RTG2 ReferencePathTracer

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Jakub Boksansky and Adam Marrs

The addition of ray tracing to a real-time renderer makes it possible to create
beautiful dynamic effects—such as soft shadows, reflections, refractions,
indirect illumination, and even caustics—that were previously not possible.
Substantial tuning and optimization are required for these effects to run in
real time without artifacts, and this process is simplified when the real-time
rendering engine can progressively generate a “known-correct” reference
image to compare against. In this chapter, we walk through the steps to
implement a simple, but sufficiently featured, path tracer to serve as such
a reference.

With the introduction of the DirectX Raytracing (DXR) and Vulkan Ray Tracing
(VKR) APIs, it is now possible to integrate ray tracing functionality into
real-time rendering engines based on DirectX and Vulkan. These new APIs
provide the building blocks necessary for ray tracing, including the ability to
(1) quickly construct spatial acceleration structures and (2) perform fast ray
intersection queries against them. Critically, the new APIs provide ray tracing
operations with full access to memory resources (e.g., buffers, textures) and
common graphics operations (e.g., texture sampling) already used in
rasterization. This creates the opportunity to reuse existing code for geometry
processing, material evaluation, and post-processing and to build a hybrid
renderer where ray tracing works in tandem with rasterization.

A noteworthy advantage of a hybrid ray–raster renderer is the ability to

choose how the scene is sampled. Rasterization provides efficient spatially
coherent ray and surface material evaluations from a single viewpoint,1
whereas ray tracing provides convenient incoherent ray–surface evaluation
from any point in any direction. The flexibility afforded by arbitrary ray casts
RTX 2000 series added the ability to rasterize four arbitrary viewpoints at once, but generalized
hardware multi-view rasterization is not common.

© NVIDIA 2021
A. Marrs, P. Shirley, I. Wald (eds.), Ray Tracing Gems II, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-7185-8_14

Figure 14-1. An interior scene from Evermotion’s Archinteriors Vol. 48 for the Blender
package [5] rendered with our reference path tracer using 125,000 paths per pixel.

enables a hybrid real-time renderer to more naturally generate and

accumulate accurate samples of a scene to construct a reference image while
not being limited by the artifacts caused by discretization during rasterization
(e.g., see shadow mapping).

In this chapter, we discuss how to implement a path tracer in a hybrid

renderer to produce in-engine reference images for comparison with the
output of new algorithms, approximations, and optimizations used in the
real-time code path. We discuss tricks for handling self-intersection,
importance sampling, and the evaluation of many light sources. We focus on
progressively achieving “ground truth” quality and prefer simple,
straightforward code over optimizations for runtime performance. Although
we do not discuss optimization or the reduction of artifacts such as noise,
improvements in these areas are described in other chapters of this book.

Figure 14-1 is a reference image of an interior scene from Evermotion’s

Archinteriors Vol. 48 for the Blender package [5]. The image is rendered
progressively by our DXR-based path tracer and includes 125,000 paths per
pixel with up to ten bounces per path. To help you add a reference path tracer
to your renderer, the full C++ and HLSL source code of our path tracer is
freely available at the book’s source code website and at

Camera Camera Constructed

Ray Segments Path

Light Path


Figure 14-2. Monte Carlo Unidirectional Path Tracing. Left: light energy bounces around the
environment on its way to the camera. Right: the path tracer’s model of the light transport from
the left diagram. Surface material BRDFs are stochastically sampled at each point where a ray
intersects a surface.

When creating reference images, it is important to choose an algorithm that
best matches the use case. A path tracer can be implemented in many ways,
and that variety of algorithms is accompanied by an equivalent amount of
trade-offs. An excellent overview of path tracing can be found in the book
Physically Based Rendering [11]. Since this chapter’s focus is simplicity and
high image quality, we’ve chosen to implement a Monte Carlo Unidirectional
Path Tracer. Let’s break down what this means—starting from the end and
working backward:

1. Path Tracing simulates how light energy moves through an environment

(also known as light transport) by constructing “paths” between light
sources and the virtual camera. A path is the combination of several ray
segments. Ray segments are the connections between the camera,
surfaces in the environment, and/or light sources (see Figure 14-2).

2. Unidirectional means paths are constructed in a single (macro) direction.

Paths can start at the camera and move toward light sources or vice
versa. In our implementation, paths begin exclusively at the camera.
Note that this is opposite the direction that light travels in the
physical world!

3. Monte Carlo algorithms use random sampling to approximate difficult or

intractable integrals. In a path tracer, the approximated integral is the
rendering equation, and tracing more paths (a) increases the accuracy of
the integral approximation and (b) produces a better image. Since paths
are costly to compute, we accumulate the resulting color from each path
over time to construct the final image.


Before implementing a reference path tracer in your engine, it is helpful to
understand the basics of modern ray tracing APIs. DXR and VKR introduce
new shader stages (ray generation, closest-hit, any-hit, and intersection),
acceleration structure building functions, ray dispatch functions, and shader
management mechanisms. Since these topics have been covered well in
previous literature, we recommend Chapter 3, “Introduction to DirectX
Raytracing,” [19] of Ray Tracing Gems [6], the SIGGRAPH course of the same
name [18], and Chapter 16 of this book to get up to speed. For a deeper
understanding of how ray tracing works agnostic of API specifics, see
Shirley’s Ray Tracing in One Weekend series [13].

