US REX Spelling SB G6

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Grade 6

Student Book

My Name
Reading Eggspress Spelling Grade 6 Student Book
Copyright © Blake eLearning 2020
Blake Publishing
Locked Bag 2022
Glebe NSW 2037
Publisher: Katy Pike
Design and layout by the Modern Art Production Group
In this book
The Reading Eggspress Spelling program provides instruction on spelling rules,
strategies, and generalizations. Each lesson focuses on a core set of 20 words, plus 10
challenge words to extend students. The crafted word lists are based on the sound,
structure, and meaning of words. They support teaching of the following elements of the
State Standards:
English Language Arts Standards
• Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling when writing. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.6.2
- Spell correctly. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.6.2.B
• Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and
phrases based on grade 6 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of
strategies. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.6.4
- Use common, grade-appropriate Greek or Latin affixes and roots as clues to the
meaning of a word (e.g., audience, auditory, audible). CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.6.4.B
• Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific
words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase
important to comprehension or expression. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.6.6

Aspects of spelling covered in this year

Aspect Areas covered Pages
Digraphs ea, ee; ai, ay; ie, ei; oa, ow 1, 2, 19, 20, 29, 30, 37, 38

Endings ant, ent; ery, ary, ory 7, 8, 65, 66

Prefixes un, dis, mis; re, de, pre; in, im, ir, il 17, 18, 41, 42, 69, 70

Suffixes er, est; s, es; s, ies; er, or; ful, less; ic; able, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 23,
ible; ous; ence, ance; ness; ion, ian; ly; ity; 24, 31, 32, 35, 36, 43, 44,
ably, ibly; ancy, ency 49, 50, 53, 54, 59, 60, 61,
62, 63, 64, 67, 68, 71, 72
Letter patterns igh, eigh, aigh; cc, xc 33, 34, 45, 46

Origins Greek 39, 40

Other homophones; vowel sounds; vowel 3, 4, 13, 14, 21, 22, 25, 26,
sounds exceptions; word building; 27, 28, 47, 48, 51, 52, 55,
compound words; loan words; tricky 56, 57, 58
words; irregular plurals; eponyms

SPELLING • GRADE 6 iii © Blake eLearning

My progress chart Name

Self-assessment –
Lesson Pages Date completed
‘With this list I feel …’

6.1 Vowel digraphs – ea, ee 1-2 / /

6.2 Homophones 3-4 / /
6.3 Suffixes – er, est 5-6 / /
6.4 Word endings – ant, ent 7-8 / /
6.5 Plurals – e, es 9 - 10 / /
6.6 Suffixes – er, or 11 - 12 / /
6.7 Short and long vowels 13 - 14 / /
6.8 Suffixes – ful and less 15 - 16 / /
6.9 Prefixes – un, mis, dis 17 - 18 / /
6.10 Vowel digraphs – ai, ay 19 - 20 / /
6.11 Word building 21 - 22 / /
6.12 Suffixes – ic 23 - 24 / /
6.13 Compound words 25 - 26 / /
6.14 Loan words 27 - 28 / /
6.15 Vowel digraphs – ie and ei 29 - 30 / /
6.16 Suffixes – able and ible 31 - 32 / /
6.17 Spelling patterns – igh, eigh, aigh 33 - 34 / /
6.18 Suffixes – ous 35 - 36 / /
SPELLING • GRADE 6 iv © Blake eLearning
My progress chart Name

Self-assessment –
Lesson Pages Date completed
‘With this list I feel …’

6.19 Vowel digraphs – oa and ow 37 - 38 / /

6.20 Words with Greek origins 39 - 40 / /
6.21 Prefixes – re, de, pre 41 - 42 / /
6.22 Suffixes– ance, ence 43 - 44 / /
6.23 Spelling patterns – cc, xc 45 - 46 / /
6.24 Tricky words 47 - 48 / /
6.25 Suffixes – ness 49 - 50 / /
6.26 Irregular plurals 51 - 52 / /
6.27 Suffixes – ion, ian 53 - 54 / /
6.28 Eponyms 55 - 56 / /
6.29 Vowel sounds exceptions 57 - 58 / /
6.30 Plurals – s, ies 59 - 60 / /
6.31 Suffixes – ly 61 - 62 / /
6.32 Suffixes – ity 63 - 64 / /
6.33 Word endings – ary, ery, ory 65 - 66 / /
6.34 Suffixes – ably, ibly 67 - 68 / /
6.35 Prefixes – in, im, ir, il 69 - 70 / /
6.36 Suffixes – ancy, ency 71 - 72 / /
SPELLING • GRADE 6 v © Blake eLearning
Vowel digraphs – ea, ee 6.1

List 1 Write the word. 2 Name.

between 3 Word clues. Which list word matches?
sheep’s wool
deceased to make larger
proceed a person who is absent
absentee a group of sports teams
tweezers stores frozen food
nominee in a lower place
meager a paid worker
creature harm to someone’s health
small amount of something

4 Complete the sentence with a list word.

The sight of a plate of vegetables does not ________________ to me.
I quickly packed the ice cream into the ________________ before it melted.
After having friends over, we only had a ________________ amount of food left.
Dad is always grumpy before his morning ________________ .
Mom said she would ________________ my allowance if I completed more chores.
Amir is my ________________ for class president.
After Saturday’s game our team is at the bottom of the ________________ .
My grandfather has a ________________ in his lungs.

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 1 1 © Blake eLearning

Vowel digraphs – ea, ee 6.1

5 Underline the spelling mistake. Write the word correctly.

Noah sat betwean Jacob and Cheyenne in the back seat.
I set up my eisel and canvas at the window, ready to paint.
An owl is a creecher of the night.
She used a pair of twezers to pick the splinter from my finger.
His new fleese jacket kept him very warm.
It is my older sister’s sevententh birthday tomorrow.

Challenge words 7 Meaning. Which challenge word matches?

to give someone what they want
6 Write the word.
to pass on or transfer one’s possessions
to another
to persuade someone to give you
a person who is forced to seek safety
in another country
to be lacking in strength
a signal light that warns ships
or aircraft

8 Complete the sentence.

The breeder assured us the puppy was of a good p_______________ .
She felt very f_______________ after being sick for so long.
The family had to stay in a r_______________ camp after fleeing their country.
My grandparents will b_______________ their house to my parents.
My brother is trying to w_______________ his way out of doing the dishes.
She gave the child a chocolate to a_______________ her.
Dad brought his work c_______________ home for dinner.
They have a baby c_______________ at the zoo.
SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 1 2 © Blake eLearning
Homophones 6.2

List 1 Write the word. 2 Name.

sword 3 Chunks. Rearrange the chunks to make a list word.
soared er a h ng
hanger se ow br
hangar d al b
rained ei l c ing
reigned ow s r b
sealing ed ow er c
ceiling al sh ar m
marshal er nn ma
martial wa rd co
coward ea l sed
cowered ed rei gn

4 Word clues. Which list word matches?

cried hairless
ruled eyebrows
rented blade
drizzled closing
house roof
flew hook
cringed skim

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 1 3 © Blake eLearning

Homophones 6.2

5 Complete the sentence with the correct list words.

The pilot arrived at the ______________, and hung his jacket on a _______________ .
(hangar, hanger)
It never _______________ while the queen _______________ . (reigned, rained)
The army ______________ knew a unique form of ______________ arts. (martial,
The ______________ ran and ______________ under his bed. (cowered, coward)
The vultures ________________ above the knight as he drew his ________________ .
(sword, soared)
At _______________ they have finally _______________ a house. (leased, least)

Challenge words 7 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?

6 Write the word. people who help
mussels an outdoor market
muscles odd or unusual
fazed seafood
line around the edge
part of the body
gradually introduced
assistance giving support
bazaar shocked and worried

8 Complete the sentence.

We went to the b________________ to buy some spices.
Playing sports has strengthened her m________________ .
He was not f________________ by his brother’s bad behavior.
I completed all my tasks with the a________________ of my friend.
I drew a floral b________________ around my page.

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 1 4 © Blake eLearning

Suffixes – er, est 6.3

List 1 Write the word. 2 Sort the words.

stranger er est
3 Fill in the missing letters.
wittier brig _________ har_________
skinnier gen________ gre_________
nastiest swi_______ tou_________
prettier fu_________ joll_________
craziest he________ sme_________
nas_________ brie_________

4 Complete the table.

little littler littlest
SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 1 5 © Blake eLearning
Suffixes – er, est 6.3

5 Underline the spelling mistakes. Write the word correctly.

My flashlight is a lot breighter than your flashlight.
We had the breefest meeting between classes.
I picked the litteliest puppy from the litter.
My brother is a lot funneir than my dad.
Metal is usually heaveir than wood.
The sun is harssher in summer than in winter.

