Natural Killer Cells
Natural Killer Cells
Natural Killer Cells
12256 2016;18:91–7
The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
Key content Counsel women with recurrent pregnancy loss about natural killer
Uterine and peripheral natural killer cells have distinct functions. cell testing.
Uterine natural killer cells play an important role in
Ethical issues
decidualisation and implantation.
There is evidence to suggest that disorders in uterine natural killer
Investigation and treatment of women with recurrent miscarriage
or recurrent implantation failure is complex. The psychological
cell physiology may lead to reproductive problems, such as
implications of these conditions may result in a myriad of
recurrent miscarriage, recurrent implantation failure and
investigations and treatments of questionable benefit.
Current evidence does not support routine testing of uterine Keywords: natural killer cells / recurrent implantation failure /
natural killer cells and more research is needed. recurrent miscarriage
Learning objectives
Distinguish between peripheral and uterine natural killer cells.
Please cite this paper as: Chong HP, Quenby SM. Natural killer cells and reproductive health. The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist 2016;18:91–7. DOI: 10.1111/
spiral arteries.19 Interleukin-15 (IL-15) messenger RNA of nitric oxide, a potent vasodilator and inhibitor of smooth
(mRNA) activity and protein expression are upregulated in muscle proliferation. Thus, the preferential exchange of
endometrial stromal cells.19 IL-15 binds to IL-15 receptors on nutrients and oxygen in favour of the embryo is facilitated.1
uNK cells, which induces proliferation of the uNK cells.19 As This invasion is not detected by maternal immune cells,
a result, uNK cells are the predominant leucocyte and partly because of the lack of classical HLA molecules as
account for at least 30% of the endometrial stroma during mentioned previously. The extravillous trophoblast consists
the late secretory phase of the menstrual cycle,20 where they of cytotrophoblast cells, interstitial and endovascular
can be found surrounding spiral arteries (but not veins)21 trophoblast cells and placental-bed giant cells.25 They are
and glands. Progesterone binding to GR on uNK cells induces unique because they express only certain types of HLAs:
interferon-gamma (IFNG), which further promotes HLA-C, HLA-E and HLA-G (Figure 3). Binding of the
angiogenesis and uNK cell proliferation.1 Whether classical MHC molecule HLA-C to uNK cells occurs via
increased numbers of uNK cells initiate or are the effect of activating or inhibitory KIRs. Binding of the non-classical
decidualisation is unclear. HLA-E to CD94/NKG receptors on uNK cells is thought to
inhibit uNK cytotoxicity and mediate uNK–trophoblast
interactions.13 Binding of HLA-G to KIR2DL4 on uNK
Physiological response in pregnancy
cells blocks the lytic activity of uNK cells and increases
By undergoing decidualisation, the endometrium becomes pro-angiogenic cytokines.24, 26 Thus, uNK cells may be
receptive to the blastocyst.22 Implantation involves a series of regarded as regulators of the depth of syncytiotrophoblast
cellular processes by which the embryo is embedded into the invasion. The reader is directed to an excellent review and
decidua. The outer cell mass layer of the blastocyst makes illustration of placentation across a selection of mammalian
contact with the epithelial cells of the decidua, then attaches species by Moffett and Loke.24
to and invades the endometrial stroma.23 If successful
implantation occurs, differentiation of the outer cell mass
The role of uNK in reproductive disorders
into trophoblastic cells occurs; they subsequently secrete
human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG), which is detectable Recurrent miscarriage
in maternal serum.24 As the syncytiotrophoblast progressively The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
invades the endometrial stroma, angiogenic factors, such as (RCOG) defines recurrent miscarriage (RM) as having lost
IFNG, that are secreted by uNK cells activate the production three or more consecutive pregnancies before 24 weeks of
Figure 3. Extravillous cytotrophoblast cells and uNK cell interaction. Extravillous cytotrophoblast (EVT) cells express non-classical human leucocyte
antigens (HLAs), which interact with killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs) found on uterine natural killer (uNK) cells. Consequently uNK
cell cytotoxicity is inhibited and angiogenic cytokine production increases. For example, nitric oxide production is mediated via interferon gamma
(black arrow) produced by uNK cells, resulting in vasodilation and inhibition of smooth muscle proliferation. Thus the depth of syncitiotrophoblast
invasion is regulated. B = blastocyst cavity, CT = cytotrophoblast, GR = glucocorticoid receptor, P4 = progesterone receptor.
gestation.27 The incidence of RM is estimated to be between distinct entities. However, given the role of uNK cells in
1% and 3%, depending on the definition used.28 The causes decidualisation and implantation, it would seem biologically
of RM are varied and can be categorised into maternal and plausible that uNK cells might have a role in RIF.
fetal causes. Maternal causes include pre-existing medical Nevertheless, a systematic review comparing women with
conditions such as anti-phospholipid syndrome, polycystic RIF versus controls did not identify a difference in pNK or
ovarian syndrome, and uterine causes such as malformations uNK cells in the endometrium.31 Again, study heterogeneity
of the uterus and fibroids. Fetal causes include chromosomal prohibited any meaningful meta-analysis of the study
abnormalities that may be congenital or arise de novo. results.31 Thus, testing for pNK or uNK cells in the context
The interest in natural killer cells as a cause of RM of RIF requires further research in the form of an adequately
stemmed from a growing body of evidence demonstrating powered, prospective, blinded observational study.
