Rewiring Your Brain

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Heart Mind Institute

Rewiring Your Brain


By Fleet Maull PhD

Table of Contents

03 Introduction

04 The Brain

06 The Brain's Optimal Functioning

08 What is Neuroplasticity?

09 Habit Formation

10 Self-Directed Neuroplasticity

14 Regulating the Nervous System

16 The Window of Tolerance

17 States and Traits

18 Conclusion
03 Rewiring Your Brain


Scientists used to say that the brain was

mostly static and unchangeable once we
reached adulthood. It was believed that
sometimes in our twenties, the brain reached
maturity, stopped developing, and became
fixed in its habits, and from there, only
degenerated as we aged. However, research
on neuroplasticity has shown that this is not
the case. We now know that the brain can
evolve, change, and adapt over time, and that
neuroplasticity is present throughout our
lifespan—even though it is more pronounced
during early development.

The exciting concept of rewiring the brain,

also known as designing the mind, brain
hacking, and biohacking, is based on our
growing understanding of neuroplasticity. By
actively rewiring our brains, we can improve
our cognitive abilities and overall well-being.
In this ebook, we will delve deeper into the
topic of rewiring the brain, exploring what it
means, how it works, and the steps we can
take to harness the power of neuroplasticity
for healing, optimizing well-being, as well as
personal growth and development.
04 Rewiring Your Brain

The Brain

The brain is a completely holistic enterprise, making it difficult to describe functional areas or
specific aspects without oversimplification. However, there are still useful ways to discuss what
we know. It's essential to remember that the brain and the human nervous system are the most
complex systems we know of in the universe. The brain alone contains over a trillion cells, with
approximately 86 billion of those being neurons. These neurons communicate with each other,
forming connections, neural pathways, and circuitry that allow us to do everything from walking
and talking, to tying our shoes, speaking languages, doing mathematics, driving cars, and riding
bicycles. The ability to perform such a wide range of activities is due to the brain's development
of neural connections, pathways, and networks.

When it comes to understanding the brain, one of the most effective metaphors is the current
personal computer. While the mechanical clock was once a popular analogy, our technology has
since evolved, and it now makes sense to compare the brain to computers, as they are designed
to mimic its capacity. In fact, current supercomputers are becoming more and more like the
brain, using advanced language models to develop artificial intelligence, which is growing rapidly.
05 Rewiring Your Brain

Prior to these developments, computers used to

be machines operating on circuitry that could be
switched on or off, and programmers would write
programs to instruct them to perform specific
operations. These days, computers are rapidly
evolving, making them more and more like the
human brain. They are learning machines that
can develop their own programming and
software based on their exposure to data, and the
programmer cannot even see into the programs
the computer is running. Still, they have not yet
matched the capacity and intelligence of the
human brain.

That being said, a computer remains a useful

metaphor for understanding brain function,
particularly in talking about rewiring the brain. We
can imagine the brain as a complex circuit board
with wiring and neural networks that we can re-
organize. So, this analogy has some usefulness.

We should, however, remember that the brain is a

highly complex, organic system, whose activity
resembles waves of energy moving through its
neural architecture. In an optimized brain, these
waves of energy and processes flow like a
beautiful symphony, with everything working in
harmony. What we call mind is an emergent
property of our brain’s complex neural activity
and its interactions with other energy fields. Dan
Siegel, MD, a leading theorist and practitioner in
the field of interpersonal neurobiology, describes
mind as a flow of energy and information within
(our own neural processes and bio-energetic
systems) and between (in relationship with
others and the natural world).
06 Rewiring Your Brain

The Brain's Optimal Functioning

Before we delve into the topic of rewiring the brain, it's worth discussing the key requirements
for the brain to function in an optimal manner. Dr. Dan Siegel explains that the brain requires
differentiation. This means that, as the brain grows more complex to solve more complex
problems, it develops a greater number of neural networks and specialized areas for different
functions. Additionally, these different parts of the brain must be highly integrated and
communicate with each other efficiently and fluidly for optimal brain function. Thus, an optimal
brain is described as a highly differentiated, integrated, and synchronized system, leading to a
beautiful sense of flow and optimal cognitive and self-regulating capacities. I would highly
recommend Dr. Siegel's work, particularly his book "The Developing Mind," for anyone
interested in delving deeper into this topic.

Brain damage or various forms of emotional and physical trauma can impact the brain in a way
that disrupts this optimal integration and flow, causing it to shift into rigidity or chaos. According
to Dr. Siegel, if we look at the DSM-5, which is the diagnostic manual used in psychiatry, all
human challenges and so-called mental disorders described there are either disorders of
rigidity or chaos.
07 Rewiring Your Brain

The concept of rewiring the brain and optimizing its performance is about achieving an
optimal state of integration and flow as well as avoiding being stuck in rigidity or moving into
chaos. One could imagine this optimal flow as a river flowing between the banks of rigidity on
one side and chaos on the other.

