US REX Spelling SB G6
US REX Spelling SB G6
US REX Spelling SB G6
Student Book
My Name
Reading Eggspress Spelling Grade 6 Student Book
Copyright © Blake eLearning 2020
Blake Publishing
Locked Bag 2022
Glebe NSW 2037
Publisher: Katy Pike
Design and layout by the Modern Art Production Group
In this book
The Reading Eggspress Spelling program provides instruction on spelling rules,
strategies, and generalizations. Each lesson focuses on a core set of 20 words, plus 10
challenge words to extend students. The crafted word lists are based on the sound,
structure, and meaning of words. They support teaching of the following elements of the
State Standards:
English Language Arts Standards
• Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling when writing. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.6.2
- Spell correctly. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.6.2.B
• Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and
phrases based on grade 6 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of
strategies. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.6.4
- Use common, grade-appropriate Greek or Latin affixes and roots as clues to the
meaning of a word (e.g., audience, auditory, audible). CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.6.4.B
• Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific
words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase
important to comprehension or expression. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.6.6
Prefixes un, dis, mis; re, de, pre; in, im, ir, il 17, 18, 41, 42, 69, 70
Suffixes er, est; s, es; s, ies; er, or; ful, less; ic; able, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 23,
ible; ous; ence, ance; ness; ion, ian; ly; ity; 24, 31, 32, 35, 36, 43, 44,
ably, ibly; ancy, ency 49, 50, 53, 54, 59, 60, 61,
62, 63, 64, 67, 68, 71, 72
Letter patterns igh, eigh, aigh; cc, xc 33, 34, 45, 46
Other homophones; vowel sounds; vowel 3, 4, 13, 14, 21, 22, 25, 26,
sounds exceptions; word building; 27, 28, 47, 48, 51, 52, 55,
compound words; loan words; tricky 56, 57, 58
words; irregular plurals; eponyms
Self-assessment –
Lesson Pages Date completed
‘With this list I feel …’
Self-assessment –
Lesson Pages Date completed
‘With this list I feel …’
List 1 Write the word. 2 In a group. Write the list word that belongs in
relevant each group.
observant watchful, alert,
insolent smelly, strong,
strident brave, heroic,
truant rude, cheeky,
resistant motionless, stationary,
reluctant rich, luxurious,
stagnant dutiful, persistent,
pungent guide, advisor,
valiant 3 Chunks. Rearrange the chunks to make a list word.
sis ta nt re
a me nt lig
i nen t m pro
so na nt con
ea sa nt ph
luc ta nt re
le va nt re
po ne com nt
de pon nt des
8 Another way to say it. Which challenge word could replace the underlined word?
Jesse didn’t want to pay an unreasonable price for a computer
The new post office is being built next to the old florist.
I picked a juicy orange from our neighbor’s orange tree.
The victorious team stepped up to accept their medals.
I always put on antiperspirant after playing baseball.
I couldn’t understand her as she wasn’t being very clear.
SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 1 8 © Blake eLearning
Plurals – s, es 6.5
5 Missing syllable. Write the missing syllable. 6 Unscramble these list words.
ele________ ________toises ndchwiessa
ex________ples ________nuses ndsousath
muse________ ________rels chmatoss
avo________dos sau________ orsrevogn
feath________ cock________es qiiusdl
________vices choc________lates eshasleey
List 1 Write the word. 2 In a group. Write the list word that belongs in
creator each group.
villager nomad, traveler,
explorer trader, seller,
inspector university, teacher,
jeweler termites, exterminator,
protector performer, comedian,
beginner guardian, warden,
passenger pioneer, seeker,
newcomer novice, apprentice,
murderer 3 Missing letter. Write the missing letters.
researcher vil_________ ins_________
wanderer _________rcher w_________erer
supplier _________ssor _________gner
governor cha_________ exa_________
professor exp_________ cre_________
examiner beg_________ m_________erer
fumigator _________omer gov_________
designer _________gator pas_________
challenger enter_________ pro_________
apologize 3 Chunks. Rearrange the chunks to make a list word.
icicle te com mo ac da
eliminate va te e el
magnitude i mo to squ
concede po gize lo a
retrospect cri sa ce fi
exonerate i lon co sem
radiate ni mag tude
sacrifice ti i me mar
emphasize ti ven te la
mundane na te lim i e
8 Another way to say it. Which challenge word could replace the underlined word?
I lit a candle to light the room.