Challenge words 7 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.

6 Write the word.
busiest fgfbvhungrierxfgvfg
faintest xdvgxcfvfaintestvx
healthier fgvxcvscarcerxcbvv
scarcer ciestjuiciestjjuid
fiercest tierthirstierthis
juiciest rreriscarierscera

8 Complete the sentence.

That horror film was ________________ than the first one we watched.
I am eating lots of vegetables so I can be ________________ .
I gave him the rest of my water because he was ________________ than me.
The bathroom was the ________________ room so we started cleaning there first.
I picked the ________________ peach from the tree.
Food was ________________ during the war.
Tom was ________________ than Mick, so he got the extra cheeseburger.
The beach is ________________ during the summertime.

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 1 6 © Blake eLearning

Word endings – ant, ent 6.4

List 1 Write the word. 2 In a group. Write the list word that belongs in
relevant each group.
observant watchful, alert,
insolent smelly, strong,
strident brave, heroic,
truant rude, cheeky,
resistant motionless, stationary,
reluctant rich, luxurious,
stagnant dutiful, persistent,
pungent guide, advisor,
valiant 3 Chunks. Rearrange the chunks to make a list word.
sis ta nt re
a me nt lig
i nen t m pro
so na nt con
ea sa nt ph
luc ta nt re
le va nt re
po ne com nt
de pon nt des

4 Meaning. Which list word means?

harsh sounding or loud and unpleasant
feeling angry toward something that you think is unfair
to show care and hard work in your duties
tissue that holds bone and cartilage together
someone whose job is to give advice to another
unhappy, depressed, or low in spirits
a large bird with bright feathers and a long tail
having a sharp or strong taste or smell
SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 1 7 © Blake eLearning
Word endings – ant, ent 6.4

5 Underline the spelling mistake. Write the word correctly.

He got into trouble for being truent from school.
J.K. Rowling is a prominant author of our time.
She was reluctent to go hiking alone.
The word ‘on’ is made up of one vowel and one consonent.
The moldy cheese had a very pungant smell.
Vegetables are one componant of a healthy diet.
She felt indignent at his ridiculous accusation.
Her comment about math was not relevent to our discussion on geography.

Challenge words 7 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?

6 Write the word. too high in cost, amount, etc.
adjacent next to
exuberant juicy, tender, or tasty
exorbitant clearly expressed
triumphant successful
sufficient enough
translucent covers unpleasant smells
succulent allows some light through

8 Another way to say it. Which challenge word could replace the underlined word?
Jesse didn’t want to pay an unreasonable price for a computer
The new post office is being built next to the old florist.
I picked a juicy orange from our neighbor’s orange tree.
The victorious team stepped up to accept their medals.
I always put on antiperspirant after playing baseball.
I couldn’t understand her as she wasn’t being very clear.
SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 1 8 © Blake eLearning
Plurals – s, es 6.5

List 1 Write the word. 2 Complete the table.

services service services
examples bonus
sandwiches eyelash
stopwatches stopwatch
chocolates elephants
elephants sandwich
feathers example
thousands avocado
museums 3 Chunks. Rearrange the chunks to make a list word.
squirrels wi es ch d san
guesses la sh es eye
liquids nu bo ses
stomachs er nors gov
cockroaches u ir rel s sq
bonuses co tes cho la
tortoises se um s mu
avocados ma chs sto
governors ck ro es ach co
saucers op tch wa st es

4 Complete the sentence with a list word.

The rare parrot had brilliant blue and purple __________________ .
I was extremely impressed with the many _________________ that the hotel offered.
Our apartment had so many ___________________ we had to call pest control.
We needed three ___________________ to make guacamole for our nachos.
We had three ___________________ to figure out how many buttons were in the jar.
There are ___________________ of hairs on your head.
___________________ use their trunks to scoop water and food into their mouths.
Tyrannosaurus Rex and Velociraptor are two ___________________ of carnivorous
SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 1 9 © Blake eLearning
Plurals – s, es 6.5

5 Missing syllable. Write the missing syllable. 6 Unscramble these list words.
ele________ ________toises ndchwiessa
ex________ples ________nuses ndsousath
muse________ ________rels chmatoss
avo________dos sau________ orsrevogn
feath________ cock________es qiiusdl
________vices choc________lates eshasleey

Challenge words 8 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.

7 Write the word. eexoecomplexescoee
differences ssesdaddressesadda
orchestras ssscrcarcassescraesa
stilettos ffesnedifferencesffes
addresses hjygstilettosltojbgg
carriages okojlanguagesjhgkiu
consequences hbugconsequenceshu

9 Complete the sentence.

They have decided to update the math and Language Arts _______________
next year.
Over one hundred _______________ have played at the Carnegie Hall.
There are usually eight _______________ for each train.
There are many _______________ between cats and dogs.
My parents say that poor decisions can lead to unfortunate _______________ .
Wearing a pair of _______________ made it hard for her to walk.
Our foreign exchange student can speak three different _______________ .

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 1 10 © Blake eLearning

Suffixes – er, or 6.6

List 1 Write the word. 2 In a group. Write the list word that belongs in
creator each group.
villager nomad, traveler,
explorer trader, seller,
inspector university, teacher,
jeweler termites, exterminator,
protector performer, comedian,
beginner guardian, warden,
passenger pioneer, seeker,
newcomer novice, apprentice,
murderer 3 Missing letter. Write the missing letters.
researcher vil_________ ins_________
wanderer _________rcher w_________erer
supplier _________ssor _________gner
governor cha_________ exa_________
professor exp_________ cre_________
examiner beg_________ m_________erer
fumigator _________omer gov_________
designer _________gator pas_________
challenger enter_________ pro_________

4 Word clues. Which list word matches?

a person who has taken a life
one who makes necklaces and rings
one who entertains
one who marks exams
a person who travels but doesn’t drive
someone who moves about with no purpose
the head of an organization

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 1 11 © Blake eLearning

Suffixes – er, or 6.6

5 Complete the sentence with a list word.

Matthew Henson was the first ________________ to stand on top of the world.
Thomas was a ________________ to our class, so we made him feel welcome.
Farmer Steve is the ________________ of our store’s fresh fruit and vegetables.
When we found termites, we had to hire a ________________ .
Mom works as a graphic ________________ for a homewares magazine.
My uncle is an English ________________ who works at the local community
The undefeated boxing champion is waiting for his next ________________ .
A fire ________________ visited the school to install new smoke alarms.

Challenge words 7 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?

6 Write the word. one who gives advice
conqueror one who takes photos
astronomer one who defeats another
interpreter one who creates dance movements
interviewer one who can translate one language into
philosopher another
practitioner someone who studies the universe
photographer someone practicing a trade, occupation, or
choreographer profession

8 Complete the sentence.

Confucius is an ancient Chinese ________________ .
She is employed by the government to be an ________________ for international
They hired a ________________ to take photos on their wedding day.
The ________________ was pleased with the progress of his dance group.
Mariah went to the guidance ________________ to talk about how she was feeling.
SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 1 12 © Blake eLearning
Short and long vowels 6.7

List 1 Write the word. 2 Name.


apologize 3 Chunks. Rearrange the chunks to make a list word.
icicle te com mo ac da
eliminate va te e el
magnitude i mo to squ
concede po gize lo a
retrospect cri sa ce fi
exonerate i lon co sem
radiate ni mag tude
sacrifice ti i me mar
emphasize ti ven te la
mundane na te lim i e

4 Meaning. Which list word means?

the height of a thing above the earth or sea level
to make something appear larger or more important
cause fresh air to enter or circulate an interior space
to say sorry for the wrong that one has done
to free someone from blame
reflection on a past event
not interesting or exciting
to raise or lift something to a higher position

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 1 13 © Blake eLearning

Short and long vowels 6.7

5 Underline the spelling mistake. Write the word correctly.

The plane was flying at an altitoode of 50,000 feet.
In retrospekt, I should have known he would betray me.
I find washing the dishes a mundaine chore.
It was so cold, I snapped an icycle off the bathroom tap.
In the end, I had to consede that she was right.
The court voted to exonerayte the innocent man
Grandpa tends to exagerate the details of his stories.
We hoped that the fire would raydiate heat throughout the house.

Challenge words 7 Meaning. Which challenge word matches?

6 Write the word. to collect or gather
insinuate to purposely provoke
instigate impossible to dissolve
accumulate to calm down or pacify
insoluble to subtly suggest
precipitate having to do with the sense of touch
catastrophe to make something happen suddenly
placate an event that brings harm or suffering

8 Another way to say it. Which challenge word could replace the underlined word?
I lit a candle to light the room.
She tried to imply that I was the one who stole her phone.
The hurricane was a disaster for the whole city.
I always manage to collect more things than I need.
He tried to start a fight, but I just walked away.
I hoped to appease him by doing the dishes.

