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Learning Guide-22
Unit of Competence: Lead Work place Communication
Module Title: Leading Work place Communication
LG Code: BUF ACB3 29 0220 MO22 LO1-LG-22
TTLM Code: BUF ACB3 22 M022 TTLM 0220v4
in the workplace
This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following
content coverage and topics –
Information Sheet-1
Identifying issues and problem in work place , Initiating
Plenty of problems arise in the workplace which needs solution to solve they are as follows.
Misunderstanding – staff disagreement are common in this business, because of
some conflicts, arguments may arise that is why we have to avoid for it to happen by
building spirit of friendship in the workplace..
Time management – early call time can be difficult for the staff that is why an event
manager should give time – frame for all the meetings and the event itself to come up
with the time-table required.
Lack of Initiative – a personnel should be able to do tasks without being told, this
minimizes command from the event manager.
Competition - rivalry between staff, regarding client and suppliers’ favourite pet.
Always look forward for solutions as communication problems arises, these should be avoided, if not
Communication problems can be as follows:
Unplanned event
Lack of preparation time
Work without objectives
Lack of talk to the security officials
Venue or site schedules
Telephone or mobile phones has no signal
Event program where person involved don’t want to cooperate
Suppliers don’t give the best quality for their services and products.
1. I agree.
Directions: Answer all the questions listed below. Use the Answer sheet provided in the next page:
1. Communication problems may include
2. List down factors that improve group problem solving
3. How Identify and Select the Problem
Answer Sheet
Score = ___________
Rating: ___________
Groups vary in their levels of desire and ability to identify problems. Group norms can have a strong
effect on' problem identification. Groups with norms supporting communication and positive attitudes
toward conflict are more likely to identify and discuss problems. Groups vary in how open they are to
the environment. Closed groups that are internally focused are less likely to be aware of problems in
the environment. Open groups monitor what is happening in the environment, so they are better able
to prepare for problems in the future because they have identified the issues beforehand.
Analyzing means to gather information. If there is not enough information, figure out how to research
and collect it. Once the information is gathered, take a very close look at what is going on. Try to
come to consensus on why the particular problem or issue occurs.
2.4. Generate Potential Solutions
Now that the problem has been analyzed, the group can begin to develop possible solutions. This is a
creative as well as practical step where every possible solution or variation is identified.
In this step use the brainstorming process that has been used in class before to generate as many
solutions as possible. There are no wrong answers here, and judgments should not be passed on
another person’s suggestions. Toward the end of this brainstorming session, allow time for each
person to clarify his or her suggestion so there is a common understanding for a later selection.
2.5. Select and Plan the Solution
Now that there are a wide variety of possible solutions, it is time to select the best solution to fix the
problem given the circumstances, resources, and other considerations. Here the group is trying to
figure out exactly what would work best given who they are, what they have to work with, and any
Directions: Answer all the questions listed below. Use the Answer sheet provided in the next page:
1. How do you identify Problems and Issues to Ensure Clear and Effective
Directions: Choose the best answer
1. One of the are Problems And Issues to Ensure Clear and Effective Communication
A. Reflection on what has been done, what are the positive and negative works that
has been made.
B. Model the behaviour and attitudes you want your members to employ for a
harmonious relationship.
C. Use optimistic body language and encouraging tone of voice and words.
D. All
Answer Sheet
Score = ___________
Rating: ___________
Directions: Answer all the questions listed below. Use the Answer sheet provided in the next page:
Answer Sheet
Score = ___________
Rating: ___________
Directions: Answer all the questions listed below. Use the Answer sheet provided in the next page:
Answer Sheet
Score = ___________
Rating: ___________
2. Strategic Communication Planning for Success and Sustainability by Mental Health Promotion
and Youth Violence Prevention under funding provided by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health
4. Challenges to effective communication in the work place by Change leadership, Role clarity, Vision