Genomic Equivalence and Early Patterning
Genomic Equivalence and Early Patterning
Genomic Equivalence and Early Patterning
y Chapter 19 o p.429 Is cell differentiation reversible? To p.435 Differential gene transcription is a hallmark o p.442 In the fruit fly, and maternal effect genes
Totipotency can apparently be rescued from adult animals cells (Dolly) Nuclear transfer in other mammals since Dolly Nuclear transfer, combined with embryonic stem cell technologies, could individualize regenerative medicine Nuclear transfer, combined with embryonic stem cell
technologies, could individualize regenerative medicine Can we rescue embryonic potential from adult cells without cloning?
y y y 858/1917 and 21 Over 300 stories about the research appeared online within 2 hours after being posted, with nearly 800 stories by 3pm that day. Cloning animals from differentiated somatic cell nuclei tells us that no genomic information (genes) is lost as cells differentiate. Instead, cell differentiation relies on the selective use of the genetic tool kit (can turn genes within the cell on or off). Differential gene expression is a hallmark of cell differentiation. ning_horses_takes_steps_forward.html
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y y y There is no zygotic/embryonic gene expression during early development (some or most of the cleavage stage, depending on the organism) Early development is controlled by maternal information in the form of proteins and mRNAs These cytoplasmic determinants are not uniformly distributed in the oocyte The effects of maternal cytoplasmic determinants on early patterning of the embryo
The gray crescent in the amphibian zygote results fro movements of cytoplasm in the fertilized egg cell
The gray crescent in the amphibian zygote corresponds to the future dorsal side of the embryo
The dorsal-ventral axis of the frog blastula appears to be established by the asymmetrical distribution of the protein -catenin
Genetic screens, done during the 1970s, identified most of the developmental control genes that pattern the Drosophila embryo
Transcripts (mRNA molecules) are transported into specific regions of the oocyte cytoplasm
Maternal Effect gene transcripts (mRNAs) are translated into transcription factors after fertilization to establish protein gradients
The bicoid messenger RNA stimulates headspecifying genes and 19.14 illustrates development of the anterior-posterior axis and segmentation due
to three other types of genes There is also a posterior protein gradient in the Drosophila oocyte
Maternal gene products define an anterior and a posterior end of the embryo
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Bicoid and Nanos are both RNA binding proteins By binding to specific sequences in mRNA molecules they regulate translation of their target mRNAs Bicoid binds to a specific sequence at the 3 end of the Caudal mRNA and prevents translation initiation factors from binding to the 5 end Translation repression of Caudal by Bicoid sets up complementary gradients of anterior and posterior determinants Bicoid can also bind to DNA. By binding to specific sequences in the regulatory regions of genes it regulates transcription, too. Many developmental regulatory proteins are multifunctional