chemSHERPA Material List (Ver.2.00.03) - EN

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chemSHERPA Material List


February 2023

JAMP Secretariat
chemSHERPA Material List Ver2.00.03

Revision History

Revision Date of
Revision description
No. revision
Ver1.00.00 July 2016 First version issurance
・Correction about English material name as N498: Other
Ver1.00.01 July 2018 inorganic compounds
・Add the section of Introduction
・There was a change to part of the set value of an attribute
item, “materials for conversion identifier” used in the system,
Ver1.00.02 Feb. 2019 including tools, but since there are no changes in materials,
applications, or classification, there are no updates in this
・No changes to the content of this document. Along with the
Ver2.00.00 Sep. 2019 major version update of the integrated version, this
document’s version is also updated.
・Materail classes for N545(Polymeric compounds),
N546(Plastics(inpolymeric compounds)) were corrected in

Ver2.00.01 Sep. 2020 IEC62474, but since there are no changes in materials,
applications, or classification, there are no updates in this
・For S010 classification symbol names (English), the error
Ver2.00.02 Feb. 2022
“Paradium plating” was corrected to “Palladium plating.”
・S205 classification symbol names (Chinese) is corrected from
Ver2.00.03 Feb. 2023 "磷酸盐处理"to "草酸表面处理".

chemSHERPA Material List Ver2.00.03


This material list is used for chemSHERPA data entry support tool for articles.
This list contains general explanation about materials and the correspondence with the list of
materials and material uses.
This is a classification of materials as components of an article, made available as information that
canbe utilized in recycle design and other environmentally conscious designs (for instance, calculation
of recyclability rates (ISO22628) and recycling rates). It is not a detailed classification of chemicals.

chemSHERPA Material List Ver2.00.03
Material List and the correspondence with the usage of material
(1) Normal Case (except surface treatment)
材質用途(Usage of material/材质用途)
日本語 English 中文 番号
1.母材 1.base material 1.母材 1
2.被覆 2.clad 2.包覆 2
3.付着剤 3.attached agent 3.附着剤 3
4.内包剤(運転用調剤などに適用) 4.inner preparations 4.包含剂(适用于运转用配制品) 4
5.はんだ接合 5.solder joint 5.焊点 5

材質用途(Usage of
分類記号 material/材质用途)
(Classificati 材質名(Material name / 材质名称)
区分 (* :選択可/selectable/
日本語 English 中文 1 2 3 4 5
鉄 R111 高合金鋼 highly alloyed steel 高合金钢 *
鋼 R112 高合金鋳鉄 Highly alloyed cast iron 高合金铸铁 *

よ R101 鉄鋼/鋳鋼/焼結合金 Steels/cast steel/sintered steel 钢铁/铸钢/烧结合金 *
び R102 非合金、低合金鋼 unalloyed, low alloyed steel 非合金,低合金钢 *

R103 鋳鉄 Cast iron 铸铁 *
材 R104 片状黒鉛鋳鉄/可鍛鋳鉄 Cast iron with lamellar graphite / tempered cast iron 片状石墨铸铁/可锻铸铁 *
料 R105 球状黒鉛鋳鉄 /バーミキュラー鋳鉄 Cast iron with nodular graphite / vermicular cast iron 球状石墨铸铁/蠕墨铸铁 *
R211 鋳造アルミニウム合金 Cast aluminium alloys 铸造铝合金 *
R212 鍛造アルミニウム合金 Wrought aluminium alloys 锻造铝合金 *
R221 鋳造マグネシウム合金 Cast magnesium alloys 铸造镁合金 *
R222 鍛造マグネシウム合金 Wrought magnesium alloys 锻造镁合金 *
無 R311 銅(例,ケーブルハーネスの銅) Copper (e.g. copper amounts in cable harnesses) 纯铜 (例:线缆的铜) *