As the brain differentiates to solve increasingly complex problems, it also needs to integrate,
which means all the differentiated parts are connected and communicating efficiently with each
other to maintain this optimal synchronization and flow. Thus, the process of brain optimization
occurs at higher and higher orders of complexity as the brain continues to develop and evolve.
08 Rewiring Your Brain

What is Neuroplasticity

Let's now dive into the fascinating world of neuroplasticity and

how our neural networks form. In early life, humans have a high
level of neuroplasticity, allowing us to learn and absorb information
quickly through imitation and association. For example, children
exposed to multiple languages can become fluent in several
languages at a young age. As adults, we may find it challenging to
learn a new language because our neuroplasticity has decreased,
but we can still enhance our neuroplasticity by making the effort to
learn new things.

The process of developing neural networks occurs when “neurons

that fire together wire together,” as stated in a well-known quote
from Canadian neuropsychologist Dr, Donald O. Hebb. By
repeatedly associating activities, certain neurons in the brain
continuously fire together, allowing neurotransmitters to cross the
synapse between them. Over time, these connections become
stronger and form stable neural networks. We can think of these
neural networks as well-developed pathways or roadways. The
more well-developed and robust they become (neuronal thickness
and myelination), they are then like newly paved, well-lit roadways
that are easy to follow.

We learn by repeating activities again and again and associating

certain inputs with certain behaviors and outcomes or rewards,
which, over time, become habits that are supported by neural
pathways in the brain. Our ability to tie our shoes, for example, is a
learned behavior supported by specific neural pathways in the brain.
09 Rewiring Your Brain

Habit Formation

Both positive and negative habits are formed in this manner— positive habits like remembering
to brush our teeth every morning and negative habits like overeating or being prone to lose
one’s temper. These all correspond to neural pathways in the brain. We've repeated behaviors
again and again, and as a result, these neural pathways become deeply ingrained, leading to
almost automatic behaviors. Many of us have had the experiences, for example, when driving
on the highway, of mindlessly taking the exit we normally use every day to get home, even
though our intention is to drive to a different destination requiring a different route.

Sometimes we describe these habits and their underlying neural pathways as grooves and ruts
in the brain. A groove is a positive metaphor, as in “grooving your golf swing” or being “in the
groove." We develop the muscle memory and the neural pathways that allow us to execute a
golf swing beautifully and efficiently without thinking. We also know how it feels to have a habit
that's not so great, in which we feel stuck—like being stuck in a rut, which is a more negative
association. But whether they're grooves or ruts, these are literally pathways developed in the
brain. They are neuro-physical realities.

Neuroplasticity, however, allows us to change these habits if we choose to do so. These

pathways can be modified. The brain can form new neural connections, reorganize existing
ones, and even generate new neurons in certain areas of the brain through a process known as
neurogenesis. This process allows us to learn new things, acquire new skills, create positive
habits that are serving us, and even recover from brain injuries. In fact, studies have shown that
even in old age, the brain retains its ability to change and adapt.
10 Rewiring Your Brain


The idea of rewiring the brain is closely related to what is called

“self-directed neuroplasticity.” This approach is based on
integrating neuroscience with positive psychology, a branch of
psychology founded by Dr. Martin Seligman and focused on human
flourishing and well-being. Positive psychology emphasizes positive
emotions, life satisfaction, and happiness, and is distinct from other
forms of psychology that focus more on pathology and suffering.

Self-directed neuroplasticity combines insights from positive

psychology with what we know about the brain and neuroplasticity
—how the brain learns and changes. This approach is about
intentionally directing our thoughts and actions to promote positive
changes in the brain and its functioning.

It's worth noting that positive psychology doesn't aim to demonize

negative emotions, which are a normal part of being human.
Instead, it encourages us to cultivate more positive emotions like
appreciation, gratitude, joy, love, and compassion. Dr. Rick Hanson,
a renowned author and expert in self-directed neuroplasticity, has
written extensively about this approach. His work combines
neuroscience, positive psychology, and contemplative practices like
mindfulness meditation to help people optimize their brain
function and promote well-being.
11 Rewiring Your Brain

The term "self-directed" refers to activities that

we can do on our own to promote neuroplasticity
and rewire the brain in ways that benefit us. By
engaging in these activities, we can enhance the
brain's ability to adapt and change, leading to
improved functioning and a greater sense of flow
in our lives. Rather than getting stuck in the
rigidity or chaos that can result from a
dysregulated, stressed-out brain, we are able to
navigate challenges with greater ease and take on
new opportunities with confidence.

