Performing Database System Test

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Module Title: - Performing Database

System Test

Prepared By: AwrajaM. (2013)

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Prepared By: AwrajaM. (2013)

Arbaminch INFORMAT UNIT Database Administration Level IV
polytechnic ION SHEET MODULE
Performing Database System Test

At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
1. Prepare for test
2. Conduct test

Performing Database System Test

What is Database Testing?

Database testing is perhaps the most important test that can check the overall functionality of the
software. A complete software system will enhance functionality of different aspects like stored
functions, stored procedures, and triggers. Database testing is almost similar to regression testing
as it can run automatically to ensure the integrity and robustness of the database layer of the

There are enough reasons that compel us to conduct database testing on a regular basis. Data sets
are an essential feature of a software product. It is very important to test and validate your data to
keep it valid and up-to-date. The testing procedures conducted by different organizations are just
not enough, because they may not ensure the safety and integrity of the database software.
Therefore, software developers have the immediate need to create a sturdy testing method that
can inspect and validate data schemes under implementation, so that they can keep their data
accurate, safe, secure and precise.

In addition, database testing will also provide accurate feedback on the errors and bugs present in
the system. Without an effective database testing method, you may find it very difficult to
determine the quality of data with respect to its accuracy and fineness. Database testing would
also support the evolutionary development of software, so you would know and understand
where exactly you will be making changes and modifications.

Testing is very important, when you consider the issue of relational database. You can expect a

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Arbaminch INFORMAT UNIT Database Administration Level IV
polytechnic ION SHEET MODULE
Performing Database System Test

number of threats and dangers attacking the database you are creating. You should also know
threat boundaries would exist, while you are developing software. For example, there are threats
both inside the database and at its interface.

This will necessitate application of a well-defined testing method to check these unforeseen
developments. If you want to test database within its architecture, clear box testing will come to
your help; this test is a preferred testing method, when you want test the interface.

The time to conduct database tests is also vital, when you are developing the software. This will
help you prevent any unforeseen errors and bugs. Software developers will need to write the
database test to see whether the codes present in the database will work or not. After conducting
the database test, you will also need to run the test up to the subset level, because of the
underlying concerns of speed.

If the database fails to live up to its expected standards, you may need to update the existing
codes to make it pass through the written database test. Once you conduct the database testing,
repeating the same test will you detect if the modifications and corrections introduced are
effective or not.

Database testing should form a priority testing, when you are developing database software. An
efficient database testing will ensure the production of solid, robust and sturdy software that will
never fail at any time.

Database testing involves the tests to check the exact values which have been retrieved from the
database by the web or desktop application. Data should be matched correctly as per the records
are stored in the database.

How to Test Database?

Database testing is one of the major testing which requires tester to expertise in checking tables,
writing queries and procedures. Testing can be performed in web application or desktop and
database can be used in the application like SQL or Oracle. There are many projects like
banking, finance, health insurance which requires extensive database testing. Below is the

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polytechnic ION SHEET MODULE
Performing Database System Test

discussed point that how to test database:

 First of all, tester should make sure that he understands all the application totally and
which database is being used with the testing application.
 Figure out all the tables which exist for the application and try to write all the database
queries for the tables to execute since there are many things which are really complex, so
you can take the assistance of developers and figure out the queries. Test each and every
table carefully for the data added. This is the best process for the testers to perform the
DB testing, it can be done for any application and it does not matter application is small
or big.
 If things are really complex then tester can obtain the query from the developer to test the
appropriate functionality.

Database is the spine of the application and tester should make sure to test very carefully. It
requires skill, proficiency and sound knowledge.

What to Test in a Database?

 Check all the functionality which is happening on every action performed in the
application. Actions can include deletion, addition or save options. Check whether the
added record is added in the DB with the exact value. Check the deleted record gets
removed from the database. These are major roles which need to be monitored seriously.
 Nowadays database is getting more complex due to the business logic which plays an
important role for the applications. Tester should make sure that values have been added
correctly after the implementation of the business rules.

Hence, these are the above mentioned basic things that how and what to test in a database.
Database testing is really a complex task and it should always be performed if tester is much
experienced in this field.

Difficulties in Database Testing

There is a good reason why all the examples on unit testing do not include interactions with the

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polytechnic ION SHEET MODULE
Performing Database System Test

database: these kind of tests are both complex to setup and maintain. While testing against your
database you need to take care of the following variables:

 The database schema and tables

 Inserting the rows required for the test into these tables
 Verifying the state of the database after your test has run
 Cleanup the database for each new test

Because many database APIs such as PDO, MySQLi or OCI8 are cumbersome to use and
verbose in writing doing these steps manually is an absolute nightmare.

Test code should be as short and precise as possible for several reasons:

 You do not want to modify considerable amount of test code for little changes in your
production code.
 You want to be able to read and understand the test code easily, even months after
writing it.

Additionally you have to realize that the database is essentially a global input variable to your
code. Two tests in your test suite could run against the same database, possibly reusing data
multiple times. Failures in one test can easily affect the result of the following tests making your
testing experience very difficult. The previously mentioned cleanup step is of major importance
to solve the “database is a global input” problem.