The code sample accompanying this chapter is implemented with DXR and
extends the freely available IntroToDXR sample [10]. At a high level, the steps
necessary to perform GPU ray tracing with the new APIs are as follows:

> At startup:

– Initialize a DirectX device with ray tracing support.

– Compile shaders and create the ray tracing pipeline state object.
– Allocate memory for and initialize a shader table.

> Main loop:

– Update bottom-level acceleration structures (BLAS) of geometry.

– Update top-level acceleration structures (TLAS) of instances.
– Dispatch groups of ray generation shaders.

With the basic execution model in place, the following sections describe the
implementation of the key elements needed for a reference path tracer.


In-depth details regarding acceleration structure memory allocation are often

omitted (rightfully so) from beginner ray tracing tutorials; however, careful
acceleration structure memory management is a higher-priority topic when
integrating a GPU-based path tracer into an existing rendering engine. There
are two scenarios where memory is allocated for acceleration structures:
(1) to store built BLAS and TLAS and (2) for use as intermediate “scratch”
buffers by the API runtime during acceleration structure builds.


Memory for built acceleration structures can be managed using the same
system as memory for geometry, since their lifetime is coupled with the
meshes they represent. Scratch buffers, on the other hand, are temporary
and may be resized or deallocated entirely once acceleration structure builds
are complete. This presents an opportunity to decrease the total memory use
with more adept management of the scratch buffer.

A basic scratch buffer management strategy allocates a single memory block

of predefined size to use for building all acceleration structures. When the
memory needed to build the current acceleration structures exceeds the
predefined capacity, the memory block is increased in size. Acceleration
structures typically require a small amount of memory (relative to the
quantity available on current GPUs), and the maximum memory use can be
predetermined in many cases with automated fly-throughs of scenes.
Nevertheless, this approach’s strengths and weaknesses stem from its
simplicity. Since any part of the memory block may be in use, buffer resize
and/or deallocation operations must be deferred until all acceleration
structures are built—leading to worst-case memory requirements.

To reduce the total memory use, an alternative approach instead serializes

BLAS builds (to some degree) and reuses scratch buffer memory for multiple
builds. Barriers are inserted between builds to ensure that the scratch
memory blocks are safe to reuse before upcoming BLAS build(s) execute.
This process may occur within the scope of a single frame or across several
frames. The number of BLAS builds that execute in parallel versus the
maximum memory needed to build the current group of BLAS is a balancing
act driven by the application’s constraints and the target hardware’s
capabilities. Amortizing builds across multiple frames is especially useful
when a scene contains a large number of meshes.


Time to start tracing rays! We begin by implementing a ray generation shader

that traces primary (camera) rays. This step is a quick way to get our first ray
traced image on screen and confirm that the ray tracing pipeline is working.

To make direct comparisons with output from a rasterizer, we construct

primary rays by extracting the origin and direction from the same 4 × 4 view
and projection matrices used by the rasterizer. We compose primary ray
directions using the camera’s basis, the image’s aspect ratio, and the
camera’s vertical field of view (fov). The implementation is shown in


Listing 14-1. HLSL code to generate primary rays that match a rasterizer’s output.

1 float2 pixel = float2(DispatchRaysIndex ().xy);

2 float2 resolution = float2( DispatchRaysDimensions ().xy);
4 pixel = ((( pixel + 0.5f) / resolution) * 2.f - 1.f);
5 generatePinholeCameraRay (pixel);
7 RayDesc generatePinholeCameraRay (float2 pixel)
8 {
9 // Set up the ray.
10 RayDesc ray;
11 ray.Origin = gData.view [3]. xyz;
12 ray.TMin = 0.f;
13 ray.TMax = FLT_MAX;
15 // Extract the aspect ratio and fov from the projection matrix.
16 float aspect = gData.proj [1][1] / gData.proj [0][0];
17 float tanHalfFovY = 1.f / gData.proj [1][1];
19 // Compute the ray direction.
20 ray.Direction = normalize(
21 (pixel.x * gData.view [0]. xyz * tanHalfFovY * aspect) -
22 (pixel.y * gData.view [1]. xyz * tanHalfFovY) +
23 gData.view [2]. xyz);
25 return ray;
26 }

Listing 14-1. Note that the aspect ratio and field of view are extracted from
the projection matrix and the camera basis right (gData.view[0].xyz), up
(gData.view[1].xyz), and forward (gData.view[2].xyz) vectors are read
from the view matrix.

If the view and projection matrices are only available on the GPU as a single
combined view-projection matrix, the inverse view-projection matrix (which is
typically also available) can be applied to “unproject” points on screen from
normalized device coordinate space. This is not recommended, however, as
near and far plane settings stored in the projection matrix cause numerical
precision issues when the transformation is reversed. More information on
constructing primary rays in ray generation shaders can be found in
Chapter 3.