She tried to imply that I was the one who stole her phone.
The hurricane was a disaster for the whole city.
I always manage to collect more things than I need.
He tried to start a fight, but I just walked away.
I hoped to appease him by doing the dishes.
4 Missing letters. Write the missing letters. 5 Chunks. Rearrange the letters to
res___________ make a list word.
spi___________ le se ss sen
lim___________ ead ful dr
sha___________ ful re sent
dre___________ le ch ss ee sp
rut___________ le ape sh ss
sta___________ ame ss bl le
sen___________ ss it le lim
SPELLING • GRADE 6 • TOPIC 1 15 © Blake eLearning
Suffixes – ful and less 6.8
List 1 Write the word. 2 In a group. Write the list word that belongs in
traffic each group.
domestic unnatural, artificial,
gigantic squares, triangles,
majestic cars, roads,
energetic huge, big,
cosmetic technology, electricity,
symbolic loyalty, allegiance,
organic beauty, make-up,
economic 3 Chunks. Rearrange the chunks to make a
synthetic list word.
o cha tic
mes tic do
gan gi tic
the tic n sy
o me ge tric
nom o ic ec
ma cli tic
ge er en tic
List 1 Write the word. 2 Missing letters. Write the missing letters.
southwest nort________________
household _________________orm
northeast _________________stle
thunderstorm sout_________________
grasshopper hea_________________
grandchildren ________________oof
soundproof scar_________________
scarecrow ________________ace
great-grandfather 3 In a group. Write the list word that belongs
mother-in-law in each group.
eyewitness cricket, locust,
wheelchair bazaar, stalls,
sightseeing bandana, headband,
headdress birds, crops,
sandcastle beach, buckets,
gentlemen silent, mute,
thanksgiving procedure, instruction,
guideline observer, bystander,
List 1 Write the word. 2 Missing letters. Write the missing letters.
cashier _ eir _ o _ _ re _ _ _ _ t
fiend _ n _ ie _ y he _ _ _ _
feint _ _ _ fei _ cl _ _ _ t
abseil _ eir _ _ s fi _ _ _
neither _ _ ceiv _ c__h__r
heiress _ _ lie _ _ _ g b__g_
believing _ _ _ eil we _ _
fiery _ ein _ _ _ cei _ _ _ _
deceive _ _ rie sk _ _ _
eerie _ ei _ _ er fi _ _ d
client 3 Unscramble these words.
receiving ndeif
heirloom ryefi
heifer lintec
forfeit reefih
weir shaceir
anxiety geeib
receipt peeictr
beige nieks
8 Another way to say it. Which challenge word could replace the underlined word
After Thanksgiving we had a surplus of food.
She was feeling hurt after her brother made fun of her.
The soldiers fought on the border between the countries.
He was prosecuted for the monstrous crimes he had committed.
List 1 Write the word. 2 In a group. Write the list word that belongs in
available each group.
notable unhappy, depressed,
memorable stylish, trendy,
remarkable believable, probable,
fashionable clear, logical,
perishable extraordinary, amazing,
responsible aggressive, violent,
adaptable impressive, important,
charitable 3 Chunks. Rearrange the chunks to make a
miserable list word.
spon ble si re
men da ble com
ar it ble a ch
fi ble ta pro
ver ble ti con
der da stan ble un
ka mar ble re
dap ble ta a
List 1 Write the word. 2 Name.