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 1 14 © Blake eLearning

Suffixes – ful and less 6.8

List 1 Write the word. 2 Sort the words.

blissful ful less
flawless 3 Unscramble these list words.
senseless ainstessl
boundless itefulps
dreadful sseltimil
ruthless ghtluffri
watchful amlelessb

4 Missing letters. Write the missing letters. 5 Chunks. Rearrange the letters to
res___________ make a list word.
spi___________ le se ss sen
lim___________ ead ful dr
sha___________ ful re sent
dre___________ le ch ss ee sp
rut___________ le ape sh ss
sta___________ ame ss bl le
sen___________ ss it le lim
SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 1 15 © Blake eLearning
Suffixes – ful and less 6.8

6 Underline the spelling mistakes. Write the word correctly.

The news was so shocking that I was momentarily spechless.
Her senseles mistake could have serious consequences.
The diamond in her ring was completely floorless.
I spent all day cleaning until the house was spotles.
Our new fridge is made of steinless steel.
The road was blocked because of a dreedful traffic accident.
The friteful noise kept me awake all night.

Challenge words 8 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.

7 Write the word. ssleexpressionlesssigd
merciful fjhumotionlessshdfgb
purposeful sgyeffortlesssdsjhf
deceitful shfypurposefuldgghbj
uneventful sjhgdisrespectfuldfgy
disrespectful dfbdymercifulfdbyu
teaspoonful snudteaspoonfuldnby
effortless ffusresourcefulsure
expressionless ventfuneventfuleven
motionless fuldeceitfuldecet

9 Complete the sentence.

He hoped the judge would be m________________ with his sentence.
He was put in detention for his d________________ attitude.
Mom put a t________________ of honey into my tea to soothe my sore throat.
I spent an u________________ weekend reading my new book.
The high jumper cleared the bar with e________________ ease.
I couldn’t tell what she was thinking as her face was e________________ .

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 1 16 © Blake eLearning

Prefixes – un, dis, mis 6.9

List 1 Write the word. 2 Chunks. Rearrange the chunks to make a

unlikely list word.
unlimited or der dis ly
misread sui ta un ble
disregard a gree dis nt me
misfired voi a un ble da
disbelief rea son ble un a
disallowed wel co un me
unwelcome pp val ro dis a
unleash a ttr ac ve ti un
3 Fill in the missing letters.
unsuitable ________likely ________read
unrealistic ________approval ________leash
displeasure ________agreement ________pleasure
disagreement ________suitable ________avoidable
unattractive ________fielded ________regard
misfielded ________reasonable ________realistic
unavoidable ________limited ________shapen
unreasonable ________welcome ________attractive

4 Sort the words.

un dis mis

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 1 17 © Blake eLearning

Prefixes – un, dis, mis 6.9

5 Underline the spelling mistakes. Write the word correctly.

I disread the directions and headed east instead of west.
At the hotel we had mislimited access to the pool, gym, and spa.
A jacket is dissuitable in hot weather.
Seeing gum on the bottom of my shoe was an miswelcome sight.
We are not allowed to disleash our dogs in the national park.
Books were stacked in misorderly piles all over her desk.
I tried to work my disshapen ball of clay back into shape.
My sister annoyed me all day, much to my unpleasure.
I found her arrogant behavior extremely disattractive.

Challenge words 7 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.

6 Write the word. fgbmiscalculationfgn
unsuccessful idnmisidentifieddfgn
disqualification jhgfgunofficialfgfjh
misdiagnose nfduunreliabledfg
unmistakable niudisqualificationkd
misidentified neidmisdiagnosemsei
miscalculation isbpunprecedentedgrs

8 Complete the sentence.

The doctor was careful as he did not want to ______________ his patient’s illness.
Cheating in an exam could lead to a ______________ .
In the crowd, her bright blue hair was ______________ .
At first they were ______________ , but eventually they started to see results.
I wouldn’t count on him, as he is very ______________ .
His speech completely ______________ the views expressed in his book.
SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 1 18 © Blake eLearning
Vowel digraphs – ai, ay 6.10

List 1 Write the word. 2 Name.

sustain 3 Unscramble these list words.
attain desair
domain ailort
remained aiprse
failure aiainmnt
mayhem ainmod
foray aierulf
betrayal aymehm
wraith ayrof
portrayal aylartrop
curtail ayesiannom

4 Word clues. Which list word matches?

something you put on a sandwich
someone who makes or alters clothing
to recover
utter chaos
someone’s land
to rot
a ghost or spirit
to make shorter or cut off

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 2 19 © Blake eLearning

Vowel digraphs – ai, ay 6.10

5 Underline the spelling mistakes. Write the word correctly.

I couldn’t go all the way to the top as I am afrayd of heights.
I wrote my name on a piece of paper in bright pink craion.
We waited to reclaym our luggage at the baggage carousel.
Mom was so impressed that she decided to rayse my allowance.
There was utter maihem when a spider fell on Maddy’s head.
The taylor made my brother a suit for the wedding.
It is important that students help to mayntayn the school’s gardens.

Challenge words 7 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?

a sickness or disorder
6 Write the word.
a weapon
an attacker
an officer of the law
a state of confusion
to make sure of
a person who hides on a ship, train,
or airplane
one who starts a case against
someone in court
a judgment of something’s value

8 Complete the sentence.

The doctor is running tests to ________________ the cause of her illness.
His ________________ prevented him from competing in the cross-country race.
The ________________ was caught by police and put on trial for his crimes.
My hair was in complete ________________ after I played in the snow.
The ______________ is claiming the defendant stole from her.
The ________________ hid inside a giant barrel, hoping no one would find him.
SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 2 20 © Blake eLearning
Word building 6.11

List 1 Write the word. 2 Unscramble these list words.

compare nnkeurhs
comparing cedtrroec
compared aknhrs
comparison knirhs
comparative yltcerrocni
correct alveud
correcting raavitemocp
corrected paerdomc
incorrectly 3 Chunks. Rearrange the chunks to make a
shrink list word.
shrinking in ge ka shr
shrank a tive com par
shrunken re co pa m
shrinkage ted rec cor
value ink ing shr
valued un shr ken
valuing u ble a val
valuable cor ly in rect
valuation tion u val a

4 Meaning. Which list word means?

to make smaller in size or amount
to fix mistakes, to make something right
the worth, usefulness, or importance of something
making right
to estimate, measure, or describe the similarities or
differences between two or more things

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 2 21 © Blake eLearning

Word building 6.11

5 Complete each sentence with a list word.

My brand new T-shirt _______________ two sizes in the wash.
I gave my _______________ shirt to my little brother, because it no longer fitted me.
I hope my new clothes don’t _______________ in the wash.
The auctioneer _______________ the antique table at $500.
They hoped the _______________ of the house would be over a million dollars.
I got nervous when they were _______________ the house.
When I _______________ the computers, I found there wasn’t much difference
between them.

Challenge words 7 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.

6 Write the word. allyucontinuallycon
navigate aigntnavigatingvahd
navigating uityrcontinuitycont
navigator autincontinuationcon
continually usuecontinueskdn
continuity sdgbjgnavigatedghr
continuation gatcircumnavigation

8 Complete the sentence.

The sailors had to ___________________ their way through treacherous waters.
The plane’s ___________________ consulted the compass to check their course.
Charles Kingsford Smith and his team completed the first _____________________
of the world by flight.
Dad wasn’t very good at ___________________ us home.
I was heartbroken when they ___________________ my favorite cartoon.
After losing their compass, they had to rely on ___________________ by the stars.
SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 2 22 © Blake eLearning
Suffixes – ic 6.12

List 1 Write the word. 2 In a group. Write the list word that belongs in
traffic each group.
domestic unnatural, artificial,
gigantic squares, triangles,
majestic cars, roads,
energetic huge, big,
cosmetic technology, electricity,
symbolic loyalty, allegiance,
organic beauty, make-up,
economic 3 Chunks. Rearrange the chunks to make a
synthetic list word.
o cha tic
mes tic do
gan gi tic
the tic n sy
o me ge tric
nom o ic ec
ma cli tic
ge er en tic

4 Word clues. Which list word matches?

having impressive beauty or scale
relating to home or family
made from chemicals; artificial
produced without the use of pesticides
natural or beautiful scenery
relating to a climate
completely disordered or disorganized
of a very great size or extent

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 2 23 © Blake eLearning

Suffixes – ic 6.12

5 Complete each sentence with a list word.

We arrived at the party late because we were stuck in _________________ .
Mom’s favorite _________________ brand just released a new lipstick color.
A rose is often _________________ of love.
My cell phone is an _________________ device.
I stayed away from her peanut butter sandwich as I am _______________ to nuts.
We decided to take the ________________ route along the beautiful east coast.
His _________________ comment hurt my feelings.
I could tell by his _________________ response that he felt passionately about the
Polyester and nylon are both _________________ fabrics.

