Physics 102 Syllabus
Physics 102 Syllabus
Physics 102 Syllabus
Physics 101
Math 107
Upon successful completion of the course, students will:
• Have an understanding of fundamental concepts of classical physics.
• Have developed critical thinking skills.
• Have developed basic calculation skills.
Material will be posted WhatsApp Group, including Lecture Notes, Assignments, Course
Announcements, suggested Textbook Problems, and other useful or interesting material related to the
Assignments (10%)
There will be seven assignments due during the term, worth a total of 10% of the final grade. Unless
prior arrangements have been made with the instructor, late assignments will not be accepted and
will thus receive a mark of 0.
Tests (30%)
There will be two 90-minute tests held during scheduled class time. Each test is worth 15% of the final
Final Examination (40%)
The final examination will cover the entire course and is worth 40% of the final grade. It will be held
at the end of the term sometime during the exam period. The exact date of the exam will be announced
as soon as it is set by the University.
Number Number
EVALUATION Letter Grade Letter Grade
Grade Grade
Assignment 10% 0 – 59 F 80 – 84 B
Quizzes 20% 60 – 64 D 85 – 89 B+
Tests 30% 65 – 69 D +
90 – 94 A
Final Exam 40% 70 – 74 C 95 – 100 A+
Total 100% 75 – 79 C+
Students are expected to contribute toward a positive and supportive environment and are required to
conduct themselves in a responsible manner. Academic misconduct includes all forms of academic
dishonesty such as cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, fraud, deceit, using the work of others without
their permission, aiding other students in committing academic offences, misrepresenting academic
assignments prepared by others as one’s own, or any other forms of academic dishonesty including
falsification of any information on any FUC document.
1 - Course Intro and Review
2 15 Oscillations and Simple Harmonic Motion
3 21 Coulomb’s Law and Electric Charge
4 22 Electric Fields
5 23 Gauss’ Law
6 24 Electric Potential
7 25 Capacitance;
8 - Midterm
9 26 Current, Resistance, Simple Circuits
10 27 Multi-loop and RC Circuits
11 28 Magnetic Fields
12 29 Magnetic Fields Due to Currents
13 30 Induction and Inductance
14 - Special Topics
15 - Review
16 Final Exam
Specific dates of topic coverage may be subject to change. Some topics may not be covered
depending on time constraints.
Total time: Four Months