To test that primary rays are working, it is useful to include visualizations of

built-in DXR variables. For example, the ray hit distance to the nearest
surface (RayTCurrent()) creates an image similar to a depth buffer. For more
colorful visualizations, we output a unique color for each instance index of the


Figure 14-3. Visualizing geometry instance indices (left) and triangle barycentrics (right) is useful
when testing that primary ray tracing is working properly.

intersected geometry (InstanceIndex()) and triangle barycentrics

(BuiltInTriangleIntersectionAttributes.barycentrics). This is shown
in Figure 14-3. A function for hashing an integer to a color, called
hashToColor(int), is available in our code sample.

It is also helpful to implement a split-view or quick-swap option to directly

compare ray traced and rasterized images next to each other. Even when
displaying only the albedo or hit distance, this comparison mode can reveal
subtle mismatches between the ray traced and rasterized outputs. For
example, geometry may be absent or flicker due to missing barriers or race
conditions associated with acceleration structure builds. Another common
problem is for instanced meshes to be positioned incorrectly because the DXR
API expects row-major transformation matrices instead of HLSL’s typical
column-major packed matrices.


Now that primary rays are traversing acceleration structures and intersecting
geometry in the scene, the next step is to load the geometry and material
properties of the intersected surfaces. In our code sample, we use a bindless
approach to access resources on the GPU in both ray tracing and
rasterization. This is implemented with a set of linear buffers that contain all


Vertex Buffers VB 0 VB 1 VB 2 ...

Index Buffers IB 0 IB 1 IB 2 ...

Material Buffers Mat 0 Mat 1 Mat 2

Instance ID Material Index Geometry Index

10 LSB 14 MSB

Figure 14-4. Bindless access of geometry and material data using an encoded instance ID.

geometry and material data used in the scene. The buffers are then marked
as accessible to any invocation of any shader.

The main difference when ray tracing is that the index and vertex data of the
geometry (e.g., position, texture coordinates, normals) must be explicitly
loaded in the shaders and interpolated manually. To facilitate this, we encode
and store the buffer indices of the geometry and material data in the 24-bit
instance ID parameter of each TLAS geometry instance descriptor. Illustrated
in Figure 14-4, the index into the array of buffers containing the geometry
index and vertex data is packed into the 14 most significant bits of the
instance ID value, and the material index is packed into the 10 least significant
bits (note that this limits the number of unique geometry and material entries
to 16,384 and 1,024 respectively). The encoded value is then read with
InstanceID() in the closest (or any) hit shader, decoded, and used to load the
proper material and geometry data. This encoding scheme is implemented in
HLSL with two complementary functions shown in Listing 14-2.

Listing 14-2. HLSL to encode and decode the geometry and material indices.

1 inline uint packInstanceID(uint materialID , uint geometryID) {

2 return (( geometryID & 0x3FFF) << 10) | (materialID & 0x3FF);
3 }
5 inline void unpackInstanceID(uint instanceID , out uint materialID ,
6 out uint geometryID) {
7 materialID = instanceID & 0x3FF;
8 geometryID = (instanceID >> 10) & 0x3FFF;
9 }


Figure 14-5. Visualizations of various properties output by the ray generation shader. From left to
right: base color, normal, world-space position, and texture coordinates.

To confirm that the geometry and material data have been loaded and
interpolated correctly, it is useful to output G-buffer–like visualizations from
the ray generation shader of geometric data (e.g., world-space position,
geometric normal, texture coordinates) and material properties (e.g., albedo,
shading normal, roughness, etc.). These images can be directly compared
with visualizations of a G-buffer generated with a rasterizer, as shown in
Figure 14-5.


At the core of every path tracer, there is a random number generator (RNG).
Random numbers are necessary to drive the sampling of materials, lights,
procedurally generated textures, and much more as the path tracer simulates
light transport. A high-quality RNG with a long period is an essential tool in
path tracing. It ensures that each sample taken makes meaningful progress
toward reducing noise and improving its approximation of the rendering
equation without bias.

We rely on pseudo-random numbers, which have same statistical properties

as real random numbers and are generated deterministically using one initial
seed value. A common way to generate pseudo-random numbers on the GPU
is to compute them in shader code at runtime. A fast and popular
shader-based method is an xorshift function or linear congruential generator


Listing 14-3. Initialization of the random seed for an xorshift-based RNG for the given pixel and
frame number. The seed provides an initial state for the RNG and is modified each time a new
random number is generated.

1 uint jenkinsHash(uint x) {
2 x += x << 10;
3 x ^= x >> 6;
4 x += x << 3;
5 x ^= x >> 11;
6 x += x << 15;
7 return x;
8 }
10 uint initRNG(uint2 pixel , uint2 resolution , uint frame) {
11 uint rngState = dot(pixel , uint2(1, resolution.x)) ^ jenkinsHash(frame);
12 return jenkinsHash(rngState);
13 }

(LCG) seeded with a hash function [12]. First, the random seed for the RNG is
established by hashing the current pixel’s screen coordinates and the frame
number (see Listing 14-3). This hashing ensures a good distribution of
random numbers spatially across neighboring pixels and temporally across
subsequent frames. We use the Jenkins’s one_at_a_time hash [8], but other
fast hash functions, such as the Wang hash [17], can be used as well.