Challenge words 7 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?

capable of healing
6 Write the word.
expressing regret
odd or peculiar
not random
a distinguishing feature
rapidly spreading disease
relating to an orchestra
having a regular pattern of sounds

8 Complete the sentence.

The doctors were working hard to find a way to control the _________________ .
After a stressful week I had a _________________ massage.
It was the _________________ beat of the music that led me to the dance floor.
Her confident attitude is her best _________________ .

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 2 24 © Blake eLearning

Compound words 6.13

List 1 Write the word. 2 Missing letters. Write the missing letters.
southwest nort________________
household _________________orm
northeast _________________stle
thunderstorm sout_________________
grasshopper hea_________________
grandchildren ________________oof
soundproof scar_________________
scarecrow ________________ace
great-grandfather 3 In a group. Write the list word that belongs
mother-in-law in each group.
eyewitness cricket, locust,
wheelchair bazaar, stalls,
sightseeing bandana, headband,
headdress birds, crops,
sandcastle beach, buckets,
gentlemen silent, mute,
thanksgiving procedure, instruction,
guideline observer, bystander,

4 Word clues. Which list word matches?

heavy wind, rain, and lightning
constructed at the beach
helps people who are unable to walk
someone who is often part of criminal trials
prevents sound
the people who live in a house
something tourists do

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 2 25 © Blake eLearning

Compound words 6.13

5 Underline the spelling mistakes. Write the word correctly.

When we go on holiday, we do a lot of siteseeing.
When I marry Tim, Angela will become my mother-in-lore.
Thanksgiveing is a holiday in the United States.
The polite gentelmen offered their seats on the bus.
We bought spices and dried fruit from the marcketplace.
If you do not stick to the assignment gidelines, you will lose marks.

Challenge words 7 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?

6 Write the word. a fine work of art
upheaval dependable or reliable
afterimage fall from a boat
masterpiece to set on top of an image
superimpose able to resist weather damage
overboard a collector of goods washed ashore
beachcomber describes an animal that can’t control its
weatherproof own body temperature

8 Complete the sentence.

The novel was written from the __________________ of the protagonist.
Snakes, lizards, and fish are all __________________ creatures.
The pirates cut loose their prisoners before throwing them __________________ .
He only told his most __________________ friends his secret.
I tried to __________________ a picture of my face over that of my friend’s face.
I kept seeing the __________________ of the painting long after I looked away.

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 2 26 © Blake eLearning

Loan words 6.14

List 1 Write the word. 2 Name.

fiancée 3 In a group. Write the list word that belongs
petite in each group.
pumpkin, cauliflower,
verse, chorus,
small, tiny,
violin, viola,
canoe, kayak,
rhythm, speed,

4 Meaning. Which list word means?

a group of lines that make up one section of a poem
a large group of soldiers
the human body from the neck to the hips
the speed at which music is played
a large musical instrument with four strings
sweet food served at the end of a meal
a narrow boat, propelled using a long pole
small pieces of paper thrown in the air at celebrations

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 2 27 © Blake eLearning

Loan words 6.14

5 Complete the sentence with a list word.

The dancers twirled as the __________________ of the music increased.
I was asked to read the first __________________ of my poem to the class.
Mom wants me to learn the __________________ , but I would rather play the
For __________________ we had homemade vanilla ice cream.
The upcoming artist was about to release her __________________ album.
She needs the smallest size as she has a __________________ frame.
The __________________ took us along the canals of Venice.

Challenge words 7 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.

6 Write the word. fgdkhfgchagrindjgnfg
façade eutheujpirouettedjgbu
souvenir sdhduscrescendosdu
zucchini ngdufgsouvenirfdfj
pirouette sssoicroissantcrosn
crescendo hinihzucchiniccchii
picturesque cadefaçadefaec

8 Complete the sentence.

We sat outside to watch the __________________ sunset.
I had a hot chocolate and a __________________ for breakfast.
The audience was awed by the dancer’s __________________ .
I bought a __________________ from each country I visited.
We had a celebratory dinner at a lovely __________________ restaurant.
The orchestra starts softly then builds into a __________________ .

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 2 28 © Blake eLearning

Vowel digraphs – ie, ei 6.15

List 1 Write the word. 2 Missing letters. Write the missing letters.
cashier _ eir _ o _ _ re _ _ _ _ t
fiend _ n _ ie _ y he _ _ _ _
feint _ _ _ fei _ cl _ _ _ t
abseil _ eir _ _ s fi _ _ _
neither _ _ ceiv _ c__h__r
heiress _ _ lie _ _ _ g b__g_
believing _ _ _ eil we _ _
fiery _ ein _ _ _ cei _ _ _ _
deceive _ _ rie sk _ _ _
eerie _ ei _ _ er fi _ _ d
client 3 Unscramble these words.
receiving ndeif
heirloom ryefi
heifer lintec
forfeit reefih
weir shaceir
anxiety geeib
receipt peeictr
beige nieks

4 Word clues. Which list word matches?

a female who will inherit another’s possessions
mysterious, frightening, or weird
a false move meant to trick an opponent
paper showing money given or received
descending a vertical surface using ropes
cruelly malicious person
an object passed down through generations
to lose by doing something wrong

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 2 29 © Blake eLearning

Vowel digraphs – ie, ei 6.15

5 Complete each sentence with a list word.

We paid the __________________ for our groceries.
The __________________ was set to inherit her uncle’s large estate and wealth.
On the school camp I was excited to __________________ down the steep cliff.
I could not return the shoes because I lost my __________________ .
The speaker at the protest rally delivered a __________________ speech.
We didn’t have enough players, so we had to __________________ the game.
I was full of __________________ before our math exam.

Challenge words 7 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?

6 Write the word. used to fill a quilt
frontier relating to earthquakes
heinous something fake made to look real
surfeit a border between two countries
seizure an excessive amount of something
counterfeit a substance that causes a person to stay
cuneiform awake

8 Another way to say it. Which challenge word could replace the underlined word
After Thanksgiving we had a surplus of food.
She was feeling hurt after her brother made fun of her.
The soldiers fought on the border between the countries.
He was prosecuted for the monstrous crimes he had committed.

The capture of land started protests in the community.

The FBI were investigating the source of fake bills.

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 2 30 © Blake eLearning

Suffixes – able and ible 6.16

List 1 Write the word. 2 In a group. Write the list word that belongs in
available each group.
notable unhappy, depressed,
memorable stylish, trendy,
remarkable believable, probable,
fashionable clear, logical,
perishable extraordinary, amazing,
responsible aggressive, violent,
adaptable impressive, important,
charitable 3 Chunks. Rearrange the chunks to make a
miserable list word.
spon ble si re
men da ble com
ar it ble a ch
fi ble ta pro
ver ble ti con
der da stan ble un
ka mar ble re
dap ble ta a

4 Word clues. Which list word matches?

able to adjust to changing conditions
able to be heard
a car with a roof that can fold down
current, popular style
likely to rot in a short time
generous in actions or donations
to be very unhappy
easily remembered

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 2 31 © Blake eLearning

Suffixes – able and ible 6.16

5 Underline the spelling mistakes. Write the word correctly.

There were no more rooms availible at the hotel.
The dog ate my homework is not a plausable excuse.
The color lilac is very fashionible this year.
She talked so quietly she was barely audable.
It is simply remarkible the way she can paint with her toes!
Meeting my favorite author was a memorible experience.
Mom told me I had to be responsable for my actions.
My uncle works for a large charitible organization.

Challenge words 7 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.