系 非 R312 銅合金 Copper alloys 铜合金 *

材 R330 亜鉛合金 Zinc and Zinc alloys 锌合金 *
質 金
属 R340 ニッケル合金 Nickel and Nickel alloys 镍合金 *
材 R350 鉛、鉛合金 Lead and Lead alloys 铅、铅合金 *

R351 含鉛はんだ Sn-Pb solder 有铅焊锡 * *
R361 非鉛はんだ Lead-free solder 无铅焊锡 * *
V421 特殊金属(金) Gold 特殊金属 (金) *
V411 特殊金属(白金、ロジウム) Platinum / rhodium 特殊金属 (铂、铑) *
V412 その他の特殊金属(銀、パラジウム等) Other special metals 其他特殊金属(银、钯) *
P398 チタン、チタン合金 Titanium and titanium alloys 钛、钛合金 *
P399 その他の非鉄金属 Other nonferrous metals 其他有色金属 *
無 金 N720 セラミック Ceramics 陶瓷 * *
機 属
材 以
N721 ガラス Glass 玻璃 * *
質 外 N498 その他無機化合物 Other inorganic compounds 其它无机化合物 * *
N499 フィラー(充填材)を含有する熱可塑性樹脂 filled Thermoplastics 含有填料带(填料)的热可塑树脂 * * *
P511 PE PE (Polyethylene) 聚乙烯(PE) * * *
P512 PP PP (Polypropylene) 聚丙烯 (PP) * * *
P513 PS PS (Polystyrene) 聚苯乙烯 (PS) * * *
熱 P514 PVC PVC (Poly(vinyl chloride)) 聚氯乙烯 (PVC) * * *
可 P515 PC PC (Polycarbonate) 聚碳酸酯 (PC) * * *

P516 POM POM (Polyacetal) 聚缩醛 (POM) * * *
樹 P517 A(B)S A(B)S Poly(acrylonitrile (-butadiene)-styrene) 丙烯腈丁二烯苯乙烯树脂 (ABS) * * *
脂 P518 PA PA (Polyamide) 聚酰胺 (PA) * * *
P519 PET PET (Poly(ethylene terephthalate) ) 聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯 (PET) * * *
P520 PPE PPE ((Modified) polyphenylene ether) 聚苯醚 (PPE) * * *

機 P528 熱可塑性エラストマ Thermoplastic elastomer 热塑性弹性体 * * *
系 P529 その他の熱可塑性樹脂 Other thermoplastics 其他热塑性树脂 * * *

N541 ポリウレタン PUR (Polyurethane) 聚氨酯 (PUR) * * *
硬 N542 不飽和ポリエステル UP (Unsaturated polyester) 不饱和聚酯 (UP) * * *

N551 エポキシ樹脂 EP (Epoxy resin) 环氧树脂 (EP) * * *
樹 N543 その他の硬化性樹脂 Others (Cured resin or duromers) 其他固性树脂 * * *
脂 N544 (熱可塑でない)エラストマー/エラストマー複合 Others (Rubber/non-thermoplastic Elastomer) (非热塑性)其他橡胶、弹性体 * * *

N545 高分子複合材 Polymeric compounds 高分子复合材料 * * *
他 N546 高分子複合材に含まれる樹脂 Plastics (in polymeric compounds) 高分子复合材中所含树脂 * *
N547 高分子複合材に含まれる繊維 Textiles (in polymeric compounds) 高分子复合材中所含纤维 * *

N711 木材 Wood 木材 *
然 N712 紙 Paper 纸 *
素 N713 繊維 Fiber 纤维 *

N714 皮革 Leather 皮革 *
運 N950 冷媒 Refrigerant 气体(制冷剂等) *

N900 潤滑剤、ブレーキフルード、他 Lubricants,Brake fluid, etc 液体(润滑剂、制动液等) * *
調 N999 その他材料(粉体ほか) Others (Powder,etc) 其他材料(粉末等) * *

chemSHERPA Material List Ver2.00.03
Material List and the correspondence with the usage of material
(2) Case of surface treatment