3 Missing letters. Write the missing letters.
mightiest al _ _ _ t fl _ _ _ li _ _ _ _
forthright spr _ _ _ _ ly ri _ _ _ fu _ _ _
frightening m _ _ _ _ _ _ st co _ _ ri _ _ _
rightfully bl _ _ _ t sl _ _ _ t _ _
copyright air _ _ _ _ _ _ t br _ _ _ t _ _
fi _ _ fi _ _ _ _ _ kn _ _ _ t _ _
List 1 Write the word. 2 In a group. Write the list word that belongs in
luxurious each group.
ravenous rich, lavish,
notorious poisonous, toxic,
tenacious vague, unclear,
venomous famous, renowned,
vivacious starving, hungry,
obnoxious disagreeable, nasty,
momentous unknown, mysterious,
zealous 3 Chunks. Rearrange the chunks to make a
precarious list word.
voracious nous ra ve
ambiguous cari pre ous
impervious temp ous tu con
tumultuous ous tre mend
anonymous tor ous no i
conspicuous bi ous am phi
contentious ci ten ous a
contemptuous cu con spi ous
mul tu tu ous
Challenge words
7 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.
6 Write the word.
charcoal hgirreproachablede
wallows djgicharcoalcvj
foreshadow dskjghboastfulfgf
petticoat shauforeshadowfgn
loathsome inyunknowinglyknu
unknowingly caotpetticoatttipe
irreproachable lloswwallowsaalow
8 Another way to say it. Which list word could replace the underlined word?
I did not want to intrude on his privacy.
The event seemed to forecast more trouble to come.
On the farm the pig always rolls in the mud.
There was a disgusting smell coming from the fridge.
Mom will chide me for not taking out the trash.
I ignorantly left the ice cream out and it all melted.
8 Another way to say it. Which challenge word could replace the underlined words?
I promised to repay him for the cost of the pizza.
They plan to review the way students are being taught.
They are going to bring back subway trains in some cities.
Without that requirement, the game won’t go ahead!
All cars have to slow down when they approach the narrow bridge.
List 1 Write the word. 2 In a group. Write the list word that belongs in
reliance each group.
insurance advice, counsel,
maintenance ability, capability,
guidance youth, pre-adulthood,
clearance interruption, annoyance,
residence result, outcome,
insistence similarity, likeness,
attendance house, home,
remembrance 3 Chunks. Rearrange the chunks to make a
adolescence list word.
significance nif ca i sig nce
grievance br ce an mem re
consequence te in ma nan ce
indulgence ba tur nce dis
prominence pe te ce n com
disturbance dul nce in ge
resemblance nce en att da
diligence bl re an sem ce
disappearance que con nce se
List 1 Write the word. 2 Missing letters. Write the missing letters.
_____________ding _____________ine
_____________ance _____________ise
_____________late _____________pied
_____________ator _____________ess
_____________oon _____________stom
_____________sive _____________sion
_____________rate _____________rue
_____________ede _____________ption
excise 3 Chunks. Rearrange the chunks to make a
accede list word.
accumulate a ede cc
vaccine sive ex clu
access ade acc ol
exclusive ci ex se
accusation sa accu tion
accustom cc va ine
exclusion tom cus ac
accrue late ac mu cu
8 Another way to say it. Which list word could replace the underlined word?
I did not mean to humiliate him in front of his friends.
I felt great exhaustion after running the marathon.
Dad had to part the two squabbling children.
We wore suitable clothes to the wedding.
Abseiling at camp was a great adventure.
I was distrustful of his behavior.