Next, each new random number is generated by converting the seed into a
floating-point number and hashing it again (see Listing 14-4). Notice how the
rand function modifies the RNG’s state. Since the generated number is a
sequence of random bits forming an unsigned integer, we need to convert this
to a floating-point number in the range [0, 1). This is achieved by using

Listing 14-4. Generating a random number using the xorshift RNG. The rand function invokes
the xorshift function to modify the RNG state in place and then converts the result to a random
floating-point number.

1 float uintToFloat(uint x) {
2 return asfloat (0 x3f800000 | (x >> 9)) - 1.f;
3 }
5 uint xorshift(inout uint rngState)
6 {
7 rngState ^= rngState << 13;
8 rngState ^= rngState >> 17;
9 rngState ^= rngState << 5;
10 return rngState;
11 }
13 float rand(inout uint rngState) {
14 return uintToFloat(xorshift(rngState));
15 }


the 23 most significant bits as a mantissa of the floating-point number

representation and setting the sign bits and exponent to zero. This generates
numbers in the [1, 2) range, so we subtract one to shift numbers into the
desired [0, 1) range.

In our code sample, we also include an implementation of the recent PCG4D

generator [7]. This RNG uses an input vector of four numbers (the pixel’s
screen coordinates, the frame number, and the current sample number) and
returns four random numbers. See Listing 14-5.

Listing 14-5. Implementation of the PCG4D RNG [7]. An input vector of four numbers is
transformed into four random numbers.

1 uint4 pcg4d(uint4 v)
2 {
3 v = v * 1664525u + 1013904223u;
5 v.x += v.y * v.w;
6 v.y += v.z * v.x;
7 v.z += v.x * v.y;
8 v.w += v.y * v.z;
10 v = v ^ (v >> 16u);
11 v.x += v.y * v.w;
12 v.y += v.z * v.x;
13 v.z += v.x * v.y;
14 v.w += v.y * v.z;
16 return v;
17 }

The four inputs PCG4D requires are readily available in the ray generation
shader; however, they must be passed into other shader stages (e.g., closest
and any-hit). For best performance, the payload that passes data between ray
tracing shader stages should be kept as small as possible, so we hash the
four inputs to a more compact seed value before passing it to the other
shader stages. A discussion of different strategies for hashing these
parameters and updating the hash for drawing subsequent samples is
discussed in the recent survey by Jarzynski and Olano [7].

Both of the RNGs we’ve discussed generate uniform distributions (white

noise) with long periods. The random numbers are generally well distributed,
but there is no guarantee that similar random numbers won’t appear in
nearby pixels (spatially or temporally). As a result, it can be beneficial to also
use sequences of random numbers to combat this problem. Low-discrepancy
sequences, such as Halton or Sobol, are commonly used as well as blue
noise. These help improve convergence speed but are typically only useful for


sampling in a few dimensions. Some sequences, such as blue noise, must be

precalculated and therefore have limited length. More information on using
blue noise to improve sampling can be found in Chapter 24.


With the ability to trace rays and a dependable random number generator in
hand, we now have the tools necessary to sample a scene, accumulate the
results, and progressively refine an image. Shown in Listing 14-6, progressive
refinement is implemented by adding the image generated by each frame to
an accumulation buffer and then normalizing the accumulated colors before
displaying the image shown on screen. Figure 14-6 compares a single frame’s
result with the normalized accumulated result from many frames.

Listing 14-6. Implementing an accumulation buffer (ray generation shader).

1 uint2 LaunchIndex = DispatchRaysIndex ().xy;

2 // Trace a path for the current pixel.
3 // ...
4 // Get the accumulated color.
5 float3 previousColor = accumulationBuffer[LaunchIndex ].rgb;
7 // Add the current image 's results.
8 float3 accumulatedColor = previousColor + radiance;
9 accumulationBuffer[LaunchIndex] = float4(accumulatedColor , 1.f);
11 // Normalize the accumulated results to get the final result.
12 return linearToSrgb(accumulatedColor / gData.accumulatedFrames );

Figure 14-6. A single path traced frame (left) and the normalized accumulated result from one
million frames (right).


The number of accumulated frames is used to ensure that each frame is

weighted equally when converting the accumulation buffer’s contents to the
final image. We use a high-precision 32-bit floating-point format for our
accumulation buffer to allow for a large number of samples to be included.
Note that typical render target formats in the rasterization pipeline can
depend on hardware auto-conversion from linear to sRGB color spaces when
writing results. This is not currently supported for the unordered access view
types commonly used for output buffers in ray tracing, so it may be necessary
to manually convert the final result to sRGB. This is implemented in our code
sample by the linearToSrgb function.

In addition to amortizing the high cost of computing paths, accumulating

images generated by randomly sampling the scene also naturally antialiases
the final result. Shown in Listing 14-7, antialiasing is now trivial to implement
by randomly jittering ray directions (of primary rays as well as rays traced for
material evaluation). For primary rays, this robust sampling not only removes
jagged edges caused by geometric aliasing, but also mitigates the moiré
patterns that appear on undersampled textured surfaces.

Listing 14-7. Jittering primary ray directions for antialiasing.