The four stages of a database test

In his book on xUnit Test Patterns Gerard Meszaros lists the four stages of a unit-test:

1. Set up fixture
2. Exercise System Under Test
3. Verify outcome
4. Teardown

A test fixture describes the initial state of the database before entering the testing. After setting

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Performing Database System Test

fixtures, database behavior is tested for defined test cases. Depending on the outcome, test cases
are either modified or kept as is. The "tear down" stage either results in terminating testing or
continuing with other test cases.

For successful database testing the following workflow executed by each single test is commonly

 Clean up the database: If the testable data is already present in the database, the
database needs to be emptied.
 Set up Fixture: A tool like PHPUnit will then iterate over fixtures and do insertions into
the database.
 Run test, Verify outcome and then tear down: After resetting the database to empty and
listing the fixtures, the test is run and the output is verified. If the output is as expected,
the tear down process follows, otherwise testing is repeated.

Types of testings’ and processes

1. Black box and

2. white box testing in database testing

The figure indicates the areas of testing involved during different database testing methods, such
as black-box testing and white-box testing.

1. Black Box Testing in database testing

Black box testing involves testing interfaces and the integration of the database, which includes:

 Mapping of data (including metadata)

 Verifying incoming data
 Verifying outgoing data from query functions
 Various techniques such as Cause effect graphing technique, equivalence partitioning and
boundary-value analysis.

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Performing Database System Test

With the help of these techniques, the functionality of the database can be tested thoroughly.

Pros and Cons of black box testing include: Test case generation in black box testing is fairly
simple. Their generation is completely independent of software development and can be done in
an early stage of development. As a consequence, the programmer has better knowledge of how
to design the database application and uses less time for debugging. Cost for development of
black box test cases is lower than development of white box test cases. The major drawback of
black box testing is that it is unknown how much of the program is being tested. Also, certain
errors cannot be detected.

2. White Box Testing in database testing

White box testing mainly deals with the internal structure of the database. The specification
details are hidden from the user.

 It involves the testing of database triggers and logical views which are going to support
database refactoring.
 It performs module testing of database functions, triggers, views, SQL queries etc.
 It validates database tables, data models, database schema etc.
 It checks rules of Referential integrity.
 It selects default table values to check on database consistency.
 The techniques used in white box testing are condition coverage, decision coverage,
statement coverage, cyclomatic complexity.

The main advantage of white box testing in database testing is that coding error are detected, so
internal bugs in the database can be eliminated. The limitation of white box testing is that SQL
statements are not covered.

The WHODATE approach for database testing

While generating test cases for database testing, the semantics of SQL statement need to be
reflected in the test cases. For that purpose, a technique called WHitebOx Database Application
Technique "(WHODATE)" is used. As shown in the figure, SQL statements are independently

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Performing Database System Test

converted into GPL statements, followed by traditional white box testing to generate test cases
which include SQL semantics.

Some problems in database testing

1. The setup for database testing is costly and complex to maintain because database
systems are constantly changing with expected insert, delete and update operations.
2. Extra overhead is involved in order to determine the state of the database transactions.
3. After cleaning up the database, new test cases have to be designed.[citation needed]
4. An SQL generator is required to transform SQL statements in order to include the SQL
semantic into database test cases.

Types of software Testing

1. Black box testing – Internal system design is not considered in this type of testing. Tests
are based on requirements and functionality.
2. White box testing – This testing is based on knowledge of the internal logic of an
application’s code. Also known as Glass box Testing. Internal software and code working
should be known for this type of testing. Tests are based on coverage of code statements,
branches, paths, conditions.
3. Unit testing – Testing of individual software components or modules. Typically done by
the programmer and not by testers, as it requires detailed knowledge of the internal
program design and code. may require developing test driver modules or test harnesses.
4. Incremental integration testing – Bottom up approach for testing i.e continuous testing
of an application as new functionality is added; Application functionality and modules
should be independent enough to test separately. done by programmers or by testers.
5. Integration testing – Testing of integrated modules to verify combined functionality
after integration. Modules are typically code modules, individual applications, client and
server applications on a network, etc. This type of testing is especially relevant to
client/server and distributed systems.
6. Functional testing – This type of testing ignores the internal parts and focus on the
output is as per requirement or not. Black-box type testing geared to functional

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Performing Database System Test