6 Write the word. gudfjustifiabledsfhbk
foreseeable ndgcomprehensiblesd
comparable shbfdigestibledfsed
permissible gdyupermissiblesdkj
contemptible dksnforeseeablesdfj
justifiable jbfucontemptiblefdg
digestible ibbleintelligibleinttll
reproducible tiblperceptiblepecep
perceptible vibreproduciblererop
intelligible belcomparablecoome

8 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?

can be seen in advance
can be understood
will be allowed
capable of being eaten
able to be copied

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 2 32 © Blake eLearning

Spelling patterns – igh, eigh, aigh 6.17

List 1 Write the word. 2 Name.
3 Missing letters. Write the missing letters.
mightiest al _ _ _ t fl _ _ _ li _ _ _ _
forthright spr _ _ _ _ ly ri _ _ _ fu _ _ _
frightening m _ _ _ _ _ _ st co _ _ ri _ _ _
rightfully bl _ _ _ t sl _ _ _ t _ _
copyright air _ _ _ _ _ _ t br _ _ _ t _ _
fi _ _ fi _ _ _ _ _ kn _ _ _ t _ _

4 Word clues. Which list word matches?

twelve o’clock at night
lights that shine wide beams of light
a bright light on the front of a vehicle
goods shipped by plane
every two weeks
legal right to reproduce creative work
lively or energetic
one who fights fires

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 2 33 © Blake eLearning

Spelling patterns – igh, eigh, aigh 6.17

5 Underline the spelling mistake. Write the word correctly.

It was almost midneight by the time I finally got to sleep.
Tomorrow is my grandmother’s aighty-ateth birthday.
Riding a roller-coaster can be a freightening experience.
Since I paid for it, it is reightfully mine.
The firefeighter ran towards the flames, hose in hand.
Her work was protected by copyreight.
The newsletter comes out fortneightly.
Her forthreight manner makes people uncomfortable.

Challenge words 7 Word clues. Which challenge word

6 Write the word. matches?
enlighten frank or honest
insightful not heavy
delightfully to give knowledge
straightener not able to see objects up close
farsighted a device used for styling hair
straightforward having a deep understanding

8 Complete the sentence.

She was praised for her __________________ remark about the main character.
Our community prides itself on its __________________ .
He is a lot stronger since he started __________________ .
I won the championship in the __________________ boxing division.
She uses a __________________ to smooth her curly hair.
Linda wears glasses as she is __________________ .

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 2 34 © Blake eLearning

Suffixes – ous 6.18

List 1 Write the word. 2 In a group. Write the list word that belongs in
luxurious each group.
ravenous rich, lavish,
notorious poisonous, toxic,
tenacious vague, unclear,
venomous famous, renowned,
vivacious starving, hungry,
obnoxious disagreeable, nasty,
momentous unknown, mysterious,
zealous 3 Chunks. Rearrange the chunks to make a
precarious list word.

voracious nous ra ve
ambiguous cari pre ous
impervious temp ous tu con
tumultuous ous tre mend
anonymous tor ous no i
conspicuous bi ous am phi
contentious ci ten ous a
contemptuous cu con spi ous
mul tu tu ous

4 Meaning. Which list word means?

able to live on land and in water
very hungry or starving
having an unknown name or identity
full of noise, commotion, or chaos
not affected by anything
something that is not secure, or considered dangerous
having more than one meaning
something that is obvious or easily seen
SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 2 35 © Blake eLearning
Suffixes – ous 6.18

5 Complete each sentence with a list word.

The box jellyfish is the world’s most v__________________ creature.
It was an a__________________ witness that reported the crime.
He was standing on top of the ladder in a p__________________ position.
I was so r__________________ , I ate four sandwiches and the leftover spaghetti.
His a__________________ answer left us all very confused.
A frog is an a__________________ creature.
Everyone put in a t__________________ effort.
We stayed in a l__________________ new hotel suite.
I am i__________________ to his nasty comments.

Challenge words 7 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?

6 Write the word. done at the same time
voluminous highly esteemed
great size or quantity
ostentatious no moral principles
simultaneous very steep
unscrupulous a showy display designed to impress
happening immediately

8 Complete the sentence.

The word ‘attempt’ is s__________________ with ‘try’.
She is very u__________________ ; she never tries to show off.
It was a p__________________ climb up the mountain, but we made it!
Her parents were very proud when she won the p__________________ award.
It was p__________________ of him to ask such a personal question.

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 2 36 © Blake eLearning

Vowel digraphs – oa, ow 6.19

List 1 Write the word. 2 Sort the words.

foamy oa ow
3 Name.

4 Meaning. Which list word means?

a powder made by grinding the dried seeds of the cacao tree
to come near to someone or something
one who hunts illegally on another’s property
a man whose partner has passed away and has not remarried
tunnels dug by animals as a shelter or hiding place
the land next to the sea
to hate or dislike very much
having a hole or empty space inside
SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 3 37 © Blake eLearning
Vowel digraphs – oa, ow 6.19

5 Complete each sentence with a list word.

Lack of water will affect the plant’s __________________ .
We traveled to the north __________________ of the island.
My grandmother put a __________________ into my hot cocoa as a treat.
My __________________ was sore and scratchy from talking all day long.
When they cut the tree, they discovered it was __________________ inside.
Rabbits live in __________________ under the ground.
After the storm, the sea was rough and __________________ .
The __________________ has trapped the animals illegally.

Challenge words
7 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.
6 Write the word.
charcoal hgirreproachablede
wallows djgicharcoalcvj
foreshadow dskjghboastfulfgf
petticoat shauforeshadowfgn
loathsome inyunknowinglyknu
unknowingly caotpetticoatttipe
irreproachable lloswwallowsaalow

8 Another way to say it. Which list word could replace the underlined word?
I did not want to intrude on his privacy.
The event seemed to forecast more trouble to come.
On the farm the pig always rolls in the mud.
There was a disgusting smell coming from the fridge.
Mom will chide me for not taking out the trash.
I ignorantly left the ice cream out and it all melted.

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 3 38 © Blake eLearning

Words with Greek origins 6.20

List 1 Write the word. 2 Name.

iconic 3 Unscramble the list words.

4 Word clues. Which list word matches?

relating to plants
a pedal-powered vehicle
the study of matter and energy
musical sounds
an amusing imitation
to remove water
an informative book
a pipe supplying water to fight fires
SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 3 39 © Blake eLearning
Words with Greek origins 6.20

5 Underline the spelling mistakes. Write the word correctly.

The Grand Canyon is an ikonic landmark.
There was great hilerity when Alex slipped on a banana skin.
The song’s meledy sounded very familiar.
We ate lunch under a tree in the Botanicel Gardens.
We breathe in oxigen and breathe out carbon dioxide.
We drank lots of water to hydraet ourselves on the hot day.
His amazing portfolio won him a place at a prestigious art acadimy.

Challenge words 7 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.

6 Write the word. hisophysiologyhdsgou
cyclonic sjgbudhydroelectricodfgi
dysentery defuscarbohydratessgsd
physically dgnbuphysicallydgd
hydroelectric dyssdysfunctionalfudction

8 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?

an infectious disease
loss of water
moved or operated by water or another liquid
the science of living things
a piece of music for instruments
compounds made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
describes a storm with strong winds

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 3 40 © Blake eLearning

Prefixes – re, de, pre 6.21

List 1 Write the word. 2 Unscramble the list words.

prefix onrecuctstr
reopen ssecorper
predates etalgurede
preview etavitecad
reappear atsedrep
deactivate wievper
preschool oolscherp
relocate mobediilze
reconstruct luaedver
demobilize 3 Chunks. Rearrange the chunks to make a
reschedule list word.
reinstate or ga ze ni re
reinforce pro ss ce re
revalued reg te la u de
redesign for in ce re
reassure bi li mo ze de
deregulate ver dis re co
reorganize act va te i de
reprocess str con uct re

4 Complete each sentence with a list word.

We had to __________________ the fire alarm as it went off for no reason.
We must __________________ our baseball game because of the rain.
They had to __________________ the building to withstand earthquakes.
The Stone Age __________________ the Bronze Age.
He made the rabbit disappear and then __________________ on my shoulder!
I tried to __________________ her that everything would be alright.
A __________________ changes the meaning of a word.
Next year we are going to __________________ to Colorado.

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 3 41 © Blake eLearning

Prefixes – re, de, pre 6.21

5 Underline the spelling mistakes. Write the word correctly.

The school employed a local artist to ridesign the school banner.
On the weekend I plan to reorganyse my bedroom.
Our county decided to reinstaite our old mayor.
They have decided to reopan the old theater.
We had to reshedual our family lunch.
We watched a preveiw of the movie before it opened in cinemas.

Challenge words 7 Complete the sentence.

6 Write the word. The government will __________________
reintroduce the area to avoid overcrowding.
We had to __________________ the
chocolates to make it even.
precondition Being able to swim is a ________________
redistribute for scuba diving classes.
He had to __________________ himself,
as they did not remember him.

8 Another way to say it. Which challenge word could replace the underlined words?
I promised to repay him for the cost of the pizza.
They plan to review the way students are being taught.
They are going to bring back subway trains in some cities.
Without that requirement, the game won’t go ahead!
All cars have to slow down when they approach the narrow bridge.