1 float2 pixel = float2(DispatchRaysIndex ().xy);

2 float2 resolution = float2( DispatchRaysDimensions ().xy);
4 // Add a random offset to the pixel 's screen coordinates.
5 float2 offset = float2(rand(rngState), rand(rngState));
6 pixel += lerp ( -0.5.xx , 0.5.xx , offset);
8 pixel = ((( pixel + 0.5f) / resolution) * 2.f - 1.f);
9 generatePinholeCameraRay (pixel);

This convenient property of accumulation makes it possible to forgo texture

level of detail strategies (such as mipmapping and ray differentials) and
sample only the highest-resolution version of any texture. Since current
graphics hardware and APIs do not support automatic texture level of detail
mechanisms in ray tracing, the benefits of accumulation make it possible for
our reference path tracer to avoid the added code and complexity related to
implementing it (at the cost of performance). Should improved performance
and support for texture level of detail become necessary (e.g., to implement
ray traced reflections in the real-time renderer), suitable methods are
available in Ray Tracing Gems [2], The Journal of Computer Graphics
Techniques [1], and Chapters 7 and 10 of this book.


ray = generatePrimaryRay();
throughput = 1.0;
radiance = 0.0;
for bounce ∈ {1 . . . MAX_BOUNCES} do
if hit surface then
brdf, brdfPdf, ray = SampleBrdf();
throughput *= brdf / brdfPdf;
radiance += throughput * skyColor;

return radiance;

Figure 14-7. The basic path tracing loop.


Now we are ready to trace rays beyond primary rays and create full paths
from the camera to surfaces and lights in the environment. To accomplish
this, we extend our existing ray generation shader and implement a basic
path tracing loop, illustrated in Figure 14-7. The process begins by initializing
a ray to be cast from the camera into the environment (i.e., a primary ray).
Next, we enter a loop and ray tracing begins. If a ray trace misses all surfaces
in the scene, the sky’s contribution is added to the result color and the loop is
terminated. If a ray intersects geometry in the scene, the intersected
surface’s material properties are loaded and the associated bidirectional
reflectance distribution function (BRDF) is evaluated to determine the
direction of the next ray to trace along the path. The BRDF accounts for the
composition of the material, so for rough surfaces, the reflected ray direction
is randomized and then attenuated based on object color. Details on BRDF
evaluation are described in the next section.

For a simple first test of the path tracing loop implementation, set the sky’s
contribution to be fully white (float3(1, 1, 1)). This creates lighting
conditions commonly referred to as the white furnace because all surfaces in
the scene are illuminated with white light equally from all directions. Shown
in Figure 14-8, this lighting test is especially helpful when evaluating the
energy conservation characteristics of BRDF implementations. After the


Figure 14-8. The interior scene rendered using the white furnace test with white diffuse
materials applied to all surfaces.

white furnace test, try loading values from an environment map in place of a
fixed sky color.

Note the two variables, radiance and throughput, declared and initialized at
the beginning of the path tracing loop in Figure 14-7. Radiance is the final
intensity of the light energy presented on screen for a given path. Radiance is
initially zero and increases as light is encountered along the path being
traced. Throughput represents the amount of energy that may be transferred
along a path’s ray segment after interacting with a surface. Throughput is
initialized to one (the maximum) and decreases as surfaces are encountered
along the path. Every time the path intersects a surface, the throughput is
attenuated based on the properties of the intersected surface (dictated by the
material BRDF at the point on the surface). When a path arrives at a light
source (i.e., an emissive surface), the throughput is multiplied by the intensity
of the light source and added to the radiance. Note how simple it is to support
emissive geometry using this approach!


To render a scene with a variety of realistic materials, we implement BRDFs

that describe how light interacts with surfaces. Most surfaces in the physical
world reflect some subset of the incoming light (or light wavelengths) in a set


Diffuse Lobe

Incident Ray Reflecting Ray

Specular Lobe

Figure 14-9. Importance sampling of a BRDF involves selecting a direction of the reflecting ray,
based on the incident ray direction and surface properties. The image shows several possible ray
directions for the specular lobe (black arrows) and one selected direction highlighted in blue.

of directions defined by the surface’s micro-scale geometric composition.

These parameters of variation create an incredible amount of distinct colors
and appearances. To simulate this behavior and achieve a desired surface
appearance, we (a) attenuate ray throughput according to a material BRDF
and (b) reflect incident light within the solid angle determined by the material
BRDF (often called a lobe). For example, metals and mirrors reflect most
incoming light in the direction of perfect reflection, whereas rough matte
surfaces reflect light in all directions over the hemisphere above the surface.

To properly attenuate the ray throughput, we importance-sample the

material’s BRDF lobes by evaluating the brdf and brdfPdf values shown in
Figure 14-7. Importance sampling ensures that each new ray along the path
contributes in a meaningful way to the evaluation of the surface material [9].
brdfPdf is a probability density function (PDF) of selecting a particular ray
direction over all other possible directions, and it is specific to the importance
sampling method being used. In our sample code, this process is
encapsulated in the sampleBrdf function. This function generates a direction
for the next ray to be traced along a path and computes the BRDF value
corresponding to the given combination of incident and reflected ray
directions. See Figure 14-9.

