Analysis of Drilling Fluid Rheology & Pressure Drop

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Analysis of Drilling Fluid Rheology & Pressure Drop

Modelling to Improve Drilling Efficiency

Rahman, Kazi Mahmudur

Rahman, K. M. (2018). Analysis of Drilling Fluid Rheology & Pressure Drop Modelling to Improve
Drilling Efficiency (Unpublished master's degree). University of Calgary, Calgary, AB.
master thesis

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Analysis of Drilling Fluid Rheology & Pressure Drop Modelling to Improve

Drilling Efficiency


Kazi Mahmudur Rahman








© Kazi Mahmudur Rahman 2018



The undersigned certify that they have read and recommend to the Faculty of Graduate

Studies for acceptance, a Thesis entitled “Analysis of Drilling Fluid Rheology & Pressure

Drop Modelling to Improve Drilling Efficiency " submitted by Kazi Mahmudur Rahman

in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Engineering.

Supervisor, Dr. Robert Martinuzzi, Department of

Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

Dr. Les Jozef Sudak., Department of Mechanical and

Manufacturing Engineering

Dr. David Wood., Department of Mechanical and

Manufacturing Engineering

Dr. Hassan Hassanzadeh., Department of Chemical &

Petrochemical Engineering

August 14, 2008



The major drilling problems such as fluid loss, wellbore strengthening, well control,
carrying capacity, torque & drag, stuck pipe, etc. can result from the improper matching of
drilling fluid properties. These problems occur due to variations in pressure, and
temperature which has a great impact on the rheological properties. Drilling fluid
properties can be modified for the successful drilling operation. Research continues the
development of drilling fluid in shale inhibition, rheology modification, wellbore
strengthening, high-temperature, high-pressure (HTHP) drilling fluids, etc. The main goal
of this project is to develop a rheology-based pressure drop calculation incorporating the
effects of temperature, pressure and gel strength of drilling fluid using experimental results
for the better understanding of undesirable viscosity fluctuation and pressure losses. This
study is based on the hypothesis that the rheology model for pressure loss prediction can
be investigated to the desired level in an experimental laboratory facility, which can be
applied to solve/reduce drilling problems in wells. This study presents a simplified
procedure for selecting the rheological model which best fits the properties of a given
hydraulic fluid to represent the shear-stress, shear-rate relationship for a given fluid. The
project assumes that the model which gives the lowest absolute average percent error
(EAAP) between the measured and calculated shear stresses is the best one for given
drilling fluid. The results are of great importance for achieving the correct pressure drop
and hydraulics calculations. It is found that the API rheological model provides, in general,
the best prediction of rheological behaviour for the mud samples considered (EAAP=
5.84%). API hydraulics calculation gives a good approximation to measured pump pressure
within 14% of measured field data.


I have had the good fortune to have enormous guidance from my supervisor, Dr. Robert

Martinuzzi where his enormous support, ideas, motivation and helpful instructions gave

me to make the successful completion of my thesis work. I am very happy to have the

members of examining committee, Dr. Hassan Hassanzadeh, Dr. Les Jozef Sudak, and Dr.

David Wood, in my thesis defence and would like to thank them for their valuable time

and the discerning input to my thesis work. I would like to acknowledge the different

financial supports of: (i) Dr. Robert Martinuzzi’s various research grants, (ii) Teaching

Assistantships. I also want to thank to my beloved family members for their encouragement

and greatly appreciated and pleased to my dear wife, Musa. Shammi Akther for her

enormous help and inspiration during the program to make it achievable.


To the loving memory


My Parents

Table of Contents

Approval Page……………………………………………………………………........... ii
Abstract…………………………………………………………………………………. iii
Acknowledgements………………………………………………………………........... iv
Dedication………………………………………………………………………………. v
Table of Contents……………………………………………………………………….. vi
List of Tables…………………………………………………………………………… viii
List of Figures and Illustrations………………………………………………………… ix
List of Symbols, Abbreviations and Nomenclature…………………………………….. x

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………. 1
1.1 Background.....……………………………………………………………………. 1
1.2 Problem statement....………………………………………………………………. 5
1.3 Research objectives.....……………………………………………………….......... 7
1.4 Thesis structure........………………………………………………………………. 7

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW………………………………………….......... 9

2.1 Drilling fluid rheology……………………………………..........………………… 9
2.2 Pressure and temperature effect in the rheology of drilling fluid.........………....... 10
2.3 Rheology parameters……………………………………….................................... 11
2.4.2 Concentration...............................................................…..…….................. 13
2.4.3 Gel strength...............................................................…..……....................... 13
2.4.4 Pressure loss...............................................................…..……...................... 13
2.4.5 Friction reduction........................................................…..……..................... 13
2.4 Drilling Operation……………………....………………………………………… 14
2.5 Hydraulics………………………………………………………………………… 15
2.6 Frictional Pressure Loss…………………………………………………………... 16

CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY……………………..….…………………………….. 19
3.1 Fluid Preparation………...………………………………...…………........................ 21
3.2 Experiment Procedure……………………………………………………………….. 22
3.3 Rheological Model Selection……………...………………………………………… 24
3.2.1 Correlations analysis…………………………….………………….………. 24
3.2.2 The absolute average percent of error (EAAP) analysis ……..………………. 25
3.3.3 Determining parameters for the Rheology Models..………………………… 25 Newtonian Model…………………………………………………… 25 Bingham Plastic Model ...………………….………………….…….. 26 Power Law Model ……..……………………………………………. 26 API Model..………………………………………………………….. 26 Herschel-Bulkley Model ..…………………………………………… 27
3.4 Hydraulics………………………………………….. …….................................... 28


4.1 Fann Viscometer Reading ..…………………………….….…………………........... 31

4.2 Error Analysis …………………………………………...…....................................... 32
4.3 Shear stress measured…………………….….....…………...………………………. 32
4.4 Rheological Model Selection………………………………………………………… 33
4.4.1 Newtonian Model and Experiment data………………………………………. 33 Shear stress calculation ………………………………………………. 33 Correlations Analysis……...……….…................................................. 34 The absolute average percent of error (EAAP) analysis….…………... 35
4.4.2 Bingham Plastic Model and Experiment data..……………………………….. 35 Shear stress calculation ……………………………………………… 35 Correlations Analysis……...……….…................................................. 36 The absolute average percent of error (EAAP) analysis.......................... 38
4.4.3 Power Law Model and Experiment data..…………………………………….. 38 Shear stress calculation ……………………………………………… 38 Correlations Analysis……...……….…................................................. 38 The absolute average percent of error (EAAP) analysis........................ 40
4.4.4 API Model and Experiment data………………………………………………. 40 Shear stress calculation ……………………………………………… 40 Correlations Analysis……...……….…................................................. 40 The absolute average percent of error (EAAP) analysis........................ 42
4.4.5 Herschel-Bulkley Model and Experiment data……………………………….. 42 Shear stress calculation ……………………………………………… 42 Correlations Analysis……...……….…................................................. 42 The absolute average percent of error (EAAP) analysis........................ 43
4.5 Summary of rheological model selection….................................................................. 44
4.6 Hydraulics Simulation................................................................................................... 45
4.7 Data used to validate the approach…………………………………………………. 48


5.1 Summary...…….………………………………………………………………… 50
5.2 Further considerations…..…………………………………………………......... 50

REFERENCES…………………………………………………………………………... 52

List of Tables

Table 3.1: Composition of the Fluid-1 .............................................................................. 21

Table 3.2: Composition of the Fluid-2 .............................................................................. 21

Table 4.1: Fann Viscometer Reading: Fluid-1 .................................................................. 31

Table 4.2: Fann Viscometer Reading: Fluid-2… ............................................................. 31

Table 4.3: Shear stress measured in field units (lb/ft2) for Fluid-1. ................................. 33

Table 4.4: Shear stress measured in field units (lb/ft2) for Fluid-2 .................................. 33

Table 4.5: Comparison analysis between measured and calculated shear stresses........... 34

Table 4.6: Comparison analysis between measured and calculated shear stresses........... 36

Table 4.7: The measured and calculated shear stresses .................................................... 38

Table 4.8 The measured and calculated shear stresses ..................................................... 40

Table 4.9 The measured and calculated shear stresses ..................................................... 42

Table 4.10: Summary of best regression equation ……….for Fluid-1 ............................ 44

Table 4. 11: Summary of best regression equation ………for Fluid-2 ............................ 45

Table 4.12: Average % of reduction error difference between field and modeled SPP ... 48

List of Figures and Illustrations

Figure 1.1: Schematic comparison of the four rheological models ................................... 4

Figure 2.1: Rheograms at various temperatures and pressures (Davison et al. 1999). ... 11

Figure 2.2: Figure 2.2: Rheogram showing rheological types (Awele 2014) ................... 12

Figure 2.3: Diagram of the drilling fluid circulating system ............................................ 18

F Figure 3.1: Flow chart for overall analysis and assessment of hydraulic performance
in well applications .................................................................................................. 20

Figure 3.2: Schematic diagram of the Fann Model 35 viscometer ................................... 23

Figure 4.1: Residual plot for measured and calculated shear stress for Newtonian
model......................................................................................................................... 34