natural killer cells as a biosensor of foreign antigens. The
emergence of uNK cell testing was the result of evidence Impaired placentation
demonstrating the crucial role of uNK cells in decidualisation The concept of maternal rejection of paternal antigens is not
and implantation. Alterations in the ‘form, fit and function’ new, and in fact this purported ‘incompatibility’ sparked
of uNK cells were proposed as a mechanism to explain trials investigating paternal leucocyte immunisation. There is
miscarriage in women without pre-existing medical causes, as now clear evidence that this treatment does not increase the
well as those for whom a fetal cause could not be found. pregnancy rate.33 However, some studies have now
In a study of the endometria of women with RM versus demonstrated a plausible link between pre-eclampsia, the
controls, Lachapelle et al.29 identified a decrease in the paternal HLA-C molecule and uNK cells. The MHC
abundance of CD56bright/CD16– cells and an increase in the molecules are coded for by hundreds of alleles, which allow
CD56dim/CD16+ (i.e. pro-cytolytic) cell type. Women with innumerable conformational changes in the peptide-binding
RM had higher uNK cell counts than controls.30 Although a portion. These polygenic and polymorphic changes are
systematic review investigating the role of pNK and uNK cells critical for recognition of the myriad foreign peptides that
in RM failed to identify any differences in RM patients versus challenge the host immune system. Recent evidence suggests
controls, a key finding of this review was the lack of that certain combinations of the paternally derived HLA-C
standardisation for uNK cell estimation in the endometrium. molecule may be associated with pre-eclampsia.6,21 The
Studies included in the systematic review measured pNK by absence of activating KIRs on maternal uNK cells and the
virtue of a total proportion of natural killer cell activity, as HLA-C2 allotype in the fetus have been demonstrated to
determined by flow cytometry or a specialised assay. The increase the incidence of pre-eclampsia.6 It was proposed that
normal range varied from one study to another.31 uNK cells the absence of this activating KIR resulted in impaired
were measured using immunohistochemistry or flow trophoblast invasion and spiral artery remodelling; hallmarks
cytometry. Again, the normal range varied from one study of pre-eclampsia.24
to another. Thus, this review was limited by the significant
heterogeneity of included trials and highlighted a lack of
Management of patients
good quality primary studies. In contrast to uNK cells, pNK
cells have no role in decidualisation or implantation, thus Recurrent miscarriage
testing for pNK cells in RM would appear to be of Women with RM are a diverse population. As such,
little benefit. treatment should be tailored to the cause, if found. For the
majority of women with unexplained RM, supportive
Recurrent implantation failure treatment early in pregnancy will result in a successful
Implantation failure is typically diagnosed when there is pregnancy, although the precise mechanism underpinning
evidence that implantation has not taken place. It is nearly this is unclear. There is no evidence to support measurement
impossible to quantify the incidence of this in spontaneous of pNK cells in women with RM.9 Current evidence does not
conceptions; however, it is a diagnosis that is commonly recommend routine measurement of uNK cells in women
made following assisted reproductive techniques (ART). with RM. This is partly because of a lack of good quality
There is a lack of standardisation in the definition of studies describing a consistent technique for measuring uNK
recurrent implantation failure (RIF). The most commonly cells, and a lack of evidence surrounding effective treatments.
used definition is “three or more failed treatment cycles” Quenby et al.34 demonstrated that treatment with
followed by “two or more failed cycles”.32 An impaired prednisolone reduced the uNK cell count in women with
decidualised response prohibiting implantation is a RM. This randomised controlled trial (RCT) randomised
proposed cause.32 women with RM (where RM was defined as having three or
Some researchers have drawn similarities between patients more lost pregnancies) and a uNK cell count greater than 5%
with RIF and RM, although their definitions would indicate to either treatment with prednisolone or a placebo. However,
the effects of treatment with prednisolone were not or more recurrent miscarriages.37 Given the role of uNK cells
significant; this could be explained by the sample size. in spiral artery remodelling, treatment aimed at reducing
Further RCTs involving a larger cohort are required to oxidative stress could reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia.
confirm this. That 57% of women with three or more Certainly, in vitro experiments demonstrated a beneficial
consecutive miscarriages involved in the study did not have effect of antioxidants on syncytiotrophoblasts and spiral
an elevated uNK cell count demonstrates the complex nature artery remodelling.38 However, this failed to translate into
of assessing the role of uNK cells in patients with RM.34 clinical benefit as a large RCT investigating treatment with
Kuroda et al.16 demonstrated a difference in glucocorticoid high-dose vitamin C and E did not demonstrate a reduction
signalling in patients with RM, and a higher proportion in pre-eclampsia, and was associated with a reduction in
of uNK cells close to the luminal epithelium. uNK cells birthweight.39 A systematic review of nine trials confirmed
are normally found in surrounding perivascular cells and that high-dose vitamin C and E supplementation did not
glands in the endometrial stroma.20 Thus, it was proposed reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia.40 This is, in part,
that elevated uNK cells in patients with RM might be a unsurprising as supplementation with these antioxidants
reflection of relative glucocorticoid deficiency in the were only begun from the 20th week of pregnancy, well past
endometrial stroma, rather than a cause. Conversely, the period of spiral artery remodelling.