To ease into BRDF implementation, we recommend starting with diffuse

materials. In this case, incoming light is reflected equally in all directions,
which is simpler to implement. We implement this behavior by generating ray
directions within a cosine weighted hemisphere (see sampleHemisphere in


the sample code) and using a PDF of brdfPdf = cos ω/π. This distributes rays
across the entire hemisphere above the surface proportional to the cosine
term found in the rendering equation. The Lambertian term
brdfWeight = diffuseColor/π can be pre-divided by the PDF and multiplied by
the cosine term, resulting in brdfWeight/brdfPdf being equal to the diffuse
color of the surface.

To support a wide range of physically based materials, we employ a

combination of specular and diffuse BRDFs commonly used in games as
detailed by Boksansky [4]. Note that these implementations return BRDF
values already divided by the PDF, while also accounting for the rendering
equation’s cosine term, so these calculations are not explicitly shown in our
code sample.


Many material models are composed of two or more BRDF lobes, and it is
common to evaluate separate lobes for the specular and diffuse components
of a material. In fact, when rendering semitransparent or refractive objects,
an additional bidirectional transmittance distribution function (BTDF) is also
evaluated. This is discussed in more detail in Chapter 11.

Since the reference path tracer accumulates images, we are able to

progressively sample all lobes of a material’s BRDF while only tracing a single
ray from each surface every frame. With this comes a new choice: which
BRDF lobe should be sampled on each intersection? A simple solution is to
randomly choose one of the lobes, each with equal probability; however, this
may sample a component of the overall BRDF that ultimately doesn’t
contribute much to the final result. For example, highly reflective metals do
not have a diffuse component, so the diffuse lobe does not need to be
sampled at all.

To address this, we (a) evaluate a subset of each lobe’s terms ahead of

selection to use to (b) estimate the lobe’s contribution and then (c) use the
estimate to set the probability of selecting the lobe. Lobes with higher
estimated contributions receive higher probabilities and are selected more
often. This approach requires a careful balance between the number of terms
evaluated before selection and the efficiency of the entire selection process.
Note that some terms can only be evaluated once the reflected ray direction is
known, which is expensive to generate.


pSpecular = getBrdfProbability();
if rand(rngState) < pSpecular) then
brdfType = SPECULAR;
throughput /= pSpecular;
brdfType = DIFFUSE;
throughput /= (1 - pSpecular);

Figure 14-10. Importance sampling and BRDF lobe selection. We select lobes using a random
number and probability pspecular . Throughput is divided by either pspecular or 1 – pspecular ,
depending on the selected lobe.

In our code sample, we implement BRDF lobe selection using the importance
sampling algorithm shown in Figure 14-10. The probability of choosing a
specular or diffuse lobe as an estimate of their respective contributions
especular and ediffuse is written as

pspecular = , (14.1)
especular + ediffuse

where especular is equal to the Fresnel term F. We evaluate F using the

shading normal instead of the microfacet normal (i.e., the view and reflection
direction half-vector), since the true microfacet normal is known only after
the reflected ray direction is computed by sampling the specular lobe. This
works reasonably well for most materials, but is less efficient for rough
surfaces viewed at grazing angles. Note that estimate ediffuse is only based on
the diffuse reflectance of the surface. Depending on the way a material model
combines diffuse and specular lobes together, ediffuse may also need to be
weighted by 1 – F.

This approach is simple and fast, but can generate lobe contribution estimates
that are very small in some cases (e.g., rough materials with a slight specular
highlight or an object that is barely semitransparent). Low-probability
estimates cause certain lobes to be undersampled and can manifest as a “salt
and pepper” pattern in the image. Dividing by small probability values
introduces numerical precision issues and may also introduce firefly artifacts.
To solve these problems, we clamp pspecular to the range [0.1, 0.9] whenever it
is not equal to zero or one. This ensures a reasonable minimal sampling
frequency for each contributing BRDF lobe when the estimates are very small.



Since we are tracing paths by iteratively casting rays, we need to handle

termination of the loop. Light paths naturally end when the light energy
carried along the path is fully absorbed or once the path exits the scene to the
sky, but reaching this state can require an extremely large number of
bounces. In closed interior scenes, paths may never exit the scene. To
prevent tracing paths of unbounded length, we define a maximum number of
bounces and terminate the ray tracing loop once the maximum is reached, as
shown in Figure 14-7. Bias is introduced when terminating paths too early,
but paths that never encounter light are unnecessary and limit performance.

To balance this trade-off, we use a Russian roulette approach to decide if

insignificant paths should be terminated early. An insignificant path is one
that encounters a surface that substantially decreases ray throughput, and as
a result will not significantly contribute to the final image. Shown in
Listing 14-8, Russian roulette is run before tracing each non-primary ray, and
it randomly selects whether to terminate the ray tracing loop or not. The
probability of termination is based on the luminance of the path’s throughput
and is clamped to be at most 0.95 so every possible surface interaction, even
those with perfect mirrors, may be terminated. To avoid introducing bias from
path termination, the throughput of the non-terminated path is increased
using the termination probability. We allow Russian roulette termination to
start after a few initial bounces (three in our code sample), to prevent light
paths from being terminated too early.

Listing 14-8. Using a Russian roulette approach to decide if paths should terminate.

