Script For Film
Script For Film
Script For Film
-End of Discussion- Dad: Hmm, It’s sad to say son, you can’t proceed to
college yet. I’ve lost my job yesterday. I’m sorry son.
Instructor: by the way class, do you have your
assignments right now? Clarence: It’s okay, dad. I’ll find a way. --- I’ll find a
job in the city, I’ll be independent, that means I will be
Rest of the Class: Yes Ma’am! away from you dad -- and mom.
Seatmate of Clarence: Oh shi-! Mom: That’s okay son, if that’s what you want we’ll
support you. Here’s a necklace, so wherever you are,
-Clarence and the whole class passed their you are still with me.
-Clarence left his family to live on his own-
Instructor: Okay class, after we dismiss. I have a quick
announcement. The schedule for semi-final exam is on -End of Flashback-
next week Friday and I would likely to inform you all
that you cannot take the exam without the admission -Clarence’s mom called-
slip. Mom: Hi son.
-Clarence scratched his head with a sad face- Clarence: Hello Mom, why’d you call?
Mom: I just wanted to check on you, how are you? -Man 2 arrived-
Clarence: I’m okay mom, how about you and dad? Man 2: Hey! Come with me.
Mom: I’m okay son, and your dad isn’t quite feeling -Man 2 introduced Clarence to the Syndicate-
well. He’s sick.
Man 2: Here he is boss, this what I told you. He seems
Clarence: Ohh, buy him some medicine mom, he’ll be brave enough.
fine. And tell him I miss him.
Drug Syndicate Boss: Hmm, are you sure my boy!?
Mom: Him only? (giggled)
Clarence: Yes, boss!!
Clarence: Of course you too (both laughed), okay mom
I’m gonna finish my job here, bye I love you. Man 2: I’m fully confident enough that he is fit for this
job boss.
Mom: Love you too son, bye take care.
-The boss circles Clarence-
Boss: (Taunts) hmm, you didn’t even flinch. I liked it.
-As clarence continued working, he saw two guys (laughed) But I will ask again, ARE YOU SURE!?
outside- (loud voice)
-The two guys are secretly transacting drugs- Clarence: Yes, boss!
Man 1: Where is it? Boss: Okay, here’s some drugs you can sell. That
prices 1 Million, just make a profit out of it. Return me
Man 2/Drug syndicate: It’s in here just 1.5 million, and the rest of the profit you’ll make
-Man 2 handed the drugs through shaking of hands is yours.
while Man 1 handed the money with his other hand- Clarence: Okay, boss! Noted!
-The two separated ways-
-Clarence approached the seller/Man 2 and asked- SCENE 4 (Montage)
Clarence: Pst! If you don’t mind, what are you selling? -Clarence is packing drugs-
-Diri gi kwelyuhan si Clarence ug gi tutokan ug pusil- -He goes out to take a break-
Man 2: What? (gi kwelyuhan si ramos) -A random man approached him to ask something-
Clarence: Ey ey ey! Chill bro chil! I’m just curious Random man: Psst! Do you have something?
what you’re selling cause that is a big time money you (whispered)
got there.
Clarence: Yes, how much?
Man 2: This is illegal business bro, I sell drugs, so
keep your mouth shut! -Random man handed a bunch of money to Clarence-
Clarence: Okay, I won’t! -Clarence and the man gets inside to transact-
Man 2: Okay, good! -The random man goes out-
Clarence: Uhm bro, can I help you sell drugs? Random Man: Thank you boss, I’ll let my friends
know that you sell good item
Man 2: Huh!? You sure with that?
Clarence: Okay, Thank you too!
Clarence: Yes, I’m completely sure cause I don’t know
nothing else to find money. -Clarence is happy with his first transaction-
Man 2: Okay, here’s my number. Meet the boss later. “Transition to start the montage”
Montage scenes
SCENE 3 (SYNDICATE SCENE) - 3 guys approached clarence to buy drugs
Clarence is getting introduce to the syndicate -He keeps selling drugs with different people
-Clarence walks in a road and stops to text- -Even sells at school
Clarence texted: I’m here at the location -Meets up with a man in the streets to sell his drugs
Man 2 texted back: Okay, wait there.
-Clarence drops a bag of drugs in a garbage bin, and Syndicate: Okay, you must return it before 8 pm or
receives the money through gcash else boss will order us to kill you.
-He sells to a group of people then suddenly a police -Classmate of Clarence approached him, and the
came and the group so is clarence ran away and syndicate leaves because someone is approaching
escaped Clarence
-He keeps packaging Classmate: Hey bro, won’t you come to my house to
-He is using drugs
Clarence: Sure, after my job.
-He is always holding his money with a big smile on
his face Classmate: Okay, we’ll wait.
-He is laying down on the ground with money
scattered all over the place and fell asleep
Classmate’s Crib Scene
Clarence’s classmates are drinking and they are
SCENE 5 waiting for him.
Clarence woke up from being high, and started -His classmate tries to call Clarence but it didn’t
cleaning up his mess and quickly readying for school answered
Clarence: woah, it’s 30 minutes till exam Classmate: Clarence isn’t answering.
-Clarence left the comshop- Classmate 2: He might be readying right now, after his
work. Try to call one more time.
--------------Transition to school------------------------
-Classmate calls-
-Clarence goes to the cashier to pay for the exam then
suddenly the bell rang- Classmate: He’s still not answering
Clarence: Oh shi--- it’s already time, I have to walk ---------------Another Scene-----------------------
Clarence is leaving his workplace and starts to walk to
-Clarence runs entering the room, and quickly handed his classmate’s house.
the admission slip to his instructor
-Clarence isn’t aware that there is a person following
-The instructor handed him some test paper and him and he got kidnapped
Clarence sat to take the exam
Scene 6
-While Clarence is answering, the syndicates are
wondering why Clarence hasn’t return any money yet. Clarence is tied with a handkerchief in his mouth. He’s
So the boss ordered his man to find Clarence trying to shout for help.
Boss: Hey, you there! Why isn’t Clarence returned any As he is shouting, the syndicates are aware that
money yet? Go find him and ask where is the money? Clarence is now awake.
Syndicate: Yes, boss! So, the syndicates goes to Clarence to interrogate him
-Clarence is finishing his exam then passed his paper Syndicate: Where is the money?
-As Clarence walks to go out from school, a member Clarence: I don’t know, please let me go.
of the syndicate is waiting for him outside -Clarence got punched in the stomach-
Syndicate: Hey Clarence, can I talk to you for a -Clarence is begging them to stop
Clarence: Pleaseeeee, pleaseeee. I beg you
Clarence: Okay, let’s go there.
Syndicate: Tell me, where is it?
Syndicate: The boss ordered me to ask you where is
the money. Clarence: I really don’t know, I’ve misplaced it!
Clarence: Tell boss that he don’t need to worry, I will Syndicate: You’re lying (Clarence is punched in the
return it later. face) Now, tell me!
Clarence: Okay, okay fine!!! (crying) I spend it!!!
Syndicate: Spend it with what?
Clarence: I spend it for my father who got hospital due
to lung cancer and he needs a huge amount of money.
So I decided to give the money to my father because I
cannot take to see my father to be inside a coffin.
Syndicate: Oh, that’s it. You may now face your
consequences of your action (points the gun to
Clarence’s head)
Clarence: Pls! Pls! Pls don’t!!
-------another flashback scene while clarence is telling
the truth on where he spends the money-----
Clarence meets his mom and dad, and mom handed the
hospital bill of his father.
--------------THE END---------------------