Figure 4.2: Plot for shear rate vs. shear stress of measured and modeled data using
Newtonian model. ..................................................................................................... 35

Figure 4.3: Residual plot for measured and calculated shear stress for Bingham Plastic
model......................................................................................................................... 37

Figure 4.4: Plot for shear rate vs. shear stress of measured and Modeled data ................ 37

Figure 4.5: Residual plot for measured and calculated shear stress for Power Law …... 39
Figure 4.6: Plot for shear rate vs. shear stress of measured and calculated data .............. 39

Figure 4.7: Residual plot for measured and calculated shear stress for API model. ........ 41

Figure: 4.8: Plot for shear rate vs. shear stress of measured and calculated data. ........... 41

Figure 4.9: Residual plot for measured and calculated shear stress for Herschel-
Bulkley ..................................................................................................................... 42

Figure 4.10: Plot for shear rate vs. shear stress …data for Herschel-Bulkley model. ...... 43

Figure 4.11: Average % of reduction error difference between field SPP and modeled
SPP ........................................................................................................................... 49

List of Symbols, Abbreviations and Nomenclature

List of Symbols

Greek symbols Definition

γ Shear rate, s-1
 Mud weight
τ Shear stress, lb/100ft2
τ0 Yield point, lb/100ft2
ϴ3 Dial reading at 3rpm
p Plastic viscosity
y yield point
0 yield stress
μ Viscosity

List of Abbreviations

Abbreviation Definition
NP Nanoparticles
API American Petroleum Institute
PV Plastic viscosity
OBM Oil Based Mud
SBM Synthetic mud
Δpa Pressure loss in annulus, psi
Δpb Pressure loss in bit, psi
Δpds Pressure loss in drill string, psi
Δpp Pump pressure, psi
HTHP High-pressure
ECD Equivalent circulating density
EAAP Absolute average percent error
YP/PV Ratio of yield point over plastic viscosity
EMW Equivalent mud weight
MWD Measurement-while-drilling
YP Yield points
K Consistency index
n Fluid behavior index
Δp Pump pressure
PVT Pressure/volume/temperature
Q Flow rate of the drilling fluid, gpm
N Rotational velocity, rpm
cp Bingham Yield Point, lb/100ft2


1.1 Background

Drilling operations are required to achieve a well safely within shortest possible time and

lowest possible operational cost, including the necessary additional sampling and evaluation

constraints of the particular application to reduce drilling problems (Proehl and Sabins 2006,

Taugbol et al. 2005). Drilling problems include fluid loss, wellbore stability, well control, poor

carrying capacity, poor torque performance increased drag and stuck pipe. These can result from

poorly defined drilling fluid and often result in high drilling cost. Around one fifth (15 to 18%) of

the total cost (about $1 million) of well petroleum drilling are related to the drilling fluid (Khodja

et al. 2010a). Problems occur due to variations in pressure, temperature, which affect the fluid

rheological properties (viscosity) during drilling operations. The fluids should generally meet

some important specified requirements: i) fluid rheological characteristics that are easily

controlled, ii) not too expensive and iii) environmentally friendly (Khodja et al. 2010b). Drilling

fluids should reduce the cleaning cost and time, maximize recycling to reduce the environmental

footprint. Consequently, environmentally compatible successful completion of drilling operation

depends on the properties of the drilling fluid to a great extent. Therefore, the choice of the right

fluid (right properties) is very important in fluid design and drilling waste management during

drilling operation which influences the total well operations costs and improved drilling efficiency.

Rheological properties provide assistance in characterizing fluid flow. When determining the

flow characteristics, the rheology is important for predicting friction coefficients and frictional

pressure losses. Rheological parameters such as viscosity, consistency index, and yield stress

control the fluid system under consideration, together with volumetric parameters such as density

(Demirdal et al 2009). All these parameters are subject to change under extreme conditions such

as high pressure-high temperature or low pressure-low temperature conditions (Friedheim et al

2012). The pressure and temperature have direct effects on drilling fluid rheology through the

shear stress and shear rate of the fluid (Garvin et al 1970, DE Wolfe et al 1983, Minton & Bern

1988, American Petroleum Institute 1995). Drilling fluids used in drilling operations have

rheological properties and density which are more sensitive to pressure and temperature conditions

(Hemphill 1996, Growcock 1994, Growcock & Frederick 1994). For this reason, it is important to

determine the response of the rheological model to wellbore conditions and to fully understand the

fluid performance under downhole conditions.

As the well goes deeper, it becomes increasingly important to predict and control the

rheology of drilling fluids and hydraulics of the well. Rheological models are adopted for

prediction and calculation of the shear stress and frictional pressure losses. The most used

rheological models for the past half-century are Newtonian, Bingham and Power-law models. With

the development of drilling fluid technology and drilling hydraulics theory, the limitations of the

Bingham and Power Law models have been identified by researchers. The main disadvantage is

the two models are not able to describe the rheological properties of drilling fluid under high shear

rates. The Herschel-Bulkley model is a newer rheological model that accurately describes the

rheological properties of drilling fluid under a wider range of shear rates (Power, 2003). It is

characterized by a nonlinearity relationship between shear stress and shear rate and comprises the

yield point(Power & Zamora, 2003). API (American Petroleum Institute) recommended

predicting fluid behaviour with a two-part power law model. One part predicts the fluid behaviour

at low shear rates, and another part modelled the high shear properties (Rehm et al, 2012). So, this

model endorses using the modified power-law model to calculate pressure losses in pipes and

annuli. Generally, the drilling fluid apparent viscosity decreases with increasing shear rate. The

power law matches shear rates from the viscometer with shear rates experienced inside the drill

pipe and annulus. Inside the drill pipe, 600 RPM and 300 RPM viscometer readings are used for

rheology and pressure loss calculations (API 1995).

This study presents the comparison of several major rheological models to select the best one

for representing the relationship between shear stress and a shear rate of fluid. The models

considered are the Newtonian, Bingham, Power-law, API Power law and Herschel-Bulkley

models. The shear stress versus shear rate data is used to determine which rheological model best

fits the behaviour of the fluid system.

Drilling fluids are classified into two major groups: Newtonian fluids where viscosity, μ, is

independent of shear rate and the non-Newtonian fluids where viscosity is a function of shear rate,

μ = μ(γ). Viscosity measures the resistance to flow. Excessive viscosity is undesirable because of

the pressures that can be generated by a higher viscosity in the borehole when pumping

horizontally. For each fluid, there is a constitutive relation between the shear rate (γ) and shear

stress (τ). To model the shear stress-shear rate behaviour of fluids, mathematical relations known

as rheological models are used.

A general graphical representation of the four discussed rheological models is presented in

Figure 1.1. The best fitted rheological model will be more tuned with variation of

temperature/pressure, and flow rate. The good model will predict the performance of fluid

behaviour and thus allow reducing the pump requirements and reduce drilling unstableness/

problems (i.e.; fluid loss, carrying capacity, formation damage, etc. among others.).

Figure 1.1: Schematic comparison of the four rheological models

Fluid rheological properties change with additives and can be matched to fulfill the specific

requirements for the hydrodynamic properties and interaction potential with the formation

(Amanullah et al 2011, Abdo & Haneef 2010, Srivista 2010). Increases in viscosity reduce the

penetration rate, increase frictional pressure loss in the drill pipe and annulus, and increase the

horsepower requirement of the pump (Cranford et al 1999, Mohammed & Mohammed 2009).

Thixotropic shear thinning fluids with a yield stress occurs with the apparent viscosity decreases

with increasing shear rate, are often used to avoid high-pressure drop when the mud is circulated

upward the annular, and the presence of a yield stress avoids the sedimentation of solids cuttings

and barite when the circulation is stopped for a certain amount of time (Herzhaft et al 2006).

The drilling process can be improved by controlling the drilling fluid properties using a

macro/micro size chemical particles/additive (Zakaria et al 2012, Nwaoji et al 2013). These

particles are smaller than microparticles, have a high surface to volume ratio and may provide

superior fluid properties at low concentration of the additives (Amanullah & Al-Abdullahtif 2010).

Additives like nanoparticles, which have smaller size, surface area and higher surface energy, can

control the rheology of fluid properties to a larger extent when compared to micron-sized particles

(El-Diasty et al 2013, Amanullah et al 2011). Due to the strong particle-particle interaction, many

additives can act as viscosifiers. For a drilling fluid, the desired rheological effect from an additive

varies widely depending on the ultimate goal of hole cleaning (high low-shear rate), the reduction

of equivalent circulating densities (ECD) with lower plastic viscosities (PV) and yield points (YP),

or the minimization of the effect that temperature has on viscosity (Demirdal et al 2009). The

rheological effects can be measured through the physical fluid properties like density, viscosity,

gel strength, etc. characterize the drilling fluid. Among different drilling fluids, nanoparticles-

based drilling fluids result in higher performance compared to non-nano-based drilling fluid

(Zakaria et al 2012, Nwaoji et al 2013). Nanoparticles-based drilling fluid application is an

enhanced drilling fluid technology for the successful drilling operation (El-Diasty et al 2013,

Amanullah et al 2011). Research continues the development of nanoparticles-based fluid in shale

inhibition, rheology modification, wellbore strengthening, high-temperature, high-pressure

(HTHP) drilling fluids, etc. (Zakaria et al 2012, Nwaoji et al 2013, Hoelscher et al 2013, Friedheim

et al 2012). Variations in pressure, and temperature, which affect the fluid rheology and phase

volume ratio in drilling fluids are important considerations for drilling operational problems

(Gusler et al 2007, Lee et al 2012).