1 if (bounce > MIN_BOUNCES) {

2 float rr_p = min (0.95f, luminance(throughput));
3 if (rr_p < rand(rngState)) break;
4 else throughput /= rr_p;
5 }

Integration of Russian roulette into the path tracing loop is shown in

Figure 14-11. This improvement allows us to increase the maximum number
of bounces a path may have and ensures computation time is spent primarily
where it is needed.


Since ray segments along a path may intersect a surface on either side—not
only the side facing the camera—it is best to disable backface culling when


for bounce ∈ {1 . . . MAX_BOUNCES} do
Trace ray and evaluate direct lighting...
russianRoulette = luminance(throughput);
if russianRoulette < rand() then
throughput /= russianRoulette;

return radiance;

Figure 14-11. The improved path tracing loop with Russian roulette path termination.

tracing rays (which also improves performance). As a result, special care is

required to ensure that correct surface normals are available on both sides of
the surface. Shown in Listing 14-9, we account for this programmatically by
inverting normals with the same direction as the incident ray.

Listing 14-9. Inversion of backfacing normals.

1 float3 V = -ray.Direction;
2 if (dot(geometryNormal , V) < 0.0f) geometryNormal *= -1;
3 if (dot(geometryNormal , shadingNormal) < 0.0f) shadingNormal *= -1;

A related issue is self-intersections that occur when a ray intersection is

reported for the same surface from which a ray originates. This happens
when the ray origin is erroneously placed on the opposite side of a surface
due to insufficient numerical precision. A simple solution to this problem is to
move the origin away from the surface along the normal by a small fixed
amount ϵ (ϵ ≈ 0.001), but this approach is not general and almost always
introduces light leaking and disconnected shadows. To prevent these
problems, we use the improved approach described in Chapter 6 of Ray
Tracing Gems [16], which is based on calculating the minimal offset necessary
to prevent self-intersections (see Figure 14-12). Note that this approach
works best when the ray/surface intersection position is calculated from the
triangle’s vertex positions and interpolated with barycentrics, as this is more
precise than using the ray origin, direction, and hit distance. This method also
allows us to set the TMin of reflecting rays to zero and prevent
self-intersections by simply updating the ray origin.



Figure 14-12. The offsetRay method in our code sample calculates a new ray origin P′
originating at the ray/surface intersection point P to minimize self-intersections and light leaks
caused by insufficient numerical precision.


Illumination from the sky produces beautiful results in a variety of exterior

and open interior scenes, but emissive objects (i.e., lights!) are another
important component when illuminating interior scenes. In this section, we
cover virtual lights and shadow rays. This special treatment of light sources is
sometimes referred to as next event estimation.

To support virtual lights, we modify the path tracing loop as shown in

Figure 14-13. At every ray/surface intersection we randomly select one light
(see sampleLight in the code sample) and cast a shadow ray that determines
the visibility between the light and the surface. If the light is visible from the
surface, we evaluate the surface’s BRDF for the light, divide by the sampling
PDF of the light, and add the result multiplied by the throughput to the path
radiance (similar to how we handle emissive geometry). This process is
illustrated in Figure 14-14.

Since point lights are just a position in space without any area, the
contribution of the point light increases to infinity as the distance between the
light and a surface approaches zero. This creates a singularity that causes
invalid values (NaNs) and firefly artifacts that are important to mitigate in a
path tracer. We use a method by Yuksel to avoid this obstacle when evaluating
point lights [20]. Listing 14-10 shows how point light evaluation is
implemented in our sample code. Our code sample supports point and
directional lights, but it is straightforward to implement more light types as
necessary. For debugging use, we automatically place one directional light
source (the sun) and one point light source attached to the camera (a
headlight) in the scene. To improve performance when evaluating lights, we


for bounce ∈ {1 . . . MAX_BOUNCES} do
if hit then
lightIntensity, lightPdf = SampleLight();
radiance += ray.throughput * EvalBrdf() * lightIntensity *
CastShadowRay() / lightPdf;
if bounce == MAX_BOUNCES then
brdf, brdfPdf, ray = SampleBrdf();
throughput *= brdf / brdfPdf;
radiance += throughput * skyColor;
Russian roulette ray termination...
return radiance;

Figure 14-13. The path tracing loop modified to support virtual lights.

Light Source




Figure 14-14. An illustration of the path tracing loop with virtual lights. A primary ray (yellow) is
generated and cast. At every surface intersection, a shadow ray (green) is cast toward selected
light sources in addition to the BRDF lobe ray (blue).

create a dedicated DXR hit group for shadow ray tracing—as these rays only
need to determine visibility—and skip the closest-hit shader in the ray tracing


Listing 14-10. Evaluating virtual lights in a path tracer.

1 Light light;
2 float lightWeight;
3 sampleLight(rngState , hitPosition , geometryNormal , light , lightWeight);
5 // Prepare data needed to evaluate the light.
6 float lightDistance = distance(light.position , hitPosition);
7 float3 L = normalize(light.position - hitPosition);
9 // Cast shadow ray toward the light to evaluate its visibility.
10 if (castShadowRay(hitPosition , geometryNormal , L, lightDistance))
11 {
12 // Evaluate BRDF and accumulate contribution from sampled light.
13 radiance += throughput * evalCombinedBRDF(shadingNormal , L, V, material)
* ( getLightIntensityAtPoint (light , lightDistance) * lightWeight);
14 }


In the majority of situations, it is not practical to evaluate and cast shadow

rays from all surfaces to all virtual lights in a scene. In the previous section
we depended on the sampleLight function to select one virtual light from the
set of all lights in the scene at each ray/surface intersection. But what is the
“correct” light to select and how should this work?