chemSHERPA Material List Ver2.00.03
Description of Material Classification

Highly alloyed steel

An alloy steel means modified steel or steel to which more than one alloy element is added in
order toobtain characteristics for specific purposes. Specifically, a high-alloy steel means an
alloy steel which contains alloy elements over 10 weight percent(wt%) in total. So-called
stainless steel is a high-alloy steel with iron as the main constituent to which approximately
10.5(wt)% (JIS G0203 simply defined based on %) or more of chrome is added.
ISO uses mass percent (mass%), which is essentially the same as weight percent (wt%).
Since AIS and other data formats in other industries use wt%, wt% is used for expressing
percentages.(Reference: ISO4948-4:1982 and 4948-2:1981)

Highly alloyed cast iron

This category includes iron alloys which contain nickel (Ni), chrome (Cr), molybdenum (Mo)
and other composition metals over 10 wt% in total and also contain carbon in the proportion
of 2.14 wt% to 6.67wt%. Having a low melting point, they are used for the casting of molten
metal into a mold.

Unalloyed steel and low alloyed steel

Unalloyed steel that does not follow the alloyed steel definition. Low alloyed steel that consists
of alloy elements below 10 weight percent(wt%) in total. Refer to the above and ISO4948-1
and 4948-2.

Cast iron with lamellar graphite / tempered cast iron

Flake graphite cast iron is the cast iron deposited in the form of aggregated flower petals
(flake graphite) when carbon is solidified into free graphite. It is also called gray cast iron. It
has good vibration absorption capacity and damping capacity. Since graphite acts as a
lubricant and has good heat conductivity, it can easily release frictional heat and its elastic
modulus is not very high. Thus, it is a highly wear-resistant material. These characteristics
allow it to be used as bearing, gear, brake shoe and other wear-resistant parts. The
castability of malleable cast iron is as good as gray cast iron and as tough as steel. Malleable
cast iron is not made by forging. “Malleable” means capable of being bent without breaking

Cast iron with nodular graphite / vermicular cast iron

Cast iron made by crystallizing graphite into fine balls is called cast iron with nodular graphite.
The more spherical each particle of graphite is, the better mechanical properties (tensile
strength, stretch) the cast iron has. Being as strong and tough as steel, it is used for cast iron
pipes and automobile engines.

*Note regarding iron and steel and iron-containing materials

The above-mentioned iron and steel and iron-containing materials are iron and alloys with
iron as the main constituent. Ferrite is a ceramic containing iron oxide, and it is not included
in the above categories.

Cast aluminum alloys

This category includes gravity-cast or die-cast aluminum and alloys with aluminum as the
constituent. Because pure aluminum is a soft metal, it is alloyed with copper, manganese,
silicon,magnesium, zinc, nickel, etc.

Wrought aluminum alloys

This category includes forged aluminum and alloys with aluminum as the main constituent.
The forging procedure consists of applying pressure to metal by hammering it, compressing
voids in the metal, refining the crystals, and aligning them in the same direction, thereby

chemSHERPA Material List Ver2.00.03
increasing the metal’s strength. Because pure aluminum is a soft metal, it is alloyed with
copper, manganese, silicon, magnesium, zinc, nickel, etc.

Cast magnesium alloys

This category includes gravity-cast or die-cast magnesium and alloys with magnesium as the
main constituent. Aluminum and zinc are used as additional elements.

Wrought magnesium alloys

This category includes forged magnesium and alloys with magnesium as the main
constituent. Theforging procedure consists of applying pressure to metal by hammering it,
compressing voids in the metal, refining the crystals, and aligning them in the same direction,
thereby increasing the metal’s strength. Aluminum and zinc are used as additional elements.

Copper (e.g. copper in cable harnesses)

Since it has the highest electrical conductivity after silver and it is relatively inexpensive,
copper is often used as electric wires and cables. Only the conductive function needs to be
taken into account.

