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BA History IV Semester


Multiple Choice Questions-100
Prepared By Hamza Thodengal

1. A researcher was interested in studying why the “new math” of the1960s failed. she interviews
several teachers who used the new math during the 1960s. These teachers are considered……
A. Primary sources
B. Secondary sources
C. External critics
D. Internal critics
2. The process of dealing with concerns over the authenticity of a source is referred to as
A. Sourcing
B. Internal criticism
C. Secondary criticism
D. External criticism
3. The following is a step in the process of historical research?

A. Identifying a research topic

B. Data synthesis
C. Data collection
D. All of the above
4. Oral history can be based on---
A. Interviews with people
B. Stories and tales
C. Songs
D. All of the above
5. The process of determining the reliability or accuracy of the information contained in the
sources collected is known as—
A. External criticism
B. Vagueness
C. Internal criticism
D. Presentism
6. Presentism in historical sources is the --------------
A. Presence of the author in a historical source
B. First-hand accounts of events
C. Assumption that the present day connotations of terms also existed in the past
D. All of the above
7. Comparing document to each other to determine whether they provide the same information or
reach the same conclusion is known as----
A. Contextualization
B. Sourcing
C. Corroboration
D. Negative criticism
8. When writing their narratives many historical researchers prefer to use------
A. The publication manual of the American psychological association
B. The Chicago manual of style
C. The historical manual of style
D. The historians manual of style
9. The Chronology is called the-------- of history
A. Eye
B. Tongue
C. Pillar
D. Brain
10. The identification of when and where an event took place is known as
A. Contextualization
B. Sourcing
C. Corroboration
D. Criticism
11. When did the telephone become an accepted tool for primary data collectionin marketing
A. 1930s
B. 1950s
C. 1970s
D. 1990s
12. If someone uses research as part of a sales effort this is said to be,
A. Syndicating
B. Sugging
C. Satisficing
D. Surveying
13. A primary data collection method that involves tracking behavior over a period of time is called
A. Browsing
B. Observation
C. Sampling
D. Testing
14. Mystery shopping is a form of
A. Questionnaire
B. Observation
C. Analysis
D. Postal survey.
15. “The study of history is the study of causes “says
A. EH Carr
B. Winston Churchill
C. JB Bury
D. Golman
16. Who is the author of the book “What is History”?
A. Voltaire
B. Montesquieu
C. EH Carr
D. Ranke
17. Who is considered the father of Objectivity
A. Toynbee
B. Rousseau
C. Voltaire
D. Ranke
18. The idea of progress is related to
A. Ranke
B. RG Collingwood
C. EH Carr
D. Vico
19. Who propounded the concept The Philosophy of History?
A. Rousseau
B. Voltaire
C. Montesquieu
D. Gibbon
20. The author of the book Ä guide to Historical Method”
A. Garraghan
B. Herodotus
C. Thucydides
D. JJ Renesh
21. The study of ancient things is called
A. Archaeology
B. Epigraphy
C. Ethnography
D. None of the above
22. Paleobotany is the study of------
A. Ancient monuments
B. Ancient plant remains
C. Ancient coins
D. Ancient writings
23. Epigraphy is the study of--------
A. Coins
B. Monuments
C. Inscriptions
D. Palaces
24. Ethno botany is the study of --------
A. Cultural utilization of plants
B. Herbal plants
C. Ancient plants
D. None of the above
25. Numismatics is the study of ------
A. Coins
B. Writings
C. Palaces
D. Carvings
26. Exonumia is the scientific study of------
A. Metals
B. Medals
C. Monuments
D. Materials
27. Notaphily is the study of -------
A. Carvings
B. Inscriptions
C. Paper money
D. Stamps
28. The word ‘archive’ is derived from
A. The French
B. The Greek
C. The English
D. The Latin
29. ‘Folk lore’ the term coined by
A. William James
B. William Thomas
C. Federic William
D. Maxmullar
30. ‘Toponymy ’is the study of--------
A. Currency names
B. Manuscripts
C. Palace names
D. None of the above
31. -----------------is an alphabetical list of all source materials used for an academic essay
A. Bibliography
B. Foot notes
C. End Notes
D. References
32. --------------is called the working bibliography
A. Select Bibliography
B. Preliminary Bibliography
C. Primary sources
D. Secondary sources
33. Who launched modern scientific history
A. Ranke
B. JB Bury
C. Toynbee
D. Gibbon
34. Who defined history as ‘History is a science no less and no more”
A. Napoleon
B. Churchill
C. JB Bury
D. Edward Gibbon
35. The collection of facts from which historian draws conclusion is called
A. Data
B. Sources
C. Accounts
D. Facts
36. The eye witness accounts about past events are called
A. Facts
B. Preliminary sources
C. Secondary sources
D. Oral sources
37. Which is the method of determine the authenticity of the data
A. External criticism
B. Internal Criticism
C. Interview
D. Observation
38. Heuristics is also called
A. Internal criticism
B. External criticism
C. Higher criticism
D. Lower criticism
39. ----------is used as a methodology for textual analysis
A. Heuristics
B. Hermeneutics
C. Higher criticism
D. None of the above
40. Odd one out
A. Interview
B. Questionnaire
C. Observation
D. Monuments
41. An historian reached a broad conclusion of his work is called
A. Theory
B. Generalization
C. Conclusion
D. Formula
42. The study of history in a geographically local context is called
A. Local History
B. Geographical history
C. Regional history
D. National history
43. Who is the author of the book “The Country around Paris”
A. Carl Becker
B. Marc Block
C. Federic Engels
D. Carl Marx
44. “Urban History” was developed by
A. Positivist School
B. Romantic school
C. Annales historians
D. Scientific school
45. “New History” the term coined by
A. Carl Becker
B. Carlo Kammen
C. Donald Ritchie
D. Joe Gould
46. Who is the author of the book “Doing Local History”
A. Joe Gould
B. Donald Ritchie
C. Carlo Kammen
D. Alessandro Fortelli
47. The collection of memories and personal commentaries of a past incident is called
A. Oral History
B. Local history
C. Natural History
D. National History
48. The study of past at very small scale is called
A. Macro History
B. Micro History
C. Local history
D. Oral History
49. --------------is a segment attached at the end of the thesis is called
A. References
B. Glossary
C. Bibliography
D. Appendix
50. The visual representation of data is called
A. Charts
B. Tables
C. Index
D. Maps
51. Importance of historical method was firstly attributed by
A. Herodotus
B. Thucydides
C. Cicero
D. Livy
52. Philology is the study of
A. Philosophy
B. Stamps
C. Languages
D. Coins
53. “Challenge and response” the theory put forwarded by
A. Arnold J Toynbee
B. Spengler
C. Marx
D. Gibbon
54. Who is the earliest exponent of “cyclical Theory” ?
A. Livy
B. Thucydides
C. St. Augustan
D. Carle
55. Copying another person’s ideas, words or works are called
A. Plagiarism
B. Cataloguing
C. Reviewing
D. Referencing
56. Historical research is conducted for which of the following reasons?
A. To identify the relationship that the past has to the present
B. To identify the relationship that the past has to the present
C. To enhance understanding of the culture in which we live
D. All of the above
57. The following is a step in the process of historical research?
A. Preparing a report or narrative exposition
B. Identifying a research topic and formulation of the research problem or question
C. Data synthesis
D. All of the above
58. Oral histories can be based on ______.
A. Interviews with people
B. Stories and tales
C. Songs
D. All of the above
59. In historical research, a primary source _________.
A. Consists of firsthand accounts by witnesses to events
B. Can consist of sources that include original maps, diaries, transcripts of the minutes of a
meeting, and photographs
C. Both a and b
D. None of the above
60. In evaluating historical research sources, external criticism ________.