1.2 Problem statement

Rheological properties are important for assessing the drilling fluid behaviour in solving

problems of hole cleaning, hole erosion, suspension of cuttings, drilling fluid treatment, and

hydraulics calculations. Hydraulics calculations with the best-fitted rheology models are the focus

of this project. The viscosity of the drilling fluid must be known because it determines the

hydraulics in the well. The rheological properties vary depending on the type of fluid. The

rheological model used for the evaluation of the fluid parameters is thus important. The rheology

of the most common drilling fluids today, is complex because they usually exhibit non-Newtonian

behaviour. This study examines five major rheological models (Newtonian, Bingham, Power law,

API Power Law, Herschel-Bulkley) to identify alternatives for selecting the model that represents

most accurately the shear stress / shear-rate relationship for a given fluid. This approach assumes

that the model that gives the lowest absolute average percent error (EAAP) between the measured

and calculated shear stresses is the best one for a given non-Newtonian fluid. In the present

industry practice, calculated and actual pump pressures, for example, pressure drop, Δp

calculations using API with a synthetic based mud (SBM) can be off by as much as 35% (API,

1995). The possible reasons could be that friction pressure losses calculations are not well

represented by the rheological model (Zamora & Power, 2002). As a result, drill string pressure

losses are underestimated (Thivolle, 2004).

Many experimental studies deal with the flow of fluids through pipes and annuli for friction

pressure loss calculations. Most of these studies have concentrated on rheological models, pipe

roughness, and geometrical parameters. However, the selection of the best rheological model to

obtain correct results for pressure drop and hydraulics is not considered in the API models. This

study of five rheological models is expected to serve as a guide for selecting a rheological model

for the drilling fluid, for hydraulics calculation. This study could also be used in an educational

engineering and for training purposes; it would help inform and educate the industry about

rheology in drilling fluid and hydraulics calculation considering different rheological models.

1.3 Research Objectives

In the thesis, the overall goal was to improve drilling efficiency and reduce drilling

operational cost. Therefore, this study specifically focuses on:

a) Determining fluid rheological behaviour, based on characteristics from the laboratory


b) Investigating the best fitted rheology model for a drilling fluid;

c) Calculating the hydraulics using best fitted rheology modelling for the fluid in terms of

pressure drop calculation;

d) Assessing the rheology/ pressure drop model incorporating the effects of drilling fluid with

the help of experimental results for better understanding of undesirable viscosity

fluctuation and pressure losses during drilling operation;

e) Predicting bit wear and fluid degradation due to variation on total pressure losses;

f) Increasing drilling efficiency via hydraulics optimization on drilling bit related to

rheological properties.

1.4 Thesis Structure

The first part of this study presents a simplified and accurate procedure for selecting the

rheological model which best fits the rheological properties of a given fluid. The outcomes are

methods to select the best rheological model and to estimate frictional pressure loss from

expansion and contraction of the fluid flowing through pipe and annuli. These methods are of great

importance in achieving correct results for pressure drop and hydraulics calculations. Experimental

results were analyzed for Newtonian, Bingham, Power law, API Power Law, and Herschel-

Bulkley models for conditions where, API hydraulics calculation gives a good approximation of

measured pump pressure.

This thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter one describes the background of the research,

problem statement, and objectives of the research. Chapter two provides the literature review with

a brief description of different rheology models. Chapter three illustrates the methodology of the

study. Chapter four provides the results of this research and includes a brief discussion on the

findings. Chapter five summarizes the key findings of the research along with the scientific

contribution of the research, and the future works.


2.1 Drilling Fluid Rheology

In drilling operations, rheological properties indicate the character of deformation and flow

of drilling fluid. The drilling fluid behavior can be evaluated in solving problems of hole cleaning,

mud treatment, and hydraulics calculations. The character is usually described by the parameters:

Apparent Viscosity (μa), Plastic Viscosity (μp) and Yield Point (τy). Viscosity is a property that

indicates the resistance of drilling fluid to flow, defined as the ratio of shear stress to shear rate.

Apparent viscosity is the viscosity measured at a given shear rate at a fixed temperature. Most

drilling fluids exhibit plastic behavior, which can be described through τy.

Plastic fluids require a certain value of shear stress for initiating flow, which is

characterized by the yield point. Plastic viscosity is the slope of the shear stress/shear rate curve

above the yield point. It represents the viscosity of a mud based on the Bingham model when

extrapolated to an infinite shear rate. The ratio of the yield point to the plastic viscosity (YP/PV

ratio) is a measure of flattening of the flow profile. Higher YP/PV ratios provide better cuttings

transport in laminar flow. Most drilling fluid muds are non-Newtonian fluids, and are shear

thinning with viscosity decreasing as shear rate increases (Thivolle, 2004). Herzhaft et al. 2002,

showed that plastic viscosity is the parameter most affected by temperature changes. In Deepwater

wells, the cooling effect of the riser will result in higher plastic viscosity in the drilling fluid.

Additionally, the length of the riser enhances the cooling effect during circulation and during trips,

creating major changes in rheology if oil-based or synthetic mud is used. Changes in mud viscosity

may also lead to problems with surge and swab, transmission of measurement-while-drilling

(MWD) pulses, increased equivalent circulating density and variations in hole-cleaning efficiency.

Zamora and Power, 2002; detailed in their paper a new unified rheological model. The

rheological parameters for this model are the plastic viscosity (p), yield point (y) and yield stress

(0). A fourth parameter, y, is a useful tool to help characterize fluids rheologically, although it is

not necessary for solving the model. However, API RP 13D elements are still valid and in use, but

some need to be updated. Mud rheology needs adjustment for downhole conditions, especially in

ultradeep water wells drilled with oil or synthetic mud. Power and Zamora, 2003; showed that the

ratio 0/y is a useful parameter to characterize fluids rheologically. The acceptable range of 0/y

values is 0 to 1 for rheological models used in drilling.

2.2 Pressure and Temperature Effect in the Rheology of Drilling Fluid

Physically: An increase in temperature decreases the viscosity of the fluid and an increase in

pressure increases the density, and viscosity of the fluid.

Chemically: Temperature has effects on alkalinity of the fluid which causes the thinner properties

of the fluid and has effects on flocculation/deflocculating/aggregation process in the fluid.

Politte 1985; concluded from his analysis of rheological data for emulsion that drilling fluid yield

point is not a strong function of pressure and becomes progressively less so as temperature

increases. The effects of temperature on the yield point, however, are difficult to predict as they

require chemical particle effects. Davison et al. 1999; concluded from their study of rheological

data obtained from a viscosity meter that the effect of low temperature on both oil-based mud

(OBM) and synthetic mud (SBM) viscosity is pronounced. On the other hand, when pressure was

increased at various temperatures, viscosity of both oil based and SBMs increased, especially at

higher shear rates (Figure 2.1). The pressure effects do not appear to be dependent on the

temperature (Figure 2.1).

Figure 2.1: Rheograms at various temperatures and pressures for unweighted oil-based mud,

80:20 oil/water ratio (Davison et al. 1999).

Figure 2.1 also shows some results where; the prediction of hydrostatic pressure requires

pressure/volume/temperature (PVT) data for the mud in addition to an accurate simulation of the

downhole temperature profile. The compressibility of a drilling fluid depends on its base fluid.

Zamora and Power, 2002; evaluated the inability of API equations from RP 13D to match field

data in critical drilling, because these equations must incorporate the effects of temperature and

pressure on density and rheological properties.

2.3 Rheological Parameters

The rheological characteristics of drilling fluids with yield point, gel strength and the

rheological properties are tested throughout the drilling operations to characterize the behaviour

of drilling fluids. These properties are often dependent on the relevant shear rates and timescales

as well as sample size and viscosity in the laboratory experiment using the rheometer for

measuring. Rheological properties most often defined by the rheogram and rheological parameters.

The parameters refer to the Bingham plastic fluid parameters: PV (Plastic viscosity) and YP (yield

point), the power-law fluid model parameters: power law index (n) and consistency (K). There are

four basic flow types: Newtonian fluid, Plastic fluid, Pseudoplastic fluid and Dilatant fluid, shown

inn the below figure 2.2.

In this figure 2.2, the four basic rheological fluid types are shown: 1) plastic fluids, which

are characterized by a yield point (YP = τy) and a constant plastic viscosity (PV) relating the shear

stress, τ , to the shear rate, γ; 2) pseudoplastic fluids for which τy = 0 ;3) Newtonian fluids, for

which PV is constant and τy = 0 ;4) Dilatant fluids or shear thickening fluids.