Copper alloys (including brass)

This category includes alloys with copper as the main constituent, namely, cupronickel or an
alloy of copper and nickel, an alloy of aluminum and copper, brass or an alloy of copper and
zinc, and bronze or an alloy of copper and tin. Cadmium copper alloy, chrome copper alloy,
teryllium copper alloy, beryllium copper alloy and other high-purity copper alloys containing
traces of additional elements are also used for industrial purposes.

Zinc and zinc alloys

This category includes zinc and alloys with zinc as the main constituent. Since brass for
practical purpose contains zinc in a proportion of less than 45%, brass shall be regarded as a
copper alloy.

Nickel and nickel alloys

This category includes nickel and alloys with nickel as the main constituent. Since nickel coins
are made of cupronickel containing copper (75%) and nickel (25%), they shall be regarded as
a copper alloy.

Lead and lead alloys

This category includes lead and alloys with lead as the main constituent.

Sn-Pb solder
This category includes solders of lead-tin alloys, used in large quantities for mounting
components on electronic print circuit boards. Specifically, they are high-melting-point solders
or those with a lead content of over 1000ppm.

Lead-free solders
This category includes solders which do not contain lead at a level such that is not regarded
as an impurity. JIS Z 3282 (Soft solders--Chemical compositions and forms) sets the
maximum lead content at 0.10wt% (1000ppm). Substantially, this category includes alloys
with tin as the main constituent.

Special metals (gold)

This category includes gold and alloys with gold in a proportion of 75% or more.

Special metals (platinum and rhodium)

chemSHERPA Material List Ver2.00.03
This category includes platinum and rhodium. They are used as catalysts in automobile-
related parts. In the case that a specialty metal is applied in the form of a carrier supporting a
small amount of the metal, the material of the carrier should be taken into account for the
classification. In the case that the carrier is activated carbon or alumina, it should be classified
as a ceramic. (If small amounts of platinum and palladium are described as voluntary
declarable substances, recipients may be glad.)

Other special metals (silver, palladium, etc.)

This category includes silver, palladium, and other precious metals and rare metals. At
present, they are used in materials with silver and palladium as the main constituents. They
are sometimes used in silver paste and electronic components.

Titanium and titanium alloys

Titanium and titanium alloys with aluminum, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, etc. are
characterized by strength, lightness, extraordinary corrosion resistance, and high-
temperature resistance. Taking advantage of these properties, they are used for various
purposes, such as in aircraft including fighter aircraft and passenger planes, automobiles,
pressure hulls of submarines, rockets, missiles, spoons, forks, Chinese woks, seals, spectacle
bows, watchbands, frying pans, golf clubs, bicycle frames, etc. They are also used as a
deoxidizing agent for alloys of iron and steel and used for the purpose of reducing the carbon
content in stainless steel. They have some drawbacks in terms of workability.

Other nonferrous metals

Although the term generally means metal materials other than iron and steel materials (i.e.,
iron and alloys with iron as the main constituent), some of them are included in other
categories in this classification. Thus, this category shall include nonferrous metals other than
aluminum, copper, nickel, lead, and precious metals (as classified above). Silicon and GaAs
fall into this category because they can be regarded as metalloid or metalloid alloy.

The term is narrowly defined as a substance, with metal oxide as the basic constituent,
sintered by heat treatment at high temperatures. Based on the production method, glass
could be regarded as a ceramic. Therefore, this category shall include those containing
crystalline elements.

The term means an amorphous solid which exhibits glass transition phenomenon at elevated
temperatures. It also means a substance which becomes such a solid. This solid state is called
a glass state. It possesses rigidity as high as that of crystals and also possesses extremely
high viscosity. An amorphous material which is soft like rubber is not called a glass. This
category excludes organic glasses such as amorphous polymeric materials and includes
inorganic glasses.

Other inorganic compounds

This category includes substances, such as oxides, nitrides, and nitrates, obtained by
combination of a metallic base. As a matter of convenience, this category may include
inorganic materials which are difficult to classify as metal, glass or ceramics. Diamond and
graphite are composed of carbon, and they are nonrecyclable crystalline materials. As a
matter of convenience, they are included in this category.