List 1 Write the word. 2 Missing letters. Write the missing letters.
laziness na___________________
toughness su____________________
quietness law___________________
uneasiness laz___________________
liveliness li_____________________
suddenness v_____________________
wholeness id____________________
narrowness stu___________________
remoteness re____________________
strangeness we___________________
idleness 3 Unscramble the list words.
weariness ssnsseeelomh
lawlessness ssssneellwa
robustness bsuntsseor
drowsiness leessnhow
ruthlessness airensswe
homelessness aisnssenue
vagueness inwssesdor
stubbornness sssseelnthur
List 1 Write the word. 2 Word building. Add suffixes to build words.
heavily sudden suddenly
suddenly clumsy
regularly brilliant
remarkably heavy
clumsily annual
cheekily absolute
annually 3 Missing letters. Write the missing letters.
typically che____________ hea____________
boastfully boa____________ ann____________
brilliantly ash____________ brill____________
separately abs____________ reg____________
curiously bru____________ sud____________
casually typ____________ law____________
unfortunately blis_____________ fre_____________
ashamedly curi____________ unf_____________
8 Another way to say it. Which challenge word could replace the underlined word?
I waited nervously for the doctor to tell me my results.
The red stone in her ring was synthetically produced.
I didn’t get much sleep last night and therefore was very sleepy today.
List 1 Write the word. 2 Missing letters. Write the missing letters.
authority a _ t _ ori _ y
hospitality pr _ _ ita _ _ l _ ty
availability _ iab _ li _ y
nationality su _ t _ bi _ ity
liability su _ er _ ori _ y
capacity _ es _ ecta _ il _ ty
originality r _ l _ abi _ ity
suitability pe _ ul _ ar _ _ _
3 Chunks. Rearrange the syllables to make a
reliability list word.
bil ta spec i ty re
a bil i ty vail a
ni cal ty i tech
tain a bil i ty sus
i it a ty prof bil
pat bil i ty i com
lar ir u reg ty i
then ci ty au ti
the right or power to give orders, make decisions, and control people
8 Another way to say it. Which challenge word could replace the underlined word?
It was her oddness that made her stand out from the crowd.
The secrecy of the project meant that I couldn’t tell anyone.
She often visited the lake because of its peacefulness.
The convenience of the grocery store is what makes it so popular.
List 1 Write the word. 2 Word clues. Which list word matches?
literary normal practice
January opponent or enemy
bribery very large guns
cannery having to do with our senses
trickery comes before February
legendary existing only in your mind
customary 3 Chunks. Rearrange the syllables to make a
advisory list word.
artillery til y ler ar
centenary y ar er lit
accessory y ad vis or
adversary y u Jan ar
compulsory ry so vi per su
supervisory liv y er
documentary so com ry pul
complimentary y plan tar e
List 1 Write the word. 2 Word building. Add suffixes to build words.
reasonable reasonably
remarkably miserable
fashionably suitable
sociably impossible
responsibly preferable
miserably 3 Unscramble these list words.
considerably psyilbmsio
forcibly ylbakarmer
noticeably ulsytbia
arguably iysbolac
predictably tynbola
incredibly bpybalor
impossibly eefrbaylrp
presumably yblicrof
8 Another way to say it. Which list word could replace the underlined word?
Mia is definitely the best singer in our class.
She is always perfectly dressed.
The evidence showed that it was irrefutably a case of mistaken identity.
He was justifiably upset when he heard the news about his grandfather.
I found her laughing hysterically and couldn’t help but laugh too.
List 1 Write the word. 2 Word clues. Which list word matches?
improper without reason or sense
impersonal free, not ruled by another
inability not able to happen
injustice not thinking of another
indistinct impossible to resist
immovable not clearly defined
impossible not permitted by law
incapable not following a pattern
illicit 3 Missing letters. Write the missing letters.
irrational ir _ eg _ lar _ y
immaturity _ n _ ust _ _ e
inadequate i _ conv _ ni _ nt
irregularly in _ ap _ _ le
impatience i _ m _ tur _ _ y
indecisive _ _ dep _ nde _ t
irresistible _ _ ad_ _ ua _ _
inconvenient _ _ pati _ _ _ _
inconsiderate _ _ consid _ _ _ _ _