Figure 2.2: Rheogram showing rheological types (Awele 2014)

1-Plastic fluid; 2- Pseudoplastic fluid; 3- Newtonian fluid; 4-Dilatant fluid; τ- Shear stress,

lb/100ft2 or Pa; γ- Shear rate, s-1; τₒ -YP = Yield point, lb/100ft2 or Pa; PV-Plastic viscosity, cp or


In the drilling process, good shear thinning behavior to drilling fluid is required, which means

in low shear rate, the mud has high internal force, while in high shear rate, the mud has low internal

force. It also means that the apparent viscosity (AV) decreases with the increasing shear rate.

Normally the shear thinning behavior is characterized by the ratio of yield point over plastic

viscosity (YP/PV) ratio. The higher YP/PV the better the shear thinning behavior.

From the shear stress and shear rate diagram (figure 2.2), it will be noticed that PV and YP

are important properties of the drilling fluid. If additions of nanoparticles (NP’s) change PV or

YP, there will be an effect on the during drilling use. If NPs addition increase PV: 1) Equivalent

circulating density will be increased and 2) Pump Pressure will be increased. A decrease will

affect on carrying capacity of drilled cuttings. Again, if addition of NPs increases YP, similar affect

can happen but moderate increase YP is good in terms of carrying capacity of drilled cuttings. YP

is the stress required to initial flow of fluid after circulation is stopped. Due to flow of fluid friction

coefficient need to measure as it can predict the wear rate of mechanical parts of the known fluid

system and simulates the rotational velocity of drilled pipe.

2.3.1 Concentration

Fluids additives change/addition has influence of concentration based on viscosity and density.

2.3.2 Gel strength

Characterize the gel limit by relating the yield stress as a function of additive concentration.

2.3.3 Pressure loss

Pressure losses affect the Fanning friction factor, which is a function of the Reynolds number and

the roughness of the pipe wall.

2.3.4 Friction reduction

For reducing the friction loss, shear thinning is a result from a reduction in structural

viscosity and the mechanism of friction reduction is a result from the elastic properties of the long-

chain polymers, which enable them to store the kinetic energy of turbulent flow.

Electrochemically: An increase in temperature increases the ionic activity of the electrolyte and

solubility of salts that may be present in the mud. The magnitude and direction of these changes

and their effects on rheology of the mud varies with the electrochemistry of the particular mud.

Thixotropic condition: It is a function of shear stress, shear rate, torque, and time. The viscosity

of a thixotropic fluid depends on time of shearing, as well as rate of shear, because the structural

component changes with time according to the past shear trend of the fluid.

2.4 Drilling Operation

The standard operation is that the drilling fluid supplied by a pump from the surface area

through a drilling string to the drill bit in the wellbore (figure 2.3). The operation consists in

adjusting fluid pressure drop across the drill bit and in the annulus. The drilling fluid hydraulics

are to be optimized for the given drilling mud condition. In the drilling operation process, it is

expected to lose a proportion of power due to friction. The drilling fluids are easy to use due to

their stability at high temperatures and having high tolerance to solids to make them ideal for high

pressure and high temperature (HPHT) wells (Maghrabi et al. 2011, Sushant et al. 2011). Its

lubricity reduces the torque and drag and helps minimizing the potential for differential sticking

where the rheology of the fluid flow characteristics is important (Mohamed et al. 2005). The

functions of drilling fluids are to: (i) carry cuttings and clean the wellbore; (ii) cool and lubricate

the bit and pipe in the wellbore; (iii) made good filtration and maintain the stability of the uncased

formation; (iv) to stabilize and offset the formation pressure; and (v) balance the hydraulic


During drilling operation there are several contaminants including solids and additives

affecting the fluid hydraulics and in mud properties coming from the formation fractures and

makes the fluid operation unstable. This contamination problem affects in fluid rheological

properties and fluid hydraulics directly. Two concerns in determining the rheological properties of

emulsions (Lee et al. 2012), are: (i) their effects on emulsion stability; and (ii) the effects of

deterioration of the emulsion on its rheological properties. The flow properties of fluids are

influenced by the principle factors which are: dispersed phase, continuous phase and emulsifying

agent. The rheological properties of fluids affect the change in one or more of these factors. The

factors that related to the dispersed phase are: (i) concentration (i.e. phase volume ratio); (ii)

viscosity; and (iii) size of the particles (Gusler et al. 2007, Darley and Gary 1988).

The flow of fluid in porous media is also affected by the rheological properties. These control

the loss of drilling fluid to high-permeability formations and within natural or induced fractures in

the rock (Tehrani 2007). High concentrations of solids reduce drilling rates because they increase

fluid density and viscosity (Kassab et al. 2011). Therefore, the drill bit hydraulic characteristics

are the major parameter influencing drilling performances.

2.5 Hydraulics

Hydraulic power is one of the most important hydraulic parameters having a major impact

on the rate of penetration. In drilling operation, the conventional calculations of downhole

pressure, which assume constant drilling fluid properties, are both practical and accurate enough

for drilling well applications. Downhole static pressures are easy to calculate from mud weight

measured at the surface, while additional pressures caused by circulation can be calculated using

established relationships between pump rate and drilling fluid rheological properties (Merlo et al.

1995). Errors that result from ignoring variations in mud properties are small in relatively shallow

wells. In these settings, mud engineers can concentrate on formulating drilling fluid properties for

maximum rates of penetration and optimal hole conditions. Formations can commonly withstand

moderate overpressure before being fractured, which permits mud engineers to add a safety margin

when weighting the mud (Merlo et al. 1995). In contract, in high pressure and high temperature

(HPHT), extended reach, and deep-water wells, mud properties vary significantly with downhole

pressure and temperature, affecting the accuracy of both surface measurements and downhole

estimations of mud weight and viscosity. In these wells these variations can be significant because

of the limited safety margins available (Merlo et al. 1995).

The ability to predict the effects of rheological changes are critical to the successful drilling

of HPHT, extended reach, and deep-water wells. Small but serious errors in computing the drilling

fluid pressure at the reservoir may result from ignoring uncertainties in either temperature or fluid

properties. Simulation of downhole temperature profiles at all phases of the drilling operation is

therefore the key to understanding the behavior of drilling fluids (Zamora et al. 2005). Equivalent

circulating density (ECD) is often much higher than equivalent mud weight (EMW) in HPHT,

extended reach, and deep-water wells due to the small annular clearances between the drill pipe

and hole wall. ECD is computed from the dimensions of the annulus and, fluid viscosity, and pump

rate. The calculation becomes increasingly complicated when changes of viscosity with

temperature are considered (Merlo et al. 1995).

2.6 Frictional Pressure Loss

Frictional pressure loss is a function of several factors such as rheology of the drilling fluid

(Newtonian or non-Newtonian), flow regime (laminar, turbulent, or intermediate flow), flow rate,

drill string configuration and wellbore geometry.

During circulations of the drilling fluid through the well fluid circulating system (Figure 2.3),

friction between the drilling fluid and the wall of the drill pipe and annulus cause pressure loss.

The pump pressure, ΔPp, is affected by:

1. Frictional pressure losses (ΔPs) in the surface equipment such as Kelly, swivel, and standpipe.

2. Frictional pressure losses (ΔPds) inside the drill string (drill pipe, ΔPdp and drill collar, ΔPdc).

3. Frictional pressure losses across the bit, ΔPb.

4. Frictional pressure losses in the annulus around the drill string, ΔPa.

Mathematically the total pump pressure normally calculates by summation of all the above

frictional pressure losses (ΔPp = ΔPs + ΔPds + ΔPb + ΔPa). It is also known as stand pipe pressure

(SPP): Error in ΔPp is a combination of errors in the four elements. In general, frictional pressure

losses across the bit, ΔPb, and the surface pipe system can be evaluated accurately. Error in ΔPp

consists primarily of errors from friction pressure losses in the drill string and annulus. The drill

string pressure losses represent the largest component of error in the pump pressure.

Figure 2.3: Diagram of the drilling fluid circulating system.

The diagram of the drilling fluid circulating system (figure 2.3) shows that the fluid flows

throughout the drill pipe, drill collar, drill bit. Thereby the pressure drop occurs through each

section in the wellbore and surface to be reduced to increase the drilling efficiency.


In this chapter, the methodology of determining the fluid viscosity and selection of rheological

model is described. The procedure for predicting the hydraulic pressure loss, based on the

rheological properties and models, is summarized. Considers for the error analysis are given.

Figure 3.1 provides a flow chart for the overall procedure, states with the determination of

rheological properties, simulation of hydraulic pressure loss and comparison to experimental or

field data for assessment leading to recommendation.

Figure 3.1: Flow chart for overall analysis and assessment of hydraulic performance in well


3.1 Fluid Preparation

Fluid samples, containing water and additives includes: clay, salts, caustic soda, polymer,

starch, (See Table 3.1) were prepared by adding together and mixed well. This fluid sample was

named “Fluid-1”. The composition ratio was maintained constant for all subsequent fluid samples

used in the lab work. The rheological properties of these fluids were measured and recorded. All

rheological properties were measured at ambient conditions (at 200C).

