FandI Subj401-1 200004 Exampaper
FandI Subj401-1 200004 Exampaper
FandI Subj401-1 200004 Exampaper
Paper One
1. You have 15 minutes at the start of the examination in which to read the
questions. You are strongly encouraged to use this time for reading only but
notes may be made. You then have three hours to complete the paper.
2. You must not start writing your answers in the booklet until instructed to
do so by the supervisor.
3. Write your surname in full, the initials of your other names and your
Candidate’s Number on the front of the answer booklet.
Faculty of Actuaries
401(1)—A2000 Institute of Actuaries
1 A project sponsor has decided to build an industrial plant which converts
waste product into energy. The sponsor plans to inject 10% equity into the
project and to borrow the remaining 90% from institutional investors, financed
by a bond issue. The lenders will not have any guarantees from the sponsor.
(a) term
(d) the method for setting the interest rate at inception (and for the
duration of the issue, if necessary)
(ii) List two other features of the bond which might make it more attractive
to an institutional investor. [2]
The bank which is underwriting the issue has approached your institution, as
a potential investor. The bank has asked you to consider investing in the loan
at inception.
(iii) Describe the factors you would take into account when conducting the
credit analysis of the bond. [2]
[Total 10]
2 (i) Explain the expression “buying the basis”, in the context of futures
trading. [2]
(ii) The FTSE 100 Index future expiring in three months time is currently
trading at 6,150 whilst the index stands at 6,000.
3 You are an investment manager at a life office offering a range of life
insurance products. All of the investments of the life office are placed in one
of four funds:
You have been approached by a property developer who intends to build 100
homes in a rural area. The development is intended to be a mixture of houses
and flats. The development is proposed to provide rental accommodation to
lower income families. The authorities have approved the development as it
will offer much needed rental housing for local workers in a nearby city. The
city is accessible by road and by rail.
(i) Describe the considerations which might lead you to decline the
investment. [4]
Six months later, the development is still on target for completion on its
original date. The property developer returns with the following alternative
• a list of the future expected income and outgo from the investment,
• a list of the main features of the investment, with reasons as to
whether those features are fixed income in nature or not.
[Total 13]
5 (i) State the main factors that will influence an institution’s long-term
investment strategy. [5]
(ii) Outline a process for undertaking the review which makes use of asset-
liability modelling techniques. Comment on the limitations of the
approach. [5]
(iii) You have been asked to advise on the time horizon to be adopted when
setting a strategic asset allocation. Identify the points you would make
in your response. [3]
[Total 13]
6 You are the adviser to a pension fund with wholly domestic liabilities. Its
assets are managed on a balanced basis across a mix of equity and fixed
interest assets which are also wholly domestic. The fund is domiciled in a
country where the major equity index is dominated by a single stock
comprising over 40% of the index.
(i) Describe the problems which might result from investing the equity
component of the pension fund’s portfolio in line with the domestic
index? [3]
(ii) Explain how you would assess the relative performance of the domestic
equity component of the fund, and its managers. [4]
It has been proposed that the fund introduce a global equity component.
(iii) Explain how you would determine a practical benchmark for managing
the total domestic and international equity exposure of the fund. [3]
(iv) Explain the asset considerations which influence the extent to which
currency hedging should be used in managing the portfolios. [4]
[Total 14]
7 The equity investments of a substantial trust are invested in a range of funds
managed by a single manager, whose assets under management have grown
substantially over the last five years. Until one year ago, the investment
performance of each of the funds was significantly above average when
calculated on any rolling year basis and when compared with similar funds of
other managers.
In each of the past four quarters, the returns of three of the four funds have
performed well below the average of returns from comparable other funds.
(ii) Explain the further investigations you would conduct in order to advise
whether the Trust should terminate its mandate for the fund which
continues to perform significantly above average. [3]
(i) Explain the factors which the investment manager should consider
when deciding whether to accept the mandate. [4]
The manager accepts the revised mandate. After eighteen months, the
portfolio has outperformed its benchmark by 13%. You are the consultant
advising the client.
Recent published statistics suggest that the UK economy has been performing
strongly and that inflation may be increasing. In the past, the UK
Government, operating through the Bank of England, has demonstrated a
willingness to change base lending rates sharply in order to try to keep prices
inflation within a targeted area.
With this in mind you are considering investing the moneys in one or more of
the following:
• a range of UK Gilts
Explain the investment considerations you would apply in order to make your
investment decision. [10]