requirements of an application.
7. System testing – Entire system is tested as per the requirements. Black-box type testing
that is based on overall requirements specifications, covers all combined parts of a
8. End-to-end testing – Similar to system testing, involves testing of a complete
application environment in a situation that mimics real-world use, such as interacting
with a database, using network communications, or interacting with other hardware,
applications, or systems if appropriate.
9. Sanity testing - Testing to determine if a new software version is performing well
enough to accept it for a major testing effort. If application is crashing for initial use then
system is not stable enough for further testing and build or application is assigned to fix.
10. Regression testing – Testing the application as a whole for the modification in any
module or functionality. Difficult to cover all the system in regression testing so typically
automation tools are used for these testing types.
11. Acceptance testing -Normally this type of testing is done to verify if system meets the
customer specified requirements. User or customer do this testing to determine whether
to accept application.
12. Load testing – Its a performance testing to check system behavior under load. Testing an
application under heavy loads, such as testing of a web site under a range of loads to
determine at what point the system’s response time degrades or fails.
13. Stress testing – System is stressed beyond its specifications to check how and when it
fails. Performed under heavy load like putting large number beyond storage capacity,
complex database queries, continuous input to system or database load.
14. Performance testing – Term often used interchangeably with ‘stress’ and ‘load’ testing.
To check whether system meets performance requirements. Used different performance
and load tools to do this.
15. Usability testing – User-friendliness check. Application flow is tested, Can new user
understand the application easily, Proper help documented whenever user stuck at any
point. Basically system navigation is checked in this testing.
16. Install/uninstall testing - Tested for full, partial, or upgrade install/uninstall processes on

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Performing Database System Test

different operating systems under different hardware, software environment.

17. Recovery testing – Testing how well a system recovers from crashes, hardware failures,
or other catastrophic problems.
18. Security testing – Can system be penetrated by any hacking way. Testing how well the
system protects against unauthorized internal or external access. Checked if system,
database is safe from external attacks.
19. Compatibility testing – Testing how well software performs in a particular
hardware/software/operating system/network environment and different combination s of
20. Comparison testing – Comparison of product strengths and weaknesses with previous
versions or other similar products.
21. Alpha testing – In house virtual user environment can be created for this type of testing.
Testing is done at the end of development. Still minor design changes may be made as a
result of such testing.
22. Beta testing – Testing typically done by end-users or others. Final testing before
releasing application for commercial purpose.

Software Testing Methodologies

Software testing is the evaluation of a software/product that is being developed, to check
its capability and ability to deliver the intended results. There are different types of
methodologies used in the field of software testing and quality assurance.

Software testing is an integral part of the software development life cycle (SDLC).
Testing a piece of code effectively and efficiently is equally important, if not more, to
writing it. Software testing is nothing but subjecting a piece of code, to both, controlled
and uncontrolled operating conditions, in an attempt to simply observe the output, and
then examine whether it is in accordance with certain pre-specified conditions.

Different sets of test cases and testing strategies are prepared, all of which are aimed at
achieving one common goal - removing bugs and errors from the code, and making the

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Performing Database System Test

software error-free, and capable of providing accurate and optimum output.

Testing Methodology

The commonly used testing methodologies are unit testing, integration testing, acceptance
testing, and system testing. Software is subjected to these tests in a particular order.

Acceptance Testing

System Testing

Integration Testing

Unit Testing

Unit Testing - The first to be carried out is the unit test. As the name suggests, this method
tests at the object level. Individual software components are tested for any errors. Accurate
knowledge of the program is needed for this test, as each module is checked. Thus, this
testing is done by the programmers and not the testers. Test codes are created to check if the
software behaves as it is intended to.

Integration Testing - Individual modules that are already subjected to unit testing are
integrated with one another, and are tested for faults. Such a type of testing highlights
interfacing errors. A 'top-down' approach of integration testing follows the architectural

Performing Database System Test version1.0 Year 2013 prepared By: Awraja M. Page
Arbaminch INFORMAT UNIT Database Administration Level IV
polytechnic ION SHEET MODULE
Performing Database System Test

structure of the system. Another approach taken is the 'bottom-up' approach, which is
conducted from the bottom of the control flow.

System Testing - In this testing, the entire system is tested for errors and bugs. This test is
carried out by interfacing hardware and software components of the entire system, and then
testing it. This testing is listed under the black-box testing method, where the software is
checked for user-expected working conditions.

Acceptance Testing - This is the last test that is conducted before the software is handed
over to the client. It is carried out to ensure that the software that has been developed meets
all customer requirements. There are two types of acceptance testing - one that is carried out
by the members of the development team, known as internal acceptance testing (Alpha
testing), and the other that is carried out by the customer, known as external acceptance
testing. If the testing is carried by the intended customers, it is termed as customer
acceptance testing. In case the test is performed by the end users of the software, it is known
as user acceptance testing (Beta testing).

The Basic Ones

There are a few basic testing methods that form a part of the software testing regime. These
tests are generally considered to be self-sufficient in finding out errors and bugs in the entire

Black-box Testing - Black-box testing is carried out without any knowledge of the internal
working of the system. The tester will stimulate the software to user environment by
providing different inputs and testing the generated outputs. This test is also known as
closed-box testing or functional testing.

White-box Testing - White-box testing, unlike the black-box one, takes into account the
internal functioning and logic of the code. To carry out this test, the tester should have
knowledge of the code, so as to find out the exact part of the code that is having errors. This
test is also known as open-box testing or glass testing.

Performing Database System Test version1.0 Year 2013 prepared By: Awraja M. Page
Arbaminch INFORMAT UNIT Database Administration Level IV
polytechnic ION SHEET MODULE
Performing Database System Test

Gray-box Testing - The testing where part knowledge of the code is necessary to carry out
the test is called gray-box testing. This testing is done by referring to system documents and
data flow diagrams. The testing is conducted by the end users, or users who pose as end

Non-Functional Tests

Security Testing - An application's security is one of the main concerns of the developer.
Security testing tests the software for confidentiality, integrity, authentication, availability,
and non-repudiation. Individual tests are conducted to prevent any unauthorized access to the
software code.