Table 3.1: Composition of the Fluid-1

Chemicals for Concentration unit Metric unit 1000 ml

NaCl 26 lb/bbl 9.12 kg/m3 9.12g
Amine 6 lb/bbl 2.11 kg/m3 2.11g
XC polymer 1.5 0.53 kg/m3 0.53g
Clarified Starch 8 lb/bbl 2.81 kg/m3 2.81g
CaCO3 35 lb/bbl 12.28 kg/m3 12.28g

Table-3.2 described for the composition analysis of another water-based mud as Fluid-2

and done the same comparison analysis.

Table 3.2: Composition of the Fluid-2

Chemicals for Concentration unit Metric unit 1000 ml

Xanthan gum 3 lb/bbl 1.15 kg/m3 1.15g
PAC LV 2.5 2.53 kg/m3 2.53g
Starch 10 lb/bbl 5.20 kg/m3 5.20g
NaOH 5M 5 lb/bbl 2.28 kg/m3 2.28g

The desired concentration of fluid solutions was prepared by dissolving of the polymer in

water by stirring of the mixture with the magnetic stirrer at 1000 rpm until the polymer is fully

dissolved. The fluids solution in each concentration was incubated at temperature points ranging

from room temperature (200C) for about an hour at each point. Once the thermometer indicated

that the solution temperature is constant, the dial readings were performed by viscometer and

rheological parameters were calculated. The concentration (m/v) of each fluid solution, which

provided the highest ratio of yield point over plastic viscosity (YP/PV ratio), was considered as

the optimum concentration and was selected for the next analysis.

3.2 Experiment Procedure

To measure the rheological parameters of the drilling fluid a FANN Model 35 Viscometer

was used. The FANN Model 35 viscometer is a rotational instrument powered by an electric motor.

The test fluid is contained in the annular space (shear gap) between two concentric cylinders. The

outer cylinder or rotor sleeve is driven at a constant rotational velocity. The rotation of the rotor

sleeve in the fluid sample produces a torque on the inner cylinder or bob. A torsion spring restrains

the movement of the bob, and a dial attached to the bob indicates displacement of the bob.

A schematic diagram of the direct indicating viscometer is shown in Figure 3.2. The

deflection in degrees of the bob is read from the graduated scale on the dial. The viscosity of the

samples was measured at the rotational velocity of 3, 6, 100, 200, 300 and 600 rpm. Shear rate is

proportional to rotational velocity. According to the dial reading at different rotational velocity,

the rheological parameters (PV and YP) are calculated according to:

μ𝑝 = θ600 − θ300 …………………………………………………………………………..… (3.7)

τy = θ300 − μp ……………………………………………………………………………….. (3.8)

Where: γ-shear rate, s-1; N-rotational velocity, rpm; θ600-dial reading of 600rpm, θ300-dial reading

of 300rpm, μp-Plastic Viscosity, cp; τy-Bingham Yield Point, lb/100ft2.

Figure 3.2: Schematic diagram of the Fann Model 35 viscometer

Three trials were done to determine the rheological parameters for fluid sample. Two fluid

samples were tested. The results are reported as the ensemble average:
𝑆̅ = ∑ 𝑆𝑛

Where S is the property and N = 6 is the total number of samples. The variance of the experiments:
𝛿𝑠 = √𝑆̅ 2 = ∑(𝑆𝑛 − 𝑆̅)2

is reported as an estimate of the measurement uncertainty.

3.3 Rheological Model Selection

This study presents a comparison of several major rheological models to select the best one which

precisely represents the relationship of shear stress and shear rate of the fluid solutions. These

models are the Newtonian, Bingham, Power-law, API dual Power-law and Herschel-Bulkley. The

shear stress versus shear rate data is plotted for determining which rheological model best fit the

behavior of the fluid system. Comparison analysis has done in two ways; (i) Correlations Analysis,

and (ii) The absolute average percent of error (EAAP) analysis.

3.3.1 Correlations Analysis:

Correlation analysis involves identifying the relationship between a dependent variable and one or

more independent variables. A model of the relationship is assumed and estimates of the parameter

values are used to develop an estimated regression equation. The regression analysis (value of R2-

value) between the measured and calculated shear to determine he correlations of the best fitted

model. The model that gives the highest R2-squared value is the best one for a given drilling fluid.

The regression analysis was based on residual plots. A residual is the difference between

the measured value and the predicted value of a regression model. It is important to understand

residuals because they show how accurate a mathematical function, represents a set of data. In a

graph that shows the residuals on the vertical axis and the independent variable on the horizontal

axis. If the points in a residual plot are randomly dispersed around the horizontal axis, a linear

regression model is appropriate for the data; otherwise, a non-linear model is more appropriate.

3.3.2 The absolute average percent of error (EAAP) analysis

The absolute average percent error (EAAP) between the measured and calculated shear stresses is

the criterion for selecting the model. It is the analysis to determine the best fitted model that is

applied in pressure loss calculations. The model that gives the lowest EAAP is the best one for a

given drilling fluid.

The lowest EAAP between the measured and calculated (predicted using the model

relationship) shear stress is the criterion for selecting the model of a given drilling fluid:

E𝐴𝐴𝑃 = [(1⁄N) ∑|(𝜏𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑑 − 𝜏𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 )/𝜏𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑑 |] × 100…………………………..... (3.9)

3.3.3 Determining parameters for the Rheology Models Newtonian Model

Newtonian fluid has linear relationship between shear stress (τ) and shear rate (γ) according to:

τ = μγ………………………………………………………………………………….……. (3.10)
Where: τ = shear stress, lb/100ft2 or Pa,

μ = viscosity, cp or mPas,

γ = shear rate, s-1

Here, the shear stresses can be estimated as function of viscosity and calculated by the following


μ = θ300 …………………………………………………………………………….………. (3.11)

Calculated Shear Stress, τ = 478.8 γ………………………………………………………. (3.12)

Where: ϴ300 = dial reading of viscometer at 300 rpm; and 1 lb/100ft2 = 478.8cp.

25 Bingham Plastic Model

The Bingham plastic model describes time-independent fluids. It is a two-parameter rheological

model that commonly used in the drilling industry. For the Bingham plastic fluids, initial stress is

required to initiate the flow. The modeled shear stresses can be calculated by the following


τ = μp 𝛾 + 𝜏𝑦 ………………………………………………………………………………... (3.13)

μ𝑝 = θ600 − θ300 ………………………………………………………………………...…. (3.14)

τy = θ300 − μp ………………………………………………………………………….….. (3.15)

Where: μ𝑝 = Plastic viscosity, cp; τ𝑦 = Yield point, lbs/100ft2 Power Law Model

Power law model describe the flow behavior of Pseudoplastic fluid is a two-parameter rheological

model. Here the viscosity of power law fluid decreases with increasing shear rate. No initial stress

is required for initiating the flow. The Power law relationship is defined as:

τ = kγn …………………………………………………………………………………..….. (3.16)

Where K is the consistence index, n is the flow behavior index.

n = 3.32 log (𝜃600 )………………………………………………………………………………..….. (3.17)

K= 511𝑛
dyne sec 𝑛 /100𝑐𝑚2 …………………………………………………………………… (3.18) API Model

A modified Power Law model is recommended in the API RP 13D for the calculation of frictional

pressure losses. The advantage of API power law model is it matches the shear rates from

viscometer with shear rates inside the drill pipe and annulus. Usually the viscometer readings of

θ600 and θ300 are used for rheology and pressure loss calculations. Inside the annulus, θ300 and

θ100 are used for rheology and pressure loss calculations. In a Power Law model, increasing shear

rate decreases apparent viscosity. The first three shear rates represent the high shear rate in the

drill pipe; the next three shear rates represent the low shear rate in the annulus. API model

parameters are calculated according to:

τ = kγn ………………………………………………………………………………..…….. (3.16)

𝜃 5.11𝜃600
For Pipe Flow: n𝑝 = 3.32 log (𝜃600 ), k𝑝 = …………………….…………………. (3.19)
300 1022n𝑝

𝜃100 5.11𝜃100
For Annulus Flow: n𝑎 = 0.657 log ( ) , k𝑎 = ……………………….…………. (3.20)
𝜃3 170.2n𝑎 Herschel-Bulkley Model

The Herschel-Bulkley model is Power law model, which accommodates the existence of a yield

point. It is a three-parameter rheological model. Herschel-Bulkley model parameters are calculated

according to:

τ = τ𝑦 + kγn ………………………………………………………………………….…….. (3.21)

τ𝑦 = 2θ3 − θ6 ………………………………………………………………………………. (3.22)

The parameter τ0 is the actual yield point of drilling fluid, which indicates the lowest shear stress

that propels the fluid to flow. It is not an extrapolated value, so it means completely different with

the Bingham yield pointτy . The value of τ0 is related to the type and concentration of the polymer

agents, besides the solid content also affects it. The shear stresses can be calculated by the

following equations and shown as follows.