A. Can involve the use of carbon dating and handwriting experts

B. Helps determine the validity, trustworthiness or authenticity of a source
C. Can involve use of historical linguists’ knowledgeable with the writing style of the period
D. All of the above
61. The method that consists of collection of data through observation and experimentation,
formulation and testing of hypothesis is called
A. empirical method
B. scientific method
C. scientific information
D. practical knowledge
62. Which of these is not a method of data collection?
A. Questionnaires
B. Interviews
C. Experiments
D. Observations
63. Secondary/existing data may include which of the following?
A. Official documents
B. Personal documents
C. Archived research data
D. All of the above
64. Which of the following terms best describes data that were originally collected at an earlier time
by a different person for a different purpose?
A. Primary data
B. Secondary data
C. Experimental data
D. Field notes
65. Researchers use both open-ended and closed-ended questions to collect data. Which of the
following statements is true?
A. Open-ended questions directly provide quantitative data based on the researcher’s
predetermined response categories
B. Closed-ended questions provide quantitative data in the participant’s own words

C. Open-ended questions provide qualitative data in the participant’s own words

D. Closed-ended questions directly provide qualitative data in the participants’ own words
66. Which of the following is not a major method of data collection?
A. Questionnaires
B. Focus groups
C. Correlation method
D. Secondary data
67. The method that consists of collection of data through observation and experimentation,
formulation and testing of hypothesis is called
A. empirical method
B. scientific method
C. scientific information
D. practical knowledge
68. Information acquired by experience or experimentation is called as
A. empirical
B. scientific
C. facts
D. scientific evidences
69. Who was the proponent of deductive method
A. Francis Bacon
B. Christian Huygenes
C. Aristotle
D. Isaac Newton
70. The reasoning that uses general principle to predict specific results is called
A. inductive
B. deductive
C. both a and b
D. hypothetic-deductive
71. Inductive method was first proposed by
A. Francis Bacon
B. Christian Huygenes
C. Aristotle
D. Isaac Newton
72. The method that starts with formulation of hypothesis and testing of hypothesis in sequential
steps where deduction applied is
A. inductive
B. deductive
C. both a and b
D. hypothetic-deductive
73. Who was the proponent of hypothetico deductive method
A. Francis Bacon
B. Christian Huygenes
C. Aristotle
D. Isaac Newton
74. All research process starts with
A. hypothesis
B. experiments to test hypothesis
C. observation
D. all of these
75. The method of reasoning in which a conclusion is drawn from two statements is called
A. empiricism
B. inductive method
C. hypothesis
D. Syllogism
76. Inductive reasoning is
A. data collection analysis method
B. theory data collection analysis method
C. data collection method
D. both A and B
77. Which type of interview allows the questions to emerge from the immediate context or course
of things?
A. Interview guide approach
B. Informal conversational interview
C. Closed quantitative interview
D. Standardized open-ended interview

78. . When constructing a questionnaire, there are 15 principles to which you should adhere. Which
of the following is not one of those principles?