Filled thermoplastics
This category includes thermoplastic resins containing fibers such as carbon fiber and glass
fiber and/orpowders such as talc in a proportion exceeding 5 weight percent. The filler
concentration which wouldprevent the blended material from being recycled has been set at 5

chemSHERPA Material List Ver2.00.03
weight percent.

This refers to resin materials mainly consisting of polyethylene homopolymer, such as high-
density polyethylene (HDPE), low-density polyethylene (LDPE), very-low-density polyethylene
(VLDPE), linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE), and ultrahigh molecular weight
polyethylene (UHMW-PE).

This refers to a resin materials mainly consisting of a polymer obtained by polymerizing

This refers to a resin materials mainly consisting of a polymer with styrene as monomer.

This refers to a resin materials mainly consisting of a polymer obtained by polymerizing vinyl
chloride (chloroethylene). There are two types of such resins: soft vinyl chloride resin
containing a large amount of plasticizer and hard vinyl chloride resin containing only a small
amount of plasticizer.

This refers to a resin materials mainly consisting of a polymer having a carbonate group (-0-
(C=0)-0-) for inter-monomer bonding. Although carbonate (carbonic ester) may be regarded
as a kind of polyester, it shall be sorted out from bisphenol-A polycarbonate used for general

This refers to resin materials mainly consisting of a polymer with oxymethylene (-CH2O-) as
the unit structure. Like 1,3,5-trioxane (metaformaldehyde), it is a polymer of formaldehyde.
There are two types of this polymer: homopolymer ([-CH2O-]n, paraformaldehyde) obtained
by polymerizing formaldehyde only, and copolymer ([-CH2O-]n[-CH2CH2O-]m) containing
oxymethylene (-CH2CH2O-) in a proportion of up to about 10 mol percent. Since both of
them are treated as polyacetal or acetal resin, they shall be included in this category.

This refers to resin materials mainly consisting of a copolymer of acrylonitrile, (butadiene),
and styrene. There are two methods of producing it: a ternary polymerizing technique by
reaction of acrylonitrile, latex, and styrene; and a blending technique for compounding AS
resin, rubber and additive in a mixer.

This refers to resin materials mainly consisting of a polymer composed of a number of
monomers connected by means of an amide linkage. Generally, it means polyamides with an
aliphatic framework, which are collectively referred to as nylon resins. Since aromatic
polyamides differ significantly in terms of their properties, they shall be classified in another
category (“Other thermoplastic resins”).

This refers to resin materials mainly consisting of a crystalline thermoplastic polymer, which is
a kind of polyester made of ethylene glycol and terephthalic acid. A similar polymer called
polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) exists, but it shall be included in the category “Other
thermoplastic resins.”

This stands for polyphenylene ether (PPE) with an aromatic polyether structure, and this
category also includes synthetic resins or polymer alloys mainly consisting of PPE and

chemSHERPA Material List Ver2.00.03
belonging to thermoplastic resins. PPE is seldom used alone. This category includes modified
PPE alloyed with other synthetic resins such as high-impact polystyrene (HIPS).

Other thermoplastic resins

This category includes thermoplastic resins other than those mentioned above. It includes
polymer alloys and blended resins.

This refers to resin materials mainly consisting of a high molecular compound obtained by
copolymerizing monomers in the urethane bond formed by the condensation of an isocyanate
group and an alcohol group. Thermoplastic polyurethane exists, too, and may be included in
this category. Its abbreviation for the plastics classification is PUR.

