary system. In conclusion, the SST has the broad application
prospects in the future smart grid.
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Machinery Electronics and Control Engineering III