Stress Testing - Software stress testing is a method where the software is subjected to
conditions that are beyond the software's normal working conditions. Once the break-point is
reached, the results obtained are tested. This test determines the stability of the entire system.

Compatibility Testing - The software is tested for its compatibility with an external
interface, like operating systems, hardware platforms, web browsers, etc. The non-functional
compatibility test checks whether the product is built to suit any software platform.

Efficiency Testing - As the name suggests, this testing technique checks the amount of code
or resources that are used by the software while performing a single operation. It is tested in
terms of number of test cases that are executed in a given time frame.

Usability Testing - This testing looks at the usability aspect of the software. The ease with
which a user can access the product forms the main testing point. Usability testing looks at
five aspects of testing, - learnability, efficiency, satisfaction, memorability, and errors.

Tests in Software Development Processes

Waterfall Model - The waterfall model adopts a 'top-down' approach, regardless of whether
it is being used for software development or testing. The basic steps involved in this software
testing methodology are as follows:

Performing Database System Test version1.0 Year 2013 prepared By: Awraja M. Page
Arbaminch INFORMAT UNIT Database Administration Level IV
polytechnic ION SHEET MODULE
Performing Database System Test

 Requirement analysis
 Test case design
 Test case implementation
 Testing, debugging, and validating the code or product
 Deployment and maintenance

In this methodology, you move on to the next step only after you have completed the present
step. The model follows a non-iterative approach. The main benefit of this methodology is its
simplistic, systematic, and orthodox approach. However, it has many shortcomings, since
bugs and errors in the code are not discovered until and unless the testing stage is reached.
This can often lead to wastage of time, money, and other valuable resources.

Agile Model - This methodology follows neither a purely sequential approach nor a purely
iterative approach. It is a selective mix of both approaches, in addition to quite a few and new
developmental methods. Fast and incremental development is one of the key principles of
this methodology. The focus is on obtaining quick, practical, and visible outputs, rather than
merely following the theoretical processes. Continuous customer interaction and participation
is an integral part of the entire development process.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) - The name says it all. In this case, the
methodology adopts a rapid developmental approach, by using the principle of component-
based construction. After understanding the different requirements of the given project, a
rapid prototype is prepared, and is then compared with the expected set of output conditions
and standards. Necessary changes and modifications are made following joint discussions
with the customer or development team (in the context of software testing). Though this
approach does have its share of advantages, it can be unsuitable if the project is large,
complex, and happens to be extremely dynamic in nature, wherein requirements change

Spiral Model - As the name implies, the spiral model follows an approach in which there are
a number of cycles (or spirals) of all the sequential steps of the waterfall model. Once the

Performing Database System Test version1.0 Year 2013 prepared By: Awraja M. Page
Arbaminch INFORMAT UNIT Database Administration Level IV
polytechnic ION SHEET MODULE
Performing Database System Test

initial cycle gets completed, a thorough analysis and review of the achieved product or output
is performed. If it is not as per the specified requirements or expected standards, a second
cycle follows, and so on. This methodology follows an iterative approach, and is generally
suited for large projects, having complex and constantly changing requirements.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) - The RUP methodology is also similar to the spiral model,
in the sense that the entire testing procedure is broken up into multiple cycles or processes.
Each cycle consists of four phases - inception, elaboration, construction, and transition. At
the end of each cycle, the product/output is reviewed, and a further cycle (made up of the
same four phases) follows if necessary. Today, you will find certain organizations and
companies adopting a slightly modified version of the RUP, which goes by the name
Enterprise Unified Process (EUP).

With applications of information technology growing with every passing day, the importance
of proper software testing has grown manifold. Many firms have dedicated teams for this
purpose, and the scope for software testers is at par with that of developers.

Identifying test environment

A testing environment is a setup of software and hardware on which the testing team is going
to perform the testing of the newly built software product. This setup consists of the physical
setup which includes hardware, and logical setup that includes Server Operating system,
client operating system, database server, front end running environment, browser (if web
application), IIS (version on server side) or any other software components required to run
this software product. This testing setup is to be built on both the ends – i.e. the server and

Planning for Testing

A test plan documents the strategy that will be used to verify and ensure that a product or
system meets its design specifications and other requirements. A test plan is usually prepared
by or with significant input from Test Engineers.

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Arbaminch INFORMAT UNIT Database Administration Level IV
polytechnic ION SHEET MODULE
Performing Database System Test

 Depending on the product and the responsibility of the organization to which the test
plan applies, a test plan may include one or more of the following:
 Design Verification or Compliance test - to be performed during the development or
approval stages of the product, typically on a small sample of units.
 Manufacturing or Production test - to be performed during preparation or assembly of
the product in an ongoing manner for purposes of performance verification and
quality control.
 Acceptance or Commissioning test - to be performed at the time of delivery or
installation of the product.
 Service and Repair test - to be performed as required over the service life of the
 Regression test - to be performed on an existing operational product, to verify that
existing functionality didn't get broken when other aspects of the environment are
changed (e.g., upgrading the platform on which an existing application runs).