steroid deficiency could be a reflection of impaired Wong et al.41 investigated the correlation between uNK
decidualisation, in which uNK cells may be directly cell count and pre-eclampsia in 71 women with a history of
involved.13 Treatment with corticosteroids aims to correct RM (three or more lost pregnancies) who subsequently had a
this deficiency and therefore distribution of uNK cells in the live birth. There was no significant difference in the incidence
endometrial stroma. of pre-eclampsia between women with a high uNK cell count
(defined as 13.9% of stromal cells staining positive for
CD56).41 Thus, on balance, screening for gestational
Recurrent implantation failure
hypertension in women with a history of unexplained
A 2012 systematic review demonstrated a beneficial effect of recurrent miscarriage alone is unjustified on the basis of an
endometrial injury inflicted either by hysteroscopy (and/or absence of preventative strategies.
curettage) or by pipelle biopsy in the cycle preceding embryo
transfer.35 The meta-analysis of four RCTs demonstrated a
Current controversies and avenues for
higher cumulative pregnancy rate (risk ratio 1.71 [95% CI
further research
1.40–2.09]). The precise mechanism behind an increase in the
cumulative pregnancy rate is unclear, especially when not all A key gap in the current knowledge of uNK cells relates to
women in the treatment group actually underwent curettage their origin. A number of hypotheses have been proposed.21
or biopsy. However, the meta-analysis of a total of 411 As a small cohort of pNK cells are CD56brightCD16–, it was
patients in the treatment groups with 572 controls did not proposed that these pNK cells migrate into the
demonstrate significant statistical heterogeneity, indicating endometrium.42 It has also been suggested that uNK cells
that the results are unlikely to be influenced by differences are the result of cellular differentiation directly from bone
between the trials. Three of the RCTs included women with marrow stem cells. However, it has not been possible to
two or more unsuccessful cycles.35 One of the RCTs included demonstrate the migration of bone marrow stem cells to the
women with one or more unsuccessful cycles.35 The endometrium. In fact, bone marrow stem cells are not known
proinflammatory response caused simply by to leave their site of origin. A more likely explanation is that
instrumentation of the uterus could result in recruitment uNK cells are derived from a cohort of stem cells residing in
of immune regulatory cells,36 either transiently or the endometrium itself.21 However, this is as yet unproven.
permanently. It is also unclear how long this effect is An area of controversy relates to the method by which
expected to last, given the lack of studies comparing uNK cells are measured.31,43 Commonly described methods
endometrium harvested from one menstrual cycle to the include cell counting using formalin-fixed tissue stained for
next, and beyond. We are unaware of studies investigating CD56 cells and fluorescent activated cell-sorting. The reader
the biochemical or clinical pregnancy rates after delaying will note that a key limitation of both these techniques lies
embryo transfer by more than one cycle following with the availability of a specific antibody for uNK cells.
instrumentation of the uterus. Furthermore, the threshold for normality differs, as does the
way in which uNK cell numbers are estimated by cell
counting in histological sections. Efforts are underway to
ascertain the most consistent method.
A recently published large observational study demonstrated Because of the complex interactions between the blastocyst
an increased risk of pre-eclampsia in women who had three and the epithelial layer of the endometrium, it is also unclear
if recurrent miscarriage or implantation failure is the result of Childbirth and has served as an Associate Editor for
aberrant uNK cell migration into the endometrium, or Human Reproduction.
signalling from the abnormal embryo. Evidence in favour of
the latter comes from a study of uNK cells using flow Contribution to authorship
cytometry in missed miscarriages.44 The decidua of HPC wrote the manuscript and CPD questions. SMQ edited
karyotypically abnormal pregnancies demonstrated a higher the manuscript and CPD questions for content accuracy.
uNK cell population than in karyotypically normal Both authors read and approved of the final version of
miscarriages.44 However, given that the endometrium in the manuscript.
one cycle is dissimilar to the next, and no two embryos are
identical, testing this hypothesis would be difficult. In this Acknowledgements
respect, the use of animal models may be useful.45 Dr Hsu Phern Chong is currently funded by an NIHR
Whilst uterine instrumentation appears to improve Clinical Lectureship.
cumulative pregnancy rates, it is unclear if this procedure
results in regulation of the uNK cell population. To our Supporting Information
knowledge, no studies have investigated this directly, since
embryo transfer is undertaken in the cycle immediately after Single Best Answer questions are available for this article at
uterine instrumentation. In this respect, research on the
impact of uterine instrumentation or ‘endometrial scratch
therapy’ on the uNK cell population would be useful. If References
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