Bp-Uop Cyclar Process: Lubo Zhou

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Lubo Zhou
UOP LLC Des Plaines, Illinois

In recent years, light hydrocarbons have become increasingly attractive as fuels and petrochemical feedstocks, and much effort has been devoted to improving the recovery, processing, and transportation of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and natural gas. Because production areas are often located in remote areas that are far removed from established processing plants or consumers, elaborate product transport infrastructures are required. Although natural gas can be moved economically through pipelines, condensation problems limit the amount of LPG that can be transported in this way. Thus, most LPG is transported by such relatively expensive means as special-purpose tankers or railcars. The high cost of transporting LPG can often depress its value at the production site. This statement is especially true for propane, which is used much less than butane for gasoline blending and petrochemical applications. British Petroleum (BP) recognized the problem with transporting LPG and in 1975 began research on a process to convert LPG to higher-value liquid products that could be shipped more economically. This effort led to the development of a catalyst that was capable of converting LPG to petrochemical-grade benzene, toluene, and xylenes (BTX) in a single step. However, BP soon realized that the catalyst had to be regenerated often in this application and turned to UOP* for its well-proven CCR* technology, which continuously regenerates the catalyst. UOP developed a high-strength formulation of the BP catalyst that would work in CCR service and also applied the radial-flow, stacked-reactor design originally developed for the UOP Platforming* process. The result of this outstanding technical collaboration is the BP-UOP Cyclar* process.

The Cyclar process converts LPG directly to a liquid aromatics product in a single operation. The reaction is best described as dehydrocyclodimerization and is thermodynamically favored at temperatures above 425C (800F). The dehydrogenation of light paraffins
*Trademark and/or service mark of UOP.

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(propane and butanes) to olefins is the rate-limiting step (Fig. 2.4.1). Once formed, the highly reactive olefins oligomerize to form larger intermediates, which then rapidly cyclize to naphthenes. These reactionsdehydrogenation, oligomerization, and cyclizationare all acid-catalyzed. The shape selectivity of the zeolite component of the catalyst also promotes the cyclization reaction and limits the size of the rings formed. The final reaction step is the dehydrogenation of the naphthenes to their corresponding aromatics. This reaction is highly favored at Cyclar operating conditions, and the result is virtually complete conversion of the naphthenes. The reaction intermediates can also undergo a hydrocracking side reaction to form methane and ethane. This side reaction results in a loss of yield because methane and ethane are inert at Cyclar operating conditions. Because olefins are a key reaction intermediate, they can of course be included in the feed to the Cyclar unit. Heavier paraffins, such as pentanes, can also be included in the feed. Olefins and pentanes are almost completely converted in the Cyclar unit, but the unit must be designed to handle them because they result in a higher catalyst-coking rate than pure butane and propane feedstocks. Although the reaction sequence involves some exothermic steps, the preponderance of dehydrogenation reactions results in a highly endothermic overall reaction. Five moles of hydrogen are produced for every mole of aromatic components formed from propane or butane. Because propane and butanes are relatively unreactive, the Cyclar process requires a catalyst with high activity. At the same time, the production of methane and ethane from unwanted hydrocracking side reactions must be minimized. An extensive joint effort by BP and UOP has resulted are a catalyst that combines several important features to ensure efficient commercial operation:

At the conditions necessary for high selectivity to aromatics, the conversion performance of the catalyst declines slowly. The selectivity to aromatics is nearly constant over the normal range of conversion, resulting in stable product yield and quality. Thus, economic process performance can be maintained despite normal fluctuations in unit operation. At normal process conditions, the rate of carbon deposition on the catalyst is slow and steady, amounting to less than 0.02 wt % of the feed processed. Because the carbon levels on spent catalyst are low, regeneration requirements are relatively mild. Mild regeneration conditions extend the life of the catalyst and make it insensitive to process upsets and changes in feedstock composition.






Hydrogen By-Products

FIGURE 2.4.1 Cyclar reaction mechanism.

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The catalyst exhibits high thermal stability and is relatively insensitive to common feedstock contaminants. Regeneration fully restores the activity and selectivity of the catalyst to the performance seen with fresh catalyst. High mechanical strength and low attrition characteristics make the catalyst well suited for continuous catalyst regeneration.