Unsaturated polyester
This is not a polymer formed by the condensation polymerization of monomers connected by
an ester bond, like PET and PBT, but is a resin material mainly consisting of a reactant or a
polymer substance of a monomer (unsaturated polyester) containing different allyl groups or
vinyl groups in an ester bond. Monomeric drugs before being subjected to the reaction or
polymerization are also called unsaturated polyesters, but they are not included in this
category. ((Mixing agents)

EP(Epoxy resin)
This resin material mainly consists of a cured epoxide polymer resin that can be hardened by
graft polymerization and crosslinking at its many epoxy groups when mixed with a catalyst or
hardener. This is regarded as a reactant because it can be used for practical purposes when
thermally hardened as a result of mixing with a prepolymer before graft polymerization and a
hardener. Prepolymers are also called epoxy resin, but they are not included in this category.
((Mixing agents)

Other cured resinsOthers

This category includes cured resins other than those mentioned above (They are polymeric
materials with a linear three-dimensional structure which becomes softer when heated and
can be solidified through a chemical reaction. Once heated and solidified, this plastic material
never melts even when heated again.)

(Not thermoplastic) Elastomer/Elastomer composites

This category includes natural rubber and synthetic rubber with a bridge structure, and
composites consisting of such rubber.

High molecular composites (e.g., indecomposable laminated trim component)

This category includes cured-resin-based composites such as FRP. It generally includes cured
resins containing fibers and inorganic fillers.

Resins/fibers contained in high molecular composites

Although resins and fibers contained in high molecular composites can be classified
separately, they need not to be classified because high molecular composites are reported as
homogeneous material included in parts of articles.

This term refers to for tree trunk-derived materials used for various purposes. This category
includes not only solid wood but also wood-based materials such as plywood and wooden

This refers to thin, flat materials produced by pressing together plant fibers or the like. The
Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS) define paper as “material produced by conglutinating
plant fibers and other kinds of fibers.”
chemSHERPA Material List Ver2.00.03

This term refers to thin, flexible and cohesive strings which grow naturally or are artificially
extruded, such as animal hair and those obtained from animal leather and plants.

This category includes animal leather and its processed goods, excluding synthetic leather,
artificial leather and other artificial materials simulating leather in form.
Other inorganic compounds
This category includes inorganic materials, such as silicon, which are difficult to classify as
metal, glass or ceramics. Diamond and graphite are composed of carbon, and they are
nonrecyclable crystalline materials. For the sake of convenience, they are included in this

Gases (refrigerants, etc.)

This refers to materials which stay in a gaseous state at SATP(standard ambient temperature
and pressure, 25 °C (59 °F) and 100.000 kPa )and are mainly utilized in that state. This
category includes refrigerant gases used in the refrigeration cycle, gas used in suspension
mechanisms, atomizing medium for spray, etc. They may be in a liquid state when contained
in an article.

Liquids (ink, fat and oil, etc.)

This refers to materials which stay in a liquid state at SATP(standard ambient temperature
and pressure, 25 °C (59 °F) and 100.000 kPa )and are mainly utilized in that state. This
category includes inks, lubricants, brake fluid, greases, etc.

Other materials (powder, etc.)

This category does not specify any properties of the materials included in it. It includes
materials contained in an article in a powder state, such as toners in toner cartridges and fire
extinguisher powder.

(Surface treatment)

Explanation regarding each metal species is omitted here.
Plating means a surface treatment or its process of coating a surface of metal or other
materials with thin metal layers while being submerged.
There are several plating techniques such as electroplating, electroless plating and hot-dip

Thermal spraying
This is a kind of surface treatment, and specifically it is the process of heating and melting a
material and spraying it onto a substrate (base material), thereby forming a coating over it.
There are several thermal spray techniques, including flame spraying, wire flame spraying,
powder flame spraying, ceramic rod flame spraying, detonation flame spraying, electric
spraying, electric arc spraying, plasma spraying (low-pressure plasma spraying, atmospheric
plasma spraying, water stability plasma spraying), wire explosion spraying, high velocity oxy-
fuel flame spraying, and cold spraying.

Chemical conversion treatment

This is a kind of surface treatment, and specifically it is the process of applying a treating
agent on the surface of a substrate or metal and bringing about a chemical reaction, thereby
providing the substrate with additional properties such as corrosion resistance and affinity
with coating materials. There are various types of such treatment, including electrochemical
chemSHERPA Material List Ver2.00.03
oxidation, oxidation reaction and sulfurization reaction by chemicals, coating made of oxides
of aluminum, chrome, or zinc, and coating made of phosphates.