𝜃 −τ
n = 3.32log(𝜃600 −τ0) …………………………………………………….………………… (3.23)
300 0

(𝜃300 −𝜏0 )
K= ……………………………………………………………………………..….. (3.24)

3.4 Hydraulics

Hydraulic power is one of the most important hydraulic parameters that have a major impact on

the rate of penetration. It is one of the principal functions of drilling fluid is transferring hydraulic


3.4.1 Frictional Pressure Loss Calculation

We used the best-fit rheological model of the fluid that has been selected and the rheological
properties of fluid have been determined. The next step is to calculate the friction factor, 𝑓, which
is relevant to the fluid rheological properties and Reynolds number. Once the friction number has
been determined, the frictional pressure loss can be calculated using the API Power Law
rheological model are as follows:
 Pipe Flow

a. Pipe velocity:
V𝑝 = ....................................................................................................................(3.25)

b. Reynolds number:
928𝐷𝑝 𝑉𝑝 𝜌
N𝑅𝑒 = ........................................................................................................... (3.26)

96𝑣𝑝 𝑛−1 3𝑛+1 𝑛

𝜇𝑒 = 100𝑘( ) ( 4𝑛 ) ………...…………………………………………..…. (3.27)

𝑛 = 3.32 log (𝑅600)………..…………………………………………………...…… (3.28)

𝑘= ……………………………..……………………………………….…… (3.29)

Where 𝜇𝑒 is the equivalent viscosity, cp

c. Critical Reynolds number value, 𝑁𝑅𝑒𝑐 =2100

d. Fanning friction factor:

For laminar flow, 𝑁𝑅𝑒 < 𝑁𝑅𝑒𝑐

𝑓 = 16/𝑁𝑅𝑒 ………...………………………………………………………………...…. (3.30)

For turbulent flow, 𝑁𝑅𝑒 > 𝑁𝑅𝑒𝑐
𝑓= ……………………………..…………………………………………………. (3.31)
𝑁𝑅𝑒 𝑏

𝑎= …………………………..……………………………………………..… (3.32)

𝑏= …………………………..……………………………………………...… (3.33)

e. Frictional pressure loss calculation inside drillstring, 𝛥𝑃𝑑𝑠 :

𝑑𝑝 𝑓𝑣𝑝2 𝜌
( )= ……..……………………………………………………………………. (3.34)
𝑑𝐿 25.81𝐷𝑝

𝛥𝑃𝑑𝑠 = (𝑑𝐿 ) ∆𝐿……………............................................................................................. (3.35)

Where (𝑑𝑝/𝑑𝐿) is the pressure gradient, psi/ft.

 Annulus Flow

a. Annular velocity:
V𝑎 = (𝐷2 −𝐷2 )…………………..………………………………………………….... (3.36)
2 1

b. Reynolds number:

928(𝐷2 −𝐷1 )𝑉𝑎 𝜌

N𝑅𝑒 = ………………...………………………………………………….. (3.37)

144𝑣 𝑛−1 2𝑛+1 𝑛

𝜇𝑒 = 100𝑘(𝐷 ) ( 3𝑛 ) .......................................................................................... (3.38)
2 −𝐷1

𝑛 = 0.657 log ( )………………...………………………………………………….. (3.39)

k= ....................................................................................................................... (3.40)

c. Critical Reynolds number value, 𝑁𝑅𝑒𝑐 = 2100

d. Fanning friction factor:

Compare 𝑁𝑅𝑒 and 𝑁𝑅𝑒𝑐 to determine the flow regime, use the same procedure as in pipe flow, but

the friction factor for laminar flow should be changed as: 𝑓 = 24/𝑁𝑅𝑒 .

e. Frictional pressure loss calculation in the annulus, 𝛥𝑃𝑎 :

𝑑𝑝 𝑓𝑣 2 𝜌
(𝑑𝐿 ) = 25.81(𝐷𝑎 −𝐷 )………...……………………………………………………………. (3.41)
2 1

𝛥𝑃𝑎 = (𝑑𝐿 ) ∆𝐿…………................................................................................................... (3.42)

 Frictional pressure losses across the bit, ∆𝑃𝑏 :

156𝜌𝑞 2
∆𝑃𝑏 = (𝐷2 2 2 2 ……………………………………………..……..…………….. (3.43)
𝑁1 +𝐷𝑁2 +𝐷𝑁3 )

Where DN1, DN2, DN3 are diameters of the three nozzles.

 The pump pressure, ∆𝑃𝑝 :

∆𝑃𝑝 = ∆𝑃𝑠 + ∆𝑃𝑑𝑠 + ∆𝑃𝑏 + ∆𝑃𝑎 ………..………………..……………………………... (3.44)

Where ∆𝑃𝑠 is frictional pressure loss in the surface equipment.

From the above equations, the total pump pressure of an actual drilling operation can be predicted.


In this section, the results of the viscometer test are reported. These data are then analyzed

for model selection. A sample hydraulics calculation is calculated, and the results are discussed.

4.1 Fann Viscometer Reading

The rheological parameters of designed drilling fluid systems, a FANN Model 35 Viscometer

was used in the experiment. The viscosity of the samples has been measured at the rotational

velocity (v) of 3, 6, 100, 200, 300 and 600 rpm. The dial reading (θ) at different rotational velocity

are reported in Table 4.1 and Table 4.2. Three trials were conducted for two sample fluids (Fluid-

1 & Fluid-2).

Table 4.1: Fann Viscometer Reading: Fluid-1

RPM (v) Reading (𝜃̅) Variance (δθ)

600 39 0.33
300 25 0.58
200 19 0.25
100 11 0.00
6 3 0.08
3 1 0.08

Table 4.2: Fann Viscometer Reading: Fluid-2

RPM (v) Reading (𝜃̅) Variance (δθ)

600 37 0.25
300 23 0.58
200 18 0.08
100 10 0.08
6 2 0.08
3 1 0.00

4.2 Error Analysis

Sample fluids were tested in the temperature of 20°C (Room temperature) using the Fann

Viscometer with the speed range of 3-600 rpm (Shear rate of maximum, 1024 s-1). The deflection

in degrees of the bob was read from the graduated scale on the dial. The viscosity of the sample

was measured at the rotational velocity of 3, 6, 100, 200, 300 and 600 rpm. The set of experimental

data or measurements were taken as deflection in degrees of the bob for three times with the speed

range of 3-600 rpm for both fluid samples (Fluid-1 & Fluid-2). The average 𝜃̅, and variance 𝛿𝜃

was calculated is reported in Table 4.1 & Table 4.2. 𝜃̅ used in the calculations with the speed

range of 3-600 rpm to calculate rheology properties. The standard deviation was found to be in an

acceptable range in both cases. In the validation process, we have compared the second set of

known fluid data as Fluid-2, and found good comparison results accordingly with the results of


4.3 Shear stress measured

The shear stresses and shear rates were estimated using equations (4.1 & 4.2) as function of

viscosity are shown in Table 4.3 & Table 4.4 for both fluids. The standard deviation was found to

be in an acceptable range for both measured shear stresses. The average measured 𝜏̅ of both fluids

were used in the calculations and compared with the modeled shear stresses for each rheological


γ = 1.703𝑣 …………………………………………..…………………………………….. (4.1)

τ = 1.067𝜃 ………………………………………………………………………...………. (4.2)

Table 4.3: Shear stress measured in field units (lb/ft2) for Fluid-1

Shear rate, γ (s-1) Shear stress, 𝜏̅

Variance (δτ)

1021.80 41.61 0.38

510.90 26.68 0.66
340.60 20.27 0.28
170.30 11.74 0.00
10.22 3.20 0.09
5.11 1.07 0.09

Table 4.4: Shear stress measured in field units (lb/ft2) for Fluid-2

Shear rate, γ (s-1) Shear stress, 𝜏̅

Variance (δτ)

1021.80 39.48 0.28

510.90 24.54 0.66
340.60 19.21 0.09
170.30 10.67 0.09
10.22 2.13 0.09
5.11 1.07 0.00

4.4 Rheological Model Selection

4.4.1 Newtonian Model and Experiment data Shear stress calculation

Table 4.5 shows the shear stress calculated using the Newtonian model as follows. According to

the dial reading of the Fluid-1 solution at 20ºC, the data will follow through this model selection

process for Newtonian model.

Table 4.5: Comparison analysis between measured and calculated shear stresses

Measured Shear stress Modeled Shear

Shear rate (s-1)
(lbs/100ft2) stress (lbs/100ft2)

1021.80 41.61 53.35

510.90 26.68 26.68
340.60 20.27 17.78
170.30 11.74 8.89
10.22 3.20 0.53
5.11 1.07 0.27 Correlations Analysis

In figure 4.1, residual plot shows the residuals on the vertical axis and the shear stress on the

horizontal axis. The plot pattern is U-shaped, which suggests that a better fit as a non-linear model.

Residuals (lbs/1002)

-1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Shear stress (lbs/1002)

Figure 4.1: Residual plot for measured and calculated shear stress for Newtonian model.

Therefore, on the basis of this residual plot analysis, we plotted the shear rate versus shear

stress of measured and calculated data for Newtonian model. Then comparing both with respect to

shear rate in the x-axis, we compared the trend for measured and calculated shear stress (Figure

4.2). We checked the linear relationship between measured and modeled shear stresses. From this

relationship comparison analysis, we found a regression value of R2 = 0.9713 (Table-4.10).

