MGT601 - Assessment 2 - 20240603
MGT601 - Assessment 2 - 20240603
MGT601 - Assessment 2 - 20240603
Individual/Group Individual
Length As required
Weighting 35%
In this assessment you will identify three key ‘moments of truth’ that have affected your
sense of leadership (either positively or negatively) and create an A3 sized
poster/infographic using tools such as rich picture and/or mind map.
You are required to link the ‘moments of truth’ to the theoretical perspectives contained in
the topics covered in this subject as a minimum, but also to explore whatever other
associations are relevant.
A mind map is a visual tool used to organize and structure information. It is a graphical
representation of ideas, concepts, or tasks, which are arranged in a hierarchical or branching
pattern, with the main idea or topic at the centre and subtopics radiating out from it. They
are designed to help individuals see the relationships between ideas and concepts, and to
help them organize and remember information more effectively.
The second tool that you might consider using is a ‘rich picture’, which can be used either in
combination with mind map or separately. A rich picture is a visual representation of a
complex situation, typically created using drawings, symbols, and text. It is used to capture
and communicate multiple perspectives, concerns, and issues related to a problem or
Rich pictures are often used in systems thinking and organizational analysis to help
stakeholders explore and understand complex situations. They are designed to be inclusive,
allowing different stakeholders to contribute their views and concerns in a non-threatening
way. The resulting picture provides a holistic view of the situation, highlighting the
interconnectedness of different factors and relationships.
Rich pictures can be created using a variety of techniques, including drawing, painting, or
collage, and can be adapted to suit the needs of different audiences and contexts. They are
Student creates a Student creates a Student creates a Student's Student does not create
visually engaging and visually engaging poster/infographic that poster/infographic may a poster/infographic
informative poster/infographic that utilizes rich picture lack effective use of rich
poster/infographic that effectively utilizes rich and/or mind map tools picture and/or mind
Use of Rich Picture effectively utilizes rich picture and/or mind to convey the 'moments map tools or may be
and/or Mind Map picture and/or mind map tools to convey the of truth' and their difficult to read or
30% map tools to clearly 'moments of truth' and connections to relevant understand
convey the 'moments of their connections to theoretical perspectives,
truth' and their relevant theoretical but may lack clarity or
connections to relevant perspectives cohesiveness
theoretical perspectives
Student clearly Student identifies three Student identifies three Student identifies fewer Student does not
identifies three key 'moments of truth' that 'moments of truth' that than three 'moments of identify any 'moments
'moments of truth' that have affected their have affected their truth' that have affected of truth' that have
Identification of have affected their sense of leadership, sense of leadership, but their sense of affected their sense of
'Moments of Truth' sense of leadership, demonstrating an may lack depth in their leadership, or their leadership
demonstrating a deep understanding of how analysis of how these analysis of these events
20% understanding of how these events have events have influenced is superficial
these events have influenced their their leadership style
influenced their leadership style
leadership style
Student explores a wide Student explores some Student explores a few Student's exploration of Student does not
range of relevant relevant associations relevant associations relevant associations explore any relevant
associations beyond the beyond the minimum beyond the minimum may be limited or associations beyond the
Exploration of minimum requirements, requirements, requirements, but may tangential to the topic minimum requirements
Relevant Association demonstrating a strong demonstrating an ability lack depth or originality
ability to critically reflect to critically reflect on in their analysis
25% on their personal their personal
experience and connect experience and connect
it to broader ideas and it to broader ideas and
concepts concepts
Student links each Student links each Student links some but Student attempts to link Student does not link
'moment of truth' to 'moment of truth' to not all 'moments of 'moments of truth' to 'moments of truth' to
relevant theoretical relevant theoretical truth' to relevant theoretical perspectives any theoretical
Linkage to Theoretical perspectives covered in perspectives covered in theoretical perspectives but the connections are perspectives covered in
Perspectives the subject, the subject, covered in the subject unclear or inaccurate the subject
demonstrating a deep demonstrating an
25% understanding of how understanding of how
these perspectives these perspectives
apply to their personal apply to their personal
experience experience