Untitled Design
Untitled Design
Untitled Design
What problems are people How will you solve these Proposition Advantage Segments
facing? List their top 3 problems? Write down a How will you turn an What separates you from Create 3 to 4 personas of the
frustrations. solution for each problem. unaware visitor into an competitors? What makes people you can help.
interested customer? Create you ahead of the pack? Visualize these people who
a clear and compelling one- will turn to you for solutions.
liner message you want to
send across.
better than anyone else? What are your unique selling points?
Find Your Competitive What areas can you improve on? What does your company lack?
Position with a SWOT What things do your competitors do better than you?
towards your goals by identifying strengths and
weaknesses (internal attributes) and opportunities
and threats (external conditions). Uncover your What are the obstacles to your company’s growth? Who are your
company's competitive position with these guiding competitors? What changing factors can threaten your
questions. Use the blank framework on the next page company's position?
to start filling out your own SWOT analysis.
Funnel Chart
Visualize Your Company's Weak
Points with a Pirate Funnel
Where are your potential customers coming from? What channel is driving the most
Acquisition valuable traffic for your company? Examples: new leads, email subscribers, resource
downloads, support and sales chats.
How will your potential customers try your product or service for the first time? How will
Activation you make them realize the true value of your product or service? Examples: new trial
signups, product sales, activation after app download.
How many of your customers are you retaining? Why are you losing others? Examples:
How can you increase revenue? What’s your monetization plan? Examples: customer
acquisition cost and customer lifetime value.
How can you turn your customers into advocates? What’s your systematic process to
Referral generate referrals consistently? Examples: Net Promoter Score, referrals, and social
4Ps of
Position Your Product or Service
with the 4Ps of Marketing
Brand Product refers to the good or service you Price Price is what customers pay for a product
Features are offering to customers. What needs Discounts or service and it takes into account the
Packaging does this product fulfil? What frustrations Bundling deals cost of production. What is the value of
does it address? What makes it Credit terms the product or service to customers? Are
compelling to customers such that they there established price points for this
will believe they need to have it? product or service in the market? How
will this price compare with competitors?
Promotion Place
Ads Promotion is how you will get the word Stores Place refers to how and where your
PR out about your product or service to your Website customers will look to see your product or
Social Media target customers. It includes advertising, Online service. It also considers how you will
EmailSearch public relations, and promotional Marketplace deliver the product or service to them.
Engine strategies. Will it be in a physical store or online?
Video What will be the distribution channels?
Establish Your Product's Appeal with
a Product-Market Fit Pyramid
Feature Set
What needs do they have that are adequately met?
Value Proposition
the needs you can address with your product, which ones will you focus on?
Press Release
aware of the problem you’re addressing and how you’re
solving it
Mission is the reason why your company exists. It is the visible and tangible effect you want your company to create
for your customers and the world.
Vision is what success looks like for your company. It is what your company aspires to be in the future. It is how the
world will look like once you've accomplished your mission.
These are the guiding principles that will influence your actions to fulfill your company's mission and vision.
Tactics, and
Illustrate Your Company's
Strategy, Tactics, and Execution
Strategy is how your methods, time, and resources come into play to fulfil your company mission and vision.
Tactics are the specific methods, resources, and techniques you will need to accomplish your strategy.
Execution is how you will employ the tactics you’ve chosen. It includes measurable outcomes, such as timelines and
Develop Deep Insights About
Your Customers Using Buyer