A complex system may have a high level test plan to address the overall requirements and
supporting test plans to address the design details of subsystems and components.

Test plan document formats can be as varied as the products and organizations to which they
apply. There are three major elements that should be described in the test plan: Test
Coverage, Test Methods, and Test Responsibilities. These are also used in a formal test

The testing process can be divided into three phases:

 planning,
 acquisition and
 Execution& evaluation.

The planning phase provides an opportunity for the tester to determine what to test and how
to test it. The acquisition phase is the time during which the required testing software is
manufactured, data sets are defined and collected, and detailed test scripts are written. During

Performing Database System Test version1.0 Year 2013 prepared By: Awraja M. Page
Arbaminch INFORMAT UNIT Database Administration Level IV
polytechnic ION SHEET MODULE
Performing Database System Test

the execution and evaluation phase the test scripts are executed and the results of that
execution are evaluated to determine whether the product passed the test.

In this month’s column I will focus on the planning phase. I am going to briefly discuss test
strategies and then focus on some techniques for determining which features or components
within a program to test more intensely than others. I will also discuss a technique for
incrementally defining a test suite so that the level of intensity is used to determine the
number of test cases to be created.

Test Strategy

The project test plan should describe the overall strategy that the project will follow for
testing the final application and the products leading up to the completed application.
Strategic decisions that may be influenced by the choice of development paradigms and
process models include:

When to test. The test plan should show how the stages of the testing process, such as
component, integration and acceptance, correspond to stages of the development process. For
those of us who have adopted an iterative, incremental development strategy, incremental
testing is a natural fit. Testing can begin as soon as some coherent unit is developed and
continues on successively larger units until the complete application is tested. This approach
provides for earlier detection of faults and feedback into development. For projects that do
not schedule periodic deliveries of executable units, the big bang testing strategy, in which
the first test is performed on the complete product, is necessary. This strategy often results in
costly bottlenecks as small faults prevent the major system functionality from being

Who will test. The test plan should clearly assign responsibilities for the various stages of
testing to project personnel. The independent tester brings a fresh perspective to how well the
application meets the requirements. Using such a person for the component test requires a
long learning curve which may not be practical in a highly iterative environment. The
developer brings a knowledge of the details of the program but also a bias concerning his/her

Performing Database System Test version1.0 Year 2013 prepared By: Awraja M. Page
Arbaminch INFORMAT UNIT Database Administration Level IV
polytechnic ION SHEET MODULE
Performing Database System Test

own work. I favor involving developers in testing as do many others [Beizer], but this only
works if there are clear guidelines about what to test and how. I will discuss one type of
guideline below.

What will be tested. The test plan should provide clear objectives for each stage in the
testing process. The amount of testing at each stage will be determined by various factors.
For example, the higher the priority of reuse in the project plan, the higher should be the
priority of component testing in the testing strategy. Component testing is a major resource
sink, but it can have tremendous impact on quality. I will devote a future column to
techniques for minimizing the resources required for component testing and maximizing its
benefits. For the remainder of this column I will discuss techniques for system testing such as
determining how many cases to build.

Test coverage

Test coverage in the test plan states what requirements will be verified during what stages of
the product life. Test Coverage is derived from design specifications and other requirements,
such as safety standards or regulatory codes, where each requirement or specification of the
design ideally will have one or more corresponding means of verification. Test coverage for
different product life stages may overlap, but will not necessarily be exactly the same for all
stages. For example, some requirements may be verified during Design Verification test, but
not repeated during Acceptance test. Test coverage also feeds back into the design process,
since the product may have to be designed to allow test access (see Design For Test).

Test methods

Test methods in the test plan state how test coverage will be implemented. Test methods may
be determined by standards, regulatory agencies, or contractual agreement, or may have to be
created new. Test methods also specify test equipment to be used in the performance of the
tests and establish pass/fail criteria. Test methods used to verify hardware design
requirements can range from very simple steps, such as visual inspection, to elaborate test

Performing Database System Test version1.0 Year 2013 prepared By: Awraja M. Page
Arbaminch INFORMAT UNIT Database Administration Level IV
polytechnic ION SHEET MODULE
Performing Database System Test

procedures that are documented separately.

Test responsibilities

Test responsibilities include what organizations will perform the test methods and at each
stage of the product life. This allows test organizations to plan, acquire or develop test
equipment and other resources necessary to implement the test methods for which they are
responsible. Test responsibilities also includes, what data will be collected, and how that data
will be stored and reported (often referred to as "deliverables"). One outcome of a successful
test plan should be a record or report of the verification of all design specifications and
requirements as agreed upon by all parties.

Testing Tools to Conduct Database Tests

Software developers want to keep their database testing as simple as possible. However, it is
almost impossible to have a simple and effective database test, just because every test is different
with its own weaknesses and strengths.

