Admit Card
Admit Card
Admit Card
Your Admit Card Details for AIBE-XVIII Candidate’s Photo & Signature
Category General
Application Status: - Thank you, your application for AIBE-XVIII has been successfully submitted.
Remarks: If your documents are incomplete then please complete the same before the date of result, to avoid
result from being withheld.
1. Candidates are required to carry this admit card along with one Photo ID proof to their respective examination centre. Candidates without
admit card shall not be allowed to enter the examination centre.
2. Candidates should report at their respective Examination Centre by 08:30 AM
3. Candidates will not be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after 10:15 AM
4. Candidates are allowed to carry only BARE ACTS (without notes and comments) inside the examination centre
5. Electronic or Communication devices of any kind (such as mobile phones, laptops, smart watch etc.) and Books or Notes (except BARE ACTS
without notes and comments) are not allowed in the Examination Hall.
6. Candidates shall not be allowed to leave the examination hall before the conclusion of the examination and without handing over the
Answer sheet.
7. All markings on the answer sheet must be with Blue/Black Ball Point Pen only. Using a pencil for marking on the answer sheet will lead to
Disqualification of the exam.
8. Candidate should enter the roll number on the answer sheet as it is mentioned on the admit card and fill in the respective ovals. Any
mismatch would lead to disqualification.
9. Candidate must follow the instruction strictly as mentioned on the test booklet cover
10. Candidate should fill the Question Booklet Set Code and Roll Number and all other necessary information correctly on the answer sheet.
11. In case of more than 40% disability, 20 minutes extra time per hour will be allowed to the candidate. Kindly submit a certified copy of your
disability certificate to the invigilator to avail the extra time.
12. In case of any disability, which prevents a candidate from writing the exam himself (blindness, locomotor disability (both arm affected-BA)
and cerebral palsy), then the scribe should preferably be a class 10th or 12th student (not from humanities with political Science/Legal
Studies) and such scribe shall be required to carry school identity card, age and address proof viz Aadhar Card. No scribe shall be provided
by the Examination Center. It should be ensured that the qualification of the scribe should be at least one step below of the qualification of
the candidate taking the examination and should no way be connected with humanities subjects like Political Science/legal studies and
should not be below matriculate.
13. The candidature to the examination is provisional. Only those candidates who fulfil the eligibility criteria should appear in the exam. If at any
stage it is found that you are not eligible for the All India Bar Examination, your candidature will be rejected.
14. Candidates found cheating/resorting to unfair means by the invigilators shall ordinarily be debarred from taking the exam.
The All India Bar Examination is being held since the year 2010. It is mandatory for each and every newly enrolled Advocate to clear within 2
years of enrollment, failing which, he/she cannot further continue in practice, till the time he/she clears the exam. It is a mandatory
requirement to continue in practice.