Measured Modelled
Shear stress (lbs/100ft2)

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Shear rate (s-1)

Figure 4.2: Plot for shear rate vs. shear stress of measured and modeled data using Newtonian

model. The absolute average percent of error (EAAP) analysis

From this statistical method, we used to calculate the EAAP, the model that provide the lowest

EAAP is selected to be the best one.

E𝐴𝐴𝑃 = [(1⁄N) ∑|(𝜏𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑑 − 𝜏𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 )/𝜏𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑑 |] × 100………………………….… (4.3)

A comparison of measured and calculated data in the above Figure 4.2. By using the above

EAAP equation (4.3) for the Newtonian model, EAAP = 31.87%.

4.4.2 Bingham Plastic Model and Experiment data Shear stress calculation

Table 4.6 described the result of calculated shear stress using the Bingham Plastic model

as follows. According to the dial reading of the fluid sample at 20ºC, the data will follow through

this model selection process for Bingham Plastic model.

Table 4.6: Comparison analysis between measured and calculated shear stresses

Measured Shear Modeled Shear

Shear rate (s-1)
stress (lbs/100ft2) stress (lbs/100ft2)

1021.80 41.61 41.23

510.90 26.68 25.70
340.60 20.27 19.84
170.30 11.74 14.11
10.22 3.20 8.19
5.11 1.07 5.87 Correlations Analysis

In Figure 4.5, residual plot for measured shear stress and calculated shear stress showed that

the plot pattern is not random and is U-shaped, which suggest that a better fit for a non-linear

model. So, the calculated shear stress has the exponential trend line better than linear trend line

and has highest regression value that give best correlation measurement for Bingham Plastic



Residuals (lbs/1002)
-1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Shear stress (lbs/1002)

Figure 4.3: Residual plot for measured and calculated shear stress for Bingham Plastic model

Measured Modelled
Shear stress(lbs/100ft2)

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Shear rate (s )

Figure 4.4: Plot for shear rate vs. shear stress of measured and Modeled data

Therefore, based on this residual plot analysis, we plotted measured and calculated shear

stress with shear rate, then comparing the analysis, we found best correlation regression value in

exponential power regression line for measured and calculated shear stress. We also checked the

linear relationship between measured and modeled shear stresses. From this relationship of

comparison analysis, we found a regression value of R2 = 0.9898 (Table-4.10).

37 The absolute average percent of error (EAAP) analysis

The Bingham plastic model EAAP is 90.42%. Above figure shows a comparison between

measured and calculated data, which is worse than the Newtonian model.

4.4.3 Power Law Model and Experiment data Shear stress calculation

Table 4.7: The measured and calculated shear stresses

Measured Shear Modeled Shear

Shear rate (s-1)
stress (lbs/100ft2) stress (lbs/100ft2)
1021.80 41.61 41.32
510.90 26.68 26.52
340.60 20.27 20.46
170.30 11.74 13.13
10.22 3.20 2.17
5.11 1.07 1.39 Correlations Analysis

In Figure 4.5, residual plot for measured shear stress and calculated shear stress showed that

the plot pattern is random, which suggest a better fit for a linear model. The calculated shear stress

fits within a linear trend line.


Residuals (lbs/100ft2)
-1 0 10 20 30 40 50
Shear stress (lbs/100ft2)

Figure 4.5: Residual plot for measured and calculated shear stress for Power Law model.

Measured Modelled
Shear stress(lbs/100ft2)

0 500 1000 1500
Shear rate (s-1)

Figure 4.6: Plot for shear rate vs. shear stress of measured and calculated data

Therefore, on the basis of this residual plot analysis, the two lines between measured and

calculated shear stress with shear rate for Power Law model. Then comparing result found best

correlation regression value in linear regression line for measured and calculated shear stresses

(Figure 4.6). Therefore, on the basis of this linear correlation comparison analysis, we found

highest regression value of R2 = 0.9992 (Table-4.10). The absolute average percent of error (EAAP) analysis

The Power Law model EAAP is 10.96%. Figure 4.6 shows a comparison between measured

and calculated data, which gives the better result than the Newtonian and Bingham Plastic Model.

4.4.4 API Model and Experiment data Shear stress calculation

Table 4.8 The measured and calculated shear stresses

Measured Shear Modeled Shear

Shear rate (s-1) stress (lbs/100ft2)
stress (lbs/100ft2)
1021.80 41.61 41.91
510.90 26.68 27.20
340.60 20.27 19.66
170.30 11.74 11.69
10.22 3.20 2.23
5.11 1.07 1.02 Correlations Analysis

Figure 4.8 shows the residual plot for measured shear stress and calculated shear stress. The plot

pattern is random, which suggest a better fit for a linear model.


Residuals (lbs/100ft2)
-1 0 10 20 30 40 50
Shear stress (lbs/100ft2)

Figure 4.7: Residual plot for measured and calculated shear stress for API model.

Measured Modelled
Shear stress(lbs/100ft2)

0 500 1000 1500
Shear rate (s-1)

Figure: 4.8: Plot for shear rate vs. shear stress of measured and calculated data.

Therefore, on the basis of this residual plot analysis, we plotted two lines in Figure 4.8

between measured and calculated shear stress with shear rate for API Power Law model.

Therefore, on the basis of these linear correlation comparison analysis, we found a regression value

of R2 = 0.9992 (Table-4.10).

41 The absolute average percent of error (EAAP) analysis

The API model EAAP is 5.84%. which is better result than the previous three models.

4.4.5 Herschel-Bulkley Model and Experiment data Shear stress calculation

Table 4.9 The measured and calculated shear stresses

Measured Shear Modeled Shear

Shear rate (s-1)
stress (lbs/100ft2) stress (lbs/100ft2)
1021.80 41.61 )
510.90 26.68 24.83
340.60 20.27 18.60
170.30 11.74 11.89
10.22 3.20 2.89
5.11 1.07 1.76 Correlations Analysis

In Figure 4.9, residual plot for measured shear stress and calculated shear stress showed

that the plot pattern is random, which suggest a better fit for a linear model

Residuals (lbs/100ft2)

-1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Shear stress (lbs/100ft2)

Figure 4.9: Residual plot for measured and calculated shear stress for Herschel-Bulkley.

Measured Modelled

Shear stress(lbs/100ft2)
0 500 1000 1500
Shear rate (s-1)
Figure 4.10: Plot for shear rate vs. shear stress of measured and calculated data for Herschel-
Bulkley model.

Therefore, on the basis of this residual plot analysis, we plotted two regression lines

between measured and calculated shear stress for Herschel-Bulkley model in Figure 4.10. On the

basis of this linear correlation comparison analysis, we found the regression value is R2 = 0.9984. The absolute average percent of error (EAAP) analysis

In the Herschel-Bulkley Model, we found EAAP is 13.65%, (Figure 4.12). which gives better

results than the first three models but compares has favorably to the API model.

4.5 Summary of rheological model selection

According to Table 4.10, the API Power Law model provides the lowest EAAP and highest R2 value

for Fluid-1.

Table 4.10: Summary of best regression equation for non- linear and linear models for each
rheological model selection for Fluid-1

Model Name Regression equation R2 EAAP

Newtonian y = 1.2913x - 4.5877 0.9713 31.87%
Bingham y = 0.8454x + 4.4232 0.9898 90.42%
Power Law y = 0.9945x + 0.1655 0.9973 10.96%
API Power Law y = 1.0213x - 0.5137 0.9992 5.84%
Hershel-Bulkley y = 0.9372x + 0.2903 0.9984 13.65%

The API Power Law Model can better describe the flow behavior of fluids solution in

comparing with other rheological models. Therefore, we can strongly conclude that most of the

polymer/mud solutions are Pseudoplastic fluid. Here the API Power Law Model accurately

represents the rheological properties of drilling fluid in drill pipe and annulus. We have used this

API power law model precisely to estimate the frictional pressure loss and calculate the bit


It was also found that the best rheological model was fitted with API Power-law model has

the lowest EAAP of 6.64% (Table 4.11) for Fluid-2. Therefore, in the validation process, we have

compared this set of known fluid data as Fluid-2, and found good comparison results accordingly

with the results of Fluid-1.

Table 4. 11: Summary of best regression equation for non- linear and linear models for each
rheological model selection for Fluid-2

Model Name Regression equation R2 EAAP

Newtonian y = 1.2472x - 3.7235 0.9746 21.40%
Bingham y = 0.7582x + 6.7651 0.9743 70.22%
Power Law y = 0.9978x - 0.0324 0.9988 18.86%
API Power Law y = 1.0061x - 0.2489 0.9997 6.64%
Hershel-Bulkley y = 0.9368x - 0.0307 0.9988 24.30%

4.6 Hydraulics Simulation

A hydraulics simulation was conducted with the data from a well in 420ft of water in Block

89, south pass, Gulf of Mexico (Hareland et al. 2012). The 5-in drilling pipe run to 12349 ft

measured depth. The intermediate casing of 11 7/8-in was run to 12710 ft depth. The mud was

11.5 ppg. To simplify the hydraulics simulation, the temperature was assumed to be constant all

over the well bore and it is approximate to 68℉ (20℃). The rheological data was taken from the

test of a fluid polymer system given below (Engineering data). The specific well architecture data

was shown. The calculation procedure was listed as follows.