Therefore, you should learn the basics of setting up and creating database test to implement what
is written in the test. In addition, you may need to know about two common technical terms
related to database testing. These two terms are database sandbox and database testing tools.

The database sandbox is an environment that simulates the database and its scope. You can use a
number of sandboxes. However, the one that you choose should be appropriate for your needs
and requirements. In each of the sandbox used, everyone involved in the testing should have his
or her own copies of the database.

Everyone is free to conduct his or her own experiments to implement the right type of codes. It is
also possible to reformat the existing functions in the database and validate those changes almost
quickly during the testing. Once you follow these steps, you can then start working on another
phase of project called integration sandbox.

Here, you will need to rebuild the system you have created and later run a test to confirm that all
the codes are in working condition. In case, of any errors in the project integration sandbox, you

Performing Database System Test version1.0 Year 2013 prepared By: Awraja M. Page
Arbaminch INFORMAT UNIT Database Administration Level IV
polytechnic ION SHEET MODULE
Performing Database System Test

may need to start working on it once again.

Developing a formidable database may take a long time, before you can introduce it to an outside
environment. Testing the database codes in this sandbox will provide plenty of benefits to
software developers, because it enables them to remove common mistakes or errors that can
adversely affect future users.

Database Testing Tools

You will need several tools to build an effective database test. Database tools help you to run a
proper database test. You can use two different types of database tools for both the internal
database test and interface database test.

The tools that you use to build database tests should support the language chosen to create the
software. For example, if you are developing a database test from Microsoft SQL, then your
procedures should be tested by using the T-SQL framework.

On the other hand, if you are using Oracle for creating database, then you should use the PL-
SQL framework. The next step is choosing a database tool that helps you check whether the test
data is under the configuration management control or not.

Database test is one of the true and effective tests that will help you establish the relevancy of the
data and related information. However, not many software developers are using a database
procedure, because it is still a relatively new concept. Some of the challenges that database-
testing face today include insufficient knowledge about its benefits, lack of testing skills, and
tools to conduct database testing.

Because of these unique challenges, database testing has a long way to go before everyone will
use it. Software developers will also need to get started now, so that they will be able to avoid
database related challenges in the future. Database testing shows many potential benefits to
major organizations; however, it still needs a lot of improvement or enhancements to be truly
accepted by people from all over the world.

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Arbaminch INFORMAT UNIT Database Administration Level IV
polytechnic ION SHEET MODULE
Performing Database System Test

Test Schedule

A test plan should make an estimation of how long it will take to complete the testing phase.
There are many requirements to complete testing phases. First, testers have to execute all test
cases at least once. Furthermore, if a defect was found, the developers will need to fix the
problem. The testers should then re-test the failed test case until it is functioning correctly. Last
but not the least, the tester need to conduct regression testing towards the end of the cycle to
make sure the developers did not accidentally break parts of the software while fixing another
part. This can occur on test cases that were previously functioning properly.

The test schedule should also document the number of testers available for testing. If possible,
assign test cases to each tester.

It is often difficult to make an accurate estimate of the test schedule since the testing phase
involves many uncertainties. Planners should take into account the extra time needed to
accommodate contingent issues. One way to make this approximation is to look at the time
needed by the previous releases of the software. If the software is new, multiplying the initial
testing schedule approximation by two is a good way to start.

Preparation of test script

A test script in software testing is a set of instructions that will be performed on the system under
test to test that the system functions as expected.

There are various means for executing test scripts.

 Manual testing. These are more commonly called test cases.

 Automated testing
 Short program written in a programming language used to test part of the
functionality of a software system. Test scripts written as a short program can either
be written using a special automated functional GUI test tool (such as HP QuickTest
Professional, Borland SilkTest, and Rational Robot) or in a well-known programming
language (such as C++, C#, Tcl, Expect, Java, PHP, Perl, Powershell, Python, or

Performing Database System Test version1.0 Year 2013 prepared By: Awraja M. Page
Arbaminch INFORMAT UNIT Database Administration Level IV
polytechnic ION SHEET MODULE
Performing Database System Test

 Extensively parameterized short programs a.k.a. Data-driven testing
 Reusable steps created in a table a.k.a. keyword-driven or table-driven testing.

These last two types are also done in manual testing.

The major advantage of automated testing is that tests may be executed continuously without the
need for a human intervention. Another advantage over manual testing in that it is faster and
easily repeatable. Thus, it is worth considering automating tests if they are to be executed several
times, for example as part of regression testing.

Disadvantages of automated testing are that automated tests can like any piece of software be
poorly written or simply break during playback. They also can only examine what they have
been programmed to examine. Since most systems are designed with human interaction in mind,
it is good practice that a human tests the system at some point. A trained manual tester can notice
that the system under test is misbehaving without being prompted or directed however automated
tests can only examine what they have been programmed to examine. Therefore, when used in
regression testing, manual testers can find new bugs while ensuring that old bugs do not reappear
while an automated test can only ensure the latter. That is why mixed testing with automated and
manual testing can give very good results, automating what needs to be tested often and can be
easily checked by a machine, and using manual testing to do test design to add them to the
automated tests suite and to do exploratory testing.