So, what can we do to optimize our brain health

and promote neuroplasticity? The good news is
that the same things that are healthy for our body
are also beneficial for our brain. Regular exercise,
a balanced diet rich in nutrients, and adequate
sleep promote neuroplasticity and brain health.
Aerobic exercise may actually be the most
effective means for increasing neuroplasticity.

Additionally, stress management techniques like

mindfulness meditation, yoga, and various deep
breathing exercises can increase neuroplasticity,
neurogenesis and healthy brain functioning, while
ameliorating the negative effects of stress on the
brain. Engaging in activities that challenge the
brain, such as learning a new skill or language,
playing an instrument, or solving puzzles, can also
promote neuroplasticity and neurogenesis. These
activities encourage the formation of new neural
connections and help maintain existing ones.
12 Rewiring Your Brain

Let’s look at ways to optimize our brain's health

and promote neuroplasticity:

Restorative Sleep

Our body has its own internal

healthcare system that
Proper Hydration operates at night. During deep
and Diet sleep, the brain sloughs off
Exercise damaged cells through our
glymphatic system, effectively
By drinking enough water
cleaning itself—a little bit like
Exercise can boost the and other fluids, we actually the defragmentation of a
production of a growth improve cognitive computer's hard drive. Dreams
factor called brain-derived performance. Additionally, are also important for brain
studies have shown that a health. During REM sleep, the
neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
plant-based diet can play a brain consolidates memories,
which promotes the growth
preventive role in reducing processes emotions, and
of new neurons in the
the risk of dementia, a stimulates creativity. Dreams
hippocampus, a region of the help us process and make
condition that impairs brain
brain that plays a crucial role sense of our experiences and
function over time. It also
in memory and learning. emotions, and can even provide
protects the brain from the
Moreover, exercise increases insight and solutions to
effects of aging on memory
blood flow to the brain, problems we may be facing. It is
and cognitive performance.
which supports healthy important to spend a sufficient
portion of our sleep time in
cognitive function.
deep sleep and REM sleep,
which together amount to what
is called restorative sleep.
13 Rewiring Your Brain


Another strategy for increasing

neuroplasticity involves mindfulness
Sane and fulfilling meditation. By placing our attention on
relationships an object—usually the body and the
breath—and then noticing our attention
As social beings, the quality of our wandering and bringing it back, again and
interactions with the people in our life is again, we're building up neural networks
another critical factor that impacts our that support greater focus, better
overall physical, mental, emotional, and concentration, and the ability to have our
spiritual health. For instance, the Harvard attention remain with a particular object
Study of Adult Development, the longest —what is called attention stabilization.
longitudinal study of adult development
ever conducted, has found that the most The practice of mindfulness also can
powerful contributor to overall well-being increase emotional balance. Many of us
is the quality of our relationships. experience intense emotional reactions,
which Daniel Goleman refers to as the
The science now confirms what we "amygdala hijack," where the emotional
intuitively know—long-term, quality part of our brain hijacks our thinking
relationships positively impact our health, brain, sending us into a fear-based fight,
longevity and happiness. They provide us flight or freeze reaction. Regular
with a sense of belonging, social support, mindfulness practice improves our
and emotional stability, which are important capacity for emotion regulation, allowing
for the healthy functioning and optimization us to have greater cognitive control and
of our brain and nervous system. emotional balance.
14 Rewiring Your Brain

Regulating the
Nervous System

The autonomic nervous system, which regulates

almost everything in the human body, has two
branches, the sympathetic branch and the
parasympathetic branch. Activation of the
sympathetic branch upregulates our nervous
system for alertness, but can elevate further into
stress, panic, aggression or rigidity. This is
sometimes called the “stress response.” Activation
of the parasympathetic branch downregulates our
nervous system for relaxation, rest and digestion
and is sometimes called the “relaxation response”
or the “rest & digest response.” However, an
overactive parasympathetic response could lead to
inattentiveness, lethargy and in extreme cases to
immobility and a lack of awareness of one’s
surroundings. Both branches are always active, and
there is an appropriate balance between the two,
depending on the activity we are engaged in.