Engineering data from the well design:

Drillpipe-5in. 19.5 S-135 w/4.5 IF (6.75in. ×3in. connection): D1=5in, Dp =4.5in

Casing 117/8 in. × 10.711in., D2=10.711in.

Length of well = 12440ft

Rheological data = same as in table 6.1

Q = 100 GPM

Density (ρ) = 11.55lb/gal

Bit: 10 5/8 in. w/3: 28/32 in. jets

ΔPs = 0

 Pipe Flow

a. Pipe velocity:
0.408𝑞 0.408×100
V𝑝 = = = 2.015 𝑓𝑡/𝑠𝑒𝑐
𝐷𝑝2 (4.5)2

b.Reynolds number:

𝑅 37
𝑛 = 3.32 log (𝑅600) = 3.32 log (23) = 0.685

5.1𝑅600 5.1×37
𝑘= = 10220.685 = 1.632 𝑑𝑦𝑛𝑒. 𝑠𝑒𝑐 𝑛 /𝑓𝑡

96𝑣𝑝 𝑛−1 3𝑛 + 1 𝑛
𝜇𝑒 = 100𝑘( ) ( )
𝐷𝑃 4𝑛

96 × 2.015 0.685−1 3 × 0.685 + 1 0.685

= 100 × 1.632 × ( ) ( ) = 53.884 𝑐𝑝
4.5 4 × 0.685
928𝐷𝑝 𝑉𝑝 𝜌 928×4.5×2.015×11.55
N𝑅𝑒 = = = 1803.513
𝜇𝑒 53.884

c. Critical Reynolds number value, 𝑁𝑅𝑒𝑐 =2100

d. Fanning friction factor:

For laminar flow, 𝑁𝑅𝑒 < 𝑁𝑅𝑒𝑐

𝑓 = 16 ⁄𝑅𝑒 = 16⁄1803.513 = 0.008872

e. Frictional pressure loss calculation inside drillstring, 𝛥𝑃𝑑𝑠 :

𝑑𝑝 𝑓𝑣𝑝2 𝜌 0.008872 × 2.0152 × 11.55

( )= = = 0.003581 𝑝𝑠𝑖/𝑓𝑡
𝑑𝐿 25.81𝐷𝑝 25.81 × 4.5

𝛥𝑃𝑑𝑠 = ( ) ∆𝐿 = 0.003581 × 12440 = 44.553 𝑝𝑠𝑖

Where (𝑑𝑝/𝑑𝐿)is the pressure gradient, psi/ft.

 Annulus Flow

a. Annular velocity:

0.408𝑞 0.408 × 100
V𝑎 = 2 2 = (10.7112 − 52 ) = 0.455 𝑓𝑡/𝑠𝑒𝑐
(𝐷2 − 𝐷1 )

b.Reynolds number:

𝑅100 10
𝑛 = 0.657 log ( ) = 0.657 log ( 1 ) = 3.32

5.10𝜃100 5.1×10
k= = 170.23.32 = 1.508 𝑑𝑦𝑛𝑒. 𝑠𝑒𝑐 𝑛 /𝑓𝑡

144𝑣 𝑛−1 2𝑛+1 𝑛 144×0.455 2×3.32+1 3.32

𝜇𝑒 = 100𝑘(𝐷 ) ( 3𝑛 ) = 100 × 1.508( 10.711−5 )3.32−1 ( ) = 29.022
2 −𝐷1 3×3.32

928(𝐷2 −𝐷1 )𝑉𝑎 𝜌 928×(10.711−5)×0.455×11.55

N𝑅𝑒 = = = 959.095
𝜇𝑒 29.022

c. Critical Reynolds number value, 𝑁𝑅𝑒𝑐 =2100

d. Fanning friction factor:

For laminar flow, 𝑁𝑅𝑒 < 𝑁𝑅𝑒𝑐

𝑓 = 24 ⁄𝑅𝑒 = 16⁄959.095 = 0.025

e. Frictional pressure loss calculation inside annulus, 𝛥𝑃𝑎 :

𝑑𝑝 𝑓𝑣𝑝2 𝜌 0.025 × 2.0152 × 11.55

( )= = = 0.000405 𝑝𝑠𝑖/𝑓𝑡
𝑑𝐿 25.81(𝐷2 − 𝐷1 ) 25.81 × (10.711 − 5)

𝛥𝑃𝑎 = ( ) ∆𝐿 = 0.003581 × 12440 = 5.043 𝑝𝑠𝑖

 Frictional pressure losses across the bit, ∆𝑃𝑏 :

156𝜌𝑞 2 156×11.2×1002
∆𝑃𝑏 = (𝐷2 2 2 2 = (282 +282 +282)2 = 3.257 𝑝𝑠𝑖
𝑁1 +𝐷𝑁2 +𝐷𝑁3 )

 The pump pressure, ∆𝑃𝑝 :

∆𝑃𝑝 = ∆𝑃𝑠 + ∆𝑃𝑑𝑠 + ∆𝑃𝑏 + ∆𝑃𝑎 = 0 + 44.553 + 3.257 + 5.043 = 52.853 𝑝𝑠𝑖

From the above simulation, the pump pressure of an actual drilling operation was predicted. The

estimated pump pressure refers to the power lost overcoming the friction through the drilling

fluid circulation, which is an important parameter in drilling engineering design.

4.7 Data used to validate the approach

Accurate downhole and surface measurements of a synthetic-based drilling fluid were taken in a

well to determine variances between actual and calculated pump pressure. A special team headed

by Marathon Oil Co. successfully instrumented and collected a very large volume of hydraulics

data on a well in the Gulf on Mexico at 12,710 ft depth. Using multiple sensor packages, accurate

measurement of downhole dynamic pressure (hydraulic data) were obtained. The well selected for

the test was in 420 ft of water in Block 89, South Pass, Gulf of Mexico. Testing was conducted

after running and cementing a single-weight intermediate string of 11 7/8-in. casing to 12,710 ft.

The mud was the same 11.5 lbm/gal polyaphaolefin (PAO)-based drilling fluid used to drill the

long, intermediate casing interval. A single mud pit was isolated to limit surface volume to about

220 bbl and to minimize circulating time for conditioning mud. This also reduces temperature

variations while the mud was on the surface. The temperature seems to be constant during the test

and it is approximate to 150°F. In addition to conventional rheological measurements, HPHT

properties were taken using a Fann Model 35 viscometer.

Table 4.12: Average % of reduction error difference between field and modeled SPP

DEPTH [m] SPP_FLD [kPa] %ERROR Avg. % Error
600 10656 8924 16
620 11230 9188 18
640 11291 8998 20
660 9877 8809 11
680 10852 9074 16
700 10332 8883 14 14
720 10341 9035 13
740 10133 8957 12
760 10109 8995 11
780 9937 8917 10
800 9848 8928 9





0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

%ERROR Avg % Error

Figure 4.11: Average % of reduction error difference between field SPP and modeled SPP

According to the above testing facilities the field drilling data and modelled drilling data

were compared (using API model) in terms of SPP (Total pressure loss/Stand pipe pressure)

showed in the above Table 4.12. This results also described in the figure 4.11. It is clearly shown

that the difference between SPP-field and SPP-API modeled average error was 14%, which is the

acceptable average percentage of error range in the drilling industry. Therefore, API hydraulics

calculation give a good approximation to measured total pump pressure with 14% of difference

between measured and calculated data.


5.1 Summary

• The drilling fluid rheological properties were obtained from the laboratory experiments to

analyse/design drilling fluid system.

• The rheological models, Newtonian, Bingham, Power-law, API RP 13D, Herschel-

Bulkley, have been evaluated for accurate representation Among these models, API models

gave comparatively better result.

• A simple and direct approach has been presented for selecting the best rheological model

for any drilling fluid system according to the lowest EAAP error analysis criteria.

• The API model can be applied with high confidence to predict rheological properties and

hydraulics calculations in water based or oil-based mud. Also, this model can fit adequately

many real yield stress fluids, with simply two parameters.

• The proposed methods by predicting pressure losses can be applied to correcting frictional

coefficient/ bit wear/ fluid loss effects. The results were more accurate than those obtained

with standards method using other models.

• The study concluded the hydraulic effects and to increase drilling efficiency via mud

conditioning and hydraulics optimization.

5.2 Further considerations

Considering the approaches of this study and model calculations/recommendations is

important as it gives us a major range to evaluate the rheological models as well as well login

corrections. Also, it gives as a result, a better interpretation and validation the study proposed for

the future research.

In this study, the pump pressure of an actual drilling operation was collected from filed

data. The estimated total pump pressure refers to the power loss calculations, overcoming the

friction through the drilling fluid operation is an important parameter in drilling engineering

design. The hydraulic engineering calculations done the individual and total frictional pressure

losses in the well fluid circulating system with the rheological models. These pressure losses of

SPP can be compared to the field SPP to estimate the maximum performances of drilling

operations. The models help to prevent major problems in drilling circulations such as stuck pipe,

reducing bit wear, high cost of well-login operations by applying this study of approaches to

determining the optimum flow needed to improve drilling operation.


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