Shown in Listing 14-11, a simple solution is to randomly select one light from
the list of lights using a uniform distribution, with a probability of selection
equal to 1/N, where N is number of lights (the lightWeight variable in
Listing 14-10 is equal to reciprocal of this PDF, analogous to the way we
handle BRDF sampling). This approach is straightforward but produces noisy
results because it does not consider the brightness of or distance to the
selected light. On the opposite end of the spectrum, an expensive solution
may evaluate the surface’s BRDF for all lights to establish the probability of
selecting each light, and then use importance sampling to select lights based
on their actual contribution.

Listing 14-11. Random selection of a light from all lights with a uniform distribution.

1 uint randomLightIndex =
2 min(gData.lightCount - 1, uint(rand(rngState) * gData.lightCount));
3 light = gData.lights[randomLightIndex ];
4 lightSampleWeight = float(gData.lightCount);


A reasonable compromise between these options is a method based on

resampling introduced by Talbot [15]. Instead of evaluating the full surface
BRDF for all lights, we randomly select a few candidates (e.g., around eight)
with a simple uniform distribution method. Next, we evaluate either the full or
partial BRDF for these candidate lights and stochastically choose one light
based on its contribution. With this approach, we are able to quickly discard
lights on the backfacing side of the surface and select ones that are visible,
brighter, and closer more often. This method is included in our code sample
in the sampleLightRIS function. More details about light selection and
resampling can be found in Chapters 22 and 23.


The rendering of transparent and translucent surfaces is a classic challenge

in graphics, and real-time ray tracing provides us with powerful new tools to
improve existing real-time techniques for transparency. In our code sample
and shown in Listing 14-12, we include a simple alpha-test transparency mode
where a surface’s alpha value is compared to a specified threshold and
intersections are ignored depending on the result. Any-hit shaders are
invoked on every intersected surface while searching for the closest hit, which
gives us the opportunity to ignore the hit if the surface’s alpha is below the
transparency threshold. To perform this test, the alpha value often comes
from a texture and must be loaded on all any-hit shader invocations. This
operation is expensive, so it is best to ensure that any-hit shaders are only
executed for geometry with transparent materials. To do this in DXR, mark all
BLAS geometry representing fully opaque surfaces with the

Listing 14-12. Implementation of the alpha test transparency using the any-hit shader. Note the
relatively large number of operations performed on every tested surface while searching for the
closest hit.

1 MaterialData mData = materials[materialID ];

2 float opacity = mData.opacity;
4 if (mData.baseColorTexIdx != -1) {
5 float3 barycentrics = float3 ((1.0f - attrib.uv.x - attrib.uv.y), attrib.
uv.x, attrib.uv.y);
6 VertexAttributes vertex = GetVertexAttributes(geometryID , PrimitiveIndex
(), barycentrics);
7 opacity *= textures[mData.baseColorTexIdx ]. SampleLevel(linearSampler ,
vertex.uv , 0.0f).a;
8 }
10 if (opacity < mData.alphaCutoff) IgnoreHit ();


The alpha-tested transparency discussed here barely scratches the surface of

the complexity that transparency introduces to the rendering process. This
topic deserves an entire chapter (or book!) of its own, and you can learn more
about rendering transparent surfaces in Chapter 11.


Defocus blur, sometimes called a depth of field or bokeh, is an interesting visual

effect that is difficult to implement with rasterization-based renderers, yet
easy to achieve with a path tracer. To implement it, we generate primary rays
in a way that emulates how light is transported through a real camera lens
and then accumulate many frames over time to smooth out the results. Our
code sample contains a simple implementation of this effect using a thin lens
model (see the generateThinLensCameraRay function). More details about
defocus blur can be found in Chapter 1 and Physically Based Rendering [11].

The path tracer described in this chapter is relatively simple, but suitable for
rendering high-quality references for games and as an experimentation
platform for the development of real-time effects. It has been used during the
development of an unreleased AAA game and has proved to be a helpful tool.
The code sample accompanying this chapter is freely available, contains a
functional path tracer, and can be extended and integrated into game engines
without any restrictions.

There are many ways this path tracer can be improved, including support for
refraction, volumetrics, and subsurface scattering as well as denoising
techniques and performance optimizations to produce noise-free results
while running at real-time frame rates. The accompanying chapters in this
book, its previous volume [6], and Physically Based Rendering [11] are
excellent sources of inspiration for improvements as well. We recommend the
blog posts “Effectively Integrating RTX Ray Tracing into a Real-Time
Rendering Engine” [14] and “Optimizing VK/VKR and DX12/DXR Applications
Using Nsight Graphics: GPU Trace Advanced Mode Metrics” [3] for guidance
on the integration of real-time ray tracing into existing engines and on
optimizing performance.


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