A. Do not use "leading" or "loaded" questions

B. Avoid double-barreled questions
C. Avoid double negatives
D. Avoid using multiple items to measure a single construct
79. Which of the following is not a major method of data collection?
A. Questionnaires
B. Focus groups
C. Correlation method
D. Secondary data
80. A census taker often collects data through which of the following?
A. Standardized tests
B. Interviews
C. Secondary data
D. Observations
81. Researchers use both open-ended and closed-ended questions to collect data. Which of the
following statements is true?

A. Open-ended questions directly provide quantitative data based on the researcher’s

predetermined response categories
B. Closed-ended questions provide quantitative data in the participant’s own words
C. Open-ended questions provide qualitative data in the participant’s own words
D. Closed-ended questions directly provide qualitative data in the participants’ own words
82. Which of the following terms best describes data that were originally collected at an earlier time
by a different person for a different purpose?

A. Primary data
B. Secondary data
C. Experimental data
D. Field notes
83. --------------------is an alphabetical list of items used in a particular work with definitions.
A. Glossary
B. Index
C. Bibliography
D. Ibid
84. A shortened form of a word or a phrase is called
A. Glossary
B. Index
C. Abbreviations
D. Diagrams
85. -------- is a diagrammatic representation of an area of land or sea showing physical features.
A. Diagrams
B. Map
C. Glossary
D. Index
86. An historian reached a broad conclusion of his work is called
A. Theory
B. Generalization
C. Conclusion
D. Formula
87. The study of history in a geographically local context is called
A. Local History
B. Geographical history
C. Regional history
D. National history
88. ‘Opera citato’ is the full form of-------
A. Ibid.
B. Op,cit.
C. Loc. Cit.
D. All of the above.
89. In which historiography placed ‘God’ in the centre
A. Roman
B. Greek
C. Church
D. Renaissance
90. Who coined the term ‘Universal History’?
A. Ibn Khaldun
B. RG Collingwood
C. Hegel
D. Marwick
91. ‘Historical Relativism’ is emerged from which country?
A. France
B. England
C. America
D. Rome
92. ‘History of the Peloponnesian war’ was written by
A. Herodotus
B. Thucydides
C. Livy
D. Polybius
93. Who was the author of the book “The Prince”?
A. Ibn khaldun
B. Machiavelli
C. Descartes
D. Spinoza
94. Who introduced the new principle ‘Verum Factum’?
A. Vico
B. R.G. Collingwood
C. Descartes
D. Spengler
95. Who is considered the father of ‘Romanticism’?
A. Rousseau
B. Shelly
C. Augustine
D. Jules Michelet
96. The Archaeology of Knowledge, is book written by
A. Antonio Gramsci
B. Michel Foucault
C. Collingwood
D. Marwick
97. Inductive method was first proposed by
A. Francis Bacon
B. Christian Huygenes
C. Aristotle
D. Isaac Newton
98. Who is the author of the book “Doing Local History”
A. Joe Gould
B. Donald Ritchie
C. Carlo Kammen
D. Alessandro Fortelli
99. An historian reached a broad conclusion of his work is called
A. Theory
B. Generalization
C. Conclusion
D. Formula
100. The method of reasoning in which a conclusion is drawn from two statements is called
A. empiricism
B. inductive method
C. hypothesis
D. Syllogism
1) A 35) B 69) C
2) D 36) B 70) B
3) D 37) A 71) A
4) D 38) B 72) A
5) C 39) B 73) B
6) C 40) D 74) C
7) C 41) B 75) D
8) B 42) A 76) B
9) A 43) B 77) D
10) A 44) C 78) B
11) C 45) A 79) C
12) B 46) C 80) B
13) D 47) A 81) C
14) B 48) B 82) B
15) B 49) D 83) A
16) A 50) A 84) C
17) C 51) B 85) B
18) B 52) C 86) B
19) B 53) A 87) A
20) A 54) B 88) B
21) A 55) A 89) C
22) B 56) D 90) A
23) C 57) D 91) C
24) A 58) D 92) B
25) A 59) C 93) B
26) B 60) D 94) A
27) C 61) A 95) A
28) B 62) C 96) B
29) B 63) D 97) A
30) C 64) B 98) C
31) A 65) C 99) B
32) B 66) C 100. D
33) A 67) B
34) C 68) A

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