When we want to sleep, we rely on the

parasympathetic branch to help us unwind, but
when we drive a car, we need more sympathetic
branch activity to stay alert. What is wonderful is
that the autonomic nervous system is connected
with the breath, giving us direct access to it. Thus,
regulating our breath is the key to regulating our
own autonomic nervous system and to self-
regulation altogether.
15 Rewiring Your Brain

Inhaling activates the sympathetic branch, while exhaling activates the

parasympathetic branch. By emphasizing the out-breath, we can bring ourselves back
down when we are too upregulated. By emphasizing the in-breath, we can wake
ourselves up when we are too lethargic. Breathing techniques like straw breathing, box
breathing, and 4-7-8 breathing can help us regulate our own nervous system at will. By
doing so, we can stay in a more resourced state, which can have a positive impact on
our mental and physical health. By regulating our autonomic nervous system
appropriately, we can regulate our own emotional responses and behaviors, thus
putting us in a self-leadership position or more in the driver’s seat of our own lives.
16 Rewiring Your Brain

The Window of Tolerance

Dr. Dan Siegel has developed a helpful framework called the "window of tolerance." We could
also call this our “zone of resilience.” It refers to an optimal range of neurophysiological and
emotional balance where we are able to respond to life circumstances and even challenging
situations in a relatively well-regulated, relational and skillful manner… or from our best self.
When something triggers us outside of this window of tolerance, we tend to either get too
upregulated, leading to the fight, flight or freeze response, resulting in chaos or rigidity, or to shut
down and dissociate, neither of which are optimal for responding to life’s everyday challenges.

We can learn skills to find our way back into the window of tolerance, which is not the same as
our comfort zone. Ideally, we learn to operate within the window of tolerance even in
uncomfortable and very challenging situations. We can respond to life with wisdom, knowledge,
discernment, and skill, instead of being triggered into a reactive, fear and survival mode. Ideally,
we want to spend as much of our time as possible in a responsive, relational mode, where we
can decide how to respond from a place of openness and relaxation, optimizing relationships
and inviting others to experience safety and have their social engagement system online. By
practicing these skills regularly, we can rewire our brain, developing a greater capacity to
respond to life with this zone of resilience, even in challenging situations.
17 Rewiring Your Brain

States and Traits

Being consistent in our practice of self-directed neuroplasticity with

self-regulating practices like meditation, breathwork and mindful
movement makes a big difference. Another way to explain the
process is by using the two categories of 1) states and 2) traits. States
refer to temporary states of body and mind… physiological, mental,
and emotional states. For instance, deep sleep, the dream state, and
the waking state, which can include various balances of alertness and
relaxation, are all related to different brainwave frequencies such as
delta, alpha, beta, and gamma brainwaves. States of being can also
include temporary emotions like frustration, depression, openness,
appreciation, gratitude, and so forth.

On the other hand, traits are more like lasting personality types that
are harder to change, such as being an optimist or a pessimist.
However, by cultivating positive and/or prosocial states like openness,
compassion, gratitude, and appreciation, we can over time turn these
into traits and improve our well-being. Cultivating particular
physiological, mental and emotional states again and again (practice)
eventually turns states into traits making use of our brain and nervous
system’s capacity for neuroplasticity and neurogenesis.

Self-directed neuroplasticity and positive psychology techniques can

help us cultivate these positive states and turn them into traits. For
example, maintaining a gratitude journal can help us cultivate a state
of appreciation and gratitude and over time develop a great default
trait of being grateful and appreciative. By using various techniques
and practices, we can rewire our brains for enhanced well-being, life
life performance, and happiness.
18 Rewiring Your Brain


Practicing self-directed neuroplasticity with consistency can dramatically influence how we

experience and lead our lives. In essence, we can become neuro-architects, learning to reshape
the neural architecture of our own brain and nervous system in positive life-enhancing ways.
When you think about this, it’s quite an amazing opportunity!! We have the power to become
the best version of ourselves. With consistent practice, we can create lasting changes, leading to
greater happiness and fulfillment and a better life. We have the power to exercise self-agency
and become lifelong learners to sculpt the brain that will optimize our lives in any direction we

I hope you found this information useful. You can continue to explore topics like rewiring the
brain, neuroplasticity, and positive psychology with experts like Dr. Rick Hanson, Lara Boyd,
Dr. Jud Brewer, and Dr. Kristen Willeumier to name a few. By deepening our understanding of
our own brain and nervous system and engaging in simple self-regulation practices, we can
optimize our brain's healthy functioning throughout our lifespan.
About the Author

Fleet Maull, PhD, is an author,

meditation teacher, social
entrepreneur, business consultant,
executive coach and trainer.

He offers business consulting and

executive coaching services, as well as
online seminars and summits through
Heart Mind Institute.

He is the author of
Radical Responsibility: How to Move Beyond Blame, Fearlessly Live Your
Highest Purpose and Become an Unstoppable Force for Good , and
Dharma in Hell: The Prison Writings of Fleet Maull.

Fleet leads meditation retreats throughout the world and recently organized
and hosted the Global Resilience Summit, the Expanded States of
Consciousness Summit and the Rewiring Your Brain Summit.

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Copyright © 2023 Fleet Maull

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be

reproduced or used in any manner,
without the prior written permission
of the copyright owner,
except for the use of brief quotations
in a book review.

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