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 3 42 © Blake eLearning

Suffixes – ence, ance 6.22

List 1 Write the word. 2 In a group. Write the list word that belongs in
reliance each group.
insurance advice, counsel,
maintenance ability, capability,
guidance youth, pre-adulthood,
clearance interruption, annoyance,
residence result, outcome,
insistence similarity, likeness,
attendance house, home,
remembrance 3 Chunks. Rearrange the chunks to make a
adolescence list word.
significance nif ca i sig nce
grievance br ce an mem re
consequence te in ma nan ce
indulgence ba tur nce dis
prominence pe te ce n com
disturbance dul nce in ge
resemblance nce en att da
diligence bl re an sem ce
disappearance que con nce se

4 Meaning. Which list word means?

something of great value or importance
the act of being present at an event
the result of one’s action
advice given to help another with a problem or difficulty
the period in which a child develops into an adult
the way in which two or more things are alike
a person’s home
a complaint caused by injustice

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 3 43 © Blake eLearning

Suffixes – ence, ance 6.22

5 Underline the spelling mistakes. Write the word correctly.

The meintenence of the garden is the gardener’s responsibility.
The singer quickly rose to prominenance.
When I bought my new car, I had to get insurence.
The police were called to investigate the disturbence.
The family heirloom holds great significence for us.
The police are still investigating the man’s disappearence.
There is just enough clearence for the truck to pass under the bridge.

Challenge words 7 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.

6 Write the word. resiresilienceencme
resilience edhuimpertinencesds
turbulence sgssustenancecesst
coherence sdgspreferencedgfsd
impertinence dgsdinsolencesdfen
preference enceturbulenceturer
sustenance enercoherencecheo
hindrance aceacquaintanceauq
insolence randhindrancehhin
acquaintance dcecorrespondencecc

8 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?

strong movement within air or water
something that slows progress
rude behavior
someone you have met but don’t know well
food and drink that sustains life
letters sent or received
something that is liked better
SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 3 44 © Blake eLearning
Spelling patterns – cc, xc 6.23

List 1 Write the word. 2 Missing letters. Write the missing letters.
_____________ding _____________ine
_____________ance _____________ise
_____________late _____________pied
_____________ator _____________ess
_____________oon _____________stom
_____________sive _____________sion
_____________rate _____________rue
_____________ede _____________ption
excise 3 Chunks. Rearrange the chunks to make a
accede list word.
accumulate a ede cc
vaccine sive ex clu
access ade acc ol
exclusive ci ex se
accusation sa accu tion
accustom cc va ine
exclusion tom cus ac
accrue late ac mu cu

4 Word clues. Which list word matches?

to agree or consent
a person’s job
a substance to prevent disease
an animal
left out because it’s different
to remove or cut out
praise for an achievement

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 3 45 © Blake eLearning

Spelling patterns – cc, xc 6.23

5 Underline the spelling mistakes. Write the word correctly.

Jack’s excluesion from the team was unexpected.
The rackune is a native North American mammal.
To see the famous singer, we needed a special acess pass.
The driver was given a ticket for exceding the speed limit.
They were too ocupied to notice her arrival.
A vacsine helps to protect the body against a disease.
The money in my bank account will acrue a lot of interest.

Challenge words 7 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.

6 Write the word. dfgdfsuccumbdfd
vaccination sgsexculpatesdgs
succumb sdfsimpeccabledfssd
succinct dfsdgaccelerationsds
impeccable astisacclimatizecclim
acceleration atiovaccinationcavv
exclamatory toryexclamatoryclae

8 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?

to free from guilt or blame
a person that comes after
flawless or perfect
to adapt
to give more emphasis

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 3 46 © Blake eLearning

Tricky words 6.24

List 1 Write the word. 2 Name.

brought 3 Missing syllable. Write the missing syllable.
wouldn’t av _________ age
definitely _________ lieve
enough e _________
rhythm sta _________ ery
dangerous beau _________
average defi _________ ly
sincerely _________ morrow
suppose _________ cerely
probably hospi _________
stationery _________ pose

4 Word clues. Which list word matches?

the day after today
where sick people find care
not safe
regular repetition of sounds
writing materials
a person trained to care for the sick
for a short time
genuinely, truly

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 3 47 © Blake eLearning

Tricky words 6.24

5 Complete each sentence with a list word.

After they removed my appendix, I stayed overnight in the __________________ .
Tran __________________ a large tower out of blocks.
The __________________ listened to my heartbeat with a stethoscope.
I knew I __________________ be able to run at the track meet as I had sprained
my ankle.
Driving too fast is very __________________ .
I was __________________ sorry for accidentally knocking my brother over.
I like that song because it has a good __________________ .

Challenge words 7 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?

6 Write the word. to set apart
tongue muscle on the floor of your mouth
embarrass being tired in your body or mind
appreciate to cause someone to feel awkward
appropriate being cautious of someone or something
experience something that orbits the earth or
suspicious another planet

8 Another way to say it. Which list word could replace the underlined word?
I did not mean to humiliate him in front of his friends.
I felt great exhaustion after running the marathon.
Dad had to part the two squabbling children.
We wore suitable clothes to the wedding.
Abseiling at camp was a great adventure.
I was distrustful of his behavior.

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 3 48 © Blake eLearning

Suffixes – ness 6.25

List 1 Write the word. 2 Missing letters. Write the missing letters.
laziness na___________________
toughness su____________________
quietness law___________________
uneasiness laz___________________
liveliness li_____________________
suddenness v_____________________
wholeness id____________________
narrowness stu___________________
remoteness re____________________
strangeness we___________________
idleness 3 Unscramble the list words.
weariness ssnsseeelomh
lawlessness ssssneellwa
robustness bsuntsseor
drowsiness leessnhow
ruthlessness airensswe
homelessness aisnssenue
vagueness inwssesdor
stubbornness sssseelnthur

4 In a group. Write the list word that belongs in each group.

abruptness, quickness,
weirdness, oddness,
tiredness, sleepiness,
coldness, deadness,
silence, noiselessness,
thinness, tightness,
cruelty, heartlessness,
sturdiness, firmness,

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 3 49 © Blake eLearning

Suffixes – ness 6.25

5 Underline the spelling mistakes. Write the word correctly.

My dog’s stubbornesse makes her hard to take for a walk.
The suddeness of the storm meant that we got very wet.
Due to my lasiness, my room is still a mess.
The kwietness of the library made it pleasant to work in.
Homelisnes amongst the elderly is on the increase.
He felt a growing sense of uneaseness.
I went to bed as drosiness overcame me.
The numness in my toes is due to the icy weather.

Challenge words 7 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.

6 Write the word. hugassertivenessdf
attractiveness fcompetitivenesssd
competitiveness hduinventivenessd
righteousness dfeseffectivenesssd
effectiveness fsesuniquenessvsds
unpleasantness essunpleasantnessu
appropriateness nesrighteousnessrig

8 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?

being forward and aggressive
morally correct
a strong desire to win
thinking up good ideas
different from everything else

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 3 50 © Blake eLearning

Irregular plurals 6.26

List 1 Write the word. 2 Name.

tweezers 3 Chunks. Rearrange the syllables to make
sportsmen a list word.
larvae ses cri
species spoons tea ful
bacteria er fish men
barracks di me a
crossroads racks bar
runners-up peo ple sales
salespeople ta stra
policewomen vae lar
teaspoonsful men sports
mothers-in-law lice men po wo

4 Meaning. Which list word means?

layers of rock in the earth’s surface
metal tools, with two arms, used for plucking hairs
the children or young of a particular human or animal
microscopic, single-celled organisms
buildings or groups of buildings used to house soldiers
the place where two roads meet or intersect
insects after they have hatched, but before they become adults

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 3 51 © Blake eLearning

Irregular plurals 6.26

5 Complete each sentence with a list word.

We collected ________________ from many different sources.
We used social ________________ to help promote our school’s fundraiser.
There are many different ________________ of birds.
We slowed down as we approached the ________________ to avoid an accident.
The builders used ________________ to repair the wire fence.
After training the soldiers were sent back to their ________________ .

Challenge words 7 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?

6 Write the word. bones forming the spinal column
analyses objects with sentimental value
vertebrae the main offices of an organization
phenomena identification of illnesses
parentheses people employed by an organization
headquarters the standards by which something is

8 Complete each sentence.

The ________________ were all evacuated when the building caught fire.
The surgeon assessed which ________________ had been damaged in the accident.
My uncle has lots of football ________________ in his garage.
The spy reported back to ________________ after every mission.
I placed the extra information in the sentence inside ________________ .