A Cyclar unit is divided into three major sections. The reactor section includes the radialflow reactor stack, combined feed exchanger, charge heater, and interheaters. The regenerator section includes the regenerator stack and catalyst transfer system. The product recovery section includes the product separators, compressors, stripper, and gas recovery equipment. The flow scheme is similar to the UOP CCR Platforming process, which is used widely throughout the world for reforming petroleum naphtha. A simplified block flow diagram is shown in Fig. 2.4.2. Fresh feed and recycle are combined and heat exchanged against reactor effluent. The combined feed is then raised to reaction temperature in the charge heater and sent to the reactor section. Four adiabatic, radial-flow reactors are arranged in a vertical stack. Catalyst flows vertically by gravity down the stack, and the charge flows radially across the annular catalyst beds. Between each reactor, the vaporized charge is reheated to reaction temperature in an interheater. The effluent from the last reactor is split into vapor and liquid products in a product separator. The liquid is sent to a stripper, where light saturates are removed from the C6 aromatic product. Vapor from the product separator is compressed and sent to a gas recovery section, typically a cryogenic unit, for separation into a 95 percent pure hydrogen product stream, a fuel gas stream of light saturates, and a recycle stream of unconverted LPG. Hydrogen is not recycled. Because coke builds up on the Cyclar catalyst over time at reaction conditions, partially deactivated catalyst is continually withdrawn from the bottom of the reactor stack for regeneration. Figure 2.4.3 shows additional details of the catalyst regeneration section. A discrete amount of spent catalyst flows into a lock hopper, where it is purged with nitrogen. The purged catalyst is then lifted with nitrogen to the disengaging hopper at the top of the regenerator. The catalyst flows down through the regenerator, where the accumulated carbon is burned off. Regenerated catalyst flows down into the second lock hopper, where it is purged with hydrogen and then lifted with hydrogen to the top of the reactor stack. Because the reactor and regenerator sections are separate, each operates at its own optimal conditions. In addition, the regeneration section can be temporarily shut down for maintenance without affecting the operation of the reactor and product recovery sections.

Propane and butanes should be the major components in the feedstock to a Cyclar unit. The C1 and C2 saturates should be minimized because these components act as inert diluents. Olefins should be limited to less than 10 percent of the feed. Higher concentrations of olefins require hydrogenation of the feed. The C5 and C6 components increase the rate of coke formation in the process and should be limited to less than 20 and 2 wt %, respectively, in Cyclar units designed for LPG service. Cyclar units can be designed to process significantly higher amounts of C5 and C6 materials if necessary. In general, the feed to a Cyclar unit should meet the specifications outlined in Table 2.4.1.

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FIGURE 2.4.2 Cyclar flow diagram.




FIGURE 2.4.3 Catalyst regeneration section.

The major liquid products from a Cyclar process unit are BTX and C9 aromatics. These products may be separated from one another by conventional fractionation downstream of the Cyclar stripper column. In general, aromatics yield increases with the carbon number of the feedstock. In a lowpressure operation, the overall aromatics yield increases from 62 wt % of fresh feed with an all-propane feedstock to 66 percent with an all-butane feed. With this yield increase comes a corresponding decrease in fuel gas production. These yield figures can be interpolated linearly for mixed propane and butane feedstocks. The distribution of butane isomers in the feed has no effect on yields. The distribution of aromatic components in the liquid product is also affected by feedstock composition. Butane feedstocks produce a product that is leaner in benzene and richer in xylenes than that produced from propane (Fig. 2.4.4). With either propane or butane feeds, the liquid product contains about 91 percent BTX and 9 percent heavier aromatics. The Cyclar unit produces aromatic products with nonaromatic impurities limited to 1500 ppm or less. Thus, marketable, high-quality, petrochemical-grade BTX can be obtained by fractionation alone, without the need for subsequent extraction. The by-product light ends contain substantial amounts of hydrogen, which may be recovered in several different ways, depending on the purity desired:

An absorber-stripper system produces a 65 mol % hydrogen product stream. A cold box produces 95 mol % hydrogen. An absorber-stripper system combined with a pressure-swing absorption (PSA) unit produces 99 mol % hydrogen.

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TABLE 2.4.1 Contaminant Sulfur Water Oxygenates Basic nitrogen Fluorides Metals

Feedstock Specifications Limit 20 mol ppm No free water 10 wt ppm 1 wt ppm 0.3 wt ppm 50 wt ppb

FIGURE 2.4.4 Cyclar aromatic product distribution.

A cold box combined with a PSA unit is usually more attractive if large quantities of 99 mol % hydrogen are desired.

The principal Cyclar operating variables are feedstock composition, pressure, space velocity, and temperature. The temperature must be high enough to ensure nearly complete conversion of reaction intermediates to produce a liquid product that is essentially free of nonaromatic impurities but low enough to minimize nonselective thermal reactions. Space velocity is optimized against conversion within this temperature range to obtain high product yields with minimum operating costs. Reaction pressure has a big impact on process performance. Higher pressure increases reaction rates, thus reducing catalyst requirements. However, some of this higher reactivity is due to increased hydrocracking, which reduces aromatic product yield. UOP currently offers two alternative Cyclar process designs. The low-pressure design is recommended when maximum aromatics yield is desired. The high-pressure design requires only onehalf the catalyst and is attractive when minimum investment and operating costs are the overriding considerations (Fig. 2.4.5). Various equipment configurations are possible depending on whether a gas turbine, steam turbine, or electric compressor drive is specified; whether air-cooling or water-cooling equipment is preferred; and whether steam generation is desirable.

