1. A researcher was interested in studying why the “new math” of the1960s failed. she interviews
several teachers who used the new math during the 1960s. These teachers are considered……
A. Primary sources
B. Secondary sources
C. External critics
D. Internal critics
2. The process of dealing with concerns over the authenticity of a source is referred to as
A. Sourcing
B. Internal criticism
C. Secondary criticism
D. External criticism
3. The following is a step in the process of historical research?
78. . When constructing a questionnaire, there are 15 principles to which you should adhere. Which
of the following is not one of those principles?
A. Primary data
B. Secondary data
C. Experimental data
D. Field notes
83. --------------------is an alphabetical list of items used in a particular work with definitions.
A. Glossary
B. Index
C. Bibliography
D. Ibid
84. A shortened form of a word or a phrase is called
A. Glossary
B. Index
C. Abbreviations
D. Diagrams
85. -------- is a diagrammatic representation of an area of land or sea showing physical features.
A. Diagrams
B. Map
C. Glossary
D. Index
86. An historian reached a broad conclusion of his work is called
A. Theory
B. Generalization
C. Conclusion
D. Formula
87. The study of history in a geographically local context is called
A. Local History
B. Geographical history
C. Regional history
D. National history
88. ‘Opera citato’ is the full form of-------
A. Ibid.
B. Op,cit.
C. Loc. Cit.
D. All of the above.
89. In which historiography placed ‘God’ in the centre
A. Roman
B. Greek
C. Church
D. Renaissance
90. Who coined the term ‘Universal History’?
A. Ibn Khaldun
B. RG Collingwood
C. Hegel
D. Marwick
91. ‘Historical Relativism’ is emerged from which country?
A. France
B. England
C. America
D. Rome
92. ‘History of the Peloponnesian war’ was written by
A. Herodotus
B. Thucydides
C. Livy
D. Polybius
93. Who was the author of the book “The Prince”?
A. Ibn khaldun
B. Machiavelli
C. Descartes
D. Spinoza
94. Who introduced the new principle ‘Verum Factum’?
A. Vico
B. R.G. Collingwood
C. Descartes
D. Spengler
95. Who is considered the father of ‘Romanticism’?
A. Rousseau
B. Shelly
C. Augustine
D. Jules Michelet
96. The Archaeology of Knowledge, is book written by
A. Antonio Gramsci
B. Michel Foucault
C. Collingwood
D. Marwick
97. Inductive method was first proposed by
A. Francis Bacon
B. Christian Huygenes
C. Aristotle
D. Isaac Newton
98. Who is the author of the book “Doing Local History”
A. Joe Gould
B. Donald Ritchie
C. Carlo Kammen
D. Alessandro Fortelli
99. An historian reached a broad conclusion of his work is called
A. Theory
B. Generalization
C. Conclusion
D. Formula
100. The method of reasoning in which a conclusion is drawn from two statements is called
A. empiricism
B. inductive method
C. hypothesis
D. Syllogism
1) A 35) B 69) C
2) D 36) B 70) B
3) D 37) A 71) A
4) D 38) B 72) A
5) C 39) B 73) B
6) C 40) D 74) C
7) C 41) B 75) D
8) B 42) A 76) B
9) A 43) B 77) D
10) A 44) C 78) B
11) C 45) A 79) C
12) B 46) C 80) B
13) D 47) A 81) C
14) B 48) B 82) B
15) B 49) D 83) A
16) A 50) A 84) C
17) C 51) B 85) B
18) B 52) C 86) B
19) B 53) A 87) A
20) A 54) B 88) B
21) A 55) A 89) C
22) B 56) D 90) A
23) C 57) D 91) C
24) A 58) D 92) B
25) A 59) C 93) B
26) B 60) D 94) A
27) C 61) A 95) A
28) B 62) C 96) B
29) B 63) D 97) A
30) C 64) B 98) C
31) A 65) C 99) B
32) B 66) C 100. D
33) A 67) B
34) C 68) A