Conduct testing
Perform database testing
You can check the following items in database testing :

1. Data integrity

The complete data belonging to each entity should be stored in the database. Depending on the
database design, the data may be present in a single table or multiple related tables. Parent-child
relationships should exist in the data. There should not be any missing data.

Performing Database System Test version1.0 Year 2013 prepared By: Awraja M. Page
Arbaminch INFORMAT UNIT Database Administration Level IV
polytechnic ION SHEET MODULE
Performing Database System Test

2. Correctness of the data stored in the database

The data should be present in the correct table and correct field within the table.

3. Correctness and completeness of data migration (in case some or all the original data has
come from another source)

4. Functionality and performance of user objects e.g. functions, procedures, triggers, jobs

You may perform API testing on the user objects to test them.

5. Database performance (query execution times, throughput etc.) and locking problems

You may identify the main queries (or procedures) that are used in the application and time
them with sample data. Locking problems may become apparent when multiple inserts/ updates
are being made to the same entity simultaneously.

6. Data security

You may check if any data that should be encrypted e.g. passwords, credit card numbers is in
plain text or not. The database should not have the default passwords. Even application accounts
should have passwords that are complex and not easily guessed.

Additionally, you might want to review the following items:

1. Database fields (if they meet the specifications e.g. width, data type etc. as given in the
design documentation/ data dictionary etc.)

2. Normalization level

Performing Database System Test version1.0 Year 2013 prepared By: Awraja M. Page
Arbaminch INFORMAT UNIT Database Administration Level IV
polytechnic ION SHEET MODULE
Performing Database System Test

3. Compliance of user objects code to coding guidelines

In order to perform database testing, you should be good at using the database tools and writing
SQL queries.

Review test result against the acceptance criteria

Acceptance testing

In engineering and its various sub disciplines, acceptance testing is a test conducted to determine
if the requirements of a specification or contract are met. It may involve chemical tests, physical
tests, or performance tests.

In systems engineering it may involve black-box testing performed on a system (for example: a
piece of software, lots of manufactured mechanical parts, or batches of chemical products) prior
to its delivery.

Software developers often distinguish acceptance testing by the system provider from acceptance
testing by the customer (the user or client) prior to accepting transfer of ownership. In the case of
software, acceptance testing performed by the customer is known as user acceptance testing
(UAT), end-user testing, site (acceptance) testing, or field (acceptance) testing.

A smoke test is used as an acceptance test prior to introducing a build to the main testing

Verification and Validation, walkthrough and inspection

Performing Database System Test version1.0 Year 2013 prepared By: Awraja M. Page
Arbaminch INFORMAT UNIT Database Administration Level IV
polytechnic ION SHEET MODULE
Performing Database System Test

Verification and Validation

In software project management, software testing, and software engineering, verification and
validation (V&V) is the process of checking that a software system meets specifications and that
it fulfills its intended purpose. It may also be referred to as software quality control. It is
normally the responsibility of software testers as part of the software development lifecycle.


Validation checks that the product design satisfies or fits the intended use (high-level checking),
i.e., the software meets the user requirements. This is done through dynamic testing and other
forms of review.

Verification and validation are not the same thing, although they are often confused. Boehm
succinctly expressed the difference between them:

 Validation: Are we building the right product?

 Verification: Are we building the product right?

According to the Capability Maturity Model (CMMI-SW v1.1),

 Verification: The process of evaluating software to determine whether the products of a

given development phase satisfy the conditions imposed at the start of that phase.
 Validation: The process of evaluating software during or at the end of the development
process to determine whether it satisfies specified requirements. [IEEE-STD-610]

In other words, validation ensures that the product actually meets the user's needs, and that the
specifications were correct in the first place, while verification is ensuring that the product has
been built according to the requirements and design specifications. Validation ensures that "you
built the right thing". Verification ensures that "you built it right". Validation confirms that the
product, as provided, will fulfill its intended use.

Performing Database System Test version1.0 Year 2013 prepared By: Awraja M. Page
Arbaminch INFORMAT UNIT Database Administration Level IV
polytechnic ION SHEET MODULE
Performing Database System Test

From testing perspective:

 Fault – wrong or missing function in the code.

 Failure – the manifestation of a fault during execution.
 Malfunction – according to its specification the system does not meet its specified

Within the modeling and simulation community, the definitions of validation, verification and
accreditation are similar:

 Validation is the process of determining the degree to which a model, simulation, or

federation of models and simulations, and their associated data are accurate
representations of the real world from the perspective of the intended use(s).
 Accreditation is the formal certification that a model or simulation is acceptable to be
used for a specific purpose.
 Verification is the process of determining that a computer model, simulation, or
federation of models and simulations implementations and their associated data
accurately represents the developer's conceptual description and specifications.

Walkthrough and inspection

Walkthrough: Method of conducting informal group/individual review is called walkthrough, in

which a designer or programmer leads members of the development team and other interested
parties through a software product, and the participants ask questions and make comments about
possible errors, violation of development standards, and other problems or may suggest
improvement on the article, walkthrough can be pre planned or can be conducted at need basis
and generally people working on the work product are involved in the walkthrough process.