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 3 52 © Blake eLearning

Suffixes – ion, ian 6.27

List 1 Write the word. 2 Name.

supervision 3 Missing letters. Write the missing letters.
edi_____________ conve___________
at____________ion concl___________
sug_____________ fou___________
inv_____________ com___________
sec_____________ exhi___________
ma_____________ repe___________
col_____________ impr___________
prep_________ sup___________
incl____________ elec___________
sens___________ revi___________

4 Word clues. Which list word matches?

a very large house
an initial perception
a person who rewires lights
over and over and over
the base of something
going over something you have learned before
the process of changing

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 3 53 © Blake eLearning

Suffixes – ion, ian 6.27

5 Underline the spelling mistakes. Write the word correctly.

I received the invitatian to her party in the mail.
This editian of the magazine is not as good as the last one.
I was upset that no one took my suggestian seriously.
He did not make a very good first impressian.
We bought our tickets to the exhibitian online.
Two cars on the highway had a terrible colision.
A lot of preparatian went into getting everything ready for the party.

Challenge words 7 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?

6 Write the word. children’s doctor
transfusion the transfer of blood
succession drums and cymbals
concentration to think hard; focus
percussion a suggestion or proposal
pediatrician a place where someone may stay
accommodation a document that tells who you are
diagnostician someone who finds the cause of an illness

8 Complete each sentence.

The mother is taking her children to see the __________________ .
To get on the plane, we had to present some __________________ .
The doctor advised us that a blood __________________ wasn’t necessary.
He plays a __________________ instrument in the school band.
The three explosions came in quick __________________ .

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 3 54 © Blake eLearning

Eponyms 6.28

List 1 Write the word. 2 Name.

leotard 3 Missing letters. Write the missing letters.
jovial spa______________
Celsius ga_______________
galvanize va_______________
tawdry flo______________
spartan Fr______________
paisley pai______________
derrick tan______________
tantalize mar_____________
meander bed_____________
marathon me______________
raglan ly_______________

4 Word clues. Which list word matches?

garment worn by dancers or gymnasts
intricate design of curly shapes
a scene of confusion
cheap and showy
a machine made to lift heavy loads
a temperature scale

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 4 55 © Blake eLearning

Eponyms 6.28

5 Complete each sentence with a list word.

The _________________ explosion destroyed many villages.
He tried to _________________ me by slowly unwrapping the chocolate.
The _________________ in the meadow blooms in spring.
Crocodiles, kangaroos, and koalas are just some of the _________________ found in
Jane packed her _________________ and tights before going to ballet.
Water will boil at 100 degrees _________________ .
The athlete was training hard for his 26 mile _________________ .

Challenge words 7 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.

6 Write the word. ssdydodysseydfsdf
stoicism fssdfspoonerismsde
stentorian sdfsgargantuanfsds
mausoleum lepmausoleummau
gargantuan ninesaturninesture
narcissist simmalapropismpo

8 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?

switching the initial sounds of one or more words
a humorous misuse of a word
a large tomb
a rival or arch enemy
huge, gigantic
someone who has too much admiration for himself or herself

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 4 56 © Blake eLearning

Vowel sounds exceptions 6.29

List 1 Write the word. 2 Name.

cereal 3 Unscramble these list words.
dreadful ylniatrec
feather dnaeed
measure acntrie
bargain lufdaerd
curtain ngbaira
certainly edhaa
cleanser ubodle
villain threaef
captain anerselc
fountain niatnuof

4 Meaning. Which list word means?

twice the amount or number of something
a thing bought or offered at a cheaper price
a piece of material hung from a window to block out light
to make something less intense
something terrible, causing or involving great fear
known to be true; without any doubt
the air you take into your lungs and let out
a large expanse of water covering three quarters of the earth’s surface

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 4 57 © Blake eLearning

Vowel sounds exceptions 6.29

5 Complete each sentence with a list word.

If you _________________ ten, you get twenty.
I threw coins into the _________________ and made a wish.
The _________________ was working on his evil plan to defeat the superhero.
Sunlight streamed through the crack in my _________________ and woke me up.
A ship sailed into view as the sun set over the _________________ .
We had to _________________ our new fridge, to make sure it would fit in the
The _________________ of the ship got his crew back to shore safely.

Challenge words 7 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?

6 Write the word. to estimate
breadth operated by water
coupon something you write in
gauge describes a chemical that
caustic can burn or corrode
mauve nomadic Arab people of the desert
pageant a colorful show or ceremony
hydraulic the measured distance from one side to
cauliflower another

8 Complete each sentence.

We used a tape measure to measure the _________________ of the new cabinet.
A _________________ is a vegetable with a large white head made up of firm
I try to write in my _________________ every night.
I was trying hopelessly to _________________ his reaction to the news.
I decided to paint my nails a deep _________________ color.
SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 4 58 © Blake eLearning
Plurals – s, ies 6.30

List 1 Write the word. 2 Complete the table.

surveys allergy allergies
emergencies luxury
castaways victory
medleys boundary
galaxies enquiry
societies 3 Missing letters. Write the missing letters.
allergies su _ v _ ys se _ _ _ ti _ _
corduroys _ oun _ ar _ es _ ast _ _ _ y _
burglaries c _ rd _ r _ _ s _ alc _ _ i _ _
amenities _ ux _ ri _ s bur _ _ ar _ _ _
luxuries m _ dl _ ys all _ _ g _ _ _
currencies _ oci _ t _ _ s en _ _ _ ri _ _
enquiries v _ ct _ r _ _ s _ polo _ _ _ _
apologies _ ut _ ori _ _ es gal _ _ i _ _

4 Word clues. Which list word matches?

worn by people who play sport
collections of stars and matter held together by gravity
people who have been shipwrecked
things that make a place more convenient or pleasing
money used in different countries
reactions to certain foods
people who have the right to give orders
platforms that extend from the outside of buildings

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 4 59 © Blake eLearning

Plurals – s, ies 6.30

5 Complete each sentence with a list word.

Both of my grandparents are in their _________________ .
I have _________________ to pollen and nuts.
My uncle and aunt sent their ________________ as they couldn’t come to my party.
The _________________ built a shelter from tree branches on the small island.
We were careful to lock our doors as there have been a lot of _________________ .
The police use a siren when they are on their way to _________________ .
The business received many _______________ after their advertisement was shown.
The universe is made up of many _________________ .

Challenge words 7 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.

6 Write the word. divsdfimpuritiesvfsed
impurities shfucontroversiessesve
secretaries fgvsevcaccessoriesdves
symphonies feedisabilitiesvsdgvde
controversies logistechnologiestench
nationalities litisnationalitiesnagtis
accessories poshsymphoniesisien
technologies certuncertaintiesitsse

8 Complete each sentence.

People with various _________________ compete at the Paralympic Games.
She wasn’t sure which _________________ to wear with her new outfit.
Traveling the world means you meet people of different _________________ .
Dad likes to listen to sport _________________ on the radio.

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 4 60 © Blake eLearning

Suffixes – ly 6.31

List 1 Write the word. 2 Word building. Add suffixes to build words.
heavily sudden suddenly
suddenly clumsy
regularly brilliant
remarkably heavy
clumsily annual
cheekily absolute
annually 3 Missing letters. Write the missing letters.
typically che____________ hea____________
boastfully boa____________ ann____________
brilliantly ash____________ brill____________
separately abs____________ reg____________
curiously bru____________ sud____________
casually typ____________ law____________
unfortunately blis_____________ fre_____________
ashamedly curi____________ unf_____________

4 Chunks. Rearrange the letters to make a list word.

mar ly kab re iou sly cur
en dd ly su ful ast bo ly
que nt ly fre ian brill tly
pi cal ly ty tal bru ly
so lut ab ely nu al an ly
a ra t ely sep ki ly ee ch
ham ed as ly lar u reg ly
for tun ely at un ful iss ly bl

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 4 61 © Blake eLearning

Suffixes – ly 6.31

5 Underline the spelling mistakes. Write the word correctly.

She strolled casuely in the park on the warm summer’s day.
My baby brother chekely ran away from our dad.
The diamond ring shone briliantely in the sunshine.
I like to exercise regulely to stay fit and healthy.
We meet anualy for a family reunion.
Ken frequentely went to the library to borrow books.
I sudenley remembered that I had football practice and ran
down to the field.

Challenge words 7 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.

6 Write the word. ahdiacademicallydgm
traditionally djhxcompetentlyxgvf
anxiously sdndundoubtedlyfvd
competently aasiugalternativelyss
undoubtedly sdudaggressivelydvhd
aggressively saopconsequentlysfes
alternatively skoskanxiouslyfevxc

8 Another way to say it. Which challenge word could replace the underlined word?
I waited nervously for the doctor to tell me my results.
The red stone in her ring was synthetically produced.
I didn’t get much sleep last night and therefore was very sleepy today.

I became nervous when the dog growled hostilely.

