Exam 2 Nov 2019
Exam 2 Nov 2019
Exam 2 Nov 2019
1. Answer Three questions.
2. No Marks will be awarded for solutions to a fourth question.
3. Solutions will be considered in the order that they are presented in the answer book.
4. Write clearly and neatly.
5. All Questions are marked out of 20
6. Number the answers clearly.
7. Answer each question on a separate answer sheet
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Question 1 [20 Marks]
Figure 1.1.
Hydraulic power actuators were used to drive the dinosaurs of the movie Jurassic Park. The motions
of the large monsters required high-power actuators requiring 1200 watts. One specific limb motion
has dynamics represented by
−6 0 1
x (t ) = [0 1] x(t ) + [0]u (t )
1 −8 x(t ) + 0 u (t ); y (t ) =
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Question 3 [20 Marks]
A small device is being designed to monitor the conditions of processed food contained in a
package. The internal temperature of the food and its rate of change (states) evolve over time
according to a simplified state space representation:
0 1 1
x (t ) =
−4 −6 x + 2 u (t ); y (t ) =
[2 1]x(t ) + [0]u (t )
where the input is the storage temperature and output are an indirect measure of internal
conditions. An observer is required to ensure food is contained in suitable conditions.
a) Design a full-order observer that has an undamped natural frequency of 12 rad/s and a
damping ratio of 0.6. [15 Marks]
b) Using place placement, write a MATLAB code to implement the design in (a) [5 Marks]
c) Draw a block diagram of the entire system described in (a) [5 Marks]
Consider the following system Figure 4.1 where G (s) =
s 3 + 12 s 2 + 44 s + 48
Using the Nyquist criterion do the following:
Figure 4.1.
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