The Purpose of walkthrough is to:

 Find problems
 Discuss alternative solutions

Performing Database System Test version1.0 Year 2013 prepared By: Awraja M. Page
Arbaminch INFORMAT UNIT Database Administration Level IV
polytechnic ION SHEET MODULE
Performing Database System Test

 Focusing on demonstrating how work product meets all requirements.

Leader: who conducts the walkthrough, handles administrative tasks, and ensures orderly
conduct (and who is often the Author)

Recorder: who notes all anomalies (potential defects), decisions, and action items identified
during the walkthrough meeting, normally generate minutes of meeting at the end of
walkthrough session.

Author: who presents the software product in step-by-step manner at the walk-through meeting,
and is probably responsible for completing most action items.

Walkthrough Process: Author describes the artifact to be reviewed to reviewers during the
meeting. Reviewers present comments, possible defects, and improvement suggestions to the
author. Recorder records all defect, suggestion during walkthrough meeting. Based on reviewer
comments, author performs any necessary rework of the work product if required. Recorder
prepares minutes of meeting and sends the relevant stakeholders and leader is normally to
monitor overall walkthrough meeting activities as per the defined company process or
responsibilities for conducting the reviews, generally performs monitoring activities,
commitment against action items etc.

Inspection: An inspection is a formal, rigorous, in-depth group review designed to identify

problems as close to their point of origin as possible., Inspection is a recognized industry best
practice to improve the quality of a product and to improve productivity, Inspections is a formal
review and generally need is predefined at the start of the product planning, The objectives of the
inspection process are to

 Find problems at the earliest possible point in the software development process
 Verify that the work product meets its requirement
 Ensure that work product has been presented according to predefined standards
 Provide data on product quality and process effectiveness
 Inspection advantages are to build technical knowledge and skill among team
members by reviewing the output of other people

Performing Database System Test version1.0 Year 2013 prepared By: Awraja M. Page
Arbaminch INFORMAT UNIT Database Administration Level IV
polytechnic ION SHEET MODULE
Performing Database System Test

 Increase the effectiveness of software testing.

Inspector Leader: The inspection leader shall be responsible for administrative tasks pertaining
to the inspection, shall be responsible for planning and preparation, shall ensure that the
inspection is conducted in an orderly manner and meets its objectives, should be responsible for
collecting inspection data

Difference between Inspections and Walkthroughs.

Inspection Walkthrough
Formal Informal
Initiated by the project team Initiated by the author
Planned meeting with fixed roles assigned to Unplanned.
all the members involved
Reader reads the product code. Everyone Author reads the product code and his team
inspects it and comes up with defects. mate comes up with defects or suggestions
Recorder records the defects Author makes a note of defects and
suggestions offered by team mate
Moderator has a role in making sure that the Informal, so there is no moderator
discussions proceed on the productive lines

Performing Database System Test version1.0 Year 2013 prepared By: Awraja M. Page
Arbaminch INFORMAT UNIT Database Administration Level IV
polytechnic ION SHEET MODULE
Performing Database System Test

Self-Check 1

 Answer the questions on the following questionnaire; provide the answer sheet to your
 Check your answers by looking at the feedback sheets; ask for the assistance of the
trainer whenever necessary.
 The trainee should answer the following questions YES NO

Give short answer for the following questions

1. What is Database Testing?
2. What to Test in a Database?
3. List the four stages of a database test?

 The trainee’s underpinning knowledge was

[ ] Satisfactory [ ] Not satisfactory

 Feedback to Trainee:

Trainee’s Signature: Date:

Instructor’s Signature: Date:

Performing Database System Test version1.0 Year 2013 prepared By: Awraja M. Page
Arbaminch INFORMAT UNIT Database Administration Level IV
polytechnic ION SHEET MODULE
Performing Database System Test

Answer Key


Database testing is perhaps the most important test that can check the overall functionality of the

 Check all the functionality which is happening on every action performed in the
application. Actions can include deletion, addition or save options. Check whether the
added record is added in the DB with the exact value. Check the deleted record gets
removed from the database. These are major roles which need to be monitored seriously.
 Nowadays database is getting more complex due to the business logic which plays an
important role for the applications. Tester should make sure that values have been added
correctly after the implementation of the business rules.
a. Set up fixture
b. Exercise System Under Test
c. Verify outcome
d. Teardown

Performing Database System Test version1.0 Year 2013 prepared By: Awraja M. Page
Arbaminch INFORMAT UNIT Database Administration Level IV
polytechnic ION SHEET MODULE
Performing Database System Test

Performance Criteria

Assessment Criteria
The trainee will be assessed through the following criteria: YES NO
 Answered all the interview questions clearly
 Performed all activities accordingly
 Followed all instructions in the activities

Trainees’ Performance is:

[ ] Satisfactory [ ] Not Satisfactory

Feedback to Trainee:

Trainee’s Signature: Date:

Instructor’s Signature: Date:

Performing Database System Test version1.0 Year 2013 prepared By: Awraja M. Page

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