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 4 62 © Blake eLearning

Suffixes – ity 6.32

List 1 Write the word. 2 Missing letters. Write the missing letters.
authority a _ t _ ori _ y
hospitality pr _ _ ita _ _ l _ ty
availability _ iab _ li _ y
nationality su _ t _ bi _ ity
liability su _ er _ ori _ y
capacity _ es _ ecta _ il _ ty
originality r _ l _ abi _ ity
suitability pe _ ul _ ar _ _ _
3 Chunks. Rearrange the syllables to make a
reliability list word.
bil ta spec i ty re
a bil i ty vail a
ni cal ty i tech
tain a bil i ty sus
i it a ty prof bil
pat bil i ty i com
lar ir u reg ty i
then ci ty au ti

4 Meaning. Which list word means?

the state of remaining unknown
the quality of being true or genuine
something strange or odd
the state of being better than others
the friendly and generous treatment of guests, visitors, and strangers

the right or power to give orders, make decisions, and control people

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 4 63 © Blake eLearning

Suffixes – ity 6.32

5 Underline the spelling mistakes. Write the word correctly.

Phoebe liked to express her individooality through her poetry.
My grandparents’ nationalitee is Japanese.
Harry won an award for the originately of his project.
My new phone and computer lack compatibelity.
The school’s debating team won on a technikality.
We have to protect the environment to ensure its sustaneability.
The artwork came with a certificate of authentisity.
The news program blurred the man’s face to ensure his annonnimity.

Challenge words 7 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?

6 Write the word. calm, peace, serenity
vulnerability oddness or peculiarity
feasibility certainty
eccentricity possibility
tranquility secretness
spontaneity a town’s local government
accessibility acting on the spur of the moment
susceptibility a state of being easily hurt

8 Another way to say it. Which challenge word could replace the underlined word?
It was her oddness that made her stand out from the crowd.
The secrecy of the project meant that I couldn’t tell anyone.
She often visited the lake because of its peacefulness.
The convenience of the grocery store is what makes it so popular.

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 4 64 © Blake eLearning

Word endings – ery, ary, ory 6.33

List 1 Write the word. 2 Word clues. Which list word matches?
literary normal practice
January opponent or enemy
bribery very large guns
cannery having to do with our senses
trickery comes before February
legendary existing only in your mind
customary 3 Chunks. Rearrange the syllables to make a
advisory list word.
artillery til y ler ar
centenary y ar er lit
accessory y ad vis or
adversary y u Jan ar
compulsory ry so vi per su
supervisory liv y er
documentary so com ry pul
complimentary y plan tar e

4 Sort the words.

ery ary ory

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 4 65 © Blake eLearning

Word endings – ery, ary, ory 6.33

5 Complete each sentence with a list word.

They gave him a reduced sentence as he was only an a_________________ to the crime.
The teacher only had c_________________ things to say about her class.
A c_________________ marks the hundredth anniversary of an event.
It is c_________________ to stand up when the national anthem is sung.
For our social studies project, we are making a d_________________ about the history
of our school.
There was a mix up at the c_________________ and dog food was put in baked beans

Challenge words 7 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?

6 Write the word. the clever use of deception
parliamentary related to the subject but less important
beneficiary involving little physical activity
contradictory extra support
conciliatory one who will receive or inherit certain
chicanery benefits
auxiliary belonging to the present time

8 Complete each sentence.

The crew started to worry when their a________________________ power shut off.
The United Kingdom’s system of government is a p________________________
We were told to focus on the main point, disregarding all s________________________
My mother is the b________________________ of my grandfather’s will.
They told c________________________ stories about what really happened.
SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 4 66 © Blake eLearning
Suffixes – ably, ibly 6.34

List 1 Write the word. 2 Word building. Add suffixes to build words.
reasonable reasonably
remarkably miserable
fashionably suitable
sociably impossible
responsibly preferable
miserably 3 Unscramble these list words.
considerably psyilbmsio
forcibly ylbakarmer
noticeably ulsytbia
arguably iysbolac
predictably tynbola
incredibly bpybalor
impossibly eefrbaylrp
presumably yblicrof

4 Chunks. Rearrange the syllables to make a list word.

su ma pre bly ion bly a fash
ta dic bly pre tice a no bly
cred bly i in er bly mis a
a fer bly pre son bly a rea
sid a er bly con pos bly im si
fort a com bly gu bly ar a
spon bly re si ci bly for
mar bly ka re bly ba pro

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 4 67 © Blake eLearning

Suffixes – ably, ibly 6.34

5 Underline the spelling mistakes. Write the word correctly.

The pizza was argueably the best I had ever eaten!
Zachery has grown noticably taller in the last year.
Tina sat comfortablie in the armchair and read a book.
The boys were fashionabely dressed for the party.
They are running late, presummably because of the traffic.
The police officer had to forcibely remove the rioters.

Challenge words 7 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.

6 Write the word. gdfunderstandablyfg
understandably gqunquestionablygy
immeasurably dfgimmeasurablydfg
imperceptibly fgimperceptiblygdfpe
incomprehensibly ablyinseparablyinsep
uncontrollably llysunbelievablylievb
impeccably rolluncontrollablyollr

8 Another way to say it. Which list word could replace the underlined word?
Mia is definitely the best singer in our class.
She is always perfectly dressed.
The evidence showed that it was irrefutably a case of mistaken identity.

He was justifiably upset when he heard the news about his grandfather.

I found her laughing hysterically and couldn’t help but laugh too.

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 4 68 © Blake eLearning

Prefixes – in, im, ir, il 6.35

List 1 Write the word. 2 Word clues. Which list word matches?
improper without reason or sense
impersonal free, not ruled by another
inability not able to happen
injustice not thinking of another
indistinct impossible to resist
immovable not clearly defined
impossible not permitted by law
incapable not following a pattern
illicit 3 Missing letters. Write the missing letters.
irrational ir _ eg _ lar _ y
immaturity _ n _ ust _ _ e
inadequate i _ conv _ ni _ nt
irregularly in _ ap _ _ le
impatience i _ m _ tur _ _ y
indecisive _ _ dep _ nde _ t
irresistible _ _ ad_ _ ua _ _
inconvenient _ _ pati _ _ _ _
inconsiderate _ _ consid _ _ _ _ _

4 Sort the words.

in im ir il

SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 4 69 © Blake eLearning

Prefixes – in, im, ir, il 6.35

5 Underline the spelling mistakes. Write the word correctly.

It is illegal to buy, sell, or use ellicit items.
My impateince grew the naughtier the kittens became.
Without my glasses, all I could see were indistincte shapes.
Our preparation for the camping trip was completely inadeqwate.

His school attendance has been very inconsestent this year.

It was enconsiderate for Callum not to save a seat for me.
She did not like camping because of her irrationel fear of bats.

Her indesisiv nature makes it difficult for her to choose something.

Challenge words 7 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?

6 Write the word. not able to be damaged or broken
incompatible not likely to be noticed or seen
indestructible not right for the time or place
inoffensive impossible to imagine or understand
inconceivable not causing offense
inconspicuous impossible to change

8 Complete each sentence.

His comments were _________________ and didn’t upset anyone.
I groaned as I thought of the _________________ damage I had caused.
The two computers were _________________ , so we worked on paper instead.
When wearing the same clothes, the twins were ______________ from each other.
SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 4 70 © Blake eLearning
Suffixes – ancy, ency 6.36

List 1 Write the word. 2 Sort the words.

agency ancy ency
dependency 3 Chunks. Rearrange the chunks to make a
consistency list word.
consultancy den si cy pre
leniency pe cy ten com
occupancy oun cy tan acc
despondency sis ten con cy
pen cy den de

3 Word clues. Which list word matches?

an unfilled space
very early childhood
a serious situation that calls for quick action
feeling doubt or uncertainty
the number of times an event happens
not strict with rules
being away from school without permission
SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 4 71 © Blake eLearning
Suffixes – ancy, ency 6.36

5 Complete each sentence with a list word.

There was a _____________________ at the hotel, so we booked in for the night.
I could hear the _____________________ in his voice and knew that the matter was
Heads of state are often referred to as “Your _____________________”.
My older cousin is studying _____________________ at university.
The _____________________ of earthquakes in our area has risen in the last year.
Rochelle was going to run for the class _____________________ .

Challenge words 7 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?

the quick performance of a task
6 Write the word.
being easy to understand
being able to soak up moisture
being able to see through
able to float

8 Complete each sentence.

She had to take special tablets to supplement her calcium __________________ .
Our __________________ allows us to float in water.
Luke’s __________________ at completing his homework meant he had more time
to practice his karate skills.
When it comes to playing video games, he has a high level of _________________ .
After playing badly in the first half, they gained the __________________ in the
second half.
SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 4 72 © Blake eLearning

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