Chromate coating and hexavalent chrome treatment

Chromate treatment is applied to zinc, aluminum, etc. In this treatment, a metal material is
dipped in a solution containing hexavalent chrome for passivation, thereby forming a self-
repairing coating. The treatment provides chemical polishing as well. Although the metal
surface immediately after the treatment is in a gel state, it becomes a self-repairing and
corrosion-resistant coating when dried at temperatures around 60 ℃.

Trivalent chromate treatment

Trivalent chromate is a form of processing generally applied after galvanization, in order to
form a thin coating of trivalent chrome or chromate, thereby providing corrosion resistance.

Chrome-free treatment
This category includes materials which should not be disclosed in detail.

GEOMET treatment (chromium-free coating)

This is Nippon Dacro Shamrock (NDS)’s registered trade name for a chromium-free coating
technique. Layers of metal flakes are connected with one another through the use of a special
inorganic binder. The coating film is as thin as approximately 8μm.

Oxalic BONDE coating

This is a chemical conversion treatment using oxalic acid.

ZAY coating
This form of coating is included in classification for research in the automotive area. Its details
are unknown at present.

Alumite treatment
This is a collective term for the techniques used to oxidize aluminum, which serves as an
anode in an electrolytic process in strong acidic water, thereby coating the metal. It is also
called anodic oxidation.

Alumite coating treatment

For aluminum sashes and other members used in a corrosive environment, the method of
combined coating of anodic oxide and organic films is used. This method provides
electrodeposition coating without sealing treatment.

Magnesium anticorrosion treatment

Generally, there are two methods of such treatment: electroplating with a zinc substituted
layer as a substrate, and the direct application of electroless nickel. Under normal conditions,
pinholes unavoidably occur on the plated coating and magnesium may be more corrosion-
prone because it is a base metal. Therefore, in order to improve the corrosion resistance, the
following processes may be performed: (1) Cu-Ni-Cr plating as thick as 25μm for interior
items, (2) chromate treatment after electroless nickel plating, and (3) baking after plating.

Aluminum anticorrosion treatment

This refers to an anticorrosion treatment for aluminum excluding alumite.

Blackening (triiron tetroxide) treatment

This is a process of forming a triiron tetroxide coating on a product. In the process, a solution
of thick sodium hydroxide mixed with a reaction accelerator and a dye is heated and boiled up
to around 140℃ and the degreased and derusted product is soaked in the solution.

Phosphate treatment
This treatment protects the surface of a metal (mainly iron) by forming layers of various

chemSHERPA Material List Ver2.00.03
phosphate compounds over the surface.

CrN coating
This coating is a chrome film formed by ion plating, a kind of PVD process, in a nitrogen

DLC coating
Diamond-like carbon. It is a hard amorphous film consisting of hydrocarbon or carbon
substantially the same as hard carbon film. Generally, it is produced by the plasma CVD
process or PVD process.

TiN coating
This is a titanium film formed by ion plating, a kind of PVD process, in a nitrogen atmosphere.

Coating of other inorganic compounds

This refers to the coating of metal oxides and inorganic compounds other than above. No
specific examples are given.

Coated resins
This refers to resins coated by spray coating, electrostatic coating, electrodeposition coating,
powder coating, etc. Printed ink and toner may be included in this category.

DACRO treatment
DACROTIZED is’ a trade name registered by Nippon Dacro Shamrock (NDS). A DACROTIZED
film is made by soaking a target substrate in a solution containing zinc as the main
constituent and chromic acid as another constituent and heating the solution, thereby burning
a film on to the substrate.

Coating (ceramics)
Ceramic coating, excluding chromium nitride, DLC and titanium nitride

Coating (glass)
Coating such as silicate treatment

Coating (other composites)

Coating with a combination of different materials, other than those mentioned above. No
specificexamples are given.


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