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FIGURE 2.4.5

Effect of Cyclar operation pressure.

The overall material balance, investment cost, and utility consumption for a representative Cyclar unit are shown in Table 2.4.2. The basis for this case is a low-pressure Cyclar unit processing 54 metric tons per hour (MT/h) [15,000 barrels per day (BPD)] of a feed consisting of 50 wt % propane and 50 wt % butanes. The investment cost is limited to the Cyclar unit and stripper column and does not include further downstream product fractionation. The estimated erected cost for the Cyclar unit assumes construction on a U.S. Gulf Coast site in 1995. The scope of the estimate includes engineering, procurement, erection of equipment on-site, and the initial load of Cyclar catalyst. Economic Comparison of Cyclar and Naphtha Reforming Figure 2.4.6 shows the economic comparison of an aromatic complex based on a Cyclar and naphtha reforming unit. The feed to Cyclar was assumed at 50 percent C3 and 50 percent C4 by weight. The same para-xylene production rate was assumed for both cases in the study. From 1995 to 1999, the aromatic complex based on a Cyclar and a reforming unit had similar gross profit. The price for the feed and major products used in the study is listed in Table 2.4.3, and the price for by-products is listed in Table 2.4.4.

The UOP CCR technology, first commercialized in 1971 for the Platforming process, has been applied to the Oleflex* and Cyclar process technologies. More than 100 CCR units are currently operating throughout the world. The combination of a radial-flow, stacked reactor and a continuous catalyst regenerator has proved to be extremely reliable. Onstream efficiencies of more than 95 percent are routinely achieved in commercial CCR Platforming units.
*Trademark and/or service mark of UOP.

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350 300 Gross Profit $MM 250 200 150 100 50 0 1995 Reforming Cyclar






Constant p-xylene production

FIGURE 2.4.6 Economic comparison of gross profit for 19951999 values.

TABLE 2.4.2

Material Balance and Investment Cost* MTA 430,000 66,700 118,800 64,000 24,600 29,400 126,500 79.0

Overall material balance LPG feedstock Products: Benzene Toluene Mixed xylenes C9 aromatics Hydrogen (95 mol %) Fuel gas Estimated erected cost, million $ U.S. Utility consumption: Electric power, kW High-pressure steam, MT/h Low-pressure steam, MT/h Boiler feedwater, MT/h Cooling water, m3/h Fuel fired, million kcal/h

5500 27 (credit) 7 33 640 70

*Basis: 54 ton/h (15,000 BPD) of LPG feedstock. Feed composition: 50 wt % propane, 50 wt % butanes. Note: MTA metric tons per annum; MT/h metric tons per hour; BPD barrels per day.

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TABLE 2.4.3 Price Used for Feed and Major Products, $/MT Year 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Naphtha 139 168 171 115 150 LPG 120 130 145 85 125 Bz 300 305 310 225 210 p-X 960 570 440 380 375

TABLE 2.4.4 Price for By-products


Same as naphtha

Hydrogen Fuel gas Isomar liquid Naphthalenes A10

$105/MT (fuel) $35/MT 0.5 benzene value $100/MT $35/MT

BP commissioned the first commercial-scale Cyclar unit at its refinery in Grangemouth, Scotland, in January 1990. This demonstration unit was designed to process 30,000 metric tons per annum (MTA) of propane or butane feedstock at either high or low pressure over a wide range of operating conditions. The demonstration effort was a complete success because it proved all aspects of the Cyclar process on a commercial scale and supplied sufficient data to confidently design and guarantee future commercial units. The Cyclar unit at Grangemouth demonstration unit was dismantled in 1992 after completion of the development program. In 1995, UOP licensed the first Cyclar-based aromatics complex in the Middle East. This Cyclar unit is a low-pressure design that is capable of converting 1.3 million MTA of LPG to aromatics. The associated aromatics complex is designed to produce 350,000 MTA of benzene, 300,000 MTA of para-xylene, and 80,000 MTA of ortho-xylene. This new aromatics complex started in August 1999 and continues to operate at present.

Doolan, P. C.: Cyclar: LPG to Valuable Aromatics, DeWitt Petrochemical Review, Houston, March 1989. Doolan, P. C., and P. R. Pujado: Make Aromatics from LPG, Hydrocarbon Processing, September 1989. Gosling, C. D., G. L. Gray, and J. J. Jeanneret: Produce BTX from LPG with Cyclar, CMAI World Petrochemical Conference, Houston, March 1995. Gosling, C. D., F. P. Wilcher, and P. R. Pujado: LPG Conversion to Aromatics, Gas Processors Association 69th Annual Convention, Phoenix, March 1990. Gosling, C. D., F. P. Wilcher, L. Sullivan, and R. A. Mountford: Process LPG to BTX Products, Hydrocarbon Processing, December 1991. Martindale, D. C., P. J. Kuchar, and R. K. Olson: Cyclar: Aromatics from LPG, UOP Technology Conferences, various locations, September 1988.

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