I3E2019 Paper 93
I3E2019 Paper 93
I3E2019 Paper 93
Shweta Mittal, P. Vigneswara Ilavarasan
Abstract. Despite high quality information systems security in place, organizations are
vulnerable to cyber-attacks due to lapses in the human behavior. The present paper explores the
importance of human factors in cyber security using an online survey data. It uses the work of
Parson, Calic, Pattenson, Butavicius, McCormac&Zwaans (2017) in measuring the human
aspects of cyber security (leaving printouts, links from known source, website access, infor-
mation in website, password complexity, links from known source, plugging USB in public
places) and their linkages with the demographic factors (age, work experience, academic disci-
pline, qualification, and place). ANOVA was used on a sample size of 165. It was found that
demographic profile of employees and students significantly differ in their perception towards
the cyber security. The paper has suggestions for information security awareness training pro-
grammes to handle the inadequacies.
1. Introduction
Humans can cause risk to cyber security, as any technical security solution or opera-
tion can fail due to the human error. Information security threats cannot be stopped,
evaded, noticed or eradicated by completely relying on technological solutions [
14,15,36]. Behavior of computer users’ can pose danger to an organization’s comput-
er system. Human behaviors can probably put the organization at danger by uninten-
tionally or intentionally revealing the passwords to others, providing sensitive infor-
mation by clicking on embedded web site links, or putting unknown media into work
computers. Research has found that human is the weakest link in safe guarding the
organization’s information security system [13]. Computer users’ immature and unin-
tentional behaviors are the reason behind information security breaches[24, 28, 39].
The data of the current research states that 95 percent of security breaches incidents
are due to human errors. A technological system doesn’t guarantee a secure environ-
ment for information [30]. It needs to be collaborated with mature human behaviors.
[35] enquired about information security and cyber security, though they are related
but can be compared. Information security consists of availability, integrity, and con-
fidentiality. Cyber security also comprises of humans in their personal capacity and
society at large. In organizations, security on both the fronts can be established by
collaboration of technology and human behaviors [37].
Information security breaches can cost heavily to organizations and can also affect
their reputation [29]. Many studies suggest that employees’ information security
awareness plays an important role to attenuate the risk associated with their behavior
in organizations [1, 3]. Organizations invest heavily in technological aspects of in-
formation security and tools but still security breaches incidents continue due to the
lack of attention to employees in organizations [16].
We expand on the work of [23] by using ANOVAto delineate the linkage between
demographic factors and cyber security.
The paper consists of seven sections. The first section introduced the paper. The sec-
tion twoshares the theoretical background of the research. The section three discusses
the importance of demographics. The section four presents the methodology. The fifth
section covers the analysis and findings of the study. The sixth section discusses the
findings. The final section concludes the paper with suggestions for future work.
2. Theoretical Background
In today’s scenario, dangers associated with information security pose major chal-
lenges for most of the organizations, as these dangers have dire consequences, includ-
ing corporate liability, loss of credibility, and monetary damage [7]. In organizations
ensuring information security has become an utmost managerial priority as well as
responsibility [5, 21, 27]. Research on the human perspective of information security
have focused on the employee behaviors and have found the factors that lead to risk
the information security. The employees can risk the information security because of
their ignorance, mistakes, and deliberate acts [10, 19, 20]. Organizations are organiz-
ing technological systems to safeguard their information and technological resources,
but still they depend on their employees. Employees who are consistently using in-
formation and technology resources take certain roles and responsibilities in protect-
ing those resources, so we are interested in what demographic factors are responsible
for ensuring these roles and responsibilities.
Thus, we can understand how much the demography differences of employees under-
stand the need and impact of information security. If the demography differences of
employees are not reflecting information security behavior, then the organizations
need to tailor the training programs to influence or cultivate positive attitude towards
cyber security.
2. Does the links from known source vary according to the work experience?
3. Isthere difference in ‘Website accesses across different academic disciplines?
4. Does the cyber security (information in website) vary according to the qualifica-
5. Is there a difference in password complexity across different places?
6. Is there a difference in clicking links from unknown sources across different plac-
7. Is there a difference in plugging USB in public places across different places?
4. Research Methodology
This research expanded the work done by the [23] on human aspects of information
security (HAIS). This research will help in comprehending different aspects of cyber
security with respect to demographic differences. We used Parson & team’s
HAISquestionnaire. In order to examine the questions, Analysis of Variance
(ANOVA) was used to test the differences across different groups.
4.2 Sample
The sample of 165 consisted of working (78.3%) and non-working (19.3%) profes-
sionals from India (70.5%), Bangladesh (26%) and other countries (3%). A total of
81% of respondents were Male. The mean age was 29.41 years, with an average expe-
rience of 5.74 years. The sample was composed of arts and commerce (8.4%), man-
agement and social science (55.4%), science (4.2%) and engineering (29.5%) back-
grounds. It comprised of undergraduate (30.7%), post graduate (59.0%) and PhD
5. Measures
We used the HAIS- Q questionnaire and extracted eighteen constructs with the relia-
bility 0.60 and above. The deducted constructs with reliability are given in Table 1.
Table 1. Reliability of the constructs
and Sensi- It’s risky to access sensitive work files on a laptop if strangers can
tive file see my screen.
I check that strangers can’t see my laptop screen if I’m working
on a sensitive document.
Disposing Sensitive printouts can be disposed of in the same way as non- 0.75
the sensitive sensitive ones.
printouts Disposing of sensitive print-outs by putting them in the rubbish
bin is safe.
When sensitive print-outs need to be disposed of, I ensure that
they are shredded or destroyed.
Plugging If I found a USB stick in a public place I shouldn’t plug into my 0.76
USB in pub- work computer.
lic places If I find a USB stick in a public place nothing bad can happen if I
plug it into my work computer.
I wouldn’t plug a USB stick found in a public place into my work
Leaving I am allowed to leave print-outs containing sensitive information 0.66
printouts on my desk overnight.
It’s risky to leave print-outs that contain sensitive information on
my desk overnight.
Reporting of If I see someone acting suspiciously in my workplace, I should 0.72
suspicious report it.
acts If I ignore someone acting suspiciously in my workplace nothing
bad can happen.
If I saw someone acting suspiciously in my workplace, I would do
something about it.
Security Nothing bad can happen if I ignore poor security behavior by a 0.80
behavior of colleague.
colleagues If I notice my colleague ignoring security rules, I wouldn’t take
any action.
indicated that the mean score for the work experience (<=2) (M=2.97) was signifi-
cantly different than the work experience (2 and <=3) (M= 3.56) and (>8 and <=28)
Cyber Security: Website Access
Again, by applying ANOVA we found website access perception was different for the
academic discipline at p < .05 for the four conditions [F (3,156) = 4.19, p=.001]. The
mean score of the academic discipline Arts and Commerce (M=3.32) was significant-
ly different from Management and Social Science (4.06), Science (4.32) and Engi-
neering (4.57) by using Turkey B test of Post hoc comparisons.
The results clearly states that there is a need to increase security awareness, and it has
been found that security awareness training is the most cost- effective form of security
control [4]. Precisely, from the results, we can advocate that the culture of cyber secu-
rity needs to be cultivated by providing training and workshops by laying emphasis
that if cyber security is not kept in mind it could be detrimental to their work. Age
differences show different behavior towards cyber security (leaving printouts). The
people in the age range of (> 32 and < =50) are prone towards leaving important
printouts on their table. It is imperative that organization or colleges orient these peo-
ple how leaving these important papers could be harmful to the information frame-
work of their respective companies. Employees who have an experience of (< = 2)
should be provided with a training that by clicking any links in email could harm their
data. These trainings would make them cautious and vigilant towards link in email.
People specifically from Bangladesh should be sensitize through trainings that pick-
ing up and plugging in USB drives can unknowingly open their organization to an
internal attack of virus. The results also concluded that the students from arts and
commerce are more inclined in accessing websites which could be harmful. They
require an orientation programme to address towards the safety of their data by avoid-
ing the access to certain websites. Further, the PhD students’ needs a training to be
aware of entering any information in website could have adverse effects on cyber
security framework. These results clearly point that age, work experience, place, aca-
demic discipline and qualification differences require tailored training programes to
cyber security issues. Building on this, human intervention like putting the important
print outs in the file, avoiding certain websites, entering any information in website,
picking up and plugging in USB drives, forming simple passwords and clicking any
links in emailcould make the cyber security robust in the organization.
7. Conclusion
The organizations should adopt proper information security training, which in turn
brings the information security awareness, which is an important parameter for securi-
ty assurance. This study examined the relationship between cyber security issues
(leaving printouts, links from known source, website access, information in website,
password complexity, links from known source, plugging USB in public places) with
demography differences (age, work experience, academic discipline, qualification,
and place) to understand which are the significant relationship between demography
and cyber security. It was found that demographic profile of employeesand students
significantly differ in their perception towards the cyber security. Our findings have
important implication for organization that students and employee’s perception to-
wards cyber security varies in accordance to their difference in age, work experience,
qualification, education and place. It can help organization identifying cyber security
strength and weakness across demography and can assist in developing the tailored
information security training programmes for the respective employees and students.
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